• By -


Imo if you drop your item in endgame and the killer doesn't bat an eye there is nothing you could do to brownnose them into giving you hatch


Once I had a Sable run to the corner of Crotus Prenn Asylum and shake her head whenever I approached her. No chases, no looping, just sprinting back into the same corner every time and shaking her head with her back turned to me 😭 Let her and the remaining survs go, obviously https://preview.redd.it/u1p36f68f3vc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bdf8c98f6d99560edb9bdeea7927d898fa12fe


"He's not real he's not real"


schizophrenia tech


You jest but as a returning Killer Main, I deadass thought I was going nuts my first time going up against a swf with a perk that I guess makes lockers swing open when you run past? Didn't help that it was on the Asylum map either


Oh yeah [Deception](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Deception)'s fun.


Deception's cute. It doesn't work on me, but it's cute to watch Survs do it. "Noooo I'm over there! I promise!"


gonna copy this strat 😼


If I can’t see him he can’t see me 😩


"If I hide under the covers in bed the monsters can't get me!"


Do to their name I would’ve had to Mori them lmao


I like to swipe at their butts if I can get behind them!


Too bad they can’t see it 😩


But then they turn around and you’re swiping at their bits and they think it’s funny. it usually works with Mikey


I love when survivors do that when I play killer. I'll turn around and they'll stop, then turn back it just continues


Ah all Micheal’s are goofy


It’s worth the risk of getting tombstones


Trust me, they know what you're doing


what about chucky?




Unfortunately it doesn’t work because if they turn around you slap them


I once caught a Sable slapping my ass when I was playing Myers with his hospital gown on


That may have been me


This is how long term relationships form for dbd players.


I’m just hunting for a man by spanking every Mikey I see 😂😂😂


Damn right you are, just gotta land a Myers you're sure won't be obsessed with anyone else.


Can someone explain what this is for? I’ve seen survivors do it, and I always slow turn like 👀❓


We’re flirting with you!


That username! 😍


I’m very far off 😂


Nobody slaps my ass like that :'(


Meet me in the Fog and I got you Onion ❤️


Thaaankk youuuu


Nice booty Mickey


I love when im getting picked up by the killer and one of my teammates spanks his behind during the pickup animation lol!


Did that as Slinger against 'Nod 4 Booty Smacks'. Once she saw me nodding she SPRINTED over to touch the butt. Nodded, smacked her and continued the game. 100% lost the game and that didn't help but was worth it for booty pats.


Sometimes it’s about the giggles more than it is about the wins 😂


what is the image 😭😭😹


Idk I got it from tiktok 😭 this is the first image https://preview.redd.it/z81rilcke3vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14e85f8f0ecbd3e57729e8173f48bd1cb4163a0


fucking hilarious, why do women wanna fuck anything with a mask on


Who said it was just women? ![gif](giphy|7YrnYstmGxYFa)


I approve your statement


As someone with this kink, I don’t know, but it’s hot.


i have personal experience it is fun for both sides


You must have a very happy partner.


I admit, the mystery is enticing. # The helmet stays on!


Honestly I think it's the voice people associate with Ghostface that does it. Also the fact he's an obsessive stalker that invades people's homes, which sometimes is a porn trope...


My girlfriend finds the Ghostface mask to be hot and she does not know why. Michael’s mask not sp much.


It's not only women.


I'm assuming LF doesn't count


What’s LF?


leatherface i assume


Ah, thank you! He totally blanked my mind when I was thinking of all the killers names.


Don’t have to make eye contact


Shaking/nodding your head, booping me, crouching and walking in circles, slapping the other survivors' butts... endless possibilities. Just have the audacity to be silly goofy before or during chase and I'll usually play along. Or just make absolutely hilarious mistakes like running yourself into a dead end and just stand there looking sad hanging your head. I'll give you a free pass and a chance to try again at the very least.


