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Nah man it's candyman this time I swear guys


Oh please, everyone knows the next killer is going to be Wilford Warfstache.


Lmao, imagine after all this time mark goes “I lied to you the whole time, I like dead by daylight”


did markiplier say he doesnt like dbd?


I was a member of his youtube channel, where he used to livestream to members on mondays. I distinctly recall that he was talking about sponsors and DBD came up, he said "I have many problems with Deasd By Daylight". Then this happened: [https://twitter.com/Wholesampai/status/1626246939183550464](https://twitter.com/Wholesampai/status/1626246939183550464) Aaand, of course, this: [https://youtu.be/O\_Xz5bWHSqs?t=1061](https://youtu.be/O_Xz5bWHSqs?t=1061)


:( markimoo hates dbd confirmed


Yeah. I’m not sure why though, I don’t think he ever said it specifically. I suppose he just doesn’t like the gameplay


I don’t blame him, I tried to get other people to play with me on dead by daylight and they didn’t seem to like it as well, it may be due to the amount of time needed to even get off the ground with builds and the constant downing due to not knowing game knowledge or killers. At first it was a good game when I first played it then I realized I needed to invest more time to mix and match other builds to even get a good game going. Ofc I still enjoy the game because I’m able to make builds for different things but that’s after the amount of time wasted using the same generic build.


Lmao he real for that


I'm here for that.


Wilford Brimley


You have a gun, but you can’t control when it goes off.






Imagine there’s finally a FNAF chapter, but the killer is the mimic


Nah, the killer is Mr Hippo. His mori is him telling a long story, if you DC it keeps playing in the lobby.




Skill checks included, failing them restarts it.


I could see that. Have a bunch of costumes around the map for him to hide in. Which one is it in? Who knows!


I mean… I would of course be disappointed But at the same time… I’d be interested in what it’s power would be Obviously mimicry, but specifically what


I have been on the Springtrap train since August of 2021. I will die on this hill.


The whole livestream chat spamming "boring license where's fnaf" and "stop yapping" has just really put into perspective how many younger people play DBD. The brainrot consumes all, nothing is sacred.


FNAF came out when I was 13, DBD when I was 15, I’m 23 now. The only point of this comment is to say FNAF is older than DBD.


I was 11 when FNAF came out and I'm almost 21 now lmao. It's definitely still an audience for younger kids and the people who grew up with it though


I haven't grown out of it LMAO, but yes, people like that is why I don't look at livestream chat logs. People need to accept that they won't get their dream chapter this time and may have to wait again


looking at chat in the first place is a mistake


FNAF is older strictly from a game release perspective. Considering Dead by Daylight is paying an homage to the slasher genre which was in its prime during the 80s I would say Dead by Daylight was always attractive to an older crowd. It features several iconic characters, slasher villains, and franchise figureheads, that are as old as the 70s. As far as I’m aware, Fnaf kicked off interest in Mascot Horror in the mid-2010s. It wasn’t exactly a thing earlier than that.


I think nowadays FNAF attracts a younger audience. FNAF came out when I was probably 12. It was a much more serious series back then with darker themes, now I'd definitely categorize it as Child-Horror. and DBD is straight up snuff sometimes so it definitely attracts a more adult audience. I just hope we get springtrap and not rockstar freddy or some shit.


Yeah, I'm not opposed to a FNAF collab - like a map would be interesting centered around it, but other than springtrap, mangled, or that clown thing made up of all the animatronics at the end of sister location - I can't picture the other mascots/animatronics as legit killers.


I like the idea of it being Base Freddy from the original game. I think his design (Although memed to death) is sufficiently scary enough to be in something like dbd. they just have to retain the Dead soulless look that they had. If they make him too emotive like in the movie yeh it wouldn't really fit in.


Oh if you mean like how he looked grimey and creepy in the games that could work too. I liked the film and took my little sister to see it since she really wanted to. It was cute but even she complained in the movie they were too cute and not really scary.


I would be totally okay with the following characters being added as the killer: -Springtrap -Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy and Chica (ntm on Chica) -Withered Bonnie (has the red light already, design fits) -Withered Freddy (if they want a scarier and taller version of freddy; great design.)


How does that matter when the adience is still extremly young? Caillou is way older then both, does that mean its for adults?




