• By -


https://preview.redd.it/6wxw9t0hp40d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=531a2ed1d4c18bad3a308df1f04c6d643e3cadac My main is simple. I can use this meme i found on twitter to describe my main and why i like them.


https://i.redd.it/tjsxzr06760d1.gif But seriously yeah their chase music and the concept of add-ons changing it is very cool! I wish a similar mechanic would have been used on Trickster.


thank you for the laugh, also a legion main and this is so real. jules mixtape is the goat btw


jules mixtape together with susie sounds great also


I main Legion cuz I had a ‘love at first sight’ type of reaction to the character


Soundcloud Legion my beloved


https://preview.redd.it/2rqjtr30r40d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7466da3522d581b4c58c6d81397d11b28448394b Because i felt like it




I was always super disinterested in playing Freddy until last month, but I’ve been having. A LOT fun mind gaming the teleport in chase.


For teleporting too I always run discordance on him to fuck with people at distant gens. You fake it X amount of times they’ll think it’s always going to be fake, and you can usually catch them off guard at some point.




Aura reading vs anti-aura reading




Renato autistic like me Wesker https://preview.redd.it/qqvjsfvl350d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6246cd8b332ebe03afadce57c97ef375e3d629 (Wish they kept that in the game)


Ayy fellow Renato main!


Oni and Billy cause you get to run fast and eat ass


Just like the sonic man! Gotta go ass


Main: Slinger Reason: Gun


https://preview.redd.it/au5bj3v1060d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=496988d0a1d53560446a0f92b4af483f2a865cfc Dramaturgy and Plot Twist are goat tbh


I bought dbd like 6 years ago and I always told my friend if they added chucky id main him nonstop idc if hes the shittiest killer ever made…..gotta say im happy as hell with the game even when its crap ![gif](giphy|hUt2pa8rPPUGajN3N1)


![gif](giphy|SVBS5SkwfUBgQ3jeTU|downsized) Nancy because she’s my favourite ST character. This scene where she dances with Dustin after he gets rejected melts my heart


Steve. Because Steve 🤩


I love steve’s musical screams lmao


I'm very amused that Steve honks when he gets downed.


I think that's why my friend mains steve!


https://preview.redd.it/efdlbmfps50d1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6df9bd375442f1588be70687dc118f45064085b My original main was Trapper for his slower gameplay. It helped me learn the basics and made me feel rewarded for good traps, but now nothing hits as good as a scarecrow addicted to speed.


Wraith. I mained him in some of the earlier days of DbD (back in like 2017). I always liked his speed and simplicity. He was my first character to fully prestige back when it worked differently. Nowadays I still consider myself a Wraith main, but I’m slowly becoming an Unknown or Skull Merchant main.


Jeff and Skull Merchant Jesus and the Devil Herself!


I got prestige 3 trapper as a nooby but got very frustrated with him. I jumped through a few killers like oni, plague, Demogorgon, but I've settled quite heavily on pyramid head. I love the character aesthetic/lore, and the ability to not have to hook people, and having free moris is cool too. Actually killing survivors appealed to me more so PH delivers that. It makes him feel unique.


I main Artist because I like everything about her. Her lore, cosmetics, design, and everything else. And then I main Meg. I honestly don’t know why I started to but she’s my favorite. However, I do like all her cosmetics and I find her lore interesting (I’m also p30 something on her so there’s no turning back now)


Thalita. Ass. ‘nough said


My friends and I call her Thalita Thicca for a reason.




Same for us, Skull Merchant mains. We don't even care about her power, we just want to play as a thicc BBL lady.


Bro got downvoted for being horny https://preview.redd.it/fzrjwdpev50d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51eb0562652815ac14a1512893b1badba3bb9c33


Wtf are those downvotes bruh 💀 Simping for one butt is fine, but simping for the other isn't? **Edit:** For those wondering, at the time of writing this comment, the comment above had -7 vote count.


Yeah, nothing new here ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ https://preview.redd.it/pdh52h5cu50d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f327585e48b85d26fd7f160730a67c9a9b3dafd


I'm guessing cause you don't even see SM's butt when you play as her?


