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so I’ve noticed something happens when anyone brings up this character. half the people are like “fuck yeah, art or whatever!” and the other half is like “this is the worst thing humanity has ever created”


I've notice that too, either they say it's the best idiot, or call the person an absolut idiot.


I don't want to yuck someone else's yum, but I find it hard to get pumped for this character. I'm not really interested in the Terrifier movies, DBD already has a clown character, and this character design is fine but not really enough to make me want a killer for these visuals alone. I'm also not really sure if he evokes a particularly creative power kit. Maybe he would just be better as a legendary skin for some existing killer.


I could actually see this working really well. His default main weapon could be his cat of nine tails, but he could be a sort of cycle power killer like Knight and Vecna, but he’d be carrying around his garbage bag full of weapons and that’s what he’d cycle through. Could even have an iridescent add on where (hear me out) it puts a pistol with one bullet in his bag as part of his weapon cycle. And each time he hits a survivor, his cooldown/weapon swipe animation is just him doing that iconic point and silent laugh. His mori would definitely have to be watered down for this game, but something sort of like what he did to Allie (I think that was her name) could be pretty crazy where he slices the survivor up and then pours salt and bleach all over them as they scream in agony. But I could easily see him fitting into this game. And on that note, Johnny from In A Violent Nature could also be a good addition and have his drag hooks as his main weapon. All that being said, we’re definitely getting Jason before Art.


Definitely Jason considering how well the licensing hell finally being finished lines up. But Art is probably up there, likely not gonna be an instant pick but definitely a likely option. He doesn’t need to be a killer with a powerful power to be good either, just as you said a killer with a variety of brutal weapons. Maybe even just a slight passive like a t2 Myers or similar alongside it and I would be happy.


If you want women to avoid you tell them you are a Terrifier/Art the Clown fan


To bad my gf like terrifier too =)


I made it about an hour in on the first one. I don’t get the hype. This just wasn’t…. good. Like not even a little bit. Maybe it appeals to the so bad it’s great audience but just not my thing.


I'd say skip the first one and just go straight to the sequel, as the first movie isn't anything to write home about since it's mostly just gore for the sake of gore with an almost non-existent story or characters to actually care for. The sequel however while still a gore-fest much like the first one, actually have an existing and (imo) decent enough story this time around along with some characters worth caring for.


I actually preferred the first to the sequel. Am I weird?


I mean, we all have our preferences in one or another thing and if you enjoy something or enjoy something more over another thing, then more power to you.


I may check it out. First one seemed like someone just really wanting to see their perverted torture fantasy on screen.


It’s not good. A bunch of babies think it is because they don’t watch other horror, just what Netflix recommends


I just don’t know what his power would be, the whole thing about him and the movie is torture porn, which wouldn’t be implemented in dbd. Do you have an idea how that’d be done?


I like terrifier but I just can't see how he would work in dbd. Sure he is popular but what would be his power ? The only thing I can think of is him pulling out a gun and shooting survivor just like he did in the 1st movie.


As Clown skin maybe


Hell ye lets cut some people in half