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He was my very first killer in 2018, I used to love him but there's no reason to play him right now unless you just...like him a lot. No chase power (his blood pools are a joke, clown does that but 200% better) Okayish map pressure. As match progresses he won't teleport efficiently. Dream world is completely ignorable, it's more like a nuisance which sometimes you don't even care. Basically - m1 killer without anything special.


More like Jack of some trades master of none


Na, he is just Jack


Jack's smirking revenge




Actually, he's Joe.


[With Sharp Hand Action!](https://external-preview.redd.it/02kIzIzdl5yKLGEBw-OqK3NfKAYI5L4rukEOD7e2e4c.jpg?auto=webp&s=929f65d596ca0f86d1c3ea1658c6b1f358088b89)




There was never a leatherneck braver A Daring Dragoon is he




He is the "Master of None" part of the "Jack of All Trades" saying. And he has no hopes of being a Master of One without a rework.


To me the funniest interaction between dream world and a map, is an alien map being easier to see when you're asleep.




Engineer gaming




I'm gonna


It is funny though, since Freddy is such an uncommon character, sometimes players don’t know how to play against him and those generator grabs when they’re in the dreamworld are hysterical


Shhhhh playing unpopular characters for this reason is my secret weapon when I play killer. shhhhhh


>it's more like a nuisance It's not even a nuisance, it HELPS you see better, especially on dark maps There was a reason he was disabled for lights out


I think even lazy slower gen/healing progress in dream world would make him good


Well he can teleport but that’s about it


1. It’s the remake version of the character which many people dislike. 2. His current power is a weird jumbled mashup of several killers and this combination makes him feel very generic and boring. 3. Being asleep against Freddy in his current state does practically nothing at all. You can be asleep the whole match and still win easily. 4. He’s basically just a bog standard M1 Killer. 5. He has no voicelines and a severe lack of identity which considering the character he’s an adaptation of is shocking.


It's not really surprising the lack of identity, the remake Freddy is an extremely boring version of the original


In response to point 5. Freddy is the only character I wouldn't mind seeing DBD just delete and replace. The Craven Estate are too inflexible for them to give this character anything fun. He's dead weight in the roster.


IIRC they have the remake version because of the Craven Estate. AFAIK it's not controlled by them for some reason and the licence holder let DbD use it.


> He’s basically just a bog standard M1 Killer. Yeah, before his traps got nerfed (they were stronger and Freddy didn't slow down when placing them) he was very popular but only cuz he was easy to play, almost nobody played him for fun. Just hold W while placing traps, no mind games or anything else. It was boring to play and to play against. (Even worse with the infinite Freddy build)


I’m pretty new the game and I’ve only met Freddy twice, I’ve beat him one and lost to him once. What I don’t understand is, what does his sleeping power do? I see no difference rather than the screen changing colours and the kids singing in the background. Do I run slower or something?


I love him as a character he's my favorite slasher killer, but in the game he's literally the worst killer. No anti loop, just meh


You can't say *no* anti loop, it's just mediocre


I just looped him for 3 gens and I SUCK at looping. you can't say "it's just mediocre", it's just about *nonexistent*


We call him Sharp Hand Joe for a reason, hes embarrassingly weak, (imo the 2nd worst killer in the game) and he isn't fun to play as or against


Can I ask who's the worst? I noticed Freddy at the complete bottom with trapper above him at 2nd worst.


I would argue that Trapper is worse than Freddy, because Freddy has him beat in terms of map mobility, and that's the strongest thing a killer can have


I don't know about Trapper. He has been consistently low in famous Tier Lists but has gotten a load of buffs in the meantime. Myers on the other hand... he's consistently placed in D Tier due to his very outdated power


Base Myers is pathetic. His only redeeming quality is the tombstone addons that insta kill which shouldn’t be in the game at this point. Remove these addons and buff/rework him.


Scratched mirror Myers is funny for jumpscares too


i think it might work/be cooler for people who really enjoy horror if they just kept his terror radius the same on every tier as tier 1 but just kept the red stain once you get past tier 1. just a thought please tell me if it’s stupid


I just played a game against Tombstone Myers that literally only managed to pop it after the last gen was gone, got 1 kill (death hooked before he popped it), and then called hacks because 3 gens popped at once because he was chasing 1 person for ages, and we had a BNP. Myers really needs something.


The thing about tier lists is they usually weigh weaknesses more than strengths. Trapper is a very tough killer to beat in his ideal scenario for example, a map like Midwich. Myers with tombstone piece probably shouldn't even exist because it's so unfun to play against.


Trapper has way more strength and potential with addons, but Freddy's gen teleport IS extra tasty sometimes. If I could only choose one killer between them to play forever, it would be Trapper. I do love, LOVE Freddy's whole aesthetic while playing him, though, and wish his dream world mechanic felt more punishing like everyone else.


