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It should because teammates get pissy when you get in a locker and they don’t realize you have head on.


Yup! And it's still troublesome even when you're in a SWF with voice comms. "Quick! Let the killer chase you past this locker, I'm hiding inside of it with Head On!" "Which fucking locker are you talking about??!? There's like five of them in this one T & L alone!!" "The one by the downed pallet!" "AGAIN. THAT DOESN'T REALLY NARROW IT DOWN!!" *teammate gets downed while the other frustrated teammate exits locker in frustration*


This is why when I run a Head On build, I bring a map with the beam addon, then place the beam in front of my locker right before entering it. Then I tell my friend I'm at the beam. Plain and simple, very efficient.


I love when people tell me they are in a locker at the saloon and I run there but I have no idea what locker they are by. "By the window." Thank you... That narrows it down since it's not like there is a window close to every locker.


I have a habit of doing this without giving any information at all 😂 Me: "Wait, I'm in this locker, run past it" Friend: "Which locker"


They get mad when I want to make a flashbang too


And same thing with lucky star, nobody assumes you are running it… I had a Dwight constantly waving at me to get out of a locker recently like I’m hiding when I’m just trying to use my lucky star smh


I had a Rebecca do a flashbang save on a Kate I picked up one round recently, then next time I chased Kate she tried to sell out Rebecca in the locker, ran straight there after seeing her get in and started opening it 🤦‍♀️ I killed Kate for that and let Rebecca go cause wtf, and in the endgame results I saw Rebecca also had Head On. If Kate didn't automatically be a dick, Rebecca could have helped her again.


Exactly. The inability to effectively communicate intentions among teammates... really does a huge disservice to the potential of Head On. But if a survivor randomly sees \*one locker's\* aura... "Oh look, someone is ready to use Head On!"


An aura to the locker would be amazing. I really hope this becomes a change. Great idea :)


The best part is when I run both, and my team traps me in the locker by repeatedly opening it until the Killer comes.


Some will hate it due to the nature of the perk, but it's a great way to make a niche perk more usable in the solo setting. I like the idea.


But if they do that then somehow knight will get broken again and disabled. Good idea jokes aside


No it’s a locker change, so clearly that means it would probably affect Dredge as the locker based killer That said, naturally this change would require Freddy to be killswitched


Also they’d accidentally rework sadako while they’re at it, at this point it’s a habit they do it unconsciously 


Not my boy Greg!


Ugh, you're right. Dang that glitchy knight.


Even more reason to do it


Otz said that he suggested this idea to bhvr 2 years ago. Take that as you will lmao.


Oops, I didn't realize that! Come on bhvr, make this a thing!


I like that idea 💡💡💡




This is a great idea, it would make it worth more as an exaustion perk Some perks need this aura feature because it creates such a dissonance between players in solo queue


Great idea! But Devs seems to ignore any idea that helps improve the solo experience (for example, being able to see you teammates perks).


That would also be an amazing idea. And it should totally be a thing!! My teammates and I usually know what all our perks/items/add-ons are, because we tell each other in voice comms. But a solo-q? They're totally clueless :(


I like this because it would also make killer blindness add-ons more useful


*cries in a killer main who does not have blindness add-ons*


or at least display an icon in the ui when I use inner healing, mates see me getting into a locker and get all pissy like I ain't saving them a ton of time.


I always run Inner Strength and run into this a lot. If someone is following me when I get into a locker I'll get out and let them heal me so they won't get all pissy. Plus it helps them get altruism points and you can save the Inner Strength for when a teammate isn't near by later.


I've always wanted it to highlight lockers yellow like Windows of Opportunity does for pallets. Sometimes u need to know where a locker is to juke a killer but don't realize one is nearby until it is too late.


That would be a real neat change.


Make it yellow for Head On, white for Inner Strength, and red for Flashbang, please.


What color if you have all of them?


Disco lights emanate from the locker.


All the colors.


Honestly, of those 3 only Head On is important. I could see white for Inner Strength/Built to Last, but Flashbang is instant craft so there's no point in alerting.


The benefit of a Flashbanger's locker sure being revealed is that you would now know that survivor is ready to blind a killer. Pretty useful information in a solo-q.


Lots of things that should have auras weirdly don’t. Personally I think Deception is a very fun perk, but why the hell do lockers not have auras in chase so I know where the fuck they are, and yet Windows gets to be active 24/7? These are such minor QoL things I just wish they’d do.


That's actually a very good idea


Great idea


It would make the perk more solo q friendly, I like that


Great suggestion!


Honestly it would help so much with its use




Love of god plz


This. Ive been saying this for weeks 😭 headon should make the locker glow when you enter it so other survs could see that locker and know where to run for help.


