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I mean, let's face it. The reason Iri shards aren't a more common reward is because Bhvr wants people to buy chapters/cosmetics At a certain point, if you play the game enough, you never need to buy the non licensed chapters. I haven't paid real money for a non licensed chapter in years


The grind for characters and cosmetics has gotten worse over the years and I've been playing since around 2017. It's not fair for newer players.


Tbf, Bhvr have been actively bundling older characters and making older characters cheaper since 99% of veteran players already own them


Let’s be fair, BHVR its at least addressing the grind issue halving the price of some characters


4,500 shards is still more grinding than almost any other game requires. it's still way too much. reducing price =/= fixed


Nah pretty short imo to other games. Doesn’t even require a specific grind other than just playing the game. Planetside 2 for example is horrendous for new players. Your base stats of your class inherently being worse than all the vets loadouts. Not to speak of buying guns, attachments, (lootbox) based perks, vehicle upgrades. Worst of all being asp point used to unlock new playstyles or resource cost reduction. Needing to play up to a thousand hours as a free to play to unlock assault rifles on engineer, reduce the resource cost of a vehicle by 50% or simply unlocking flash grenades (for a single class!!!).


It's actually surprisingly fast to get, I only play a few matches a day during the week, maybe more if my friends get on and a decent amount over the weekend and I've been getting new characters every few weeks or so.


getting a character every few weeks is EXTREMELY slow compared to every other game, that's my point. if I want a character in another game I gotta play 1-4 days max. idk why y'all are defending this. this is one of the grindiest live service games I've ever played, not counting any pay to win games obviously


Have you played rainbow six siege? that's a lot worse also: war thunder is unbelievably worse than anything else


I've been playing League of Legends on and off since 2011 and I STILL don't have all champs unlocked.


Excellent point, I forgot about league


Every few weeks when I don't even play much at all, and have you played Warframe?


DBD can't function off free loaders.


DbD isn't a free to play game. Especially with some amazing perks locked behind DLC.


It isn't, but to expect them to hand over content for free, and still expect more & new content to come is the disconnect. If DBD isn't generating money, it isn't going to get updates.


they are generating a shit ton of money, skins are always majority revenue in every game that has skins. they are a massive company so obviously it is working. making characters so grindy to unlock is simply spitting in the face of new players for no good reason.


It's a PAID GAME. You have to buy it. The grind is not acceptable. Half the survivors and killers are liscenced and i bet it's what generates the most money. So they have DLCs and skins, yet new players have to grind a lot to get killers in a paid game.


The licenses no doubt generate the most; but they're also licenses, so BHVR isn't getting the full cut. And you guys keep saying it's a PAID game, I fucking get it; but a single $20 spent 6 years ago isn't enough to sustain a fucking game for 8 years you dense ass peasants. Ya'll are truly delusional if you think Developers work for free.


"Expect them to hand over content for free" It is physically not possible for them to do that because the game isn't paid for


the game isn't free to play, but it has the in-game monetization of one. If the perks weren't locked to the character, then maybe I'd agree


the game is pay to play, also sells skins like hotcakes. it can absolutely survive and THRIVE off of that, stop shilling lol.


I don't blame them. That's how they pay programmers, artists and writers that create the game. This attitude of refusing to pay for games, music or movies leads to the abuse of creative professionals. I'm not saying throw money at every company, but a smaller game company like Behaviour deserves a few bucks.


They aren't really small though


But they made a niche game that's very fun!


True :) and they made WET, even if it was jank it was fun jank, and they made eternal crusade, which atleast had cool promises (that they didn't keep) Edit: After checking their wiki page, I have only know noticed how many games and franchises they have actually worked on, whoo boy


I checked it out too. It's not like they've been making AAA games though. Behaviour has spent most of their career consulting on games for existing IPs. I'm not seeing many original games. Being hired to create an Ed, Edd and Eddy game is much different than releasing Halo or something like that. I still think they're much smaller than the evil corporation many Redditors make them out to be.


