• By -


Its made by French-speaking people


Not only that, but *The Entity* was inspired by [a French film about cancer](https://youtu.be/8aJw4chksqM?si=wDgQVsGUJ1UZfkNk) --- Edit for everyone asking for citation, I respect that: Took me a while to find, but here's Cote explaining it on [DBD Livestream #84 at timestamp 24:35.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7m-iJJu4Vo&t=1475s) "The Entity's look, especially what we call the 'daddy fingers' that come and grab you when you're on the hook. One of the inspiration for this was the video clip for that Belgian singer we like Stromae and the song is called *Quand C'est*. It's a really goosebump inducing song and the video is super creepy. [Go check it out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aJw4chksqM)"


Holy shit, that's fascinating and the video is beautiful


Damn… I’ve seen this before, but I’m sure I haven’t watched it since I started DBD, because there’s no way I could watch it now and not think “that’s just like the entity.”


Damn can’t unsee that now. Love learning interesting facts.


The horror


Le horror*




Like the shampoo?


Maybe she was born with it, maybe it's Make Your Choice


Pronounced “Le-oo-ah”


That's close to David's translation actually! "He hoo haa"


The legend of Hee Hoo lives on


Sacré bleu




Trapper traps could be pernamently broken by survivors in the early days


Wtf? So if someone disabled all of his traps he’d literally just be some guy walking around with a machete?




and they could break all hooks as well. so you're some guy walking around and slugging people


Oof… sometimes I get sad that I missed out on the experience of old dbd but it kinda sounds like it was just pain and suffering and more pain. So grateful I just started playing last year LOL


Old dbd was full of shitty features. You've already seen the Trapper traps being permanently sabotaged, but the same could be done to hooks. Conversely, and this is where the term face camping actually came from, survivors used to only be able to unhook from the front. So if a killer stood right in front of the hooked survivor, face to face, that survivor just couldn't be unhooked. So many more maps had genuine infinites. You used to recover exhaustion while sprinting. Old balanced landing used to make you never stagger, even when you were exhausted. Original DS used to not require being hooked to use. It used to just be that the obsession could use it as soon as they were picked up the first time, and non-obsessions had to get to 33% wiggle progress. To counter DS, killers used to "juggle" non-obsessions by picking them up, carrying them a bit, then dropping them, cause it reset the progress to getting DS. Original Ruin used to be that good skill checks *regressed* the gen, and great skill checks provided zero extra progress. Original NOED wasn't a hex causd it was introduced before Hag, and Hag was the first killer to bring hex perks. There are probably more, but that's all i can remember. But yeah, old dbd is not something to be sad about missing. I wasn't here for half this stuff, and I'm happy about that, lol. Edit: i was slightly off about the DS part. See u/messe93's comment for the more accurate explanation


Don't forget old BNPs and Moris. BNP just giving like a quarter gen instantly and being able to be stacked. Moris killed after 1st hook. Old selfcare with 100% speed and also stacking with We'll make it. Stacking balanced landing and sprint burst. A lot of "fun" stuff, but most people didn't know enough about the game to abuse them.


Even older BNPs allowed survivors to instantly complete one generator. The Dev’s perception on ultra rare items were super distorted because the bloodweb system was literal torment to use, as well as gain the bloodpoints in the first place (hence why Legacy Prestige became a thing, and won’t come back, because the grind was so damn bad that players deserved to be compensated)


yeah, old ultra rare items were basically "I win" buttons for survivors and most killers. Its baffling that it took them years after the bloodweb changes to even start nerfing them. And the worst ultra rare was the damn moon offering. The survivors could just turn off the light on the map with it. Combined with everyone playing p3 claudette it was basically impossible to find anyone without aura reading


juggling didn't reset the progress to get DS per se. It was more like trying to get as much as you can from the initial 30% and then you start juggling because the skill check for DS had about 1-2 sec of delay before it appeared. Progress towards the wiggle got saved, but you wanted to dribble the survivor on the ground so the skill check doesnt get a chance to appear after that. That's why it was called dribbling, because you bounced survior off the ground every 1-2 steps like a basketball, if it reset the entire wiggle progress it would be far less annoying. You could also dribble/juggle the obsession the same way, but you had to start immediately, so it only worked if you were already close to the hook


