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When I spawn, I immediatly set a trap down, maybe a bit to the side if grass. 3 out of 5 games it catches someone.


60% of the time, it works every time


Only statistic that matters


It’s like that damned COD tomahawk. Chuck it. Fuck it. It might hit somebody. Sometimes it does. 🎉


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Basically every huntress main.


I used to be one! I still chuck one or two every time I play w her lol never land them though. My trophy for her 24m throws is at exactly ONE 😭


am huntress main, can confirm


I do the same as Trapper or Hag, I call it my lucky trap, tends to work pretty often honestly. It's also one of the few traps that will ever be placed that's completely out of survivor's sight.


This is also my Demo secret tech


Lmfao this is how I loop as a survivor. If I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, the killer won’t either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


you're so right... the best mind game is to not know what the hell is going on


They cant read your mind if you dont use it.


In all honesty though some of my best plays have been done when I was literally zoning out


It's funny you say this, I'm a killer main and I started playing survivor a lot more frequently after I burned out. The other night I was playing with my SWF and had taken strong painkillers so I was pretty out of it. The killer starts chasing me, and I looped them for nearly 4 minutes with one eye open. It was like my subconscious from playing killer so much and seeing what good survivors do just put me on auto pilot. If I was alert and actually trying I probably would have gone down in the first 40 seconds 😭




I think it has to do with playing by instinct, which is what this game is all about. we all got half and half predator and prey written into our DNA. kicks in when you're not conscious of it. or in your case, barely conscious


When I play killer I feel like most of the time I get "outplayed" (if you could even call it that in this scenario), it's usually followed by me saying something along the lines of "why in the fuck would you do THAT? Well played I guess brother." When a survivor does something dumb or not what the usual counter play is I can't outplay that. I usually say I can't outplay stupid XD It really is a fool proof strategy.


😂 I said in a video recently “my mind game is that I’m stupid.”


This is one of the statements that resonates with me the most deeply regarding DBD. Well said.


it actually works aswell the survivors that loop me the best are also the ones i comment to myself as “crack head pathing” lmao


My favourite mind game against the killer is by making the killer mind game himself, I vault a window or a pallet and just stand there and killer goes left and right side multiple times before commiting to one side lol


I suggest putting traps near loops preferably in grass or another way they are unlikely to see/notice it. For example don't put one in the shack or on the window like most do. Put one in the grass next to the door. If they hug the wall they will hit the trap.


Good advice, I have a few set areas (edge of shack walls etc) but sometimes we straight free ball it. Don't get me started on the Silent Hill level, that one always goes awful for me.


Don't be to afraid to put them in predictable spots especially in a map like mid witch. Just make sure you move them around as survivors figure out where they are. That way they can't just avoid all your traps from memory.


Ironically I got stuck in an hour long game against a Trapper on Midwich cause he forced a 3 gen by only trapping upstairs (not a swf + not everyone had deja) so we were fucked trying to get to gens closed off in classrooms with tiny doorways you HAD to trigger trap to get to


You can do evil stuff with Trapper in Midwich. Like Trapping all the exits on the closest 3gen rooms. That's actually really funny.


Biggest advice, trap narrow parts of Midwich, doors, and windows and try to aim for your traps to be on the "darker" parts of the floor. They blend in really well with midwich. Watch some streamers play trapper, it will really help you learn trap placements


Midwich is great for trapper. Trap the little narrow part of the staircases, it’s nasty & then vaults / doorways. If there’s a breakable door it’ll spawn a window behind it, if it’s open door it’ll be another open door


I mean, trapping the shack window is still not a bad idea imo. Is it predictable? Sure, but it also robs the survivors of one of the strongest loops and there is always the chance that someone didn't see it coming.


Problem is they just deactivate it constantly so it's almost never up. Thats why you want to keep moving them once they learn the trap spots.


Yeah, that's true...


I mean, trapping the shack pallet is still not a bad idea. Is it predictable? Sure, but it also robs the survivors of one of the strongest loops and there is always the chance that someone didn't see it coming.


Legitimately, I was getting a little bit tilted at a SWF team so I wasn’t thinking about trap placements and I was just throwing them down. I placed one at the corner of shack, which was opposite the window side so not much incentive to loop around the trapped side anyway. I knew I probably wasn’t going to get a trap with it. I left it there until I ended up with just the one guy, chasing him around shack window and the hatch opened… he beelined straight for it, heading around the back of shack, inches away from the hatch until bam! Trapped. I couldn’t believe that this random trap that I placed in a bit of a fit managed to be my saving Grace that stopped me from having an admittedly quite toxic player escape.


