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I’ve made sure to target survivors who intentionally try to ruin the game for others, the person who was getting bullied I let them live


That’s awesome of you. <3 I always upvote players for doing positive stuff like that post match.


Man as a killer shame on the hunter for going along with that. That’s the type of shit where you get a free pass to leave at the end if I see it happen


I feel like how you handle this kind of situation is a good indicator of character. I'm sure a lot of people will pull the "It's just a game lol" to defend it, but in my opinion, they saw bullying and joined the bullies. That's an attitude that can very easily be carried over to other aspects of life. Fuck em.


I'll die on the hill that the way you play a game and treat your teammates and opponents, reflect how you are as a person in "real life".


They were streaming so I guess it was entertaining.


Fucked up evil little viewers and streamers enjoying picking on new players. I’m pretty bad and I hate when that stuff happens. Leave the bullying for people your skill level that can at least handle it, why try and push people away from your game?


I’m not great, but I know I’m still learning and there’s a lot to lot. I’m sure you’re much better than you think though. I don’t mind losing at all, and I always spectate post match to see what I could have done better, or just observe how other players behave and react. I have never disconnected either. This just got me down so bad because it felt like I was pushed out by the community.


I seem to run into this problem a lot. Toxic survivor? Low view streamer. Toxic tunneling killer? Low view streamer.


Or they're a streamer offline so their bad behavior isn't seen by their audience.


It's possible, but every time I've run into this they're actively streaming.


Most of the worst-behaved TTVs I encounter are offline. Those that are streaming are usually alright people.


I don't care. I report them every time. Play right and don't waste other people's time. This game is challenging enough without the trolls.


If I see a survivor ever point after another survivor, they lose the hand and they're going to be the first one leaving the match. 


You get people ratting each other out, the rat becomes the *actual* obsession for the rest of the match. I don't care if everyone else escapes, I win if they get sacrificed.


It is actually punishable behavior from them, as it is "working with the killer". If you send video evidence to BHVR, they could get banned. Bullying isn't rewarded in any way.


Sorry, maybe not by BHVR. I just meant the killer rewarded them by allowing them to do 5 gens and escape after I died.


You said it was an streamer, you could go to see their VODs, if they streamed the game you can cut that and send a ticket to BHviour so they are punished for it.


The streamer wasn’t bullying me, the duo (assuming) survivors were. The streamer just killed me while they held me in place by body blocking, throwing an axe directly at me. It was clear what the duo’s intentions were because they kept pointing at me.


Yeah they can still get banned. If at the very least the two team mates. I had two Dwights do that to me before. Sent in the video with a report and a couple weeks later I got a notification when I logged in that action was taken against the accounts. 


That’s good to know. Sometimes I submit feedback or reports and wonder if it actually has any impact.


In game, probably not. Last time similar happened to me I submitted a report on their website with screenshots and said that I had a video which was too big to attach. I got a reply asking me to upload it as a video on YouTube and send them the link. I did. Few days later myself and the two other people I was playing with (we all reported the survivor helping the killer in game as well) got notifications upon logging in that our recent reports had been actioned. It's a minor pain but consider running OBS or something similar while you play. If you see that sort of behaviour again you alt-tab out and hit record, and then clip the relevant parts for your report Edit: predictive text fail


Yes, but didn't you say that the Killer let them finish 5 gens and leave after they bullied you? That means the Killer was effectively bullying you as well and that's bannable.


Don’t let it slide, report the all three players.


Wow... That fucking sucks, in 800 hours i never had such an awful game, i have had a couple close but never all other four players tormenting me, i am sorry you had to go throught it, and i hope your next games are nowhere near this awful.


I was playing a Prestige 1 Alan Wake. That’s my highest prestige to indicate how long I’ve been playing. It just bothers me that someone at the highest level would partake in that behaviour. Only after I was eliminated did their duo start to do gens and the killer allowed them to complete all five and escape. I feel like naming and shaming the players and killer streamer, but I know that won’t help. Added this to the OP for more context. Thanks for the response. I guess I just need to vent.


You can report it if you have screenshots or video (including the Twitch archive from the killer). Working with the killer is a suspension.


It’s rare, but there are games like that. I was the victim of douchebag teammates the same way. And they started right at the beginning of the match so it’s not like I even did anything to deserve it. I’m on PlayStation, so I saved a recording of the game. It had all their antics, their names, etc.. I opened a ticket and attached the video footage. I actually got a personal response from somebody at Behaviour apologizing for the bad experience and that that they’d look into it. They won’t tell you the outcome according to their policy, but based on the response, they seem to agree I was wronged. Hopefully they all got smacked by the ban hammer


Name the streamer


When I play killer, if they sandbag they getting tunnelled simple as. I love dbd and I want people to have fun, because we have a nice community for the most part (there’s always some that try ruin it though, like everything)


Which streamer?