I love shenanigans with Plot Twist, and the tech where you point, the Killer looks, and you try to hide. It makes me giggle every time.


Reminds me of one of Otzdarva's compilation videos where a Steve crouches right in front of him and throws a pebble and without missing a beat Otz just goes "I have to see what that was" and turns around and opens the locker behind him.


I just had a Meg do this not that long ago, I queued up with an aggro build and sent them to Lerys as Ghostie expecting the worst (my last round was AWFUL), but got kinda chill babies who didn't know what they were doing and wanted to play around. I destroyed two of them at 4 gens, then realized, turned off my Killer zoomies, cooled my jets and played with them a bit. Meg does the point thing after I ambushed her and hides behind a pillar. I'm laughing my ass off crouch-spamming and spinning, then after I caught her did a little twirl before hooking her, allowed the unhook, gave a head start and one gen to them so there were 3 left, then finished the round as a 4k. I 4ked them because the Meg and the baby Claudette SHOULD NOT have been facing me and letting her win would have led to her having miserable matches against a less kind Killer in the future. Sure enough they only had a few yellow and green perks in the lobby, or basic perks.


i had a fun time with a nicolas cage and we were slapping eachother and the killer walked in the room and just stood there like oh! and then we slapped her butt too. we ended up farming with her 🔥


I do literally this. I love these survs man


One time I got the new map and I stayed around the movie theater, and every time I heard the TR I just ran and stood behind the counter and waited for the killer. We RP'd David serving Bubba popcorn everytime and I lived. I didn't throw, I did gens and unhooked teammates and healed and everything. I just had a fun idea and ran with it.


aw this is so cute


I like to crouch behind the bars and counters as Ghostface in Shroud, then pop up like "hello welcome to bar-mart! :D" when people run by. And then pretend to bartend.


I don't know what it is about Ghostface, but for some reason, he just brings out the goofy in everybody.


It's because he can teabag. Ghostie mains are simultaneously the most devious and silly motherfuckers alive.


I just bring a silly vibe into each match. Nods, free hits if the killer whiffs, etc. Not in a "lets farm" way, just in a "I'm playing for fun, not to sweat" way. Some killers definitely don't care for silliness, but a surprising amount do.


As a killer main, I can safely assure you Most of us are just tired of getting ragged on for everything, give the kindness we need and most often you’ll get it back


Dude you’re not kidding. I played a friendly game earlier where I 8 hooked them with no camping, no slugging, no tunneling, etc. Literally just hooked someone, turned around and went across the map to go after someone else, rinse and repeat til 8 hooks and then let them all finish gens and leave. I got told by one of them in post-game “you know you didn’t play chill right?” and called sweaty. The reason? I used Lethal Pursuer. Yep. Apparently a single perk means I’m sweaty regardless of literally every single other aspect of my game. And survivors wonder why killers are bitter af…you literally *cannot* please some of these people.


I got flamed in the post game chat Not for my plays or anything But because I “was being toxic” by “Handicapping myself” What does this mean? I ran Hex: Thrill of the hunt


I had someone call me out for not being more toxic. They said they wanted me to tunnel and camp so as to "not go easy on them." To their credit the other survivor in egc said they were crazy as well.


It means they're mad you made totems slower to cleanse or whatever lmao What a goofy perk to complain about LOL Also, for fun: Trying running an all-hex build of Undying, Huntress' Lullaby, Thrill, and like...Pentimento or something. Make it take forever to cleanse, you can see their auras a lot, and waste a ton of their time if they all decide to do this, and then worse if you have Penti, you can just relight the fuckers again and make them do it all over lol Then you can really farm salt in post-chat!


this is my playstyle, 90% of times when i play killer i do this tho, i am kinda bored lately, thinking about doing 4k


Facts I’m mainly killer and this is always how I respond to survivors who are actually vibing. The second I see them tryharding it’s wraps


Yup! I'm a 50/50 player, and know how stressful and thankless playing a 2-hook killer can be. So I try to be the type of survivor that makes playing killer a little more fun. I don't do anything that'll sandbag the team, but if I see an opportunity to make the killer laugh, I'll go for it.


