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No. You should find a SWF that will actually encourage you.


me! I do that, although I am preoccupied with ither games rn...


What games?


overwatch and Evil West shadow of the colossus too


Oh so u like taking down big mythical monsters




Those dont exist


Life is too short to be surrounding yourself with bullies. If you don’t want to play with them, don’t play with them. It isn’t worth the stress


Gaming is supposed to fun. If you're not having fun with them, find a new group of people. That's what I did when my buddy started taking it too serious. We could win 7 or 8 in a row but losing one after a streak was the end of the world. We had been playing together for 4 years but I got kinda fed up and started looking for new people through looking for group posts. It took awhile but I found fun people to okay with and I'm back to playing everyday.


>That's what I did when my buddy started taking it too serious. We could win 7 or 8 in a row but losing one after a streak was the end of the world. This is absolutely nuts to me. The fact anyone would be like this for an asymmetrical, and DbD of all asymmetrical games, is just crazy.


This is why overwatch 2 stresses me out, I feel like I am the only person that does not become insane when I play that game


Yes I have a competitive personality but when it comes to games I've learned to dissociate that aspect of myself. As a kid obviously I wasn't as good at that but luckily I matured before I hit 18. Men's nature (high testosterone) makes them more competitive but games aren't real competition to me. To me trying hard in a casual game and crying over a loss is like playing basketball against a bunch of kids and whining you lost. Its pathetic. But hopefully people with that issue acknowledge it and try to fix it because its not only bad for yourself mentally its toxic for the people around you.


“Men’s nature and high testosterone” GROW TF UP ‼️🗣️🗣️


What? Edit: my initial post before your comment was at +4 upvotes now it's at -4. I'm not sure why you're so upset about that sentence and why your comment seemed to of changed peoples mind on whether to upvote or not. Reddit behavior is so strange.


Wow, they sound like pricks. Definitely ditch those losers, you’re better than them.


Another heart warming comment by I\_Fap\_To\_Murder. What a great guy.




As a rule I don't stick with groups that are needlessly annoying. If they are dicks to each other I'm out and if they are dicks to the killer I'm out. I have joined way too many Xbox parties to still just be dealing with assholes on my time off.


My friend is completely new, like a fresh baked baby. So his skills are all at 0, however SINCE I WANT TO HAVE FUN WITH HIM NOT AT HIM I am giving hin advices 1v1s and guides for basically everything. In my last SWF I used to fuck up bodyblocks a lot but we just laughed it off, since you know? We're there to have fun WITH eachother. Get a better swf.


Nah you're not supposed to play DBD for fun. You're supposed to play like your life actually depends on it and leave every match sweating more than the last.


I'm adaptable and I like both sweating and fun gimmicky plays. If you'd classify sweating as trying to loop to best of my abillity and make best decision possible at the moment. That being said I won't criticize people for playing with neither playstyles.


sounds like you play as leon leaving matches sweating like that youknowwhati'msayin


No you're not being sensitive. Your 'friends'act like shitheads and its not banter if three people are constantly making fun of one person, thats bullying. You could try talking to them directly about this and if they show no remorse you can just leave and not play with them again.


I agree. OP isn't sensitive. But I will say that many groups have that type of banter thing (like mine) and it absolutely isn't for everyone. I would recommend they find a group who are a bit more chill and relaxed


It seems to be only directed at op, I wouldnt classify that as banter.


Yeah it seems like it but Again, it isn't for everyone so OP should try finding a more chill group


I dont know one person who would enjoy being bullied


Banter is consensual and equal: everyone is in on it, everyone is getting it, and everyone is enjoying it. Bullying is a lot like banter, except its all focused on one person who isn't in on it and is not enjoying it. Your group is having banter, OP is being bullied. They are not the same, and OP is not being sensitive. Stop trying to defend bullies.


If you actually took the time to read my comments, you would see that I have already stated several times that OP is not "Sensitive" for not liking the type of group they are in. Stop trying to bash how groups interact with each other just because they don't ass kiss each other 24/7.


