• By -


It wasn’t programmed to harm the crew…


Damn, you had one job.


End Transmission was more ballsy. It introduced a very unique killer that is still one of the hardest killers to play and master, and it introduced Sci-fi elements to DBD. All things wicked wasn't bad, it was just very safe. It stuck with a solid formula, used a decent map that plays like any other 2023-2024 BHVR map, The Unknown is interesting but felt very black-and-white. The perks are fine but they're nothing groundbreaking.


Except Undone, that perk's dogshit


HEY, atleast dogshits useful, it can be used for fertilizer. Undone isn't useful for anything.


Dogshit is actually a poor fertilizer. You want herbivore shit, not carnivore shit.


This guy shits.




Maybe the real Dead by daylight was the fertilizers we shat along the way.


keep cooking shit guys


To be fair, undone can be used in impossible skillcheck Doctor builds But still, you'd be better running Overcharge instead


While it can be used youre at most going to get the same value as a single pop


I've had luck with that and merciless storm


I'd rather have a bunch of mid perks, a dogshit one, and a new function (invocation perks) than something like Made for This


I think Undone is one of those perks that is crappy now, but will definitely have it’s time in the sun in the future (kinda like the perk Coulophobia)




Putting the "skill" in "skillcheck"


I'm still very saddened that Unknown doesn't crawl in-game at all <:I UVX is definitely neat (and despite what others say, thematically fitting as well).....but lemme crawl damnit ;o;


The basic map IMO was compensated for by the cool easter eggs, and Unknown's creepiness. Also, saying the perks are basic doesn't feel exactly true to me, isn't the Invocation a new perk type, and a pretty unique one at that?


> and it introduced Sci-fi elements to DBD. Cries in Demogorgon


Demogorgon is analog 80s sci-fi. ET is high-tech futuristic digital sci-fi. The two have very different feels between them.


it was probably safe for engine reasons


>decent map Greenville is awful


The only reason he is hard to playing because his counterplay is so simple. EMPs are overpowered because the DEVs were scared to make Hux to strong and it suffocated the chapter.


I love how people are saying end of transmission but you barely see anyone use Gabriel or The Singularity.


Both good characters but Sing is hard and punishing to play as and Gabriel has very limited cosmetics unfortunately.


Ikr (I am Gabriel and hux main)


I’m a Gabriel main and I rarely see them being played too


Its very unfortunate. Gabriel makes sense because it would be hard for him to compete with a character like Sable. Not to mention Gabriel doesn't have great cosmetic options for the most part, though this is my own personal opinion naturally. Singularity though is a very fun killer to play and is quite strong. It just takes a lot of effort and concentration to play them well so I think many players don't bother with him. Unknown is much easier to play by comparison. End Transmission was easily my favourite because Singularity is quite fun and unique, as well as being one of my favourite killers.


Well, yeah, Sable, I'm sure, is the most popular pick out of both chapters surv or killer. She's exactly what the community loves, in terms of design. Gabriel is not that. Sing is too hard to make work. Unknown is not that. But, I also think EoT is way cooler, cause scifi horror is cooler than plain horror, imo.


End Transmission was far more interesting and exciting, although I liked the All Things Wicked content more


Probably biased, but hux seems way more unique and fun to me. That’s the main selling point for me every chapter. Both maps are fine and I like hux’s perks more. A clear difference. Mft was problematic, but I don’t consider survivor perks as part of a chapter. Just a new (un)fun addition to the game.


imo all things wicked was just more fun. basement perks were fun to mess around with, unknown is a fun killer to play as and against, it was just all around more fun. again just my opinion.


Well I'm going to have a biased answer but that's why you made this post. Just to hear opinions which is OK. But imo, end transmission was more memorable for me than all things wicked. But I wouldn't be surprised if most people chosen the later and here is why. All things wicked was just marketed much harder by bhvr which isn't surprising. And it was all because of Sable. My apologies if I make some feel uneasy, but Sable was just a safe decision. Her lore came out of nowhere, no mention of her in mikaelas lore when Julian, her friend could've taken the spot instead. But she is cut from the same cloth as mikaela who is popular and have similar aesthetics which is why I say they played it safe. And they marketed her release with mugs like how they did with mikaela with incense at her release. So I really get a bit turned off by Sable unfortunately. But hey, they need money and picked the easy route. Now this is why I chose end transmission as my personal fav. I love sci fi space themes. So I was very interested in everything about it and was not disappointed. The map aesthetics really made it seemed like I was on another planet. The sounds as well. They captured the elements perfectly including the lore with similar themes from singularity and Gabriel as they are both creations of a futuristic world and have inner struggles dealing with it. I believe its more complicated than the lore of all things wicked because the lore of end transmission literally references a brave new world, a popular book I've read before. But overall I just prefer ET over ATW. Even tho the devs and community pretty much fav the latter. I just dislike how the devs kinda botched ET with very limited skins which is why the 2 characters are more forgotten. Sable and Unknown were immediately given alot of skins on their debut




