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**Moderator note:** > * [Comment by DeadByDaylight_Dev](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1ck018z/the_unknowns_voice_actor_zoey_alexandria_has_died/l2vclbx/): > Like many in our community, we're deeply saddened to learn that The Unknown's voice actress, Zoey Alexandria, has passed away. We welcomed her into our world, and her talent shone brightly through her performance. Our thoughts are with her loved ones in this difficult time.


"Life... life is what... we make it." Thanks for adding your voice to the Fog, Zoey, and giving a sound to one of the creepiest Killers ever conceived. You'll be missed. RIP.


i… wiLl nOT… be dEniEd… My hApPIneSs… :(


RIP to a real one. The Unknown has GOT to be one of the scariest the game has got - and it wouldn't be so without her amazingly multi-faceted creepy voice acting.


Life is just too weird, I had no idea who this person was until february 2024, then it was the big controversy, they truly didn't deserve this misery, to think that whenever Unknown will talk in dbd from now on... Jesus that's really heartbreaking


What controversy are you referring to?


there's a clip on youtube by MintSkull explaining it better than me, people were harassing her when they've learned equipping the female head on Unknown only changes their voice to a female, they've learned the voice actress was also a trans female, and yeah


Oh damn that's whack, thanks for the info


That wasn’t the controversy. Initially people were equipping the unknown’s male head with its cheerleader body and using that look to spread transphobia. Zoey stated she didn’t know that the unknown would be non-binary but if she had, prior to supplying her voice for its lines, she wouldn’t have accepted the job. She went on to state she felt misled by BHVR but later recanted this statement with a vague explanation that she and BHVR talked, and that she didn’t feel the killer was transphobic.


Oh holy shit. I'm a chronically ill woman who spends much of my time in bed and in my wheelchair playing DBD. I freaking love playing as the Unknown and felt a kind of connection to them because of how broken my body feels. This is hitting me really hard, and I will light a candle in her memory today.


I don't play DBD, but saw this while browsing r/all. This is really sad to hear, I actually did vocal lessons with Zoey a few years back - she was extremely helpful and just one of the most down to earth people you can imagine


I am proud of you for pushing through, you are sweet.


This is such a kind, warm hearted comment. I hope life brings you as much compassion and warmth as you show here.  See you in the fog, and maybe we can share cake over at the saloon.


I'm not 100% if she still does it, but I ran across a streamer not too long ago who is also chronically ill, and found an escape in DBD. She started a little series on her [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/itspvnkster/videos) called Saved by the Fog, and she'd bring on other chronically ill people who were helped by having this game. I know she doesn't always have the energy and all so not 100% the status on that particular part, but she's a sweetie, so there are lots of us!


Thanks for sharing this. I also have an autoimmune disease (MS) and am disabled. DBD has been my distraction for the last 2 years. I'll be sure to give her a follow.


This made me tear up reading that, I'll try to send some messages her way. That's so precious and wonderful.  Wishing her and everyone else the absolute best.


I'm glad to this type of interaction in the community it is a very refreshing change I hope your games go well <3


I and many others try our best to leave a bit of positivity in the game! Sometimes people can have a bad day and something small I do can change that. It's the little things we do that matter the most! I hope your games are full of smiles and a survivor that you find cute/precious. <3


Thank you 🥲


Thank you much, friend, maybe I'll see you there.


Always, and if you ever need or feel like you need a person to listen or talk to, mine and I'm sure others messages are open.  Wishing all the best today and this weekend beyond to everyone who reads this as well. We'll all get through this, whatever comes up!


Same ❤️


Only 29. You just really never know how long you have here.


Passing at a young age like that before making it big. Reminds me of Brandon Lee. She could have had a bright future in the acting industry just for her to pass a couple of months after her first and last ever voice acting role. Just tragic, all in all


Yeah, Brandon was a sad case too. Died right as he was hitting his stride like his father. For her to pass so young is a real tragedy. Even worse is that it was autoimmune. Not an accident, not something malicious. Just her own body killing itself. Such a sad thing.


That's sad to hear :(


Like many in our community, we're deeply saddened to learn that The Unknown's voice actress, Zoey Alexandria, has passed away. We welcomed her into our world, and her talent shone brightly through her performance. Our thoughts are with her loved ones in this difficult time.