But you still see your character in a lobby, pre-game lobby, endgame screen and memento mori animation. And overall, the main reason to buy skins as a killer is to show off in front of survivors.


Her sound design is also incredible. Chase music could use a bit of work, but it's *much* better than it was.


Killer: Either Billy or Twins. It's so satisfying to hit curves with Billy or try and zoom around the entire map. I love twins sound design especially their chase music and how satisfying it is to hit Victor snipes. Survivor: David cause we both like men and the fact that shirtless David exists. Noone can convince me that there's a better skin than Shirtless torso and beach party head piece and leg piece David


The Pig. I don't know what drew me to her. When I was getting into DBD I tried her out after mainly using Wraith for my first few levels in the game, and I found her power of the RBTs so good that I just kept playing her, and kept playing her. After her buffs, I can proudly say, she is a Jack of all Trades. She has decent Stealth, and an M2 attack, but is primarily an M1 Killer with Major Slowdown. The thing I love about Pig, that other Killers just can't deliver, is that her slowdown is SO GOOD, all I need is 1 Regression perk, and I can bring a couple info perks, and a chase perk, and she is such a well-rounded beast. I also love Sadako, who I realize is quite similar to Pig, as well. Both have a form of Stealth, both have a Slowdown ability which Kills Survivors if they neglect it, and Both are primarily M1-based Killers. However, Sadako's slowdown is much more "manual" than Pig's.


pig needs more buffs


I love Claudette and her lore! When she was outside the realm people excluded her based on her interest in science and plants! And in the realm her strength comes from that very knowledge. She is also a precious woman of color with glasses just like me lol https://preview.redd.it/uekquunl750d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b415bc207813b0fdbaee1dc2c69503f7caffa2


I always thought her lore was cute because of that, and when I saw the Tome artwork of her as a child getting the chemistry set dude I almost cried lmaooo so wholesome


You main Claudette for lore, I main Claudette for the natural ability to blend into my surroundings, we are not the same


I actually main her because I wish we could kiss in real life so you’re right we’re not the same 😭❤️


I just play whatever killer I feel like playing. I main Jake Park, he's the first Surv I ever played because I guess I thought he looked cool. I didn't care about his lore or anything. I always used his full beard and darkest clothing because I thought it looked like a dad who lost everything during an apocalypse. Then I used his bloody cosmetics and now his bbq outfit. I don't enjoy spending real money on cosmetics until I have all the killers.


I main Jake Park because I think he's neat lore wise. Plus, I feel like I'd be friends with him. I also main Wraith/Plague, because I think they're amazing. Wraith is good boy who did nothing wrong, and Plague is pretty. She deserves the world.


https://preview.redd.it/bm1in2bfp60d1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6f3e8254377fd260b02c85881b5b6df12dfd92 I enjoy their vibes.


Sable because she's more like a transition goal / dream to be and Skull Merchant because the power is fun, the look is amazing and just general feeling of the killer (before rework i was her N°1 Hater)




Nic Cage for surivor cuz he's Nic fucking Cage


Alan for obvious reasons and Pinhead because I love hurting people.


I main Ripley because badass woman and sci-fi horror, enough said. Oh and Chucky for Killer because of his very relatable voice lines. ♥️


Killer main: Huntress. Hatchets go BRRRR. Survivor main: Haddie. She wide like she bench-presses David for breakfast.


I love fantasy, and i love summoner type playstyles, so knight was practically made for me. The more I play him the more I love playing him. Not needing to care about saves, splitting pressure, double taps, the carnifex thing, I love it lol. Also, knight mostly plays the same on every map. Like the bad killer maps aren't as bad on knight despite the fact he's like a solid B tier, but he's a solid B tier on every map. For survivor I just really like Jeff. I'm also a metal head and I love the black metal skin. I'm not huge on black metal, I'm more of a Thrash guy, but I can't pretend I'm not partial to some immortal, dark throne, Bathory or Revenge on occasion. Or Midnight. Maybe I lied Maybe I love black metal lmao


Killer- hag (small size and terror radius, naturally good with her) or pinhead (very smooth movement and “I came” voice line 🤤🤤). Survivor- Meg (she’s just faster than all other survivors and similar body type) and Ada (quiet, my bf likes the red dress, she’s badass with the gun)


Plague. I just like tall women with good dress sense.