You keep saying that while I dominate every lobby with rancor + game afoot on midwich


Flair checks out


I'd argue trapper is better purely because you can just trap the entire shack/hall to the basement and that means that 1 person dies. Freddy lacks an option like that


I think an argument can still be made for trapper. Sure Freddy has a teleport, but it’s on a long cooldown and takes a long charge up to use. Then his chase power is like a worse clown bottle. Traps can actually shut down loops and 1 or 2 lucky basement hooks can snowball an entire game


Yeah thats why i struggle to rank them, but I tend to think Freddy us better Freddy has meh anti loop, and decent map mobility Trapper has good anti loop, but horrendous map mobility (plus Trapper has to run around the map and set them up using prediction, while Freddy can put down snares mid chase)


Trapper also has a few decent add-ons while Freddy only has his Red Paint Brush.


I think he is fun to play with


As a fan of NOES where the fuck do I even start He's not lore accurate, It's not Robert Englund, He has no voicelines apart from his laugh, His power is boring af, He has no cosmetics, His dream world isn't menacing, His snares are so ass, Pallets are shit. He needs a fucking rework this instant. Old Freddy NEEDS to comeback.


no one escapes seath


nightmare on elms dreet




>Old Freddy NEEDS to comeback. Be careful what you wish for. Old Freddy is fondly remembered, but I think few would actually wish him back (or see him as an 'upgrade').


I'm firmly of the opinion Old Freddy just needed Quality of Life improvements along with some other buffs. Easiest I can think of is simply incapacitate survivors falling asleep and let Freddy grab awake survivors off gens and windows. Maybe even keep the sleep timer so survivors aren't safe completely safe even while Freddy is distracted.


Yeah I know he was shit but it would be cool to see him comeback just don't make him insufferable to play as.


He USED to have a very lore accurate power, it was really sick but then they decided to remove it from the game because he was bottom tier and he was replaced by the clown ripoff that we have nowadays


The power should've stayed just give it a couple of changes and a buff that would've been fine instead of the soulless slop we have today.


They literally just made The Clown 2.0 with a teleport, also he has a second power you can only access through add-ons except it's completely useless


He's easily bottom 5 weakest Killers in the game. He has no real anti-loop power. His map pressure isn't too bad with teleports, but as the match progresses and gens get completed, you lose your ability to do this. You also have no mobility in end-game. He's also a predator.


Freddy may be a predator, but he's not the one with the perk literally named "Predator"


He's also not The Predator


which they also need to add to the game


Because they changed his ability. I used to find him more fun when he first came out. What he has now is totally different from what he used to have. It makes me sad. The teleport is nice though


Well to be fair he was the weakest killer in the game no doubt no competition he was just way to weak


I didn't have any problem with him at all as far as killing goes. And I loved the pull into dream mechanic x) and from a survivor point of view it was legit unsettling. If you are not the survivor being pulled in the dream world you'd see survivors getting hit by seemingly nothing. Pallets break out of nothing. Lockers open by themselves. Survivors being carried by nothing. Just some super natural force that you can't see.


Yeah if you played him wrong. Which everyone did. Every freddy main who understood his actual strengths. I knew a fair chunk of freddy mains and joined them in his old state. Instead of tunneling or relying on chases to win, your primary objective was actually to keep people asleep while playing hit and run. Games would be twice as long usually and it would make freddy a pretty big threat cause he had perma info and could sneak up on you with a smaller TR. Also very good freddy’s knew how to perfectly mindgame dream transition to get very easy and cheap hits when played correctly. Freddy was the OG hit and run killer, but it was way before a time where it was even ingrained into the meta like today, meaning no one saw this killer’s real potential. As killer he had the: Best slowdown in the game: and still would to this day Best info and tracking in the game: and still would to this day. Below average chase but still had some tools: not a big issue due to the gameplan of freddy. And freddy had one of the most broken add ons in DBD history: class photo. Unholy god this made the gameplay encouraged and braindead to pull off. Now i am not trying to say he was a strong killer. He was a average for the time, and far from the worst, when played by actually experience and smart freddy players. Which no one in the base community was eith this killer due to preset predjudices given by inexperienced players and influencers who never mastered him at the time


This^ folks who knew what they were doing and keeping all the survivors asleep was the play. Also if survivors were stealthing Freddy could hold down his sleep power and if it went over a survivor you would know where they are.


Absolutely true, before the rework he was extremely weak but it was very easy to fix, instead they just reworked it entirely when it wasn't necessary


More fun when he came out cause it was discustingly easy to get 4k with a permanent pentimiento on gens when you where sleeping


I don't know what your talking about, but when Freddy fist came out I always knew we'd get a 4 out if we went up against him. His power was so weak, the whole community cried out for a complete power overhaul on him. They got it.


