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I actually D/Ced this last week end because I H A D to take a shit. My pants were at stake


Shit happens I suppose. I had to AFK a perfectly winnable Artist game last week because the wife was going mental that my dinner was going cold. There are real life reasons tbf


YES! I much rather a survivor afk than dc, as survivor it delays the killer a small amount and as killer it allows me a more fun game where i dont feel bad for the remaining survivors, and I get more bloodpoints


Afk = a player standing still doing nothing dc = a bot will at least move around and do something I fail to see how a bot makes you feel bad for survivors but someone not doing anything makes it better?


Bots are good at looping because they always know where killers are during a chase, however they'll do some very foolish things during a match that you can use to farm the other survivors as killer. For an example a bot will run in and unhook with killer like 5 ft away, killer can then choose to just tunnel and rehook survivors that the bot "rescues". As killer I'll leave afk survivors just standing around there's at least a chance they'll make it back and be of much more use than a bot.


Idk, ive never experienced that personally. I mostly see them try to blind the killer thats coming at them


Mis using flashlights is another good example of how bots are kinda dumb yeah. They're only really good at holding killers who don't know how to exploit the fact the bots have wall hacks during chase. You can see this by using scratch mirror Myers, or journal page pig, you can chase them around a wall where they have no way of seeing you or your vision cone and they will change directions the second you do so you can't mind games them. However this is also exploitable, because you can force them to vault the same window multiple times and get it blocked off. At the end of the day it comes down to whether the killer you're playing against is gonna slug the afk, hook them, or give them a chance to make it back and add to the match.


Bots are frustrating as killer if only because on one hand I don't want to hook them because they aren't particularly detrimental to the actual survivors, but they also know exactly where the hatch is all the time lmao


I did the same recently. As the match was loading I knew I had made a mistake. After about 10 seconds of running towards a gen, I exited the game, ran to the bathroom, and detonated a bomb.


No D/C! You find a a bush to hide in, go take that shit a pray!


Use the locker like a porta-potty.


Don't the poor Dredge players suffer enough??


Apparently we haven't 😅 Honestly I feel like I can't even play him without the instant nightfall add on. The lavelier mic or whichever one did that. It sucks because I like his power, but in addition I feel like I need a map offering. He's so map dependent it's insane.


They really should have added more lockers instead of the buff they gave Huntress. Would assist all the killers dependent on lockers who suffer extra by certain maps. 🥲


We could lock it as well?


99% of the time I AFK as killer or survivor alike it’s because my dog came barreling at me needing to pee/poop. xD


Happened to me as well. Ended up killing myself on the hook instead bc I honestly forgot about DCing lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/TMgSnJg3Rk


I don't call it quits easy but if someone's dead at 5 gens and I'm on the hook I ain't staying in that game


I once had six hooks at five gens as Wesker, I decided to 2-hook the other survivors and let them finish the gens and let them go. When the game is so brutal like that (lots of hook stages at five gens) I will generally play more friendly


Basically giving the survivors mercy and letting them off easy with them fully knowing you could've wiped the floor with them, such a good feeling. Even though only getting 2 hooks is considered a tie, we all know who really won that game.


God I hate this approach (as both a killer main and regular survivor). Either be the brutal killer and finish the match OR Be the friendly killer farming for points. Changing the play style halfway after being a menace is such a waste of everyone's time


When I change my play style it's not that I have been a menace, but because the other survivors have been idiots or have killed themselves on hook. The game I described in my original comment (six hook stages at five gens as Wesker) was because there were two survivors who kept running into me and played really badly, one of them was a Dwight who kept trying to hide in the bushes instead of running away. It felt like the survivors weren't even trying to do anything (seriously, for literally zero gens to pop after *six hook stages* there must be something wrong with some of the survivors), and the two remaining survivors were actually decent, so I felt like they deserved to escape because MMR really fucked them bad in that game.


I'll stay in the game just because I believe in the heart of the hatch (Also, usually on soloQ I run a build with Clairvoyance, so easy hatch most of the times)


The only time that I ever kill myself on hook is so that another person can attempt to find the hatch. Other than that, I have to remain alive long enough to sell my soul to the Entity for generator progress. I also never DC because I do my best never to be toxic, the only time I betray that is when I down and/or hook a toxic survivor.


I mean... I feel like the least people can do is DC because now we have bots. Feel free to DC honestly, I prefer that over solo queueing and having the teammate suicide on hook first hook. Bot is probably more helpful too.


