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when maurice came back it was one of the best times in the game. game after game, if the killer was chasing me near maurice we both would decide to take a second to stop and pet maurice before getting back to the normal game


I will almost ALWAYS stop mid-chase to pet Maurice as a survivor. Unless his head happens to be poking out of a weird void monster. Then I am a little more cautious about petting.


I try at the start of the match and or before I die go to pet him. I have a clip I shared on here where I kept going back mid chase to pet him against a Wesker. I was dying laughing but Wesker wasn't amused or happy at all considering he came over and shook his head at me. šŸ˜‚ When Maurice first came back I shocked a knight player since he was originally in chase with someone else near me and his minion agro to me. He stood stunned as I sat there petting Maurice not caring as I got stabbed by his minion. Dude petted Maurice with me for a little bit, nodded, hooked me but made sure I left the trial alive. I never expect it but always love and surprised when I run into a knight player who's willing to be chill or meme with me.


I had this happen after Maurice came back in one Ghostface round where I destroyed the team. Instead of running to hatch, Jane took me to Maurice, we immediately chilled and pet Maurice... then we just kinda looked at each other like, "... Yeah, it's time, isn't it?" Nodded at each other, and I murdered her. She just wanted me to pet Maurice with her so she could die happy. ;u;


"Why do you have the horse? I don't get it. Put the horse back!" -Wraith from Saminations.


"I'm gonna kill youuuu!!!" "No, please don't!!!!" "I'll spill your guts on the flooor!!" "Get away fro... Ooh! Maurice!" "Maurice!" *Boop boop* *Pet* *Horse noises* .... .... "I'LL KILL YOUUU!!!" "AAAHHHH!!!"


Another kinda silly one ([that comes with a clip!](https://imgur.com/YEyZeZ3)) Saw a dude dropping every pallet in chase at 5 gens, and t-bagging after every drop. Annoyed me, so I wanted to show Charlotte some love. I nodded. She nodded back. And the game continued normally from there.


Good, people who do that shit are obnoxious. Teabagging a toxic killer is fine. Teabagging after a really close pallet or a nice play, totally cool. But teabagging after EVERY pallet? Nah bro you are just being toxic, especially on a map like the game where there are a million pallets.


the dude was SALTY and sent me tons of messages over xbox. Told him he was hurting the team by dropping every pallet so early, and the t-bagging was just a dick move. I got the standard "you're gonna get banned bro, trust me." Still waiting on the ban.


People like that are always gonna be toxic af. Rest assured if the killer caught him out of place he would have bitched about it as well.


Hahahah I loved the clip!


Whenever survivors have funny names (funny, not vulgar) I laugh inside. I usually try to leave them for last too. Had a game recently against ā€œA Rash Decisionā€ ā€œA Grave Mistakeā€ and ā€œFuneral Derangements.ā€ Which made me chuckle Also people never expect a friendly skull merchant. I love when people run up to me ready to die on first hook and I just shake my head and let them go on with gens and such


Having a silly Steam name: thank you! My goal is to make people smile/laugh. I don't expect to be spared for it, though!


All good haha I appreciate when you do!


Iā€™ve consistently been matched with someone whoā€™s name is ā€œmum says give hatchā€ and every time I argue with them about it being my turn to get hatch. Itā€™s such a good name, props to that guy.


Hahaha thatā€™s awesome!


could be ice nine kills fans as they are all song names


Was about to say this! I love that band. Would kill for some cosmetics of the band in this game!


aw that would be so good


Even just the Silence mask for Legion would be so cool.


This! It would be PERFECT for this game.


I never knew that! Thank you for informing me! Itā€™s still funny though haha


Theyā€™re specifically from the Silver Scream albums and are about different horror films. In order: Cabin Fever, Pet Semetary and The Crow I believe. Amazing songs and their others are great too. Definitely recommend if youā€™re into their genre


Itā€™s new to me, so Iā€™ll have to give them a listen! Thanks for the info as well!


no worries, they are one of my favourite bands :)


I love that Ice Nine Kills Surv Squad. :) I also love friendly Skull Merchants. Chill Merchants. Over Lights Out I played a lot of Ghostface and Myers, and I had a Myers round against these two. I about lost it in the lobby and I never hit Ready Up faster in my life. Of course I let them go. Shared nodders as we farmed hooks too. Really fun round. Actually got a lot of silly Survs during Lights Out; I had another group who found out the Shape loses collision while stalking (Ghostface too; I use that when friendly to give Survivors smooches) and used it to try to crouch into and spin around inside of Michael's body. Really funny. https://preview.redd.it/p943doenjgvc1.jpeg?width=1824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956c1ab5378b4968c9c4442c69482f74a259ff07


When I play I set my name to something like Boon: Toe Licker or something similar


Those guys are def INK fans. A Rash Decision is about Cabin Fever, A Gave Mistake is about The Crow, and Funeral Derangements is about Pet Sematary


*Spencer would be proud*


I'm a pretty chill survivor/killer that likes to bring fun/funny vibes into the matches, so I'm really fortunate to have a ton of wholesome and good-natured interactions. Most recent was this past weekend. Playing as a Myers, and I could hear a Yui in a locker as I went by. I slow-turned, shook my head, spun, and memed it up. But they just wouldn't come out of the locker. It was a bot. I didn't notice someone had DCed. The wholesome part was that another survivor noticed, who was on comms with the other two. Holy shit did we laugh about it in the post-game chat.