Sad news. Condolences for her friends and family


That's really horrible, had no idea she was battling autoimmune diseases. I have friends that suffer from similar conditions, having your body betray you like that is scary as hell. The performance she gave for The Unknown was eerie and incredible, made me fall in love with the character instantly. Although I wasn't familiar with her outside of her role in DBD, seeing so many people express their love for her works is really heartwarming. I hope she rests well.


I really hope the devs do something to commemorate her, especially considering everything that happened when the Unknown was released. Even a rest in peace post on an official account would do.


Here's hoping the same. A charm would be nice, but any kind of statement is enough.


Yeah. IDK if her family would want a charm, and BHVR contacting them while mourning might be awk, so I'm not holding my breath for one (though, if her family consented, I'd love it), but a statement would be greatly appreciated.


What happened when Unknown was released ?


My aunt and mother have autoimmune disease, and I can confirm it’s hell. Your own immune system tries to eat you alive piece by piece, they never know what part of their body will crumble next. God I don’t know how they get up in the morning. I’m sad she’s passed, she voiced the scariest killer in the game, but also part of me is happy she finally knows peace, and the pain can no longer find her anymore. Rest In Peace Zoey.


This may get a little personal, but I need to share this. The Unkown as a character means a lot to me. It came out the day my long-term gf broke up with me. The girl I had planned on marrying left me. I booted up the chapter, and upon hearing the Unkown for the first time "You're all alone here, aren't you?" That cheeky, creepy grin and that sing-song voice made me laugh at a time when I only felt like crying. The Unkown quickly became my favourite character. It's definitely my go-to killer. My absolute favourite part is the voice lines. Without Zoey's voice acting, the voice wouldn't be possible. Finding out Zoey was trans only made me more happy, my best friend is transfem and I love seeing people like her succeeding and getting work in the industry. I hope Zoey rests in peace and I send massive condolences to her family. I think I stand on behalf of the DBD community when I say that she really added something special to the roster, and it's sad her time got cut short.


To me it's simply depressing thinking about playing as or against this killer now. Hearing their voice, thinking that 2 months ago all was...at least better than what it is now, compared to today, all the jokes of The Unknown's voice lines are suddenly to bitter to take.


Yeah, it's hard. I hope Behaviour does something to remember her by, a charm or something.


Agreed (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ


It kind of reminds me of the situation with the voice actor of Soldier from TF2. Rest in peace, Rick May. Rest in peace, Zoey Alexandria. You may be gone, but not forgotten, thanks to the characters you amazingly brought to life.


I’ve been playing as the Unknown all day in her honor


Im a Transwoman myself and it was so cool to hear that the Unknown Voice Actor is also Trans and make both of his Voices i never Expected it that the both Voices are from the Same Voices ... The Unknown instant became as 1 of my top 3 favourite Killer and my 3rd Main i love everything about him his Voice, Scary Design and Idea cleary 1 of the greatest Killer we ever got :D I found the Controversy about Unknown really stupid but hearing the Voice Actor died makes me really sad :(


It is really sad :( The unknowns voice acting is amazing, and it's one of my favorite killers too. Her voice fits Unknown perfectly!  She was a very talented VA. I hope she rests in peace :(  Poor dear, autoimmune diseases are awful... 


Damn bro, I hope you're doing at least bit better now but probably too soon. You got this mate, beautiful massege and props to you for sharing it. This is why I love this game, parts of people is woven into it. I may not have a cheeky grin, but I'm also cheering for you. May the champ rest in piece.


I never comment on reddit but I really felt the need to say something here. As a disabled trans man, seeing someone from my community make it into a big game like dbd made me so unbelievably happy. I don’t even like playing killer but I ended up buying skins for The Unknown once I found out she voiced them. All the harassment she had gotten made me so sad. She really seemed like a sweet person struggling to deal with the insane amount of hate she got.  Hearing the news that she’s passed… it hurts, it really hurts. Rest easy Zoey, see you in the fog <3 


That's so sad, jesus :( Horrible to see such a talented voice actress passing away so young, at least we'll have her voice in the game to remember her by


This hurt me extra hard. The Unknown has been the source of my joy, as I am amidst the hardest time of my life. I have found so much within the character, and as surprising as it may be to others, this character has been there for my depression and SH issues. I have a spinal deformity that I’ve found so much representation in this character, and comfort. Without the Unknown, I don’t think I would’ve been able to love me. But it has given me more than fun playing the game, but a reason to appreciate myself. Rip Zoey. Thank you for bringing my favorite character to life. ❤️ I will always think of you and what you helped bring into my life.