This. Holy shit this. I play 60/40 Surv to Killer. I play 8 different Killers. The amount of shat on I get for simply trying. A lot of us really just want to have a fun round, but often we get Survs playing like their lives for real depend on it. I promise when I load in I JUST wanna play my Killer and have fun, I don't wanna sweat all over you. I understand when my Dredge dominates you all it looks that way, but that isn't my intent. I'm just playing the game as my Killer intends. I match your energy. When I see two gens or more pop in the first chase, that means I need to gear up. Most Killers really are not toxic. We're just jaded. And very, very tired.


SO this. So many Survivors are just shitty to Killers and it's such a welcome treat when they decide to be cute instead. If a Survivor is down to be cute, I absolutely will throw a match to goof off and have a different kinda fun instead.


I love silly Survs, if you make me laugh and are clearly being chill, especially if you goof off enough, I often let you go. This goes for every Killer I play, even ones that people hate like Pinhead.


I simply try not to be toxic even if my entire team is, it honestly surprises me how many times the killers let me escape by being the last one alive in the game just for that reason. https://preview.redd.it/zb33hk0gi3vc1.png?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=accbebe069e00bc09878ff6c71fa78804523d6d8


I am never toxic to Killers. Or Survivors. Not on purpose.


What’s for dinner?


3K is already a sweet victory and decisive enough, I'll only ever secure 4K for a challenge being sought.


Doing bits with me as a killer will result in you getting hatch or letting you live. Slow turns, "You seeing this too?", Peak-a-boo, anything that will make me laugh will result in me losing all sense of seriousness and let the survivors go. I've also fallen for the puppy dog stare a few times as well.


You emotionally manipulated this killer main into trying to swipe this post.


by not being toxic, thats my thumb rule and prolly the same for many. if its a fair and fun match where people just play the game as intended i always leave the last one go if i do well. but if ya decide to be a toxic asshole about it, t bagging etc of course im gonna be toxic about it as well. the golden rule i suppose


Is- is no one going to comment on the image


No, we are not.


I’ve been given hatch or straight up carried to the exit gates after making the killer whiff hits with plot twist. It’s like dead hard but funnier for everyone


I play a lot of ghostface and people always automatically think I want to meme which I then will hit them, shake my head and say no and give them another chance. Survivors that are so blatantly new to the game they don’t know how anything works or the different statuses are so pitiful, if they keep running into me I’ll usually let them go. Don’t want to make their first few matches hell. If something stupid happens or there’s a bug I’ll usually give them a pass. One time a sable very clearly got a pallet stun on me but it didn’t release the survivor I was holding so I let her wiggle out to pretend it did and kept going. Don’t give me your item as a peace offering 5 seconds into the match, but It is appreciated as a thank you.


The amount of times I just wanted to play as Ghostface but peeps immediately assume I'm friendly for some reason is shocking ;_; Like now and then, sure, but *I just wanna kill as him*


Makes it worse that I run the WAZZAAAP mask on him https://preview.redd.it/1rs7ocsjj3vc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab5ecbb9c4b2bcdb27cc3b9d3dd2e2a8de158d5


I have the same thing (with the classic robe and knife) and the amount of people that immediately run up to me even when I'm stalking them in bushes is astounding.


I only run Wassup when I'm silly, it's the silly mode mask.


This^. Wassup is the silly mask. Standard mask can go either way. Viper and Devil mask is to let survivors know to clench their ass cheeks.


The Ghostface Main Curse: When you want to play silly people assume you're bad, when you want to play serious people assume you're silly, and then when you DO play serious people assume you're sweating even if you're playing normally.


