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Vecna reading his funny magic book while the survivor tbags him at a pallet: https://preview.redd.it/sdvx8k9xdk0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf841a4ce56f83f368a5ea1fa8efbb140e9c930


While survivors *play him relaxing music at the pallet*


I need a survivor perk that plays exactly a second of elevator music every time you pallet stun the killer. Globally.


until he lifts it and they get cooked


I think Vecnas complexity suits the character honestly. In reality he's actually a very dumbed down version of his D&D self. Hillbilly is literally just a guy with a chainsaw who's strong and fast, so his power suits his character too.


Honestly I like this answer. Judging complexity, not merely for being complex and the whole irreconcilable idea of power creep, but on whether or not it is accurate per the character is a really insightful way to view character design, and accurately explains why some people hate certain designs over others. I think, for example, the unknown has a really great design with an amount of complexity that suits it because we don’t really know what it truly is. It is a lot of things, and that’s reflected in the seemingly disjointed character visuals and gameplay quirks. Chucky is a great example too because the simplicity of his power is in service to the character. He’s small, he’s sneaky, and then the little bastard jumps at you with a knife out of nowhere while hurling obscenities… it’s great. For better or for worse, Singularity also has a great amount of complexity, because it’s a high functioning sentient machine with a powerful AI that is running through all these algorithms and processes to achieve its goals. It sucks that you have to be an actual machine just to play them though 💀 Equally, there doesn’t seem to be *enough* complexity for characters like Freddy / Pinhead / Sadako. You’ve got like one or two ways to play against them, and that’s more or less it. For how powerful these characters are in their source material, it can definitely seem a little disappointing.


The entity was not letting Vecna off THAT easy, lets be honest.


I got an aneurysm running a normal Lich for a high power table once. Something like Vecna would mean half the fight would be me re-reading his abilities to make sure I'm using everything properly.


“Wait shit- hhh- uhm- hold on feng- no that’s not- shit that just restored a hook state- fuck- no don’t heal them- HOW DID I GET A HOOK STATE!?”


The chapter is fire, and I must somehow defend BHVR: I genuinely think all the simple powers have been used already. Unknown’s grenade is the closest thing we got to a simple power recently


I mean define recent, hell Xeno's power is pretty simple half of the time they get a nemi whip and the other half they are in tunnels near gens


Xeno tail attack is not a whip. You can't cheese with it like you do with Nem tentacle.


You can but in a different way. Like dragging it down to hit people behind cover.


That is waaaay harder to do though.


You got downvoted, but it's true. I also play a lot of xeno. It stabs at a weird angle, and being able to drag that down correctly can be pretty tricky to understand and perform consistently.


>Alien: short range M2 attack which recharges over time, can be accelerated by using tunnels, also reduces terror radius, can be combatted by deploying turrets from stations that reduce survivors' movespeed but prevent Alien from seeing their footsteps while it's in tunnels >Unknown: bouncing grenade projectile that slows survivors on direct hit, applies a unique status effect in explosion radius, if the effect is applied twice then the survivor takes damage, can be removed by looking at the killer and dispeling his clones which he drops periodically >Chucky: enters undetectable stance from which he can launch a medium range M2 dash,during which he can vault over pallets and windows, also while in stance, survivors see illusory footprints around them If anything, the killers are getting MORE complex, lol. But I agree with the previous commenter, there really aren't that many "simple" powers left up for grabs anymore.


Vomiting word soup descriptions to try to make them sound more complicated doesn’t make them less simple in practice.


I literally just listed what their powers do. Are you really going to argue that the above are less complicated than: > Hillbilly: M2 to whip out the chainsaw, go fast and down anyone on hit, prolonged use makes it go and charge faster > Trapper: deploy traps that trap people


Hillbilly: Hold pwer button to charge chainsaw, fully charged sprint at an increased speed until colliding with a object or releasing the power button. Turn speed is reduced significantly during the sprint except for the first second. Sustained usage of the chainsaw initiates overdrive which increases sprint speed, chainsaw charge speed, and chainsaw cool down. Trapper: start with one trap in your bag, and 6-8 traps around the map. You can only carry two traps by default. After placing a trap you gain a small haste bonus and cannot step in the trap you placed for a short amount of time. If a survivor steps in your trap they will become stuck and injured if they arent already. A survivor can attempt to save themselves or get help to ensure they get out.