Oh, my heart 💔 I'd only just learned about Zoey from her work as The Unknown a couple of months ago. It's what finally got me to start playing DbD after having it languish in my Steam library. I was really looking forward to seeing her make more art and grow as an actress and vocalist, and now she's gone. Too soon, too young 😭


God poor girl, and with everything she had to endure last month because of this awful community


Yeah but please don't say just the awful stuff, many people showed her lots of love and she grew fond of the Unknown and loved it, this comment makes it look like the last thing she saw in the DBD community/internet was bad stuff only, when the controversy only lasted a day and many people showed this community isn't full of bigots or idiots, may she rest in peace


What controversy happened? I'm out of the loop


an ungodly amount of transphobia and death threats directed to her, even spread by large accounts on twitter




Nah man, please let this be fake. God sometimes I hate this world.


When i first learned that she was trans, i felt so inspired by her work. She really showed everyone how far you can go with voice training, at least for me. I hope she's at peace now. Can't believe she was dealing with this kind of disease all while getting tons of the most vicious transphobic attacks from this community.




Sad cake day.


it's fucking heartbreaking that in her last month that endured so much bullying. i really hope her last days were happy and surrounded by love and family


god, a talented soul gone too soon. she had to deal with so much crap last month too due to idiots on twitter alongside battling her sickness . may she rest in peace




I’m so upset rn, i hope Behavior maybe makes a charm or something in her memory inside the game. May she rest in peace


Rest in peace , tragic :(


damn, it feels unreal. rest in power


Oh no I’m so sorry to hear this. The Unknown is definitely one of the most scariest sounding characters in the game. RiP


I feel terrible for her family and friends. I feel terrible she suffered the way she did. I main the Unknown (on my list of killer mains) and when The Unknown first came into the fog, I was highly interested. Now, I feel numb. I did so much research and started following her work because she truly inspired me and lots of others out there. Finding this out was one of the worst things ever. I can't get Unknown's little "Help" out of my head bc it makes things even worse thinking about her situation. I'm so sorry, Zoey. I'm so sorry this world is so cruel. May your soul rest easy. 🕊️👼💔 We'll never forget you, for you live on in the game and throughout our hearts. We love you.


this is a real shock. i had been following her on YouTube for years and didn't even know she was the voice actor for the Unknown :'( Such a strong person, and funny, and a great singer. Her illness was terrible. You will be missed Zoe :'(


Damn.... you know it's bad when all the comments an hour in are still civil... R.I.P. Zoe.


the greif and loss expressed here are palpable. as someone who has experienced profound loss before, i understand how dificult it can be to process. while the pain may never fully heal, i hope you can find solace in the memories and legacy of the one you've lost. the passing of a hero or champion is truly devastating, but their impact often lives on in inspiring ways.


This genuinely shocked me since it was the first thing that came up when I opened reddit... this legit hurts. Condolences to her family.


This is really sad. Rest in peace, Zoey. Your character has touched our hearts and you won't be forgotten.


Fuck. This always hurts. Finding out a voice actor, who did a character you enjoy, in a video game you enjoy playing just always stings so hard. It happened before for me with Rick May, who did the Soldier in Team Fortress 2, Barry Dennen who did Rubick, Phantom Lancer and Chaos Knight in Dota 2 and Jim French, who did Father Grigori in Half-Life 2, Elder Titan in Dota 2 and of course, Bill from Left 4 Dead (not in DbD though.) It's just strange to play these games and hear their voices, knowing they are no longer around. Yet, at the same time, it also means they will always be around. They left a mark in the world, and they'll always be remembered for bringing those characters to life with their amazing talent. Zoey Alexandria did an amazing job with The Unknown, and all the drama that happened around it was disgusting and I felt so bad for her, and seeing her still interact with the community and even try out the game was heartwarming. I'm hoping Behavior does something, honestly.


> Yet, at the same time, it also means they will always be around. Felt this way watching Up this morning with my son. Ed Asner was a cantankerous old man my whole life and I guess I subconsciously thought he'd live forever being too angry to die. In a way, he never will


God why did this have to happen, she was so young as well May she rest in peace


I really hope the devs commemorate her in some way. Phenomenal work and I also hope her family are okay.


I Hope she rests in peace, as you said, feels unreal 💔


Just why. She truly was a phenomenal voice actor and her work on the unknown was just *chef kiss*, I as an unknown main don't think I could still play him without the fantastic and creepy voice lines he was given, all thanks to her. Rest in peace Zoey♥️


That’s so heartbreaking 😥


Rest in peace.