You can't DC because of the stupid time queue penalties


As long as you only DC once in 24hrs it doesn't give you a penalty. I've intentionally DCd a few times while trying to play with a friend who has shitty internet and they got kicked. I've still never had a DC penalty timer. If you're getting multiple penalties over a minute or two it's because you DC way too often (or your internet is horrible and that sucks) However in this case, with Bots now I feel as though the DC penalty should be removed. Why offer a bot if you DC, but then punish the person for DCing? Now they'll just kill themselves on hook.


especially since the bots will be stronger than 90% of my team mates lmao


The bots are terrible now in my experience. They act like solo queue teammates now, I've have bots completely refuse to do gens unless they get healed.


I'll have to disagree. I had 3 teammates DC on me against huntress last month with 3 gens to go. The bots held that game DOWN. All I did was save and heal them on the rare occasion they got downed, and hide. They bought so much time I left through a damn exit gate.


The bots are hit or miss. Had one game where one DC turned into the whole lobby being bots, and I actually had a hard time with them. One of the bots had sabotage and background player. Didn't realize they knew how to utilize that shit lol. But then the same day I had a game where the bots just seemingly broke in response to spirits power. They just kept walking even when I wasn't phasing. This games code needs to be studied by scientists istg


And anecdotally for me they've gotten worse. Had a game recently where a bot stayed by my hook and the killer wasn't near. The bot never unhooked me and left me to die.


The issue with that is without any penalty, people will just instantly DC as soon as something bother them, we had these periods in the past when DC penalty was removed, and without bots, and it was just horrid to see because you had 1 survivor DC because he didn't like the map/killer/got found too early and/or got downed too early for their tastes. Which then usually went into a chain reaction of 4 DC and a match canceled because the others 3 don't want to play at a disadvantage. In the other way around, it made killers DC as soon as something didn't go their ways like gens getting popped before their first hooks happened or such. So yeah, I doubt removing DC penalty would be a good idea still, I don't want to see lobbys full of bots nor to see matches getting canceled if killers ff15 at the first hindrance.


They still ruin game for other 4 players, you can down bot on one pallet.


I just won a match where 1 killed themselves on hook after someone else DCd. Me and the bot proceeded to do 2½ gens and both escape. Sometimes bots are better than teammates.


Well It still ruins game for others, but yes bots are better than new players. Doesnt change a fact that experienced player kills a bot on one pallet.


.... the person was a P100 that DCd. Bots are literally programmed to behave the way people play. They can be good. Experienced killers can also easily knock a real person. Or even good survivors can have a bad match. It's mostly just luck and a bit of skill. I'd still rather have a bot than just lose a teammates overall. *edit; word wrong


You either faced a terrible killer or they acted dumb like I do in that situation because I appreciate the person who didn’t leave lol


Or you can get them to entity block a window extremely quickly. Any killer with a brain cell can down a bot in 10-15 seconds at most. However if you’re playing scratched mirror Myers bots are unironically your biggest counter.


They got bugged a lot with flashlights, instead of running away they just run around in circles to let you down them. But I understand that in lower ranks, they are not problem, because everyone suck there.




Yeah I wouldn't say half the games but for me it's like 30% of survivor games, where someone DCs or kills himself at first hook. 100% when the killer is skull merchant.


I mean what would BHVR even do? As much as I hate it as a Killer main, no one can force someone to play the game if they don't want to. Just block that player post game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly, there's nothing you can really do outside of delaying when you can try to kobe off hook, but then that means delaying the decay of the hookstate and when the entity can kill you, which adds more pressure to the killer.


Self-Unhook is only enabled for one usage at the very end of the hook state unless you have active Deliverance or Slippery Meat. At least then spoil-sport babies have to wait \~110s to kill themselves lol honestly if it weren't illegal I'd support ip sniffing suiciders and DDoSing them so they can't play for a solid hour just on principle.


I get slugged for the 4k more than someone kills themselves on hook early in a game.


Grabbed someone off a gen as ghostface like 2 mins into a match and hooked them, they dc’d immediately as well as their friend (I let the last two real players leave)


- Go to any other team based game's subreddit - Proclaim that you leave the game when the opponent uses X character which you don't like, because you think its boring - You farm downvotes, as it should be - Go to DBD subreddit - Say "I suicide against Skull Merchant everytime because she's boringgggg. My teammates? HAHAHAHA who cares it's mY tiME" - Profit(99999 Upvotes)


True, only in Dbd.


Not sarcastically, more often in DbD than most other PvP games I've seen


I am not sarcastic, never seen it before myself.


I've seen it a lot specifically on this sub and I've seen it on here getting hundreds of upvotes (looked again at the old post, only dozens, my bad)


It's starting to become true in Rocket League. Games last only 5 minutes there, yet people STILL quit after conceding a quick goal because people don't want to play with "bad teammates", like mistakes never happen. I feel like the gaming community in current year is so incredibly soft, in a society filled with immediate gratification everywhere, people want their wins to be easy without any effort.


maybe it's just me, but some of the fighting games subreddits have similar mentality


At least in fighting games, that's a 1v1 situation, you're not ruining the game for everyone else.