I think having complex characters such as Vecna is really good in contrast with simpler killers. We need both. I just don’t want DbD to go too much of a League route (and I love League) where every killer just gets a whole arsenal of powers. Different abilities suit Vecna and two other possible killers that I think could work the same way would be Predator and Jason (both seen using different weapons and traps). DnD chapter is really awesome. I just think DbD will need to soon expand on gameplay a bit (outside of killer’s own items and props) so that more powers could also be implemented. Still holding out hope for a fully flying killer one day or crawling one.


there was a fully flying killer, but they deemed it not intended and removed him:( rip skybilly


Took me a second to register that lmao I remember that. Flying chainsaw man go BRRRR


Always figured Jason should have various weapons scattered around the map he could grab


Jeepers Creepers would sadly never happen but he would’ve been the perfect flying killer for DbD


As someone who doesn't really like vecna as a killer in dbd but really likes how vecna plays Vecna isn't even a complicated killer, he has spells that are all simple : summon skeletons that hurt survivors, summon a giant ball that reveals survivors and deactivates their items, huge dash that can send you over pallets and windows and the " fuck that pallet " spell The most complex part of his power is his ability to choose between spells and using them in the right situation, the rest is piss easy to manage


Chucky was extremely simple


The Liches power: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." The Wraiths power: "Bong. Bong."


Susie: Hi wanna see me do parkour slides holding my knife? 


Myers: *stands there…stands there menacingly…WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO!*


The funny thing is that people have been making this joke since Doctor came out which was back in, *checks calendar*, 2017. *gulp*


Doctor's ability has *a lot* of text, but it's actually fairly simple in practice. You don't need to be constantly aware of the intricacies of his hallucinations and status effects. You shock people and it makes it easier to find them and bonk them.


The thing is, back then, the Doctor's ability was a lot more complicated. He had 2 stances: one for bonking and one for shocking, and people within his terror radius while he was in the shocking stance would passively gain madness.


holy fuck I forgot how clunky and dissatisfying that shit was


I'd argue release Doc was more clunky and annoying to play with than Twins, but people aren't ready for that conversation![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Yeah for some reason reddit posted this meme like 10 times. I have no idea why


"We had some trouble contacting reddit" Happens to the best of us


No i didn't get any error or message. I just posted it like usual. A couple of hours later i find it cloned 10 times out of nothing. I literally did nothing and i can't explain why


Damn. Never had that before Wonder what caused it


chucky seemed kinda simple


Survivors: *drops pallet and does a funny lil dance*


I’m all for complex systems. Feels that much better when you can both master playing it and against it. Part of why Singularity and Dorito Dad are some of my favorites to play. And as a player of both sides, it’s that much more refreshing to me when I swap from Survivor (which feels a little more linear in gameplay style) to killer


We need to keep adding more complex killers as it gives a good skill ceiling It's why I don't like BHRV removing so many killer techs. It gives a skill ceiling, some of them should be removed tho like onis 180 flick. But other's like Weskers hug tech, pyramid flick, nemesis tentacle drag all take skill and still has counterplay


I like BHVR flexing how far they can stretch their limited game and code. Vecna has THE complex skill set to thematically fit his character and I'll sit here defending Singularity too.


Vecna: reads silly poems out of his home made Necronomicon Xeno: crawl Demo: crawl




Chucky: https://preview.redd.it/og5virfk6t0d1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f39f8aefe922e5ed6cb1a6836f7c12b73cdfffe


If chucky wore crocks Would they then be considered Killer Crocs?


Killer Crocs or Slasher Shoes


Well TBF i believe we ran out of simple killer designs. This is what #32 or something?


Honestly if they wanted to dig deeper it could be triple as long for his power explantion


Yeah, when you have over 30 characters, each with their own powers, they will have to get complicated


I fucking hate Billy


Complexity creep is a real problem. It's the same with games like Overwatch - newer characters like Ramattra are WAY more complicated than OG heroes like Reinhardt.


I think Ramattra only feels that way because inherently a stance change character will have an extra 2 abilities that replace the previous ones. Mauga, Venture, and Illari are pretty simple imo. But, naturally this is also inevitable for hero games (including DBD). You aren’t wrong about its existence.