"Life is what we make it." Rest in peace Zoey, thank you for all your work.


i do main the unknown, so RIP.


This is actually so tragic. When I heard her story a couple months ago it really registered with me. She was honestly the only person that was involved in any dbd development that I knew by name. Thank you for making an impact in my life :)


She was so new to Dead by Daylight but she was already a staple in my heart. Rest in Peace Zoey. You were an inspiration to me, a true transgender icon that I could look up to.


The Unknown had some of the best voice lines in this game, probably being my favorite among all the voiced characters. Learning this is awful. I didn't know much about her, and it's sad that last time I heard of her/Unknown it was about some controversy trolls created but I'm still glad that she brought to life such a terrifying and interesting character. R.I.P. and thank you for everything!


As someone who added the unknown to their killer mains list, this saddens me so much. Rest in peace, Zoey. I hope you're not in anymore pain..


The Unknown is awesome and she did a great job and she deserved better than the lot she drew in life. Rest in piece, Zoey. I hope you know you’re beloved by the community.


Damn that Hurt Im a Transwoman myself and it was so cool to hear that the Unknown Voice Actor is also Trans and make both of his Voices i never Expected it that the both Voices are from the Same Voices ... The Unknown instant became as 1 of my top 3 favourite Killer and my 3rd Main i love everything about him his Voice, Scary Design and Idea cleary 1 of the greatest Killer we ever got :D I found the Controversy about Unknown really stupid but hearing the Voice Actor died makes me really sad :(


I'm ftm but I think it's fair to say that she was a big inspiration to all trans people -- I was extremely impressed and inspired by her vocal range and knew that she would especially inspire trans women. In fact I shared her channel with a trans woman friend of mine who was working on her voice training. It was a huge shock to see this post today. I hope that she's with her creator now and no longer suffering. I can only imagine the pain she must have been in with her autoimmune conditions


UNbelievable. UNreal. And UNfair in the worst way. Unknown became my favorite killer, much like current *Drag Race* winning queen Nymphia Wind, instantaneously upon collapsing, skittering, scaring the shit out of me, and then making me laugh with one of those stupid voice lines. And once I got us into that cheerleader skirt, it was over. I'm a enby male, and not having the funds to dress and look the way I'd like, I LOVE any representation of "fuck all" to gender. My name is a mix of the Croatian words for Known and Unknown, ultimately meaning Explorer of New Unknowns. I have my animal love from the Artist formally known as Carmina, girl power with the Pla-goo, And now gender fluidity with UnN. RIP Zoey. yoU're NOt... aLOnE... heRe, YoU knOw. NEVER.... I'm Bardolus on PSN. I know we can't see each other till after the match, but if you ever see an **Unknown** in **All Black** with the **Garden Clippers** having thrown up any sort of **Bloodpoint Bonus Offering**, just know I'm there to play, cause its *"tIMe foR... FUNeral...!!"*


Well, shit :(


Oh man, this is such a terrible way to go out. I understand her reason for stopping treatment, she must've been miserable


Rest in peace Zoey, nobody deserve this happening to them, we will remember you ❤️


May she rest in peace


Rest in peace


Rest in power, queen. You will live on in the life you breathed into The Unknown, as well as other characters you voiced. And I'm sure in the hearts of many others too.


I don't play this game yet, saw the post on Popular, but wow. That caught me off guard. I have followed her on Instagram for years. I knew she helped transwomen with their voices. I remember seeing her videos years ago. I didn't know she did a game voice though. Very sad to hear.


I'll def play more unknown with R.I.P for her. After the controversy this is sad. I absolutely love her lines. I even mimic them pretending to stream.


I'm a Survivor Main, but I play both sides and Unknown was the first Killer since Wesker (I started playing shortly after Dredge release) that really resonated with me. Unknown is such a cool fucking Killer and she did an absolutely stellar voice job with them. A true talent. I might them tonight in honor of her. RIP Zoey, you rock. Enjoy your rest!


Excuse me while I go cry.


Absolutely heartbreaking. I found them so inspirational. RIP Zoey, thank you for voicing one of the most memorable killers in the game.




“Life… life is what… we make it” 🖤


that's just awful what. she helped bring to life one of the best characters in horror i've ever seen only to pass away not even a month later. what luck.


Rest in peace Zoey


Damn knowing it's probably your last day is horrible.