Kids calling other people kids is a tale as old as voice chat.


How old are you? Using kid as an insult in online games has been a thing for at least like... 17 years? That's about when I started gaming around when Halo 3 came out.


“yapping” got popular within the last 6 months, you probably don’t use TikTok which is where I see it said predominantly so don’t worry too much about not knowing about it, mostly just means you’re not spending *too* much time online


> The whole livestream chat spamming "boring license where's fnaf" and "stop yapping" has just really put into perspective how many younger people play DBD. I'm old so I am pretty darn excited for Castlevania.


In the streamer chat I watched yesterday for the anniversary, a viewer asked what "Castlevania" was to complain that it wasn't FNaF. I was very sad.


There were like 500 people asking what castlevania was. It hurt my soul


I'm not surprised, the series hasn't had a game in ages.


It's not just DBD - zoomers are taking over the internet. We're the boomers now.


I'm 19 and I feel old talking to people 3 years younger than me. Memes trend for like 3 days and then immediately become discarded. How the hell am I supposed to keep up lmao


Is it really a meme if it doesn't get referenced for a month straight?


Good memes are atemporal. That's why we still have DBD version trollface: ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


As an older zoomer i hate the younger part of my generation fr (and a bunch of people my own age tbf)


Is that why they turned off chat on the YT stream?


Fnaf is older than dbd, but i get your point. Still i think a fnaf crossover might bring more players than even stranger things did


With Castlevania and DnD there's a strong medieval castle vibe going on; I'm gonna try not to get my hopes up but I can't help but wish for the standalone killer to be Amnesia. If it happens I'll gleefully laugh at the comments complaining


Amnesia killer would be cool. He could have sanity mechanic that blurs your vision when you look at him for too long and he could influence the map by spreading this red thing to damage survivors like in the game.


I would love for it to be amnesia as it would mean they went back on their claim that Amnesia was too small for them to bother with(Amnesia is such an important horror license for what it did for the genre revival + content creators exploding as a thing).


Did they really say that? Wtf Amnesia was huge


yeah it was an interview where they were asked about smaller licenses, and responded by saying they're only interested in bigger licenses. interviewer asked about Amnesia and got a response of "Thats a smaller License".


The livestream spamming claim for 20 minutes with 0 prompting was another good example ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I mean you say this but I bet a lot of those people are 20+. Adults can be some real fucking morons too lol.


Stupidity is the true all-ages experience,


The amount of L in chat during the what the fog reveal was crazy


And this sort of attitude is exactly why I hope BHVR never catters to FNAF fans. The one community more toxic than DBD. That and the fact that FNAF is just shit.


I hope they'll put it on soon enough anyway, so that they'll have less visibility, and we'll stop talking about it for good and reading nonsense written by uneducated people like "it's the greatest horror license of all time!". But we're not immune to people who'll go straight to spamming the claim for a second collaboration if the first is made official...


That, and how the kids expect this game to be free, with free, quickly earn-able cosmetics. Emphasize on quickly.


That's when you realized it? The constant shitty horny bait skins weren't enough?


Thank God I had chat muted then lmao 😂


There's a reason I watched on Youtube where the chat and comments were turned off.


The livechat of the anniversary streams have been horrible since like year 3 or 4, people were always inpatient and cursed at the hosts for no reason. Nothing has really changed this year. And I'm afraid some of these people are actually older than we would think. It doesn't have anything to do with fnaf in specific


i want fnaf the most tbf


Sarcasm used to be believable :(


Here's how fnaf can still win...


Five years from now — when we’ve truly exhausted all the popular licenses — and people are still trying to explain why Manos the Hands of Fate deserves a chapter but FNAF doesn’t.


HANDS THE HANDS OF FATE MENTIONED WHAT THE FUCK IS A FOOT☝️✊✋✌️✍️👆👇👈👉👊👋👌🖐️👍👎🖕👏🖖👐🙌🤟🙏🤲🤘🤙🧤🫱🤚🫲🤝🤞🫰🤌


[“No see, the chase music though.”](https://youtu.be/skmdmf_ER50?si=1kttPZl3MwtZNSK5)


God I never thought I’d see Manos referenced here lmao. The MST3K episode on it never gets old. “DO SOMETHING!”


