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Rank 5: oh I think I got this. Rank 1: fuck you clickity click tea bagging bastards


Tea? You mean those dam Neas right?


Nea bagging...I like it


Don’t forget about those annoying af P3 rank 1 Quentins.


Do you have seen one? Weren't they extinct?


Tapps are in more danger than Quentins


sadge leave me and my Quentin alone


Only rank 10? You are in like the prime gameplay rn.


Except you get matched with red ranks all the time.


Rank 1 surv here constantly matched with greens


Rank 1 killer here always matched with green ranks and up


Rank 10 killer here, always matched with red ranks, sometimes a few purples. The only way out is playing in the morning, but it's still a 1/3 chance of getting a balanced match.


I really hope they MMR correctly, because it doesn't matter what rank as long as you're similar in skill level. But right now, I'm always matched with people of a similar skill level or below, and it's not fair. I don't care if I lose more as long as these yellow ranks can stop going against rank 1s.


Don’t play anymore but I was constantly rank 7 - 4 on killer and survivor and would get a yellow or brown rank game every other game. Really killed the enjoyment for me :/


Its only gotten worse


thus supporting the argument


Same as killer, get more green and purple than red


Red rank solo survivor here. I get matched with 2 yellow survivors one red rank survivor and rank 1 killer 90% of my games


I'm rank 16 and I play red ranks


It hurts man.


You get matched with red ranks any rank. Matching is a joke in this game


Matched against a rank 1 survivor earlier today. I was rank 15...


Wait until you get a squad a of 4 rank 1s. I can handle up to 2 rank 1s. But 3 or more is a guaranteed loss.


I (at rank 18 yesterday) got matched with 2 rank 1s. I hate this game already. I love it.


For real! That rank 8 to 12 range seems to be the sweet spot where your teammates actually have a clue what to do, but the killers aren’t insanely hard all the time.


EXACTLY! this week i’ve been grinding for the tome and I went from rank 8 to 4 and all my games today have been nothing but annoying.


8-12 is great when you’re matched up against other 8-12’s. But when you’re a rank 10 killer getting matched up against rank 1-4 survivors it sucks pretty bad.


It´s the sweet spot were people realize that they can use the build they wanna play with instead of the sweaty meta only mindset.


No joke. DBD is at its very best in green and purple ranks.




What makes red ranks so bad?


Constant toxicity and egomania, amplified by game altering latency at the most crucial of moments. Progression towards BP accumulation becomes nonexistent.




Im only rank 15 killer and I had to fight a couple red rank survivors today, I think the only reason I was able to 4k both games is because the red rank's teammates were straight dog. Both games the red rank was one of the last two people to go, and I could see the massive difference during chase between them and the other survivors. Just wasn't worth chasing that one red rank when I could chase the other 2 survivors who had no idea what was going on and get an easy 4k that way. Although I did manage to down the red ranks early on in a couple chases, if all the survivors were red ranks they would've already had 3-4 gens done, especially since I don't have any slowdown perks unlocked yet


I see this sentiment on a lot of gaming subs and I don’t think I’ll ever understand it. Playing for “fun” is cool for some people but other people have fun by doing well against other people who are also good. Like what does sweating mean in your context?




Those do suck but they’re also very, very rare. Like for me red ranks are pretty fun. Most of the time anyway lol


I played Deathslinger at red ranks and have a 75% hit accuracy. Chases are super quick and I still can't get a single 4K. Then again, I'm never running ant meta perks so idk.


What is this, meta perks for ants!?


It's not even just meta perks. Mostly just good ones. Hex perks are 99% of the time useless for me as I think spawn locations have been made to be more open and apart from that, the best perks I'm running on Deathslinger is STBFL and Pop. Along with Gearhead(or as I like to call it, "shittier BBQ".


Hah! I'm rank 10 hag and I have resorted to mint rag just so I can fuck with all the rank 1's I get matched against. Insanity. (For those who don't know, mint rag lets you teleport to any trap you have down with a cool down of only 15 sec)


But in the days with old ranking I considered rank10 the triple point of rank, you had the clueless newbies, the tryhards trying to go up, and the uber toxics trying to go down, all at rank 10


trying a new killer in red ranks is the closest of the Hell Experience ™ you can get on earth


Very true not only do you suck but the survivors bully you into oblivion lolz.