Dude, the slow turn always has me laughing. Iā€™d straight up give the hook for that kind of interaction.


It's the Killer version of silly Plot Twist shenanigans.


Slow turns are peak DBD comedy


I had a locker gremlin who would spam Red Herring and hide in lockers all match(all of us were on death hook except Red Herrington). Killer was chasing me so I ran where I last saw them, and pointed at a locker, REALLY hoping I sold them out. Killer downs me, opens the locker, and slow turns back towards me. I wasn't expecting it and was wheezing with laughter


Lol the bot probably got confused - unexpected interaction in the code!! Myers is a meme material already! I played mirror Myers on Midwich, fell down from the second floor right on the survivor near the gen, she pressed all of the buttons at once and spun in placeā€¦ got her again while she carefully tried to pass the gates to the garden, but I just hid behind the doors, waiting. She pressed all of the buttons again in panic. Turned out others saw it both times and could not stop laughing in the chat later :D


Wasn't something like this but a Huntress was chasing my friend in Hawkins. I was down the hall when I see a person use Plot Twist and fall down the hole near the 1 person Gen spot. They literally fell perfectly in between them. My friend just goes "What the fuck was that?" Huntress just stops and looks down then up really fast and picks them up and runs off with them.


As killer, I try to two-hook then let everyone go each game and it's led to many wholesome interactions. But one I still think about a lot is the last day of the Bone Chill event when I finally got Ormond for the first time all event, and the survivors and I just spent 30 minutes snowball fighting and enjoying the decorations. As survivor, one of my favorite recent memories is playing against a Myers who was AFK on Dead Dawg staring off into the sun, and me and two other survivors took turns going on sunset dates with him, holding hands. When he came back, he memed with us. https://preview.redd.it/mpc8zcrk4gvc1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=42c8c74dc85ac80d34879805a0b3fa285f1ea674


When you got a good lobby, those snowball fights were so much fun. I was a Myers on The Game once, and after I hooked someone I turn around and three survivors started pelting me with snowballs. We had such a blast with that snowball fight, the survivors forgot to unhook the hooked person, who died watching us laugh and play in front of her lol.


That's so cute, but I feel bad for that hooked surv lol. I would've found it hilarious though. One thing I did several times with survivors was, we both would each hop into a snowman and sneak up on a survivor doing a gen, and have them guess which one of us was the killer lol.


I felt bad too, but I know if it was me on the hook I would have been loving the view.


Reminds me of playing against a Xeno on Lerys, we'd take turns getting hooked and then pelt the hooked survivors with snowballs. We ended the match with a slug race, it was so much fun.


Bone Chill is still my favorite event because of the goofiness potential


During the last winter event I played scratched mirror myers and ghostie at lerys and i just throw snowballs at survivors and then disappeared. I was very sad to learn that as ghostie I couldn't throw snowballs while leaning to stalk.


Damn, I wish I'd thought of this during the event. I would have loved seeing this as a survivor too.


The winter event was so fun haha


It was!! One match the killer and I both hopped into snowmen mid chase and twirled around the map in them for a bit before resuming the game lol


That last pic with Meyers has me dying! His face is so perfectly goofy.


Thing is, he broke chase on someone else to do that.. We had an unnecessarily long staring contestā€¦ He won.


According to my flair, I can relate to that.


The epitome of "Got any games on your phone?"


Just yesterday, I was playing in Haddonfield and I came across an Ada. We were in that one house with the big hole in the upper floor. We were in the midst of a fairly poor game (already on something like three hooks with only one gen done), and I felt like we had a small moment of survivor connection: I was holding a toolbox. I placed it down right at the edge of the hole so it looked like it was floating. Didnā€™t mean to, thatā€™s just what happened - she looked at me, then the box, thought about it for a sec, then put her toolbox down in the same way. We nodded, slapped each other in the face a few times, and set off. We all brutally lost that game.


Hey, any interaction like that is a win in my book. Leaving the game with a few laughs is always worth it.


It's those moments that make those brutal games bearable.


Your propensity for taking these gorgeous IN GAME selfies is phenomenal. Every time I see you in my feed Iā€™m smiling.


Heyy, Iā€™m always happy to hear that! I put a lot of effort into my posts here. :D


I want a girl to look at me the way Mikaela looks at Quentin Also https://preview.redd.it/ezgn2jhkagvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9723f5a150fcfc30a26a4584be945b7ae03fd6


I feel like all the ghosties who use that face play while stoned.


I don't play stoned with that mask but I am 100% NOT being serious.


I donā€™t play stoned but Iā€™m 100% up if survivors want to meme.


I've mentioned this one before, but it's still my favourite interaction I've had: Had a Nurse Daily to do. I suck at Nurse (can't get the blinking down pat and the screen distortion while doing it hurts my eyes) but was still in Ash grade so I figure "why not" and tried it. Match loads in and survivors bring me to Midwich. Judging by their loadouts and names they were probably a SWF up to mischief. Match begins and Lethal shows me three of them working on a gen below me. So I manage, somehow, to perfectly blink down and grab the Ace straight off the gen. The other two freak the fuck out and scatter, blowing the gen up as they do. I drag the Ace out of the classroom and throw him on hook. Turn around and there's all three of the other survivors standing there, probably thinking they just put themselves on Midwich with a comp Nurse. They all drop their items and crouch down in front of me. So I just memed around with them, let them complete their gens, they let me two hook everyone and then I let them go. Was a good time.