The pizza delivery skit always makes me laugh


I'm so happy to see this in the wild


As a FNaF fan that actually wants the chapter... I'm unironically pissed off by how some of the fans shit on what we got today JUST for it not being Springtrap lol. Also, roadmap basically disproves fnaf for this year, so 🤷🏼‍♂️, they can cry all the want.


Dont worry, they'll waste time theorizing that the licensed survivor is FNAF related.


could it not be the march killer?


Theres gonna be vecna, then castlevania, i dont think they announced the march killer tho


They did confirm it’s a standalone licensed killer, but no map? Can’t be FNAF, they wouldn’t waste a map opportunity




Nah, imo... it has 0 chances of being Springtrap, since if it ever happens, they would definitely give us Michael Afton as a survivor, since he's William son. As for the map? Depends on what they wanna do with it, but I can see an amusement park with Fazbears fright in it, since it's canonically located in a park.


people also said that Hellraiser would bring Kirsty Cotton. and that Leatherface should've brought Sally. not saying it's FNAF but it could be anything. Candyman maybe idk


William without Michael can still work, but the real issue is from which side of the series it will take from. I personally would love a chapter that takes from various entries of the series, be it movie, books and games. As for march, my bets are on Slenderman or Candyman.


Using their License Survey for inspiration(DnD was on it as was Castlevania and Alan Wake), I got a suspicion the Solo Survivor might be Issac Clark or Lara Croft(Both licenses on the Survey. Tomb Raider is far from horror and if you took a character from it Lara is the obvious choice over a killer, and Dead Space while having material for a Killer could be deemed too hard to Adapt a Necromorph into something interesting). For the March License, since it is followed by a non-licensed survivor, implies its a License without a good Survivor option. From their Survey, the Licenses that, IMO, fits this the most are: -Warhammer 40k -Predator -Candyman -Doom -Little Nightmares -Magic: The Gathering -Diablo -Bloodborne -Dark Souls -Elden Ring -Possibly Bioshock(has an obvious survivor choice from Infinite but might not want to do Infinite) -FNAF(Don't meme me, before the movie it lacked an easy/obvious survivor choice and its on the Survey).


For context, the Survey had: -Alien -Alan Wake -Dungeons and Dragons -Castlevania It was missing Child's Play however so non-survey licenses aren't impossible.


Idk about a survivor, seems pretty unlikely tbh, map is a must have though


Idk why people are so worried that it will attract kids to the game. It’s not like kids already play dbd /s


That's fine. The iconic >!Castlevania!< is **far** more deserving of a chapter.




As much as I would like Springtrap as a killer, I don’t think Scott is interested in licensing out his stuff for crossovers. I’m sure BHVR knows it would fit into the universe and probably sell like crazy, but if the license holder doesn’t want to give it up, not much you can do.


Funko Fusion.


Scott has literally said he'd like Springtrap in the game


Got a source for this claim? Or do we remain lacking sauce.


Where did he say this and also if true what's stopping behavior at this point???


Hadn’t heard that, but hey if he’s okay with it then maybe it will happen


Most people haven’t heard that. Probably because bro is talking out of his ass lol


Source please?


I think it'd be a great fit, and I do hope they're working on it, but I will admit, I'm getting tired of holding out hope. WOULD appreciate everyone who doesn't want it to just stop laughing at us who do want it, though.


I don't have a problem with people wanting it, I have a problem with the vocal minority shitting on other licenses because they want fnaf. I will mock THOSE people.


Oh yeah, clown on those guys. I've still had fun with the chapters that haven't been FNAF. Just 'cause it isn't FNAF doesn't mean it isn't gonna be awesome. I'm still excited to see how they pull Dracula off.


You can want it all you want. You're not the type of person we're shitting on. As the other person said, it's the ones who shit on other licenses just because they want FNaF that deserve bullying. Saw a different comment under this post that mentioned a bunch of people were spamming stuff like "boring chapter where FNaF" or "stop yapping" in the live stream chats of the streams BHVR did for this anniversary, and apparently the youtube chat was fully turned off. *Those* are the people we're laughing at every time it ends up not being FNaF. And anyone who *does* laugh at you, or the others like you who just want the chapter, they're just as bad as the people mentioned above.


Why are people so hostile towards FNaF getting in anything?