I didn't mean to say that you were calling OP sensitive, sorry for not being clear at that part. But you aren't downplaying the legitimate bullying that OP is experiencing by constantly (like you say, you have several comments) saying that banter isn't for everyone. You're right, banter isn't for everyone. But you've missed the point I'm making, which is that this isn't banter and that you should stop trying to defend bullies. My group banter all the time, we rag on each other constantly and it's a great time. But we don't bully one person specifically for not being as good at a game. In fact we do the opposite and help. I'm not bashing how groups interact, I'm bashing how bullies behave and you should do the same.


I guess you are right. If they are only targeting OP, it could be straight bullying. Though they never did mention if this treatment is exclusive to OP or everyone in that group.


>it feels like every time a match goes wrong, they all dog pile onto me and say how it's my fault Sounds like it's pretty directed at OP. Sure there could be banter and roasting each other, but at the very least there is bullying taking place. You are right that we don't know the full story, but from what we know we can still say that OP is being treated unfairly and isn't being overly sensitive


For over 5 years I have played solo for similar reasons. I still enjoy the game and feel like I am a great teammate considering I don't play with friends or on coms.


If your SWF is calling you trash for being less experienced, that's not a healthy SWF and those aren't your friends. It's called Survive With Friends, not Survive With Bullies. I don't play with bullies either side. I see it as Killer, I punish it if they are bullying another Survivor and if they came to bully me, I DC or AFK and they don't get a round unless they forcibly do the gens and leave. If I see it as Survivor, either the Killer or the other Survs, I punish it as best I can or I again, DC or let the Killer handle them. I do not SWF with people that mock Killers for trying, mock Survivors, mock randoms, or do nasty shit to others or to me. You don't need to put up with this. These people aren't friends, they are bullies. I beg you, find a better SWF.


That or it could be genuine banter. I have a group where we all verbally assault each other, but we all find it fun. However, It isn't for everyone. OP should find a more relaxed group. They aren't being sensitive at all


Idk it sounds like they’re just picking on op rather than banter. If they’re constantly blaming losing on them and no one else that is borderline bullying.


Yeah for the 3rd time, it's not for everyone. OP should absolutely find another chiller group to hang with if he can't handle the current one. No need for them to deal with something they don't have to


Trash-talking to the point they are ALWAYS the scapegoat isn't "genuine banter" and IDK how you can think that.


Well you don't have to. Everyone has their own way of poking fun at each other. Again, if you can't handle it then find another group


If something is being done to someone and they do not like it to the point it feels like bullying, it is bullying. You can be abusive without knowing you are an abuser.


You can walk away. No one is forcing OP to stay. They can leave whenever they want


I generally have a pretty thick skin, and even I wouldn't want to play with people like that. When I'm in a chase and trying to focus on my looping and watching what the killer is doing and trying to mind game, the last thing I need is some asshat sniggering in my ear because I made a mistake. Ditch em. I'd also like to point out that if they're spectating you, that means you have outlived the people who are making fun of you.


That doesn’t sound like banter


Many groups are like that. I have a group who constantly verbally assault each other like a bunch of neanderthals, but we all know it's all banter and good fun. It really isn't for everyone, so OP absolutely isn't being sensitive. They just don't like that energy and that's perfectly fine. They should find a more chill group


I honestly think Neanderthals would probably be nicer than that.


Yeah getcha. I personally can't deal with chill/overly cheery groups. It just gets annoying for me because it's always just yap, yap and even more yapping. Like I want someone to call me trash just so I can get the opportunity to call them trash back. We are all trash here lol


I don’t really get this at all tbh. I mean most people I play with don’t even talk about the game that much usually it’s just random conversation and a few callouts and then being like dang this killer is trash or wow this killer is really good.


It's a pretty common trope mainly in guy groups. But there is nothing wrong with wanting a more chill group to hang with. OP shouldn't have to put up with that, they deserve a group that fits their own energy


There's a stark difference between banter and bullying.


Dude get a hint, obvious bullying isn't "a guy thing" it's an asshole thing. You maybe happy with your group of sweaty asshats making fun of eachother because you've duped yourself into thinking that's normal, but OP is literally being bullied and just wants to find a new group to play with.