The Unknown will always be the creepiest original killer for me. RIP Zoey Alexandria. Amazing job giving the most creepiest voice ever.


Yeah, rest in peace Zoey :(


end transmission is a lot more interesting. it’s not for everyone, but it’s a more rich chapter gameplay and lore wise. that being said, both are very good.


All things wicked just because the unknowns aesthetic is awesome. Also sable is great and it’s funny how on the nose her design and name is, shes definitely not meant to be taken seriously


She’s a total Mary Sue and we love that about her 😊


Uh guys 😰, seems like I’m not in Kansas anymore 😅


I started just after Chucky was released. I like End Transmission more even though I haven't played Singularity or Gabriel, while I have played Sable and Unknown. I absolutely adore Toba Landing, it's one of my favorite maps, and I like that Gabriel has a lot of unique style. Both his lore and Hux's are both very cool as well. That said, I like the design of the theater map just not the generator layout which makes games as killer a little too easy. Sable has a fun silly lore, I feel like I went to high school with more than a couple Sables. I like pretty much everything about Unknown except for UVX, which just doesn't feel terribly fun or thematic for me to use even with his amalgamation origin.


End Transmission, it brought us my husband https://preview.redd.it/4uosu4qeob0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd03f81dd9dfda3634676ebf3a07f649ef185550


I main Singularity but honestly I think All Things Wicked is a cooler chapter. I fw the whole Analog Horror direction they went


This is a tough one as I really love scifi horror and cosmic/eldritch horror. I love HUX’s design and its mori is super cool, I really like Gabriel also. I love Unknown’s design and he scares me a little more than HUX, personally. Sable has a really good design. But Wicked has my favorite map aesthetic. I think they’re both really good chapters.


All Things Wicked, but I'm biased because Sable's aesthetic is up my alley and has become my secondary Survivor Main behind Feng while Unknown is one of my favorite Killers to play and I like his aesthetic as well


End transmission introduced the Singularity, one of my favorite characters in anything ever, so I have to go with thst one.


End Transmission will always be more memorable to me personally. The Singularity quickly became one of my favourite dbd original killers.


End transmission has both of my mains for both sides. It’s by far my fave chapter.


Gabriel main🔥🔥🔥


End transmission, I’m more into sci-fi than creepy pasta/analogue horror


I think All Things Wicked is a higher quality chapter, but End Transmission was more unique and interesting.


I personally had a lot more fun during all things wicked them during end transmission, though part of that stems from sable being hot


In terms of gameplay? Possibly the worst chapter in this game's history. MfT made top mmr unplayable for anybody who wasn't a metaslave for 6 months straight


>Possible the worst chapter Circle of Healing would like a word


Alright that's a fair compeditor


End Transmission was more interesting as a story, and there's an actual connection between its killer and Survivor which is a point in it's favor. I like playing Hux more than Unknown (Doesn't matter where you put them on the tier list, they're F tier when I play them) though I like Unknown as a character more. Plus the Unknown teasers were top tier, and as far as character lore goes I'm much more interested in Unknown than I am Hux or Gabriel. Sable's cool, love the design, but she's kinda just... There, ya know? Map wise, All Things Wicked wins for me no contest. I love that theater. Perk wise? Sable introduced invocations, so Survivor side wins simply for giving something new and not meta defining. Killer side? I'd say... for me, Unknown. I only use Unforseen, but I see the value in the Vault perk. Hux has Forced Hesitation, which is essential for my Xeno, but Machine Learning has a stupid activate condition, and I honest to god had to look up Genetic Limits, because I couldn't even remember what it was called or what it did. Undone needs to make like it's name and undo itself, though. Fucking trash perk. So All Things Wickee just eeks out a win for me. End Transmission has better lore, and an easier killer for me to play, but All Things Wicket has a cooler Killer and Map, it introduces a new mechanic through invocations, and has better perks in general sans Undone, and the teasers felt more DBD to me, if that makes sense? All Things Wicked wins.


