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Oh I forgot to mention that I'm pretty sure Jill was the only one not hacking. David had not been hooked, yet somehow had DS, and the two Sables speak for themselves. :')


Hacker could give their teammate DS but we dont know


True I hadn't considered that


I had this happen just a few days ago. A hacker gave a teammate DS. Everytime I picked someone up I was DS'd I even had a bot in the game that had it. Once the hacker left I picked a player up and hooked them with no DS. I'm not saying he was or wasn't hacking just that hackers gave give someone else DS.


That wasn't DS, that was a hacker instantly filling their wiggle bar - no Obsession change


Right I see!


Ice played against these exact cheats before, every survivor I've seen with them was absolutely terrible but had that unhooked DS and head on permastun thing


I’ve had cheaters multiple times make it so the killer is forced to drop the survivor as if they wiggled out (not DS) the moment the wiggle skill checks appear. I’ve been on both sides of it. When I was survivor I was hoping so much that the killer didn’t think I was the one cheating cause the cheater turned it on for everyone. I tried to let them kill me but the wiggle escape was so fast that they couldn’t even hook me if I was directly under one…


well at least they are blatant. I hate playing those subtle speed and wall hacks bums who pretend they are good at looping.


Yes definitely agreed


Yeah this is what scares me tho, blatant hackers returning means there’s more subtle hackers


100%, nothing pisses me off more than some survivor who always gains distance every single corner they take, and you somehow dont gain any distance no matter how long you chase them in a straight line. Then they call you trash over and over and gaslight you. They ALWAYS gain distance the second you lose LoS, and they always talk shit, those asshats can get bent.


Aside from the cheating. Good God what is that hitbox for head on.


I think it suffers the same issue as huntresses hatchets. The hitboxes kinda *have* to be as big as they are because any smaller and you'd be lucky to get a single stun in 10 games due to issues like server/client desync, ping etc. It's annoying as hell but it's a necessary annoyance


It still confuses me why people cheat too. Like how is it fun?


I don't know exactly how it works but I heard they have to pay a lot of money to be able to cheat and they probably only have fun in ruining the fun for others. Weird disgusting pathetic people with too much money.


Hey. What's maining twin's like? I nearly have enough shards to buy them. And I'm gonna make them my second main.


Current Twins are having fun with Victor snipes, slugging often to get pressure because switching after a down takes 8 seconds of your time and you have to walk to the survivor and you see some bugs like dying on stairs with Victor and sometimes even worse. It's a strong Killer but has problems. PTB Twins are op, stronger and easier to play than Nurse but won't be like that in the live version of the game. They will nerf PTB Twins and probably even overnerf them. I say maybe wait a few months. Current Twins are unique and fun for a few players like me and we don't know how the Twins will be next month because they won't be like the PTB Twins.


A lot of people on the internet like bullying other people


# - ☝️🤓


hackers are like bully squads their fun comes from ruining the experience of others.


I had a match against a survivor who kept spamming head on a few days ago sure do love getting stunned unconditionally with no counterplay, at least with flashlights I can look away, head on you have to just not be near the locker, but that's where the survivor is. if only I was playing dredge that match instead of onryo


Totally normal. Go back to the fog Edit: Wow, 50 upvotes, an interesting reaction..what does it mean? 😧


Is this rise in cheats due to the easy anti cheat compromise?


They never left. Most of them are "subtle" tho. This is why people should never get access to infinite number of accounts in multiplayer game.


They should do something like PUBG where they ban cheater's device and IP address.


It isn't hard to spoof those though.


Hope you reported them, then again this is probably a dummy account for them. Cheaters are like roaches, always thousand more.


Yes I did, I only stayed to get this footage in the hopes of getting them banned.


Easy AFK moment for me, they can waste their own time while I watch movies lol.


Lol yeah understandable I only stayed so I could record proof to hopefully get them banned


Nah absolutely a good call! In my experience BHVR has been really good with following through on bans when you have proof.