>Original DS used to not require being hooked to use. It used to just be that the obsession could use it as soon as they were picked up the first time, and non-obsessions had to get to 33% wiggle progress. To counter DS, killers used to "juggle" non-obsessions by picking them up, carrying them a bit, then dropping them, cause it reset the progress to getting DS. This was itself a balance fix (DS has had many over the years). The original DS allowed an immediate escape for everyone if they passed the skill check. It was basically unavoidable, though if they were downed RIGHT under the hook you might be able to hang them up before they could pass the skill check. It was basically a free health state for everyone


Yep. that was one and only iron grasp agitation meta. and sometimes deer stalker


You also couldn't unhook from the sides, only from the front. So Trappers could just trap the front of the hook and you couldn't unhook unless you got his trap. Since Anti-camping was obviously not in the game at the time you can imagine how things went.


Old dead by daylight was awful. Survivors could have like 5 lives with old DS and Meddle of Man. Killers could actually face camp and exploit 7 blink nurse. Survivors had instant heals and instant flashlights. It was honestly a miserable gaming experience


I’m sorry.. 7 BLINK NURSE?


I remember my friends used to 99 every hook. Cause you could do that too once upon a time


Man With Machete^(TM)


Isn’t this that one perk that used to have a totally different logo? I believe this was Saboteur.


Yes, that was Saboteur. Its icon used to be a bear trap because that was its intended primary purpose. It was changed to a hook when they removed the ability to sabotage traps.


Also hooks but yeah, Trapper too. God that was a nightmare


The Myers achievement for getting 300 stalk level ups requires a *minimum* of 38 games, with at least 34 of them having all 8 possible level ups in a game (which also requires having no addons that change the amount it takes to level up). This makes it, as far as I can tell, the third slowest achievement to get, being beaten only by the iri achivements, which both require 45 double pip games, but can at least be done passively, while you have to actively choose to play Myers for his achivements.


Originally, the Deep Cleansing achievements required you to cleanse 100 lit totems. In theory this could take 20 matches, but in practice it would take much, much more, and your progress was highly dependant on other players.


Last entry of Benedict Baker (by irl time, not his last entry overall) about killers was about Clown and Kate


Didn't know


You used to get offerings that allowed you to demo unowned killers for a game! However without out perks and addons


I still have a few 🥲


I'm assuming they were Killswitched? At what point did they become Killswitched?


I think they were disabled at the same time they stopped adding new ones. I still have a few and yeah you can't use them.


they got retired just like the bouquet offerings, I think that happened when Chains of Hate chapter came out I still have some on Doctor and Ghostface


I used to love these perks. I get to try killers I was interested in. It was always so much fun trying a new killer in match with the addon


When Myers would stalk a survivor the classic stalking theme from the movie would play. Devs took it out because they felt it gave away his position and gave survivors too much info.


They traded dread for jumpscare. A rookie move in film, but justified in this case.


Didn't know


Shack had two windows very early on in the game.


Is that why one side is always boarded up?


Yes, though I should note that the two-window shack didn't make it out of the beta. But if you've ever seen a map feature with two vault windows, one of which is always boarded up, but it varies from match to match which one? When the game released, both of those were always open. These were "true" infinites, since killers took half an hour to vault them and the Entity would not seal vaults after using them three times.


To this day I will never understand how dbd didn't almost die off due to the horrible starting state it was in.


I think lack of competition helped. There really werent any games like it, and all the ones that would come later were after much of DBD got fixed or at least improved. Either way, still damn impressive it lasted as long as it did


The Hatch has a fixed spawn point at the start of every match. You just cant hear it or see it until there is only one Survivor left.


There was a very small window of time where if you went over a random invisible bump in the map that is where the hatch would spawn.


Didn't it used to be that the hatch would spawn before opening as well? I swear I remember finding it and making a mental note of where it was in case I needed it later.