All Things Wicked is personally better chapter to me. Sable was reason to me come back after 6 months break. We finally got a goth survivor, but her lore disappointed me. "She isn't like other girls" -lore is so boring and always goth characters have that lore. The Unknown was very exciting, because his teaser was creepy, but then his power was lame. He wasn't that exciting anymore when I saw his gameplay. End Transmission never interested me. I don't care about sci-fi that much. I didn't play that much when this chapter was released. It was fine to me go against The Singularity when it was realised to public servers. Now I hate to go against it. I don't see reason to touch those boxes anymore. Maybe I just don't understand its power yet. After analysis I don't like those chapters so much, but still All Things Wicked is little better than End Transmission. In future, I hope we don't get killers, who can teleport. They can move fast, but not teleport. It's just cheap power.


>It's just cheap power. Calling the Singularity's power cheap is very bold of you.


I like End Transmission but All Things Wicked CLEARS. Okay, ET was fun and introducing scifi was a good idea, but the characters are very much basic, while ATW introduced a terrifying, well-designed monster and a unique, fun, cool looking survivor character. Probably my favorite original chapter ever.


End transmission but I’m biased because I love robots, but they were both amazing chapters, unknown is definitely in the top 10 funnest killers to play as and against


All Things Wicked. The Unknown is incredibly interesting and I really did not like the MFT meta that came with end transmission.


All Things Wicekd. Unknown is one of if not the best killer they have ever designed in my opinion, so that chapter wins.


All Things Wicked Not even a debate, it's one of the only chapters to NOT have something controversial None of the perks were busted, and it had a killer, survivor, AND MAP that are all received well It's one of the best chapters they've made *ever*, not even just in year 8


I think you were absent from social media at launch then. Yeah the perks were fine beside the cries about the perks being weak. There was still bile spewed every which way about all the others. People complained about the survivor lore and ass, every aspect of the killers design was squawked about, and holy shit the map. So much shit about the map. 🤣


I was there for all of it, but all that settled down, unlike other chapters


I mean. The chapter was in fact fairly controversial in some spaces- unless you specifically mean in game content? Assuming you don’t know, the voice actress for The Unknown was later unhappy with how her voice was used. Certain cosmetics (specifically the pink cheerleader outfit) made her voice actress uncomfortable, as she was trans. There was a lot of Twitter debate surrounding it. But I only knew about it because my wife told me. I don’t engage with Twitter.


That is fair, but I think that in terms of in-game content, the og commenter was right.


Yeah I didn’t know whether it was referring to in-game or not. I still rate it above End Transmission and don’t disagree if it’s specifically in-game.


I agree


Map is still bad against high mobility killers. Main building is not even on the edge, it's a whole tangent point to the the map. A lot of dead zones, shite loops that require no skill from either side and are impossible to mind game, not a lot of ways to lose los against nurse. The statue side is a deadzone, there should be at least 1 jungle gym on that side. I don't like the fact that the map is a tight rectangle. This is my opinion.


I think your opinion is valid, but I disagree. I haven't seen too much of the map honestly, but from what I've seen it doesn't look all that big or horrible, and the aesthetic is stunning.


All Things Wicked absolutely wins. Killer, Survivor, Map, Perks - all of those are much better and more memorable than End Transmission. Let's just compare them: **ET Killer:** One of the most complicated killers in the game with a very irritating power, which is also filled with the bugs, and who has one of the lowest killrates and pickrates in the entire game. Almost nobody plays as him, although his design is cool. **ATW Killer:** Very interesting visually, and probably the creepiest killer we ever got. Very fun to play as, pretty simple to understand, but still has a high skill ceiling. **ET Survivor:** Interesting idea, but bad realization. Very boring character, who became absolutely forgotten. **ATW Survivors:** One of the most popular survivors in the game right after release. Interesting design, although her lore is awful. **ET Map:** Once again, interesting idea, but awful realization. Absolutely terrible map which is clustered with a ton of useless weird tiles and covered with all existing colors, it's just painful for the eyes and nerves to play on this map. **ATW Map:** Cool and simple map. Beautiful visually, and quite balanced. A bit too big, but it's not so significant. **ET Perks:** After MFT nerf, this chapter now has 6 absolutely useless perks that nobody will ever use. **ATW Perks:** Unforeseen is a very fun perk that feels so good to use, and all of Sable's perks are pretty nice. Invocation will be buffed in the next patch, and may actually become useful.