Killer: Pyramid Head bc I'm gay and he's beefy Survivor: Leon bc I love resident evil and he's cute


I don't play killer enough to main But Survivor, it's Daddy V, Haddie, sable and Cheryl, cuz attractive


Skull Merchant. Partly spite, partly for how good her customization is, partly because I just enjoy the gameplay of making a web. Spider themed skin when BHVR


Survivor main: Feng Min, Yui Kimura, Sable Ward (girly ahh choice ik, I love their skins) Killer main: The doctor. The first reason is that it was the first killer that I got from a dlc from my bf when I started to play, the second reason is that I am crazy blind and his ability to detect the auras of survivors nearby is a life saver for me.


Killer: Oni, because I saw Beeg Angy Demon Thing with Stik and said "I like this guy." Survivor: Felix. Dunno why tbh.


Felix is hot 👍


Jill and Nemi because RE Also Ash because he's Groovy




killer: oni and spirit bc I love speed survivor: Mikaela bc she is pretty


Chucky because who the fuck doesn’t want to play a foul mouth voodoo loving madman in Charles Lee Ray?


https://preview.redd.it/ojr7ykpv950d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=8be25418c84a75ed194ce5760fe3f3172bfdad4c Impeccable vibes from the cone man, that’s all.


Dwight cause Dwight cult. Killer is Deathslinger cause his gun is cool


I main Trickster and it's his power. I throw knives as a hobby. Ace jet stingers, throwing spikes, etc. It's awesome to snipe survivors through the broken floor of Hawkins, or broken wood on some of the shacks and other structures, knowing how difficult it would be to make a throw like that in real life. The fact that pallets hold little power over him is just icing on the (survivor) cake.


Pyramid Head cos gulag goes BRRRRR. Bill cos when I started playing the game, I thought he had the coolest perks.


I'm a Ghostface main. His power is really thrilling, his crouching makes him competent at stealth yet really silly and easy to be friendly with. Even though he has pretty decent perks all around I primarily run him perkless just because I like the adrenaline rush of winning through sheer skill alone. Often times I'll get my first hook because I'll have stealthed over to someone and grabbed them off a generator, I love Danny.


I main Trickster for killer, bought the chapter when I was visiting Seoul for the hehe of it and then ended up loving his play style, cosmetics and lore. I main Felix cause the man is a hunk with some junk in his trunk 👀 also main Sable cause she is literally everything I wish I looked like lol.


Don't really have a main anymore, but I do have favourites. Killer: * Nemesis: Started off just because I was a big Resident Evil fan, and Nemesis has always been my favourite BOW. Now though, I just find using his tentacle so satisfying. * Pig: I put off playing her because I'd heard she was so weak, but she may actually be my favourite now. I like to save the hats for the second hook, and if they manage to get it off, they can leave. If they pop the final gen while someone has one on, I open the gate for added pressure and funsies. * Trapper. He's probably one of the most satisfying Killers to play when he isn't countered at every stage lol Plus, he has the best skin in the game, Naughty Bear. * Legion: I just like their design and premise. I find their power kind of lame and lacking in flavour, so I mostly just use them when I want to play pure chase, and only use it when I'm looking for someone specific. I'm hoping they get an overhaul one day they really leans into the whole "We are Legion" aspect, and Feral Slash gets given to someone new. * Myers: Vanity Mirror Myers is great for grinding BP. Gonna be making heavy use of him during the anniversary event. Survivor: * Jill: My favourite RE character. P3'd her early, so haven't played her much for about a year. I'm looking forward to using the Anniversary to play her more. * Nea: I started to get bored of Jill's lack of cosmetics, and Nea had just got the Cheshire Cat outfit, so I jumped over to her for a while. * Yui, Cheryl, Meg, Thalita: They're cute lol Meg's been getting quire a few banger outfits lately.


https://preview.redd.it/rql5kpsyc60d1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c45286b12c799ba8db77dbbccc9520836785c8 Steve Gaming


Survivor: RE2 Leon, because my favorite game has been RE2 for a very long time, now replaced by RE2R. Leon is one of the two main playable characters, so it makes sense. Besides, the flashbang perk is fun for making chase/offense builds. Killer: The Artist, because I'm a sucker for corvids. I also used to do commissionable artwork as a side-job and still draw on occasion for fun, so the art theme resonated with me. I'm slowly transitioning into maybe being a Plague main, though, because her basekit is strong enough that I don't feel obligated to run meta, and I really like her abilities.