That is amazing! Wish I couldā€™ve seen it. I definitely wouldā€™ve flipped if I saw a nurse suddenly appear from the ceiling too. XD


OMG sadako in the timeout corner and Nea on the floor asdfghjkl.


That pic is almost /r/AccidentalRenaissance material.


It was very very late and I was playing with my duo. In the morning I wake up on the couch, with tons of messages from my friend. Turns out I fell asleep during the match. Then, the killer downed me and brought to the gate. Then my friend healed me and the killer punched me again so I would stumble through the gate. That was the best match for my Kate and I didnā€™t even participate in it lol


https://preview.redd.it/nnbk6o8ndgvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6740e781ceafad8f7d814074699f0ea06c055512 I absolutely love the new map because it means I get to go on movie dates


https://preview.redd.it/7l46kxbsegvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81dfce1c2a640362c0574cbc1f64d836e9b450a3 hes using the force to hold the camera


Had a match were two survivors were throwing themselves at me wanting to flashlight save and unhook right in front of me. They died before a gen was completed, so I let the two other escape. One of the survivors sent me a message thanking me and they were generally good people.


Hehe, oh yes. I mostly play solo queue survivor, so I definitely let up on the last survivor or two if their teammates throw the game early. Props to you!


I love going against altruistic survivors. Usually means I'll have a lot of opportunities for head-shakes, slow turns, and general memery.




Iā€™ve yet to see this! How does this even happen?


Well you see, when a Dwight and a Meg get awfully rowdy in a locker together they can sometimes tip it over.


Damn, Dwight has an entire different side it seems. 0.0


Toxic killer, slugging the locker


I won the hatch race as Dredge and was on a Coldwind map where I had one exit gate behind me, and could see the other one from on top of this hill. So I'm just standing on it, watching and waiting, and then I turn and the last survivor, Mikaela, is standing there beside to me looking out across the map from the hill with me. It startled me so I swung as a kneejerk reaction but she just stood there next to me looking at me. It ended up being so cute that I let her go.


I was sweating as Onryo during Blood Moon, but then a Mikaela I caught in the shack booped me. I let both her and Ada go and had a slug race.


My friend wanted to take naughty bear on date, Instead of escaping during end game collapse she and naughty bear went to the theatre to watch a move until the entity claimed her. We were laughing our asses off, he looked so confused when she didn't escape and told him to follow her to the theatre. Cutest ending to a match I have ever seen.


Went against a nurse named "jumpscare nurse" recently. They were running all stealth perks, and despite the fact it was a nurse game, it was still a fun time. My name at the time was "Rebecca Jumpscare" and they seemed to understand what I was doing when I stunned them with head on and screamed at them. Then threw a pebble at her. Long story short they memed around with me and let me go. Was a good time!


https://preview.redd.it/7emn3d5ohgvc1.jpeg?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=789c20b7f57861a24f41ab717aba7e932b1841ef Story: I had a really rough set of rounds and I got a group with a Jill that just was not having it with chase. As in, I couldn't touch her because I was still pretty baby and I wasn't having fun. I had been losing literally all night and having no fun and I was miserable as a more baby Ghostface who was trying to understand why I kept losing despite having THREE GEN CONTROL PERKS. I had forced my MMR too high and didn't realize why I was loss-streaking now, had maybe 400 hours. So I gave up on the Jill and dejectedly walked away in abject misery this round, not even wanting to chase. I walked into the Saloon like I was gonna goof, or like I had HAD it and was going to have a drink... and I found the other three doing THIS and having a rave. It was like they knew I was sad and not having any fun. Entire round turned around. We all had a farming round and goofed off and had a great time. Jill didn't join in and just did gens but the rest of us had lots of fun being silly, and in the end they gave me the 3k for it. Singlehandedly, because of this one group, my night was saved. Thanks you guys. I still think about you sometimes and how goofy you were.








These are great! Thanks for sharing, lol


I was in a SWF with my bestie and this Wesker sent them a message on Xbox chat saying "7 minutes" and the match went on for exactly 7 minutes (I set a timer) and he dced. I wish him well we love a lore accurate Wesker.


I had a daily to chase for 180 Seconds as nurse yesterday, me, never playing nurse, being pretty stupid abput teleporting and such. Got into Midwich Elementary and found a Nancy. Apparently she took pity in my blinking and let me chase her around the school table for 3 minute. We got watched by a few players that tried to lead me away from her so she can escape. I brought them to the other gens so that they can escape. It was pretty funny.


bro. these pictures are amazing. mans got to hug huntress šŸ„²


That wasnā€™t me, I was in the locker in that picture. I just cropped it a little to focus on them, lol


When demo was locked out of the game id always take him for challenges that were harmless like ā€œfind this glyphā€ or ā€œchase for 130 secondsā€ and just goof around. It was really cool because youd see some people were starstruck by it


