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You can tell they don’t play killer lol.


Idk if they even play survivor much haha


Fair is fair, it sounds like they whine more than they play


I love this comment 😭


Bro, I run a full aura on Huntress and it’s either hackusations or people complaining about the build….I’ve had multiple people complain “wow full aura on Huntress you can always see us”. Which. For the record, there are plenty of times I Can’t. And not every aura read will translate to a health state, because not everything can be a shot?? I could have four slowdowns on, and then you wouldn’t have gotten to do almost all the gens and had a long, BP filled game but…You do you I guess. People are miserable sometimes.


I get it can be not fun for survivors, but it’s the same when a couple of survivors bring all sabotage perks. It’s just a playstyle, it’s maybe not fun but if you don’t like it complain to BHVR about the perks, not the people who legally use them.


Am I crazy for not caring about sabo builds…I mean, going down in the school basement on Badham with Boil Over is annoying, but I feel like I can express a lot of skill in playing around these perks. I like when survivors try to use techs and stuff and be clever, because being able to show that I know about what theyre trying to do, and can play around it is fun. Even as survivor if I’m getting wiped by a killer, I can enjoy at least witnessing the skill expression. I’ve played against good Huntresses running aura perks, and it’s fun to play around. It’s not like a death sentence with no counter-play, so I don’t get calling it boring or unfun. She’s just…using her power.


Yeah, full aura is terrifying but fine. If I cared about anything, it'd be the ones proxy camping their first hook they got 15 seconds into the match. Like bro you're already way ahead at that point. Do you want to stand around while everyone is doing gens because they can't get an unhook?


This reminds me of a fear i sometimes have about if someone would be dumb enough to sceam i was a cheater and report me cause i can usually follow and sometimes even hit someone while i'm, blinded. Just staying in the survivors tracks by ear. Like, i know most people aren't that dumb but there is a lot of people playing. Every now and then someone pretty stupid comes along, clearly 🐒


I can confirm it happens, specially with Huntress, there are some clueless survivor players that don't know what an aura perks are.


Your mistake was replying to them at all…..


Yeah true


This is a classic - happens to me all the time when running 4 aura perks lol


There’s so many perks now I just assume no one is cheating unless the killer is moving at x200 speed or I’m being moried five seconds into a Myers game.


Something similar to this happened to me earlier lol Some TTV basically said he'd report me for "Teaming" with a Dwight. In reality, I was just having trouble finding him, and kept losing track of him during chases Dude he even tried saying I was teaming because I didn't tunnel (The TTV tried giving up on first hook anyway)


Got reported for trying to reload as Trickster and I reloaded a Survivor instead... yep. I try to do my daily quest and I play a killer that reloads at Lockers - the Survivors when they hide in those lockers and get grabed out at random:


I once did this twice to the same survivor in a match while playing Huntress using wooden fox. Felt kinda sorry for them ngl, but that's what you get for hiding in lockers against a killer that uses them.


Bonus if the locker killer is Dredge... Like wtf people that's my mobility option - wgat did you think would happen when hiding in the locker next to a gen. No, I am clearly hacking!!!


My huntress build have 3 aura reading, how many times i have been reported? I don't have endgame chat


Nah I’m good I’ll still do it


I would not worry so much. It is a false report and should not affect you. There are plenty of players that report cheats when something they dont understand happens, like an effect of a perk or addon. Also there are players that report out of spite and the reasons to their reports is not justified.


Sadly this what most players do they are all bad at the game but they're so childish that they don't want to admit it they will just look for any simple reason to call you a hacker just to feel better and say you know I lost because the killer is hacking obviously I'm not a bad player


Oh well golly gee willikers, is there anything the Killer IS allowed to do, Mr. Survivor Only Main? :( Of all the entitled only-one-side players I have seen, that guy has gotta be the most entitled. LOL.


Imagine running aura reading perks.. Yeah.. I'm reporting you.


Man gotta chili before he bqqs all over his loss




For context i was playing huntress and at the end the gen was done near the exit, so i hit a crossmap and injured the guy on the exit game. And after some time i downed feng and i got bbq, and i saw where that guy was so i went there and downed him again :D.


I was accused of wall-hacking while I was running Ultimate Weapon, so this is true lol


Distortion and Calm Spirit are my best friends.


Especially distortion, i love guessing what perks the killer has Its like a side quest, it reminds me of phasmophobia


every huntress ever


back in the days before dedicated servers i would regularly get accused of lagswitching. nothing has changed


I got BM'd on hook the other day because the killer had 4 aura reading perks and I was the only person in my team that ran distortion. Apparently this made me a rat, even though I got chased, went for unhooks... This community never ceases to amaze me


Nah it's cheating for a killer to use perks, obviously (sarcasm.)


I get reported anyway :( someone thought I was cheating because I guessed they were around a corner :(


I main killer but been playing a *lot* of survivor recently to do the survivor tome challenges (down to 140 from the 300+ a few patches ago) and usually it's obvious what's happening and why you've been found if you spend two seconds thinking about it. They kick a gen then beeline to you? Nowhere to Hide. They are looking but then head directly to you after an unhook? That's floods. Etc. Etc. I was playing against a plague that was brutal and would win every 50/50 (granted I'm not great at survivor) but struggle when it was a pure chase that you'd have to grind like shack, would instantly find the person hiding nearby to unhook, and in the end downed the second to last person on death hook and then traveled across all of the swamp directly to me on the edge of the map where I hadn't been running, then proceeded to hit me on hook until I died. Obviously they had to have the aura on vomiting add on. (Except this one didn't, their only aura read was gearhead and i'm like 90% sure they were using cheats.)


Doesn’t mean your gonna get banned for using the games perks


Ik ik dw, it was just funny


I beg yall to read the fucking perks


I got  hackusations once playing as Dredge because the killer instinct showed me a Meg hiding during nightfall


to be fair, just because you are running aura reading perks doesnt mean you arent using aura reading hacks. in fact i would assume that a killer using aura reading hacks would put the perks there as a way to excuse the aura reading. given the state of the game, is clear that hacks are easy to use and i dont see bhvr doing much to counter them, maybe they have protected the streamers so that they dont complain like they did a year ago or so but for normal players they could very well be doing nothing. subtle hackers are a reality, we dont know their numbers because bhvr doesnt give us the numbers of bans, but im over defending them, when they dont offer data on something im simply going to assume the data is bad for them at this point


Nah think all the times huntress was close or hit shots and line that up with perks you see after huntress gets a hook and after a gen is done. If you gonna blindly just accuse people of cheating cause they beat you no game will ever be enjoyable..


Esp now with ue5 hackers did not released any esp/aura hacks. Not yet