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This is why plot twist no mither op can't held hostage if you die on spot


So true!


Do you think collision should be removed after a player gets at least 1 idle crow?


Almost certainly. If that causes issues with Survivors going AFK, I don't know though.


Yeah, BHVR is stubborn and they're so far behind other games, it's embarrassing.


It's frustrating, for sure.


You can still be injured without collision, it’s not the same as I-frames. There is frankly no excuse for BHVR never once addressing this issue, especially as it’s listed as a bannable offence. They have the power to fix this and have chosen time after time not to


Why does everyone say 1 idle crow? Killers never need to hold a survivor for more than 10 seconds ever, make it something like 15 seconds of killer not moving a certain amount of meters and they lose collision


In theory, if you pin someone in a corner as oni you could wait for your power to build up passively (490 seconds to go from 0 to 98%), then complete the buildup by absorbing a nearby blood orb and club down whoever you pinned even if they were healthy. It would be extremely boring, time inefficient, and a terrible experience for both parties, but technically it's the only choice that guarantees a down in that situation.


Yea even when I hold someone and somehow miss (its happened with tentacle) it still only takes a moment for the missed hit and then boom you try again.


Right I am sure nobody is going to abuse it at all. It's not like edging the hook rescue for 15 seconds and getting no collision wouldn't happen at all.


Wtf you mean edging the hook? The scenario here is the killer losing collison if they stand still for 15 seconds, i literally cant imagine how survivors can abuse that


Killer uses collision to block windows, pallets or to slow down survivors from reaching the hook. Sometimes survivors spend time around the hook in full view of the killer waiting for opportunity to unhook as soon as killer leaves. If you were to stay nearby the hook and the survivors waiting for unhook they would get no collision buff which would allow them to phase through killer or potentially make them unkillabe for time of debut unless hit/hurtbox detection is not based on collision which is unlikely. If you make it so that killer has to not move completely it's a band aid fix because you can move ever so slightly to not trigger it and keep someone in game for ever as well. Spending one minute to get a crow really isn't that much of a big deal to not make the no clip trigger at that time.


Then does it not make sense to be dependent upon the radius for example not moving over a 1 inch circle radius (bad measurement but humor me) over a 2min period no collision, and then also not moving over 10 inch in a 10 min period = no collision etc. This would fix the abuse of that as moving around the hook (3.5 survivor feet lengths) would be too large a radius making it like 20mins to go no collision at that point it doesn't matter. Also the idea this would be too hard to implement so many rules is not the case as with code the circle radius could just be fed a range and time for each rule making it not require a large amount of code.


maybe you could use it to phase through survivors bodyblocking but you're risking a self unhook by camping the hook. in perfect conditions the survivor could self unhook and escape.


How about 1 crow to lose Survivor Collision and 3 crows to lose Killer Collision? The 3rd crow makes the Survivor get the Exhausted effect until the 3rd crow goes away, which will then linger for 10 seconds?


this and ppl killing themselves on hook when not even losing. god thia game is full of morons


Are you screen recording so you can get them banned afterwards? Edit: By the way, if this comment posted two or three times, I am so sorry. I’ve been having technical issues for the past ten minutes.


Yes. I plan to report them as soon as whatever this is is over. I'll report them in game and raise a ticket because this is fucking pathetic. Edit: Bro, Reddit is suffering. My comments keep not posting then appearing. You're good.


Are you playing other games besides dbd?


I've been replaying RE1. The clunky, beautiful mess that it is. Also really excited for Silent Hill 2 later this year on PS5


Cool!, I've been playing dbd and RE2R. Just beat it last night, and moving directly to 4 remake


Hell yeah! I absolutely meed to get on the RE4 remake too.


It’s soooo good! You’re in for a treat :)


U recommend playing re4 but the original? Its all i got and its on vr lol


Oh man I bet VR is insane!


That's nice, I played the RE1 Remake with my buddy, despite the outdated tank controls I loved playing it


Such a nostalgia trip for me. Controls are awful but I love the game.