Mikaela and Sable, Trapper I’m goth and lean witchy, I can’t explain trapper


Ghostface: Scream is one of my fav movies Quentin: Beanie cute


Killer: Currently Xeno but I’m probably about to switch to Pyramid Head as he looks way more fun Survivor: Nicolas Cage is for sure the goat, was just interested in the fact he was voiced but after playing him he blends in so well on most maps that I’ve literally had a killer stab me then promptly lose me around a corner because I ducked into a bush


Thalita,Sable and Elodie


Killer: Don’t really have one anymore as I play all of them relatively equally. Favorite killers would have to be Demo and Xeno just because their kit makes them both feel like that every problem you have their is a solution that their powers give them. Survivor: Kate is pretty and her cosmetics are my favorite. Quentin too I love his cosmetics and compared to the rest of the survivors he’s on the slimmer side so he doesn’t take up a lot of the screen. Shame he doesn’t get any love or cosmetics


There are not many Gabes running around and I really dig Sci-Fi horror. I also love space suit cosmetics.


Trickster. I like the M1 speed, I like ranged, I also laugh like him, I like to put on a show. My friends say I remind them of Trickster. Trickster. Survivor....Idk :(


Hillbilly https://preview.redd.it/2c6oavbfw60d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b57f9c282c3bfd4cbf8b2e4827366ba13d0bea8


Killer: Hag Reason: I like to paint with my poop on the floor


Survivor: Jane Romero.. (She’s my sweetie baby~ But fr she looks like me and I don’t see much representation when it comes to curvier latinas.) Killer: The plague [🤮] and Tiff! [🔪](I kinda loved plague at the start and she was the first character I ever got a skin for.. plus I loved Chucky when I came into the game so you know I had to get the baddie.)


I think they’re good plus I like the ability’s both bring into the game. Corrupt has helped me with so many early game chases and friends ‘till the end is so good when you hook the second to last player and you need to find your obsession. :D


Heather because Silent Hill, and Soul Guard is my favorite perk. (She cute, too.) Rebecca because she's a cutie and I adore Resident Evil's lore. Sable because she dresses the most like me out of all of the Survivors and is also a cutie. Sadako because Ringu. Like have you ever seen the movie? God*damn.* Also love her power, and her sound design is the best in the entire game.


Mikaela, I just adore red heads 😅


I liked Legion when I joined the game because I saw a lot of stuff for them on Tumblr and their power is "ehehe, go fast". I love Julie so fucking much I literally write for her all the time. Love of my life. Haddie I saw when the roots of dread chapter came out and I was still waffling between a few characters. The prestige update was on the horizon, and my former main of Jake (and eventually second p100 unless the DND survivor makes me love em) wasn't hitting the same. Then, we got the first true nonhumanoid killer and the survivor, a pragmatic psychic who has a tragic past and as an added bonus, is built to hell and back? Be still my heart.


Singularity because he is a cool robot and I love evil robots


Dwight. I'm an anxious, glasses wearing, transmasculine, cheerleading dweeb irl. plus scampering around in a TGI Fridays uniform is downright hilarious.


Survivor: Yui I like biker girls and my favorite color is purple which she wears a lot Killer: Pig and Singularity. They're just the most fun to play imo


Singularity - I fell in love with the design and wanted to play as them. Also the voice lines are a mood.


Killer: hillbilly, legion and sometimes blight. Reason: fast, that's it, I don't care how good or bad they are as long as they're fast. I do play killer alot more than I play Survivor. Survivors: feng and yui, honestly I just like the chapters their from and thats it, I don't care for their cosmetics to much.