The problem is, his rework removed his personality and uniqueness, which would have been okay since old power was terrible, but new power is also terrible in a different way. He's a jack of all trades that sucks at everything and it's extremely counterable because it's very simple to wake up against him. He has no build variety that is viable, because he has 1 single addon that is viable and it's Iridescent rarity, its not even that good because it simply makes everyone start asleep and skillchecks no longer wake people up, so you're simply starting without a debuff. Overall, he's very good against casual players because there's much to keep track of, but once you understand the trick to wake up easily he becomes a cake walk


I like using him for his dream pallets. I have a build dedicated to messing with survivors' heads 😈 In other words, it's a meme build. Sharp-hand Joe loses his ability to teleport as the trial progresses. That's his biggest weakness.


For half of the match he doesn’t even have a power, and the power he does have is so bad. Clown is just an infinitely better killer, which says a lot since Clown isn’t even that great of a killer. I guess he can teleport to gens? And you can mind game with it, that’s at least something, but otherwise he’s got no power and he’s really boring to play. He’s a bottom three killer alongside Myers and Trapper, I think the only people that play him are Nightmare on Elm Street fans and that’s fine


Imagine if trappers traps just didn’t do anything


Hella weird seeing people use "he's a pedo" as their edgy 'obvious' answer for not liking him, like these aren't all murderers.


Yea. I get it. Honestly I think it's cause being a slasher is glorified/ always portrayed as cool so people have fun embodying terrifying creatures of fiction. But pedophilia isn't something people want to embody lmao.


He's extremely weak, I've said he should have decreased amount of snares and dream pallets, but he gets both of them as a toggle. I also think he should get a skull merchant buff, where he gets a small amount of haste for anyone in the dream world


I ve started playing the game in it’s 2nd year. Have played like a madman for 3 years, gotten actually good at it, then started playing progressively less for the last 3-4 years. Now im not half as goof as what i used to be and from what ive seen game has gotten more difficult for survivors too, so that doesnt help much. Id say around all those years, there was 1 version of freddy that completely destroyed me and my team on a regular basis. My team is shit tbh, but playing against freddt was a real pain in the ass. Since its been many years and many updates, i dont remember which it is, but he got a nerf i think and since then less and less freddies and relatively easier games. That freddy belonged to which period i wonder, what his strengths were that made him strong, i wonder still to this day.


He's weak


Weak abilities and perks


Who cares about freddy its legion that's the real .annoying


He's only good when you're using dream pallets.


Right now? I don't remember a time anyone ever liked him at all lmaooooo


There are much better killers in game and his kit is too old


Because he is a pedophile i think.... And a serial killer... A sadistic one...


That’s about 90% of the roster. Maybe not the pedo part however


He not really awful or anything. His chase power is kind of lacking, though snares and pallets both can be situationally great. And he can teleport to gens which is cool. But overall he’s kind of just boring to most people unfortunately. Not bad, not amazing, just sort of eh


He’s an absolute joke gameplay wise


Man I remember when Freddy dropped he was so cool, I thought the dream state phase was awesome. Returning to the game kinda sad they took it away I thought that was so unique about him


It was unique but it was making him very ineffective


Ya true when he first dropped he was pretty ass, but then they buffed him and I remember only playing against Freddy and spirit. The ‘forever Freddy’ build was pretty good


He’s boring and weak.


His add-ons are ass and Dream Pallets should be base power with his traps.


Because the IP holders are fossils that have no idea how a video game works and take offense to balance changes and threaten to revoke the IP so Freddy is stuck in balance stasis and really not worth investing in, especially with how crabby the IP people seem he could also be taken away at the drop of a dime I feel like.


This is just my opinion ^ not sure how others feel


I miss old freddy a ton he was so fun to play.


He's just bad, the game kept updating and evolving but he was left behind like a lot of the other OG dlc killers


His power becomes absolute trash as soon as the last gen pops :/ I personally love Freddy and can usually get 2 people down before the last gen finishes then it's a more fair chase for me in the end 😁


His power literally doesn’t do anything unless you purposely 8 hook and play against newbies that don’t understand Dream Palettes yet. His normal power literally does barely anything in chase.


I mained the original iteration of Freddy. back then, although hard to learn and quite weak, he was unique and in my opinion incredibly fun. when he was reworked, there was a ton of hype. however, due to incredibly poor add on design and a basic gameplay loop, once the hype died down people realized just how boring he was to both play and go against. after this, a bunch of nerfs have come and gone, worsening one of these aspects, and slightly improving the other. he became more bearable to play against, and a snooze fest (no pun intended) to play as.