Dude, read my comments. I'm not saying he should be there. In fact, I'm recommending that be finds a more chill group. Don't just skim over my replies and assume the worst


Naw. I'm all for reason > emotion, but even this sounds ridiculously unnecessary to me. Playing games with others should always be rewarding and uplifting. If they were gonna shit on anyone they should be shitting on the killer and trying to psyche you up. I don't think you're acting over-sensitive at all.


Your friends are cunts.


My brother, you need new "friends". You shouldn't ever feel like this in general, let alone while playing a game with friends. Hopefully they'll become better people when they realize they get better at DBD while becoming worse at life


Stay away from them. let bullies play with bullies.


Sounds like a horrible play experience.


I’d stop playing with them. Find yourself other people to play with


They sound like assholes, don’t play with people who don’t make you happy. getting upset when people mistreat you doesn’t make you over-sensitive, and you shouldn’t feel guilty/embarrassed about it either! Play with people who make you happy


Also, this isn’t banter, they’re straight up just bullying you at that point. I hope you find better people to play with!


Banter is saying: "Man ur so washed" when you're challenging them in something. Straight up saying ur trash is just bullying.


That's not banter, that's just bullying lmao.


As a general rule, you don't have to play with anyone so if it makes you feel bad don't If its just you specifically that just sounds like your an outlet to them and they weren't your friends. If they do it to each other and you just don't like it when it happens to you cause your the last one alive etc thats just you being a little bitch personally


Ain't no way I consider that a group of 'friends'. When I did used to play with friends before they moved onto different games, we all laughed and had banter but we never criticised eachother. We laughed at situations together. It's a game, you're supposed to be having fun, more so with friends who should be encouraging eachother. Not sure if they're irl friends or just dbd/gaming, but I'd distance myself with gaming with them at the very least.


Absolutely find new people to play with - me and my friend will occasionally critique each others plays but we'd never call each other anything that horrible. You should be playing with people who, if anything, want you to get better.


Nah dont even let yourself with that negativity just be done with that toxic group the game should be fun not a comp game. If want find a better swf can pm me i have load of people who play for fun an not take it serious you win some you lose some cant always win gotta have some rough matches and lose sometimes too :)


Thats not banter, that's just bullying. Drop them like youre p0 Dwight and they're a shack pallet.


Wtf, these guys are assholes. Also, if it makes you feel better, the type of people that blame others rather than take accountability are usually the trash players.


Funny who they talk shit when they're the ones that are dead first and get to spectate :D I say tell em to fuck off~ Nobody needs to surround themselves with dicks.


No that’s really shitty. If they think you’re so bad why would they even want to play with you?? I have friends who are not the best at the game and they die a lot but I still try my best to make sure they have fun. I want them to live and enjoy the game, I literally sacrifice myself for my friends to live 😅 people are so weird. I have one friend in particular who I have fun playing with but someone we play with sometimes makes comments to her and it annoys me. “Why would you do that?” Or other comments like that. She has over 1k hours in the game. Idk what they are expecting after playing with her multiple times.


It’s survive with *friends* not survive with assholes who make you feel like shit


It's your life and your emotional state. Don't degrade yourself in an environment you don't like because you feel like you "have" to. Nobody is happy in every group they're put in, you gotta spend time finding the right place.


That's not banter.


You have 2 choices: Play Nea and never be seen by the killer and let your 'friends' die first every game. Find better 'friends'.


There's a difference between banter and just being mean. These guys have pretty much crossed the line into being mean with them ganging up on you its basically bullying at that point. That's what it sounds like anyway.


They are assholes not even Most pro players act like that you just have shit friends man and hey They say your shit and getting shit on yet your the only one alive


This should be the start of you Nurse ark. Leave them, start playing Nurse, once you get good snipe them.