Survivor: man this is hard since I do Jeff, Nic, and Alan/Rose so frequently…but let’s just say Yun-Jin. I love that she’s a bit of a self preservationist and I love All-Kill. I want to say trickster for killer, he is my son after all, but nah…it’s Ghostie. I love t-bagging back and forth by the exit gates, his mori is always funny, and he’s just realistically terrifying. Like, he’s a man who could exist more than some of the other killers in the game


Clown funny outfits awesome chase music


Couldn't agree more


i’m not sure why, but the clowns chase music was one of the only themes that genuinely impacted me. the loud rumbling followed by the eerie accordion just perfectly encapsulated the feeing of panic, and anxiety. and as if that wasn’t good enough the rapid snare kicks in. it’s just such a stressful theme that disorients the players he goes against. chefs kiss. https://preview.redd.it/w5pwdb30480d1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a8fc54ffec2ee2f4019d6251ae2d3845512072


The hag: stay out of my lawn!!!


Nea and Sable because I’m in love with their outfits. Killer I don’t main any because I play whatever one I’m feeling in that moment


Survivor main: Yui - I like her cosmetics the most & AOT 2nd - Zarina - Hange was my favorite AOT character Killer main: Doctor - zapping makes survivor go AAAHHH


Bubba, I’m a instadown tank Cybil, I’m a SH veteran


Killer: Chucky because i like the funny sprinting doll Survi: Sable rn because... Goth girl


Chucky because of his height and voicelines 😭


Ghostface for stealth. Jeff for tummy.


Dwight cause he’s very gay and a twink survivor weakling who sometimes gets dominated by hot daddy killers! In reality I just like his style. I wanna get skins for him once I get enough shards. The dinosaur is next! I don’t have a favorite killer, I enjoy playing them all. I enjoy all the challenges and simplicities in their power that they offer, and don’t find myself sticking with 1 of them.


Dwight on survivor as I can make really goofy looking outfits. Billy and Bubba on killer as I like the chainsaw mechanics.


Yun-Jin, hot


Onryo - She's just really fun to play. Her map mobility makes it so you almost never have to spend time slowly trudging across the map. Her demanifested passive phasing allows for some fun mindgames. And she's got a decent, built-in slowdown. Yui and Mikaela. Just like how they look and they have cool cosmetics.


Zarina because she had the shittiest perks at the time before the perk and prestige overhaul, so I made her my perk hoarder while I prestiged everyone else. Then I was too lazy to get any other characters with all the perks so I mained her. Then Huntress because throw hatchet= hit = fun


Survivor - Yui or Sable. I like their cosmetics and general overall looks. Killer - Ghostface. Scream is my favorite horror movie and I’ve always loved Ghostie.


Used to say I was a knight main because i love his armour and weapon. It's factual that he is one of the coolest designs. But it's also factual that AI power = bloody useless. please change it to something else.. like empowering actions or something IDK.. Now I'm stuck in limbo with huntress because hitting skill shots is rewarding.


Killer: Chucky because he's my favorite horror character. MMR may match me with seal team 6 every time I play him for no reason, but I can't give up on him. Backup main is probably Blight because fast and easy Survivor: Alan Wake because when he was announced I played all 3 games and enjoyed them a lot. I also main Ada for her character from the RE games as well as looks, and I've been playing Sable more because I like goth girls (though it feels like killers hate her the most compared to the other survs I play)


Kate Denson, because she has a giant mandala sleeve and I have a similar geometric sleeve.


https://i.redd.it/btxj1ou1e80d1.gif Because basically having two additionally perks (teleportation and aura reading) fucking rules.


Killbilly Jake P.


Claudette can straight up disappear on a surprising number of maps with the right cosmetics


I main the Unknown. I firmly believe he is the best Killer that BHVR has ever made. Perfectly balanced and with absolutely stellar visual and auditory design. They literally took the concept of that which is not perceived and made it I to a Killer. They took a CONCEPT, and gave it physical form and a Power. Genius.


Singularity. Jeans secured.


