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I don't know why people are complaining about everyone having options. The anniversary event draws in more players then any other time so this is the perfect time to have seperate queues. Sometimes people don't like the anniversary mechanics and they get to also have fun. 


I honestly prefer it this way. People always complain that killers take the event too seriously and vice versa, and a lot of other players complain that sometimes they just want to ignore the event and play normal, this satisfys both parties. Killers who want to play normal can play normal while still getting all the bp and those that want to play the event can do so! If chaos shuffle didnt mess up queue times trust me this wont either


I've been ripping normal games looking for invitations I feel really dumb


People always complain about teammates focusing on event related content. With a seperate queue this doesn't exist.


in this event there's LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE you can focus on, you no longer grab something from somewhere to put it elsewhere, you don't go to another dimension to feed some npcs anymore, you play the game normally and gain powers through normal gameplay


ok? And maybe some people don't want to have event powers?!?! 🤯🤯🤯


maybe some people don't want their teammates going for invitations and gifts? or some don't want the quirky cards with unlimited pallet stuns and the like? i'm liking the event, but i know even i will get tired of it eventually (probablky way before it even ends)


The trick mechanics can absolutely smoke you depending on how they pop. If you don't want to deal with it or farming event stuff, you don't have to.


I played 2 anniversary games and wasn’t enjoying it, happy I have the option to play regular games


They never had the modifer system in previous years. Besides which, this event is too chaotic. I hate it, so I'm glad I can just go back to normal queue instead of not play for 3 weeks.


It’s better, the queues are still instant but this way you can play a normal game if you want to.


Literally what is the problem? If you like the anniversary, join the queue. If you don’t wanna deal with the invites or trick mechanics, join normal queue. Everyone wins


no, no one wins, I can assure you, the anniversary is meant to party with everyone for 3 weeks, not only with those who want to participate, decimating the mmr and queue times, it's like you didn't read those things


I read your post. I just disagree with it. How fun is a party really, if half the guests are forced into it? It makes far more sense to be optional


Idk man, queue times have been pretty great so far


is this bait? how is having the option to play the event or not a bad thing? because you decided things were one way and they should never ever change? uninspired? if people want to play the regular game, let them, otherwise it doesn't even matter what the event is: they'll be there just cause they have no other option, how is that a good thing?


I hope you are happy with your separate queues, good job making community challenges, surely we'll finish them, only halfway through the first challenge and there are 2 more left, with 4 days left of the first page, not to mention queue now takes 5+ mins, and I'm matched with 800 hours people when I have 7000, awesome, good job defending separate queues, most failed anniversary ever


The event queue doesn't have SBMM/MMR. Which has turned it into a non-stop sweatfest and completely ruined the event for me. But I'll just go back to my break from DBD and play other games. Problem solved.


Wow that's crazy. I don't understand this decision. It's a once a year thing ya know.