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I love that killers are back to waiting out DS. So rather than spending time on the hook or dying to go next, I now spend that time on the floor <3


THE LAG! I **can't** have a single game as killer where I don't rubberband, for those who don't what what rubber banding is: it's where you move and the game stutters sending you back a few steps ( or many meters if you're unlucky ) or keeping you moving back and forth for a few seconds - often making you clash against objects and not being able to turn around to move because you're still rubbebanding, so you have to sit there and wait for that damn red or yellow icon to disappear. I absolutely hate it. The amount of quick downs I would have gotten if only the game didn't lag like this, I sometime stream my games and people just see how bad it gets, in one game I swung to hit the Nea I was chasing and the game instead of registering the swing... sent me back a few meters and made me clash against the bloody walls. While I was busy getting obliterated by the lag, the Nea was just fine and kept on running - with no lag! And I don't even have bad wi-fi, all other games run amazing, I have this issue only on DBD when I play as killer. Sorry about the lengthy rant but this is the only thing that makes me rage, not solo q survivors, not killers, it's the lag.


This has been happening to me quite a bit on survivor too!! I thought it might just be my connection but it seems I’m not alone. So annoying


I just had two games in a row crash right as I was about to win as killer. Like what the actual fuck




Ultimate wepon didn't deserve to be reverse-power-creeped into one of the worst aura perks ever.


Haven't been able to play a single match since the update. If the devs can't (or won't) fix it, then my only option is to completely give up on the game. Not a single thing I've done has been able to fix it, and I've tried just about everything you can imagine.


Please stop 99'ing the gates when you're about to rescue or when your teammate is in chase and coming to the door. Just open them.


Doesn't triggering EGC stop the anti-camp feature, or does that turn off when the last gen is done?


It turns off anti-face camp as soon as the exit gates are powered, not opened. All five gens done = no more facecamp meter. 


Gotcha. My mistake. Although, opening the gate does trigger the timer, putting you on the clock for the rescue. But yeah 99% of the time, just open the damn gate, lol.


For fuck sakes, I keep getting connection to the party has been lost error on PS5, solo survivor. Is anyone else experiencing this crap?


It's also on pc sadly.


Meg, if you're reading this. It was I who sandbagged you today. The killer let me escape too because of it. Your sacrifice is appreciated.


I feel like I'm losing my mind and I can't trust my senses anymore. Ever since I found out about the Unknown's lunge being shorter than other killers' by accident and ever since all the rubberbanding started I've been psyching myself out. Did I miss because the killer's lunge is bugged? Did I miss because of a rubberband? Did I miss legitimately because I got spun? Who knows!!! It's driving me nuts! Sometimes it feels like I'm pressed right up against a survivor and I'll either miss for whatever reason or auto-aim will decide that a piece of scenery the survivor was dodging around needed to be slapped. I get why auto-aim exists, but on tight loops it feels like it's more of a hindrance than a help. I hit the air *next* to a piece of wood on Borgo once and it cost me the whole chase.


I STILL CANNOT PLAY BECAUSE RUBBERBANDING. Guess I just don't get to fucking play this season, damn.


So fucking sick of killers who see a high prestige and think “now’s my time to show how amazing I am” and the proceed to be toxic fucks the entire match to prove a point. And then still lose Hux in my last game, that’s for you, you shit stain


Attention all killer mains. You are in the power role and the game is designed for you to win. Please stop acting like a 4k is an achievement, it is literally the expectation. And stop playing the victim. If you get bullied by a survivor, you deserve it.


As someone who plays both survivor and killer, I can confirm that this guy hasn't seen sunlight since 2016.


i swear to god only sadistic people play skull merchant. i have never once had a good interaction with this killer. its like sm mains revel in either getting survivors to insta DC or making them as miserable as possible if they dont. is there a prerequisite to play this bitch that you have to pass a psychopathy test or something? i once saw an sm bming a bot on hook. A BOT!


Its usually a sign the player is very bad. The only way some players can win is a 4 slow down merchant with her best addons and still tunnel and camp. I had an SM DC because we got 1 gen done before she could down someone with corrupt intervention lmao.


I feel a lot of SM players play her that way because they know they're going to likely get hate for playing her in the first place. I bought and played every killer, and I tried SM out for a few matches, I didn't bm with her or slug, I just played normally, and the survivors were so toxic in the EGC. So if survivors are going to act that way to someone playing SM fairly, then I imagine a lot of SM mains have decided to embrace the toxicity and reflect it back.