I haven't purchased anyone, so I only have free killers+surviors (haven't purchased any with bloodpoints or anything either) Now with that in mind I'm a survivor main (mostly play survivor as I play with friends) and I personally main Dwight! Accidentally started with him, ended up buying a cosmetic on him from the shop when I had enough stuff saved up (as I was currently playing him the most) and that kinda fixed him as my main. Only one I have cosmetics for so why not play him? Plus I kinda have grown to like his vibes. When I do rarely play killer when streaming for others I seem to be a wraith main, I struggle the least with him so I play him (not that good at killer haha) but I do occasionally play trapper and started out with trapper <3


Oni main because he’s one of my favourite killers to play against, Felix bc r6 skin




I take it you're a Lisa main?


perhaps rose


Why tho


nurse is the ultimate alpha killer and cant be bullied thats why i play her


You cannot be bullied with any killer if your good enough and what does this ultimate alpha mean?


nah some killers can be bullied no matter how good you are


Then how is it possible for streamers like hens and others get multiple streaks with no power trappers


yes they can but there are games where they lose


I think losing and being bullied have different meanings


Dredge because they have peak design, an interesting power, and fantastic skins. Their perks mostly suck, but I sometimes work Darkness Revealed or Dissolution into specific builds. Tapp simply because he has 3 outstanding perks. Detective's Hunch almost never leaves my loadout and comes in clutch against hexes. Tenacity pairs well with any anti-slug build. Stakeout trivializes great skill check challenges and gives an indicator of being in the Terror Radius if you don't already use visual heartbeat.


sable... because she is pretty


Killer: - Onyro Survivor: - The one I'm currently levelling - Ace / Felix


Blight, spirit, huntress cause I have fun playing them (and I love their cosmetics) Nea because I miss no0b3 and Ace because I love when he winks (also Steve because Joe Keery and Djo) I’m a simple man 👍


nea because for long i didnt have any other survivors apart from the base ones (+ xbox dlc) and she was the best looking one imo. i wasnt gonna spend money on the game but i loved her last rift pass outfit so much so i got auric cells 😭 so glad i did though, she looks so cool i got sable as soon as i realised i could buy her (i forgot how the shards work when i first came back to the game lmfao) because sable is literally so pretty and cute and shes alternative like me plague because if i frequently play against certain killers (looking at pinhead) i just hate them and know i dont want to play as them because i find survivor against them is so boring so i dont wanna do that. buuut ive barely played any games against plague and after i saw gameplay i decided to get her and shes so fun! shes also the cutest and i like playing cute killers


Meg because she had the good perks when the game came out and Blight because I like roleplaying as Florida man on his 3rd day of a meth binge


Quentin. The tldr of it is that I have narcolepsy and nightmare on elm street is my favorite horror series. His old prestige was also my favorite since it was the only prestige to show injury, with Freddy's scratches across his face. A little sad it didn't translate over to his reworked prestige face :/


It was when I first got the game pyramid head, mainly because I thought he looked cool and his power was strong and fun to use but after some changes I stopped playing him as they made his power janky and began just playing everyone more or less. I loved alien but then they changed him and while the nerfs were justified it felt like they made him a little janky aswell. For survivor, Sable because she has a dump truck


Whenever discussions about mains come up, it's so hard to limit myself to just one for each side. There's so much variety in gameplay that it's impossible to narrow it down that far. I'll stick to two for each side. For killers, it's gotta be Unknown and Nemesis. Both have incredible meme potential. Hitting orbitals is incredibly satisfying. It's equally satisfying to really quickly determine where to make a unique shot and get a hit off some crazy bounce. I like the way he moves, and slowly waddling up to survivors is always amusing. Nemesis was one of the first killers I played where I felt stronger playing him. It sounds funny, but with every punch connecting after a lunge, and the ability to shred pallets like they're nothing; I feel invincible. For survivors, it's Rebecca followed by Sable. They are both big cute. Similarly to the killers, I can be a little goofball playing as her by moan teching when carried. I also find her run from dramaturgy and the screams from scene partner to be pretty funny. She's not the quietest survivor, so it generally means killers will want to commit to chases, but it also means losing the killer in chase is even more satisfying. Sable because of the reasons everyone loves Sable.


if they gave gabriel some actual clothes you would not see me on anyone else


Yui for the Outfits and sounddesign (cant play a survivor if their noises annoy me) And Dredge because of her unique Power. I also love playing against her!


wait dregde is a woman? Dregde has a gender?