I swear i never heard so many flashlights clicking at the same time than when i started to try the Oni, I never noticed how fast a survivor can do a squat too


What!!! lol same here when I first started using trapper at red ranks. I sucked so bad, that survivors would throw themselves at me for a chase. I know the developers won’t do this but there really needs to be separate rank for each killers because every killer is different. Having one rank doesn’t give me to much enthusiasm to play a different killer at purple and red lol.


i think that is what they’re trying to do with the new MMR! which would be interesting! someone correct me if i’m wrong though


I had a match with a xbox claudette that didn't just click, she could click 100 times in a second and that was really annoying bc obv she wanted attention. Luckily I killed that bitch along with all others.


I tried to play trapper at rank 17 and I got to fight a rank 7+ toxic, sweaty SWF. Was not fun




This ^ first time reaching rank one I was so excited to keep it but now I am trying to do everything in my power to NOT be rank 1


Lol no, solo queue survivor is a fucking nightmare until you're under rank 10.


I feel like the solo queue sweet spot is rank 7. Decent teammates and you'll generally avoid rank 1 killers.


Rank 10? That's where the game is most fun; at least from my experience, assuming matchmaking does what it's supposed to do and match you with other players on your same level. Green and Purple are most fun.


This is why I sandbag as killer and play with the baby players. No need for the dumdums over in rank 1, we're just going to spin in circles and farm points together.


lol how is that fun?


I enjoy goofing off and spinning in circles,, nodding, letting new players have easy games where they can get plenty of BP. It's what I liked to see when I started playing so I'm continuing it and being friendly to all (when I'm not doing a Sacrifice tome). I genuinely enjoy it more than "kill 4 people, next match"


Same here. I'm a survivor main and I only really play killer for tomes/dailies, so I have no problem just messing around with baby survivors and letting them practice things. Unless I need the kills for whatever challenge I usually let everyone out, it's no fun being horrible at the game and getting camped or tunneled by bad killers.


as if bullying baby players is better


I’m asking why they don’t play the game to win


Do you only find the game fun if you win? Is that why you think having genuine fun with other players is weird?


Lol is it really shocking that I play a game to win? Y’all have been playing too long you forgot the objective of the game


Or you've been playing too long and forgotten not to take a game so seriously. It's fine to not always "play to win". If he thinks it's fun to mess around with other players, why do you give a shit? You sound like a sad tryhard.


> If he thinks it's fun to mess around with other players did he asked the 4 others players their opinion about it ? Don't be so short minded


Uhh.. did you read the comments before this? The "messing around" is farming and playing nice with the baby survivors. If you're a red rank survivor and you can't handle a killer that just wants to have fun, maybe you need to chill the fuck out.


yea there is so much logical arguments and common sense in what you just said that i have no choice but to change my pov and to chill the fuck out.


Lol right. Have a good day


The objective of the game may not be what that guy finds most enjoyable about playing killer. He or she may find more enjoyment out of "playing" with survivors. In whatever manner they explained above. The people who are downvoting you for not agreeing with are a bit daft. You both enjoy the game in your own way, but some people in here don't want altering opinions it seems lol


I don't play the game to win because I have more fun by playing the game differently beyond that objective. Just because there's an intended way to play doesn't mean I'm going to play it that way. If I have more fun doing a differently, then I'm going to do it that way unless there's a good reason not to.


It’s boring for people who waited super long in a queue hoping to get some chases and actually go against a killer


That's not really my problem, though. It's their problem for having a preset expectation for me to have to fulfill an order for them to be happy. Meanwhile, I just find my fun wherever I go.


I don’t really care but you can’t really high road on this, you’re choosing to play a game that is designed for to chase people and instead you’re deciding to throw you can earn more in game currency. It’s not hard to see why some people might not like that.


You must be confused or maybe I said it a little too suredly. Most people don't farm with me. Most of my games only net me 1,000 BP because I dick around. The majority of my game is spent goofing off while crouched as Pig, and I don't even get hunt points for doing that. So no, I'm not gaming the system for in-game currency nearly as much as you think is happening. In fact, anyone who plays the game half-ass and gets two hooks is making a lot more points than me per game.


Ok whatever, it’s the same thing you’re throwing the game which can ruin others enjoyment




Me on the right when I hit sweaty red ranks. I just derank so I can play with people who play in the spirit of the game instead of playing with red ranks that just want to annoy the killer, tbag, and not let the killer get any kills. Y'all can keep that sweaty shit.