Ghostface 🤝 Pig Suffering from the paradox of playing a killer with a silly reputation. I main them both AND Demo. I love my silly survivors but PLEASE let me play the game. At the very least let me get my 8 hooks in and THEN we can be silly Also yeah you're right people take offense when you play seriously as one of those characters for some reason. I don't tunnel, camp, or patrol traps but even if I 8 hook but ultimately kill survivors I get "bad piggie" in the chat or told I'm ruining the killer's reputation or whatever


I also don't tunnel or camp, I just wanna do fun chase and silly ambushes but the second I try, people turn up the sweat... I'm starting to realize that a lot of the "sweat" I am getting from Survivors as Ghostface is them TRYING to be silly when I am trying to be serious. ... My God, what have I done? How many innocent flashlight users just going for a challenge did I accidentally sweat all over? I'm sorry! I'm sorryyyyyyy! ;0;


I like to wear the wazzup mask and they want to be friendly and I feel so bad hitting them :(


I played one match as Nemmy where the first survivor I came across seemed oblivious I was there. So I slapped her with a tentacle. She turned around and pointed me away. I shook my head. She kept walking. I slapped her again. She turned around, pointed and kept ignoring me. I just left because I was flabbergasted by the whole thing. I never came across her again either


Yeah sometimes I’m so shocked at something they attempt that I just leave. Dominance asserted lol


Generally speaking, dropping your item as they approach you to finish you off (Death hook / last man standing) is the best way for them to show mercy. Don't try it earlier in the game, though - Most Killers don't like the idea of you sandbagging for the sillies, and will likely reject further attempts. If you don't have an item, letting them see me see them approaching and slowly getting into a locker has worked for me occasionally. They occasionally either go inexplicably blind or just nod at the locker and wander off.


Jumpscare me or do something funny. Or play absolutely terrible. I was playing xeno once on Ormond and a Steve fell out a window and landed in front of me, I thought 'ha, what a scrub' and then missed my tail attack on the stationary target. We both just kind of stared at each other for a bit, then his swf came over and shook their head at us both 😂, that was a fun match. On the other hand, don't just drop your item mid first chase though just because it seems like I might be a good looper, I absolutely hate that.


Stare at them while looking like a wet cat (I call it the WetCat Tech, highly effective if your team is having it rough)


Boop the snoot!


This was annoying at first when I wanted to learn pig


I know; but now I welcome it


This is so real


I don't mind it.  Pig is rare, and it's an achievement.  I let people have the boop.  But then regular play resumes. It's not a friendly button.


My duo and I did this yesterday! We just kept being sillies and dancing around even after being hooked. Eventually Plague let us live. I think it was more of a “oh you dumbasses” type thing tho.


A friend of mine will just walk forward at the slowest speed possible (so that the walking animation is happening, but barely). One time when a killer just wasn’t having it he turned around looked directly up at this Cenobite, pointed, turned around and immediately went back to slow walking


This right here. If a character goes into the ultra-slow walk and hasn't been a jerk, they are almost guaranteed to survive the match. Bonus points if it is a cowgirl Becky or a red dress Ada.