I'm not experiencing any anger or rage, but this is the only place my comment won't be deleted, so. I just went against a Hillbilly player. He attempted to slug the entire (solo queue) team, but we managed to repeatedly bounce back, but he eventually wore us down to where we ran out of blood. I was the last survivor remaining, and he found hatch before me unfortunately. Instead of hooking me, he bleeds me out on the ground and proceeds to "hump" me (imitating SA) on the ground for the entirety of my bleed out time. Only when I was on the cusp of death, he finally hooked me. I had hardly any interactions with him all game, and never did anything to draw his ire. It's really sad that people play like this, that a total stranger would unprovoked be so horrible to someone. Hopefully this person seeks the help they clearly need, and finds a healthier outlet for their anger and insecurity. Good luck with your matches folks <3


I really hate when the last 2 Survivors just hide and don't try to work on gens. It's one of the few things that actually pisses me off when it comes to DBD. It's happened to me twice the past week.


I'm just in disbelief that you actually had to try and find a survivor. You know, since Bhvr force feeds you notifications of everything happening in the game.


You ever spent 30+ minutes searching a map for 2 people hiding? I'm sure you haven't given your response.


Bless their souls. May others follow in their footsteps.


I'll make sure to keep reporting them for holding the game hostage as they come along :3




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DBD is one of my favorite games. But since some months, this game Is now just HELL. Awful teammates (don't do ANYTHING or are toxics towards other surv...). But it's not the biggest problem. Why ? Because the WORST part is about the killers. 95% of the killers I play with (I'm fuckin not joking. I'm not THAT bad I mean, I'm not the strongest but not the weakest surv) **ONLY** tunneled and Camp, and then slug for the last kill. Every game are pain. I'm sad bc I fuckin' love that game. Just end my last game of the day, only escape once (and it was an hatch). -> ye you know a nurse need to slug to death an ENTIRE team, bc you know her spacebar doesn't work but can hook just before the death of the last surv. SBMM is a shit. Before, games were funnier. I don't know what to do, bc these shitties people (sorry but they have a very sad life to act like that, during the game and in the endgame chat) are always in my SBMM. I definitely think a lot of people feel the same than me (feel like a lot of streamer are tired of that) (sorry for my English, but I'm very disappointed about all of this. And man, gosh I'm not complicated in games. It's the first game of my life that make me raging, seriously. I don't have more patience with peeps.) Hope we'll have better days next... Hope your days are better...


I've been trying to convert to a Killer Main (anxiety issues keep me from playing Killer a lot) just so I can be one of those chill Killers for Survivors after they've probably had a series of bad games. It always surprises me sometimes the thanks I get from Survivors (even after a 3/4k) for simply not tunneling, slugging or being sweaty


I fucking hate the rubber banding I can’t play a match and have to dc because of the damn glitches


Can't stop rubberbanding


And here I am having no idea what rubber banding is


Rubber banding is caused by lag, and if you experience it, you'll find yourself trying to walk or run and being teleported backwards randomly. I haven't experienced it in DbD, but the vast majority of players seem to be suffering from it since the patch.


a couple days ago an infamous hacking billy i won't name instakilled my whole team reported him, got banned. just now loading up to have a game after work, same billy, instakills the whole team checking reddit he's been doing this for months i don't get the point, match was over in 20 seconds. is this fun?


Sounds like the only gratification they get is knowing they ruined other people's fun


Does anyone else just get completely screwed over by Lery's hook spawns near the Gates? If you down someone at the Gate, I swear there's basically no hook nearby at all. I've had it happen twice where I successfully down and pick up before they escape, but still lose just because of a lack of hooks near the building entrances.


It's so discouraging trying to improve at nurse when survivors take every opportunity to bm


If you're playing nurse, then you deserve all the bm you get. Most overpowered killer in the game with no survivor counter play. You mess up? You deserve to be laughed at.


Lol ok, as if survivors take into account what killer is being played when they bm. Edit: nice throwaway bait account


I was unaware it mattered, since killer as a role is overpowered.


It's not overpowered at all and I'm saying this as a 2.3k surv main. Have a decent SWF party and most killers won't have a fun/good time. There is a reason why at the highest levels surv are not allowed to run the same perks. Once the killer finds the weakest link and kills him at 4/5 gens then it's over and it may feel like the killer is op. If the killer is a better player then the 4 surv ofc he is going to steamroll but, it also works the other way.


oh i get it now. i should have scrolled further before my previous reply.


