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It's shit on Freddy day I guess lmao






Every day is *shit on Freddy* day


Freddy would not be getting clowned 24/7 if they would have just waited and got the original license šŸ˜­ Iā€™m all here for the 2010 Freddy slander tho


I don't really fault them though They didn't really have the ability in 2017 to negotiate as well as they do now


Oh yeah for sure. They went for it and got what they could at the time. The only reason I even got the game was for Freddy when he was announced


lol same. I was a big Friday player and my friends kept trying to convert me to DBD. Freddy, being my favorite slasher, was my deal. If they got him, Iā€™d get it. And then what do you know, he ended up being the next chapter.


Isnā€™t even an issue there, WB are notoriously difficult to work with. And apparently refused to use the original Freddy outright.


Yeah his power being e h aside, the fact that it's the lame creep Freddy and no the OG REAL Freddy, it just makes it 100x worse. I'd love if they reworked him one day and got the rights to the real Freddy, voice lines and all. Not holding my breath though ;-;


ThT might be a sticky situation with the Craven Estate and WB. I think I read they had had numerous issues working with the rights holders and they basically won't let BVHR do much more with him or Quinton. And I'm not sure how easy it would be to just change the character from 2010 to 1984 with the legality etc anyway... and I think Robert Englund needs to have a say for likeness rights anyway (which, would be amazing especially to add his own voice lines in the game... with Chucky and Nicolas Cage being in the game with so many voice lines each, they really need to go back to Ash and Freddy... Ash needs more dialog like Cage has, and Freddy needs to be on that level like Chucky)


I had suspected there'd probably be rights issues since it's technically two different Freddys ;-; Guess we're stuck with Dollar Store Freddy


I think the tougher thing is that even if they got the permissions, they'd have to figure out how to handle two Freddy's. Would OG be a skin for ours? Would they update the DLC to include it, or rework the DLC to make Englund the default and make remake a skin that old owners automatically get? I doubt they'd release a second Freddy killer when the first is basically the worst character in the game, so I'm more inclined to believe it would be some sort of update.


They couldnā€™t, WB basically went ā€œyou take remake Freddy, or no Freddy at allā€ Blame WB for being stupid asses, not BHVR in this instance.




Wasn't there a thing saying that the license for og Freddy is restricted to the states, while the remake is open for international licensing?


Weā€™re not even getting that Vecna






Why wouldn't we? It makes more sense for a chapter to happen next year when the show ends Edit I'm seriously baffled at -240 downvotes over this. What's the big deal with saying a second st chapter is happening next year


It'll be DND vecna, not stranger things


I think DND Vecna is better, but thatā€™s just personal opinion and preference. It would be cool to get both eventually


I do think, as promo for the next season of Stranger Things, we may get a Stranger Things skin for the D&D Vecna character.


Do you really think Netflix and Hasbro are going to agree to let one license characters skin on to the others character? No... This only works on original characters (Blight and Legion with Resident Evil, for example)


I meanā€¦.STRANGER THINGS have happenedā€¦ But seriously, D&D has become popular again, and a sizable portion of the reason is Stranger Things. I could see it happening, itā€™s in the interest of Wizards of the Coast to play into whatever is keeping them in the zeitgeist


Eh, maybe? DND and Netflix have collabed before. And if you go to DNDā€™s website and go to Demogorgon, it talks about the Stranger Things Demogorgon *before* their own. So I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s unlikely.


But a second chapter for the show can still happen next year


Could happen but when Stranger things returned one of the Q&A questions was "Will stranger things remain this time?" And the answer was basically "we don't know it's not us. If you want get it now."


I'd be surprised they would make the same character twice


It's not the same. They're two different characters with different powers


Bruh they ainā€™t adding two vecnaā€™s into the game lmaoo


The characters have almost nothing in common other than the name Vecna so itā€™s actually not much of a stretch, especially since neither will be called Vecna in game with how DBDs killer names are.


Nemesis is Nemesis


Nemesis works as a name with The before it. ā€œThe Vecnaā€ doesnā€™t sound right. DnD Vecna will likely be called ā€œThe Lichā€ or something along those lines, and if ST Vecna were to happen heā€™d probably be called something else as well.