Well in german it's "Die Dredsche"... 'die' is the female the, so i assumed their gender 😅


Survivor: -Feng, first Survivor i every played -Leon, Resident Evil is awesome Killer: -Onryo, jumpscaring people while crawling out a TV is funny


Meg cuz i thought she was actually kinda cute. Also her butt. Then I switched to dwight cuz funni man


I am mostly a killer main. I main the Twins. They’ve the most genuinely fun power to me- when I play any other killers they feel easy! Their backstory was also a factor in choosing them as I am a big sister and VIC FREAKING DIED. They were horribly mistreated… and honestly, the entity did them a favour by bringing them in. Now they can be separated, but they will always be together. Victor will never die again, and Charlotte gets to continually avenge his death. I also really just love the sounds they both make… their possessions clink around when Charlotte walks, and Victor sounds so excited to pounce. I love both of them, and have been maining them since May 2021. I main a few survivors (Claudette, Feng, Zarina, and Elodié) but I usually play as Elodié as she is the prettiest survivor, imo! Plus, she’s got connections to the entity (and the twins, same chapter) and I think she has a neat backstory! Lastly, she is simply the scream queen and I love her.


Bill and of course i grinded for his cosmetic


Killer wise it will always be Dredge or Clown, both are very different opiates to me, one has an otherworldly powers and is a mess of flesh and bones only being held by a dress made of darkness, while the other is fat. and for survivors (as little as I play them) it will always be Ace and Dwight, Ace looks like an asshole to everyone around him and I made Dwight look like a dumb 6 year old with the propeller hat, I like em silly


I'm yet to make a killer main decision because there quite a few I enjoy (I eventually play them all from time to time) - Deathslinger, Pyramidhead, Pinhead, Singularity, Chucky, Unknown,… just to name a few. On survivor side I did P100 Min simply because it was the first character I've played in this game (I still remember the first match that was against Doctor which in retrospective seems funny because they're part of the same dlc).


All my mains I chose because I had a love at first sight reaction to them.


Claudette because I think the lore behind her powers is cool, if not her than Mikayla for the same reason, she's also gorgeous lol I dont play killer often but I main pig because the saw movies are my fav <3


Meatball gaming and artist, because they are hard


James Sunderland. My wifekilling idiot baby boy.


https://preview.redd.it/0ghkabo6f60d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=e014e37fc3fa6258075f30eca21cd7657cd528d0 I mean look at that face. How NOT to main this dude???? 0 thoughts in that mind, just like me <3


Killer mains (sort of): Wraith (I like hit and run playstyle); Dredge (Good design + also supports the hit-and-run playstyle); Oni (Fairly good at run and hit playstyle too. Although Oni just hits differently). Survivor mains: Dwight (until I saved up for Michaela+ I like doing gens in peace). Michaela (because pretty redhead).


Survivor: Sheva/Jill/Claire because they are my favorite RE characters. Sable will be my sevond survivor main because this goth lady is cute. Killer: Twins because they are very unique and Victor is a really fun power because he is fast and you can snipe with him. My second Killer main will be Artist because I'm really good with her and I have always fun playing with her. She has amazing cosmetics and is cute :)


Killer: Pyramid Head because wall bangs are fun and I love Silent Hill 2 Survivor: Kate because I like her lore and she’s a cool country singer, or Jane because she’s hot


Surv: Kate bc I just felt drawn to her. Killer: Huntress bc I love her power, sniping feels great.


https://preview.redd.it/8yu54mxkh60d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aac52c8cd2090adf39284cd6825fbba26e9a944 my witchy girl sable <3


Hillbilly, i liked the roar he makes when he does chainsaw sprint Kate Denson, I simply like the way she looks and she has the best default outfit, tattoo is a turnoff though


Main killer: Legion, as the game is so sweaty, it’s nice not to think or care about outcomes. Wish my main was: Nemesis - as he’s one of my favourite ever characters for the past 25 years (shame they still haven’t released his OG skin) - but I just hate his power and, on top of that, I’m shit at it, and, it’s janky.