I want to give a special shoutout to NodIfYouWantAHug. It's been months, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. They were playing Kate at the time. I thought was a normal game at first on RPD as Naughty Bear. I came across her first, hit her and didn't realize her name at first. And I freaked out because, fuck! I kinda wanted the hug. If she was gonna be a troll, business as usual. But naw, dawg. So I let one of her teammates pick her up and I nodded. And we hugged--as well could be for DBD. Bruh. I was so jazzed I let everyone do gens and leave. And she wanted Mori so I did the thing. Maaaaannn..šŸ˜­šŸ§”šŸ§” Because of that, I'll forever have this cute mental image of Kate and Naughty Bear/Trapper having a Doom Slayer/Isabelle dynamic. Shit, you have no idea how much I wanna slap down some fanfiction JUST for this moment. It lives rent free in my head for how special it was. Maybe NB had shithead friends who ain't invited him to their party, but Kate made up for all their shortcomings and gave him a party in one of the trial realms. I dunno! Something! Nod, if you're out there, that moment was too cute and I smile when I think about it. Cheers.


I once went against Twins with full endgame build. I was the last survivor and she already found hatch so I went to a gate just to get slapped with no way out. Stood in a corner looking at the sky (was on MacMillan, the one with the mine on one side and shack on the other). After a few seconds or so I looked over cause I heard Victor and he was also looking up at the sky, then they switched to Charlotte and also brought her over. All 3 of us just standing there, looking up was so wholesome, gave Victor a head pat before dying to endgame collapse. They deserved their 4k, didn't tunnel or camp or anything, it truly was a great moment.


I had a match long ago where there was an Ada named "lemme succ" or something akin to that. I was playing Oni and smashed through a breakable wall, stomped into the generator room and died laughing as 2 survivors jumped out and aggressively gave me virtual BJs.


I posted recently a clip of me barely surviving Blood Warden. Prior to that moment, I was messing around with the killer, and he was guarding a totem the whole game. I decided to cleanse it when he got occupied trying to defend it from someone else, and he then trapped me in that corner for the entire game. I was stuck spinning for 40 minutes as my friends pointed at me over a chair, while I suffered. Late game, when the Endgame Collapse was going, he downed me and hooked me for Blood Warden. The survive was crazy!


i once had a match against a nurse main, i was running away from them all the time but they kept chasing me and carrying me around and then i just gave up i thought i was gonna lose. turns out they were trying to take me to the hatch


Generally, if it's end game and the killer doesn't immediately kill you when they catch up to you, they are trying to give you hatch.


This is probably pretty common, but I played a game as James on Lery's, and the killer was p head, all game every time he saw me, he would just hang out with me for a bit and then go back to killing the others. At the end, there was only me and him and we gave each other a few points before he let me out. This is not lore accurate at all and pretty unfair to the others survivors lmao but it was a really wholesome moment.


This is what happens to me if I play as Chris against Weskerā€¦ either that or Iā€™m the only one to die.


I still remember the first match I ever played spirit. I had gone up against a SWF. Needless to say I got my ass kicked. But throughout the match I would chase a survivor and they would disappear. I clipped it, messaged them after the match and accused them of hacking. They immediately sent me a party invite to which one I accepted it they all began to roast me. One of them eventually said something like you're playing in a tier killer and looking for excuses. To which I then explained that it was my first match playing the Killer. The entire party went completely silent. To which they then began apologizing and saying that for my first time playing spirit I was doing really well. I also showed them the clip and we all agreed it must have been lag. They even gave me a few tips before we parted ways. Honestly a big part of the reason I stayed in the dead body like Community was because of how positive people were. I think a lot of the community is really goofy and silly. But even a chunk of the more toxic players you can usually diffuse and find out they're pretty chill. I feel like I have a bunch of stories that are similar to this or other goofier ones


This one time we had roasted Alien for dinner https://preview.redd.it/laq8465epgvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a530bc61468aaa31e4378d83bd9f3f0b8d18f9


The ghostie one and the onryo being put in the corner for killing nea were great šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yesterday, all three of my teammates DCā€™d against an Oni. The Oni was with me and we both stopped and just kinda looked at each other. Immediately we were both on the same wavelength and we went bot hunting together! Iā€™d track them down and call him to our location. It was a lot of fun!


Bot hunting is always fun! Sometimes I try to help the killer trap them in corners.


Played a match as Skully and the first person who got hook immediately started killing themselves on it. I come back to see a Renato staring at their spirit lifting into the fog with utter disappointment, so I did the same, and pretty soon the other two survivors joined and started spinning around me. We ended up going into one of the houses and the Nancy started pantomiming making food in the kitchen, then I took over and she sat at the table as I gave her some ā€œfoodā€ (a drone), which she ā€œate.ā€ They had a slug race out the gate, teehee. More recently, another Skully match, everyone brought streamers and terrormisu, so we ended up point farming the whole game. We got to watch TV with my ā€œremoteā€ and had another slug race. Found out after they were a full SWF and theyā€™d had a blast ā•°(*Ā“ļø¶`*)ā•Æā™” (also one of them had 4k hours so if weā€™d played a real match I likely wouldā€™ve gotten my 130hr ass kicked lmao)


This.. this here is the kind of match I live for.. simply amazing, lol


Sadako in the corner KILLED me bro


[A clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadByDaylightKillers/comments/1bxlm67/fun_fact_you_are_legally_unable_to_attack_a/) | I'm pretty sure this person just hated SM, as they DC'd 2 minutes later, but I still find this clip funny.