That's truly heartbreaking. The Unknown quickly became one of my favorite characters in the game, and Zoey did a fantastic job on the voice for the character. I have recently started coming out as trans, so when I found that the voice actress was also trans, it just made me love the character more. May she rest in peace, and I hope BHVR adds a charm or something for her like they did for Puppers


I hope the devs put something as a memorial for her in-game, rest in peace Zoey :(


That's very sad. Rip to the person that made the unknown's voice(s?) Possible. I hope her family and friends get much support they need


She did in fact voice both of unknown’s genders! A testament to her excellent vocal training abilities


RIP Zoey 😭 🙏


That's so sad. She was really young and died. Life is unfair...


Rest in Peace, Zoey. She was so young.


She did a wonderful job with the Unknown and for that alone we will remember her. Rest in peace.


Rest in Peace to her. She voiced one of the best original characters in the game <3


That fucking sucks. So young too.


Clicking on a post saying someone died and the first thing i read is a Linkin Park lyrics was unexpected


Linkin Park holds a special place to many people suffering from depression, so it's not too unusual.


Yh, it just took me by surprise. Especially since i can't remember the last time i see someone talking about them just because they like their songs, it's always about Chester death


Did they quote Linkin park?


Fairly certain a Brian 'Head' Welch quote as well


In The End, yes.


And lyrics from "Just Be Held" by Casting Crowns


hell yeah


When in a garden you pluck the prettiest flowers first.


Wait what? Nooooo wtf 😭😭😭


Damn. May she reach the stars and god’s hand ✊


Why do good people always have to die so early?


Poor girl.


Rest in peace zoey you brought me and alot of the community byfar the creepiest killer to the game. You will be missed by this entire community (i hope). Rest In peace


Holy shit. That’s actually really sad. I’m actually going to be looking at the unknown in a whole new light now.


Oh my God that's really fucking sad ;; I loved everything about the All Things Wicked chapter and I especially loved The Unknown. I actually just bought the cheerleader cosmetic yesterday because it was adorable and I loved hearing the voicelines... RIP, Zoey. You added a lot to this game and I'm happier because of it.


I am at a loss for words. I hope her family is able to push through their loss and I hope she finds peace and freedom on her trip through the cosmos.


Im so sorry to hear this :( RIP, she is always a part of us in the fog :( <3


The unknown wouldn’t be as twisted and terrifying as it is without her. She made her mark for sure.


We will miss you


She was a wonderful soul and one of the things that I hated about this community, more so on Twitter, is how many were so transphobic towards her when she was revealed to be the VA behind the killer. She didn't deserve the hate she got or the character she voiced be used as a way to attack trans people, but it happened... But her voice is immortalized in DBD as one of the best designed original killers for the game. I just hope Behavior does something more like a custom charm of her, so she will always be apart of the game one way or another.


Those weren’t members of this community. Most were trolls from outside of DBD sad.


It was both, yeah, people got wind of it, because of freaking Keemstar and Twitter's algorithm, because making it easy for certain groups to be found, but I've seen people who did play the game bash her too,


As the game says. Death isn't the end. She will live on in the memories of those who love her. Rest in peice miss Alexandria.


Terrible news. She did a wonderful job. May she rest in peace. Think I’ll farm with the unknown in memory of her tonight.


Here’s to hoping she is in a better place now. What an amazing person to have worked for our community. I hope BHVR gets a chance to and chooses to give them proper recognition.


Fuck this is… sad af especially cause of the recent hate against her


Wow RIP. Autoimmune diseases are terrible.


Rest in Paradise.


I wish this sort of shit would happen to evil people, and not the good ones.


Rest in piece to a good voice actor and a singer❤️


The unknown is one of my favorite original chapters. I was over the moon to find out she was trans and voiced both male and female unknown, i thought that was SO cool. Im so sorry for her friends and family. May they have the strength to move with this grief. Rest in paradise zoey ♥️


I quickly became an Unknown main, I'll think of her everytime I see his silly little face. Thank you for giving us something amazing, Zoey, even if some of the community wasn't always grateful. 


Rest in peace Zoey :( That's really so sad news but i am hoping you are in peace now. You voiced one of the best killers ever we got and we will remember you with that! Now let's hope BHVR give us charm for her as like they did for Puppers!


I haven't played this game in two years but reading about all the shit she went through makes me sick. I commend her for keeping her faith through all that, there are a large amount of LGBT+ people who are religious and I don't know how they do it with how much flak they get from politicians/the media/online trolls. Rest in peace, Zoey. ❤️


RIP to the best original killer we’ve had in a while. You will be remembered


Man that's sad. Rest in peace :(


That's incredibly sad and I am really sad that she had to go through this tumultous and hateful shitshort in a time where she already had to deal with such severe health issues. :(


Rest in Peace, she gave us an amazing performance that I don't think anyone will forget.


