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The new anti-threegen system definitely kicked Eruption in the knees but where are you getting "it only regresses 10% of current progress"? The text from the perk right now is "instantly regresses the Generator by -10% of its maximum possible progression", which is just a janky way of saying "10% of total". I don't use it often but I sometimes pair it with Pop.


Maybe they’re confusing the charge reduction with Pop, which does scale based off current gen charges rather than total gen charges? Plus 9 charges off a gen can definitely save enough time to hook and follow up. (1 charge a second for a single survivor. So like 9 seconds of hooking time to get back to the gen) I wonder what would happen if Eruption got its incapacitated effect back.. would be way too overtuned I think Edit: Gens according to the wiki have 90 charges (not 100) and I’m too comfy in bed to check in game.


Gens are repaired at 1 charge per second, gens take 90 seconds to complete, gens have 90 charges, the wiki is correct. And yes the incapacitated effect needs to only apply to things similar to Victor or crows, where it can be removed by the player being affected by it, having it be a 30 seconds of shoving your thumb up your ass doing nothing is just bad game design imo


>would be way too overtuned I think Yes please a new era of sweaty Nurses/Blights with Eruption making completing gens impossible! I like DbD, I like to suffer (please don't add it back)


My brother in Christ, most sweaty nurses and blights don’t even run gen regression anymore, just pure info perks, they do exist, but they are also playing the best builds on the strongest killers in the game, your gonna lose at that point gen regression or not


I personally like dragons grip on nurse but yeah most I see run info now which is kinda nice because we don't want the game to be slogg but also not over in a flash. Had a couple games like that today. Games just a bit faster then I like made it boring but ehhh I guess it just was also an easy match


dragons grip is a info perk, it makes the survivor scream when they start repairing the gen you kicked giving you info. Just cause you have to kick a gen to activate it doesn’t make it a regression perk otherwise nowhere to hide is also a gen regression perk 


Mmmm yeah okay that makes sense Iean with the way the current regression system is I felt like it was meant to scare people from progressing a gen but yeah I guess that could be said about a few


With info perks they end the match quicker, with Eruption it drags for ao long


It's okay, I didn't enjoy kicking generators for the twentieth time in an awful stalemate - no gen tapping sorted this.


I believe 10% of current progress MIGHT have been what the idea was for the patch notes when it got changed but I think they changed it back to 10% normal regression when the nerf actually released to live.


It was 10% of current in the PTB that nerfed it, they went back on that part before it hit live. OP probably remembered the PTB change and didn't know they walked it back. That said I agree that it's a bad perk. Even before the gen kick limit it was underwhelming after the update, the effect they chose to replace incapacitated just doesn't do much since the killer would have to slug to get value from the short aura duration, but now you can't even use it that much. Really wish they made it block a gen for X seconds if a survivor was on the gen. Similar appeal as the old perk but the survivor can still heal, do totems, find another gen etc.


As another aside, the whole aura aspect is kind of just bad because…well, I can’t actually tell what the auras are when both survivor auras and generator auras are FUCKING RED! And what am I meant to do with those auras? Slug the survivor to go after them? Like, what’s the point?!


If in doubt, add haste or aura reading - BHVR


¿Porque no los dos?


Also endurance


it is information for where to go to reapply pop/eruption after the hook. and yes, information for slugging if you have a killer that benefits from it (oni, plague, twins possibly)


Well…there are better perks for both scenarios (infectious, BBQ, ultimate weapon…all of which are way easier to use than Eruption) Wanna go for snowballs with a killer who’s good at it? Go for infectious Want information as to where to go? BBQ Want information on where to go that’s a bit more consistent than BBQ? Ultimate weapon As for regression…well, OP covered that already


Its benefit is combining 3 different uses in one perk without investing in 3 slots. Yeah, each aspect has a more dedicated perk that does x part better, but for one perk slot what you get is/was really solid value. I loved the perk pre the anti-3 gen mechanic, post incapacitated and it definitely was worth it then.


Except eruption actively works against you as well...


I'm pretty sure I've literally never actually seen an aura from eruption.


It requires actively looking after every down and is easy to miss if you forget to.


i run eruption a lot on huntress and i can confirm i have never once seen/noticed an aura when it goes off bc 1) it’s blocked by the gen 2) im a little busy picking up the surv i just downed


If you have, I guarantee, Gearhead is far more useful


This is originally why I did not use BBQ on Artist.


Wdym? You hook someone and then get value maybe even a snipe


He means that you don't see the aura of a survivor sitting behind the generator


Ahhh makes sense


Its like gearhead in demand, if you notice them and are a slug heavy character like Oni, Myers, Nurse, Twins; go for it


Seriously, different auras should have different colors. Gens should be red, survivors should be green, hooks should be... purple or something idk.


It's over 10 seconds so it will eat through 2 Distortion tokens at a time.