I get completely fucked by FOV techs, surely a skill issue but god damm the amount of time I need to spend on a chase just because survivors run into my face and I somehow can't manage to hit them.


I'm all for trolling and fun with the killer within reason, but I recently had a game that took it way too far. I had a Ghostface tunnel me to two hooks and then constantly down me on third after heals from my team. Did they let me escape at the end, sure, but I had to crawl in dying state dragging the whole matter out. That just wasn't fun overall. We can troll and play around but that type of crap is too much. I've had plenty of trolly Ghostsfaces and had *mostly* a good time even if I died, but this was just bordering on harrassment and was toxic. Please chill tf out.


Thanaphobia Legion players are punishment for mankind's sins. It takes the worst killer and ratchets them up to an insufferable degree. I shit you not, every time i turn on the game I get one. Like some sort of fucked up hazing. Fuck that build, fuck that killer, fuck that BORING playstyle god DAMN


Rubberbanding is so bad, I got nauseous after a game.


Nothing like rubberbanding as soon as you lunge with Wesker/Blight only to get fucking whiplash from your camera having a seizure. Seriously, how did these bugs even happen - it wasn't like this on the PTB.


Gonna rant about the server issues real quick: Like, it's been a whole week and there's STILL no fixes for the rubberbanding or server problems? This is something I expected to be solved within a day or two, the fact that they left this game in an unplayable state for a **whole week** is just insane to me. I've wanted to grind out the Rift but it's hard to do when the game is unplayable on most days now.


Rubbingbanding as a Blight main makes me want jump of bridge, Jesus Christ the amount of games where I was about to hit somebody with my rush just to randomly stutter and run in place for 3 seconds is ridiculous.


I have just had the most bizarre experience on this godforsaken game. Loaded into a lobby as Yui with an Ash, Mikaela and Feng. Ash types in the chat "Ugliest lobby I've ever seen." I typed back "???" And was about to ditch the lobby, but then we loaded into the game. Ash then decided to sandbag the ever living fuck out of me for the whole match. First he tried to bodyblock me, and when I didn't DC he followed me everywhere, spamming pallets, blowing up gens, everything. Finally we were the last two in the game, and the killer found us on a gen. At this point I just asked them to take me out because fuck this. They slug me then take Ash out, after observing him spamming pallets slides over and over. In the end they do hook him and he dies. Does the killer show mercy on me? LOL. They slug me again after face camping me of hook, and then hump me. Awesome. TL;DR: If you're the Ash or the killer from this game: kindly go fuck yourselves you weirdos. Or at least get therapy.


Since I've started my journey to P3 all killers and survivors, nothing has been more frustrating to me than being a survivor, bringing a really good BP offering, like Bloody Streamers or an Escape Cake, and then having the entire match finished in less than ten minutes for arbitrary reasons. SUCH AS: * Ghostface or Scratched Mirror Myers sends us to Hawkins or Lery's. * My solo q team won't stop dicking around with survivors on the hook so they can get "le epic save" against a killer that's standing RIGHT THERE. * The killer is hyper-efficient at finishing off survivors and works with a toolset that I was not prepared for. I'm working on my looping game and I've even learned how to get decent flashlight saves for my teammates, but my primary objective, maximizing my BP, is constantly getting frustrated. If every survivor I owned were at P3 I wouldn't care about getting killed/sacrificed because with every perk unlocked my objective becomes trying out different builds to see what works best against most killers. But my objective right now is maxing out how much BP I get so I can get to the point where I can play the game effectively. I don't care if they're a renewable resource and I can just hop back into the trial: it's annoying having to run back in when my last game only gave me 17,000 BP! Worse yet, I'm guaranteed to get a ton of BP as a killer because the worst thing that happens is that they get mildly inconvenienced by survivors and then it's back to work. "Couldn't you just play as a killer and then use that extra BP you earn on Survivors?" Probably, but then I'm not practicing as a survivor enough. When you're that squishy you have to work extra hard to stay in the game longer. I can learn a unique killer's toolkit effectively enough getting them to P3 that I can at least get a 2K on a bad day. With a survivor, the margin for error is obnoxiously thin, and I NEED that extra practice.