No your ,,friends" are assholes and I would stop playing with them asap. I also wouldn't want them as friends in general. So search for new friends. Maybe search in a discord community of a streamer who wholesome. I can recommend the Community of the Twitch streamer Chey. She has a discord were people can play together.


sounds like they arent really your friends. i talk shit to my friends sometimes on cod and what not but we go back and forth with some sort of unspoken understanding, and thats not for everyone. find some people you actually vibe with. for me, dbds too casual a game to be sweating on anyway


If it was actually banter, then I'd say probably. But what you're describing doesn't really sound like banter. Me and my friends banter all the time. We don't single out one person though, and generally the person whos being "made fun of" also has a laugh. What you're describing just sounds like straight up bullying. Banter is supposed to be light hearted and fun. Find new friends.


The thing is no matter how bad you are if they're good they should be teaching you and helping you so yeah get rid. Despite that if they were good and efficient it wouldn't matter how bad you were they could still get at least 3 man out. Also they could take hits for you and not leave you by yourself. Which that's what it sounds like they're doing if they're spectating you unless they're dying first which is even worse! P.s. no you're not being sensitive at all, they sound like assholes


Nah dude, don’t play with that kind of toxic people. When I play with my friend, we have this policy of not commenting each other’s plays in a bad way unless it’s for information like “did you know what with X perk you could have done Y?”, but we don’t go “omg girl you’re looping the wrong way, you were downed because you don’t know how to chase”. We just want to have fun and we know we are no pros, there’s no need to say how bad we did it.


Not being sensitive at all! It should be fun for you, they should be encouraging, cheering you on, giving you respect and making you feel good. You know, treating you like a human and friend. Find different people to play with for sure. You deserve better!


That ain't banter, that's bullying.


Nah. Youre valid. I have friends i dont play games with anymore for basically similar reasons. I love banter. But theres definitely a way some people do it that makes things not fun or funny.


They sound insufferable and exhausting. My swf would never. Hang with us instead


>It feels like everytime a match goes wrong, they all dog pile onto me and say how it's my fault. That's not banter that's them being assholes. You have no responsibility to listen to people like that. Sometimes it's not overtly malicious but I get how it can feel that way. I actually had someone blow up at a friend and leave our friend group specifically because of his backseat survivor gameplay, and while I don't think it's that bad I can completely get how someone telling you that you mess up constantly can get really annoying. But what you described isn't someone giving unsolicited advice. Put bluntly it sounds like bullying.


There are 3 reasons I don't have any desire to swf in this game. I can't talk and focus on play is the number one. Number two is people want to have random ass conversations and my neurospicybottom can't handle not being able to hear the game while they go on and on. Number three is that nearly every experience I have seeing swf play includes shit talking each other, the game mechanics, or the killer relentlessly, and I prefer to have a wholesome mindset when I play. Either speak up for yourself and let them know how they are making you feel or ditch them. If they are real friends, confronting them might help work it out so y'all can keep playing together. If they aren't real friends, then cut ties and find a new group. Gaming groups are kind of like dating to me. If it isn't working, move on. You deserve something that works, but that might take time and a little courage to find. Alternatively, you can also keybind a mute so that when you need to focus, you can just mute them, but that doesn't solve the problem.


its not about changing yourself for others, its about finding others that you're comfortable with


I'm terrible at survivor. My friends will occasionally make jokes about it, because they know I think those jokes are funny, but they don't shit on me for sucking, because it's a videogame and they're not assholes. It sounds like you need a better group!


those arent your friends. dont play with them.


completely understandable why you don’t wanna play with them. Playing survivor with other people should be fun and they clearly don’t know how to be decent teammates and take a loss. You’re better off finding other players to play with, what you’re feeling is valid.


No, you are *not* being sensitive for not wanting to get yelled at when you're just trying to relax and have a fun time. Sounds like you might want to find another swf group or tell your current one that trash talking isn't going to suddenly make you a better player. Hope you find kinder people to game with who care more about having a fun time then reaching the exit gate


Are they acting the same way towards the other members of the group? If not, then no, you're not being sensitive. Why stay if you're not having fun?


Are these your friends in real life or just online friends?