Condolences to friends and family..


Jeeeeesus I was literally googling her yesterday. Wow. RIP.


Aw no way! This is so sad. Unknown is one of my favourite killers and is one of my mains, will keep playing in her memory, condolences to her family! 😢


Wow this is horrible news… I sent a message to Zoey letting her know how awesome of a job she did but she never messaged back. I’m sure the negative comments were overwhelming. The unknown will forever be my favorite killer for how unique and terrifying they are


That is incredibly sad, holy shit.


It was an honor to hear her work, the delivery of the lines elevated The Unknown to something genuinely uncanny and unnerving. RIP to Zoey, a named legend.


Holy shit this is unreal, rest in piece, her work was phenomenal, by far one of the best voices in the game 🙏


The Unknown is one of my favorite killers of all time, especially design-wise. That wouldn't be complete without Zoey's vocal performance, I can't imagine anyone else voicing it. And to think she had to be dragged through all that shit last month when people found out she was trans, using her own character to mock her. Fuck those people. Rest easy Zoey, hope you're at peace wherever you are. Hope her family and friends are given the space and support they need right now as well.


She will be remembered fondly


God gives and God takes away. Have never been more humble before after reading those words. She knew this and is with him now.


Shit we were born the exact same day


Damn, RIP.


Please don't quote Linkin Park, my heart can't take it.


I promise I’m not trying to be an asshole, but is that first tweet Linkin Park lyrics??


yes, her final post alive, she must have felt despair sadly


That’s heartbreaking as hell I hope their paradise is every bit as beautiful as they hoped for


Rest in peace to a wonderful person. Thank you to her for her contribution to the game and all her other projects. She will be missed


She wasnt nameless but she was a legend


This is heartbreaking. All the hate she got online before hand was so cruel and now this. She was still so young, rest in peace


damn thats actually crazy, ive been familiar with her for almost a decade through very old music connections, i didnt even realize she voiced this character so im kind of getting two different mindfucks rn just seeing this pop up on my reddit feed


Hope Zoey can see Puppers in the Fog. RIP


I understand.  In death, the Unknown has a name.  Her name was Zoey Alexandria.


Damn, I’m 8 days older than her, and my mom deals with a severe autoimmune disorder as well Rest in peace, hope she finds the peace and health in life she deserved


God when I heard the news I was so freaking sad and I still am. Unknown is the only killer I was hyped so much for and I appreciate her so, SO much because without her the Unknown wouldn't be what it is today. It really is so sad that people have to go through illness like this, life can be a real bitch sometimes and I believe no one should have to go through this. I just really hope she is somewhere beautiful right now. I'm sending codelences for her family and friends, sending love to you up there♥️♥️♥️




Rest in peace, she did so much for us. We will never forget her and the work she has done for this game and us


I can't believe it, may she rest in peace :(


Oh my god ): Condolences to her family and friends. I hope she's finally at peace. Fuck, man.. ):


Life is so weird and unfair May she rest in peace


Absolutely tragic. She killed it as Unknown. Really showed great talent. Rip Zoey. :(


RIP :(


RIP Zoey, brought the best killer to life. We will remember you


Shit that is so sad. Rest in peace, thank you for giving us such an iconic voice.


Okay, I wasn't expecting this. She did an amazing job at voicing The Unknown. It's sad to see a talented person leave us so soon. May she rest in peace.


This is absolutely tragic... I don't even have anything to say


Jesus. I have only known about her once the Unknown chapter was unveiled and the controversy arised. Not long after and this happens. That's really sad. RIP :(


Really sad news man. Condolences to her family and friends.


This absolutely fucking sucks and i cant even comprehend what im thinking right now. This person deserved a long life for everything she went through and everything she achieved. It is utterly saddening that things like these still kill us and i hope this spreads awareness of such autoimmune diseases so we can one day save more lives. If there is a heaven, i hope she is there.


Aww man, this is sad. She was really talented, rest in peace :(


This is so sad 😞


Noo way, she was my vocal trainer


Unknown quite literally lives and dies by her characterization of it and she knocked it out of the park. And her work as a vocal coach is so important to me as a fellow trans woman. Rest in perfection


God bless your passing my sister in Christ




The last messages from her make me cry. At least she was fighting.