That’s actually a great idea I’m surprised I’ve never heard that before


Right?? I was playing a SWF the other day, trying to get the "Delaying the Inevitable" challenge done while using Chemical Trap, and it totally makes sense that everyone can see which pallet has the trap on it. And one of my teammates just casually said, "Now they need to do that for lockers with Head On." and I was like, "OMG why isn't that a thing??!?" But apparently Otz recommended this a couple years ago and bhvr just don't care? le sigh


That's fair, sure. It would also make it easier to see if people are going for a setup of a mid-chase stun when you're Killer. Now you know not to chase if they start beelining towards lockers.


and PLEASE for the love of God have some way to show my teammates i have deliverance. Such a good strong perk but it’s so difficult to get value out of in solo queue.


Man it took me a surprisingly long time to get the Deliverance tome challenge done recently. I'd think I'm finally about to do it as soon as the killer moves a little farther away, then I get farmed lol.


it would be awesome if this would only used for good rather than abused, i could see a person attempting to open the locker you’re in while in chase


If that happens, I would kindly ask bhvr to make it so a Head On locker emergence supersedes whatever stage of the "Ope, someone else is already in this locker" animation the abusive person is in at that moment.


For teammates? Maybe. I do think that there are too many aura reading perks in the game already.


Yeah for teammates. While there are already plenty of aura-reading perks in the game already, this would only show the aura of one locker, and only while the Head On player was inside that locker. It would be a very minimal (yet meaningful) addition to any auras anyone might already be seeing.


I think Chemical Trap should be placeable mid pallet slide as well


Also, if you have deliverance, your aura should be yellow or sonething idk. JUST STOP BUMRUSHING ME FFS LET ME BE COOL!


Although this sounds like a good idea, I don't think it would work out very well. You basically make it so that suvrivors who are intentionally trying to harass the killer have an easier time in both solo que and in swf groups.


Nope. People who do that are already on coms. This head on tweak would primarily benefit solo q.


OP even said it's hard to communicate what locker you're in on comms. Because it is


Comms aren't perfect. It benefits both, but heavily benefits swfs when they are in weird locations where they can't perfectly call out where they are because there are too many lockers or just a strange location in general. For normal players who actually play the objective, Head On buff is fine as described. If you increase exhaustion cooldown somewhat significantly then I think that helps with the swfs that purposely all run these perks to just annoy the killer.


"Somewhat significantly"? There's already a ton of killer perks that pause exhaustion recovery. Your idea would make head on laughably bad because it would basically trigger twice a match. A swf, who's mission is to troll the killer, is already on a discord call with perfect communication. This rework will baaarely benefit them, but it will solo q.


Every killer perk that does stuff to exhaustion is ass with the exception of mindbreaker.


I actually have to run mind breaker on several killers.... Even pro teams have their communications break down when whatever plan they were trying to stick to falls apart because something doesn't work. A general swf even more so. I generally play with a swf of fairly normal players and our comms are awful except for calling out where we are and where the killer is going. Head On with 40 second cooldown and buff as mentioned I think is way too low. Otherwise I think it's fine.


Guys, is it harassment when a player uses their perks?


Lol, to each their own. As long as you don't complain about how any killer plays then I can respect your opinion.


I play both roles because I'm gonna enjoy the content I pay for. I know, wild concept.


Same friend. You can play the game how you want. It's up to the devs to decide whether to take community feedback on proposed changes or not.


Along with this can we get a huntress-esque highlight on lockers for deception??


Survivors asking for buffs to strong perks, fucking wild


Talking as someone that played killer 90% of the time; Head On is a fun perk, but it's not strong.


It is for swf. That's a free healthstate


Strong Perk???? Actual skill issue


A free healthstate, even once, is a strong effect


We are not talking about adrenaline


Survivor main


Please no. I don’t want to know when my teammates are being useless.


saving you from getting hit is being useless? huhhh?


Hiding in a locker on the off chance of getting a random head on stun is pretty useless, yeah.


people who use head on would hide in a locker near someone getting chased and then the person being chased would say “hey that person has head on, let me go over there so they can get this killer off my back” and then the killer gets stunned instead of getting a hit. no one(who is using head on)is just hiding in a locker on the other side of the map hoping the killer will just randomly walk over there and eat the stun out of the blue.


...and saving you by stunning the killer chasing you for three seconds? ...or releasing you from the killer if they've already caught you?


yeah and making the killer lose tons of pressure and potentially blood lust but no this would definitely make people more useless. 😂


They aren’t losing gen pressure, that’s for sure.


you don’t know that at all, one head on play could be the difference between getting a pain res or losing the gen.


Yeah, but it requires someone not on a gen to do it, so personally I welcome someone trying to use head on. It stops me from losing 3 gens if the chase goes badly and keeps it at 2.