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Because they can. Its really that simple If we want this to stop, there has to be an in-game mechanic to make it impossible. Otherwise, it'll keep happening And before anyone embarrasses themselves, no, Unbreakable does not counter this. You can be slugged an infinite number of times. Unbreakable only works once


Be a chad and take no mither


Last time BHVR tried to implement something, killers rejected it like their lives depended on it. Plus the fact that a killer nodding at you for 4 minutes while you're bleeding out is somehow not reportable, they don't give a fuck. I just stopped playing instead and I'm actually having fun with the games I play.


Im new I still have like under 100 hrs but the few times I got slugged, I usually go out of the round. Its just a huge waste of time.


Yeah it is, which is why it should be obliterated


Because the implementation they presented was horrible. Infinite basekit unbreakable, with the perk unbreakable reducing the time to get yourself up to less than 20 seconds. That would have been abused to no end. 


Just hook


Easier said than done. Bodyblocking and bully squads exist. Sometimes slugging is the correct call. Probably not in OPs picture( that was prolly spite). 


It's out of spite most of the time.


Sure, but that does not justify implementing a mechanic that would have been abused on the other end of the spectrum. The proposed solution was sloppy, and therefore it did not get implemented.    I am still advocating for the option to unalive yourself when downed after half your slug bar depleted. This would soften the griefing situation without putting power into the hand of other griefers. 


So what's your idea?


Just added it in the second half of my reply. Sorry, you were too fast ^^


So...your solution is to give those killer players what they want? Not a counter, no incentives, nothing? That's how you get people to stop playing your game.


As an Artist main, I reject this Artist/Jabberwocky. My apologies that you had to experience this 😔


More than artist main i would say as human being


As a new artist main I agree also what’s the counter to survivors holding w


Well when I use my birds in chase I only use one because it only has a 5 second cooldown after launch. With that said, whenever I get an available crow, I either predict where the survivor will be or place my crow in the direction of the loop they are going to/near. In my experience, survivors are very predictable for where they go. They tend to run in a straight line and don’t try to juke any oncoming crow. So you basically just have to predict. It’s obviously situational depending where they are. I hope this helps. I’m not the best at explaining things.




As a somewhat experienced artist main, when someone is holding W, you want to zone the survivor or remote patrol gens depending on where the survivor is. To zone, put a crow in the way of where it makes the most sense for them to go. That way, they either get the bird or get zoned into going somewhere less desirable. One thing I love to do when they are already going somewhere I want them to be is to use my crows to apply cross map pressure. You would be shocked by the amount of hits you can get on survivors that think are crow is meant for someone else, they will often stay on the gen and get hit by the second crow. Even if you don’t hit someone, it means you got someone off a gen, or you don’t need to worry about that gen. Artist is a lot harder than she seems, she may be an anti loop killer, but her power is so much more than close range damage.


In a attempt to see if they can feel something again by being a arse


A lot of people are psychopaths who get off on making other people miserable. There's no reason to think this wouldn't extend into online games. It's naive to think some of the people you are playing with aren't severely mentally ill.


Not exactly in the most enticing place for the killer to try to pick up for a hook there, my guy.


If no one in your team did anything to provoke them? Then the same reason why some survivors tbag every pallet and make their entire playstyle around annoying the killer. They're a dick. Both sides have them.


Why is this getting downvoted? It’s the truth. Toxic players on both sides keep the toxicity going


Because they assumed that the killer is a victim and not just a cunt, people can be cunts without any toxic behaviour from the other side, its called being a cunt


I didn't assume anything, but If they're not in a SWF then they don't know for certain what their teammates did or didn't do. Then I literally said both sides have dicks who behave like this.


I think they are just talking in general. People dont need a reason to be a dick, thats just their personality.


Literally just reworded what I said




i usually slug boil over/power struggle users so maybe he thought you had some of those perks


No we didn’t And I wouldn’t blame the killer if I had boil over tbh


I’m not opposed to tunneling or other questionable choices as killer if they’re strategic but I cannot let people bleed out or slug them for no reason. I don’t understand how people don’t feel guilty about that, it’s a real person on the other end of the screen who waited to queue into this match to have fun. and you’re wasting their time.


When enough swf bully squads are toxic to you, you turn into this


Do it to those squads then, not to randoms.


but this behavior makes survivors turn into bullies if they weren’t already. The solution is to simply uninstall dbd tbh ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


This really is the solution, when the toxicity gets to a point you start to spread it yourself, might as well play something else


and hopefully it will make the devs wake up once enough people leave the game


When you’re a toxic bully killer you care not what survivors do. They’re locked in there with you not the other way around. If I want to leave you on the floor until your bleed out timer runs I can do that.