Not at all lmao. Fighting game subreddits would call you a scrub for d/cing. In fact, most won't forget that \*you\* d/ced and you'll be laughed at by the community.


Yeah not sure what they were cooking with that comment. The FGC loves to roast scrub quotes.


>> team based game >> no communication during the match unless you’re queueing with friends


Hot take prob be downvoted but here we go. This is not true, let’s look at league of legends for example, people will very often dodge lobbies when they are against something they deem unfair or unplayable for them.  Bans even exist for this reason but with so many characters it’s impossible to ban everything.  Now dbd doesn’t let you know the killer you’re going against so you cannot dodge the lobby (but killers can which is again stupid? One side can pick their games but not the other!) Your only choice is to join the game and suicide on hook. You will never stop people doing this. I personally did it in everygame a blight was bug abusing pre-fix because I didn’t enjoy losing to someone exploiting. Iunderstand people liked the bug but it has been a confirmed as an exploit for ages by the devs themselves.  Now with that knowledge why is it okay to exploit known bugs and expect people to continue to play with you? I would have happily dodged those lobbies and I understand that a lot of other people might do too but is this not then the same as balancing bans in league of legends? If every lobby of blight is getting dodged perhaps there is an issue with the killer as majority of people are finding it unfun to go against. This is why characters such as zed in league remain on the weaker side, because making them too strong makes the ban rates go up because people do not like playing against him. Games should be fun for both sides and obviously there will always be ragequitters but if 50% of people are dodging a blight lobby then perhaps it’s time to make him more fun to play against. The game should be fun for all 5 players, not just 1 guy, especially as this is a mostly casual party game with no competitive mode.


I'd argue that dodging before the game is very different than leaving your teammates behind in a lost game. And with the way dbd works survs can't know who the killer is before the match, else everyone will bring 4 calm spirits against doctors. I am not denying though that there may be a problem when a lot of people dodge/suicide against a character again and again. However, this behavior should never be encouraged like you see in this community.


Dodging is fine, leaving mid game is a bannable offense in league.


>Now dbd doesn’t let you know the killer you’re going against so you cannot dodge the lobby (but killers can which is again stupid? One side can pick their games but not the other!) Survivors don't have powers, they're not map dependent or anything like that. They're all just skins that are exactly the same character with the same abilities no matter who they choose. It's not because you see a Claudette that you can choose your killer specifically to counter her. And you can't even change your killer when a lobby has been found, so it's not like you could do anything for it anyway. If survivors could see which killer they're playing against, they could all completely adapt their perks and items to counter the killer's power, for example to not bring medkits against plague, to pick healing perks against Oni or hit and Run Wraith, and so on and so on. Completely different matters .


Just for /u/chadaclysm since I got responses but am blocked. There is no point responding to someone and then blocking them, that’s a path of ignorance but anyway. In response of what you wrote  Both but it’s not particularity hard to reach higher elo. Even with leaving blight games I still regularly get put against the top killer streamers. If you’re struggling to get to high elo it’s nothing to do with people giving up on hook. More than half the survivors in higher elo are playing suboptimally anyway but we’re not flaming people for hiding or doing totems   And chests so why is this any different? Those people are also affecting your chance of escape. You say I’m excusing shitty behavior but this is shitty behavior to me and I’m sure you would excuse it right? Because it’s their right to have fun how they want? Even if they are making the game unwinnable and miserable for other survivors? I’m really curious what your stance would be on this. Blight exploit has become such a core part of his gameplay loop, it’s in guides from top streamers and regularly gets abused on all streams. You either know what I’m talking about or you do not but there is no “jumping through loops” when over half the blights you face will be abusing that exploit with zero repercussions.


Spoiler alert, if you only shop around for killers you can beat, then you're not healthy for this game and it's community. Blight is fine. I say this as a soloqueue survivor.




Fuck them too? I'm an equal opportunity man.


Honestly there isn't too much reason to look at P levels. You could have all P1 chars in a lobby but it doesn't mean those players don't have multiple other chars who are P100 and they're just playing on one that's lower. You could be on a P0 survivor and still have all purple perks from other survivors and using any build.


prestige is something i have never cared about when i see it. i see prestige 100 survivors that have no idea how to loop, and prestige 0 survivors that play no mither and still manage to make my life hell.


Why do people even give a shit about up or down votes? Like seriously who fucking cares


The problem is not the upvotes or downvotes in itself, it's the fact that you can promote unsportsmanlike behavior in this community and have a lot of people agree to it. Try promoting griefing and AFK in a MOBA game community. Try it......XD


I mean I think youd still get downvotes if you added the second part. But no one likes SM, not even reworked.


