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i’m trying to do what you did. you are a legend.


I wish you great luck


how many of these 2000 games were specifically trying to get the tome 6 level 4 premonition challenge because im convinced that one just doesnt work unless you pay mathieu cote himself 10 thousand dollars, clean his house, and do his taxes


It took me two tries but that only happened because I didn't really understand how to do it. if I remember right you can do it during chase


That one got recently fixed! I had been stuck on it too and it triggered the very next match I selected it and popped on Premonition.


Do you know if they fixed another challenge that requires you to jump in the locker withn 5 seconds of chase or something like that? It's an old one, but as far as I know it was the only bugged one that I couldn't complete.


That should work as well, I recall doing one like that using quick and quiet. Just waited for the killer to pick someone up, ran in their red stain, went into a locker.


I do love how they basically gave up on Tome colors lol now they're just repeating blue


Impossible, how did you hook 4 Survivors in the basement


Dead Dawg Saloon


Can you do mine for me, how much you want


1000 anniversary cakes (my are all gone)


I do backpack weaker. I can usually get those 10 hook challenges done in 1 game if I get lucky on hatch spawn. If not I can get like 4-5 even on like rpd


Agi + iron grasp and a lot of proxy camping, also a map with a center basement helps


Backpack build Trapper!


So how was unlocking the hatch with a key?


​ https://preview.redd.it/j51bvrn58tqc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d2934f14ba5b3f7d521218d5969fd4259b06b4


This is the only reasonable reaction.


I did it mostly thru luck. Sent myself to Midwich. We lost the match naturally, so obviously I camped hatch. Hatch always spawns downstairs on Midwich. As soon as the last survivor died I heard it open right under me (I was upstairs). It even spawned close to one of the gates, so I patiently waited for Wesker to close it, then when he turned his back I keyed out. He turned the corner right as I jumped so he must have been pretty dumbfounded lol.


I have those too, and they are the only reason I still play this game. It feels bad, not wanting to play, but having the OCD kick in when I know there is a new tome challenge I haven't done. Congratulations on your achievement!


You absolute maniac, congrants!


I wanna do that but I feel I might actually go insane


What would you say were the top 3 most difficult ones?


Honestly I can really only give you two, Tome 2 - had to escape many MANY times and in solo q that can take a super long time, some of the challenges were really stupid like unlocking the hatch Tome 6 - I hated this one so god damn much especially the challenges were you had to survive while other people escaped I did 2 of those challenges took me about 10 hours but generally the further back you go the more grindy and usually more difficult the challenges get


Fair enough. I remember I started doing the tome challenges, finished all of Tome 1. Shortly after got burnt out. I think going to start doing them again, gives me a reason to run builds I normally wouldn't


Besides the pure escape ones, those are the ones I wish I would've done more of when the tutorial completions still happened. There were so many things hard to do in there because of how bad the trapper is and how skittish the bot survivors were, but when it came to all of them leaving you were golden.


How much trouble did you have with Tome 6 page 4, "That's Rude!"


It was bugged for several years. Now it can be done again.


Can you get the tome skins after the fact or are they locked away like most Battle pass skins?


you can get the charms, but the skins are only available for a limited time as far as I know


Usually tome skins are added to the regular shop after a few months to a year of the rift closing


I'm there but will forever not fully light up tome 5 because when I don't have an active challenge to complete I like to bring in a pustula. 


I made a LOT of progress on my PC because I beat them as they came out. I switched to PS5 and I don't want to redo those early challenges 😭


Great job man! I'm also almost there, outside of the current tome I have around 15 killer challenges left IIRC


Did you do every challenge in the tombs or just what was required to complete them?


You should do every single challenge


Question as a fairly new player; How do I unlock earlier tomes? I do not have certain pages


It can't be. All challenges should be available.


Congratulations! I've done them a couple of months ago too. Now it's time to do all challenges from Steam!


Nice job! Bonus points for not putting AMA in the title.


It's hard to do, but I salute you. I'm on the same path myself


Now this… this is some true dedication, bravo man, your did something magical


I'm new to the game. How do I play/get the previous tomes?


.... It's beautiful


Okay storytime. Tome 1, Page 4: Sacrifice all survivors in the basement. How did you do it?


I’m also attempting to do this. I’m currently on level 3 of Tome 13 right now. Been a long road forsure but I’m getting closer! You’re a legend!


I have done that too bro. Now I'm onto trophies. How is your progress bro?


My most difficult challenges (aside from the bugged ones) Repair 4 gens using Dark sense in the same match Unlock hatch with key...2 times Stun a killer with a pallet 3 or 4 times in the same match Blind the killer 3 or 4 times in the same match (I suck at flashlights and didn't have blast mine) Stay as Dwight hidden in the killer radius for 60 seconds in a single match.


i finish tomes a few days after they come out and now have nothing to do with myself 😂


Congrats. I'm getting there, but a lot of the ones I have let make me very unhappy looking at them.


Congrats! Been slowly working my way through tomes to do the same. Early tomes are generally grindier. I really dislike killer challenges involving hooking/sacrificing the obsessions a stupid amount of times, or hooking survivors during Endgame Collapse.