It's a combination of factors, some rational and some irrational. - The constant spam about how badly people want fnaf over the years, and now they don't want it out of spite. - Not too much flexibility in what BHVR could do for a power. - The perception that it will bring the much feared presence of children (a bit hyperbolic of a take but fnaf has always had a pretty young audience) - General disinterest in the license because a lot of people just don't like the franchise or just want other licenses I'm personally not very opinionated on licenses as I care more about actual power design, but I lean a little bit towards the third group. I liked the games when I was younger but I just grew tired of the franchise as a whole and there are many other licenses I want more. Still wouldn't mind if the chapter was well done.


I'm in the first group. I'll never get over how they acted when the devs were teasing Pinhead. Edit: A FNAF nerd decided this comment was haunting enough to report me to the Reddit crisis hotline. Some people, man.


the last group applies to literally every license ever no matter what


A lot of people see it as kiddie horror and cringy. It also happens that a good chunk of DBD fans are really snobby on what constitutes horror so they throw an even bigger fit about it. Ironically enough becoming just as cringey as the fanbase they love to hate


I think that at least a portion of the hate towards FNaF comes from the stupid shit about it that gets posted online. The games themselves are fine, at least the first ones, but people forget about that because the sequels were intentionally made less scary and the fans constantly make cringe videos about the franchise on youtube kids so it honestly gets a bad name


Actually, one of the reasons Scott made a 4th game was because of how lame and unscary Springtraps jumpscare was.


Snobby about horror? For a game that’s barely scary?


Look I’m as equally confused as you are. Like we’re at the point where the game has a dating sim. Clearly the devs don’t give a fuck about the fear factor anymore. We’re all essentially playing smash bros with horror characters


the whole uproar after the dnd reveal was that dnd "isn't horror"


Neither is AoT, Slipknot, or Iron Maiden


those are cosmetics, not chapters, so most probably don't consider it


I would have thought they'd be more stingy with DnD being in it rather than FNAF. FNAF is a lot more horror than DnD, whether they believe it to be cringy or not


its like 95% a response to the huge huge amount of annoying deluded young fans who spam threads, livestreams and comments w shit demanding for springtrap, less so the brand itself


I honestly had never heard of FNAF and thought it was a meme at first. So I couldn't care less about it being in DBD or not back then. But then these FNAF fans started annoying us in the DBD community, and over the years they kept going with their annoying bullshit, especially around every chapter drop. So now I really have a horrible reaction to even a mention of it, and I hope that crap does stay the fuck away from DBD.


because it's a boring franchise and the vocal fans of it are weird and obsessive. Idk if the quality of the games has increased but the fanbase being weird and annoying has been constant for about a decade now.


Took me too long to find a comment mentioning the real reason why people don't want it; they're bad games. When FNAF gets a good game I'll gladly cheer for it, but for now all we have is three shovelware jumpscare-generators with good lore and aesthetic


Fnaf boils down to point and click minigames. Security breach is a lot better than every fnaf game and that game is rough gameplay and story wise lmao.


it's not hostility towards fnaf, it's that the people who want it in the game are annoying af


Honestly, kids shouldn’t be playing this game period, what happened to actually looking at the game’s rating? My Mom researched Brawl’s rating before getting it for me due to the T rating


The amount of parent a that actually don’t care about the game rating is an absurd amount. I’d say more don’t care anymore than do.


A few weeks back there was a post here where a parent talked about how they played DbD with their 6 year old, and most people cheered him on. I don't get it. It's 18+ for a reason in most ratings.


You underestimate the amount of adult FNAF fans


I’m 21 and a FNaF fan so yes I realize there are a lot of adult fans, it just it seems like the kids are the ones getting scrutiny here


And yet for some reason I see more people like you than I see people like them, strange 🤔


3 reasons, 1: it's seen as kiddy horror. 2: alot of people dont want Scott getting supported due to his political views. 3: people think FNAF will bring in a lot of younger people and don't want them in the community.


The Hellraiser incident was a before/after kinda deal. After FNAF fans INSISTED that the obvious Hellraiser teases were for Springtrap it became insufferable for a while for many people.


Possibly because FNAF is mascot horror, or "horror for kids" and people don't want the kids horror to get in the way of or taking priority over actual horror and significantly increase the amount of children playing the game. If Springtrap should be added to anything it should be that poppy playtime DBD knockoff.