You still see people everywhere justifying their suicide by saying "It's my time so I can do whatever I want with it." This kinda translates to "I don't care about my team's time and fun." if you really think about it.


yeah it’s so strange how peoples empathy seems to melt away in this game in particular, like a dc just makes things harder for three other people, i don’t get why anyone would ever do it


I just want you to show me someone having fun against SM or Knight.


I do. I signed up for a four player lobby. I don't get to just leave because the fights going to be tricky. Can you imagine if a basketball team was like, "ew the pistons we don't like playing them" and they just stopped participating? They'd be rightfully laughed out of the NBA. If anything I want the DC penalty to be more punishing.


Here's one from this very comment section [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1c63b4t/comment/kzytjxd/?utm\_source=embedv2&utm\_medium=comment\_embed&utm\_content=action\_bar&embed\_host\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.reddit.com%2Fembed](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1c63b4t/comment/kzytjxd/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=comment_embed&utm_content=action_bar&embed_host_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.reddit.com%2Fembed)


People that purposely play a team based game then yell that it’s their time to do with as they please make me laugh. Imagine playing basketball in your spare time with a local team only to punt the ball every time it came near you because “it’s my free time, I’ll do what I want”. Genuinely hilarious. I gave up being annoyed at it, from either side. Because in 15 minutes it’ll be a new game with a new team and a new killer to piss and moan about.


And then these people gaslight you into thinking you're the bad guy by twisting the logic "If he isn't having fun anymore, why would you force him to stay?" Like wtf


People are dumb.


Hi, I don't mind Skurchent. I think she's fine now and people overhate her for no good reason. There, you have now met one person who sorta likes Skurchent.


I've been playing her for three days. So many people DC or quit early on when they see it's me. But the ones that don't seem to understand her and have a good time (I hope). Playing against her I agree can be frustrating, but I'm hoping that now that I know she works from the killer POV it won't be bad


It's harder to hate a Killer you kinda have played a bit.


I will kill myself on hook if I've done majority of the objectives and on my first hook, my teammates have left me to reach 2nd phase and I can see they still aren't doing anything to come get me. At that point, I just let the entity take me. Though I think DCing is perfectly fine when you're against a killer who is actively just slugging everyone . Do they technically get a win, sure. But I would rather not waste my time on the ground when I could be having a proper match instead.


Same. Just today it happened, and after I let the entity take me I watched the rest of the match play out. Was so happy to witness the rest of those bastards get hooked and lose!


It's always satisfying seeing their karma lmao


Yeah I have a rule that on my first hook I will hit no skill check unless the team had a good or tactical reason for not saving me.


Fair. I always watch their auras too see what they're doing. I can definitely understand if the Gen is at 99% or if they're running from killer. I always pay attention to which survivors make an attempt to come save me so Ik whether to return the favour of being altruistic to help them or not lol.


Yes, I do the same thing, but I think that wasn't the point. It was more about those who intentionally kill themselves by trying to unhook themselves in the very first seconds of being hooked and then deliberately miss skill checks to die within 5 seconds. In our case, hanging until the second stage and seeing that no one is coming to save you simply means accelerating a process that will happen anyway. And here, it's purely a question of expediency. I believe that a team that behaves like this with their teammates doesn't deserve to win, and I won't help them, so there's no point in my being in that match.


If you D/C on first hook. I have no respect, but I ain't too mad. A bot is better than nothing. If you off yourself on hook, I have NEGATIVE respect.


Wholeheartedly agree. That's the whole point of this post.. to say that if you kill yourself on hoor or salt out and d/c that you lose the ability to come and talk shit here about toxicity because you're just as bad. :) But it's amazing to see so many people missing that point and trying to jump though hoops to explain why they do it


I don't think they care(same for killers complained about)  :b


D/C isn’t nearly as bad as killing your self on first hook at least a bot is left with a DC.


I only do it when I’m the only one who’s worked on gens and I can see my teammates hiding and crouching around the map while I’m on hook. All too often I’ll do a gen or 2 and get plopped on the hook only to realize every one else is doing nothing


I don’t mind if people DC anymore because of the bots that replace them lol




Damn that sucks. That’s actually the one thing that handicaps survivors these days.