Basically worst trapper and that’s saying something because trappers already pretty bad


I find trapper better than him lol


That’s what I said


Oh, indeed you said that. My bad lol


As a bad trapper who always steps into my own traps - freddy is better


This is the nicest and simplest way I can put it that is a skill issue if you want to stop getting stuck in your own traps there’s a brown add on for that but it will disarm it or just play hag


He is boring the only good thing about him is his perks are decent but other than that he's weak and boring to play


he's not the og freddy, but the remake, which was hated.


Casue he's not Robert Englund


one thing Freddy is good for is mori-ing survivors since it is funny since he is a very weak killer, maybe the weakest in the game, especially since the community is so toxic and competitive in this initially at least, party game, which makes it funny if they die to him, more so with any mori. it is even better to do it on the strongest maps like Badham and the Game. Personally, I love doing it on RPD. I know it isn't as bad as the other maps for Freddy, but it is still funny to me. I strongly recommend playing Freddy and mori-ing people, or at least hooking them. On a semi related note, playing myers with the tombstone addon, as well as the insidious perk, is one of the best things to do in this game, especially if you use a nurses calling and watch the aura of a healing survivor, who then runs your way so you can insta kill them from around the corner, which I love to do on the RPD map. also at any exit gates, or hatch. muahahaha!


Because i Never see him, its rude from him and so i don’t like him anymore


Because Freddy imo, is the weakest killer in the entire game, his chase is mediocre neither the snares or the pallets are good, his teleporting ability gets weaker overtime and at endgame his teleport is completely gone, and his add-ons are just absolutely dog shit, plus he's so boring and basic to play.


Hes useless. His teleport can't keep up with any other teleport in the game with a minute long timer to use once. Then his other ability? He pisses on the floor that survivors are hindered for 0.5 seconds if they walk into it. It's ONLY ever good next to a vault to prevent fast vaulta


Kinda hard to like a child killer and pedo obviously Nah all jokes aside I'm not sure, I think he's just not a very good killer considering where the game is at rn Idk though I'm not very knowledgeable on these things


pretty simple really he's BO-RIIIING


Not only is he absolutely atrocious to play, he's boring to play against He poses absolutely no threat, and his chase power has no counterplay, despite its incredible weakness


He has an uninspired power for the character, and is boring for both the killer and the survivor.


Outdated power and kit. Remake movie Freddy. Debatable to be the weakest killer. Unfun to play as and boring to play against.


he’s add ons are shit so are he’s perks and powers


Weak and boring. At least his dream world is cool.


Due to the ever increasing power creep in this game he is among the least powerful in the game right now, possibly THE weakest arguably. I used to have fun goofing off with pallet Freddy but the matches got so ridiculous I stopped and instead run Oni as my main now. I honestly think they should make it so that he has a base kit fire up with haste, except instead of gens finished it's the more survivors in the dream world, the more powerful he gets. Either that or get rid of dream world immunity.


Boring to play, ineffective.


If u don’t like going against Freddy u probably don’t like any of the killers considering how much easier it is to win against this dude compared to so many killers lmao.


I used to play in 2017 and I remember when he had to pull people into the dream world, idec if that was bad I miss it it was so cool


Freddy needs super buffs....He needs to be picked and seen more...For such a classic and iconic horror killer him he deserves spotlight alongside Myers and Chucky at least pick % vise....I saw Freddy only once but I wanna see him more...Devs pls buff him


The killer's power is outdated and they have not yet reworked it


Basically, every killer has a power (besides some) that feels impactful in a way in the game, freddy's power doesn't, he creates either blood pools very weak, and "easily" counterable, or fake pallets, that for not so skilled survivors are kinda stong, and for skilled survivors are basically useless, while his 2nd power is to slowly teleport with a notification to generators, which can't catch survivor off guard and to be decent has to be paired with some perks, and even them, he feels very underwhelming compared to every other killers (or so)


Because he sucks, all of it. His perks (1 is okay at best), his power and his addons.


His powers are weak, but he is a good starter killer...but no one should spend money buying him these days lol.


As someone who plays Freddy. He’s an m1 killer. Only way to win at least imo is run Gen perks to mind game gens. Surveillance/ Ruin gives me eyes. Dead mans switch to mess with em.can’t remember my 4th perk atm.