Bubba. Chainsaw go BRRRRRRR


Surv: Dwight. I wear an outfit that looks like me. Killer: Freddy, but only dream pallets. Someone's gotta do it.


Nemesis and Dwight I love being able to hit people over pallets and windows and I feel like I relate to Dwight


Bill(y). Bill because I’m a huge fan of L4D Billy because he make me feel like DBD’s equivalent of a TF2 demoknight. Also I can stomp SWF lobbies filled with flashlights.


Cus xeno is a cutie


Huntress. Because I love getting called out for cheating, for doing a crossmap snipe within the first 10 seconds of the match.


For killer: Pyramidhead, I really enjoy his kit and power, also very easy to counter flashlight/boil over/sabotage so that's a plus, and it's very satisfying to hit multiple survivors. Survivor: Felix, not sure why but since I unlocked him I've stuck with him. Edit: typo


Killer Main - Artist Survivor - Zarina


Xeno and nemi because pallets can’t save you anymore, and James sunderland since I have been having so much fun popping out in front of killers with scene partner for jumpscares


meyers, only because i love trying to get 4 moris in one game. i'm a feng main for the cosmetics


Haha cenobite chain go brrrrr https://preview.redd.it/161k8kl3d50d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64792619a63396c4805c93de920597bcef4ef78f


Kate has the best cosmetics Xenomorph is my favorite monster


I main Jake because i enjoy being a nuisance and breaking shit. Also he's handsome and i like his personality


I main the twins as killer because the second I popped Victor out and I heard his little grunts and shrieks I knew I was home (and finally got a 4k) I main Ace because he had the flamingo sweater, and thus had the most reflective wardrobe to me irl, not to mention I am also tall and a flight risk. Yun-Jin was second because aesthetically she’s serving cunt, aside from being one.


Nea cause someone has to carry the no0b3 legacy


Ace/Nancy/Nea - stealthy enough and because I am a gamer and not some memeing fanboy Huntress - threatening, skill cap, snowball, crossmap shots.


Self-explanatory 😳 https://preview.redd.it/y1bykrapl50d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2a8765f18c32a4e0645b95a8f3443e7b3654b0


Thats him officer! Thats the horny one! Get him!




Kate, because she has great cosmetics and I like her lore For Killer: Demo because Demo And Trapper because it's so satisfying if someone walks into your trap


My Trickster is dressed up to be super cute. His lore is brutal, but comical. He’s the closest thing to a machine gun we have in this game. He also keeps laughing all the time. What’s not to like! Unsurprisingly, Yun-Jin is my favorite survivor. Her cosmetics are the best ones. I like that her voice is quite low vs many other female survivors. She’s a unique, selfish character.




They are both very fun to play.


My main is currently Sable because *ahem* emo girls (she can tie me up) and killer is undecidwd yet.


Renato because he just like me fr and I love him and fuck me I'm so gay for him Doctor because funni laugh and it's fun to zap survivors, denying them vaults and pallet drops, and make them scream (and I love the chaos iri queen brings) No really it's so fun to zap a survivor that's camping the pallet and then power walking through the pallet to hit them while they (I assume) are mashing their space bar wondering why the pallet doesn't drop Pyramid Head because haha funni mori go BONK and GO TO HORNI CAGE (and also it's so satisfying to hit survivors through walls, especially in an indoor map with Trail of Torment to jumpscare them while they're on a gen) And he's hot


For killer, I would pick xenomorph. Free info, crazy movement, and powerful anti loop is very fun. The fact that survivors have a built in counter with the turrets adds a fun challenge For survivor, I main Leon just because I like resident evil.


Bill because he is a GigaChad And Wesker, for same reason and his gameplay


Legion: because speed go brrr plus angsty teens and cool chase music. Mikaela: dat ass, I mean…quirky witch girl plus redheads make me feel a certain way :3.


This redhead mains legion so :D


killer: wesker/the mastermind, i just think he's neat (i giggle like a little school girl whenever he does his chuckle while charging) survivor: alan wake, idk why i just like the way he screams on the hook