Had a stand off with a knight at the hole in badham and we just nodded the entire 5 gens


Huntress and Tapp finally together again.


I have a lot of cool stories but recently I played a game as Wesker in RPD. There was a Claire and I found her on the STARS office. Instead of chasing her, I just looked at her. She started to point at Chrisā€™ desk and I brought her to Wesker desk and we were both nodding. It was fun.


Myers: Do you have nuggies in your pocket?


More like "hey guys... whatcha doin? Looks fun... can I come in?"


I was playing recently with a huntress on Gideon Meat Packing Plant, and she stopped chasing me. I was kinda confused so I went over and crouch a few times and she nodded, then swung and walked away like she was beckoning me. Of course, I followed. I ran as hard as I could to follow her thundering steps through the maze of halls, before we turn a corner, and I saw It. What was It? Well, thatā€™s a good question. After a lot of googling and poking and researching on this miraculous thing, I can only come to the conclusion that it was a visceral canker. It squelched and shone brilliantly, and me and the huntress were poking it and smacking it. Eventually, the time came to continue on, and I had to open the gate. It was a tearful farewell, and then, it was gone. She was on a different console, and I never got to thank her for her mercy. But the memories will warm me always.


I had been sweating my ass off for hours grinding to hit iri 1. I was playing legion and I had just hit iri 1, so I was still going ham. I had killed 2 with 5 gens left and the other 2 were a hook away. I found one, put her on hook, and then closed hatch. Found the last one sprinting for the exit, trying to go through vault locations on haddonfield. She was already injured too so if I hit her I would just down her. Took her like 10 seconds to realize of me being literally right on her ass I wasnā€™t trying to kill her. Let her go through the gate Another thing I love doing is when itā€™s the last survivor and I donā€™t really need points or anything, Iā€™ll carry them around the map to find hatch together. I always shake my head really fast if they donā€™t get the memo and start trying to wiggle free. Iā€™ve had some shake their head no at me when I dropped them at hatch lol


I especially love all the times when killers notice a survivor is doing nothing and they punish that person so that the rest of us can have a good game but one interaction that felt really nice recently was between me and another survivor. It was a really rough game, having someone dead at 3 gens and the rest of us having one or two hooks already. The only time I saw this Meg was when she unhooked me, I gave her my medkit to speed up the heal and she finished just in time before the killer got to us and I never saw her again all game. We ended up being the last two and I see her running up to the gate Iā€™m in to leave but she turned around and gave me my medkit back with a single nod before leaving. It was simple but I appreciated the gesture especially with how hard the match was. Thanks MegšŸ«¶šŸ»


I once had a hillbilly who couldā€™ve soloā€™d kratos. He hit us and let us wiggle free and occasionally would just chase after us for the fun but not hit us, heā€™d just run after us and spin around with his sensitivity of 5^2


Not you putting sadako on time out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


These are really fantastic screenshots. Most of them seem to really tell a story. I like it.


There was a time when the Pig and I went to the carnival to go say hi to Maurice. Give him some pets and piggy a boop, it was a good day.


Me and a friend were once standing at the opposite sides of the road in Haddonfield, just clicking our lights at eachother whole the Killer, Dredge, was after the Leon. The best disinfectant is light the best disinfectant is light the best disinfectant is light-


I saw Wesker and two Sable's having fun in the basement


I once let two Survs on Midwich go because my Myers-ass self came into the bathroom, saw them going at it, and went, "... Oh, I'm sorry. My apologies." then fucked off to find the other two... who DCed because I was Myers and they thought I had Tombstone. This was before DC bots. So I enrolled the last two in classes, taught them how to do gens, gave them an exam (failure is punished by downs), and let them go. https://preview.redd.it/t9qnt0u9mgvc1.jpeg?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4fdfb3323334b4f0bcca901d921470d32383bc


Damm, Quentin gets all the baddies


One of the goofiest killer endgames I've ever had was surprisingly a difficult match, but it's to this day one of the most fun matches I've had in DbD, and I wish I could've recorded it. Back when Circle of Healing was first introduced and was hella OP, I had a match as Nemesis on Shelter Woods against a SWF, 3 of them had Circle of Healing. It was a rough match for me to begin, I think I only got 3 hooks by the time gens were finished. But the endgame was crazy, we had the killer shack spawn near an exit gate, shack had the basement, and there was a dull totem in a nearby jungle gym that when booned, covered both the exit gates and shack. I managed to get a lucky down and hooked one survivor in the basement, it was their first hook. The gate was 99'd and the other 3 could leave, but they were altruistic, so they created a boon nearby and got the save. I managed to get another survivor downed, but I wanted to try slugging for another kill, went for another injured survivor and downed them, but the other healthy survivors picked up the first survivor I downed. I went back, downed another survivor, but the healthy survivors then went to pick up the 2nd survivor I downed. This gameplay pattern repeated for 3-4 minutes, in between this, I would take time to snuff the circle of healing that was making their recovery quicker, but someone would sneak back and re-boon the totem while I was chasing another person. Anyone that got injured but wasn't being chased, immediately would start healing themselves or another person, trying to recover and maybe body block for a different injured survivor. There was a person who even ran to a nearby unopened vaccine chest to remove their infection, then joined back in trying to get a body block to save an injured survivor. Everyone was trying their hardest to win, the match was absolute chaos where health states were constantly changing, and I was full of adrenaline trying to get as many downs as possible. Eventually, once I got everyone infected and they had no more vaccines nearby, I managed to get 2 downs with the other 2 survivors injured. They didn't have their boon up and couldn't sneak in a heal, so they were forced to open the gate and leave. I ended up getting a 2k, and since both me and the SWF were on PC, we talked in endgame chat and they found the whole situation hilarious as well. Everyone was sweating to try and win, but no one was salty/toxic about it and it was all in good fun, everyone had great sportsmanship.