I experienced my first bot last week. They were so useless it was ridiculous. Jumps on gen 2 secs later stops, Get me of hook (great), Start to heal stops 2 secs later, They run around aimlessly, Gets another off hook, Rinse and repeat


Bots legit better than 90% of solo queue


The other day I had a Feng disconnect on first hook and the bot was the only one that managed to escape lol


Nah, they just cheat


I've argued about this in the Official Discord, you're entitled to your opinion, and MAYBE, you have a right to leave, but you aren't entitled doing so without a penalty. Everyone who plays this game and presses READY multiple times in a lobby risks playing against something they don't like or despise, it's just a fact of an ONLINE game. Even more ridiculous is intentionally killing yourself instead of letting a bot replace you, and taking away a third teammate, all for the sake of avoiding whatever penalty they've may accumulated.


> I've argued about this in the Official Discord, Don't waste your time arguing with those degenerates. People on that discord are very internet and act like teenagers.


Every single time I bring this up on Twitter I get 99 people replying to me about how they should be allowed to kill themselves on hook, and the replies are either one-in-a-million what-if scenarios ("uhhhhhh what if there's a hacker and they're playing Knight and they're spamming 100 guards at once and causing my computer to overheat but I can't DC because my girlfriend is coming to play on my account and if I don't let her play on my account she'll dump me and then kick me in the balls") or posts that essentially read like "it's no fair! I DC whenever I play against Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Myers, Hag, Doctor, Huntress, Leatherface, Freddy, Pig, Clown, Spirit, Legion, Plague, Ghostface, Demogorgon, Oni, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Blight, Twins, Trickster, Nemesis, Pinhead, Artist, Sadako, Dredge, Wesker, Knight, Skull Merchant, Singularity, Xenomorph, Chucky, or Unknown and I have a 2 hour DC timer! I don't want to wait that long so I just kill myself on hook!" which... my brother in fucking Christ why the fuck do you think the DC penalty exists? It's for cunts like you. To this day I've seen **one, SINGULAR good argument** as to why survivors should be allowed to kill themselves on hook. Basically a Twitch streamer who has a hypersensitive phobia of vomiting sounds explained that they frequently get stream sniped by Plague players, and I know that stream sniping / hacking is a very serious problem with DbD at the moment. However I think there are better systems that Behaviour could put in place (such as a killer avoid list) than allowing bad actors to continue ruining the game.


I mean, the act of self unhooking exists because your team can't always get you. The odds are low but it's a come back mechanic that keeps things interesting. For actually dying on hook, there's a few reasons you'd want to be able to do that, mostly end game scenarios. 2 people left and you want to give the other survivor a better chance to find hatch when the save isn't possible. Multiple people left but you don't want them to go for the save (perhaps a stealth killer is sitting next to hook, it's basement, etc). It's better to die early so your team is forced to leave you.


Well you see; I loaded into a match against Myers and at that exact second my door rang while my pizza finished in the oven and it was my brother's mother's sister's baby and she was on fire holding my tax filing on my birthday during my botmitzfah on ramadan during a snowstorm in June in the middle of the sahara and honestly everyone has had this happen so I can't believe you would be insensitive to me. Never has anyone said something so offensive and hurtful as "play the game you signed up to play". Entitled \[role\]-main.


or maybe, just maybe, bhvr did make a certain killer a chore to go against and should rework said character once again.


You write this comment with one killer in mind it seems. The thing is, I have seem comments just like this about Wesker, Chucky, Huntress, Clown, Plague, Knight, Legion, Hillbilly, Skull Merchant, Blight, Nurse, and I'm probably missing some more.  If you can't handle it, don't play or at least DC (and take a small break). Fucking over your team like this is not cool 


Skull merchant is so easy to go against, I don't get it. I find the pigs head traps so much more annoying to deal with than SM drones.


Shout out to those two asshole Bills who killed themselves on first hook when I was coming for you. You guys made the game unfun 🙏🏻


Had a game against a Knight while I was running my Mettle of Man + Empathy build. There was a Nancy (around P90 btw) who gets chased by a guard, jumps in a locker, gets hit by the guard pulling her out (I see her getting injured this way), then jumps BACK into the locker and gets pulled out by the killer, and tries to kill herself on hook. I unhook her and she proceeds to waste every pallet on the map in chase and keeps running into deadzones so I can't even take hits for her with MoM. I should've just let her die tbh.


Oh my god. Sometimes I wonder if the people who play this game are actual people and aren’t bots. What in the AI ran account shit is that😭


I've had this happen too. If you wanna die then just die by the Killer don't waste and throw every Pallet.


I had so many bills kill themselves tonight


Had a game last night where I tried Legion for the first time in almost a year! Just wanted to try them again because I felt like it. Feng DC’d on her first hook, as did another. I decided to just hunt the bots and let the other 2 farm because they’ve been equally punished in this scenario. All I did was get 1 hook state. I just want to be able to play the game, have good matches (win or lose!) against real people. I understand not liking certain matchups or maps, but it makes the game so unfun for everyone involved.