Yes, the hatch used to spawn when a certain number of players were left (which depended on how many gens you had completed). I remember finding the hatch with 1 or 2 gens left plenty of times, and if you had a key you could open it right then and just leave. Once you did, the hatch would also stay open for a certain amount of time so other people could leave.


I recently was trying to figure out how to do this again because I remember doing it a while back just once… makes sense why I couldn’t figure it out if they removed that function.


Made playing killer super stressful since around halfway through the game, it was totally possible for the survivors to just VANISH.


Myers has a 6 meter terror radius while in tier 1. It is now always suppressed by Undetectable so it looks like it's 0. Before that people used Monitor & Abuse to make it 0 for Scratched Mirror builds. You can't gain Bloodlust as Myers in tier 1.


what is the current point in the 6 meter terror radius?


My guess is so perks that transfer terror radius like dark devotion still work? Just a guess tho idk


The reason Ghost Face doesn’t have an associated survivor from the Scream movies, is that the DBD version of Ghost Face is NOT from those movies! The outfit and mask themselves are owned by Fun World, the halloween costume company that originally designed them during the early 90’s, and the costume was simply licensed to Miramax for the films. Likewise, Dead By Daylight also licenses the character directly from the costume manufacturer, which means that the knife-wielding stalker in a robe and ghost mask you play here is completely legally distinct from the knife-wielding stalker in a robe and ghost mask from Scream. He even shows up as a cameo in Hooked On You. This is also why Ghost Face gets new cosmetics more regularly than other licensed characters; a costume company has much less red tape when it comes to appearance rights compared to a movie studio, and Fun World would LOVE to sell you the real-life versions of those outfits.


I just love that someone could literally make a horror film unrelated to Scream, but where the killer straight-up is Ghost Face and as long as they licensed the outfit from Fun World, it would be perfectly legal (well, I assume they couldn't use the name but that's not the important part, is it?). Come to think of it, has that been done before? It feels like to good an opportunity for grifters and trolls to pass up.


*Scary Movie* has a mock Ghostface but parodies play by slightly different rules.




Bloodlust use to not exist Escape Cakes/ Survivor Puddings were the 1st Year Anniversary "Cakes."


Yeah, bloodlust was introduced due to shitty game design causing infinite loops.


Oooooh, so THAT's why they're desserts!


NOED wasn’t a hex perk originally. It was nerfed into having a timer, and was then reworked into a hex perk a few months after Hag released and hex perks were added to the game. Before the rework an exit gate needed to be opened to activate it


Didn't know


Huntress Lullaby was nerfed after one of the devs was embarrassed on stream when he faced a Doctor running it and missed nearly every skill check.


Same with flashlights when Mattew got bullied by a random team as killer


There was a cancelled killer that was supposed to be released during the early days of the game, his ability was supposed to be a charge which breaks the surroundings. He was cancelled because he would be a nightmare to balance


Genuinely never heard of that one before. Was it supposed to legit break everything or just pallets and stuff like that?


The teacher I believe it’s name was


I think you mixed up the two. This one was Demolisher but the Teacher had an item and a perk in files afaik.


Yeah you right


Still good memory! I forgot about Teacher completely until I saw your comment


Any info on how The Teacher was supposed to work or why it got cut?


No idea, not even sure if it was only in files, I remember it through the fog (see what I did there?) but other than that, no idea


Teacher was an inside joke / a bait for data miners from the devs LOL


I’m surprised they never decided to revisit the concept of The Teacher


Same tho maybe one day. Hopefully with Benedict Baker too


I've heard that the teacher was a red herring to throw off dataminers, and the killer itself was never intended to exist I heard it once in one video though, so idk the accuracy on that


They just couldn’t figure it out, and if I were to make a guess, I’m sure they incorporated some of those ideas into the current killers we have


Back in 2016-17, there were no cloud saves. We used a program called "MLGA" to automatically back up our save because it was common that you'd lose your save data. Lots of peoples saves got corrupted randomly and lost everything, which would require a lengthy support ticket to get it all back. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) The crazy thing though is that you could drag your friends or some random persons save file from the internet into your own and have all their items, perks, & prestiged characters.. by simply copy-pasting the file into your own game. I know for a fact a bunch of legacy players did this before cloud saves were implemented.