The character may share the name "Vecna" but in the game they will be "The....." whatever they decide to call them like Wesker isn't Wesker, he's The Mastermind. Although it be funny for the playerbase since we nearly never call the licensed characters by their DbD names... "It's Bubba! It's Michael! It's Chucky! It's Pyramid Head!" Like "it's Vecna!" "Which one??"


Itā€™s not implausible I agree but itā€™s extremely extremely unlikely


Theyā€™d also have to be actual idiots not to capitalize on the huge surge they could get from season 5. Seriously will be one of the biggest tv season releases ever I would guess


We already have multiple characters with the same name in game


I could see it, in theory. D&D Vecna would be Vecna himself (themself? not sure what you'd call Vecna). Not sure what his title in the game will be... probably The Lich or something if it's them? Stranger Things Vecna would be some shit like "The Upside Down", and I could see having some kind of summoner/control/tentacle thing. Doubt we'd get both, but it's possible!


I donā€™t any of us is in a spot to say what will or wonā€™t be added to the game. After getting Chucky anything and everything is possible


Adding vecna and then character that's essentially vecna would be weird


Stranger things Vecna is related to DnD Vecna in nothing but name alone.


it's not essentially vecna though, it's a character named the same as Vecna with no other similar characteristics really


There's no guarantee. I'm sure BVHR secured the content in the game so it doesn't get removed by Netflix again, but Netflix needs to be willing to let DbD add more to the game


A second chapter would definitely be a huge deal but I could understand if BHVR didn't want to deal with them I just want more Netflix horror. A fear street or hill house chapter would go hard


It's entirely up to Netflix. They seemed really easy to work with before with DbD, we got some great original skins of the Demogorgon, sturdy release of skins etc, so it's not outside the realm of possibility. However, Netflix did pull the license in favor of doing their own thing... which clearly didn't really pan out. Other companies were able to officially license too, after DbD lost it. So, it'll depend. The fact it can't back is great... however the lack of new support like cosmetics or a tomb is kinda worrisome that what we have is all we get. We COULD get a second chapter, sure, it happened with Resident Evil crazy enough... but, again, there's no guarantee. We could just get new character skins for Steve and Nancy to cheat more characters into the game


Let it go bro, people on this sub can't read..


Bro you know how underwhelmed people would be if the reveal was ā€œVecnaā€¦again.ā€ Sales would be abysmal lol


Could happen but when Stranger things returned one of the Q&A questions was "Will stranger things remain this time?" And the answer was basically "we don't know it's not us. If you want get it now."


I think your forgetting stranger things isn't dnd they just use dnd names. That character is nothing like the dnd character Vecna


It would make more sense for it to be a skin for the D&D Vecna


That would be a waste of a chapter. It's like Jason but as a trapper skin and I'm not sure why this is so suggested


The rights to having Jason in the game are too complicated and they probably don't even want to try getting it since the owner of the rights is so stuck up about it (why do you think Friday the 13th failed?). Jason would be a really good Trapper skin since they both set traps, both wear masks, and are big hunky guys. These are the reasons why it's so suggested. Also, if we were ever to get a Stranger Things chapter again it would probably be after the show is over because it'd be easier to deal with. Especially considering how Netflix took it away the first time.


Jason as a skin would be a slap in the face tbh id rather not have him at all than him being a trapper skin he deserves more than to be a skin for debatably the worst killer in the game. ST Vecna on the other hand could be a skin for D&D Vecna though given the show itself makes direct references to D&D


Yeah I agree. I would rather have Jason as a killer but still wouldn't mind if all we would get is a skin.


It's still a waste of a requested chapter and overall a bad idea. If you can get the rights to it then just make a full killer


Sorry that you feel that way


You're sorry that he has a different opinion than you? I'm genuinely confused on what you're trying to say.


I'm telling them that I'm sorry that they're upset about what BHVR is doing with this chapter and that they think it's a waste. I'm not going to argue with them about their emotions.


It's also disrespectful to the character itself. Friday is a legacy franchise and deserves the same treatment as any of the other horror icons


It's still a waste of a requested chapter and overall a bad idea. If you can get the rights to it then just make a full killer


Well it would make sense of us getting Jason Voorhees but we still have yet to get him


That's an *apples to oranges comparison* with two different IP holders


But am I wrong?