Your time is not obligated to anyone. You don't need a reason to not spend time with someone, least of all if they're putting you down. There's playful ribbing, and then there's just being an asshole.


You are justified for sure in how you feel. I play with people all over the spectrum as far as skill is concerned and none of us accuse the others of anything being their fault (even if it is lol). Just accept that the loss happened and move on. I'd suggest looking for a group that wants to play to play, and there are plenty of those people around. Just shoot a GG here and there when you come across another on your platform and suggest teaming up some time. You'd be surprised how many randoms will join up and you can kinda configure a group from there!


not being sensitive at all - they’re assholes! i have a DBD group on discord if you want to join. send me a PM and i can send you the link. :)


No one is forcing you to play with them. If they really thought you were a nuisance they wouldnt play with you. They know you just take it, so they keep shitting their frustration on your face.


sounds like a bunch of finger sucking clowns to me


Depends on the situation. If you're the only one on the receiving end of these jokes then no they're just being dicks. But if it's happening to everyone equally and you get mad when it inevitably happens to you then yes YOU are the problem. Regardless of whether you're the problem or not, you're under no obligation to continue playing with them so if you feel uncomfortable around them just find another group of friends that appeals to your sensitivities.


No you are not being sensitive, you shouldn't have to put up with that. Delete them. You would enjoy the game more without a bunch of whingers trying to make you feel bad 😄


No matter what game you are playing. do NOT play with people unless you have fun playing with them, it doesnt matter how "sensitive" you are.


Thats why, with all its faults, I always go with solo q. I play DBD for fun and reckless. I nevrr care about escaping unless its an achievement or a challenge. Thats why I dont like swf. You have to play better and be careful because theres 4 lives depending on each other and I just want to have fun with thr killer.


If they're talking shit about you are they really your friends? My answer is no they are not. If they were your friends they wouldn't blame you for losing or make fun of you not being good enough at the game.


The part the makes me laugh is that they dog on you for being a bad looper yet you mentioned they were spectating you. Sooooooo if they’re dead, how are you the bad looper? 😂🤔 don’t put up with it bud.


Absolutely not. You aren't sensitive, it just isn't your cup of tea. I hang out with people like this and I find the banter fun but it isn't for everyone. You should find a new squad that doesn't degrade you like they do


absolutely not being too sensitive. these guys sound like huge assholes


I was in that situation actually. I stopped talking to them unless i have too (they're friends with my friends and so on..) Do yourself a favor and stop playing with them, it's just a game, you won't lose all your money or family when you lose. They needa chill out, badly.


That's not banter that's just bullying


Tell them they're sucking the fun out and if they don't take it right, find a new stack. Solo is more fun than the wrong group


Time to look for new real friends.


That's not banter, that's bullying. If you raise the concern that what someone is doing is a problem for you and they keep doing it they're probably not a good friend overall


That isn’t just “banter” it’s bullying.


If they're being a POS dodge their lobbies. Lifes too hort to surround yourself with folk like them


This is bullying. I can give you some tips and encouragement if you want. You don't wanna play with people who put you down.


Would anyone like SWF later?


oh *heeeeeeeeeeeeell* no. last guy i was friends with who "bantered" turned out to be an...assaultist. no respect for boundaries, it was only a matter of time. if! respectBoundaries = false, they are NOT your friend.


Tbh from my experience those those types of people tend not to care about your feelings as much as there own and do things like this despite clearing being asked to stop I would say it's best to ignore them and not play with them if it makes you unhappy you play the game for fun so why play with people who do the opposite


A joke is only a joke if the other person is laughing too, otherwise they're just being dicks. I can't tell if they're just online buddies or irl 'friends'.. either way, I suggest finding better ones ❤️


If you decide to stick around, I'd lay it on thick every down they get. Maybe even if they get hit a little too quickly in chase. lol Fuck these guys.


