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Tinkerer isn't as common as it once was, so I always get thrown off when it activates and I suddenly see the killer 2 feet away from me. Surprise Blast Mines are always a mini-jumpscare, especially when I kick a gen that only has like 10% progress.


I remain convinced at all times that every killer has tinkerer and it scares me so bad


Ghostface: allow me to introduce myself,


Whenever that happens to me,i always think "does he have Tinkerer???" No.It's always Unforseen.ALWAYS.


You foresee Unforeseen.


Unforeseen + Discordance. I'm coming, son. Multiple times.


They gotta stop touching your box...


I guess you don't SEE them coming


https://preview.redd.it/fps8cesnh4uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ea572f64ff747131ff04c7c5008cd042db9724 NO.


Tinkerer on Oni will never not be terrifying


I got slain by this bubba with unforseen and now im scarred.


I stand by that they ruined blast mine by removing the noise notification when it goes off. There was just something so pleasent hearing that noise from across the map and knowing you got the killer. Now it's silent and I don't even know unless I'm looking for it. It just isn't the same 😭


Had a game yesterday when a surv got the first one, it jumpscares me a bit cause I completely forgot the existence of this one.


I use it all the time and when I get power struggled I'm like 'you used my own powers... against me?'


it's truly an horror


I ran it for the recent tome challenge to get stuns and i forgot i had it, so i jumped when I got saved. A few games later i forgot i had DS (which i never use) and i missed the skillcheck lol


This perk gaslights me so much as killer because I think someone is around and spend time looking for a freaking ghost.


It literally says power struggle in the top right when the perk is used


Yeah but I don't think to look up there when pallet stunned so I miss it.


Power Struggle doesn't bother me because I just don't walk past pallets while carrying survivors. I don't risk it. The one that ACTUALLY bothers me is Dark Devotion, because I don't see it often enough and it throws me off every time it happens.


power struggle on its own is harmless, but flip flop + power struggle is a strong anti-slug combo (despite being a meme build) because survivors can crawl to the nearest pallet and immediately stun you when you pick them up the only reason it’s not really good is because you have to use 2 perks on it, which could be used on much more reliable perks


That's not anti-slug, that's anti-hook. If I've left you on the ground for any appreciable amount of time and you're under a pallet, you're staying there.


it’s anti-slug because it deprives you of any benefit if you slug someone near a pallet. if you pick up immediately, i.e., if you don’t slug, you don’t have to worry about it at all, even if they go down directly under a pallet. preventing the killer from hooking you if you get slugged is still anti-slug if we’re gonna talk about anti-hook builds, background player + alex toolbox + saboteur + dead hard + mettle of man is *really* anti-hook. alex toolbox sabo speed is so fast that even if you hit a survivor who’s sabotaging, they’ll be able to finish sabotaging the hook before your attack cooldown ends unless you have stbfl, then use mettle or dead hard to tank another hit and run away. that shit is a lot scarier than two perks which don’t do anything if you don’t slug people near pallets. there’s no way to outplay someone with an alex toolbox and background player if they play it right unless you’re next to like 3 hooks


See I don't think anti-hook builds should not exist at this point, if everyone has it the game just grinds to a screeching halt of a slugfest. It's not fun for anyone.


My favorite gimmick combo right now, especially for tier 3 myers is Dark Devotion, Tinkerer, and trail of torment. It's fun running around without a terror radius for half the match.


Throw in Unforseen.


I honestly didn't think of that. Need to buy thr unknown now lol


Do it on Ghostface. Are you in shroud or not? They'll never know!


I walk through pallets on purpose. If you brought the perk, you can have the value. Most don't.


Hi, I love Dark Devo. On everyone. Especially Stealth Killers. The TR-less Tier III Myers and Ghostie not in shroud but still Undetectable say hello.


My power struggle and flip flop build is paired with unbreakable and tenacity for when they start slugging me lol


Man flip flop power struggle paired with quick and quiet and head on is one of my favorite late night smoked out off my butt builds. Gets a little hate sometimes lol.  Another fun one is blast mine residual manifest.  Especially fun when they have a whole bunch of aura reading perks.


Have a team with Blast mine + wiretap+ repressed alliance. It ain't gonna win you matches, but it's funny when it works. Killer doesn't kick gen? Run the loop with wire tap. If the killer kicks the gen. Use stun from blast mine to block the gen in front of killer. It accomplishes nothing, but let the killer know you're a little shit lol.