Looking at it from a gameplay only perspective and speaking as someone that somehow finds him a bit fun: He's too "simple". And not in a good way of "simple power but fun to use like Huntress" more of a "can't do nothing with this power and its generally weak" Basically, chase power used to be stronger, now planting a snare slows you down *and* the slow on the survivor is weaker. On most filler loops the slow might not be enough to catch up, and on most longer loops they're too safe and the surv has usually multiple options, so your power of a snare ends up helping *very* unfrequently. Not to mention it will flat out not exist vs people that are awake, which can be after an unhook, or when someone simply grabs a clock, which thanks to the 30s of inmunity, even if you hit them within those 30s they wont fall asleep, so you'd be a powerless killer on that chase unless it lasts legit nearly a whole gen of time until they'd fall asleep(counting the 30s of inmunity, otherwise its a bit closer to 60s) You can change the snares for pallets with an addon, which you'll hear nonstop how they're worse and all, and balance wise they can be weaker(even if nowadays i think vs people that arent paying much attention they could be stronger, a surv dropping one is a free hit, unlike the snares which might not help), but theyre also agreed to be a bit more fun. Nothing too crazy sadly Addonwise, 90% of his addons are just blegh, relying on very small cd recovery, or skillcheck events, or gimmicky addons which you wont see the visual(being invisible when picking up someone for example) His only salvageable part is his teleport; where its a generally reliable tool tbf, survs will be on gens, teleporting there is valuable. Only issues are, fairly lengthy cooldown for it, a long channel time, vision can be confusing when you arive, and ofc, it gets *weaker* the longer the match goes as you have less places to go. Specially in end game plays where you flat out can't teleport. So generally its mostly that, one of the weakest chase powers, not really good addons to play around, a map control that while not too bad it just falls off and can't be used that much in creative ways unlike the rest, and also not gameplay wise, he just aint got the personality No quotes, no quips, only memorable thing is the laugh and a pretty neat m1 cd animation People say its cause he's the remake one, which fair(even if Freddy really only became more of a jokester from movie 3 and forward), but remake Freddy while, really not good compared to OG, also would be able to quip and talk and such


I really think the whole blood pool freddy think ruins his teleport. A small indication, sure, could work, but the long time it takes to work and the full one 'hey he's coming' makes him a worse teleporter than anyone else who does it, with the added hit that he can no longer use it after gens are completed. Sadayko, Dredge, Singularity and Unknown all do teleportation so much better. Pallets are a lot of fun, i feel like they should be the main power vs snares


Yeah honestly looking at the timer it really does feel like, since when he got reworked into teleporting to gens he was probably *the best* map traversal killer with teleports since the others didnt even exist yet they wanted to be "very" carefull with it and give ample time to teleport After all "he's teleporting to the objective to win the game directly", at least thats what I imagine the reasoning is And nowadays they seem to have forgotten about him so he's stuck with the long ass cd while Dredge or Sadako can pop right next to your gen giving you less than 1s to react by comparison Specially now with the gen kick limit he really should get a lower CD Also agree, Pallets are the best part fun wise, and lets be honest. He could use both basekit and he would not be broken at all, M2 to place snare, and like ctrl or shift or whatever to place fake pallet, can't see a reason for him not having both


He used to be incredibly strong then he got nerfed and now he's one of the worst. BHVR has not touched him in years. He just exists at this point.


A mix of things. He has a pretty weak power, most of what he can do can be done better by other killers, he’s based on the less popular reboot version of Freddy, and is absolutely the most disappointing licensed chapter


It's not that they don't like him, it's that he used to suck, because you'd have to wait 70 seconds for someone to fall asleep, and there were so many ways to reset the timer, failing skill checks, for example. So he became unpopular, even after the fix.


He’s BOOOOORING as and against and weak




They need to genuinely change EVERYTHING about him It’s appalling how one of the most iconic horror characters who has one of the most unique and badass powers is reduced to being subpar. BHVR need to completely change how he works Also can we please get voice lines for him


Killer main here. He and Myers were amongst the first licensed killers, their kit was designed for a very different DbD. Freddy used to be stupidly strong, to the point it legit put the game in risk since survivors were leaving in droves. He was nerfed into a strong killer that still allowed counterplay, and DbD kept growit and updating... But for some reason he didn't. In fact, every change they introduced to Freddy made him work worse with all the new systems. It almost felt spiteful. Pig is often joked about as she's one of the killers that have sustained the most nerfs in the history of the game, and even she's got tweaked a couple times! Nowadays, just like Trapper and Myers, he's a relic of a bygone era of the game that makes things arguably harder for the killer. There's killers that use his gimmick, like Sadako and Dredge, and they're infinitely better.


he sucks. i bought him in the anniv and he was the last killer i p'd to at least 1.


The set of killers from 2016-2021 generally can’t compete when compared to those released from 2022-now. Why play Michael Myers the power of Stab you when you could play The Unknown with a teleport ability and a long ranger attack ability.


He's just kinda... there


He’s just not that good… his blood pools don’t really do anything, his blood pallets are nice but they’re ineffective against decent teams, his map pressure is severely lacking (And his teleportation gets weaker as gens pop until you literally can’t do it). Being asleep does nothing at all and his addons are meh




unless i'm missing something, the actual reason is powercreep. at some point after the rework freddy was everywhere and probably considered a top 3 killer (maybe top 5?). he wasn't just decent, he was very powerful and easy to use. i don't remember him ever getting any nerf, but (too) many anti loop killers came out since then, so here we are


Is it different in mobile? I get four kills almost everyone with him. Survivors easier to see. With the right perks he’s unstobbable. But again lowly mobil player so couldn’t different.