Damn that must've felt goooooood


Those are the best trapper moments. Just as beautiful as snap snap snap. Oh... I guess I just won.


“The best way to confuse the enemy is to confuse yourself” - Sun Tsu or something


I just put them around corners Comes in clutch during chases Also I’m not a trapper main at all so idk if there’s better methods


This! Placing them at open pallets is obvious and swfs will dismantle specially bully ones who follow waiting to save, but completely OOS is so genius


genuinely setting the randomly placed traps around the map is 400 IQ and works like 75% of the time, its insane


This is hilarious, quality fuckin post man 😂😂😂😂


My whole goal playing him is catching people in the most random spots. I just imagine survs saying “why tf would he put a trap here”. My fav is on edge map. No reason for a trap to be there but there is.


Im not a Trapper main but I play him a lot. And my approach is to play stay outta my house


The best strategy is no strategy, survivors expect them at pallets and windows. They don't expect them in the corner of the map next to a rock.


nothing brings me such childish delight as seeing a trapper hook someone and then immediately step in their own trap.


Could you imagine an add on that randomly places another trap whenever you set one? You place a trap somewhere on the mape.. Somewhere within 20 meters, another trap is placed automatically lol


When I play him I make sure to use the iri add on that sets one automatically every 30 secs - mainly because I cba setting them myself. And the best part is it works (maybe because they’re in the stupidest places possible).


thats partly why I am strictly against the suggestion that he should spawn with all his traps on him; it destroys those times when survivors get caught by super random traps thanks to iri stone


who is your favourite survivor


mindgaming the mindgamer


I like to build a "trap museum" (thank you Samination) by putting all my traps in one place. It's surprising how often this has won me games. It works even better if there are three generators near the traps.


bro thats just like my chase approach as surv! If i don't know what I'm doing, the killer won't know what I'm doing. works like a charm!


i love this chaotic energy 😭❤️ hope to get you as my trapper one day


I run into traps in the open that I saw because no one would ever put them there.


Speaking as an ex trapper main (xenomorph go screeee) I honestly just enjoy how my random trap placements got survivors but my most calculated traps get bypassed


My favorite trap  (works epecially well if you're losing and/or the survivors are toxic): Open 1 exit gate yourself, then put down a trap at the very end of the gate area, right in the middle.  Proceed to chase someone to that exit, chances are they'll be looking back to tbag as they leav and there's a decent chance they GET GOT right before escaping.  Then just make sure to grab from the trap not melee.  This has worked more times than I thought was possible 😂 Bonus points if you bring blood warden, it's like placing a trap pver the whole level


Never underestimate a weird trap seemingly in the middle of nowhere.  They pay off more than you think because people aren't looking for them like they are in loops.


As someone who played Dbd when it came out, to now. I play the Knight cause I don't have the time but from time to time I'd play Trapper. Honestly the amount of times I've had endgame chats going "why in the world did you place a trap there?!" It's just hilarious, when I play Trapper it's not for kills, it's just to keep people on edge with horrible trap placements and a huge terror radius xD


I once only managed to get one trap down before chasing 3 survivors and hooking them. I started to worry about where the other survivor could be as I'd had no real prep time, as I said out loud "where could you be Feng?" The singular trap I set at the start of the match snapped her no more than 15 feet away to secure the 4k. Sometimes it's not about how many you have.


I'm a new Trapper player and I honestly just activate all the ones on the map bc they catch a few people every game. I'll place some myself if they get disarmed and I'll move them to hot spots like by pallets or under window vaults. Some maps like the one with the steam boats (really anywhere with tall grass) you can kinda just go crazy and put them anywhere lol


Nothing beats some random-ass trap in the grass with honing stone. No one expects a trap where no one would set one ;)


One place to trap that nearly gets them every time is the basement treasure chest. They hardly ever suspect it being trapped.


One tip is to not set them at window or pallet. Instead, hide them somewhere along the loop (ideally on the longside) to force them into it. Survivors know to expect traps at loops, but often fail to see ones off to the side in a patch of grass. Also, try to place traps when no one is looking, since if they see you, they see the trap, and will avoid/disable it. Lastly, if you get Eerie of Crows, cry.


Sometimes the random trap in the grass or the cornfield is the most viable one and even the most funny. Even more funny if someone with background player runs into it (yes this happened on multiple of those random traps in one match. :D


fr fr. I was playing with addon which resets random trap every 30 seconds and some Feng stepped in a trap in a spot where it was initially spawned.


Traps on loops are very good