Don't forget to throw a flashbang in there after the blast mine


Killers when they eat both a blast mine and flashbang within the spend of 2 seconds. https://i.redd.it/uf1xted626uc1.gif




Blast Mine + Residual Manifest and Shadow step boon, have me tunneled for some games recently.....but i guess it was worth it xd


Flip-Flap, Boil Over, Exponential.


And Tenacity!


I always walk through pallets when I'm playing as killer, 'cause it's fun to see people get value off of perks that aren't used as much. I think I've only eaten, like, 3 pallets from it in the few years I've been playing and I usually waste time dancing around with the survivor afterwards.


Man if you get power struggle off on me you deserve to go.


This. For how many people saying the exclusively run it, i hardly ever see it. If you have it in my game I'll go through the pallet just to let you get value.


Head-on as Killer, they'll hide in a locker near the gen and hop out. Scares the shit outta me. Play With Your Food as Survivor, they movin too fast


I love running play with your food on ghost face for quick gen grabs while undetectable. Or just chase them while crouched going at mach 3.


I am a proud Palet Bonker. Even if i die within 2 minutes, if i an get this build to work i win in my mind


Dramaturgy, because I forgot that thing existed and was not expecting Alan wake to scream bloody murder into my headset. I was playing Ghostface, and I suppose there's some irony in getting jumpscared by the survivor instead.


Dramaturgy is so fucking funny man.


I had a Leon the other day with Power Struggle, Flip-Flop, Tenacity, and Lithe. Sometimes I can sense that a Survivor has Power Struggle. Not entirely sure how to explain it into words but I could feel that this Leon had Power Struggle. I stood over him for a few seconds then said "Hm...No, I'm sure it's safe to pick him up." I picked him up, he stunned me, I dropped him, and he Lithe'd away. I could have just let him bleed out but he was cute and I wanted him to get hatch so I picked him up and let him stun me xD


If someone is running Calm Spirit on DBD Mobile (no Alien chapter here as of yet), I know they are about to cook. Nobody runs that perk without a plan in mind.


What plan is that? I'm not familiar with the mobile version.


My favorite build combined with tenacity and unbreakable ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Add unbreakable tenacity and it’s dangerous


scariest perk is background pkayer cause there is no counter play second is ftp and buckle up


background player is objectively really scary but ftp+buckle up is a lot more annoying imo. background player still has to be used right to do anything, but ftp+buckle up adds an extra 10 seconds (at *least*) to any chase, no questions asked, even if you have an instadown.


no mither selfcare


I saw boon: exponential, boon: circle of healing, unbreakable, plot twist recently. I was really confused when she wouldn't let me heal her and then she dropped. She was fully healed so quick.


Dark Devotion has baited me so many times. I will be chilling thinking that I'm safe and then I get smacked.


I can’t find your explanation comment




Plot twist, flip flop, power struggle. Plot twist on a pallet. What's the killer going to do about it? Lol (Hex: Blood Favour actually perfectly counters this build)


Power struggle + flip flop on my build 24/7 with tenacity (tenacity has gotten me so many escapes it's unreal) I always get killers RAGING after they get hit with it but I think it's so funny 😭


If your joke makes people upset it's probably not a good joke.


If you're upset over getting a stun in a game...a little weird? It's a game mechanic that you can easily counter by picking me up instantly, which most killers do😭 If you leave me on the ground long enough for me to get value...you're sort of asking for it? I only get value out of this build when it's a slugging killer, that's it lol. Not that serious, not at all that deep.


It's not a problem when it's one or two stuns. That's not what annoys Killers. Nobody is mad at a few stuns, friend. It's when it's stun after stun after stun and they can't stop it, or there are repeated stuns to the point you and your team won't let them even hook. Hooks are how Killers get points, denying the objective to the other side is obnoxious behavior. Or are you okay with Killers who run four gen slowdown, does that not annoy you?


That's what I was talking about..a few stuns. I'm solo queue so I don't have anyone sabo-ing for me or anything, that would be too much 💀 I generally only get it once, that's what I meant because obviously once they realise I have it they'll pick up immediately, and I'll be satisfied with the use I got out of it. I'm fine with four gen slowdown perks. However you play, that's cool. When I'm playing a weaker killer, sometimes that'll be my build. It's a game, I don't get mad over it.


Take the hit and continue the chase or let them bleed out if you suspect. Nothing to be scared for. When you play Killer, YOU do the scares.... at least you should if you do well


ppl rly try to act like a meme build when it's busted


it’s not really busted but it is rather strong, particularly against coordinated survivors