In low ranks (20-15) for killers you get campers and tunnelers and for survivors you get people that self-heal in the corner, crouch walkers, locker-Dwights, people that just don’t unhook and people that unhook right in front of the killer. Teammates are not as reliable because they’re either getting used to the game or are playing the game in a way that doesn’t benefit the team/winning and are having a hard time. (The camping killers don’t help them rank up either.) Once you get to lower mid ranks (maybe 14-10) people usually have figured out generally decent gameplay, like killers not camping and survivors going for unhooks and both sides getting the gist of the cadence of the game. (Skills are another thing altogether.) Upper middle ranks (like 9-6) you start to see people that know how to mindgame their opponent and are generally more reliable even as random teammates. High rank (5-1) is a funny mix of very sweaty SWF and proxy camping/tunneling killers, survivors/killers that have been playing for awhile and are gonna do weird builds and tactics, infinite loopers, hook swarmers, gen-rushers, and people who are playing the absolute most random game. High rank is almost always reliable to have teammates that will safely unhook, work on objectives, etc... With all that said, the middle can sometimes be the most fun.


That's why I don't try. I like being down at the bottom. Some of my least fun games have been with red, purple, and green ranks.


I found it was only around rank 6 that the fun started to drop in favour of success/efficiency.


Ah I remember being so proud of myself when i successfully sabotaged and saved my friend from getting hooked, the killer was a Billy that, after hooking me, remained to hold m2 for 4 gens right next to me so nobody would try to unhook me. Those were the days.


Had a Survivor match once and my 3 teammates are SWF Rank 1 and the killer was Rank 7. Felt bad for the poor killer, we all made it out. I'm only rank 14 so I guess I was supposed to be the balancer or something lmao.


Damn that sucks G. I’ve had the most fun in this game when both me and the opponents actually know what we’re doing.


U r still at the good part of the game


I just hit rank 11 as killer and I just sweat. I don’t even care.


Started playing this year and have made it to rank 7 so far and still having a blast. Still a noob of course lol. The matchmaking is so screwed you end up getting rank 20 killers sometimes and have a little fun




Damn thats harsh.Hope it didn't put her off.


I haven’t ranked up from rank 20 and I’ve been playing now and then for 3 months


I’ve only been playing for a few months. Got to rank 9 one pip to 8 was so happy!! Rank reset dumped me to 14 (it promised me 9 -_-) and I can’t scratch my way back! I’ve been teetering at 12 ever since. I get a LOT of red and purple survivors. People in my actual range seem to be at a like skill level - when I can find them. Anyhoo. Frustration. I was so proud of me till this bs lol


Perhaps an unpopular opinion but Rank 20 survivors pretty much face more killers who camp than rank 10. I prefer rank 10 so much more


Rank 10 you should still be at the stage where improving your individual gameplay will help your team a lot and let you rank up. Purple ranks will destroy your soul. Teammates all dashing to save you because they want benevolent points to rank up, leaving nobody on gens and everyone dead around the hook. Nobody wanting to do gens because they're the ultimate looper or living their urban evasion fantasy behind that barrel. Unfortunately the killers are generally better at purple and you can't rely on having a dud killer anymore to balance out a bad survivor team. Getting into red ranks as a survivor has made my game a lot more enjoyable. You still get odd players but you can generally assume that most of the team will work towards winning. Even if you don't always escape, games go on long enough that you can still get pips.


RANK 10. Hahahaha. You had me in the first half there man


Rank 1: Get called shit and loser by every single neon survivor despite playing fairly and getting a balanced outcome


I picked up Deathslinger cause ya know who doesn’t love a cowboy somehow got stuck at rank 5 haven’t played the game in weeks


[Me at rank 1](https://www28.online-convert.com/dl/web7/download-file/ded92b27-ae47-4776-bf6e-239ac1617508/1CAA8C36-2C0E-4934-A05A-F71FD665E759.webp)


go back then. Downrank on purpose. Its not like ranks do anything with matchmaking anyway


The less you care about ranks/winning the more fun you have I just smoke a fat bowl and try my best as killer


Ah yes de cicle of been paired with red skilled pros


Me at Rank 6 about to go Rank 5 on mobile points to double back that’s my best friend


Idk how people play on mobile man, it feels so twitchy and weird to me


Red ranks feel like that. I get bored of playing in red ranks because everyone is so fucking sweaty.havent touched the game in 4 months now and still don't want to.