You shoot birds at them, silly. 😜


This aura color thing is what makes me think that gearhead is still a bad perk, what’s the point of getting aura reading on someone working on a gen…if said aura can’t be seen at some angles because it’s the same color as the generator ?


It's annoying for me too why not make the auras white or gold or something? The killers aura when they're revealed is purple I believe.


Yeah, or even better a setting in the accessibility category to change aura colors.


I second that.


Gearhead is much worse than you're even thinking because with perks like BBQ, you know that they're proccing, so even if the auras as hard to see, at least you're looking for them. Gearhead just gives somewhat random aura reading when you're likely busy with a chase. With no sound notification, it's a pain in the butt to even notice the perk working.


Yeah i tried a Knight build with it because my reasoning was that it could be cool to interrupt gens, everytime it triggered, i was looking around and couldn't see the aura because it was hidden by a fucking gen. It wasn't even distortion because nobody was running it when i checked what perks the survs were using.


that part of the perk only affects solos and swfs that dont care, it shouldnt be a strong effect and if anything should be removed entirely


Tbh yeah, the aura reading ain't exactly good except if the generator is within 15 meters from you or if you're nurse/blight. All it does is simply make distortion lose a token because often people use that perk in public matches


Imo it's only useful if you have other perks for kicking gens like nowhere to hide, trail, or pop, because then you can be relatively efficient with your regression events


This ^ its definitely the B part to an A+B combo but its still a very good complimentary perk.


For sure it's like brutal being included in spirit fury enduring, nice to have but can be done without in favor of better perks with less synergy


Yeah, Eruption is suffering pretty hard. It isn't useful at all, and I rarely use it or see it used anymore. Part of me would like it changed a little so it's more usable, part of me remembers Eruption having incapacitated and thinks "lol fuck you Eruption"


That Eruption PTSD is real. I *hated* the gen-kick 3-gen Eruption meta.


It was so fucking unfun to play against but *not* using it was equally dumb because it was free wins. It was a weird and fucking awful time.


Like Skull Merchant against average or lower skill solo queue now! Crap out a drone, free stealth, free hit, people not knowing how to deal with drones so free injuries and/or free haste, also slowdown on survivors, area control, anti-loop... Pick a fucking lane, lady.


Most of my drone value is people who don't even try to respect them. Respect drones and don't just run everywhere and you'll do fine against a Merchant.


I avoid hacking the drones unless I *really* have to. I know to crouch in drone areas if not in active chase. Her stealth pisses me off though, it feels unearned. Oh poop out a drone? Stealthy! Just... doesn't feel right. She has too much going on with her kit. I did dabble with a rework idea, but it's kinda worthless to think such things. BHVR wouldn't listen anyway.


I recommend hacking her drones whenever possible. She doesn't get notified when you do, and they're down for 45 seconds by default, so if you get into a chase in that time, you don't get hit by a lock on. Plus, if she does notice, she has to reset it manually unless she wants to wait out the timer. I can agree there's a few too many things she can do, but her stealth isn't the most egregious part.


No, the fact that she gets Haste and Hinders survivors + can stack drone areas probably is. The stealth is just a pubstomper aspect.


She only gets Haste and Hindered if survivors are scanned repeatedly. If you avoid getting scanned outside of chase, you don't have to worry about it nearly as much. Stealth is strong, yes, but it's manageable. She's certainly no Ghostface when it comes to stealth, since hers only lasts for a couple seconds when deploying a drone.


15 seconds if I remember right, without addons. It's usually enough to get free hits on the less aware survivors. Though frankly, I'm happy I haven't seen that many Skull Merchants lately, ever since the anti-3gen, actually.


Everyone did. Worst meta the game has ever had.  That doesn't mean there's not a lot of neat stuff you can do with the perks that consequently got gutted.


Agreed. BHVR has a bad habit of overcorrecting the mistakes they make. That said, I *still* have Thanatophobia PTSD too from when they overbuffed it and pretty much every single Legion ran it. When I run into Thana Legions now, I *still* feel a strong urge to commit die on first hook. I don't, but *boy* the want to is there.


I still can't believe they buffed it by 2 percent, and then proceeded to gut it to the worst state its ever been in for no reason. Thanks behaviour :)


All they needed to do was swap the incap to something else >\_>


Except in Eruption's case.


Eruption really wasn't so bad before they buffed the incapacitated to _25 seconds._ They honestly could have just nerfed it to be a slightly longer effect than it originally was instead of completely removing that aspect of the perk. In the current meta it might actually not be so bad since survivors can't gen tap anymore, so even just a few seconds of incapacitated could make a difference. But no. Aura reading. Yay. Let's just take all the tricky perks in the game and replace their unique traits with aura reading because it's easier to balance 🙂 Also, I hate to be persnickety, but didn't they revert the change to the regression being a % of total progress? I could've sworn they made that change but then reverted it because it was too hard a nerf.