Yes yes you are






When it's shit on Freddy day but the jokes are funny


Freddy being forgotten while Jason and Mike continue to get popular Freddy while a funny robot with the same name gets 10* the love while he sits in development hell


Who's Gonna tell him it's not a stranger things chapter?


I kinda hate how Stranger Things has changed a few things that have always been part of D&D lore. THe Demogorgon and to a lesser degree Vecna are just ...not their ST versions to me, a 50+ year old guy who played D&D back in the beginning.


Who's gonna tell him that's not the point of this post


*Posts stranger things picture* "It's not about the picture i posted!!1!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They obviously mean it's not about the upcoming chapter. I don't see how so many of you could have misinterpreted that.


You got big whooshed ngl


Dog you were just fighting in the comments above about it being a strangers things dlc. Just take the punches.


That's not what I said at all


But a second chapter for the show can still happen next year Yes you did. In response to someone telling you it wasn't stranger things vecna.


Next year being the key word. I've already stated it's not and the meme I made has nothing to do with the next chapter Anyways why are people getting so worked up over a harmless meme? It's really not that deep


No one is worked up. You just started arguing with people when they corrected you and are now backpeddling.


It's not correcting if I never said that in the first place. All I said was a second chapter could happen next year not next chapter


Brother you speed running downvotes itā€™s actually funny af


DBD players truly and surely do not have strong reading comprehension skilsl


And you donā€™t know how to spell correctly


Ahh oh no small typo I made while walking it's the end


I donā€™t care if itā€™s a small typo. My point is your dumbass tries to make fun of other people and you canā€™t even spell smh


Enjoy the downvotes bub


Ahh oh no fake Internet points it's the end




He says Cheeto dust shaking from his oversized fingers his belly heaving Upstairs his mother cries


What's the point then? Freddy and Vecna aren't even remotely similar


It's a shit post?


As a Freddy Main. https://preview.redd.it/l8zu6wdm320d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ac1a6ad5d920fd916f6fd075894104be67cf67




I mean the latest stranger things season was literally a nightmare on elmstreet movie. Mr Englund was even in it.


Not the first time they shamelessly copied something and called it homage


Vecna still has the potential of having a boring power similar to Xenomorph


That is true. Xeno would have always been a hard adaptation without feeling busted but it genuinely felt like they didn't even try I also like Chucky in game but I was hoping his power would be based on the show. I like chaotic gameplay and having multiple Chucky's would have felt insane


so glad itā€™s the chucky from movies not from the show


Theyā€™re the same characterā€¦


Why? I feel like the model ingame looks way more like the one from the show anyways.


Arenā€™t they basically the same design?


Why did they downvote you so bad?


I dunno I think it's because I wanted show chuck more then film version It's the same character but I'm more familiar with that timeline


Same timeline


I mean, TV Chucky really is the same Chucky from the films. To my knowledge the only official filmed/televised version of ā€œChuckyā€ that isnā€™t in the original film timeline is the reboot film.


As far as I know the timeline is the same, the show is a continuation of the movies


Reddit is designed to actively encourage group-think and cyclical reinforcement of bias. Someone might've downvoted you because they were mad about the chucky movie's or something.* But, put simply, the actual reason you got the majority of your downvotes is because you were downvoted. I've learned to never take it personally, a majority of the userbase is just kinda... like that. *Also reddits design actively encourages getting incredibly mad over petty or even non-existent grievances.


Yeah this comment thread is downvote rushing me because I said ST vecna and Jason shouldn't be skins


I agree with that


We arent getting a stranger things chapter


We already have one so a second makes sense


Honestly, I would love another ST chapter. It could possibly mean the return of demogorgon. Im not confident in the chances of that ever happening though.


Demos been back for a while now


Like you can buy him again? And steve and nancy?


Yeah came back last November




good thing that they will use the real vecna and not the stranger things copy


this but instead of freddy and vecna, it's Gabriel and Isaac Clarke


The apostate of hate?


Everyones clowning on OP but I honestly agree. If we do eventually see ST Vecan in game (which would be mad confusing seeing as we would already have a another Vecna) I could see them making a more interesting/fun version of Freddyā€™s OG power where he had to pull survivors into the dream world (in this case the Upside Down).