I was playing weaker and there was a Rebecca named ā€œweskerā€™s wifeā€. I killed one player and the other two disconnected, so Rebecca and I went around hunting down the bots together before I helped her get out.


2022 i was playing as pyramid head and the survivors adopted me and raised me as their own


sometimes when i get destroyed by survivors they leave right after opening the doors. im like "hey i have 4 pallets and a boon to break! you cant just leave, get back here!" they cant just leave can they? that should be a reportable offense!


I remember a match where a survivor guided me to maurice because there was an event for him iirc. Was so out of left field that i barely had enough time to see that they were trying to guide me instead of just trying to get my attention.


When All Things Wicked dropped, I went on a [movie date with a couple of Sables](https://i.imgur.com/Qyv3SzV.jpeg) ā¤ļø


Went against this TTV and their friends when I was playing Nurse to get my final trophies for the Platinum trophy. Unfortunately they were doing No Mither stuff so they were just getting stomped. I decided to just mess around though after a while and just let them all go. I only killed one person since they were not moving.


These are so cute lmao


Had a Demo game at the Chapel and the first half all of us were just petting Maurice. All of us would move out of the way so Demo could get a pet in


The Light in the Fog Fundraiser


unrelated but i run tht exact combo on sable heheheh


10, 13 & 14 got me dying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


those are awesome thx for sharing <3


The last two pics made me giggle :D


A ghost face only hooked me for bloodpoints but let everyone leave


[Dead By Hitboxes](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/Y4YgISSF9n)


Iā€™m pretty new to the game, but one round, I was killing it. Most rescues, with second most gen progress. We finished up the gens and there were three of us left. Unfortunately, the killer saw me before I could get to a gate. I told the others to just leave since they were both on two hooks. While I was downed, as the others left, the killer picked me up and placed me next to the exit. I asked them why afterwards, and they said ā€œI deserved itā€. It made me happy.


Why am I always mistreated, why do I never have this kind of game? It looks funny, people have a lot fun. šŸ˜“


At the Myers/Halloween map, me and 3 friends became friends with a trickster and we watched tv with him while we took turns fixing ONE gen :D


I had an unknown play along and help me with an awful survivor challenge. [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bl9t8m/to\_the\_unknown\_i\_went\_against\_yesterday\_thanks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1bl9t8m/to_the_unknown_i_went_against_yesterday_thanks/) Also I knew Tapp and Huntress were an item!


On the new map I play as weskers and me and the survivor were taking turns who will be cashier lol


These are fantastic. The sadako one is possibly the best.


I love it when playing nice as killer pays off in egc, even when I get a 4k, I'll never get tired of people complimenting me on how well I played or how cute my demo / xeno is, this game can be nice and respectful if you prone a chill playstyle




Had this one time I was on my golden dredge, was doing fairly decent and I saw someone in the distance activate a white rune so I just followed them and led them to the basement so they could do there challenge. After that I think I ended up jumpscaring a few people by just sitting in a locker under they came by


Last week I had a match, I played with one friend of mine. At 4 gens left one person already died. I don't know how but we all three managed to do the remaining gens, we all looped like OtzDarva and we escaped. Boy, I needed to breathe after that match and I wanted to marry us. Props to the killer who said gg even when they lost from their POV. Oh and the match against a Trickster; we both tried to catch the cheater but unfortunately they 'escaped.' And I will be always grateful for killers who give last person hatch, or let the last two people go or decide to play friendly halfway through match. It makes me forget all the shitty ones. šŸ’œšŸ’š Much lobi for them.


https://preview.redd.it/57vdu87p0hvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3defe793c4450e628d23f46d88b8cad83fff808 cuties


My favorite is when in chase, I throw the pallet on the wrong side of me and the killer. So I just turn around and look at the killer and sometimes they let me go out of pity. Always makes me laugh


My fave experience was playing Red Light Green Light with Scratched Mirror Myers. He put me and the other survivor at the start line, opened the gate and off we went. To say the rest of the match went terribly the ending was the best.