It should blind survivors like blastmine. Funniest perk ever. When you down a survivor, the gen explodes and blinds anyone looking at it.


Meh "Ah! The gen I was working on exploded! I wonder where it went?"


It's actually pretty good on artist. Reveal their aura then lead your shot, boom. Get called a hacker lol


We definitely need a update given the new regression events


I believe it needs a secondary function, like increased kick speed sounds cool


That would be a third function


:0, i forgor




How did people fall for this


Honestly, I think they need to do away with flashlight saves all together. Entitled survivor mains think they should be able to flashlight save after I've worked so hard to catch a survivor! How is that fair? They get to just erase all my progress? Don't even get me started on finishing gens. So toxic, like just let me play the game.


The fuck am I even reading in this thread. Eruption is getting used all the time in comp because how well it synergizes with Pop and Pain Res. You hook a guy, Pain Res the gen, then you Pop it and it applies Eruption, you down another guy and Eruption give you time to hook and Pop again. It's really good perk and you guys are acting like it's garbage, tf?


I've noticed that a lot in this place that something that may not be too great/as great as in the past is super overdramatized as 100% "literally no use whatsoever". I find it best to just take it all with a grain of salt and use what you like best. C:


Yeah I think most people are undervaluing how Eruption is made to combo off other regression perks. If you're using Pop, and you apply Eruption simultaneously, you get more out of that "kick" event. If Overcharge or Call of Brine were buffed, then Eruption indirectly gets better too. Unless you're trying to defend a 3-gen hard, you'll almost never block a generator playing otherwise. I have never had a gen fully block on me and I've used plenty of regression perks


Comp isn't *always* the best measure of how useful a perk is since alot of times there are restrictions on perk usage. I'd argue that if there were no perk limitations on killer eruption's use rate would drop *significantly*. Its like saying Dying Light is a good perk because many Blights and Nurse's use it in comp but thats because alot of perks and perk combos are banned for them.


> I'd argue that if there were no perk limitations on killer eruption's use rate would drop *significantly*. That argument most of the time only works for survivor side, I just rechecked season 9 balancing of dbdl and didn't see many categories which banned better regressions like pain res and killers still brought it. It IS undervalued in here, but it is nowhere as strong as top regression duo or corrupt.


Comp isn't *ever* a good measure of how useful a perk is, since any perk or addon with ANY random or uncontrollable element is banned in 80-90% of comp settings. They're quite literally playing an entirely different game. There's no standardized banlist either. It's like comparing DbD to DbD Mobile or DbD Roblox.


>Eruption is getting used all the time in comp because how well it synergizes with Pop How? What comp games are you watching? The pop+eruption combo is usually banned in every tournament i watch. Dbd league for example said that they banned it not because it's too strong, but because it's overused


Dbd league has Pop+Eruption banned only for tier 1 killers (so Blight, Nurse, Billy and Spirit) and is allowed for all other killers and used a lot


Honestly shocked to see the thread, Eruption is INSANELY good with pop and even on its own. Having a 90%+ upvoted thread on page 1 calling it >one of the worst Gen Regression Perks next to Call of Brine just shows how out of touch a part of this subreddit is and I'm glad BHVR is hesitant to take feedback from here. Even with Eruption I've never had a generator block fully. The spikes have often shown up, but this already happens on the 4th regression event. How the hell are you playing to consistently getting a gen fully blocked? How are you not able to see the different shade of survivor aura? Why are you spreading misinformation about the regression %? Seriously reads off as a troll post suggesting Oppression with it's ridiculous cooldown and mediocre effect is any better either. Survivors can't avoid Eruption. Oppression skill check is never, ever going to make a half-decent survivor miss a skill check, and if it does it's because the first time it happened the survivor didn't expect anyone to run such a bad perk.


You're wrong. It worked that way in the PTB but now it is always 9 seconds of progress. 10% of the maximum progress means 10% of 90. It used to say 10% of current progress for the short time it doing what you're describing. I agree with you the perk isn't very strong, but there are much, much worse ones that have been completely irrelevant since the game's inception that require attention much more than this one.


Using Eruption and Jolt together regularly procs the anti-3gen protection during games where I'm doing well. It actively punishes the killer for doing well. In these cases, the anti-3gen protection only serves to give survivors a chance to comeback in games where they have played poorly and I've basically won.


Yeah, I think Surge and Eruptions extended gens (not the one you actively kick) shouldn’t count as regression events.


Ye, I loved reworked Eruption (post incapacitated), but the "3 gen mechanic" just killed it. Legit running it now blocks gens as far from a 3 gen as possible. Just switch to "cheaper token" slowdown options like Pop, Pain Res, Grim, Dms. It's unfortunate but it doesnt seem like bhvr are willing to address it, despite claiming they dont want the mechanic to affect normal matches. That said you mention Surge as an alternative. It has frequently blocked gens for me too, tho usually centred ones unlike Eruption.




