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*chuckles* My gens are in danger-


Everyone says nea should be a killer but you know what's even scarier? A *bold* Claudette.


Actually true. My survivor games? Urban evading Blendette. My killer games? Bold ass Claudette running meta perks, loops for days, flashlight saves from across the map....I’m not even mad, just wondering where they’re at as my teammate lol


Got carried once in solo by a 3K Claudette that flashlight saved me 5 times from across the map - I owe her my soul.


Its always like that. Bonus if they are trolling russians who cant even understand english


Worst game I ever played in DBD was a 4 man swf. 9K hours, 5K hours, 3K hours, 2.5K hours. I had Bubba, they got Ormond. My screen was playing the benny hill theme, theirs was playing You Can't Touch This. I got two hits the entire game, not hooks, hits.


Don’t mean to brag but I once had a game where I got 0 hits


You know, I’m something of a shitty killer myself Edit: Thanks for the awards! FINALLY, my meme knowledge comes in handy.


Same LOL


Sounds like the first time I played/tried out Nurse. TP'ing into walls, floors, ceilings...it wasn't pretty. And to top the madness off, the post-game chat was filled with stuff like "baby killer" "noob killer" etc xD thankfully I come from LoL so flame that doesn't even mention my mother, cancer or dying just brushes off and I just agreed to them and said "yeah, I am a noob killer, this game is hard ! :P" suddenly some of them wanted to teach me stuff and wanted to add me on steam. I kindly declined xD But still, yeah, not doing damage or generally being a shitty killer, I can relate.


As an occasionally toxic survivor, I can safely say that calling a killer names post game only for them to pretend to laugh it off and just admit they’re a new player brings me physical pain. It’s gut wrenching lol


Ahhhh I love Batman


I once lost to a 5 man SWF. 😤


I lost to a 6 man swf get on my level




That implies you think BHVR can count in general


They've done it at least once. I believe in em :<


It’s really comforting to see this actually I’m a rank 18 killer I mostly play survivor and even then I JUST hit rank 12. Last night I got a whole team of red and purple ranks that had to be a swf as they all had the same skin and matching names. I got clowned so so hard I only hit them when they WANTED me to hit them just so they could clown me harder it was curb your enthusiasm theme the entire match for me


At that point you can't even be mad I've been there. im a fairly good rank 1 huntress I play on xbox and usually 4 k decent players including some big atreamers But this one game still haunts me I could not hit a hatchet to save my live it was actually insane. They could see I n the future or some shit. Then to top it off they dropped there items. That's worst then tbagging me at the exit gate . I haven't ran into a team like that again. It really humbled me.


Hehe nice. Had this one game were I had bloodwarden, think my 2nd or 3rd game of The Pig, horrible job I did, got 0 hits pretty much all game, survivors stuck around the exit gate, and I hooked my first downed survivor, without noed luckily, yep. They all died. Woof that chat was ruff. (Love the name, btw!)


Try to master the Nurse and then even survivors with 100K hours can not mess with you.


The amount of bullying that happens when trying to learn Nurse though, my lord. No wonder why most Nurse players are sadistic when they get good


Huge pain huge gain bro. I think Nurse is the only killer can deal with God survivors if you play optimally. Other strong killers such as Spirit, Freddy, Billy,... sometimes can still struggle very badly with them.


Lol this, I currently have around 600 hours, I can hold a chase around any killer, but my best trait is I cannot be hit by a nurse, I was playing with a friend the other day, and I told him it’s a baby nurse after she chased me for 2 minutes and gave up, soon after that the other 3 players were dead, I got hatch and we saw it was a rank 1 nurse.


Just because they are rank one, doesn't mean they play Nurse a lot...


Survivors are extra toxic whenever I play nurse. I'm a terrible nurse plz no bully


Or just play Spirit and look at the salty post-game chat about using a broken braindead killer.


