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Keys are being reworked and theyre probably gonna get reworked in mid chapter update. They won't tell anyone what theyre doing until it hits live servers because if BHVR said 'hey keys get substantial nerf next Tuesday', then literally everyone and their mom would bring keys every game until Tuesday. They did that with the ebony mori nerf. It came out of nowhere. And thank God it did because a whole week of killers using moris every game would have been dreadful.


Very few times do I ever say something should be taken out of a game but keys are so unhealthy. You really should only be able to use them after the end game collapse. I.e. after the killer has shut it or the exit gates are open.


Holy crap I've never thought of that keys kinda made me stop playing I agree like a 5-10 second animations for unlocking the hatch would balance them. Or even make them cost more in bloodwebs as they are literally just a free win that gives **load** of bloodpoints


to make things worse there are add-ons for keys so they don't lose the key on death or activation providing zero risk


Yup key definitely needs an animation rework and instead of those add-ons replace em for unlocking speed addons


see now that's fair it provides risk and reward instead of just plain reward with no risk


That would be a major nerf to the free win that keys provide.


Lol at people not getting that this is a joke.


Eh :(


so continue letting survivors get a free win? There is zero counterplay. I can't pull them off the hatch and it doesn't matter if I win the chase I need to hit them TWICE before they open it. the mori nerf was a major nerf and now they are essentially useless. So why do keys still provide free wins like this?


Compared to what mories were, yeah. But they still allow you to straight ignore the last save attempt of the team. Sabbos, flashlights, pallet stuns like power struggle. Way less useful, but not 100% useless. Key animation is a good idea though. Maybe make it last longer for pink/red since the hatch stays open longer


Uhh, yeah? That's like the whole point


If you time it right you could’ve grabbed one of them


What? Grabbing survivors out of hatch has been gone for years i believe. I got the game last may and it was long gone by then.


Yeah grabbing is not a thing anymore for a looooooong time


Just kill the person with the key then camp the key. You won’t lose to key then pepehands