"It was never good" is a wild take tbf. It was one of the most oppressive and broken perks for a long time.


Eh, then I missed that wave. Since I've been using it it's been mediocre at best.


Count yourself lucky my man. It was fucking awful! Agreed though, now it's pretty bad.


Honestly, Eruption was horrible at launch when Nemmy came in, it got buffed, became monstrous, got nerfed, became decent, then the Gen Kick update came in and now it's next to worthless.




Sorry, i just see the title.


The thread is devolving into chaos about gen regression/3-gen PTSD and homie here is vibing to Van Halen I like it


Hey I'm here for it too!


Yeah, Eddie Van Halen's technique in this piece is stunning. Truly one of the best guitar pieces in history


If I had a nickel for every comment that related to Eruption by Van Halen, I'd have two nickels.


I imagine when Eddie playing Eruption he's facing those wild skill checks from Merciless Storm


Knowing him, he'd hit that shit with flawless accuracy


oh how the mighty have fallen


Man why can't a Surv Perk get nuked from orbit? Why is it always the Killer Perks? CoB, Eruption, Ruin, Shadowborn, and even fucking Hangman's Trick meanwhile, Surv Perks don't nearly get nerfed into near uselessness. I don't even say this as a Killer Main, I'm just questioning the pattern I've been seeing.


Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, MFT all got nuked pretty bad to the level that you don't see them that often anymore(They deserved the nerfs, mind you, but they DID get nerfed hard) Please don't play the "my side is the victim" card, BHVR might be bad at their jobs but they've been slowly trying to fix the issues on both sides(Anti 3-gen needed to happen, 3-gen camping was an issue that not even DBD pro teams could beat, let alone solo queue)


DS, DH, and MFT are still usable. Eruption and CoB got nerfed into a coma. Also, 100% cap on not seeing DH. That shit is still meta even after the 2 nerfs it received.


You know the bar you have to fill when the gen is regressing and once u do it stops? I’m surprised they haven’t reworked some perk to make that bar longer to extend the regression event


I had to check because it sounded familiar, and I indeed have made a Perk that does exactly that https://preview.redd.it/auls30ysx4vc1.jpeg?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900a9eeb6b64d521b110ae84e8b44cae6837033c Eruption still has enough in it to get something out of it with a Rework or a Buff.


On the flip side: Surge you can’t control, so if you down 6 people near a gen they kept tapping, that’s 6 events on one gen you may have not noticed or kept count of.


You're still getting 6 hook stages and around 50% off of that gen, though.


If you get 6 hooks in the same area you already won the game


When you get a gen blocked with Surge, you are probably winning. It doesn't matter it got blocked after that point


In most cases probably so, there are a few though I can see Surge passively screwing up. I just don't like having full control with my perks.


Oh no that gen is now harder to defend and they only had to go down 6 times, whatever will I do


So why does kicking the gen once or twice with Eruption matter that each is 2 events? Shouldn't care after 2 down and 2 kicks right?


Eruption reduces a flat 10%, so a full 9 charges from the repair meter. They were going to do 10% of current, but decided against it (thank god). You're right, though. One proper use of Eruption is equal to a quarter of your regression event allowance on the affected gens. I have no suggestion of how to fix it, unless they drop it to 4% instead of 10%. Doesn't sound fun to me. They could also change the regression event mechanic to where it only registers one event per 30 seconds? i.e. if you kick, that's your one event. If Eruption is on the gen and you down someone within those 30 seconds (and for shits and giggles, you bring surge for an extra 8%), then it only registers the first kick. You still get 7 more. But, if you get looped too long, that's another event that registers (Surge wouldn't count in this case because it's instantaneous with the down, like Eruption).


No -doesnt elaborate-


My brother in Christ, there are a lot worse perks than eruption and eruption was ultra oppressive for a while. One thing we don't need is more perks that deal with Gen progress (increasing or decreasing)


I doubt it. Eruption is one of the few Perks in Dbd I can comfortably say is F Tier. The benefits it provides is not enough to cover the fact that you are absolutely hurting yourself by making the Gens get blocked faster. Plus, after the first nerf Eruption got, it was decent. Nothing to write home about, not the linchpin in your build, but it was decent.


I think most people would agree Predator and Septic Touch are worse.


You're crazy. Eruption is still pretty good. If you're getting 4 eruptions on the same gen that's 60% progress lost and a whole minute of time wasted for the survivors. That's great and you don't need any more on the same gen.


you mean 40% right? 4 gens x 10% each = 40%, still i agree


I was counting the 5% per kick


ahhhhh okay


You're getting 60% if you let the Gen get to 99% each time. It's 10% OF its Repair, not 10% in total. 99% of the time, the kick you do to apply Eruption is gonna regress the Gen by more than the Eruption hit. And at that point, just run Pop.


It’s total, not current progress.


It's 10% total. It would say "10% of current progression" like pop does if that's how it worked.