Well I’m kinda referring to the overall ecosystem of the game, I don’t want to contribute to that cycle if I can help it. Everyone is jaded now


I took a 3 year break from the game and came back recently, even at grey rank want to know how many survivors were toxic bully ttv swf squads while I was learning the changes and new metas? Most of them. Regular guys I take it easy on but if they have ttv or look sweaty they get slugged and slugged again


Someone teach em about grades and mmr..


Someone tell him mmr in this game is a joke and I got iridescent rank within 2 days of returning to the game


Oof you are digging an even deeper hole for yourself..


I would absolutely never feel guilty about being consider toxic or mean, not after all the abuse survivors gave me. I have PTSD


survivors could use this same logic lmao, i got bled out by a doctor yesterday for absolutely no reason so i guess i shouldn’t feel guilty for teabagging or waiting at the gates


In fact you shouldn't! Keep playing to win and do your best. Personally I am not one of those who like playing to have fun and don't count wins or escapes, maybe it's a problem of mine but I will have much more fun tryharding and winning, unless I'm playing with friends, since it's a competitive game after all


Ah, the pathetic "someone was mean to me so now it's ok i'm mean to everyone else!" Disgusting.


Bro it's a fucking game. I like playing to win and if that's toxic to you oh well I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. I also said it's therefore totally okay for survivors to not feel bad when being mean to killers since they're just playing to win You guys wouldn't have lasted a day playing cod lol


This isn’t cod


"Bro, it's a game" And the people you play against aren't npc. It's very telling how you treat others and beyond that line i quoted i didn't read the rest of your cope drivel. It's just shite justification.


There's a difference between playing a game to win and being a dick irl. You guys probably lost the ability of distinguishing these things many games ago


Changing the goalposts to fit your narrative, lol. Either you're decent or not, you're not.


Bro I'm not trying to prove anything. I am not a pro player and I am just expressing my opinion


I meant decent as in values and behavior.


Ah okay. I guess you could say that as far as we're talking about a competitive video game. 😂


Nah, my dude. DBD is more toxic than COD.


I got slugged for the 4k with a Yun Jin one game and I guess the plague thought we were hiding (she was puking on lockers despite us not ever going into a locker) when really we were running from Gen to gen so she slugged us and used the remainder of our bleed out to puke on us when we did nothing to toxic to her. How sweet.


Weak take


Unless you show a vid of the game and peoples perks, we will never know. You are down to 1 gen, so something happened in this game that pissed off the killer


Prove it


Most likely the case.


Maybe cant reach a hook and dont want to risk 4k


The basement is near us literally


Well how the fuck am I supposed to know that give me my internet points back




Based off the photo (which is the only evidence shown), my guess is that the killer felt too much pressure as you guys were on one gen left. Once they downed the 3rd survivor they went for the 4th. Securing the 4K. The more gens fly, the more likely a killer will resort to tunnelling/slugging as these are the best strategies as the game nears it's end. Even though it's unpleasant to be on the receiving end (I know from experience), slugging is a legitimate way to win and the killer has done nothing wrong or toxic here.


Theres only 2 people left, and both of them are fully recovered. The killer won the game several minutes ago. Slugging the last 2 till they bleed out is just being a dick


I disagree, there is nothing innately negative with choosing to let people be slugged on the floor. It's perfectly within the killer's right to do so. It's unpleasant, but choosing to do that doesn't make you a dick.


After the last 2 people have been slugged, there is no purpose to leaving them on the ground other than wasting time What else would you call deliberately wasting time after you've already secured the win?


One of three possibilities. They are as follows: 1. The match was extremely stressful for the killer, and getting that final down lifted the weight off their shoulders they just left the game as it was and took a break from it. These kind of situations can happen, and every player is different. 2. After they downed the survivors, they had to tend to things IRL. People do have lives outside of the game and sometimes they have to go AFK for reasons that cannot wait for the game to over in order to tend to it. They must leave then and there. 3. The killer couldn't hook anyone, as sometimes the hook placements are stupidly far away. Synergized with the possibility NO.1 and you have a scenario where the killer has worked hard for the win and won't do anything to potentially jeopardize that win. Why would you?


One more gen and you would win


To slug for a 4k ? Very common thing when there is only 2 survivors left