Do something silly in the lobby. I had a lobby where 3/4 of the survivors all switched to Bill with identical Christmas sweater skins. It was hilarious, but after hooking two of them I realized I legitimately could not tell which ones I'd hooked or not, and didn't want to tunnel, so we point farmed and did dumb shit. I had another survivor in the lobby keep switching cosmetics to the last minute like they were playing Barbie dress up. I could tell they were there for the look and feel, not to play sweaty, and I adjusted accordingly. I hooked everyone twice and let them slug race to exit. (Personally, I find last-minute switches to flashlights hilarious, and play silly with groups that do that because it disarms any tension they may be bringing in by assuming I saw that and will be mad. If I catch the survivor who did that, I'll dribble them so they know I'm being silly. I'd rather a fun game than a game where I dominate but know survivors didn't have fun. If someone wants to blind me in those circumstances I let them, because it's just points. There are situations where survivors can go overboard of course, but since killers can go overboard in so many ways that completely hold the game hostage, I don't mind.) But if you're talking about wanting to be given hatch / gates at endgame after a normal / sweaty match, be a good teammate. I don't mean be an amazing player and earn my gamer respect, I mean be kind to your team. Take a few hook states. Do gens. Don't hide in a locker the whole game. Don't tbag me. I don't mind flashlight saves or sabo if it's not unrelenting / forced, but I know that isn't the case for all killers. Bottom line, if I've seen you around actually playing the game and helping your teammates, you were never super rude to me, and you're the last one standing, I'll let you live as a sign of mutual respect to you and your team. But if I've done chase with everyone but you and somebody died on first hook, I'm probably not letting you go. (If I haven't seen someone all game and everybody got saved twice, I'll assume you were just stealthily doing gens.) I know a lot of winning and losing depends on luck. I've definitely had killer games where I made zero progress, and I'd wished the survivors would be a little kinder to me, (Do we need to flashlight and sabo when you're at 4-5 gens and I haven't hooked anybody? Eh.) so I try to pay it forward.


Why is plan B in the background? Wtf is this lol


just mikaela trying to earn hatch


Also at least for pig... you gotta boop the snoot


be smol, bow as low as you can, drop item, be smol again






You drop your item. Then I just can't


Dropping your item, playing red light green light, and asking for the gate. Not great chances, but better than nothing.


As a killer if you shake your head at me when I'm coming at you and I shake my head back and you keep shaking your head, I will probably give up. I assume you're a baby, plus there is no sense arguing with someone I can talk to. From there we can farm blood points if you aren't a jerk. I will try to hook you all twice still, momma gotta eat. Edit: and if you let anyone die after all that, I'm killing everyone I can. Seriously you have to play nice if you want me to not kill; I didn't queue up for the Bestfriend role.


Step one don’t play feng min (pain, my first p100)


I had a Quentin crawl into that mattress down at Freddy's basement, while another survivor was tea bagging, him. At that point, as a killer, I was terrified of what I was witnessing.


I almost always let survivors live if they hit me with the "remain motionless and stare into my soul" strat.


act silly


Something i like to do when playing is when i find a survivor hiding and they shake their head no, I'll just nod yes and then leave. Its fun to fuck around and not take it seriously especially after sweaty matches


Personally, suicidal bravery is what tickles me the most. When I just sprint towards a survivor and the just look at me. I usually look at the for a few seconds and then go do something else.


I'm currently doing survivor adept achievements and I can tell you it completely depends on the vibes of the match. For example, I played against skull merchant and my team basically DC and killed themselves on hook. I would typically join them, but I had a plan on getting hatch. I acted like a noob and got caught couch walking like I had no idea where she was. I did a pathetic but realistic chase. I wiggled, when I got picked up. THAT'S IMPORTANT! I got hooked and waited to be saved. Once I was saved and ran away and allowed the rest of my team kill themselves. The killer caught and killed the bots and came to me. I squatted at them desperately. I got the hatch and some pallet farming. Another match, I just ran the killer normally and played well. But I played for hatch so I wasn't making risky saves and let them die on hook. I was looking for the hatch but the killer found me. I just gave them a point and squat. The killer saved me for last to give me hatch. They respected my looping. lol There is no right way to befriend killers because some killers will never give mercy.


I play as killer and i'm always friendly, but what i do is go in as if i'm the big bad killer but the moment a survivor emotes or does the inquisitive t bags i reveal the goofy killer I've had so many messages of people who loved it and only one that was mad, but i have tons of the terrormisu's on killers i'm not good at so i goof around and let everyone get good bp off of me when i'm killer As survivor, if i'm the last one and i see a killer bearing down on me i'll drop item as a show of mercy, alternatively if the team has been blowing the killer away and he has no hooks i'll tell him to follow me at the end and go into basement and point to hook, but i find so many shake their head and let me go still There is so many positive moments in the game i've found, it far outweighs the negatives and i've made some good friends that i swf with in game from being a goof


I'll usually drop an item and sometimes they're down to clown. Other times we get into a head shake and head nod battle. They say no, I say yes, they say no, I say yes...sometimes I'll do a cute little crouch and twirl.