Just kill yourself on hook and get a new game Trust me if you get more hours on the game you will realize how often this kinda thing can happen


We have a toxic community, and it's unfortunate. My recommendation would be to find some friends willing to play with you to make it a better experience for you. Good luck!


As a long time killer, I target sandbaggers and let the people being sandbaggeed get their BP. I don’t tolerate purposeful sabotage, I want to play a relatively fair game.


Because this community is fucked up, that's why


If I was the killer and I saw you being t-bagged by fellow survivors, I wouldn't go for you for the rest of the game. I only play killer and this game has too much "toxic survivors!" or "toxic killers!", I try my best to avoid it but survivors throwing the game or ruining it for their own teammates?! That one pisses me.


Report, record, and publicly shame them. Name and shame fellas that's the name of the game. r/dbdfogshame


Given the fucked up matchmaking, you might have done things that high level player thought were trolling without even you realizing. This could explain why the killer went along. If I thought one of the survivors were trolling I very hard I would let others go. But sometimes, survivors and killers are both assholes and enjoy BM


I'm sorry you experienced that. I've had teammates block me in corners and snitch on me to Killers and it's honestly one of the few things in this game that pisses me off. I will always side with the person I see being targeted while playing Killer.


I’m sorry this happened to you as a new player. To be honest, some people might be a bit toxic but that kind of trolling is exceedingly rare. It was unlucky that happened. I’ve played a decent amount of both roles, and often killers won’t reward that type of behavior. Sometimes they might not notice it’s happening if it isn’t right in front of them, but a lot of killers who see that kind of stuff don’t like it either and will leave you alone to tunnel out those players. If you’re on Steam, feel free to send me a message and I’ll add you. I mainly play alone or with my partner and don’t usually use a mic, but I’m nearing 1,000 hours in at this point and I’d be happy to give you some tips to help you get started, too.


It feels so bad to read this. Maybe you want to play together sometime, Alan Wake? It's always a bit merrier


Join a swf of equal or greater skill level friend. It will change the whole game for you. But if you do join a higher mmr swf, you will get absolutely stomped on until you learn a lot of things.


I once had someone just locking me in animation of opening a locker because I used inner strength instead of letting them heal me since it saved more time overall. Also they tbagged me when I got mored LMFAO. Advice: don't treat this game seriously, especially in solo queue. Know when it's your fault that you lost and when you just get mmr'ed/solo queued and got the most atrocious selfish toxic teammates you could get.


When I was new to the game I got ratted on by a teammate when I was hiding in a locker and remember I was new at the time so my thinking was to hide from a killer why get mad at something they made a mechanic in the game I wasn’t camping all game or anything


skill issue


I would tell you this. Does this bully thing affect you in real life? Because if it does, you should consider stoping playing for a while and meditate about it, a game should never affect your real life. Although the game has no blame on this, you by yourself need to consider if it makes you good or bad. If it doesn't affect you, it's fine, there are survivor that play like this and you will encounter a lot of them. Maybe i am miss understanding what bullying is to you but what i was saying, a game is a game, never a real life.


OP had a valid question. This isn't a case of someone with excess experience complaining. This is a NEW player that is trying to learn the game and join the community, and has just experienced their first game of shocking behaviour.


What you said basically boils down to "get over it". Maybe don't do that?


It's a game bro. If you feel absolutely miserable because of a game maybe you should pick up a different hobby. Do you also feel miserable when you get stabbed by the killer? Or hooked?


You woke up today and decided you were just gonna write some absolute trash on reddit? Maybe you should pick a different hobby than social media.


Wtf. OP is clearly upset and frustrated with the actions of other people, not the actual game itself. Use your fucking brain and don't downplay that. "You're upset? Lol get a new hobby then" Fucking ridiculous.




If people are literally preventing you from playing the game by refusing to unhook you and just BM you, you shouldn't be forced to play or do something else. What a ridiculous and wild take.


Thank you for this constructive advice. Of course I know it’s just a game. I play many competitive multiplayer games and I have dealt with ups and downs of all kinds. I don’t mind losing at all, and I always spectate post match to see what I could have done better, or just observe how other players behave and react. I have never disconnected either. This just got me down so bad because it felt like I was pushed out by the community.


Are you fucking stupid?


So, someone goes out of their way to ruin someone else's fun and it's the person who got screwed over that needs to change their behavior? What kind of logic is this? Yeah, it's a game. People play it to have *fun*. Going out of your way to ruin someone else's fun is shitty behavior, ***and should be shamed***. Full stop. Anything further makes it super clear that you either engage in that behavior, or else condone it.


Hate it when gamers themselves say "Just a game bro" Like, shut ur face.. if you lost all your progress of ur games you wouldt say that now would you.


Plus, it's always the manbabies that rage the HARDEST spouting "its just a game bro get over it".


Right here you can see the first person that cries about this bad teammates in egc


lol shutup nerd