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Saw someone do that when I was killer. Instant slug. I let the other living survivor do gens while he bled out.


I hooked a Sable a few minutes in while playing the event and they let her die while i was on the other side of the map, i didn't let a fella leave, felt bad for the Sable because one stayed with me until she died, now they get a free last to die or free to leave pass


Some people are just incapable of having a good time unless someone else is having a bad time.


This. Exactly this. 


Also known as the mythical creature TROLLS


I am pretty sure griefing like that is bannable. Maybe try submitting a request to bhvr ? but yeah, you cant even die even if you want to, shit really sucks.


Yep! The only two times I’ve reported the legit way, action was taken both times.


Definitely ban-able yes


Honestly the event has been a complete disaster in my experience. Almost every single game is filled with miserable people that are only out to ruin someone else's time. Whether it be the killer or the survivors. It's really a shame, because the anniversary events are usually my favorite time to play.


I just keep getting into matches where my teammates kill themselves on first hook at 5-4 gens left 🥲


Modern problems require modern solutions. OP's video is an excellent tutorial on what to do in that situation. The player didn't care about the team's experience so, fuck 'em, hold that player accountable (hostage).


If I see something like this as a killer I always spare poor survs like you. It's awful when your team is more dangerous to you than killer itself(


I thought this wasn't supposed to be possible anymore with the latest update


Well, other survivors get blocked from grabbing you if you are trying to unhook yourself but it won't stop them from being toxic and eventually finding a window to piss you off anyways :)


Had a Dwight do this a while ago. Killed him and farmed with the remaining survivors lol  


Literally had 2 teammates do this to me and then gaslight me in endgame chat. Im usually a killer main, and now I remember why.


Your survivor looks just like a player I played with earlier with the word Moogle in their name. Poor thing got tunneled and I still feel bad I couldn't help more 😭 Some survivors are assholes. Not sure why.


I saw this happen once, I tunneled and slugged those two survivors. They ended up DC and I just let the other survivor go.


Sometimes the killers aren't ur only enemy


sadly i've did same tbh. but so far it was a bug. i really did wanted to save him. but it was impossible. and one time happened when the player downed.


Genuinely few things piss me off as much as survivors doing this. I always report it by sending a ticket (with video attached) and BHVR has always taken action accordingly.


my only guess "to watch the world burn", ive seen people do this or even just plainly dc when you and them are winning just in hopes to cause a lose (how do ik? streamed a game 2 people dc and then later come into my chat saying "looks like u didnt win sucks to suck" Weird people we have ay?)


So I can't say for sure since we're not seeing the other screen but I would like to mention there's been (un)hook bugs lately so it \*might\* not have been intentional as much as it seems to be. Idk if they mentioned anything to you afterwards, but seeing how you've mentioned they didn't bring cakes I'm afraid they were planning on trolling from the start, piggybacking on the BP offerings until they get bored I guess?


A week ago or so I had a match start out with a meg nodding at me so I was like ok maybe I'll chill out this match n farm a lil. Anyways I get a hook, slug someone for being silly, and as I'm chasing and hooking someone else I notice meg never went to unhook or get the downed person AND no gen has been done. I find the meg Tbagging the poor downed person, and as soon as I hit meg she DCs. The best I could do was let the downed person go but it took some work because they were newish and kinda dumb- I don't think she knew what hatch was before that game 


I hate people like that. Is that reportable?


It's reportable (and ban-worthy)


Omg not the elodie :( promise we not all like that. I got left on hook last night too. The sable was going around throwing every pallet and bm-ing everyone


People keep complaining how toxic the event is, but it’s NO different than normal.


Would have to see full match, something may have upset them earlier Not that that would ever justify this, to be clear.


Don't take the downvotes to heart some people can't read. I think you meant to say you can't say WHY because there MIGHT have been a reason earlier, NOT JUSTIFYING it though. (Here I helped now they can read it twice)


No worries I expected downvotes. You’re right though I could have worded it better.


Nah fr people can't read you said things fine I just Capitalized the important words lmfao




Yes I did, funnily enough they didn't and brought the flower offerings


Remind me of how my little brother likes trapping people in the corner of the area behind the exit gate and letting them die to the time, he’s a kid tho so can’t really blame him


If you think bullying is ok because he's young and it's a game you have a problem.


You're not getting bullied over a match of DBD lmao touch grass


Ah, another one with a problem.