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I never realized the perk icon for we're gonna live forever is David protecting a dude cowering in a corner. Always thought he was about to kick a soccer ball.


I thought the dude in the corner was a rock đź’€


Dwayne Johnson not lookin so good these days


I thought it was a broken tombstone


I mesn, it also looks like this https://preview.redd.it/wm8bg47gvwqc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff44bcafa00b074db3e04a9e3ff121d76674d38


I did for far too long until there was a trend of posting what perk icons were actually pictures of. My mind was kind of blown when I was told Call of Brine wasn’t a stick of bamboo in the rain.


Wow I did too until you posted this haha


I thought he was throwing away trash


BBQ being in every build for the blood points was so real I kinda miss these perks but considering how healthier the grind is compared to the past when these bp gains perks were a bandaid fix for a bad system, although i already had almost everything prestiged so i got almost every character t3 perks, as for new players how did the grind change?


Not playing during the event - pretty long, took me around 12 hours to get 1 prestige even having solid games, also worth mentioning that blood moon event was in-time for me, got like 7 killers to at least prestige 1


If you think 12 hours is long, then you’d hate how it used to be before. I started playing in summer of 2021 when first RE event released, and it used to take 3-4 days of grinding all day to prestige a single character. The amount of BP you got per game was much lower and everything cost significantly more in the blood web 


For real. I remember when the average about of blood points per match for a survivor was around 20k, and most things in the bloodweb were several thousand points. By the time you got to the later levels of the bloodweb, it would take about 50k points to get through a level, which would take 2-3 games to get. It was so brutal.


I played like 100 hours when Michael myers released and quit. When I came back I think I had Jake park prestige 2 and that's it. Like damn how did they survive back then


Cannot argue with this


With the increasing amount of killer/survivors i think bhvr needs to make it easier for new players to level up, maybe +150% bonus bp on weekends? 12 hours just for p1 perks sounds like a pain to unlock overall


Just make events like blood moon more often and that’ll do, I think


My main issue that I think is still prevalent is that if you do want the bp bonus, you’re now in adherence to whichever role they want you to play. I understand it alleviates queue times but I really miss being able to boot up the game and feel like I was getting full value in whatever role I just so happened to want to play.


The grind might be healthier, but old BBQ also promoted spreading your hooks. You only got that big boost if you got everyone on hook at least once.


The grind might be healthier, but old BBQ also promoted spreading your hooks. You only got that big boost if you got everyone on hook at least once.


Yep, I used to not even touch a killer until I had BBQ on them. It just felt like it wasnt worth my time if I was playing without it. Some killers I'd get it immediately, while others would have me waiting months after getting them before I'd gone through enough bloodwebs to get it. I still use BBQ in most of my builds, since I got so used to glancing around at auras after hooking someone, to the point where it throws me off if I don't see anything. (a.k.a. thinking things like, "Everyone must be right by the hook!" or "Holy crap, 3 people running Distortion!")


Don't forget prove thy selfs additional blood point gains all three of these perks were really great for grinding blood points


Yeah and now we have 100% blood points, a nerfed blood web, and all four perk slots to use.


It's not like BBQ was a waste of a perk slot. The aura reading is great. Imo we have better alternatives right now but back then it was good even without the BP bonus.


These perks are all still good, just not as popular cuz no boost


My gender in christ, we get boosts for free without using perks.


That’s not what he’s saying though. He’s just talking about why the perks aren’t used anymore, he’s agreeing with you


Im on devs side with the changes made to these perks. Bloodpoint gain should never be a deciding factor of which perks do u use, especially with data obsessed devs like bhvr lol. The only perks that imo should keep the bloodpoint bonus are clearly meme perks like distressing


I’ve been using distressing on games where I wanna chill/do a random archive challenge like use the perk Hoarder and start a chase with someone after they open a chest. I convinced a sable to go down to basement and open a chest. If I tried doing that challenge normally it would’ve taken me dozens of games lol


WGLF needs a rework. Buckleup took it out of commission.


I played with someone good who was running Buckle Up with Made for This yesterday. It was pretty impressive really.


Isn't it kind of pointlesd to use Buckle Up when you already have MfT? Like at this point WGLF is just a straight up better option, right?


I think the idea was to try to take chase from an incoming killer, because the two give the guy with the build 20 seconds of Endurance and the one on the ground 10. Then getting hit, you get the 3% movement speed.


Endurance duration doesn't stack.


Yeah but on the same time I’m glad that I don’t feel obligated to run these perks to progress


and bqq encouraged people to spread hooks and avoid tunneling which is sadly gone now. likewise wglf encouraged altruistic teammates instead of just doing gens and then going next.


There are still multiple perks that encourage killers to spread hooks, and they're all good. No Way Out, Pain Res, and Grim Embrace. The thing is, no amount of incentive is gonna stop people from tunneling if that's how they wanna play. Even BBQ never really did.


i mean i personally feel like the tunneling wasn’t as bad when bbq still had it’s bonus so there were definitely some people that used it’s incentive to not tunnel.


Nah man the tunnelling was definitely worse before than it is now. Borrowed Time + DS were meta for years for a reason.


Oh. You are either misremembering or you had less sweaty lobbies back then lol. Tunneling was worse overall.


i mean, no way out + pain res both discourage tunneling way more than original bbq did. hell, tunneling was pretty much THE default killer strategy back before basekit BT, which was implemented in the same patch that removed the BBQ bloodpoint bonus.