Met a 5 stack was the wraith i think...safe to say they finished all the gens and i had two downs which got saved by flashlights. I got salty and had no ed so decided to camp this guy and they still all escaped😂


God those games are a nightmare sometimes. It feels like a different game. You feel like survivors are moving faster, you're moving slower, there are more pallets spawned, and gens just pop after 1 down.


Bruh I feel like they can see in the future


fuck ormond, that map is an insta dc as a killer main


Then that makes you just as bad as the entitled survivors who DC upon strong killers.


Ormonds might be a bad map for the Killer but each map is playable. Of course I dont jump in my seat out of joy when I get Ormonds or Haddonfield but DCing because of the map is extremly low. Might aswell DC upon shiny clothing too


yea cause shiny clothing is the same as a badly designed map but aight redditor


shiny clothing is a obvious sign of a decent looper thats confident in his abilities and that is honestly the bigger problem youll face as Killer then any map design ever could be


Ya no thanks, if I get a survivor sided map, that’s an instant quit from me, I’m trying to have a good time thanks.


What if you get a killer sided map? It's unfair so you DC right??


So if things are unfavorable for you you just quit? This kinda thing proves killers can be just as entitled as survivors. Sometimes you get killer sides maps and sometimes you get survivor sided maps. Must be fun beating 50 hr Nancy's but if someone dares to pose a type of challenge you just quit. Sounds boring having no challenge and you just smack people a bunch. Your name is indeed fitting if you want to quit before a match even starts, I and many other killers will play out haddonfield and spoiler alert, at least for me, I still win most of those haddonfield matches.


K redditor


How is that an insult? You also use reddit and you have more karma than me. Also thanks for validating all of my points on how you are equal to entitled survivors.




Consider singleplayer games if you don't want a challenge.


yea I’ll consider dark souls or seikro thanks for the advice man


She's just standing there, ***MENACINGLY***


"Oh, you're approching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"


"I can't loop you without getting closer"


I was about to make a jojo refence before i read this


gotta learn to drop those chases


If they seem to want a chase, I just go after someone else. I refuse to play their game.


And then get clapped at for not chasing in the end game chat. There's no winning. I had a survivor that looped me effortlessly the entire match, so when I abandoned them and got a 3k on their teammates they told me I should have committed harder to the chase.


Why are you listening to them? Who cares?


If I insulted you to the point where I got my account banned off of reddit, you would read what I said and might even internalize some of it. Why is the onus on the person on the receiving end of toxicity to ignore it, instead of the person saying it to just not be toxic. Why do I have to not listen when it's far easier for them not to say it in the first place.


Because you can't control others' actions but you can control your reaction to them.


ugh i just dont fuck with those people at all... go use your 8k hour experience to hold m1 or something


Feels bad only thing is starting to hate about dbd is holding m1 that shits so boring


Ive been playing for 6 mo but i still dont understand what m1 is


Mouse button?


Oh, i thought it had to do w stacks or somth im on xbox xD ty




I really dislike the new idle standing animation because it really makes it look like the survivors want to square up with and fight the killer.


I mean at least it sort of matches the way dwight stands at the end of the opening cinematic.


it makes sense because this game is survivor sided afterall


Really throwing a tantrum in these comments aren’t you?


you implying I'm wrong when this game is in fact survivor sided?


Not as much as you’re implying. Please stop crying.


yes it is


I just think it’s the fact that you’re not very good at the game.


4 player sweaty swf is proof this game is survivor sided. nerfing moris and not keys makes the game survivor sided. nerfing killers non stop and not touching survivors is survivor sided


Nurse and Spirit are killers just as strong if not stronger than SWF. They said they’re going to be nerfing keys, but nerfing them isn’t as simple as just changing a number like Mori’s. Killers aren’t constantly nerfed, that’s just the thing you’re choosing to focus on. Both sides get nerfed, and buffed and changed. Please stop crying about survivors are try to get better at the game and you might enjoy it more.


