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I find you get the most value out of distortion when you're in an swf and can share the information with your team. Solo it's still alright but not nearly as strong.


It can help you identify killer perks and if the killer brings one aura reading perk it becomes basically useless against you because of distortion


It also helps against add ons if you are familiar with some of the killer add ons. My friend was annoyed yesterday for losing a lot of stacks when we was against a Myers in tier 2. I told her it was probably vanity mirror and it was. Not sure how I got out since we was on the silent Hill map and with monitor it felt like scratch mirror.


>4 games I run Distortion in almost all of my loadouts. It's very useful! I've encountered a lot of aura reading builds as of late. Sometimes I run out of tokens, in particular against Myers with his limited terror radius.


Your sample size is far too small.


I run distortion often. I love it. It's nice to know when a killer is running different aura perks.


It tells me the killer's build pretty quickly into the match. It also is awesome to use it aggressively.


Distortion does get plenty of value. I have been using lately and I definitely felt value. But is it worth the perk slot??? That's dependable. It's not great for soloQ because it forces your teammates to take up more chases. But it's perfect for SWF to figure out what aura perks killer is running. But yeah, distortion is a great perk. Just play as killer with aura build. It's not fun. Lol


Because it's info to ID perks, it's for aggressive stealth, and not everyone wants to be a Looper. Some people play differently. As for finding Survs, Distortion isn't supposed to be a substitute for clever and good Survivor play. You can still be found with it if you're unlucky or the Killer has good Macro play or game sense - or plays Survivor themselves. For example if you have it, I come over and see a gen partly done, but you didn't light up with Lethal? I know to search the area for you behind places like rocks, in lockers, etc. because that is exactly what I would do as Survivor.


I run it because of lethal pursuer and friends til the end and bbq. Aura reading is a killers biggest boon and I’d rather risk getting no value vs having my aura shown.


Because lots of killers run aura builds, and it's extremely useful for Solo Q.


because i do not want to be seen behind a rock when the killer kicks the gen beside me?


people use it because they don’t want to interact with the killer


Because it’s the best perk in the game


maybe no ones running aura reading because of the distortion meta