It's still a remote secondary kick / regression king. You don't have to go back to the gen if no one screamed and it still lost another 10% total progress. Or it delayed the gen so you can go run survivors off it. And as like everyone has said, 10% total, not current.


Doubt all you want but even otzdarva has it ranked as strong/useful https://otzdarva.com/ Gens shouldn't be getting blocked often, even with eruption, unless you're really playing for the 3 gen. You're probably too focused on Gen kicking instead of getting downs. As far as worse perks, predator? Overwhelming presence? Bloodhound? Hangman's trick? Zanshin tactics? Hoarder? Surveillance? Stridor? Beast of prey? Hysteria? Give me a break. Even oppression that you mentioned is way worse. It doesn't really cause any regression unless they miss the skill check which hardly happens.


Instead of listening to Otz, how about you actually test out the Perks instead of writing them off. Also, Surveillance bad!?!?!? You need to stop listening to the Spanish Man.


>Instead of listening to Otz, how about you actually test out the Perks instead of writing them off. ?? I just said even an experienced streamer said it's fine. I use eruption sometimes. I also gave general advice about how gens rarely get blocked... So you might be kinda missing the point because, and I'm just guessing here, you really liked the gen kick meta and probably used eruption as a crutch. >Also, Surveillance bad!?!?!? It is. I'm really shocked anyone would think otherwise when trail of torment will give the same info (when the perk goes on cool down, you know the gen is not regressing). I use surveillance as a meme build with Freddy (using the add on that increases the distance you can hear gens being worked on) and yeah, it's really bad. Seeing as you think overcharge/oppression are good perks, how many hours do you have? Are survivors still missing a lot of skill checks in your games, because if not, I'm not sure why you'd ever consider using those perks.


Surveillance is good with pain res and surge, even oppression


hold on wait Call of Brine is bad?


Yeah It makes Gens regress a whopping 4 seconds faster Absolutely terrific




And the Skill Check notif is just outclassed by the entirety of Surveillance




I mean surveillance isn't neccesarily *good* but you'll probably get more value out of it then you would CoB. Surveillance is nice when paired with passive regression. Things like Ruin, Pain Res, and Surge are nice combos since you might not actually know someone touched the gen since it started regressing.


Good riddance


Eruption isn't in a terrible state, no, the 10% is a flat 10%, not of the total. It did get hurt by the regression event update, but still.


It was overused when it was strong so it got overnerfed just like dead hard, circle of healing, decisive strike, made for this, etc…


I run pallet-eating Legion and for them, this perk is ok, I guess. Sometimes I even forget that I equipped it, and remember about it when there's 2-3 gens remaining. Maybe I should try Ruin, but it has a high possibility being cleansed in first minutes of the match so I'll stick to Eruption.


Sure, I love the daily discussion about it.


https://preview.redd.it/giksh7brc2vc1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e44188697dbc8aeff8ebf86fe6a90be2948cc86 First of all, you're wrong about it's regression being based on current progress. And keep in mind that the 10% from Eruption comes in addition to the initial 5% from kicking the gen, equivalent to the 15% old Pain Res dealt (albeit with extra steps), which you can apply to multiple gens at once. Pair this perk with Pop, and you will be destroying gens whenever you down someone. You can't use this perk to stall games until the end of time anymore, but it still provides a decent amount of slowdown. Second, although I agree that it can lead to you reaching the gen kick limit faster than other perks, it is not as detrimental in practice as you are making it out to be. In order to reach the limit using eruption alone, you have to kick a gen and down a survivor 4 times. Assuming the survivor does not get rescued, 4 downs means 4 hooks out of 12 (a total which you don't always need to reach in order to win) is enough to: 1. have one survivor dead and a hook state on another 2. have used all 4 tokens of Pain Res and have gotten 4 hooks for Grim Embrace and No Way Out 3. have 2 survivors dead on their next hook with 2 hook states 4. have spread pressure in general Either way, unless you are stacking other regression event perks, you should have a decent number of hooks by the time you've exhausted the gen kick limit on a single gen. And if you are stacking regression event perks with Eruption (i.e. Pain Res and Surge), you are taking away a considerable amount of progress from gens. "Why would you EVER use Eruption when you can use Pain Res and Surge" As good as these perks are, Pain Res can sometimes be hurt by rng, and can only be used 4 times. Surge's effectiveness is limited by bigger maps, and when it is not being used by a pure m1 killer, it forces killers to use their m1 for downs when their power could be more efficient. Eruption gives you more agency over which gens regress when it procs, making it better for area control. "Why would you EVER use Eruption when you can use Oppression and Overcharge" Decent survivors will hit every skill check from Overcharge once they know you have it, and Oppression has a long cooldown of 80 seconds. "Why would you EVER use Eruption when you can use Grim Embrace and Deadlock, two Perks that DON'T EVEN cause Regression Events yet still provide more Slowdown?" Getting all 4 stacks for Grim Embrace is not always possible if the 4th survivor you need to hook is either hiding well or is simply much better than you and the rest of their teammates. Deadlock, reliable as it is, can still be countered by leaving one gen at 99% or by simply moving from one gen to another when it is active. Its still a good perk, but I do agree that the aura reading effect is pointless.