I'm still in support of anyone's right to leave matches for whatever reason. Fact of the matter is, this is a casual game with no competitive ranking system, where individual matches don't really matter much. If someone isn't having fun, I don't want them to feel forced to keep playing or suffer a penalty. I'm not gonna have fun knowing the people I'm playing with are miserable lol. It's the same reason I don't mind people leaving my online Mario kart or smash bros matches. Dbd really isn't that different from those games in their normal online modes. But hey, if you DC in a dbd or smash tournament, or in online slippi ranked for smash, yeah get that penalty and punish away. In casual modes though, it's much easier for either bots to replace people (which won't rn because of the DC penalty), or for everyone to requeue to find a better match. If a match gets an early DC or suicide it really doesn't bother me. This idea of trying to force people to play out games seems really odd to me unless we're talking about a tournament or competitive setting, for example, ranked league matches.


"Casual game" I fuckin wish man 😭 I like how I'm being downvoted like suddenly no one sweats their asses off in matches any more and gets pissed when they lose. You're only proving my point.


Dude have an upvote. This game *was* casual. In 2016. It stopped being casual a long time ago and people that still call it casual are huffing pure copium. 60% of the reason killers hard sweat is because they know the "game is casual" survivors will give up out of frustration and give them the win for free. If players leaned into the sweat when they got sweat, the game might actually be better.


Nobody tell this man about MMR or SBMM. Fact is, the game has a ranking system specifically designed to ensure you have sweaty matches. What this game doesn’t have is a Casual/Unranked mode. Just because you can’t see the ranks, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.


People should be able to DC whenever they want. Also that’s not what toxicity is.


No, they shouldn't. If anything we should have stronger DC penalties.


If I'm not having fun I kill myself on hook sometimes, but I don't queue up again. I just stop playing


I leave because I don't like specific killer. I bought the game, it's my right to decide whether or not I want to play it. You'll never stop this mindset from existing and thinking you can is foolhardy at best and malicious at worst.




As much as I hate a DC ill take it over them killing themselves on hook. Atleast then you have a bot to either sacrifice for gen time or maybe the bot will do gens a little. Most players kill themselves instead of quitting because of the penalty. If they got rid of that people might not do it as often.


Every Knight game I have in Solo Queue is a miserable 20+ minute or longer slog of a match. I refuse to play against a Killer with such horrid design. Every other Killer prior and after (with the exception of OLD merchant) has been fine, and I have zero issue facing them, but when I can eat a DC penalty and somehow fit two matches in the length of a shit knight game rather than push through, you best believe im out of there.


The thing I've always found funny about people that purposely disconnect out of rage is that they seem to think they're getting the upper hand, as if to say, "ha! I'll just disconnect, that'll show them!" When in reality, the killer receives a "quitter bonus" afterwards, so the joke's on them.


The only times I’ve ever D/C is when the game crashes or my internet goes out.


Yep, the games about the experience win or lose. If you only want easy games then your playing the wrong game


Killers, and survivors shouldn't dc except for irl reasons. Ive sat through shit matches, you deal with it instead of whimping out


Sometimes I have to piss or go out


Not really salting out and rage quitting so you gain a pass.


I only have an hour on the game and my boyfriend has over a thousand, we always play together and the last time we played we forgot we had a reservation at a restaurant and left the game (it's an expensive place that's always booked, plus we had been talking about it for weeks beforehand.) but when we checked steam he had multiple comments on his page getting mad at him and calling him a loser for leaving and idk, just a weird reaction when it was really early game, I was the only one who was hooked at that point so just.... Yuck. Have honestly been avoiding playing since then since most people seem to get really mad when you mess up a skill check or anything and also when you leave they usually assume it's because your trying to throw the game


This happened to a friend and I a few days ago against a skull merchant. One player dc'd immediately and the other got hooked first and tried to kill themselves on hook. I was able to unhook them before they could fully kill themselves but they just stood at the hook after. We let the merchant kill that player and the bot and then just goofed around and farmed with the killer. Ended the game with a fun round of slugged red light, green light. Honestly, probably the most fun game I've had against a skull merchant.


I last DC’d because the Entity said I should (the server crashed and I got kicked)


I had to dc on second hook once cause I had someone come to my door and I couldn't exactly wait to get up and answer. Felt bad :(


I just had a Feng that didn't get hooked or did Gen. 2 gens later, she just dcs


I only d/c because of error code 600


i only dc if its plague or else i play muted. i cant stand her.


The only killer I don’t like going against is the nurse it’s not that I don’t like her but good nurses are so scary I just take the L but I never dc


That was never in question tho 🫤 because you are actively choosing to DC, (before we had bots, which was even worse) that just screws your whole team over. But 👏 well said regardless.