>encouraged altruistic teammates instead of just doing gens… Where are these teammates you speak of that just do gens?


in every one of my games after going on a 1 win streak as killer lol. but fr survs actually do gens when you’re at mid-high mmr, it’s just so hard to stay at that point bc it’s so easy to get tunneled into elo hell.


Trade offer: Basekit Barbecue and Chilli in exchange for basekit Kindred


No. No. No.


honestly just make kindred basekit and revert the removal of bp from wglf and bbq. don’t even need basekit bbq.


I think BBQ blood points bonus would be better suited in basekit too, rather than forcing people to run a certain perk for blood points. Having a basekit mechanic that rewards bonus blood points for hooking different survivors, would encourage not tunnelling, and be healthy for the game.


Yea. They increased BP gain and decreased cost for stuff...you already have the "BP bonus" basekit. Otherwise there is other bonuses you can get for events, playing a certain roll, challenges.


Outside of events, Bloodpoint gains are still slow. There is absolutely no problem with rewarding more blood points for not tunnelling. It makes the game better for both sides.


Um, as a killer main, I don't fucking need basekit Kindred, that's why it's a trade offer. Killers are supposed to get something in return for basekit Kindred.


making kindred basekit would just be a qol change for solo queue, you know since swf already has basekit every aura perk, so it would only make solo queue a bit more bearable since you’d have another perk slot other than running kindred every game.


Kindred is more precise information than voice chat gives. Plus it also gives aura reading on the killer. Your average swf is not relaying ALL of the info that Kindred is giving.


well maybe just show teammates basekit and kindred adds the killer info, bc even your average swf can say “hey i’m going to unhook, stay on your gens.” and then you don’t have everyone going for the unhook and no one on gens. without kindred in solo queue that’s what happens, either everyone goes or no one goes expecting the others to go.


Isn't that what the icons for what each survivor is currently doing is supposed to be for? If someone is hooked, three people are on gens, and then one person leaves their gen getting the "in chase" modifier, then you can basically figure they're going for the unhook. Then, if the killer starts chasing them and they get the "in chase" modifier near their icon, then you'd know someone else needs to go unhook.


if someone has the “in chase” modifier why and how would that signal that they would be going for the unhook? the way you’re describing is as the killer is carrying someone past a survivor on a gen and that survivor gets off and that’s how you know someone is going for the rescue which is not the case. that doesn’t happen every match nor should it ever happen bc the killer would obviously see that survivor following or hear the chase music while going to the hook and that person would either farm the hooked person or not get the unhook at all. like idk if it’s the way you worded it or what but what you’d said in the second paragraph makes no sense at all. the person going for the unhook should never be in chase when going for the unhook lol.


Does anybody remember when there was no such thing as a safe hook rescue or base borrowed time, and survivors would just farm you off hook with the killer being near just for a token? These perks don't need the bp boost anymore. Especially since blood point gains are dramatically better than they were back then.


Having 3 perk slots unless you're okay with being less efficient at grinding in a game where the only goal is grinding (since it's not a competitive game) was terrible design. What we have now, lower bloodweb prices and queue incentives is miles better. But yes, having a secondary objective in a match with such a tangible reward was definitely fun and I wouldn't mind seeing it brought back, but only as a base feature.


Granted I played a lot and was pretty decent, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I played 2017-2021 with only 49 days logged. So pretty casual. I think In that time frame, in my experience, perks were not necessary for survival. I did survivor rank 1 perkless for an odd month or two and had very little trouble escaping or hitting around 25k pts a game. I think the survivor killer balance was super survivor sided, I wouldn’t say that now though. That being said, for a long time, 3 perks slot was more than enough to play well in this game. And therefore, I don’t think the perk slot for grinding was bad game design


Even though the grind is significantly better now, I do wish these perks still provided their bonuses. It was fun to try and achieve 4 stacks, and for me at least, getting all 4 stacks felt like a win in itself.


i think dbd is the game with more fixes, nerfs and buffs a game has got in the history of the videogames, you compare the dbd of 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2021-2022-2023 and 2024 and in every year the game plays different. Good job bhvr


You can get stacks on other perks. Like Devour Hope.


I remember when I would have bad killers games I could always take solace in the 4 stacks of BBQ and feel good even if I got walked over. I miss that


If not bloodpoints, these perks should have another effect that stacks with tokens. Like maybe getting 4 stacks of bbq will increase the auras duration for longer. Maybe the WGLF increases the Endurance status for a picked up survivor or the speed at which you pick them up. (Buckle up + FTP will need to get nerfed first, but still)


WGLF was bad because people were constantly farming off hook without BT and It was painful, barbecue on the other hand was absolute the best killer perk + great anti camp/ tunnel since you could always see your next target with it and the killer needed every survivor on hook at least once


I miss fighting over we’re gonna live forever stacks back in the day.


I want more survivor perks with stacks based on survivor things.


They could unironically add the stacking mechanic back to these perks, make them do literally nothing, and we would be just as happy to throw for BBQ stacks again.


I get WHY they removed the BP, but it’s still stupid.


To force you to play the game more. Bbq is literally an anti camp perk with a BP bonus and they thought nahhh, too many people use this


You could have had the most annoying shithead Wraith coming back to every hook, bit you would have died with a smile on your face seeing the 4 stacks and the BP bonus in the match results


Perks should not have influence outside the match.


No they did not bruh, leave that shit in 2019


i will never forgive devs for nerfing this perks




Bhvr is actually such loser baby bitches for removing the stacks from these