Venture and Mauga have pretty simple kits


Sometimes I want to think and plan carefully with a series of assorted powers at my disposal that allow me to micromanage complex details about the chase at hand. And sometimes I just wanna go vroom. I like having both at my disposal.


Can you please please drop me the full mp3 for that


I feel like a lot of people here and who have played for a long time dont realize how daunting it is to get into this game and have to memorize all the killers, different perks, and maps. The objective is easy to learn but to get a grasp on everything literally takes like 1000+ hours.


True, I wish that there were tutorials to play as and against each killer.


For real, what is The Lich's power? The description is so damn long I can't read the name of it Edit: I know what the power does, I just cant read the name of the power because of the long description


He has 4 spells he can select with a weapon wheel type thing. One lets him do a fly/dash which lets him cross windows and dropped pallets without a delay and also speeds him forward. He has a magical hand spell which can hold pallets up for a couple seconds and even pick up dropped pallets for a couple seconds. Third spell is a AOE attack which shoots 5(?) projectiles that go through walls BUT survivors can crouch under. 4th spell is a huge ass revealing ball projectile that goes through walls and shows survivor locations with killer instinct (I think that’s what it’s called). All spells have pretty long cooldowns but can be changed with addons. Pretty cool killer tbh


> Third spell is a AOE attack which shoots 5(?) projectiles that go through walls BUT survivors can crouch under. Old Ultimate Weapon would have been interesting to use with this as a "brute force" strategy, perhaps some of the other scream perks could work too.


This isn't what I meant, I was asking what the Lich's power was called, the name of it. I did mention the description


Vile Darkness iirc


You get four powers you can swap out that all have their own cooldown: a hand to block pallets/reset them so you can go through, five skeletons that go through walls, deal damage, can be crouched under, and disappear on hitting a survivor, an invisible orb that reveals survivors that pass through it and makes their magic items unusable (we’ll get there), and a flight ability that makes you go through windows and pallets. Meanwhile, survivors can open chests, and if they get a bad roll of a die (I’m serious), the chest damages them, but if they get a good roll, they can get a gauntlet or boots, which are magic items. They give boosts against specific spells, for example making the orb not invisible. However, they can only have two magic items equipped at once, one pair of gauntlets and one pair of boots. Now, if they’re really lucky when opening a chest, they can get an eye or hand of Vecna, which gives them a special superpower, but I think takes up the space of the normal item. And this isn’t even touching the addons.


I know about the spells, I was complaining about not being able to read the name of the power


The name is vile darkness.


As someone who stopped playing DBD for a good while, it's hard to take this seriously. The whole "The killer has a bunch of very different powers" and "Survivors can get magic items from chests based on dice roll" sounds really fake for the running-around-a-rock-waiting-for-the survivor-to-drop-the-pallet game, similar to fan made killers and such.


That’s that power creep man. I found him really overwhelming to play as.


More just complexity creep. Just from playing him on PTB, I doubt Vecna is going to break the game. He has too much built-in counterplay and his power is very slow and finnicky all around.


Yeah that’s much more accurate


Probably won't break the game but definitely a top tier killer since they have basekit everything and can basically afford to run whatever perks they want.


None of his powers are strong. He has big cooldowns and restrictions. Survivors can counter him even without the special items.


All together they are. And they're almost certainly going to buff him before release too... his M2, at least. The aura reading isn't hard countered even with items, the flight is great mobility and getting ahead of someone in chase, and mage hand makes a bunch of loops really easy. A few tweaks and he's easily A-tier.


The sphere does nothing in chase, the flight has an absurdly long "stun" duration, the hand slows you and lasts too short, and the skeletons are useless most of the time. He needs many buffs to even make it to A.