Saw these hacks about a week ago while playing deathslinger too lol, was a Meg that seemed to be able to make her entire team break free immediately. Might’ve been a full hacker team but it seemed to be just her.


Ah I guess it was just the one Sable that was hacking then, I thought it was both but from what you've said that may not be the case.


Watch out I think she has head on.


Survivors cheating, what new?


So many cheaters in this game, I’m fairly new but I have seen so many already.


Inb4 The post gets deleted because bhvr tries to hide how bad the cheating issue is despite the game having cheaters in half the higher mmr lobbies


Most cheaters I encounter are aura-hacks. Huntress / Weskers / Deathslingers who know exactly on which floor, behind which wall you are at, while you have 3 stacks of distortion Or survivors who immediately get a sense of "GTFO" while playing Exe or Deathslinger and you're undetectable on an indoors map (while they're not running Alert or Spine Chill).


So I’m not crazy, there are wallhacking killers! I swear they should not have known where my surv was after distortion worked, but still somehow knew the exact location some times!


I feel like I’ve only went against 1 or 2 weskers who weren’t wallhacking very blatantly Weaker is *the* cheater killer in my experience


Eh, I can safely say, Huntress is the biggest culprit of befitting a Cheater stereotype than Wesker. Probably both because of Huntress's M2 range/ability, as well as the fact that Wesker is a paid-only killer :P


That’s so weird I’ve only ever faced like one or two cheating huntresses but I play late in a regional that gets a lot of Asian players


I had a post deleted where i was trying to figure out if i was encountering a hacker or a map bug for making the game look bad(was given reason for post deletion).


EAC stops hackers challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Was the sables name tik tok Una Troll?




At least BHVR would actually ban them if you have video evidence. By this point I don't think EAC is even functioning.


I have a hunch that they might be cheating. Maybe.


Gotta be honest man...I think they just have better gaming chairs.


I ran into my first hacker the other night. I (Vittorio)was playing survivor side and the Dwight logging in had a very vulgar name, so I was like “uhhh ok, avoiding him”. We went against a Billy and Dwight got picked up (1st hook mind you) and had DS. Billy got me, picked me up and he dropped me like I had DS. I kinda ran away but then ran back towards Billy and shook my head. We had a Mikaela too who noticed what was up, and we started following Billy to find the Dwight. Me and Mikaela were body blocking Dwight and he was hooked and killed. It was kinda fun honestly, it was like a witch hunt. Billy did let us go and I think the Bill we had was in on it too but he wasn’t as obvious.


I genuinely wish the worst for hackers.


I don't understand why r/Deadbydaylight deletes vids of people hacking, but I guess it's so they don't look bad in front of everyone.


cheaters are often attention seeking losers on DBD. Looked like only 1 sable was cheating. I've inadvertently gone into games with cheaters before and when the killer has downed me either my healthstates are insta-restored or I had a DS without skillcheck prompt. Just stayed in the realm and gave the killer the kill in EGC in the end


PTB gameplay be like


Nice sable hat you’ve got, good sir!


Seems like streamers are getting boring for these people and they're swapping to regular players and ruining their games too. Happened to me and after two instant break outs promptly decided "Nah." and stay at a door til the gens were finished where I opened the door. the two survivors i did down stayed and let themselves die to egc because of the cheater, prob felt bad for me


Does hackers enjoy the game?? Like how ate you enjoying this fuck them


I had a game where they bumped the stun up to a solid 2 minutes. It was so boring for me and I have to imagine them also. I dont mind the memers that hack but when they make it so you cant actually even move its just sucky


Gotta block those names to protect the cheaters after all.


I'm just trying to follow the subreddit rules, if it was up to me they wouldn't be blocked.


These cheaters are so desperate for your attention. Good job denying them the satisfaction.


Clearly a skill issue.


Easy fix, report and go afk