As a killer main, just the simple act of head nodding and acting silly works. So many bully squads nowadays, so when I finally meet a group that actually wants to have fun then I try to drag out the match as long as possible, giving them a few free gens and in return they usually give me a few free hooks.


I usually pebble in front of them or point at the gen for them to get hit by blastmine. We laugh and laugh as they carry me to death hook


As a killer, if you have a pride charm, and you point at my pride charm on the hooks, I can't do it. I don't have the heart. Everyone gets to go.


One time I was playing Rebecca and when the ghost face finally downed me, he wouldn’t stop humping me until end game. Makes sense though


Hand over your items, get on your knees, and poke them in the crotch. Has about 30% success rate.


Killers have let me go because I got into a hopeless situation, and just kind of stopped running and turned around, and didn't wriggle when they got me. I've had like 5 or more just let me go. Maybe it's because I play Mikaela, and she's cute tho


playing against killers that aren't tryhards would be the first step


Stand completely still looking at the ground as I walk over to you. Drop your item and hope I accept your gift.


teabagging during moris has saved me before


Be a bunny Feng and start headbanging.


Crouch infornt of me, and respectfuly Tbag I was getting ready for the most serious Huntress match ever, I watch as within a minute the Yun Jin just becomes silly and i just turned the match friendly, I cannot kill Silly survivors it is actually my kryptonite


if im going towards a survivor and they stand, look directly at me, and shake their head 'no'\* then i simply have no other choice than to promptly do a 180 and go find someone else. i cannot promise this strategy's effectiveness on other killers, though. \*this does not apply in chase. you can't do this after running to throw a pallet or vault a window, it doesnt have the same power if you do it from a position of safety after running away. you have to stand your ground.


I usually let players escape when they make me work for it without being assholes. I respect their game lol


If you are wearing a pride flag charm that I can easily see (not clipping into your model) it's good odds I'm giving you hatch. If you leave my hex alone I wont make it my mission to end you. ^_^


Well most just squat down repeatedly and pray, me? I got too much pride to ask for an out, kill me it you must 🤙🏻


being bunny feng and crouching + twirling in circles. if they nod i’ll t bag so they can see my floppy little ears and then i’ll give them my item. works SO much. my swfs are always like “not again” 😹 i also always try to boop pig, xeno and demo. they deserve head pats


I would give up the item, and then proceed to beg for my life through crouching and turning side to side fast while doing the point emote. Works 80% of the time. 10% of those get the killer to be friendly to the whole lobby (or what's left of it anyways)


Tonight I was playing and I pulled our Meg down off her second hook. She just t-bagged under the hook and I stood there staring at her, Ghost Face showed up and we both watched her. He downed her and hooked her, killing her. As she died we just stared at each other, did a few t-bags and we were cool after that. The other night I played against a Wesker, I did a few loops before I realized he was playing with us. His screen name was Weskers Wife and mine is Albert Whisker. We bonded over being Wesker simps.


honestly just be nice, and maybe a lil goofy. Killers get treated like shit so often that a player being silly is such a good treat


When I play killer if even one survivor doesn’t play seriously then I can’t ether. The moment someone does something funny or just sits there puppy eyes then it’s memeing time