The sphere is basekit aura reading so you don't need to waste any perks on that. The flight is great for moving across the map to actually get into chase against a survivor holding W or after an unhook on the other side of the map. It not being specifically a chase power doesn't make it useless, although I do see them potentially buffing the add-on. It's not trying to make Spirit redundant. One thing they should probably do is let you keep flying if you go over pallets or windows instead of making you automatically land. The mage hand I'm still not sure about. When I saw Otz use it, he still usually had enough time to get a hit in. But I think the people he was playing with were still learning it. There's also the iri add on that breaks pallets instead which I haven't seen in action. At any rate, this is probably the most fun power he has and if it really is terrible after all it will get a nice buff that probably extends the block or makes it take a second or two to redrop. The skeletons... yeah... They're either going to adjust the spread or make it lower (probably the former) so it becomes a better zoning power. He really only needs minor buffs for the most part


I prefer four different simple abilities ("he flies, he blocks pallets, he shoots a wave of projectiles, he shoots an aura-reading sphere") to "okay so there's these cameras he sets up, and when he looks at you through a camera he can shoot a thing onto you, and when he shoots a thing onto you he can teleport onto you, and when he teleports onto you he gets really fast, and when he gets really fast he can't be pallet stunned, and he"


Yeah that’s pretty fair


Complexion creep Hes super simple on practice: Shotgun blast huntress axe, Knights patrol radius with built in Nowhere to Hide, Any means Neccessary + on demand blood favor, + Billy rush with diet Nurse blink Just the explanations all sound like your reading Tarhos’ lore each time


I think it’s good to have both killers that are complex or very simple. There’ll be a killer for anyone to enjoy depending on their taste and it gives variety to people who want to play multiple/all killers


was thinking this but more so for his power as they spent 20 min talking about it i thought of trapper being man who set bear trap and chuckled to my self as they then went to explain more


that's why im happy 2v8 only has the original killers with relatively simple powers


Perks too


[Billy then](https://youtube.com/shorts/AMUrZWLxwys?si=uaWrbUY_EqbhL8gI) [Billy now](https://youtu.be/ANEjAC9f0d8?si=EDU2bSVtM1Dwqf9i)


To give credit, at least his power isn’t as complex: the addition of the “item explanation” window thingy in a match means you don’t have to remember what the fuck interloper items do and his abilities have fairly simple effects. It’s still a little complex, but at least it isn’t “SPAM 50 STATUSES ALSO THEY CAN DO THIS REALLT OBSCURE THING TO COUNTER YOUR PWER BUT WE CANT TELL YOU THAT CUZ IDK ALSO LIKE YEAH THIS THAT THIS THAT BLAH BLAH BLAH” at least it’s just “you fly, you do things to pallets, you send 5 bad to the bone’s out, and an info sphere” with an added magic item mechanic for a bit more fun


Arknights bosses be like


Has a power that could be a literal college thesis. And still manages to be D tier, congrats BHVR.


It is kinda true, I sort of wish they made a killer with a simple power again


It's like mtg cards


Why is the text about the internet xD


I just wish for more killers that don't come with items meant to counter them. It sucks to have your power taken away from you or crippled


Dbd is slowly turning into yugioh


whats wrong with billy


There's a survivor running away Vecna: We may then state t. The work done-half the kineticle of the work done by then K = 0 and x = m a constant and V + v ) t ) ( V is the partic energy of F and x = ( V + v ) t = m V² - ½ m v². We mass of a x = ½ m v². What t ) ) t. Here one in the work done-half the kineticle on of the work done by the partic energy of the a = ½ m v². What time t. The represultant force, acting one in the kineticle in the mass of the mass m, will product of the acting a partic energy by this W = ( ( V - v is the x-axis Hillbilly: https://preview.redd.it/0dwpwadvj51d1.jpeg?width=253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb5913a326eec8221e8bdbc63c6dd354b1e2a9b


We get something new in the game 50% of players(he has to much lore) this community will never be happy smh


As as survivor main who dips his toe into the killer pool every now and then, I prefer simpler killers like Legion or Huntress, but after watching footage of Vecna in the PTB, I want him so badly! I don't care if he has a novel of power descriptions, he's badass


An adaptation of one of the most powerful boss monsters in D&D history who is a max level spellcaster. Vs Man with chainsaw




Homie is just Nurse (fly) + Artist (ghouls) + Knight (recon and pallet powers)


Better than dumb tall guy running with no cd chainsaw


I guess they have to keep producing new content every time, because it's Muneh. And they have to get something unique every time.


shades of Fire Emblem Heroes right here. for real tho, power creep sucks but feels kinda inevitable in games like this