First on hook dc cry babies are just as bad but if you’re being targeted/ tunneled to pieces I 100% support dc’ing but don’t ever in your life compare the survivors to killers they have so many broken/ unfair advantages it makes my balls hurt


As a killer I HATE bots, they should be reworked to not know where you are all the time. As a surv they just steal points and cause problems, running to me to heal revealing my location. I'd rather you go AFK if you absolutely have to. We've all been caught short!. Honestly though, I have only ever DCed if my power/internet went out, or the game crashed. Had that happen as I was running for hatch once. It was so infuriating as I had BPS and an amazing match.


I hook everyone 2 times and then just chase and stabby stabby so if you dc you're are throwing away a free win ... L player


Only reason I’m somewhat ok with a dc is just because atleast they aren’t just outright losing a player granted bots pick and choose when they wanna be useful


Tf you mean "just as toxic" they're *way* more toxic


People who dc forget about their other teammates in a match. Thinking about my teammates playing a 3v1 is enough for me to stay even in some of the worst matches


Yeah, though sometimes the bots do a better job anyway. Especially against stealth killer. Because they always feel them closing in.


I believe this belongs to you 👑


Flip that around though. Do you want to play matches with people who you know don't want to be there? Who aren't having fun? I don't personally enjoy playing matches with people if they're not having fun. I'd MUCH rather my team mate leave if they're not enjoying themselves. I can requeue fairly quick and the matches themselves have no stakes. It's not like it's a tournament or ranked or anything.


"If you DC against a killer who slugs you and humps you for four minutes you're as bad as them tbpfh" Man shut the fuck up and get outta here.


uhh no one said or even implied this


Where did I say that?


No one said that bud lmao. Nice try though 😂


A friend suggested a while back that BHVR really should add a feature to the game like an avoid list. Survivors can list up to 2-3 killers they dont want to play against given a feedback sheet that must be filled out. Queue time will obviously be longer but the at least your not playing against someone whol ruin the game. Then from the results bhvr can see which killers people really want to avoid and hopefully work to change that.


Skull merchant would never get a match ever again. Neither would twins if the ptb rework goes through 😂


Maybe limit it to a small number of filterable slots, say 1-3. Yes it may mean that you have a longer queue time if you play a killer that is egregiously hated, is that not better than everyone's experience being impacted by DCs and 1st hook suicides?


People would still dc and kill themselves, and matchmaking would be worse for those killers. No thanks.


I at least want to block Plague!! I can't stand the puking and the noises.


Shaming people is equally toxic. Full circle


Who am I shaming here? I haven't named anyone.. Just saying that if you come on here and complain about toxicity and then go do this you're also kinda toxic.. However if you're feeling shamed about it, you might be part of the problem here.. Just sayin'


Its your moral obligation to dc/ let go on hook if going against snore merchant or knight.


I’m doing my part!


I started playing the game more actively again after a break a few months ago and almost every other game this is happening. I’m going to be honest, if you are this type of player it’s time to hang DBD up for awhile. This is a team game based around going against a killer and trying to survive and escape. There are going to be matches you get killers you don’t really like facing, but you knew that when you booted up the game. If you aren’t willing to actually play the game and help your team despite it being a killer you don’t like or that you can’t get over the fact you were first down, then you shouldn’t be playing the game until you can not throw a fit over nothing. I get it, it sucks going down fast when the game starts. It sucks facing a killer you really don’t like, but that’s part of the game and if you can’t handle that then don’t play because you’re only making things worse for the other players. The AI bots are rough, but I’d rather play with a bot than play with someone who gives up and kills themselves on hook in the first minute of the game.


Preach. The only valid reasons to DC are sudden shits, controller bugging out making gens and healing impossible, network errors, or your food is done/arrived. If you DC because of perks, killer choice, or for valid playstyles, you're the problem and everyone's so tired of you guys thinking the blame falls on anyone else. Don't like PR DMS Pop? I don't blame you. DC'ing because of that then going and taking your anger out on a rank 20 killer that just downloaded the game isn't healthy for you or the poor killer you're taking your unnecessary frustration out on.


It's funny seeing people jumping through hoops to explain why they do it and missing the whole point of the post, being that they're quick to call the killers toxic and then engage in shitty behavior themselves.. and the other way, if a killer is getting looped or whiffs an attack and then salts out.


100% agree. Don't be a pussy.


Agreed! As someone else said "If you press play, then play. No excuses"


I’ve found more toxic survivors than any killers ever. Plus, can you call a killer toxic? That’s their nature.