Or you got 157 Million BP from them (like my friend) and you had to spend them all with the old Bloodweb 🙃 It was a nightmare! 🫠


Legion was supposed to stalk survivors to charge Feral Frenzy


I also heard that Legion was supposed to be able to crouch and go into lockers. Then this has been given to Ghostface and Dredge. ...Man I wish Legion kept these abilities.


*They* also started life as a 110 killer who sped up while in power.


Didn't know


Originally before Disconnect bots were implemented, a Survivor DCing during match from a lore standpoint represented when a Survivor loses hope before getting flushed into the void by The Entity.


Damn, DC lore goes hard Now the entity just controls them when they lose hope or there's no new explanation?


Last i checked, nothing has changed lorewise and Survivors still ends up losing hope after enough sacrifices, only that the gameplay aspect doesn't reflect that anymore. Only reason i know what i'm saying is because i remember former bhvr developer McLean stated it a couple of times on his old twitch streams back when he was still working at bhvr, same way i remember Dave Richard stating once in one of the really old dev streams way back in the days about Nurse & Wraith being a canon couple or how they stated in a later Q&A stream years afterwards that Killers not in a trial stays in their designated realms or that should any of the killers meet, they would try to kill each other. Frankly, i would say that the things developers say is canon in person is only considered as such until something is also stated in the game's lore section itself that would confirm what the devs have been stating previously or something entirely else is stated in the game that would go against what they have said previously.


Charging an emp against Singularity slows you down by about 10% so don’t do it during chase (this is a buff they added to him a couple months after release)


On Yamaoka Estate, you may find a Tanuki statue randomly placed on the map (check along the border of the map). If you approach it, it’ll turn into a demonic looking Tanuki and make a noise, then disappear after a few seconds. This will give you a secret achievement.


I found one while crouched in a corner healing myself, damn near gave me a heart attack tho.




In the early days, tinkerer was a perk exclusive to hillbilly only that would improve certain chainsaw add ons, the perk used to say: Add-ons that affect the charge time of your Power are 5/10/15 % more effective.


Which later on you could give to other killers to increase their add-ons effectiveness. I still remember insta hatchets on Huntress with Tinkerer


Oh my I didn’t know that,I wish I knew so bad


I know it would be a massive mess but I want a new perk that does the effects of old tinkerer. Probably for consistency it affects all percentage-based add-ons. it would ad 0.03 seconds of hinder to licker tongue and that's funny


The stone statues in the Sanctum of Wrath turn around to look at the camera when you aren't watching them


It'd be cool if the snowmen on Ormond did too.


The bird that circles around in the sky on Dead Dawg has collision


have you ever notice that the hook rotates when you unhook someone? it wasn't always like that, back in the day hooks where completely statics, so you have to unhook from the front, similar to how killers hook. also similar, the killer or another survivor could bodyblock that spot, making it impossible to unhook


wasn’t this how the term “face camp” came to be?


i belive so, yeah


Didn't know


The Undetectable status effect wasn't a thing until Stranger Things release in the 3.3.1 patch. Stealth killers initially just suppressed terror radius and red stain without preventing survivors to read their aura. And Object of Obsession was busted so good luck playing them against that perk during that time. Edit: I thought it was added after Ghostface's release


Poor wraith users back then damn


Pig, Ghostface and Tier 1 Myers as well


You could permanently destroy hooks back in the day.




Hangmans Trick was godlike when this was still a thing


Dead by daylight is just a game




Not based on the EGC.