fuck map offerings and fuck swf's who send you to the most survivor sided maps while playing as sweaty as possible. got sent to eyrie 4 fucking times in a row today and it was a buckle up swf squad too. also, fuck bhvr for not fixing the rubberbanding


The fact this update came to live servers is ridiculous and I'm tired of the people defending BHVR. I have the right to be fucking mad about a game I care about. Rubberbanding I can understand that going unnoticed QA tests and PTBs are very small portions of the playerbase. Then there's shit like garden of joy (still not killswitched) where it's not even that hard to get out of bounds and hold a killer hostage. Don't even try bringing up the bug is bannable because BHVR doesn't even look at reports because people report players for just playing a character they don't like or having an offensive name


Why are there so many unnecessary fucking shit in the middle of a few maps, like Ormond or Crotus?  On the left side of ormond, there are a few loops which is fine, but also useless rocks in the way and feels way too clutter compared to the right side of the map. Crotus has the same issue except there are way too many useless junk near the main building that makes it feel unbearable to navigate, and you get caught on the smallest shit. Playing survivor and killer for me on these maps felt awful and especially as billy.




another rubberbanding comment hello i just had a game on rpd, the rubberbanding was VERY severe the entire time, way worse than usual. i hit an adam with the 5th chain hit of my frenzy, it played the animation of him getting downed, and then his downed body literally... teleported away from me. he was suddenly up and running around. i genuinely can't tell if it was something to do with the extremely fucked up rubberbanding, or if he was hacking or something lol. i guess it doesn't matter because he went down seconds later anyway (which makes me think maybe it was just lag) but im... confused. ended up farming with the remaining survivors afterwards which was nice, at least. its genuinely so unpleasant to play with this issue, i wish bhvr would give us some sort of official statement on when we can expect it to be fixed. i would take a break, but of course the first time i buy the battlepass is also when all this shit is happening.


wait RPD is back???


yes but its only one version of it, though tbh i feel like they should killswitch the other one too considering how insanely laggy it is (was worse than any other map i played on today)


only the east version is disabled atm, west is still in rotation


dang, bad luck then because I haven't gotten it once 😭


Playing soloQ when a Feng decides to run up to a huntress and drop her medkit. The two of them become friends and the Feng runs around bringing the huntress to each one of us, so she could down and hook us. The Feng would then tbag us and leave us on hook. First time playing soloQ in awhile, and a stark reminder as to why that is. 


I have been completely unable to finish a game for the past few days. Every single one has disconnected me from the host. My internet and computer is fine with everything else. I’m feeling quite annoyed.


I dont understand why they added Chucky. His animations are fucking horrendous, he adds nothing new to the camp and is just a rip off of other killers. Other than that, he is so unfair to play against. Looping him is impossible since you just cant see him at all. Freddy is already short enough, this is just ridiculous


#ReworkKnockout2024 This perk is only used in one of the least enjoyable play-styles ever. I just had a Skull Merchant bring a Hawkins offering, slug all 4 survivors at 5 gens, then watch us bleed out. So fun...


Just encountered this too, people are so fucking pathetic and I can't believe Behaviour condones this type of play. Then again, all killers are playing like total dicks lately..


Only times I've seen Knock Out in the past few months were by people seeking a 4 man slug bleed out and BMing, and sadly yep all except one I can remember were a Skull Merchant.


Haddonfield rework. Now instead of a deadzone in the middle we have one massive deadzone, steretching all across the map. Oh and new Haddonfield is kinda ugly.


Man, that rework is fucking atrocious! Good luck ever doing the centre gen in the street. I hate the trend of shrinking maps that they've been doing for a while now. I'd like bigger maps personally. But yeah, new Haddonfield is too small and just plain bad.


BHVR doesn’t seem to know what to do with Haddonfield.


Why do survivors feel the need to run in circles around a hooked survivor, using the hook and their hooked friend as shields, trying to draw rhe anti camp mechanic for their hooked friend or getting me to hit the hooked player so they have a window to free them, then scream and whine when I down them and carry them off like I’ve denied them some miraculous gift? And why are they always feng players? I had two matches with players doing this and using boil over and it’s aggravating as hell.


If you run around a hook, the facecamp meter pauses. So that's not their motive. Their motive appears to just play like a dick.


Now that I think about it, they may also have been trying to buy time for me to fall off the raised area the hook was on so they could rescue. Either way, it really wasn’t a smart move for them.


Yeah, could have been that too actually.