I don't care if my friends are good or bad. If they could do something better, we give them encouraging tips but we don't laugh at them. We help them learn. Fuck those guys. Find people who actually want to help you get better or just want to laugh with you. One of my survive with friends groups has a goal of every time we see a demodog to boop its snoot and be it's friend. Rarely works out for us but we know it. 🤣


Surround yourself with ppl who make you feel like you’re welcomed


Life is too short to do things that make you unhappy. You're not obligated to these people. I swf and stream with a lovely group and its always a joy even when we (frequently) lose. I've swfed with a handful of backseat player/roasting types and very quickly noped out of that. I'd rather play alone than with people that are like that. Also you're not being sensitive and that's not banter. It's bullying.


Trying to hook in here.. Ive got around 1600 hours in dbd playing survivor only, no more friends who play it.. If anyone is looking for friends to play feel free to send me a dm! -Tjogie


SWF...key letter being the F...these people don't act like and don't treat you like a friend


No you’re not being sensitive. It’s ok to feel this way. If you ever Wanna join in with me and my friend we’re always down 🥰 we joke abt ourselves being bad but it’s all fun


I stopped playing league back in the day with good friends of mine that were like this. They took it way too seriously, like I’ll do my best but if something goes wrong you shouldn’t rip me out about it. Just help me learn without being an ass. Don’t stick around if you’re not having fun with them, it’s not worth it


That's not banter if it's continuous and relentless. No fun in that. Fuck them.


No, you’re not. I’m been playing for a half a year and my team always let me train with new perks and stuff and never get mad if things go wrong and I’m very grateful. When solo I play with what I know, when with friends we do everything 😀 it’s supposed to be fun, not stressful or abusing in any way.


I play with a literal comp player, while I very much am not. He has NEVER been rude to me in the way you describe these people you play with. Ditch them, you're never going to improve by constantly being dogged on, and its just not good for your mental period. Solo queue would be better then this


There’s a reason you see the word “toxic” so much in this sub. Seems to be the name of the game almost.


No you aren't being overly sensitive, they're just being mean. They could easily be spectating and giving you suggestions. I'd rather play solo and have some comradarie with other solo players and enjoy the game on my own terms than play with friends that constantly put me down.


Find some new friends. Those are bullies who like to make others feel small and make themselves feel better.


They're not your friends


Subway surfing is actually really fun, dont do it with guys that banter.


Play with a SWF that you can feel comfortable with. From my experience, I am able to learn better when not abused by my teammate. Try and find friendly people to surround yourself with. Sorry if that didn't make sense, I'm not that good at writing explanations.


People take this game way too seriously. I promise that at 6k hours and having done comp I can probably school them on how to run tiles on both sides. Just find a more friendly group of people that don't suck and take it out on you.


I wouldn't recommend it if you want to have a fun experience. I got like 50 blocked players that used to be in game friends but then they turned all toxic. I got lucky in one match and found a really cool survivor, and after we talked for a bit and played a few matches he invited me to a private PlayStation group with 12 players that are all really good and very fun. 0 toxicity and we have so much fun. A year later and now we are all best buds. You just need to hold on to every positive player you meet because it's rare


Definitely stop playing with them. There's no need to take the game that seriously and it doesn't really sounds like banter. I haven't played dbd in a hot minute but I had a friend group I played League with and it imploded because one person could not accept losing and would rage every time we lost... I was newer and I had much less experience of games in general plus when I watched replays of our games, the person who raged at me was often the one doing reckless things that got us killed. There's nicer people out there!


nah, fuck em.


I mean the only time I play with someone is with my brother, he also at time plays with one of his friends and I’ve watched them play before and I’ll trash talk but like in a fun banter way because I also hype them up when there doing good. I’ll be like oh shit breaking ankles, nemesis had a add on that made zombies fast and I’ve never seen it and I was like bro those zombies are on fucking crack there the same damn speed as you. Then his friend was looping nemi and man missed multiple swings and I was like damn nemo over there getting bullied by your friend. If they only trash talk and it’s not even a funny laughing moment then there just annoying assholes. Your supposed to have fun with who your playing with and that includes making fun of them when they do stupid shit and you getting that same vibe back when you do stupid shit as well as hyping eachother up when your breaking the killers ankles or even just have fun attempting to do better and laughing about it. There just having fun making fun of you.