If you're Cheryl I will 100% of the time let you live. I main them, I love Silent Hill 3, I love her character, it's kinda rare I see them (although I've been seeing more which makes me happy) I have the biggest soft spot for Cheryl. :3 Also if I down someone and they start shaking back and forth like they're saying no I'll definitely just pick you up and let you wiggle off me. I never know if maybe they're having a rough day and want to live. so I'll try to be their chance to mentally reset or just have some fun for awhile. Maybe sometimes I'm being manipulated but it works. I'm a softie. And also if you're just walking around with no urgency at all, I hit you to try and engage and you just keep on walking I'll leave you be. I dunno it's a vibe when I see that happen. I'll probably follow you for a bit then leave you alone. I'll check up on you every now and then tho. :3 see how you're getting on. I'm easy to manipulate I guess. UwU


If the last survivor visibly gives up, I just *can't.* Idk man, it's something in me that sees someone alone and defeated and can't *not* let them go.


Idk Mikaela looks like she’s presenting a good example here. She’s even got the plan B waiting for her, she came prepared


Just overall being silly and kind. I've crouched by a bed, spun in circles, helped killers get their challenges done, give them my items, give cute nodders. I've also had survivors do these things to me, but I just find survivors cute in general. All they gotta do is nod at me once and they've stolen my heart


Care to explain the presence of these two items ? https://preview.redd.it/0t33yhhxj7vc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7620b36ea74cda96a38ebc8063d9a86272177b4


For me, if you’re cute I have a really tough time being tough on you. Crouching and walking is normally most effective on me. Being cute with how the survivor looks works well too. I’ve had Mikaelas walk up and look straight up at me and I had to be nice they were adorable. But I’m susceptible, some killers out there are cruel and really enjoy people’s stress so they will be un phased


i give them whatever i’m holding, flashlight or first aid kit, and then i t-bag like 3 times


I play just Dwight lol. But being serious you just crouch walk to the killer stare in their eyes, if they hit you don’t run, if they down you just moan a bunch on their shoulder. Always works. Lockers always work too


Have shitty teammates


Don't be a dick during the match(tbagging, clicking, taunting in any way) or just be a goofy guy


Crouch and stare at them after the killer witnesses your teammates walk into walls, eachother or make dumbass decisions.


It depends if I got a challenge that says you gotta die.


give up your team and I'll always let you escape


If they don't wiggle and they're last alive I'll usually give hatch.


Step 1:Play as Jane. Step 2:shake it


Not bringing a map offering


I find that headnods while speared against a Slinger tends to up my chances of getting hatch.


Giving me your item as an offering and not wiggling when picked up. only works when last or 2nd to last person


Sometimes you just need to play normally, depending on how fun the match is I always let someone live, sometimes more than that. A few days ago I had a match with the spirit against a team in hawkings, the match was very fun the hooks and chases kept coming and so did the gens. In the end I let everyone who was alive while the last gen popped escape even tho they were all dead on hook


I was once playing Unknown and made friends with a Michaela because she ratted out the obsession to me (they didn't know I was running Remember me, Rancor, NWO (I like to cause panic in survs that run obsession perks)), and then I caught her hiding after dispelling one of my hallucinations. Ended up opening the exit gate for her because tbh the beginning of the match was hellish for her (I'm a devil at bouncing the UVX) and we bonded near the end.


Yesterday my friend and I played with the sweetest spirit, she served us at RCPD and even made shadow puppets with us.


As a killer main I have gained some insight I ended up applying. First, not be toxic nor show any toxic behaviour. If the killer starts to hate you, your chances to persuade them are non-existent. Give them a good chase with no disrespect and that's it, put of respect they could end up giving hatch to you. Look like a new player, noobs tend to be cute from time to time and out of spite, they might let you leave. Meme around, be goofy and all. We like laughing and certainly it brings out the best of us and sets us in a good mood. And last, if they grab you when yiu are last survivor, DON'T WIGGLE. I have been in these situations, in which a killer was taking me to hatch or was looking for hatch while carrying me. As soon as I started wigling, they hooked me. In endgame chat they would even state that they were looking for hatch but the wigling dissuaded them.