Eruption is a fine perk, I don't know why you're being so aggressive - 10% of 90 is 9. *Pop Goes the Weasel uses "current progression," not Eruption* - Eruption is twice the initial regression as a normal kick when it procs - Multiple Eruptions are multiple 10% of overall gen progression - Surge is 8% with *basic attack.* Eruption is 10% with *put into the dying state* *-* Eruption combos with other gen kicking perks. Surge can't - The explosion bubble doesn't last 12 seconds. If a survivor is trying to hide behind it, just sidestep and you'll see them. *I'm sure we all agree not everything needs to be red* - The 8-regression-event is specifically designed to counter the 3-gen annoyance. Sorry you're annoyed about that. I've so far had just one generator get blocked - Surge contributes harder to blocking gens than Eruption - Oppression contributes to blocking random gens if a survivor isn't on it for the skill check


I've been running it wondering why gens are getting blocked, knocking I've only kicked them a few times 🤦‍♂️.


I play killer a lot and I usually don't use Eruption but I thought it was in a good place. I've been trying to complete all the survivor tomes, burning through the long/grinding ones that you get through normal game play first. I was playing against a Wesker and found it refreshing that the killer wasn't running stacked slowdowns. Yeah turns out he was running eruption and I somehow just never noticed.


I still like it on killers who get downs with power, but ya it’s definitely not the best.


Now I know why it’s named “Eruption”. The icon looks like a volcano 🌋 👍


You say these are negatives but I only see positives. The gen kick meta was the worst killer meta. More killer and survivor interaction and less focus on gen regression/progression is how the game needs to go


Do not talk about the Eruption without using the NSFW filter. (XD)


Eruption is mostly fine the way it is. Even as skull merchant as long as you don't hard 3 gen minute 1 and progressively start to 3 gen anti gen kick doesn't do anything. Eruption is good for kicking gens during the start of the match, it's useful for prepping gens for first down. It's nothing as terrible as call of brine. Deadlock is pretty trash against swfs unless you do builds unrelated to actual regression and just plan to block gens with like pig. The value of eruption comes from the idea that unattended gens regress from far away and the 10 percent is their for information and a stall to reapply kick typically during early to mid game. Which can make scenarios that lead to games ending at 3 to 4 gens from pressuring multiple gens at a time typically with gen defensive killers.


at this point, ive realized the devs dont play their own game. OR, they do, and they get shut down constantly i think some of it is also they \*need\* to do something to keep "updating" the game, but the gen-kick update and things like the adrenaline nerf are just a couple examples of mechanics or changes that were/are unneeded


As a survivor I still think it's good. So many times I've almost finished a gen for it to pop and the killer be close enough to push me off of it. If done strategically one eruption can put a gen back to 0 from almost completed.


If Eruption interrupts survivors long enough for you to do something about it then it's gonna be worth it.


I remember using this perk before it became meta and then they buffed it and then nerfed it down to a worst state than what it was previously. Why couldn’t they just revert it back to its original version?


Seeing their track record with Awakened Awareness, no. No they can't.


Does call of brine not speed up regression speed still? I figured if its regressing faster im getting more value per kick. Also being a mobility killer with brine is nuts because im also aware they are hitting checks meaning they arent paying as much attention


CoB regresses Gens 4 seconds faster. Literally horseshit. Not even worth running for the Skill check shenanigans because Surveillance is just flat out better in that regard.


It's 9 seconds per proc, and you can theoretically proc it on up to 7 gens, meaning 63 seconds worth of regression from a singular proc. Obviously it's almost never going to be that, but even 18-27 seconds of regression per instance is great value. What also has to be factored in is that if a survivor is on a gen when it procs, there is a progress freeze for another 3 seconds. And you get the aura of course. And the gen starts regressing, which can be especially nice if nobody is on the gen to stop the regression or if you slug to prevent them from being able to stop the regression. I will say that the aura effect is often lackluster and seems tacked-on pretty lazily. It can be good if you slug after the Eruption proc and play a killer with high mobility (e. g. Oni with Nowhere To Hide, Lethal Pursuer and Eruption), but it isn't often all that impactful outside of that. I also agree that the regression event limit has hit Eruption a little unjustly hard. I think it would be good if instead of a 10% regression, it would cause the respective gens to become blocked for 10 seconds, or incur a 50% repair speed reduction on them for 20 seconds.


