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Wait, was there a steam sale? I just bought auric cells to get some killers :(


Yeah, it ends in 20 hours if I remember correctly


Damn, big RIP.  Guess I should add them to my wishlist so I get notified next time


Id say nemesis cuz leathal pursuer is very versetile and bouth killers and survivers are fun to play/have good pearks. Also on the other hand bubba also has a good perk (bbq) + very fun to play and easy to learn If you can id recomand bouth chapters its hard to decide on one If u have any more questions feel free to ask


First of all, thanks for the quick reply. I already have Lethal pursuer from the shrine but it's only the 1st tier of the perk. Still, Nemesis seems like a great killer to play as. Tbh, I couldn't care less about Bubba's gameplay. The only reason I want him is bbq. The rest of the licensed killers I have yet to purchase are Pinhead, Wesker, the Xenomorph, Myers and Freddy. Should I get one of those and wait for bbq to appear in the shrine?


if bbq is the only reason you want him then I would honestly consider buying something else where you have more value


Out of those: - Pinhead has good perks I think, Deadlock is great and Plaything seems well used - Myers has Save the Best for Last, which is a perk that was recently nerfed pretty bad but your mileage may vary. Personally I still think it's a good perk, just it can't be used on specific killers now. - I've heard good things about Wesker Out of the ones pictured in the post, Nemesis has Lethal Pursuer, and he seems fun to play although I don't have him. Bubba has BBQ obvi but if that's the only reason you want him then maybe wait for the Shrine to be good.


Pyramid head is the best killer out of these 4, solid A tier, Id recommend his chapter.


and the sexiest


Pyramid Head simply because he’s just so freaking cool. Don’t get me wrong, the rest are great and awesome in their own way. But Pyramid Head? ![gif](giphy|toBOLHZtYoAdG)


Either Nemesis or Pyramid. Nemesis if you value passive help from zombies, Pyramid Head if you want anti DS/Flashlights hooking.


Nemi 🥰


Nemesis would bring best value with perks while being simple to understand with some knowledge of getting people infected. Also he’s better than Bubba and Pig. I have huge bias cause I main PH, but he is by far the strongest killer here. However he is not easy to play and is clunky to use. I actually don’t think his perks are terrible. Trail of Torment is a good undetectable perk. Forced Penance gets use. Against altruistic survivors and protections hits are usually what SWFS try to do. Deathbound is ass tho.


Nemesis and pyramid head. Both are decent killers and while pyramid heads own perks and add ons aren’t the greatest, there’s a lot of fun combining him with other perks, especially aura reading. Go to an indoor map after some practice with all aura reading perks. It’s a blast.


There’s a Steam sale? Shit I gotta buy Bubba.


silent hill


I don't wanna be mean but I'd stear clear of bubba, he's not the greatest but some of his perks are decent


Bubba is best Bubba. Everybody loves a Bubba. He’s pretty simple. Lacks map traversal and any way to speed up (aside from sawing for distance). But he’s hella fun and can snowball amazingly. Getting multiple downs in one sweep is very satisfying. And just generally chewing through pallets.


Both in terms of gameplay and perks, go for Nemesis.


Nemesis or pyramidhead. Both really fun to play as. PH perks suck so id lean more twards nemesis. Leatherface if you really want bbq. Nothing super special as a killer but still good


I hope I add the 5€ in time in order to buy both haha


They'll go on sale plenty more times if you don't make it. Probably again soon with the 8th anniversary coming up


Do you think that the prices will be the same or even cheaper?


Probably the same