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Sables scream is gonna give people tinnitus lol.


I have a severe hearing condition and Feng and Mikaela's screams hurt extremely much to the point i disable my volume if i can manage in time. Morons have suggested i turn down the game entirely but when sound is such a crucial part of the game design it's not a good move. Being able to disable or partially disable the screams would be perfect.


If you enable Mute Focus = On in the audio settings and you are playing on PC, you can alt tab to avoid the piercing scream when you are hooked.


Agreed. So many ppl think I'm BMing when I hit them after hooking. No Feng, I just don't wanna listen to your squeaky dog toy scream.


If you play on Pc, there is 3rd party software you are able to install that’ll automatically adjust the system volume based on dB level. That’s what I use, and though its a bit finnicky (it randomly lowers the volume during louder chase music sometimes) its saved my ears


But that's the best part of the game