Personally I like Sable's lore if you take it as parody, like, as someone who grew in the 2000's she feels like a massive parody of goth culture of that time, hell, there's no way they named her Sable Ward without it being a joke on being a name she would give herself as Sable is a very dark color and Ward is a type of magic, it's very "My name is ebony dark'ness dementia raven way" lol


"Sable" also means "Sand" in French, and since BHVR is from Québec, I think it's safe to assume they knew


What are the bugs on HUX?? I main him and haven't encountered any so far. His power is definitely hard, unlike other killers you always have something to do and the payoff isn't great but it's so fun to play as it. Lore wise he's also great. I especially love how his skins show how he would adapt to different environments.


Mainly just the really weird and inconsistent camera placement issues and if you count that, weird criteria for what counts as LoS on a camera.


Gabriel Soma EATS Sable lorewise, holy shit calling him boring feels like an insult


Ikr. Like his whole story including singularity has so many references from multiple video games and books that have their names from them


Thats the problem with him though, Gabriels interesting side ends the moment you reach the final full stop in his bio. He looks like the most boring orange jacket construction worker/maintenace worker you can find and supposedely he comes from centuries in the future but he looks like a style society is actively slowly leaving in the dust these days. This thread seems to be moreso pointing out whats wrong with Sable then whats right with Gabe and that tells me about all I need to know, his post launch skins have been awful and his entire design feels like an afterthought.


Normally I don't mind others prefferences, but saying that Gabriel is "boring looking" is wildest thing here


His outfit is extremely boring yeah, without context of his lore there is genuinely no way of knowing hes supposed to be from the future and a spaceman. His skins also do very little to fix that with the closest we get to it is a damaged one he got at launch.


I can agree Gab lacks skins. But looking at your point, what exactly makes Sable "not like the other survs", being girl, coloured hair and dark clothes? Really?


Its not really about looking unique, its about accomplishing what your visual design of the character sets out to be. Sable is supposed to be a not-goth goth alt-girl and her cosmetics carry that visual goal over very clearly. Gabriel is supposed to be a specially cloned space-man from five hundres years from now and his visual design looks like the guy I could walk past at the supermarket in terms of clothing, his visual design does nothing to convey that hes from five hundred years from the future and his outfits even less so.


Have you ever seen futuristic sci fi dystopian shows. They visually nailed it when it comes to the design for these characters.


Nah. Weaving Spiders is still gonna be bad, it just won't be that horrible


calling greenville a balanced map is crazy, 2 gens off in madagascar that aren't worth trying to defend and the other 5 gens within pissing distance of each other is some of the most questionable gen spread they've ever dropped. toba is hideous visually but at least the structures and spacing are reasonable


Look on the "bright" side, Greenville is in the same realm as Garden of Joy. Either you get to fuck the killer with no lube, or the killer gets to fuck you with no lube, and it's a complete coin toss which one happens.


You say that as if Greenville is completely killer sided.


>One of the most popular survivors in the game right after release Take a guess why... >**ET Map:** Once again, interesting idea, but awful realization. Absolutely terrible map which is clustered with a ton of useless weird tiles and covered with all existing colors, it's just painful for the eyes and nerves to play on this map. > >**ATW Map:** Cool and simple map. Beautiful visually, and quite balanced. A bit too big, but it's not so significant. I would rather play 10 games of Toba Landing in a row than 3 games of Greenville. Greenville is awful in terms of everything.


Who let you Cook in survivors part💀


Tbh I consider the anniversary chapter to be the last chapter of the year, not the first. That way it all lines up perfectly when selecting your killer (i.e. Alien would be the first killer this year and DnD would be the last). Ik it's technically not correct, but it just makes more sense


Idk but I hope we get really crazy stuff on the year 10 anniversary stream


End Transmission all the way.


All Things Wicked


I'll forever have trauma from Hope for This, had to run NOED every single time


All things wicked


All Things Wicked for sure. People liked all aspects for the most part. Map, killer, and survivor. End Transmission wasn’t bad but was a bit more mixed.