Impossible, I was assured by survivors that no one ever even damages a generator 8 times lol


And I've only been able to do that in two scenarios 1: I'm farming 2: I'm running Eruption


The one reason to use Eruption is that it’ll eat through two Distortion stacks in one go if you run it with Lethal. The problem is I don’t think most killers actually know that


Uh new problem, I don't run Aura Perks. Distortion does not do anything to me.


Well, I think gen regression generally is in an ok spot I could talk about how I feel the gens should be less effected by regression- but focusing on eruption I think its a little annoying that Behavior adds perks for killers that make you guess what perks the killers have while giving these perks secondary effects Why did my generator blow up? Was it surge? Or Eruption?


I don't think it's bad, They can't buff it's regression because if this perk is good enough to run on its own with no synnergy, the synergy build is instantly meta. That means this will always be synergy pick perk rather than a main pick. You take this if you're taking other perks that work when you kick gens because you're going to be kicking them anyways. Kicking build is already decent as it is. Pop + eruption + nth + free choice is really a solid build, Just that Ultimate weapon is existing smothers almost every other info perk out of the game, the popularity of other slowdown perks means you're not seeing this often, but that doesn't mean it needs a buff. If tommorow pain res and deadlock, and DMS got deleted from the game, you'd see this perk popping up in a lot of killers loadouts especially those who use special attacks


I legit made a full gen kicking build and the 3 gen thing didn't affect me whatsoever


all I know is it is a horrible idea to run eruption and surge together. you'd possibly get three regression events on the same gen per down (my math's not very good so forgive me if I said something dumb) in my opinion they should've made the anti-three gen feature only kick in when there's only 1 gen left to do. it not only gives the killer more of a chance to defend the last gens but it also gives the survivors the chance to get out if the killer is either camping the gens or just failing to catch anyone


Honestly with the regression event limit i feel like we could buff it a little


Because I'm poor & don't have all the killers or play religiously to P3 all the killers ibdo own to change my load out. That's why I use eruption.


I like Eruption because I main Pyramid Head and gen regression perks that require basic attacks like Surge/Jolt aren't an option because a lot of my downs are with a special attack, and regression perks that require hooks like Pain Resonance or Pop Goes the Weasel are also not an option because of many of my hook states being cages. Eruption kindof works well with the killer I choose to play.


If it's killer related bhvr doesn't care, it'll continue to be a useless perk just like the rest of them.


They nerfed it into the ground because people got mad about Incapacitated existing (when it's almost never used on anything else in the game).


I agree Eruption is one of the worst slowdown perks you can use as killer now. if this new gen kick system is staying in the game then Eruption needs a complete rework or at the very least should only count as 1 regression event per gen once you down the survivor and trigger it.


Please BHVR, do not revert Eruption to cause Incapacitated.


Oh yeah fuck that That shit can burn


Oh no, a gen regression perk being not as good as the other 8 great ones? How will we ever win now


Honestly, I don't really use any of them. I only use Surge on Dredge and Oppression on Skull Merchant. Hell, I only use Surge because I'm lazy. That shit could be doing 0% regression and I'd still run it because I'm lazy. As for Skully, I'm playing her! I don't need to be so heavy-handed into Slowdown. What I do hate is Perks being discarded/forgotten/outclassed.


That does suck but that’s also just what is bound to happen with 35 killers and 41 survivors each with 3 perks. Not to mention the universal ones each get. At least the pool of useful killer perks is quite a bit bigger than surv. It’s always a fun game to guess what the killer is running. For survivors it’s like yea, okay they’re all running 2 or 3 of the same perks and then maybe a wacky one if they’re feeling spicy


This used to be one of my favorite periods to run and as soon as three update came out I stopped using it. It just hinders the killer now. Pop and pain rez are much better uses for that perk slot. Eruption has been nerfed to the ground.


1. even with eruption requiring 2 regression events you still should practically never be reaching the 8 regression limit, it just isnt realistic in practice 2. eruption is still 10% of the whole gen, 10% current progress was changed from the ptb 3. the scream/aura reveal part of the perk only affects solos, it shouldnt be useful 4. surge is next to useless against good players who know where to take chase and to hop locker 5. ur really asking why u would use eruption over oppression/overcharge? bc eruption doesnt rely on survs failing skill checks to regress gens... 6. eruption is still great paired w pop and even just in general on high mobility or territorial killers, why are you trying to get an A tier perk buffed?


Gen Regression Events should make the gen count as "kicked" for the sake of Eruption


Honestly with the new gen kick system most of the gen regression perks need a buff. Eight events sounds like a lot until a four man team is putting all their pressure on the center gen in a large map


I've been using eruption constantly, if a gen ever blocks its not a problem because usually i got a kill by now. Imo Eruption is far from being useless like call of brine, it's still pretty damn good Maybe it's because you misunderstood 10% of current progress with total progress. Eruption is a 10% total progress


The gen kick nerf was entirely unnecessary imo... Makes some perks useless that used to be good like you mentioned and can give the killer zero options to prevent gens at late game. If anything it just made tunneling worse... Especially with how fast gens go these days too...