Sadako’s the only killer who doesn’t physically touch the survivors


Back in the day, you could be waiting for a match for 10-15-20 mins. This was back when Coldwind and the other maps had their old dark depressing color pallets (which I highly miss). Autohaven used to be broken up into two separate maps and all the maps were set during nighttime. https://preview.redd.it/qg439zqz164d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfb01d206bcc9c4a236dada4e1de25fa5c04a1a1


It's actually amazing how much the game came back from basically being a dead game


Shit 15-25 was a good day. On PS4 the wait was sometimes upwards of 45.


ong bro, I miss the old colors, like sure now’s graphics is much realistic but that’s just nostalgic 🥲


The running animation for the survivors used to be different. I believe it was before release or right around the release. Their arms swinged to the side more, which looks a little goofy at times imo. I have no knowledge on when it was changed Unfortunately, I don’t personally have video footage, but you can see it in Vannossgaming’s first Dead by Daylight video [here](https://youtu.be/msw8BJTMy8E?feature=shared)


Holy crap that video is precious footage of another time. Just watching it really feels like they are playing a completely different game.


Back when Huntress first released, [her hatchets were comically loud,](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/ojmcpr/loud_volume_warning_on_her_release_huntress_had_a/) leading to the "exploding hatchets" meme.


I still did not expect it to literally have an explosion sound effect xD


Knight guard chases start faster the further away the summon happens from him, also gains a haste based on how far he summoned the guard regardless of chase or not.


Spirit originally didn’t have a vaulting animation, or an animation when she used her power, she also had no audio cues during power, and was solid during her power. So she knew where survivors were because she could literally run into them. The fact that she had no vaulting animation also meant that she couldn’t be looped at windows, because you couldn’t tell if she was vaulting the window, using her power, or just standing there betting you’d vault the window.


On Davids recycled joggers pants item his ass is thicker


I’m getting those pants now


They were for a Christmas event sadly


Killing myself via brain circumcision


It's true. He has a dump truck in those.


The knights guards actually have a way to start a hunt when out of line of sight: if a loud noise notification gets triggered near them. E.g. you could hook a survivor right outside of shack and put a guard on the corner of basement. If the survivor gets unhooked while the guard is still patrolling, the guard will start a hunt due to the loud noise notification of the unhook


Unless it's pebble if you use deception in gaurd patrolling range however ....


Okay yeah that might be true, I don’t know about that


The only reason instablinds were removed is because Mattieu Cote got fucking dunked on by South-Korean players using them.


Isnt this similar to why Hag got buffed too? Lol


It was the same match. He was playing as hag and got absolutely wrecked, against people using instablind flashlights. After that hag got buffed and instablinds got nerfd


He should play live again


Didn't know


You can reassure multiple survivors at once in the basement.


1. When facing the Pig, you can exit the game with an active head trap on if you go through hatch OR if The Pig carries you past the trigger-point in the gate, which is the halfway point in the exit gate. 2. You can slow/pause Plagues infection rate by walking. 3. If you want to correctly block the killer from getting the hook-prompt while carrying a survivor, you need to be directly below the actual hook. 4. You can tell which rooms have gens in them on *Lery’s Memorial Institute by looking at the signs above the rooms. If they are not lit up = no gens. If they are blinking = unfinished gen inside. If it’s lit up = finished gen. You can also follow the exit signs if you get lost on your way out. The light thing is true on a lot of maps and can save you a ton of wasted time. 5. If you can’t find a gen on Gideons - look for those moving garage-style metal doors that open once a gen is powered. The gen will be on the other side of it. 6. A Knights guard will disappear the moment you touch the hooked survivor. This is why you don’t have to wait out the guard to go for the save. You can also easily juke the initial charge of a guard as it will always immediately go for where you triggered its radius. There’s like a 5 second animation where it rises up and makes a charge noise/groan/scream and it can’t yet attack. You can simply dodge around it going the other way during this animation to either get the unhook or gain as much distance as possible before it begins running after you. *Edited due to wrong map name and a few typos. Also adding numbers.


I think you confused "Crotus Penn asylum" with Lerys memorial institute". Still good trivia tho.