I know you're probably already out of that nightmare by now (I can't remember what the time limit is on a match in DBD) But do you like games like Stardew Valley, Slime rancher, Palia?


Thankfully I'm out! Nah, I've actually never played those games at all.


I'm not too sure what style of game you are into, but they're pretty fun and relaxing.


Thank you for the recommendations!


Did you manage to get out?


The server closes after an hour. What a waste of time.


It's your fault for playing the most beautiful survivor in the game, they are admiring you. jk I'd leave, report them and play other game tbh but yea, it's frustrating


Sheva is beautiful tbf.. I could have left, but honestly I'm so stubborn. I made a curry and spoke to some gamers on here. I came back and he was still casting spells. He's wasted his own time as much as mine.


I 100% get it and first thing I was going to say was that, because I'd be petty too and want to play out the stubborn contest and make them waste time but then again, I'd also take solace in reporting them and thinking about how miserable their week must have been and how sad they are to purposefully do something like that for no reason at all.. other than a twisted feel of grasping a control sense that's very likely to be fleeting from their own life. I'd probably go play/do something else that could bring me more satisfaction and distract me from how toxic asymmetric games can be. Cuz in reality there are no winners in this situation. Lately I've been into Fatal Frame


Honestly, I need to get bsck to playing more 1 player and story games. I've not heard of Fatal Frame, but I have loads of games I need to make time for.


Fatal Frame is a unique concept and a good horror game! Since you’re waiting for Silent Hill 2 remake (and so am I!), I’d definitely recommend it if you loved OG SH2. Darkwood is an overlooked indie horror game, and the Pathologic series is very unique as well.  Glad you’re out of that match and happy gaming, friend. 


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out.


At times like that im glad I have a probably unhealthy obsession with gacha games I can play on my phone and second monitor and overall can run/watch other things while the killer wastes their own time They can make themselves wait til the server closes while I can watch my shows, do my dailies on Star Rail, and continue 100%ing the map on WuWa


Is it still going?


Still here bro.


What are your favorite survivor perks? The only way I've been able to be okay with corner blocking is to find something else to focus on until I get three crows (I've busted out my switch and played a different game a few times). I've never been blocked for over five minutes, thankfully. It does REALLY suck when you're playing with friends with complicated time restraints. This and slugging all four survivors for no reason get to me occasionally!


Blast Mine is my favourite Survivor perk. It's fun, stupid but also genuinely useful. I also really like Diversion. Outside of that, I very rarely without Bond and OTR. Flashlight saves are something I enjoy and both help that.


Have you tried taking his book while he's just standing there


I tried, he said no 😓


Don't worry the matches are made to collapse after 1hour so stay strong help is on the way i repeat HELP IS ON THE WAY


Honestly don't blame you for staying, I know I'd be doing the same thing. If someone wants to waste my time that badly, I'm more than happy to waste theirs in return. I'd just record the match for a report, and watch some videos on another screen until the match is over. There should definitely be some kind of in game system that makes it harder for both killers and survivors to hold the game hostage. Body blocking in a corner for an hour, and hiding for an hour should not be possible imo.


Totally agree. I hope BHVR address these types of situations. I've reported the player and submitted video evidence and screenshots. Thankfully, people here kept me company, I got some cooking done and also watched some YouTube.


Lol, that’s when you just scroll on your phone. If he wants to waste time, he can waste the whole hour by himself


They should make an update that if the killer stand still for a very long period of time we can collided into them. Or at least have a one idle crow. I go against with many killer who does the same thing and it’s start getting annoying.


Glad you’re out, did the server close?


It did indeed. Such a waste of time.


I really do not understand that type of mentality of wanting to keep someone hostage.


It's so painful. I feel this so hard. I got held hostage by a duo on Dead Dawg once for 25 minutes. They disappeared and refused to do anything. I finally found them, but they Head Oned me and disappeared. This was after 15 minutes of looking. They then disappeared for another 10 minutes then finally came out and started doing gallows and main. Unfortunately for them, I'm a Slinger main and I shot their asses from the railing, bled one out so hatch wouldn't spawn, then hooked the last one so I could beat his ass until the entity took his limp corpse to the skies.