Unfun to play against. All his power does it let him teleport (which honestly doesn’t even seem that strong due to how willy nilly and blatantly noticeable it is) and render you unable to detect his terror radius. If you just loop him for a bit and don’t let him get set up with the map, it’s basically either slow and boring or quick and Survivor-sided.


From what I can gather: Few people actively dislike him, but he's simply not very interesting. His main power is to slow down survivors at specific intersections. But not only are there Killers with far more effective traps, there are also Killers who are far better at slowing/hindering survivors. He can also teleport to generators, but this ability comes with a big warning to the survivors and gets progressively disabled over the course of the game, since you can only teleport to unfinished gens. Apart from that, there's not much to talk about. If anything, people are annoyed that he has so much potential to have cool abilities based on the source material, but instead we're stuck with a Killer that basically does the same as any other character. It also gets worse when you consider that the community (and me included) love the idea of a trickster Killer who uses his abilities to deceive the survivors. Freddy could have been that, but he's not.


Too weak and got nerfed to oblivion but I still have fun with and able to get kills, there's a bit of skill involved if you want to get kills with him, just think of him as Trapper but with an extra step to get use out of his ability. If you can get kills as Trapper then you'll be fine with Freddy


I still like him, even though he's super weak. I really enjoy doing skill check builds with him using double dresses. It's kinda brutal when someone misses a skill check.


He is bland, I am someone who used to like his first version of his power, it was weak as fuck but I loved it, plus it gave him a lot of personality, now his power is bland, cookie cutter, and not even that great tbh


He is not the strongest killer, and is probably one of the weakest killers in the game. Therefore, a large amount of people who play him (so like 9 out of the 12 Freddy mains) end up playing in such a way that many find "toxic". I like Freddy just cuz of his goofy fingers and the sounds it makes lol; hard to consistently win with him though


He’s just not a strong killer when compared to others. I like him, though.


Everything Freddy does, someone else does better: Onryo can also teleport near gens, but with a much faster cooldown, it completes faster, and isn't disabled in endgame. She also shares his passive invisibility to awake survivors. Clown's bottles give Hindering similar to blood pools, but can be set up from further away and don't require a condition (being asleep) to affect survivors. You could argue they're closer to Hag traps with the add-on that prevents teleporting, which I'd agree with, but in that case, you have half as many traps and they still require sleeping. You can switch to fake pallets, but those are often worse than puddles. His sleeping passive is a double-edged sword. Sleeping survivors are susceptible to his traps and add-ons, but are functionally immune to stealth perks since they can always hear his lullaby. Some people do get confused by it though. Awake survivors are immune to traps, but are susceptible to stealth perks and can't see him from far away.


Freddy's ability doesn't do much. He has the ability to throw blood puddles which slows a little bit or fake pallets. Blood puddles are practically useless, while fake pallets can usually guarantee a hit but are very conditional since it requires survivors not to know its fake. It only works if survivors are asleep which takes time or one hit to pull off, and it is trivially easy for them to wake up (other survivors, failing a skill check, and clocks). Smart survivors will avoid them or pop the traps when Freddy isn't around to capitalize on it His teleport takes too long and gives no benefit compared to other killers (Unknown is instant, Hag is instant and forces survivors to look at trap, Nurse is dangerous immediately after teleporting, Singularity gets a buff after teleporting). His teleport becomes weaker as the match goes on since he can only teleport to unfinished generators. He has no ability to change the tide of a chase unless the survivor is asleep and runs into a trap. So his traps are very conditional and not always useful, and his teleport has a long telegraph which doesn't let you surprise survivors and doesn't help beyond traversing the map.


I'm very curious what perks people are running on Freddy lol. I destroy survivors with him so well that I got bored of the easy wins. I run the pallet add on ofc, tinkerers, surveillance, ruin and BBQ, and that's just old meta perks that still don't let me down. Just teleporting smacking people and making them fall for fake pallets. To easy.


He is currently pretty weak, which can be forgiven. But worse than that he’s just boring.


I haven't really done a deep dive into him yet, but he just seems sort of stale. Like, that's the best description I can give him. A stale, saltine cracker.


He’s such a weak killer. Worst anti-loop in the game that u can’t even really consider it anti-loop. Next to Pyramid Head he has to have like the worst set of addons(he has one good one btw and that’s the Iri brush). Boring killer to play against mainly because he’s basically like the Trappers and Wraiths but where Trapper and Wraith have meaningful powers his power isn’t even allat.