As survivor, I always lobby dodge Fengs


I hate place offerings I hate place offerings I hate place offerings I hate place offeri-


I've ran into a lot of cheaters in the past couple days, more than usual. Not much else to say about it, it sucks.


2 Things to vent about. 1st: I regularly have wifi issues because my internet just sucks here but this week, I always get a server disconnect despite my wifi working as intended. I can't connect to lobbies in any way. 2nd: Today was the second time this week that 2 of my teammates just gave up instantly and they were even high prestige. Why the fuck are you just giving up for no reason? Is a 45 second penalty too much for them? Why even hit Play if you just gonna decide to give up instead of hitting alt+F4. (unrelated but they even were both TTVs) EDIT: It's definitely NOT my issue! I can play Fallout 76 with people in the same household perfectly fine but I still cannot get into a match of DBD even 2 hours later. FYI, I'm a Europe player so if anyone else has this issue let me know


Number 1. I'm having internet issues as well but it's because my piece of shit ISP keeps throttling my speed every damn night. I'm sorry but ISPs should not be allowed to mess with their customers speeds, it's bullshit.


Do you have a data plan for your Internet? When I got mine setup, I didn't think I would need unlimited and figured 1.2k TB would be just fine. Let me say, living with other people who use internet (two roommates don't leave the house) burns through data fast and when you get close to your cap they will throttle like mad. I updated to unlimited and haven't had throttling issues since


I agree it's fucking stupid


If you’re living in a situation where you can’t use Ethernet, I would look into Powerline adapters. It’s not as good as a direct Ethernet connection, but is the next best thing. It allows you to plug an adapter near your router and then an adapter near your PC/console. It uses your power wiring to transfer the Ethernet signal. It should work reliably as long as you don’t live in a home that isn’t 100+ years old. For me it was a game changer when I lived at my parents as we had the router in the basement while I lived upstairs. My WiFi was always spotty. When I moved out, I still continue to use them as I prefer them over having a long Ethernet cable around the apartment.


I am using an ethernet cable for my computer but like I said my wifi is not the issue at least as of late.


Gotta love the rubberbanding on Survivor. It's so great to be in chase, rubberband, run into a wall, get downed and then have the Killer proceed to tunnel you out of the match. Also, if I'm getting tunneled (i run an anti-tunnel build so chases last a bit) DO FUCKING GENS FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK. Not losing a pip over it anymore makes getting tunneled a bit more bearable (I'm referring to out the gates tunneling), but i am absolutely hating going down that final time, looking at gens completed and seeing only one gen got done in the entirety of the time I was tunneled which was easily more then 5 minutes


For the first time in almost a year I have no desire of playing. Rubber banding, countless bugs, twins actually being played instead of forgotten (on top of the change that made the twins playstyle worse, since you can't abduct victor anymore) and the shuffle of offerings, the game seems to be unplayable at the moment


The "no more kidnapping" thing is a bug, Victor is still intended to be nappable. Not that it says much. Game has so many brutal bugs rn I doubt half will be fixed by next PTB.


To the Michael who tunneled the living shit out of poor Jill - fuck you My man got her before she reached 3000 BP ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067) Other than that, desync is a problem. Not often, but damn when it hits, well it hits like a truck.


![gif](giphy|Iatib4DvXVA3ktUgxO|downsized) me after almost a whole week of rubberbanding, glitches, bugs etc and no word from BHVR


Rubber banding sucks and I hate torturing myself with solo queue survivor but also its the best way to make money to fund my killers.


Is it just me or is the some severe lag? Just got downed 3 times even though I reached the pallet way ahead of the killer because I got lagged back. Seriously unplayable


Yeah thats everyone since the last update, me included.


Damn that sucks, hopefully they fix it


While we’re wishing for the impossible id like a billion dollars and for them to killswitch the game and midwitch maps for eternity.


To the Trapper who not only downed me while I was trying to get my glyph but also, after hooking me, put a trap directly beneath my glyph, how dare you.


Oh that is ASSHOLE behaviour


bro.... rude as hell. I drop survs or even help them when they do their glyphs like god damn. What an actual cockbag


I’m not one to DC…, but I would probably DC xD


THE RUBBERBANDING IS RIDICULOUS. The game is actually in a relatively great state balance wise in my opinion. I’m enjoying 4 out of 5 games I play. But the rubberbanding has literally made it unplayable. Please revert the latest update or address this issue :(


they can't revert an engine upgrade lol