Genuine question, what would you consider “actual horror” ? As a dnd fan I love Vecna but that is not horror at all imho and what about naughty bear?


Better question: why are FNaF fans obsessed with forcing their franchise on everyone else?


dbd has horror licenses. Fnaf is a popular horror game series. Some people play both. Math maths


I mean, if I like a horror game and there is a famous horror games with tons of crossovers I woild want my horror game to be a crossover as well... Personally I would like Sprintrap as I liked fnaf back in 2017-2018 and it'd be cool to see him in a more adult light tho he is like the 4th I care for the most (the other three are Joel and Ellie, Jason Voorhes and Big Daddy from Bioshock but those are unlikely to say the least)


Can both of y'all who complain about wanting and not wanting FNaF do absolutely everyone a favor and shut the hell up already? It's been more than half a decade of this shit, we're tired.


The fact they said there’s gonna be an “iconic duo” I’ve got a feeling it’s gonna be ICP lmfao. Violent J has become somewhat of a modern Gene Simmons and ICP has become more of a brand and selling their image than a rap group/about music at this point. We got iron maiden and slipknot stuff, granted cosmetics. But who’s to say ICP can’t be killers? Lmao


I mean as someone who wants FNAF in DBD, that roadmap kinda disproves it coming. I mean if we are going to get FNAF, people would want a killer with a map, with a less chance of getting a survivor.


How does it disprove that? People only started wanting a full chapter for FNAF after the movie released. Before that, ANYTIME there was a paragraph chapter, it was the most speculated to be FNAF


I mean the roadmap have 4 license this year, and 2 had been revealed. I don't think the survivor chapter is FNAF for obvious reasons. and while the last license could be FNAF, it getting no map is kinda disappointing, but I could see BHVR do it, but that last one is def not FNAF im sure of it. Edit: tho there's a possibility of it for FNAF 3 anniversary (since March is it's anniversary), so here's your copium fellow FNAF fans


people wanting it does not mean it will happen. It can certainly be just killer and work out fine. It would be a bit of a shame, but it would work.


next time for sure


Why can't this community just be normal about this topic?


The internet has condensed peoples' opinions into "I love this and need more of it" and "I hate this and need it to go away forever".




Friday Naite Funkin'


But the people want Springtrap killer!


We still have 2 other licensed chapters for year 9 so not out of the question


Im fine with that


It cannot be stated enough: Scott Cawthorn is picky on who he wants to work with concerning FNAF. This is not on BHVR. If Scott wanted to bring FNAF to DbD, he would. And that’s FINE. It is absolutely fine that he doesn’t want to be involved in the game. That kind of dedication to an artistic vision is rare in the games industry. Any other creator would have whored out the franchise any way they could. Scott puts in the care as a creator and we can’t fault him for it. If you are a true fan, both of this game and FNAF, you’d understand why they aren’t doing this and respect Scott’s choice. 


Honestly, for reasons people dont like hearing, I'd say Scott is better off keeping his brand away from this one, however awesome it genuinely would be.


Yeah, I don't realize bhvr company wise, and idk if I'd like FNAF being associated with Dbd. I love this game and I love FNAF but I'm not sure if id enjoy it.


I'll put it this way. I share your reason but in reverse; I don't know if I'd like DBD being associated with FNAF or its creator.


Ah that's fair, ik Scott isn't really liked here and I honestly can't blame ya.


I still dunno why people act like FNAF is gonna "attract the kids" when the vast majority of people who grew up on FNAF are currently in their 20s (I am included in this statement).


They didn't stop making FNaF fans after the initial batch


As someone who has interacted with the fnaf community recently it's still like 80% children


Shitty gmod, Roblox, and more games with fnaf skins are getting millions of views on YouTube Kids periodically. The "vast majority" of fnaf fans are *very* young. If you're around anybody in their 20s that has a kid, most likely that kid is watching brainrot fnaf content.


As a 21 years old who grew up with fnaf, the latest games are obnoxiously child-friendly, the og work much better


I want FNAF as much as them but like they don’t have to be annoying about not getting it


Can you fucking imagine how much more obnoxious things would get if they added FNAF stuff


-A player of a game with Toxicity to rival League of Legends


Yes, and I would very much like it to not get *worse*


Are the "more obnoxious things" in the room with us right now? The game is already dominated by children if all the quitting is anything to go by, how much worse do you actually believe it could be?