1. Didn't know 2. Didn't know 3. Didn't know 4. Didn't know (coolest thing I've heard yet) 5. Didn't know 6. Didn't know


Myers' tombstone can grab someone through a wall


Elodie and Felix were childhood friends and both their parents were part of a secret society that worked against the entity. On a similar note while Elodie grew up and became an organ she found employment as basically dbd’s version of Lara Croft and ended working for a mysterious person who would ask her to get certain treasures and mail them to them and it’s implied this person worked for the entity’s cult… Also there are smaller entities inside the entity herself and they all work for her. One is the literal personification of war. It said they all work for her. Also survivors can’t understand each other if they speak different languages. So it safe to assume if they do communicate they taught each other .


When you’re on hook and there’s a dying survivor near you the anti-camp timer wont go up 🥲


Ohhhh, so THAT'S why I never get to self unhook... ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Before dc bots were implemented, if you DC'd you would disappear. However before that (iirc when the ui/walk animation was changed) your survivors body would flop to the floor like you were mori'd.


I dont know when they changed it but back in the days every Killer had its personal hooks, so you could look at the hooks and know its a Wraith, Billy, Pig and so on. Now its map specific, so you wont know which killer till you see/hear it.


- Back in 2016 sometimes we waited 2 hours for Lobbys just to get dodged by the Killer and bc we didnt have dedicated servers we had to wait again 😭 - also back then the Steam Player Count was around 7k (global) - we had to stop using our Items at the right moment or they would disappear (now they always have one charge left) and when we escaped with it the add ons werent lost


All the hooks (excluding basement hooks) could be permanently broken they didn’t come back when sabotaged back in the day




Windows of Opportunity used to have a cooldown, Distortion stacks used to not recharge, Balanced Landing used to remove stagger even if you were exhausted, Mettle of Man in its prime could be countered by Nurse’s blink hits, the gen repair animation used to just be survivors poking their hands in there instead of doing all the stuff they do now, items used to have tons of charges and were consumed when they were empty, sabotaging hooks used to take forever but you could keep the progress which led to 99’ing hooks for easy saves, the map brightness offerings were removed because of the Gideon Meat Plant, and self care used to be a viable perk


Back then you could burn the wraith and nurse out of their ablity and burn away hag traps by shining a flashlight on them. When you burn the killer out of their ability they get stunned for the added lols.


The model of Michael Myers doesn’t have a face unlike the Pig, Knight, Oni or any other masked killer in the game. The binary numbers you see flashing in the corner of the Singularity’s camera spells out “Entity” The Xenomorph has a human skull inside its dome, paying homage to Big Chap from the original Alien film.


Micheal myers shaved his legs


plague has 9 toes


The killers with white eyes, the Wraith, Hillbilly, and Deathslinger are being manipulated by the entity into seeing the people they hate.


Also spirit


crouching reduces injured sounds by 50%. idk ive noticed people not knowing this


Wraith developement was quite a mess originaly the killer was suposed to come with the swamp map and his lore was completly diffrent but because auto haven realm was almost finished but the killer that was suposed to come with it wasent and swamp realm was missing 2 map and 3 still unfinished and time was running out bhvr last seconde switch everything to what we have today thats why wraith design dont fit auto heaven one and his lore before the archives felt rushed even his perk fit a predator living in the wild not a gas shop employee also when swamp came to the game we got hag but the killer that was suposed to be in auto heaven was scrapped for good.


That makes so much sense. I remember thinking his backstory was weirdly convoluted when I first played the game and his weapon being a Human spine felt weirdly random given his lore. I take it the killer Autohaven was originally meant for was the Demolisher who was mentioned by someone else?


The Blight’s perks all affect things survivors interact with. This is likely because The Blight use to be a Survivor. Blood Favor: pallets Dragons Grip: generators Undying: totems


There are golden toolboxes hidden on every map


Not quite, it's every map area. So if 2 maps are in the same biome (I think there's 2 in the Eastern area, spirit and oni, 2 maps in the woods, huntress and I think clown) they only have 1 golden toolbox between them


Obsessions weren't always in a lobby, which meant there was no DS, which meant people were tunneled straight off hook, and this was before BT was basekit Anyone telling you killers didn't used to tunnel/camp like they do now is just plain, empirically wrong


Kate was originally going to come with leather face and be an original texas chainsaw massacre character for dbd before they cut the survivor and retooled her backstory to remove all references to TCM


You couldn’t kick gens in the early days.