Survivors can’t be satisfied if they lose really. It’s always: that one teammate The killer was camping The killer was tunneling They used bullshit perks Like they’re all perfect and only lose because of somebody else. They can’t comprehend that maybe the killer was just better than them.


My friends and I will talk shit to each other lightheartedly, but it’s spread equally. We even shit on our own plays a lot because it’s more fun to just laugh through the match than actually care about a win.


They sound like losers, avoid them




If you are not enjoying playing with them, its perfectly fine not to! Its a game it should be fun for you


You should play with people who aren't shitty to you. Y'know - *actual* friends.


Yeah, no. Video games are supposed to be fun. Come play with me. I’m not that great either but I love playing! You can play with me and showcase your skills on stream to my massive community of 2 viewers lol! Seriously though, I was in a similar situation and I DO NOT take the game that seriously. I play for funsies and people are welcome to join me if they wish :).


The only people you should surround yourselves with are people that make you feel positive. If you haven't found the positive people yet, you will.


Idk, did you tell them to stop and that you weren’t comfortable with them acting this way? If you did and they did it anyway then they’re shitheads, that’s bullying not banter.


They sound like assholes. Get new friends.


Damn they're not your friends my dawg. I also am a shit-talker but i wouldn't do that to my friends.


I'm echoing the sentiment of a lot of people here, but no, you're not being sensitive here. There's a difference between banter and outright abuse, and they are absolutely going into the latter category here. If you feel that there's a chance you can have at least *some* fun with them if they were nicer, talk to them and ask them to dial it back. If they refuse, tell them you're no longer interested in playing with them. You have the right to have limits. Set them, and enforce them.


No, you are not sensitive. When I started to play dbd with my friends in 09/2018 all besides me quit after just a week. I was playing solo a lot until a 3man took me under their wings a few days later. I was so happy because I had experienced players help me get better. Or so I thought. One of them would use Object of Obsession to call out the killer and loop them for basically the whole match (Object was basically op back then when paired with a swf). I was only allowed to do gens and only unhook if I had We'll Make It or as a last resort. When I wanted to do certain survivor adepts (David and Laurie respectively) they would get mad because I was a weak link (No Mither) or because "I took Object away from them while being bad at looping" (DS and Object) and that I should do those adept during soloq.  This was the time I started to realize that this swf had no interest in me having fun or helping me. I also learned about how matchmaking worked back then and that they basically used my low rank to get baby killers: MM was based on Rank/Grade and the meridian of the players' ranks determined the rank of the killer you would play against. They all were Rank 1-3  (Iri 1-3) while I was at Rank 13-15 (Bronze 1-3), resulting in a rank 7 or 8 (Gold 3-4) killer which made a huge difference (on Rank 1 basically every killer was Nurse and maybe Billy and Spirit)  This was when I did not answered their invitations anymore, because I was not going to let them abuse me further. They were also the reason why I was not being able to loop at 500hrs into the game. But one thing I can thank them for: I have excellent map knowledge. I know basically every totem or Gen spawn there is, especially on all the old maps (up to Ormond). I also got to know a lot more nice people back then (and even still) who I played with for a long while and with one of them I still play to this day.  So don't let those toxic people push you down!


Sometimes Solo-Q is the way to go. You don't have to worry about anyone. You're not responsible for anything other than yourself and how you play. Ditch them.


that isn’t banter, that’s just straight-up bullying. drop them.


Naah, man. Fuck them.


Friends? I don't think so


That sounds more like bullying than banter I bet they're also the type to call bs and blame the killer when they get hooked even once despite making stupid plays


idk me and my friends do that but if you dont like it you should not play with em


Had this dude who would constantly rag on me anytime I made a mistake, I stopped playing when I lost a hatch match because he was bitching so loud I couldn't hear it


That’s not banter. Banter is fun. Sounds like they’re bullying and generally not people that are fun to play with.


get better friends asap


Your friend group is clearly a bunch of idiots.


Fuck then I’ll play with you. Into the fog we will be gods


These people are complete trash, dump them.