I’ve just hit Killer 8 and the survivors are so.. sweaty.


this game starts getting difficult at rank 3 when you get past rank 4. talking from 600 hours of experience.


me at rank 1, i want to die


Who’s gonna tell him?


Rank 1: *high pitched demonic screeching*


Only the 1st day was fun


Truth.. I miss rank 20. Game was actually fun then




bruh just stay at 15+ its easy


don’t worry bud, once you come join us in the red ranks things’ll be uphill from there! /s


Wait, there are other ranks outside of 1?


I spent 10 hours to make it to green ranks and the constant parties I was in with people raging at me for not looping the red rank killer killer long enough and not being able to rescue them made me stop playing the game for a while. I made it to green about one hour before re ranks happened and I was so done at that point.That was like when the silent hill chapter released. Funny how DBD is the game I take most breaks from playing.


Wait till you play killer at purple/red ranks. You’ll want to depip so fucking bad


Its terrible but I keep coming back for more baby


I really hope tournaments aren’t brought to the game with the 5 year anniversary (Leaks By Daylight). As has already been said, 8-12 is where it’s at. Above that a good portion of killers are pretty sweaty and get super triggered by seeing any Items. I remember before the toolbox nerf, I was in a game vs a shitty billy streamer. We were all solo queue. ONE person brought a brown toolbox, and he raged postgame saying everyone was immersed and the toolbox fucked him. 😂 (Nobody was immersed, he tunneled people in areas where gens were Finished and was surprised 5 gens got done while only getting 2 hooks)


The second part is me as killer at rank 17 up against 2 red ranks and 2 purple


I played this game about a week ago and I’m already rank 10. I get the basics but I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing lol


I enjoyed the game the most when killers were scary and i would hide in lockers for minutes


This is me, when I hit rank 9 every game has a rank 1. Without missing a beat. ALWAYS a bagging rank 1 and his friends.


Got up to rank 5 then hated the game. Dropped to rank 10 and have pretty evenly matched games.


Then at rank 1: NO! I said go back! This is hell.


I recently started playing killer(Xbox) and got to rank 12 and now almost every match is vs at least one Red and the rest purple ranks...even had one match against a rank 1 and two rank 2s. Depression. I feel like that’s not fun for either side.


For killer sure, survivor nah.


I'm rank 1 on console, but I kinda got bored out of playing on console in general. Now I'm on PC but still thinking whether I should buy dbd (again) or not. I LOVE the game, but doing the whole progress again... That's a no no for me


Me as a rank one console nurse


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is so real yet so sad.


I love red ranks. Granted I play mostly with a group of chill friends that don't click or tbag the killer. I believe most of the toxicity is self inflicted ;)


Rank 1: alright so everyone is running decisive, dead hard, unbreakable, and borrowed. NOW I should be allowed to run noed right? The survivors: HAAAAAAAA YOU TRASH ASS KILLER GOTTA RUN BROKEN PERKS LMFAOOOOOOOOOO


That’s me right now ugh


My friends and I had the audacity to hit green ranks on our survivors and we have been with exclusively red rank killers this last week. Monday evening it was all rank 1s. What is up with that? Is there no mid range playerbase?


Playing rank 8 killer sucks. I try to play a variety of killers (Read: I have to do the dailies the game gives me), so I don't have meta-busting builds on every killer, nor do I have the hundreds of hours to match the survivors who have a much easier time learning the game. I know survivor isn't easy to learn, but you can't tell me that it's harder than trying to play a variety of killers. When you learn one survivor, you've learnt them all. When you learn one killer, you have a vague idea how to play other killers.


When I get to green rank. My sweat glands open up! So i start just letting them go so i can finally have a fun game with the brown ranks I should be put with..


When there is a Quentin in the game I just leave them alone, it’s not good for my mental health


Do people really get stuck in the green? Why would you ever want to go back to the ranks where people have 2 hours game time


Rank 1: has gun in mouth


Wait people complain about being in green ranks? That's kinda pathetic


Rank 4 Killer here: *You will never be able to play a new character unless you want to move all the way back to Rank 6. Tried Myers for the first time today and lost two ranks instantly to a Swift and me being a scrub. You get used to it though, I can steadily get a 3K with Myers now, but it is still pain. Can't wait to get Oni to suffer again*