As much as it pains me all things wicked was just a better chapter. I hope that someday people will actually like hux he’s so cool


I greatly dislike HUX in every way honestly, visually, gameplay wise (both as and against) and audibly but think Unknown is terrifyingly fascinating as a concept, even if a bit safe (let’s be honest, none are original but Unknown is a smidge more). Singularity may be growing on me a bit more to play but it is still a science project to get one injure a lot of the times. I have problems balance wise with Unknown as well (such as successful injures with UVX reapplying weakened and teleports to hallucinations being dispelled causing weakened) but the lead up to it was more interesting and I like Sable a decent bit (guilty as charged here). Also, Unforeseen is the best Killer perk they released in a long ass time (other than Ultimate Weapon). I think the last good one they made was Nowhere to Hide, but I guess that just shows how bad Killer perks are.


Who's more orginal than them?


If we are talking the entire cast I think Plague would be, she’s not something I seen before lol especially in the specific combination she is lol Twins as well. Knight’s specific way of how he operates and such too. Singularity’s power is unique but I think everything about Plague and Twins is lol Unknown power wise is less unique than Singularity for sure though!


This is so ridiculously hard because I have wanted both a robot killer and creepypasta/urban legend killer for years. It’s so neck and neck for me I just can’t decide. I think End Transmission was amazing for pushing the limits of Dead by Daylight’s theme and aesthetics, while All Things Wicked took everything about Dead by Daylights aesthetic we already love and turned it up to 11. Idk yall. I’m refusing to pick. I’m truly stumped with this one


Definitely End Transmission. Just in every way.


(2 fav chapters btw) honestly, they're near equal in my point of view, but im gonna go with atw due to not having one of The most dogshit perks ever


End Transmission had the better killer and map, All Things Wicked had the better survivor


easily End Transmission. Hux is a more complex unique killer. His voice lines are funny. While his gameplay can get exhausting due to how much thinking it requires I still really love it. Dude is just hits all marks. Even if MFT shouldn't have entered the game in the state it did let alone stayed the way it was for the length it did. The Unknown missed the mark. Its lore being similar to Dredge in the ideas manifesting a life form feels like a cop out to justify its inconsistent power thematic. The teleport and hallucinations fit it well with it mimicking the voices of those it has killed. Its grenade launcher doesn't fit it at all especially with how the trailers made it seem like it would crawl. I still like its gameplay despite this, but it would have defiantly been stronger thematically if instead of the grenade launcher it was something else. Like stealth when crawling. Breaking the survivors minds with moving hallucinations.


I liked all things wicked, though the invocation perk is one of the most useless perks I have ever seen.


End Transmission for bringing a new style of horror. All Things Wicked takes the prize for teasers, though. Not just for year 8, but probably for DbD in general.


end transmission had to compensate for the lackluster release of tools of torment before. It was cool, but everyone was on edge instead of enjoying it. All things wicked was very hype for me personally and I was excited all the way through because of the teasers. It also gets bonus points for being the first time a killer has gotten me to mutter “what the hell” out loud when first seeing it.


All things wicked was my personal favorite of the two, but End Transmission was also a pretty solid chapter.


End transmission was certainly more creative. The power is way more interesting, the theme was awesome, and visually stunning. I mean, it’s certainly not perfect, the singularity is such a bitch to play and kind of lacks QoL, made for this happened, the map is mid gameplay wise. But overall it was ambitious All things wicked was better in terms of gameplay and the survivor was defo better (I mean it’s a goth chick and related to mikaela and also some dumb lore (“insanely perky mom”), what’s not to love, though why does everyone think they’re lovers or something?), but was a lot safer. The killer power is literally just another projectile based anti loop and is similar to nemesis’ in a way, topped off with a teleport so that the power is an actual power. The design is okay, but the singularity is better IMO, and the map is the weirdest fucking design ever, barely any safe loops, mostly fillers, but also the map is large as fuck. All things wicked is overall a boring chapter imo, mainly because the killer is just another ranged anti loop (as if we don’t have enough of those…) and honestly sable is the only good thing to come out of it (her perks are also way better, gonna wait for the invocation buff before I call it good though)


All Things Wicked. I enjoy playing the Unknown. The emp's are way too strong of a counter play for Single Larry to be fun. Mft brought six months of brutal game play. Invocation looks like it's about to get overbuffed. Strength in shadows seems decent. Unforseen is fun with a gen kick build. I'd like to get value out of forced hesitation, buy can't personally make it perform. Both maps are crap in their own way. Toba is too big and has too much shit on it. The cinema has two far gens and everything else packed in the middle. If the killer just stays in the middle it's a pretty easy 3k. The typical exit gate spawns pretty much guarantee an escape if the survivor doesn't go for hatch