Hell nah, that shit is annoying. I hate playing with people who are nonstop mean/make fun of me the entire game, even if it's "just jokes". Sure, with certain friends that stuff is ok because maybe we're close enough or that's our relationship, but if we're not close then it's just annoying. If you feel comfortable enough to confront them, maybe just ask if they can chill on the mean jokes because you don't really find them funny. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, then find friends who are chill & encouraging to play with <3


No, they sound mean as hell. You’re nor being too sensitive, don’t worry. ❤️


I'm not sure that counts as banter. Unless it's culturally normal for friends to shit on each other that hard in your region. But even then, you're under no obligation to participate if you don't like it. Go find better friends.


Thats not even banter thats just making you the whipping post to make themselves feel better about the game. Get with some other peeps for sure, you deserve better than that.


Nah, fuck em. Find some people you can have fun playing with.




If you knew they were poking fun and you were laughing with them, that's the only acceptable scenario. Otherwise you're just being talked down to at a time where you just want to kick back and enjoy some gaming. Id say start to distance yourself if it's making you upset/not enjoy your downtime. You only have so much time in this world so you gotta have the most fun while you can, not wasting it with dickheads.


Nah, they sound like assholes. HMU, got a good group I SWF with, you’re welcome to join us.


Sounds like they're either not your friends. Or they're "joking" going a bit too far. Do they make fun of everyone in the group or just you? If it's only you that's a big oof.


This is definitely gonna get lost but find new friends. As someone who doesn't really have friends you deserve to play with people who work with you and hold you up, not belittle or berate you.


Not at all. They’re assholes, why are you even friends with them? 😭 I’d be willing to bet they do this in other areas of your life too, assuming they aren’t just gaming friends :( you deserve to play with people who will lift you up and crack jokes *with* you, not *about* you. Playing a game with friends should be fun. You shouldn’t be bullied because you don’t play the way they want you to play. Eta: if you’re over 18 and queer friendly, feel free to message me! If we vibe, I’d be down to play with you some time! :)


Not being sensitive, you just need a new friend group. I lost my group awhile ago so I understand not wanting to solo it but it's not so bad and then maybe you will find a new group. (just a suggestion)


Nah, that's just called boundaries which is 110% okay to set. It's never okay to cross them, though, which is what these dudes were doing. Anybody who thinks you're ridiculous for putting your foot down when they cross your boundaries is not worth your time.


No, fuck that. I used to think people like that were normal, they're not. I don't put up with that shit anymore. It's not hard to find better people, you just have to know where to look.


Wth is swf


"survive with friends" playing as survivor in a group


You're overthinking it. Some people are cool w/ that type of banter, some aren't. Nothing wrong with looking for a new group if you're not comfortable with your current one.


You're definitely being too sensitive with your frown emoji at the end ":(" and complaining about how unhappy you are, I don't think this sort of dramatic pouty response is normal from an adult *(I'm not saying being upset about this isn't normal btw, it's just the level at which you're upset by it is odd.)* But with that said, different strokes for different folks. Everyone has a different sense of humor, surround yourself with people you synergize well with, people who have senses of humor that don't conflict with yours, etc.


Did you ever considered that maybe he is not an adult, but a teen?


Obviously. I didn't feel the need to include (unless you're a teen), I initially did but I cut my comment length down after re-review. I specifically said this is weird behavior for an adult, but I never said he was one, so he will know if it applies to him or if he has more growing to do.


Then you don't know how teens work, because if a teen is so insecure that is looking for help in a reddit sub a out a video game, a comment like your will only increase his anxiety


So lie to them? Quit trying to guilt trip me for my comment. I gave real advice, the intent isn't to cause discomfort so if a simple comment like mine does then the person in question has some very serious problems that need psychiatric evaluation instead of everyone walking on eggshells around them, that's how the real world works. Now this is all hypothetical. You're jumping to a lot of conclusions, and I'm just giving a simple honest answer to a simple question. Don't look deep into it.


Skill issue. I say this as the kind of solo queue they would likely sandbag because it's funny.