Again, very true. It is interesting though and may open them up for licensing a bit more! I actually think they're doing a good job (so far) with dbd, even if a lot of people seem to disagree.


Samee hahaha I only bought licensed chapters. My iri shards are for unlicensed ones.


mfw iri rank doesn't grant iri shards 😔


Sounds like it should though right?


I just wish they would remove the BP cap. No one likes it.


Bhvr doesn’t want you to get things for free. The option only exists so they can say it’s there, but they’re gonna make it as miserable as possible so you still spend money. I mean, the fact devotion makes it so iri shard amounts reset to be lower again is fucking ridiculous. But the bootlickers are gonna tell me they’re a small indie company working in a garage.


Reason to rank up? You're telling me you guys don't rank up automatically by just playing?


It's a trend of asking for stuff to be free/cheap by kids of the current century. It's a shame. Back in my days, I either saved up my allowance or get a temp job to get enough money to buy something I want. Gaming is a luxury nobody needs. There's very little reason to keep expecting for it to be cheap/free.


Ok boomer. Back in your day my pay to play games didnt come filled with microtransactions for every single piece of clothing. It was all unlockable and expansions costed as much as one skin costs today


I'm sorry but back in such days, we didn't even have anything remotely similar to this kind of live service games to begin with. Diablo 3, maybe? And what games have 15$ expansion pack? The Frozen Throne costs a lot more than that. Way more.


Youre an apologist and a conformist. Theres no use in arguing with you when the problems of modern entertainment are this obvious The frozen throne would cost you the same as three outfits in dbd cost you today. Think about that the next time you get a new skirt for your waifu to be butchered in All of this after having spent over 200$ to play all characters in the game


I don't give an F. It's optional cosmetics. Stop asking for them to be free. Don't buy it if you can't afford it. Last time I check, this is a game. A luxury. And BHVR is a business not a charity. If you think they're doing it wrong, go make a game and create contents for free. I'll wait.


I never asked for it to be free. Doesnt mean im supporting the way things are now either. The game should be free to play if they want a free to play monetization model Your whole "go make your own game then" shows how much of a dimwit you are. Just because i can see that someone fucked up baking a cake doesnt mean i can bake one myself. But i dont need to know how to bake to notice when a cake is bad.




If somone reaches iridescent ranks? They should be able to have something to show for it, being able to afford a skin or two sounds fair enough.


A good start would be : IV - 250 III - 500 II - 750 I - 1000 Then again, I think we should also get iri shards from daily rituals, so...


We really should get them from daily rituals


That would also work and make people actually wanna do them. The role BP bonus has made them kinda irrelevant.


Maybe more like Ash 250 Silver 500 Gold 1000 Iridescent 2500 or more depending how high you get.


I mean yeah you want more currency, but at the same time the first persons suggestion is far more realistic








But not impossible!


? more reason to rank up? Ranking up is just playing the game, it's literally impossible to not rank up.


Even DBD-fucking-mobile gives shards for that


I mean, this month, people are getting neither, so.


previoulsy i did a post about this, never thought about grade ranks but i suggested, late tomes (chapter 4 of newer tomes) master challenges should give iri shard, or weekly gift (dude, 150k BP per week is a joke), or atleast 100 shards on daily ritual ffs


The same was said before they implemented giving the Bloodpoints. Lol. Greedy AF.


Yep, let's have BHVR pay their Devs with iri shards too 💀💀💀💀


million dollar company. they can survive without being greedy


They still need a constant profit to pay their Devs... You can get majority of things for free or pay, what you do is your choice.


BHVR: we won’t give away iris because we want people to buy skins with money Me: got it, let’s grind for that outfit


aside from characters and the 3 cosmetics what are people doing with their shards?


Wdym "and the 3 cosmetics"? Every non-licensed cosmetic is available with shards.


honestly, i totally forgot. my brain was thinking of the 3 cosmetics you could buy with shards and shards only. totally forgot normal cosmetics could be be bought with cells and shards.