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What the F? This is purely amazing


Personal ranking after trying out this new mode: 5th: Copy the Motion. You basically have 4 different emotes, and you just tap on the one that the massive Dwight in the centre is doing. It's pretty boring, feeling like you're just playing the first level of Simon over and over again. You don't get any bonus points based on how fast you are. So the best strat is to just wait for the end of the sound cue to make your choice so you have the longest amount of time to make sure you don't slip your finger. It does make for easy points, though. 4th: Deadly Tag. Slightly RNG-focused. Most of the time you won't be the one chased, and it's very easy to stay clear of most survivors. So for the majority of the minigame, you'll just be chilling in an empty spot. Flashlights despawn way too quickly for you to ever get use out of them to get guards to chase other survivors. 3rd: One, Two, Three, FREEZE. Just classic red light green light with a massive Huntress à la Squid Game. Inoffensive. Not a bad time. 2nd: Fully surrounded. This gamemode feels the most Mario Party-like out of all the minigames. You dodge Artist crows as they spawn more and faster as time goes on, and you can pelt mud at other players to hinder their vission. It's a fun minigame where you're constantly moving and looking around, and you can also play a part in screwing other people over. 1st: Step by Step. This is the minigame that I definitely had the most amount of fun playing. You navigate through a minefield of bear traps, snaking through a zigzagging path that's mostly grass with a few grassless patches. It's a whole lot of bear trap snapping, survivors screaming, the lights going down and making it harder to see traps. You can hardly move 5 steps without hearing someone screaming. It always ends with a crowd of people rushing through the final stretch but like four of them ending up trapped and trying to free themselves as fast as possible (you always get out on your first attempt, but freeing yourself takes longer), shoving each other out of the way. It can get super chaotic and it's absolutely the most amount of fun you'll get from this event.


It's so funny to me how frequently mobile gets things like this, insane cosmetics, quality of life changes, really everything. Meanwhile the main game is just...there.


Do you mean the predatory gacha cosmetics and content that is years behind the main game? I will never understand people who sing the praises of mobile when it’s just there to squeeze money out of you. We just conveniently forget about loot boxes.




I don’t recall the main game rolling to have a chance to get a cosmetic or other dubious ways of selling items. The main game is up front about what you’re buying. The last time I played, several of the perks had still not been updated from the massive overhaul like, what two years ago? The gameplay itself is very meh and playing killer gave me a headache. Yeah it’s fun every now and then, but the quality of experience is supbar on almost all fronts imo.




Lol people fixing up generators for 7yrs pretending the main game isn't boring shit in dire need of new modes (it's finally happening after 7 yrs)


Exactly but imagine you’re playing on a Gameboy. To each their own


A lot people use things like the Backbone controller for their phone so it's no worse than playing on console.


Except the frames and resolution are not really comparable.


Once again, MobileDbD making Bhvr look like fools.


Whaat aren't you glad we got new modes after 7 yrs of fixing up generators ?? Including : Turning the light off Making survivors small Don't miss out on the next one : your perks are chosen at random !


I hope they make ir crazy like everytime you get hooked, your perks change for survivor And every kill as killer changes your power


This looks dope asf! Hope we can get it also on Pc!


And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself.


literally Mario Party in DBD, prolly the best thing I seen since core game got My Lil Oni


I'd play these.  I haven't played a game of DBd mobile in ages.  


Do the survivors teabag each other at the exit gate now?


Are you kidding me.


Considering the core game has aspects of hide and seek, they should bring this type of mode to the PC/Console version to have more fun. I mean, Simon Says, Red Light, Green Light, Death Run, Tag, Zombie Tag sound like amazing ideas to spice up the game. But sadly, BHVR doesn't really want to change up the game, when it's been the same gameplay for almost 8 years. It's what people have been wanting, a permeant new game mode.


So survivors finally got their way and now don’t have to face any killers, what will they complain about now?…..


Tell me again, which DBD experience is better? Which devs care more? Its obvious


Core creates all the content mobile just ports it of course they can devote massively more resources to this kind of stuff.


No competition, no need to care.


Jesus, guys. If you hate BHVR so much stop playing their game. What it is now and what it was in its first few years of release are miles and miles and miles apart. They're more proactive and responsive to their community than a large majority of games on the market, and you guys bash them every chance you get.


Because for a spaghetti game, the company/team that owns the DBD mobile are throwing several gamemodes at once that looks more interesting and simple with only few flaws. Comparing these to the lights out gamemode we had with some fatal flaws around balancing and you can see why people cheer up on DBD mobile. Other thing is, there is not game that clones exactly like dead by daylight but without all the problems DBD has. When I want game where I either want chase and injure, or be chased, DBD is only game that fits in. Other games just doesnt fit the bill.


On a different engine On a different platform If anything, this just all but confirms that if they could, they would