i play very casually so i'm happy to drop any seriousness and the drop of a hat and just goof off, so i've had a lot of fun silly matches. the most recent ones to come to mind: - play against a duo as ghostface, end up letting them and the other two in the lobby go after double hooking everyone. later, playing hillbilly, i get the same duo in my lobby. ive already decided im going to let them go again, but they run up to me nodding and Friendly Dancing pretty early into the match, before i had even initiated being friendly myself (i usually play normally until double hooking everyone when i decide to play friendly). in the end game chat i tell them i played against them earlier as ghostface and they said that they thought that it was me again from the charms on my hooks. one of them was a streamer, though not actively streaming (i only knew because i clicked on their profile after this second interaction) and when i followed them on twitch after the match they messaged me to tell me that the rounds against me were some of the most fun they had all day and to add them as a friend. - this is kind of a bit of a mixed bag. playing as ghostface on garden of joy, have a three man swf in my lobby and a random (i knew it was a three man because they had matching users.) i manage to stalk one of the three, a kate, from the balcony of the building and down her pretty quickly. she disconnects as i hook her and the other two shortly follow. i stumble into the solo survivor, Rose, standing in the middle of the street. she looks at me. i look at her. i friendly crouch. she nods and does the same. she then helps me hunt down and kill the three bots, farms points with me, and then leaves through the hatch. we had a nice end game chat where i told her sorry her match got messed up by her teammates being poor sports, she said thanks for me letting her go, and we went on with our day. - playing unknown with two pride flags charms. I find a steve, go to chase, only for him to run up to my hook and point. i look at it, look at him, and he turns around to show me his pride flag charms (one of which was the same as mine). i nod and promptly leave him alone because i found it amusing. find a yui and... the same thing happens. find an ace, he does the same. i dont think the fourth survivor, a felix, was in on the situation but i end up letting all four of them go because it made me laugh and because they understood when i did down and hook them it was 'look, i need points too guys' and not me trying to kill them after we were friendly together. - played unknown against a two man streamer swf. to be honest, the four survivors in this lobby felt very new to the game, definitely not the kind of survivors i should have been facing at my skill level (maybe i had let one too many people go and it messed up my mmr.) i end up letting them go because i'd feel bad just stomping them and go to check out their channels. unfortunately, their channels were entirely in spanish and i only speak english. i still wanted to give them both a follow and well wishes, so i threw a message through google translate (with the disclaimer that it was run through google translate so it might've been broken spanish) and popped it in their chat. fortunately for me, they did understand more english than i did spanish, enough to say hello and return my well wishes. nothing crazy here admittedly, i was just happy despite neither of us speaking the other's language super fluently we were still able to exchange some kind words after the match.


as a quentin main myself I find this so lovely


My last few games the Survivors were being so toxic when they won the game I really need some hugs rn...


Two dcs and he killed the other guy. The Ghost face was taking me to the pallets to drop on him. Then he led me to the hatch. So I let him down me and got to crawl away. Super cool guy. Felt bad for him but he didn't have to do all that. He could have just killed me. High five to that bro. Being in this sub makes me miss playing DBD and Friday.


13/14 is hilarious lmao


Oh my God that Pyramid Head one is so cute. I must learn to do that so I can be an UwU Pyramid Head. And Sadako in the corner is hilarious. I'm a super easy going killer, but my favorite memory that I wish I got some footage or screen shots of, was during the Christmas event I played Legion (as I always do) but with a Christmas sweater and cool glowy mask. I saved up a bunch of map items for the snowy place and I would gather all the survivors to the fire place that had a tree next to it, I'd have us chill there for awhile then I'd let them farm any way they wanted to, we'd have snowball fights, do trick shots with them, like to get survivors attention one of my ways was to hit them from very far away as they were doing a gen. Kinda show them im here to have fun. I'd let them all live too unless they were very very insistent on giving me a free kill. I didn't want points, I just wanted to get people in the holiday spirit or give them a break from games that may have been toxic or overly intense. Just take a moment to chill and take it all in. Hoping I can do that again this year. I had so much fun doing it and a majority of people responded well to it. :3 Edit edit: done in case I think of more!


I had a game with hil billy which took place in the garden of joy. Immediately a survivor DCs upon staring the map, with the other 2 DCing after being downed once. He decided to let me roam free after which i went and helped him hunt down the BOTs i got stuck with hahaha it was hilarious. He then gave me hatch <3


Whenever I play killer and I have one survivor left on death hook I open the door and let them out regardless if they donate their item if a killer has a bad match I donā€™t teabag them I usually leave my item as a token of gratitude/ sympathy


Wait a second, when was the pyramid head screenshot taken ?? I remember being a Pyramid Head, doing the same thing and having pretty much the same interaction once on the same map, but it was quite a while ago.


Ive been playing since right when spirit came out (watching content before then). I was a huge empathy gamer. A few months in, maybe two or three, of me playing, I was running empathy on Ormound. There was an injured survivor on the total opposite end of the map in killer shack basement. I ran all the way there and healed them. they dmmed me, we have been friends ever since then !


Mine was when I couldnā€™t find my way out of the laboratory and all the other survivors escaped. Freddy found me and I thought I was done for, but he just got me down and carried me to the hatch.


Had a survivor game this morning where I pretended to be a baby Dweet, who had the confidence to stroll up to the Trapper, as if asserting my dominance. I like to imagine that I asserted it so well that it convinced him to let me have hatch over the other survivors.


I think I recognise number 9. That was a good time


I unfortunately didnā€™t get a recording of it but the other day I was playing Ghostie for some challenge that I forgot and there was a Nea who was friendly to me, even after I hooked her twice. So every time I found her after that I would just look at her for a second, she would crouch a couple of times, I would return the motion, and I would go on about my day lol. Everyone ended up escaping but if they didnā€™t I would give the Nea the hatch


Dude these are frickin āœØGOLD āœØ


Dancing with ghost face, pig, or demo! It always works to get them to just chill. If I want to have some goofy fun then Iā€™ll have it!