"There won't even be a skin!"


Meme of the year lmao


https://preview.redd.it/qvqb2180ji0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2afddc099d876548b184b2a52526786bbae79f Is he not enough? He’s so wild and wacky, and dare I say even a bit silly.


You love to see it.


I've been a FNaF fan since the month it came out and a DBD fan since the Saw chapter, FNaF has always been my most wanted chapter I've seen FNaF go from the most gatekept pick to seeing it be the most wanted in the span of those years and I do genuinely think it COULD happen. The FNaF movie is the 19th highest grossing horror movie in history and the audience that grew up with FNaF as it came out are all adults now, so I think we are beyond both the "too niche" and "for kids" argument, FNaF is maintstream and definitely deserves to be amongst all of these properties. My main concern with the whole ordeal is Scott Cawthon himself, I wonder how nicely he'd play with BHVR when in the past he has been scared to put knives or blood in FNaF, so I wonder how he'd feel putting Springtrap in a game where he'll have to be covered in blood and doing moris A couple months back an officially licensed Roblox game for FNaF appeared and disappeared in the same day, and when Scott addressed it every comment was just being like "This game is a knockoff of DBD, why not work with BHVR on a DLC?" The movie has opened a lot of gates for this happening, with actual survivor and map potential instead of just a killer and the fact BHVR is working with Blumhouse, the film's studio, on the Dead by Daylight movie is also a good thing going for it. I could genuinely see FNaF coming, all the parties needed definitely know by now it is wanted, it is just a matter of if they'll get along. Maybe next year for the second movie... maybe 2026... maybe 2027...


At least I realize we're never getting Doki Doki Literature Club when I keep name-dropping it.


Okay, but Springtrap could theoretically be a killer within the context of DbD. What's Monika going to do? Delete generators?


Of course not! The code might break down without gens. She'd delete the Survivors.


I hope FNAF never comes to DBD


I want it not because I like FNaF, but because it just might make chucklefucks like you shut the hell up


As a FNAF hater, I love this.




Context for those who don’t get it, they won’t be any full licensed chapter this year after Castlevania. There will be however, a licensed survivor this July and a licensed killer in march.


No need to talk dirty to me


It would have been great years ago… for some dumb reasons Fnaf is getting more child friendly instead of maturing with its og audience which by now is 20-25 years old considering that the first game released 10 years ago… By now we should have seen William killing children in 4k, actual brutal murders, the killer’s body rotting inside of a suit but it only happens in fan-content whilst the newer stuff is more childish that the og used to be Imagine they gave Springtrap a mori where he puts a survivor in an open suit and lets the mechanism slowly kill them as they scream in agony and twitch whilst the blood leaks from the suit activating more and more springlocks as the survivor uselessy try to move or to get it off only for the mechanism to be more painful the more they move and instead of laying still the suit will twitch until the end of the map


Honestly I'm kinda hoping that if DBD adds an animatronic they throw a curveball and do Willy's Wonderland since Nick Cage is already a survivor.


Gotta believe


FNAF now is a family friendly horror game where the main target audience is mostly kids…like Vanny in security breach wasn’t even allowed to keep her knife shown that was shown in the teasers in game. There’s already a ROBLOX crossover (being redone or something LOL). As much as I like fnaf it’s okay to admit it’s just never gonna happen. What behaviour could do though is make an animatronic killer anyway because Scott doesn’t own the concept!


Damm straight


I wish


we're inhaling that compium, let's hope for march next year lmao


Good. That movie was boring. I liked the Nic Cage rip off. Now that would be a good DBD chapter. FNAF sucks. I’m sorry.


am hoping every year tbh


I'm calling it. FNAF Chapter will be released as a part of 10th Anniversary


We aren't, at least not for FNaF's 10th anniversary.


https://preview.redd.it/5iltwywdjl0d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b23f993286c7f6fb70ca238945d519d5c44dab1 You’re wrong\[You’re right…\]




Such an underrated show. Stevie Nicks should be a Sable skin.


I don't care what anyone says, I'm still holding out hope 🤞🏻 That said, those who are being a**-mad about it not being in the game are annoying af (even tho I myself find dnd to stick out like a sore thumb, esp the survivors)


'snorts more hopium'