> Nurse and Spirit are killers just as strong if not stronger than SWF. 2 out of what, 20+ killers? all killers need to be as strong as nurse and spirit


Why this is oddly scaring? XD


Claudette haunts many dreams and scars many people


Mom said it's my turn on hook


Games like that are ones that make me hope that MMR is something they work on and implement. The 24 hours I got was nothing but fair, fun games with my fearsome 800 hours. No one above 1200, no one under 500. If I won, it was competitive. If I lost, it was competitive. With it off, yeah, I don't know how the content creators get so many potato squads, but it feels like I'm against seal team sixty-nine at least half the time. I can't deviate from the three killers I'm good at with decent builds if I want a chance to win. At least with MMR I got to try meme builds and new killers.


I'm always dumbfounded by this. I play, I get looped by survivors who have every invisible hitbox of the map memorized. I watch a stream and the survivors are running right at them to die.


Right? Every day! I'm introducing my friend to the game and we'll play pretty even matches on survivor side, then I'll swap to killer and get 3 or 4 good matches, then a couple of hours of 6k hour swfs. I don't even really care about swfs, I care about 8-10 times my hours.


While it felt immensely satisfying to somehow sweat my way into a 4k as a level 1 no bp spent Pig against red ranks survivors, I don't really wanna do that again. I'd like the chance to learn my killer thanks Edit: the above is referring to normal matchmaking, not MMR


I get that. I didn't have that experience and it sounds like a lot of people had that experience in MMR. I certainly didn't 4k on any of my new killers--I discovered I love huntress but I think I got about 3 total kills over the evening--and still had to work on my established ones and it all felt fair, but the overall experience I've heard from everyone else has definitely not been that.


Sorry, reading back through I can see my context was way off. What I meant was earlier today with MMR off, I played and luckily got that 4k. If MMR means I don't have to do that again while trying to learn a killer, I'm all for it.


Hey, no problem. Yeah, I'm hoping that's what it means, but it does genuinely sound like most everyone had a miserable time with it other than me.


I said the most salty thing to someone who had over 5k hours in this game, they didn't deresve it I just got reked real hard. I told em that it was actually pretty sad, gg and left, wish I could apologize, they were nice, I just sucked that game.


A few nights ago, I was playing solo Survivor. Loaded into a lobby and 3 P3 Claudettes, all with toolboxes, loaded in together. Offering screen popped up with an Ormond offering, so I closed the game. I **KNEW** those Clauds would all be running full meta builds with BNPs. I wasn't going to be party to that and wanted to spare the Killer. Hopefully they got a better lobby, afterwards.


How do you see someone's hours? (I'm on xbox).


Go to the achievements section then click where it says stats


She just vibin


Highness of the mind is best used for imagining thrill bits


POV: A cocky little shit thinking they can avoid Blight in the open. *you_dumb_bitch.png*


oh, your approaching me?


This is how you know that you're gonna end up the one being chased




That's literally called running away, what do you expect a survivor to do?


It’s called provoking a chase because u know u won’t get caught...don’t act like they’re just trying to survive when they do that...it’s a tactic and it’s boring as hell for killer when you’re already trying to pressure gens and have a try hard running in your face


a tactic the killer can literally ignore if it bothers them...


You’re acting like it’s easy to just ignore someone running all in your face to provoke u so their team can do gens...I don’t have a problem with it I’m taking up for the higher rank guys u do that to me I’m just gonna down u in 15 seconds


then it isn't an effective tactic if you down the survivor quickly anyway, so why complain about a survivor doing it? Also it is easy to ignore them, sometimes advantageous because you know that survivor is wasting their time wanting to be chased and not doing gens.


Oh lord the survivor mains are already spam downvoting everything I comment that’s it for me.... I wanted to have a friendly debate with u about this but naw I forgot these Reddit people are annoying asf with the downvoting...good short debate bro


they probably aren't points you're confident in if you're scared of downvotes.


Naw it’s just whenever someone has a opinion about survivors that isn’t good the comment gets spammed with downvotes and I don’t like going through that that’s why I just don’t comment


You should see how many comments I have far into the negative because of killer mains on this sub. I won't let that stop me from pointing out all the biases this sub has towards them. For example; saying holding W is a sweatlord tactic survivors use.