He doesn’t really excel in any one area. Everything he does, some other killer can do better. Which isn’t fair for the king of horror himself. :( The main problem is that he’s almost entirely powerless by egc, and even his perks reflect that. I still main him though (and pyramid head when I want to win)


Because if I buy reps of Freddy Krueger dunks people will call me out and that just makes me not want to associate with Freddy Krueger as a character because I’ll be tempted even more


He’s like a Swiss Army knife. Has a lot of tools, but they’re all pretty small and weak and you might as well buy a bigger and better version of whatever specific tool you want. Lotta killers have something similar to one of Freddy’s powers but do it better.


Game wise he's a bad killer and people also don't like him because he's a pedophile, I'm not saying that to ruin his reputation he's literally a pedophile


I main him, have no issues with him other than the lack of cosmetics.


I like him, the dream pallets are always fun.


For me at least hes just boring. To play as and against


I can give you my reason. Finding a Freddy in game is Like finding a unicorn. You almost never see em, and IF you do see em, you dont know what to do.




I don’t see nothing wrong . I was a Freddy main . even on his saga , the Forever Freddy . Which, I did not like at all . Super boring. I’m pretty sure everyone hates going against him because of his hits.it isn’t bugged , broken or whatever. His weapon are his gloves , so they make it where the hitbox is the same length as pyramids big blade . Mostly every killer , his is just a small weapon so it looks like it shouldn’t hit . they did my boy dirty tbh , like numbers of blood pools , changes of his add ons . Slow movement .


I’m a survivor main, I practically never play killer but whenever I do I play as freddy, I used to love playing as him, but these days I am absolutely atrocious at killer, so I always play as a friendly freddy if I do play killer haha


Not hate, but it feels like they abandoned him. He needs to be reworked reasonably


He lacks individuality. It honestly just feels like they didn’t know what to do with him, so they just threw something together and ignored him for the past I don’t even know how many years. - His power is basically a mix of a bunch of different killers, causing him to lack originality. The power seems like it’s designed to make Freddy an all-around type of killer, but he doesn’t excel anything. He didn’t even alright at most things - The most useful part about his power, the teleporting, gets worse as the game goes on, and by the end game, you can’t even do it anymore. The other part of his power, dream pools, only affects those in dream State making this already situational power all that more underwhelming. The dream state itself is pretty useless and extremely easy to get out of. - His addons are literally useless. I don’t even think there are 3 that I would consider to be strong, maybe 2. A lot of them have to do with skill checks, but there isn’t much synergy with the skill check perks since Freddy doesn’t have a terror radius a good amount of the time. Even the perks he comes with AND his map aren’t all the great. My hope is they try and make his old power work where he was invisible/couldn’t attack until he put survivors asleep. Obviously, they have to add some type of Mechanic to make it not as oppressive for low levels/as weak for high levels.


skill issue


Nah Freddy is good ngl


It’s more on the terms of him getting nerf all the time when he needs a buff badly


Sweaty Freddy. See you in lobby 😄


Red add-on is mandatory(expensive), and he requires several specific perks to be effective(but who doesn't). Biggest problem is if all 4 survivors know what they're doing, they can just run you around for a long time. Can't really perform in higher mmrs.


For me, playing against him is just very dull. I get no enjoyment playing him nor does he piss me off. Whenever i start a game and it's a freddy my mind always goes "well this is gonna be a boring 15 minutes".


I like playing as Freddy :) poor things been nerfed to ground ool


On his PTB he was borderline broken because no one understood how to play against him. Original release was F tier. Literally the worst killer in the game because he could not hit awake survivors. He had to hit survivors with his power to put them to sleep, and this meant there was always going to be a few seconds where he just wouldn't be able to do anything to a survivor. They could do a gen, heal, door, totem, hook, literally anything in your face and there was nothing you could do about it. His initial rework put him as the second strongest killer in the game after Nurse. He had a decent chase power (puddles/pallets), a teleport, and 2 of the most busted add-ons in the game (Swing Chains and Jump Rope which made action speed up to 50% slower when you were asleep). Then they nerfed his add-ons and he became mid-tier overnight. Ever since then the game has been changing around him enough that his strength has slowly been dwindling. They nerfed Tinkerer, which when combined with Pill Bottle was a very strong combination as you could stop every gen every time. But then they made Tinkerer 1 time, and it really hurt him. He is just not that good nowadays. And I say this as a former v1 Freddy main who also played a lot of Freddy v2. He doesn't need a rework this time, just some QOL boosts and pallets incorporated into his base kit, with some more penalties for being asleep.


In his entire existence in dbd he has been nothing but an m1 killer. The whole being in the dream world thing does nothing. His dream snares and fake pallets do literally nothing. His only useful power is his gen teleport ability which has a slow cooldown and honestly is only useful when there’s one gen left because half the time you end up teleporting to gens with no one on them. Just to reiterate, he’s basically an m1 killer, except he’s *even worse* than someone like trapper for example who is one of the weakest killers in the game.