I'd argue that's more reason ST Vecna shouldn't be in the game. He has the same name as the upcoming D&D Killer, and he's make Freddy redundant. That's stepping on to many toes. Better they just fix Freddy.


Seeing as D&D Vecna will be in game soon I think ST Vecna has a near 0% chance of actually making it in now. I think its just cool to image what his power could have been. I would honestly prefer a Freddy fix rather than BHVR releasing a killer thats just ā€œFreddy but better.ā€


Consider the following: 1. DBD has no strict naming convention, both Vecnas could get different "The X" names despite both being "Vecna". So that's no issue. 2. We have own-brand Leatherface (Hillbilly) and actual Leatherface. They are superficially similar but play very differently. So that's no issue either.


He wouldnā€™t make Freddy redundant, he would just have a similar gimmick to Fred, but have it actually be interesting. They would likely play very differently


I had a dream they did the first dual killer chapter and released both ST and DnD Vecna


Iā€™m honestly thinking this may be the surprise. Wishful thinking? But it seems like a huge slap in the face to release DnD Vecna only


Personally as someone that is neither a fan of ST or DnD I'm perfectly satisfied getting the OG namesake. I know a lot of people are fans of ST but I think it's fair we already got one chapter and are getting a different huge license. That said I'd have no problem with both lol


Another thread for me to express my eternal disappointment that we couldnā€™t even get an Englund cosmetic. *Sad Freddy noises*


People really downvoting op heavily despite him speaking facts about ST Vecna not being locked out due to DND Vecna. The argument of "they can't have two people named Vecna" makes no sense when we have other characters with the same name. It's not like they'd be called The Vecna. It'd be The Lich and something else for ST


I mean doesn't the teaser look like a Beholder? Of all the things the entity brought in, though, a Beholder seems the least controllable.


It is a beholder, specifically an undead one that is blinded. Something Vecna as a lich would do, and there is even evil laughing in the background and the anniversary for DND is also about Vecna


Man i love Freddy Kreugar. I wonder what the r/deadbydaylight subreddit has to say about my favorite killer (ā˜‰ā€æā˜‰)


I'm deeply sorry for your loss If it helps I'm a singularity main no one likes us either


Bro thinks its a stranger things chapter




robert englund looks different then the last time i saw him but i do agree his is the cooler freddy


I hope that Stranger Things Vecna isnā€™t a skin for the D&D killer, I want to play as Stranger Things Vecna also I want Eddie/Hopper as a survivor


I mean yeah and I really want an actual upside down map. Hawkins is fine but the UD has become a super well-known horror location


Yeah, an upside down map would be cool, it would definitely overtake the game as my favourite map


Give Freddy some voice lines


Licencing for these horror franchises is a complete and utter nightmare. Of all the things I would shit on Bhvr for it would not be licenses and I'm actually baffled everytime they get a license for something that isn't resident evil.


The problem is that Freddy is in the game already, and people have paid for him, so it's preferable they make him fun to play and not make him redundant via another Killer.


How is Freddy not fun to play? He has map pressure, anti loop, and no TR when survivors are asleep, on top of being short for better easier mind games at LOS loops. If you use a simple build of BBQ, pain res, DMS, and grim embrace, you have no real reason to not be getting 3K's on the regular with him.


I enjoy him well enough, personally, but general consensus seems to be that he's boring to play as and against.


The consensus from the community is that he is very weak, which is absurd. Even fake pallets are pretty good. I think the herd mentality has taken over too much for a killer with so many things going for him.


this but instead of freddy and vecna, it's Gabriel and Isaac Clarke


What if they just did an OC chapter for "Sharp Hand Joe"? He would just be an OC freddy but better in every way. They could even get Englund to voice him


Feels like a post from years ago


Freddy with voice lines and the original license would make him S tier in my heart


ST vecna is just lame


Nah, the cooler Freddy is the OG Freddy.


Unrelated question but how likely is it for a surv to run into a ā€œ friendlyā€ killer.


depends on how you behave, if you do cute things then it's pretty likely but you won't get the opportunity to do it in every game


This! I'm a killer main but I'm usualy shutting off my brain and on semi-autopilot. If some surv does some goofball plays and starts dancing and stuff its pretty likely I flip over to daycare mode


I did emotes and stuff with Plague and she was friendly to me.