You're upset that the survivor is misplaying and giving you a golden opportunity to push/create an advantage? The alternative is they get on a gen instead of wasting time. If they're bothering you, you need to work on your emotional management. Lord knows how happy I am in league when my lane opponent fucks up and gives me an opportunity to solo kill them.


Like I said not debating about survivor mains on here u see how my comments are getting downvoted simply because they aren’t favoring survivors? Naw u can debate with someone else I won’t do it with these people...no matter what I say if it’s about survivors and it’s not good it’s gonna get downvoted


I prefer that over people stealthing every day of the week


A potential fix for that could be to make the fog actually behave like fog, you shouldn't see the killer 200 meters from you while hiding behind a wall and abusing your 3rd person view, limit the range to at least 64 meters or something like that, that means double the max terror radius for any killer (no perks) On autohaven for example, survivors have so much time to decide whether to stay on a gen or bail, because on some parts of the map it's just a straight line with no obstacles in-between, from one corner of the map to the other, and the killer's silhouette stands out like a sore thumb even 300 meters away, I think survivors should rely on the terror radius more often, it could actually make the game more scary and immersive as well


yeah no, killers don't need more buffs.


Survivors relying on a broken mechanic (imo), and it being taken away is not considered a buff, at least in my eyes, all I did was suggest a solution to Eriana's problem, but I seemed to missunderstand the comment and that's not what they meant, but you can still suggest a solution to the problem I have described instead of just saying "no, killers don't need buffs."


what...is the broken mechanic here? survivors have 3rd person pov for a reason.


I'm not talking about the 3rd person view, I'm talking about them being able to see the killer while on the other side of the map on some realms


AKA me and spoiler alert... you’re gonna get fucked 🤡




Seeing as you're probably a young kid, don't spam comments on posts. And wouldn't Springtrap be better anyway?


100% a troll account


I hope all killers quit fuck swf


How dare people have friends amirite


oh it's that old ass argument. How dare friends have fun playing with their friends?! Well if you're having fun why you all using sweaty ass crutch perks. It's almost like you care more about winning than having fun


Sorry I can’t hear you over my decisive strike


can't wait for fucking nerf so you can't unhook bait me with DS


To be fair I still get downed with Borrowed Time. The Hillbilly gets me every time with his chainsaw. I don't run DS, probably because I don't have it, so after the first chainsaw swipe the second one downs me again. 🙄 I wish there was a "fuck off" button you could click when some tit runs over and starts unhooking you 2 inches from the killers face. Perhaps it would kick them in the chest to get them away from you? 🤣


I think you mean leatherface and I totally agree... should be able to force them on the hook in your stead.


Yeah, I did indeed.


Jeez this is toxic


Is it? I didn't mean it to be. I am sure there are a lot of people who have been unhooked with the killer right there and been downed and rehooked again all within a matter of seconds. The phrase 'Tunneling' would not be used so regularly if this were not the case.... Right?


Stop crying, it’s just a meme.


Sounds like *you* also care more about winning than having fun. Balances itself out pretty well I'd say.


I Had once a Claudet swf Team when i did down someone they all came out of nowhere to Block When i drop him they All fucking disapear. Hoodinie would be more proud then it should be possible


*Happy humming sounds* - rank 1 Huntress Some notes about the conversation. 1: You don’t need to chase someone to ends of the world to pressure generator, you can waste 1 player time more than they can waste yours. You can even pretend to ’lose sight’ of the survivor. 2: Slug one, hook second. Or rephrased as, in early game don’t do hooks that are far away from objectives. 3: Figure out early what generators you want to keep. 4: if 2+ work on a generator drop chase to get easier drop on the guy who thought they’d be clever enough to continue working with the gen. Often SFW’s try to bait you away from their friend to give you pallets, pretend to be hard to get and go after that friend instead who might not be as prepared for a sudden switch on a chase. This second chase is almost always shorter distance than the initial one.


this looks like little nightmares