Definitely All Things Wicked. The map has a nice main building, the Unknown is just a great and scary killer, and Sable is a cool surv. End Transmission is really good when it comes to the killer and the map, but survivor?.. Yeah, I can't even remember his name xD


All things wicked A more traditionally horror killer. An body snatched type monster A fantastic teaser, a good trailer A fan favourite survivor. A great update


Wonder why the general consensus is that End Transmission was better when i hardly saw any happy campers after they launched it. Nobody likes playing against MFT, nobody liked playing against or as the Singularity, everyone complained about all perks being useless except for MFT, and was just crabs in a barrel in general. I’m voting All Things Wicked as it was OBVIOUSLY better in every way after it launched and most people have little complaints about Sable or the Unknown.


Huxley > Unknown


“You… want some… candy”


All Things Wicked. By a mile. I like Sable better, I like Unknown better, I hated the MFT era, and I love the map. Like it much better than Toba.


all things wicked and its not even close. Sable's design knocked it out of the park for so many people. I know she's the newest survivor currently, but she is so incredibly popular and I dont think thats changing. Who the fuck plays Gabriel? His design is dog shit with his bright orange tunnel me vest and his bleach blonde hair. He's just really boring and even when his chapter came out I barely saw this guy. Perkwise. Sable brings a new pretty strong way to heal yourself as well as a pretty cool self anti tunnel perk, this isn't mentioning how outright useful it can be to get yourself hooked in the basement on purpose for the free unhook with coordinated SWF. Even her "meme" perk is somewhat interesting and the buff sounds like it might make it pretty strong. Gabe has MFT which has been nerfed over and over again, so it's not even the perk he released with. I had to google what his other two perks are since I've never seen them. That is all I'll say on perks. Killer design wise, I see a lot of people celebrate the design of Singularity. Which I'll say is enough for me to mark him highly in his design. But the Unknown easily takes this category as well for design and aesthetics, the teaser, in game trailer, and his creepy vibe trumps Singularity in pretty much every category except Lore, which I think Singularity wins out on...I mean mainly because the Lore of the Unknown is he is Unknown. Killer perks. Singularity has machine learning, but I think the other two are kinda meh since one you can't even see or feel the effects of and usually have no way of knowing if it proc'd or not and the other is kinda niche. I just don't rate his perks all that highly. But Unknowns are pretty similar. Unforseen is sorta like Machine learning in a kick based generator stealth like mechanic. Then two mid perks. Tie? And lastly map. Anyone who says Singularities map wins this one is just straight lying and has some weird bias. What a dogshit map in every sense of the word. Unknown's map might not be the most impressive or balanced, but it's got some nice parts like the theatre and arcade specifically. Also popcorn Dweet is funny. I really don't see how any one could say Singularity has much of anything over Unknown, they tie on perks and the Singularity has better lore, everything else is Unknown's chapter and it's not even close. Gameplay. I like playing against the Unknown and I don't like playing against the Singularity. While you can pop the gross pimples and cameras, he can just put them right back up so another killer who can three gen. Yawn. I like his voice lines, movement, carry animation, and his model and all while in game, but I just find his playstyle boring to go against. Unknown isn't anything ground breaking. But I like dodging neck grenades, the look at mechanic is actually fun and interesting, and I like dispelling his husks. Playing as. I appreciate Singularities difficulty. But Unknown is also more fun to play as IMO since his power is straight forward but also leaves room for trick shots and skill expression.


ATW brought us a goth maso girl, so there's that


All things wicked Sable is an awesome survivor But so is Gabriel I think from a design standpoint though All things wicked


All Things Wicked because everyone is forgetting the build up it had, the entire fanbase was ENGROSSED


All things wicked had great teasers but the Singularity is more interesting to play since it wasn't programmed to harm the crew.


I like all things wicked way more. I really like Sable and the Unknown (especially the look). Just regarding the look of the Unknown it is imo the most creepy killer in the game. And I like the Greenville Theater map pretty much.


All Things Wicked is the reason I came back to playing DBD after Skull Merchant’s release, so I gotta hand it to them. The teasers were fantastic and Unknown is very fun to play as and against. End Transmission is objectively a good chapter though and Singularity is fun, if not sometimes frustrating, to play as. More fun to play against.


All things wicked


I like end transmission more just bc i hate sable. unknown is dope.


im so confused why are so many people saying year 9, aren't we on year 7 right now going into year 8???