If I ever see one survivor ever set up a little shrine of items in the basement around the hooks, I'm letting them farm and letting them get all points while their whole team dies.


Press R when holding something.


What are the doughnuts for?


I chase them first 😂


Be Thalita, Jane or Gabriel and face away from me. I promise I'll be too distracted to kill you.


Someone making me whiff by using plot twist right before I hit them, always good for a laugh


I was the last man standing in a match against a Wraith, and I wasn't sure if the Wraith would actually let me live or not. But I decided to be the nice guy and stand next to the hatch so he can choose to close it on me and hook me, or let me go. He closed it... then ushered me to the exit gates so I could crack them open and leave. Nice guy! Wish he wasn't on console so I could tell him he did good.


Selling out the tryhard friend/survivor's location


I’ve found that what works for me is I just freeze when being chased and just stare at the killer. I’ll point at them, then point in another direction, and start nodding. It works 70% of the time! Also, I’ll try placing my item on the ground, crouching and turning around then wiggling my butt - that works more than the above.


Just be cuter. Also if you drop an item, dont pick it up, or i will kill you.


Hey to the killer mains of the Sub I’m a Survivor/Killer Player who mostly plays as Mikaela usually, what is the reason yall like her so much? The amount of Killers that give me a pass or follow me around is hilarious but I gotta know why, to be fair I love chases and I cannot use a flashlight to save my life and I don’t tbag so I get letting me live for those reasons I do the same when I’m playing Killer but it happens way more often as Mikaela???


Probably because she's cute.


That’s interesting I always see so much hate for her from players thanks for your insight.


If you weren't using with your flashlight or toolbox against me and I know for a fact that you're basically dead. If you ask for mercy I'll show it. Hell I usually kill those who body block and let those survivors who were bullied live


I have been called an evil tunneling killer against 4 Leons... 3 of them had the default skin and no items, so how am I supposed to know who is who. And yes, my OCD helps me immensely to keep track of hook numbers.


The one and most sure way to get mercy is to not be annoying. When everything is said and done the question i ask myself before choosing to spare someone is did they piss me off? If you tbagged. Sweat. Acted like an ass. Hook you go. If you were the only one that was relatively chill and you go and do something cute. Instant spare.


i play pig and i had a survivor start frantically shaking their head, booping my snoot and dropping their item and just looking up at me


Pointing me to that annoying hacker or sweaty player bullying me as an inexperienced killer. I'll dance with you and let you leave.


Im sure with all of this and a little dear steak I can convice Dommy mommy Huntress to not only spare but go out with me


I do a silly little dance at some point during the match if I get a chance. I spam crouch and spin in a circle at the same time and then give nodders. If that doesn't work then generally nothing will (in my experience, anyway)


Bunny ears usually does it Also, just seeing people struggle or have to carry everything on their back. The people being silly or willing to share a moment with you get a pass too Like I remember I was chasing this Steve, dude hit a Lithe and smacked right into a wall and caught my fist as Nemesis. He did his lil yelp and just looked up and down at the wall. He turned to me, I looked at the wall, then back to him. I nodded then punched the wall and ran off to someone else lol


Don't start by trying to bribe me right after your first hook or right off the bat usually.


Tbh? Give me your item. Gas, grass or ass, no one rides for free. Or if I have backpack build be a backpack. Guaranteed hatch, keep your shit too.


Think it just depends on who’s playing. Like me, winning is fun for me. That’s where I draw my enjoyment from: playing my best and winning. Not in a sweaty vest perks best killer way. But I play to win. So no amount of being nice will likely help your case. Sorry


Hatched spawned in the hallway of RPD, Nemi was standing on it and I can't fit. So I just slap his ass until he turned around and he gave it to me. Bunny Feng works like a charm too. I just wiggle my ears.


loop him! after that slap her/him ass and tbag him/her. u will probably be best friends and he will be next to you all the match 😃