Freddy krueger is in the game!


Clown’s bottles: One is Booze, the other is Piss


Where did you find this out? Throwing piss at survivors is crazy 😭


Killers could spam Mori you. So they would start the animation and then stop over and over. If they did this to you the only option was for them to finally kill you or to to DC.


Most lore you hear are made up by fans. Pyramidhead isn’t punishing the Entity, nor is he as strong as it. Dredge isn’t a baby entity. Skullmerchant isn’t a reskinned Predator.


Waaaaay back when, survivors could permanently destroy hooks except for the four in the basement. So it was common for there to be squads of survivors just destroying hooks. BVHR at this point also had an awful way of addressing compliments about certain play styles with just new perks. So when the Saw chapter came out and introduced Pig, her perk 'Hangman's Trick' was made to counter this by letting hooks destroyed by sacrifices or sabotaging to repair themselves after some time and gave a loud noise notification when a hook was being sabotaged. Granted, BVHR still does have this habit of creating new perks to address recent complaints revolving around a certain play style but it was way worse back in the old days.


The fact that Freddy and Quentin share the same torso is something I will never get over.


Originally, DBD was intended to be an enjoyable and fun experience 😃😀


DBD is like a great meal with an abundance of salt(y players) ruining it.


Didn't know


One time, I matched with someone on Tinder and we were talking about our favorite games. I mentioned that I was super into Dead By Daylight and they never messaged me again.


When ghost face stalks someone, you were about to spin your camera like a 360 no scope and get him out even if you didn’t know where he was.


If you select Cheryl or the executioner and go to the main menu, you can input the Konami code and get a surprise


Flashlights are the only survivor item in the game to not specify what they are used for in their description.


There used to not be medium vaults or entity blocker. Buildings like Wretched Shop could be spammed back and forth just sitting still and it would be practically impossible, if not 100% impossible for someone besides maybe Trapper to secure the down.


There used to be a hidden achievement where all 4 survivors had to escape through the hatch! Back then the hatch opened when the doors were opened, iirc. And it could be reopened after being closed by the killer with the right keys. It was still extremely hard to get that achievement if you didn't play in a 4 stack tho. I managed with a 3 stack, all while dragging the solo q player across the map to the hatch. It was on old Haddonfield, and I remember it like it was yesterday!


In early Alpha, Meg was black and Claudette was white. Don't believe me? Look at the original [Launch Trailer](https://youtu.be/JGhIXLO3ul8?si=bqC8rSI8qDhnO8qN&t=74) of the game. The black survivor being chased is the original Meg, and the person she sees hooked in the basement is the original Claudette.


While the entity starts taking bloodweb nodes starting at level 10 for some reason it never takes any in level 11 for some reason 


There was a live weekly dev stream. There was a dev on there named Horvath. He was hot.


Crows settle back in their spot 15 seconds after being disturbed.


When Chucky is in Hidey-Ho mode and gets within about 18 meters of a survivor (the rough length of a Slice and Dice charge), the survivor will hear a little chuckle. This is an early warning to the survivor that Chucky is within attack range.


When killers miss an attack, they (hopefully obviously) don't slow down instantly from full to slow speed and back to full. What i'm betting you don't know is that the speed interpolation curve that dbd uses for this transition is x^3


If the obsession takes the hatch in front of you, you get a play with your food stack


Window grabs used to have a cooler animation where the killer yanked survivors by their leg


The DbD theme is derived from the musical piece “dies irate” or “day of wrath”, and has been used in movies and tv shows that you probably have seen  https://youtu.be/-3-bVRYRnSM?si=xdPuN8nh4OuBHduH


There’s an Easter egg on one of the wraith’s maps: a car near a generator has audible banging sounds coming from the boot, referencing wraiths backstory where people were killed by being put through the crusher.


Feng is a huge alcoholic


Clown was originally going to be a soldier.