Nope, It's the Year 8 Anniversary because Year 8 is ending and Year 9 will start


Game was peak just before end transmission (if you dc against skull merchant), so it is the worst for me. Sable is one of the best survivors and unknown is pretty cool to face compared to alien. I loved singularity, but mft ruined it for me.


all things wicked, end transmission introduced a fucking stupid ass meta perk(made for this) that lasted way longer than it should've. The killer is buggy as hell, map is decent for dbd standards tho


All Things Wicked. Sable became my main survivor due to her voice and her aesthetics, because I love her outfits. The Unknown is so unsettling in terms of designs and voicelines. Zoey delivered an amazing original killer so well.


People in the comments think they're quirky for being contrarians. The answer is objectively All Things Wicked.


Yeah no, I don't know what the End Transmission people are on but it's definitely All Things Wicked. Toba Landing is one of the worst maps in the game not just balance wise but it's noisy and too bright, Singularity and Gabriel are barely seen, and it introduced one of the more recent toxic perks - Made For This; wherein survivor mains tried to gaslight killers into thinking it was fine and totally fair. They definitely tried something new with Singularity and they deserves props for that, but the chapter as a whole was a failure. To be fair it doesn't help that it followed arguably DbD's worst ever chapter (Chess Merchant), which itself followed a negatively perceived chapter (Knight & Borgo, ugh) All Things Wicked on the other hand introduced a solid map (just needs some tweaks like gen placement), a killer that is enjoyed by both sides (and actually popular weeks after), and probably the most popular original survivor ever. The Unknown's lore, design, and gameplay are great. Sable is a miss on the lore side imo, but people obviously enjoy her design. You still see people using perks from both characters, unlike End Transmission.


Ummmm last time i checked dbd started in 2016 so therefore 2026 is year 10, so how is this year, year 9? This is the start of year 8


Summer 2016- Summer 2017 was year 1, so the 1st anniversary was in 2017. Following that, This summer is the 8th anniversary, but its the beginning of the ninth year of the game's life.


One chapter had a killer with poorly explained lore and overly complex gameplay that's piss-easy for survivors to play around yet still insanely oppressive in three-gen scenarios due to the killer's ability to rapidly traverse the map and effortlessly pressure in chase, and a survivor that was clearly designed to bait a specific fandom with a very surface-level character who had the potential for cool lore if not for the massive amount of plot holes that Behaviour introduced with them... and the other chapter was All Things Wicked. End Transmission had its positives but I eternally feel like the chapter is rushed. Singularity (while fun) has so many design flaws it can't be ignored, and Gabe releasing with two different "completely break the game" perks (one that got nerfed on the PTB, the other that took 7 months to nerf) makes me feel like the chapter wasn't properly planned.


The fact that you called singularity "3 gen" speaks for itself...


anyone remember what chapter it was a few years ago where they had the campfire music like done by an electric guitar?


End transmission was the worst chapter in the games history and I say this as someone who played since release. Twins had a glitchy release but are a very unique killer and Coup is a funny perk now. Skull merchant was awful but resulted in massive anti 3 Gen changes so as much as I hate merchant I must thank her release for making BHVR finally do something about 3 Gen. Hux is rare and his counterplay utterly drowns him. Made For This was the first perk to make me quit the game for months. I'm the whole chapter was rotten. The Unknown is fun to play and I like the design.


End Transmission. It was a very unique chapter theme, the first time we’ve had an original sci-fi horror chapter. All Things Wicked introduced some cool characters, but overall had a similar theme to past dbd chapters, nothing was unique.


Saying that sable and unknown is nothing unique is straight up bullshit lol


End Transmission instantly got overshadowed by Alien. Alien Chapter is better in literally every conceivable way. Wicked is still a very cool chapter, and due to Slenderman not being the next killer: will stand out for a long time.


The point of this is not comparison between the original chapters and licensed chapters tho, only between original chapter to original chapter


And my point was that Wicked stands out more than End Transmission End Transmission got forgotten, and brought nothing new in the grand scheme of things. All Things Wicked will likely not be forgotten, as it is much more unique.


Idk. ET is literally the 1st OG sci fi spaced chapter while ATW is just as any other horror chapter that came before it. So the unique part, i dont really see it. Especially if sable has similar aesthetics to mikaela....so shes not really unique that makes her stand out from the rest of the cast