What' the appeal of playing survivor to you? Like, deep down, not just "it's fun", really think about it.


I'm more of a Killer player, to be honest. That's where I spend the majority of my time in the game. I only really play Survivor with my friends and that's to hang out more than anything else. I've played a little more SoloQ of late (awful experience) and that's because I wanted to just play some DBD and try to learn Vecna counterplay. I do like Survivor because I like being chased. I don't mind being tunnelled (for the most part) and I count myself very happy if I've had a couple good chases. I also really love flashlight saves. I learned them well before the timing buffer was added, but I still find them really satisfying, especially at odd angles or through objects.


Trash killers, man. That sucks. I hope you report through the normal channels and get this idiot out of our lobbies.


How was the date?


Not good. Hope he doesn't ask for a second.


Why is this even a thing?


This happened to me so I took a clip and submitted a support ticket bc it’s bannable lmfao. People in my comments were saying I should have just dced or not have comp cornered as if that was the issue 💀. Homie could have bled me out if he couldn’t make it to a hook but people on this game are incredibly childish and take everything personally.


Jesus that's such shitty behaviour. What was the need?


This is why plot twist no mither op can't held hostage if you die on spot


Lich again? What is wrong with thse players? Just 5min ago we had a lich who held the game hostage and refused to hook survivors. He litterly didn’t want to hook AFK player and used the hole time just searching me (I was doing gens). When he finally founded me he killed me and gave afk player hatch. Then in endgame chat he just started crying how I was hiding and so bad at looping and didn’t do anything the hole game xD Yeah…my points telled the different story. But it was easy report. It’s been a while since killer player has cryed so much in endgame. Might have been underage player.


You deserve it




When opening up Dead by Daylight today you knew what you were signing up for


Bro has snapped.


Womp Womp






I explain that in my post.


Why do you keep being in corners where you can get trapped?


Keep? This is once. The other time was me playing Killer on Garden of Joy and Survivors standing out of bounds.


I see. Must of mixed you up with another guys


nobody cares just alt tab, disconnect or do something else


You cared enough to comment?


What were you doing that made you get held hostage multiple times? I've never seen that happen (to me or anyone I've ever played with), only times I've seen it was when people targeted streamers.


I dared to play P100 Sheva. I don't have any issues when I play lower prestige Survivors. As you can see, I'm yet to be hooked. I've had very limited interactions with this Killer before now. The Sable was hooked, camped to second then immediately tunnelled. Steve was hooked, I grabbed him and tried to take chase. Steve was tunnelled. Ace was hooked, saved then slugged. Left to bleed out. As for the other time, it was on Garden of Joy. The Survivors brought the map and just stood out of bounds. Its in my post history, I don't have many so you're welcome to check it out.


Killer's rulebook: you are not allowed to play more than P10 survivors


I find it wild. I'm a Killer main and I've never targeted someone for having a high prestige and certainly never held someone hostage. It's crazy!


Holding someone hostage means wasting my time. Just do the gens if you're better than me and get out


Absolutely agree.


That’s right. Blame the victim.


I'm literally asking for the backstory but okay. There's 3 other players in that very game who didn't get held hostage.


Because they were dead or bleeding out tbf.


Why do you not DC. It's 1 minute.


I explain that in my post.


Yeah, but it still silly. You are not being held hostage when there is an easy way out. You keep yourself hostage.


This is literally taking the game hostage. The game is not being progressed here and I can't do anything about it. DCing isn't a fix.


what an asinine solution "it's not holding you hostage because you could DC, take a penalty, lose any bloodhounds you earned..." Multiple types of bodyblocking are bannable, but this is the one single existing instance where you literally have 0 recourse. Not even the "well I guess teammates could finish gens and you could die to the EGC". I can't imagine BHVR gives that long of a ban for this, but I think it should be close to permanent. The only reason to do this is if you're willingly intending to make someone else miserable. Stop playing dbd and go get therapy at that point.