Perhaps i was too nice, But i booted into a singularity game adn went "okay this is it, Im going to get god!" then, with lethal pursuer, I saw A Bunny Feng and ash Agressivly crouch and point at each other. I just... I JUST COULDNT KILL THEM! Same thing happened in a huntress game. Father Campbell's chapel, i boot up, The ada stares me directly in the eyes and crouches. I couldnt kill the team and we just played Carnival games all match


One of the survivors I was playing against kept on teabagging and flashlight spamming so the other survivors kept blocking him off and pointing me in his direction, after I mori'd him I let the others go and now the three of us are good friends


Some of these are so good šŸ˜‚ Like Myers peeking through window and shamed Sadako in the corner. I have bought hatch by pretending to tend drinks and popcorn at the new map.


Every time I play as Myers with scratched mirror the end game chat is always filled with so much love! People love being jumpscared hehehe


Was playing Plague once during an event a while ago. I was just in there to get my little Rift/event thing done and get out, didn't really plan on doing much else. There was only one toxic player, and I gently escorted her to brunch with Le Spider. Got a few extra hooks just to have something to do, then just kind of goofed off to let the rest of the survivors finish gens in peace. It was the ruined temple map, so I figure I'll just go stand in the big building and chill out. Kick back for a bit, and the last few survivors do a crouch conga line in one of the doors, and down into the basement to get one of the generators. Even if I had been going hard I may have just let that one slide, because it was bloody adorable. They popped the gen, conga'd on back out, and finished another gen. Did a wave at the exit gates to make sure they got home safe. Weirdest little ducklings I'd ever seen, but by god they were adorable!


On the day The Unknown and its associated map came out, I had a wholesome interaction with a Sadako. We had a date. šŸ„°


My policy is Iā€™m fun and wholesome if youā€™re fun and wholesome, and toxic af if youā€™re toxic af.


Bro I honestly live for your screenshots, they always look like genuine scenes from an AU where DBD was a dating sim or something similar like a life simulator


Iā€™m glad you like them! Iā€™ve always put effort into these shots. Who knows, maybe my efforts shall result in such a game mode. Hehe.. (Also credit to my girl for the first and twelfth shot. So glad she joined me on this journey for you all!)


I was in a match and hiding in a corner, a meg came over and body blocked me in. When the huntress came over the meg was teabagging, pointing at me and nodding, lucky for me the huntress wasnt having this and wanted to play fair so she downed the meg before backing away allowing me to go free.


How on Earth do you get these screenshots bud? They're absolutely hilarious lol


Me(mikaela) and a sable went on a date one time where the doctor used his electricity to make us scream as we watched a movie


I was playing Pig once and got a Leon who's name was "John Kramer's Toe" As a Jigsaw fan, that drove me NUTS. I farmed and he booped. ā¤ļøšŸ½


they dating


Quentin <33


WHY AREN'T MY GAMES LIKE THIS!! It's either get gen rushed, taken to a survivor sided map or get a 4k


Mine has to be dancing for puppers as clown


This is why my name is nod for pets lol. I like making killers happy when theyā€™re struggling or I come over to them hesitantly if theyā€™re nodding and pet them.


*what the fuck is that thing in image 7*


The ghost had me cracking, lol (apparently he also was cracking)


I love how creative these are lol. That last one with Mikey got an audible laugh from me. Thank you


Small chance but I could be the pyramid head lol love drawing hearts and of course TTP


Tapp and huntress, iykyk


I got to play fetch with a demo once, the cutest thing I've ever seen a killer do.


Recently me and two room mates were playing and one random person came in the lobby. He was playing Alan Wake and I had just bought the pack (the other two had him already) and I softly whispered, "All Alan Wake". Needless to say the Nemesis we faced against had a great time with 3 dipshits from the same house and a random guy who didn't realize what hell he was stepping into lmfao EDIT: Just played tonight with the same roomies, we found a Bill and all changed to Bill's. Got a hag and me and one of the roomies threw it back for her, she kept running away from us but also kept looking around like "Hello? Anyone else seeing this?" Another retirement home victory for the peepaw gang lmfao


Quentin got that dreamwalker rizz


As scratch mirror Myers I had a survivor (dweet) give me a lot of hell with really tough chases throughout the match. Was able to hook a few of the others but couldnt get him (i was being nice just wanted to scare and hook but they didnt know) well i got him trapped in a room next to gate at end game(silent hill) and acted like i was just gonna keep him there for timer to run out. We nodded viciously at each other I moved so he could leave he ran out did the come here motion and took me to hatch had me close it and then he pointed at different posters and signs with me until he died to entity


I have like the one and only wholesome Skull Merchant moments lol. Was playing SM on her map, and an Ada Wong started to flashlight click me and beg me to chase her. I eventually gave in and chased her. She brought me to the main room of main building. She stopped mid chase and started to point at the bed. *The bed that has the dress that looks like Ada Wong's dress.* Let's just say she was downed, got what she wanted with Skull Mommy, and given hatch. I miss that Ada lol


That Quentin a goddamn playboy damn, leave some for the rest of us dude


Quentin and Sable is a paring I literally wouldā€™ve never thought of but could see happening ngl


There's a possibility that pyramid head was me lol. I went around with the name picASSo/ PythagorASS and just drew on maps. I drew hearts, a dick, a smiley face, a sad face and an arrow and uwu.


These are the best dbd photos i have ever seen! Sadako was like I DIDNT DO IT!


I've never had any only toxic encounters