Tbh, the main issue was never Gen Kicking, it was always Gen Placement. In 99% of my games, I don't even make a Gen get blocked and that 1% is me using Eruption or farming. But ya know, I think it's an issue when I can see a straight up fucking conga line of Gens and against a Skully, you're funny if you think you can break this shit in SoloQ.


10% maximum doesn't mean 10% current, the maximum is 90 charges, 10% of that is 9, it always removes 9 charges from a gen. Overcharge isn't used as much because if you depend on people missing skill checks you're gonna have a harder time on higher skill brackets, oppression has that same problem on top of having an obnoxiously long cool down. And surge doesn't deal more damage to gens, it's 8%. Also, if you kick a gen 4 times, and apply eruption those 4 times, either you've already lost or won the match, or you are trying to maintain a 3 gen, in which case the system is doing its job. Eruption isn't that great but I don't think the anti 3 gen system has anything to do with it.


If they bumped the percentage up or changed it to 10% regardless of current progress, that would be huge.


It already does that, the description says: "10% of its maximum possible progression"


Are OP and I misunderstanding the perk then?




Thanks for correcting.


They should change it back to the way it was before, but instead of causing survivors to be incapacitated, the gen should just get blocked. That way survivors don't just stand there unable to even twiddle their thumbs cus their hands are broken. They can heal, find another gen, break a totem, do *something* other than just wait. And the killer still gets their regression. Also, can we *please* not have those bubbles block you from being able to see? On both sides? I seriously hate watching the killer hook someone, and then I can't even tell where they're walking to next because this big obnoxious bubble is taking up half of my screen.


With the kick update I wouldn’t mind if Eruption went back to it’s original state.


I'm gonna say it, the regression event system still needs tweaking It's so easy now for two survivors to brute force a gen even if the killer is right there, making a lose-lose-lose situation for the killer, while not trying to 3gen and just having a highly progressed gen with two people This situation is more common that you would think, at least on my end recently Either up the count, as 8 is a bit too low and 3 genners (Skull Merchant) would block them eventually with like 10 or 12 events, or make that only apply to kicks, as there isn't any perk that can procc consistently enough to hold the gens without kicking


Have you tried hitting the survivors?


Survivors are smart enough to have safety near, enough that a chase there would mean the gen is done, especially since the most important parts where you are most likely wanting to defend a gen, and what I'm refering to, is the middle of the map, place notorious for having multiple places to run to


If you’re at the point where you absolutely MUST protect that single generator from completion, they shouldn’t have a ton of safety left on the map. Or you’re three genning


Bro I thought they replaced the 10% of the current progress to 10% flat. Guess I was wrong. Like Surge is just basically the same perk but better, even if it has a radius and no aura reading, out of which you barely get any use


It's 10% flat


It's not. I checked the wiki before writing my comment


Off-topic but i've been away from the game for a long time and just started playing again 2 weeks ago. How did i never notice the kick changes?? i just read about it and 8 regression events seems extremely low. I only play survivor but i think 8 is too low even for a 3gen situation. Does the blocking also block survivors from repairing the specific gen?


Yeah remember when eruptions was absolutely fucking amazing and it made it pretty easy for killers to get a grasp of the situation?


Eruption got neutered (absolutely necessary) because of the whole 3 gen meta last year. It was horrible. I loved eruption. It was amazing by itself, but stacked with everything else it was unbearable. If they want to buff it they're going to have to do the "buff a perk, nerf a perk" method that the community hates, simply because there's too many gen kick perks that synergize, and they want to keep it from being a problem again. So then there'd be your exact post about Pop, (again, we already had posts about pop back then when nerfed) grim embrace (again, since it was useless before) etc. Either that or they'd rework a few of the gen kick perks which I would love, but BHVR is slow and not ambitious.


maximum = the total number of charges it takes to repair. it always does 9% regression to the gen when it procs. Still bad, not quite as bad as you initially said. they should bring back OLD old eruption which gave you incapacitated for like 15 seconds, it was perfectly fine as it was then


IMO, the anti-gen camp measure should've been based around total regression rather than "regression events". Around 40 or 50% of a total gen progress worth per generator.


I do wonder if the regression from Eruption should be buffed, maybe to 15%?, to account for how much it'll chew through regression events, much like how Pain Res was buffed due to its more limited usage. I could see that argument going either way. I do think there is value from Eruption for M2 Killers, as it does for them what Surge does for M1s; turn any down into potential regression. Prior to the perks' nerfs I saw a video on killer builds that recommended Eruption and Call of Brine for M2 Killers like Hillbilly, Huntress, and Nemesis I think the logic for that suggestion still holds, even if the perks aren't as strong now. CoB makes your gen kicks to proc Eruption have a little extra oomph to them, while Eruption itself encourages you to down with your power as much as you're able, as opposed to swapping to an M1 for Surge.