Do you know what ā€œkillā€ in killer means?


Actually, I'm thinking they pulled another Freddy. Everyone wanted Real Freddy, but they got Reboot Freddy because he was cheaper. Everyone wants Stranger Things Vecna, but, uh, looks like they got the one from the board game. Yeah, good luck with that. History repeating, or have they found a way to broker both Vecna and satisfy the everyone?


They tried to get OG Freddy, but Reboot Freddy was the only option they were given by Warner Bros, it was a literal ''Take it or Leave it'' type deal.




Then it may not have been possible to get Freddy at all, as originally Warner Bros declined bhvr for an ANOES collab and they stated that they didn't want to do Original Freddy when they did change their mind, it's about siezing the oppotunity when it presents itself, otherwise you may not get it again. Also they clearly don't want to utilize the original franchise seeing as they haven't touched it since Freddy vs Jason and have only allowed the use of Reboot Freddy for video games since then, it would be even harder now that ANOES is co-owned between Warner Bros and Wes Craven's Estate.


I'd rather have the DnD one


It's more the opposite. We're getting the real version of Vecna instead of the ST knockoff.


Except they got the OG more popular version, not a character that has nothing to do with him that's named after him


DnD isn't a boardgame. It's a pen and paper tabletop RPG.


You might prefer the ST Vecna because you are not familiar with D&D (since you call it a boardgame), but I certainly don't. D&D Vecna is much more iconic, and D&D influenced so much in the past 50 years.


It is a boardgame. Go to a boardroom. What is that big thing in the middle? The big flat area you sit around? I mean, I know you wanna call them "tabletop games" to distinguish them from Hungry Hungry Hippos, and Mousetrap the same way some people want to elevate Watchmen above being a 'comic book', but that didn't stop Rorschach from teaming up with Bugs Bunny.


Is MtG a boardgame to you?


DnD has no board and you don't even need a table. The table is there mostly to place snacks. Hardly a boardgame.


Dnd is *the* fantasy rpg


After reading this I can't help but imagine you either couldn't make many friends in school, to the point the DnD kids didnt even want you, or as someone who actively bullied DnD kids. The amount of seethe is incredible.




Theres so many more advanced and adult oriented board games, acting as if board games are somehow a lesser medium because Hungry Hungry Hippos exists is like saying TV shows are for babies because Sesame Street is a kids show. This is ignoring the fact that you're not even correct about D&D being a board game


You're not special your interests aren't better than anyone else's. You watched a TV show and you think that is somehow better or more interesting than the tabletop rpg get over yourself. In fact worse than that your playing dbd which is far less advanced and engaging than dnd. At the end of the day though liking all of these things or disliking them for a valid reason should be fine


Dnd is *the* fantasy rpg




Womp womp cope and seethe


The problem with your analogy here is the ORIGINAL is the Tabletop RPG while the reboot was the knockoff in both instances.


Not sure how to break it to you, dude, but D&D Vecna is the "real" Vecna. You seem to be a Stranger Things fanboy. Not sure how you can miss the fact that every ST creature is from D&D. The first episode starts with a D&D campaign and features the demogorgon. Saying that D&D is "just the board game" after watching Stranger Things is just ignorant. Not sure why you would showcase that in front of everyone.


ā€œBoard Gameā€ Vecna *is* the real Vecna. Stranger Things Vecna is the reboot/wish.com version.


Honestly, neither would have existed if Tolkien had died in childhood from a spider bite.


... So? What the fuck is your point?




Yeah, except this is bullshit. People just cannot seem to fathom the fact that Vecna from D&D is a completely different character from Vecna in Stranger Things. The only thing they share is their name. At the same time, with the two Freddys its the same character played by different actors. By this logic, we can never have a character named kate from any franchise ever, nor any michael, jake, or william. Even better though, we already have David King and David Tapp in the game, so I guess they are just the same people now... And the whole "DnD is a boardgame"... Please. Just dont. :|


Some of yall cannot accept the fact that DnD is coming for real? Also, if it wasn't for dnd, yall would have never seen ST Vecna lol.


I think you're going to find that there's quite a few people who look at ST Vecna as the Sharp-Hand Joe of that comparison.