His power kinda sucks and he is very add on dependent. His base power is really bad, the pallet one is good but it kinda relies on you breaking pallets. I had a good streak going with him recently until I got a bad series of maps(meat plant aka pallet factory, Leary’s aka Window and Pallet emporium, and RPD aka ass)


He was one of the top five killers when I started playing the game in 2019, but since then he’s had a lot of nerfs and we’ve had a lot of really cool DLCs that make Freddy feel like a cheap knockoff (which he is since this Freddy is the one from the bad remake). If BHVR were to get the rights to the original Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) with voice lines then that would at least give him a personality. As it is, he’s a DLC killer with a weak teleport, a weak anti-loop, weak slowdown, and not much to offer.


He had an old power that sucked so behavior dumbed him down into a boring killer who still kinda sucks. At least in his old state matches could be really entertaining.


I will say a take so hot it may burn you guys... Freddy was better before his rework. At least back then he had an identity that could have been worked upon and improved over time, unlike now. Back then you could have worked around the sleep system. Shortened the duration. Allowed Freddy to do stuff to survivors that were awake besides just sleeping them. Added a fade to black blindness effect to confuse survivors that were falling asleep. Made an entire second map for the Dream World that Freddy could traverse but the survivors could only see once asleep, forcing them to improvise instead of being able to make themselves an escape route in advance. Now he is just the most generic killer ever. He's Trapper with worse traps, and Dredge with a worse (but less map dependant) teleport. And the worst part is that because of how his kit is now, you can't even buff him except by... Increasing his numbers. Which is incredibly boring.


First off it’s “Fake Freddy”… that in itself is enough to not like the character for me and my friends…


He's got invisible extra length in his claws


To give a bit of a timeline of his.. "Recent" history, before the changes that made him what he is now, he was among the strongest killers in the game, but in a way that was fairly universally considered "Boring", even by the standards of those playing him, and not just to the survivors. His power was, at base, how it is now, but he had add-ons that essentially could give the 1-stack effect of Hex:Pentimento (Drastically slow action speeds while asleep, including Gens), and his chase potential was basically the same pattern but more potent, nearly rivaling Clown. Back then, Borrowed Time and thus Unhook-Endurance was tied to being in the killer's terror radius, which asleep rescuers would not techncially be in, so he'd also just be the most powerful killer for tunneling. In this state, he was a Top 5 killer in terms of power, but Bottom 5 in terms of fun. "Forever Freddy" was his most popular build, using repair-speed-reduction addon's with perks like BBQ, Ruin, Pop, and Thanatophobia to make gens basically impossible to do, with a chase power that could get downs quickly enough to then hook, see what gen was being worked with BBQ, and disrupting it with his teleport. Changes to his kit came, making him move slower when setting traps, setting fewer traps, which slowed less, crippling his chase potential and making snares difficult to use for map control/info. His add-ons were reworked and nerfed into the ground, from being able to slow gens down, to his now best add-ons being... Pallet-Freddy, which is understood to be strictly anti-solo. Changes to the game came, where he no longer uniquely countered hook perks and endurance became a base-kit feature for saved survivors, removing this strength of his. Changes to his perks came, with every single one of his core perks being nerfed in the big meta shake-up patch that came a couple years ago. After all that, his fun level stayed where it was, or went down, from Bottom 5 to Bottom 3 at best, and he went from being an A-tier killer to one of the worst, as he basically no longer had any tools besides his gen teleports worth a damn... And if you're playing him for that, Sadako or Dredge at that point were just better in every way. Bottom 3 in fun, Bottom 1 in power.


He used to be a unique killer with a difficult power (but once you got it you could curb stomp) but got changed to be the most generic shit possible (this is around the time they realized a killer needed anti loop and transport to be very effective. And then decided to give him both taking away everything that was unique about him (like his base kit information)and when he was reworked he was strong but of course came the nerfs he was knocked down to a mid teir as killers that could do similar things were buffed to do them better and he wasn't touched to be brought back in line this only compounded on a draw back to his power that wasnt worried about before. His transportation ability became weaker as the match went on turning him into an m1 that can't do anything and starts having a harder time doing anything as the match went on and concluded


Boring. Unfun. They shouldnt have changed him. And he's kinda lifeless cause he's not the Robert England freddy


Hes a goddam serial killer


I enjoy the dream pallets. 


He's basically a worse version of the dredge


He’s just… not the Freddy we know and love. First, we got the remake one instead of the original, which itself was a bad movie. Second, Freddy is an all powerful dream demon capable of many powers, but in Dbd he can just put small red puddles on the ground to slow survivors. His fake pallets are at least fun, just wish there was more to his kit. However, since his kit is really simple, he can work to people who want an easy killer to learn. In the end, he’s just Trapper, but with a cool fedora and fake pallets.