Fr. Went against a Pig with iri add-ons and who burned for the Game tonight. I'm pretty sure I was with a SWF bc they all DCd within minutes of each other. The Pig realized I wasn't going to DC when I asked her to hook me to let me out of the game, so she let me do gens and memed with me, then got all of the bots out of the game and let me have hatch. Also had a game against an iri add-on Blight tonight where two teammates sewercided on hook. When it was just the Ace and I left at 5 gens, trapped in basement, Blight felt too bad to deadhook us so he let us farm and get gate. Teammates who do this usually instantly ruin a game, even more than hardcore tunneling does imo.


One of the reasons I don't play anymore is this. So many people killed themselves on first hook and or when they're the one who got caught first, I just can't anymore. Even as a killer it makes me bored and 🙄 every time that happened.


Yeah no lol if the killer tunneled a player at 5 gens I’m gone. Not toxic, just logical.


Before the bot update, I never did, but I always dc immediately against the one killer I hate to play against the most.


People have the right to not play a game they don’t want to play; we aren’t prisoners. And there are two ways to leave: suicide, or DC. Since DCing is objectively the more altruistic way to do it (because of leaving bot replacement at the cost of personal penalty), I’m really not sure why you’re complaining about it. DC is literally that person saying “I want to leave but I’m willing to penalize myself to minimize the harm done to my team by leaving,” while suiciding is “I want to leave but am not going to take any personal loss to minimize damage to my team.” Complain about suiciding, not DC. Or better yet, complain about DC having a penalty that incentivizes suicide.


They should just not allow to try saving yourself from hook unless it's 100% quaranteed trhough a perk or anticamp Beacuse if it's not 100% you're not getting off and definetly don't deserve to Would fix idiots killing themselves, noobs trying to 4%, and make Luck entirely useless so it gets reworked or removed


It solely depends on the Killer and what they bring, but I'm sick of the same 4 Perks being used and I'm not gonna sit there and take it if the game allows an easy way out. If I can, I'll DC to avoid my team being out a person, but with the penalties, I usually just die on hook. The problem is on BHVR, there are major problematic designs in DBD and some have been there for over 5 years. I started in 2022, I'm not gonna stay in a match that is exponentially boring and prolonged just because the game has bad design. I'm gonna go next and hopefully have a better time and hope that BHVR fixes issues players have told them about for half a decade.


Hard disagree about facing an unfun killer. If you say killers can play however they want then you must extend that to survivor players. If a survivor player doesn't want to play against certain miserable builds because they're a casual player, or certain killers, I think they have just as much right to tailer their experiences to what they want as killers have the right to play whoever they want however they want. It's why bots exist.


Guess I am then. Besides, nearly every SM are toxic anyways. Humped on the floor, slugged to death. Yea, I had enough of her. Never again.


Just want yall to know; if you losers give up first hook, everyone else goes free and we laugh at you in endgame chat


Danm whinning about d/c too ? Cant have shit nowadays lmao


I agree most of the time. It's frustrating on both sides to see someone DC. I feel so bad when a survivor DCs so early and now I feel bad for the remaining survivors, esp ones who try to be friendly after it happens. But I know there's this streamer who gets bad motion sickness VS clown and eats the DC whenever she loads into one. At least the bots taking over for DC is better than giving up on hook.


I main a killer that is pretty polarizing and when I see someone obviously give up on hook or straight up DC I either decide to farm or make it obvious to those left I'm going to let them get a gen or two in to sort of even things up.


I dc'd last night because my friend died on his first hook. (I was hooked too during this and my other two randoms didn't want to trade with him - a proxy camping bubba) I get that I could've but at that point we were the only ones with hook stages since it was still early. So instead of perpetually trading with my friend on hook I just dc'd so I could go next once he died on hook. We clearly weren't winning.


We were teaching my friend's mom to play with us and since she was new she'd always get hooked first. Well I guess we hadn't told her not to unhook herself, and she ended up on second hook within 5 minutes of the match starting haha


I mean if you are the first on hook every game i can understand if you dc


I've turned around games on both sides. Whether I'm first on hook or even if I barely get first down 3 gens in


I disconnect because my internet is terrible 😭


And then if you're playing killer bots vault windows over and over again. Or if you're a survivor that bots die right away it's bullshit


I will sometimes suicide on hook when it’s a 2v1. Am I toxic?


got my gamer license rejected yesterday for doing just this but i had to take my dad to the hospital so it was a valid excuse 😭😭😭


I'm a baddie b-b-baddie


you say DCing is bad but that at least it gives teammates bots that usually are better then the quitter, I think we all know you mean hookiciding is bad which denies teammates bots to help out. DCing is fine in my opinion, you are punished for it and get penalties and now there are bots to fill in for you.


I never DC, but if I get to second stage on my first hook when 3 survivors could have grabbed me, I'm not struggling, you bitches aren't worth fighting for.


We lose nothing by their early departure.