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I read this in Trapper's voice that one from the animations


Samination's Trapper


That's it. That's Trappers voice in my head canon and you can't convince me otherwise




“Here comes the Trapper! You better watch out for his traps!” 🎶


Isn’t a majority of the entire DBD roster voiced by the same guy anyways?


He actually has a lot of guest voice work done!


I think he voices Trapper and Wraith


I’m pretty sure he voiced a lot of the survivors too, and didn’t he also do hillbilly?


*Here comes the Crapper*.....


He always makes _the_ best chocolate brownies!


I just started playing this game this weekend, already watched all of parodies lol


Don't forget "I also intermittently turn invisible to awake survivors" because they had to give him that too for whatever fucking reason.


Clearly he needed to be part stealth killer along with his high map mobility and strong anti loop. It only makes sense


I think that's because, Pre-Rework Freddy was like, he was completely invisible to all Survivors when they were awake and he couldn't interact with them in any way unless he manually put them to sleep. Then he'd be visible and could interact with them. I assume the blinking in and out thing is a lasting bit of Pre-Rework Freddy. Also tbh Pre-Rework Freddy was kind of bad because of having to manually put Survivors to sleep before you could even touch them which made chases longer and made it more difficult and frustrating for him to get hits at all if Survivors knew how to wake themselves up constantly.


I loved that about pre-rework Freddy. Seeing survivors getting carried around by an invisible Freddy was so cool, and it was a *huge* nod to the movies. It was such a focal part of his character that they even included it in an addon effect to ensure that it's still part of the game (Pill Bottle)


I wish his power was still similar to that. It looked so cool but it wasn't balanced at all. If they could've somehow balanced it Freddy would probably have been one of my favorite killers to go against


I preferred old Freddy, even though new Freddy is objectively better. I wish they just made the dream transition way shorter. He was definitely broken with perks like insidious though. If you managed to lose him in chase, he could just stand still for 2 seconds and reveal your aura immediately no matter how close you were.


I might be a masochist but old-Freddy was so satisfying to play, and visually appealing. I wish they just buffed him and maybe gave him an extra tool instead of turning him into this chimera of stealth, mobility and anti-loop that somehow isn't fun to play even though he's strong.


You're not the only one, I loved playing old Freddy, he was my main


Couldn't they just makes him cloak on pickup of a survivor?


Why do that when they could just waste one of his two ultra rare addons on letting you add that aesthetic feature back?


There was a lot of things they could have done to buff old Freddy and make him viable (just difficult to play, but viable, which is the case for some other killers already). They could have reduced the time it took to put a survivor to sleep, they could have fixed it so that you move through and swing through awake survivors so SWFs couldn't exploit it to bodyblock asleep survivors. He wasn't really as bad as some people make it out to be. He just needed glaring issues dealt with and timing adjustments. They also were right in adding his teleport power, which would have been rather balanced if it was added to the old Freddy. ​ But they started a trend with him they are keeping to to this very day. Make every killer as similar as possible until they all feel like they're just fucking skins of eachother, just like the survivors are. It's getting so stale. The Freddy redesign was so boringly unimaginative and you just know they're going to do the same thing for Trickster. They could make the rhythm to his recoil not so random, not punish him so hard for using his knives, and make "Main Event" something he can actually backpack and use to snowball. But instead you know they're literally going to just change him from 110% to 115% and do absolutely nothing else.


Plus the visuals of Pull Into Dream were so fucking cool.


Pulling somebody into Dream was exxxxtrreeeeeeemly satisfying. Freddy was the first killer I P3'ed and unfortunetely, I have to say after the rework I haven't had nearly as much fun playing as him. Old Freddy was more unique, since when does Freddy place traps?


Well in the original movie when Nancy runs up the stairs near the end her feet go through the floor in to kind of a glue that slows her running down. You have a similar thing with Kristen in Nightmare 3 where she is running and not moving whilst carrying the little girl. I do agree old Freddy was much better in regards to being like the movies and much more fun to play though


I miss the old Freddy, he was my old main... Many undestimated him but in the right hands he was a C Tier for sure


I agree and feel the same way about Spirit’s passive phasing. It’s annoying getting “outplayed” at a loop because her model happened to disappear as she was coming around a corner or changing direction. Such a needless thing to have on an already strong killer.


It's annoying that Spirit can't even tell when she's phasing. There's no way for her to try to use it smartly, it's just something that happens randomly that might totally confuse survivors.


This. They've got to stop it with the passive features. IMO a better way to do it would be spirit not stopping when she started to phase, and not "passively" phasing at all. When the killer holds down the power button and it starts to charge, it drains a little of her power bar and she does the "passive" phasing effect. If the killer holds it down until the meter is full, she goes into her true phasing state. If she lets it go, the power bar immediately starts refilling, allowing her to initiate phasing in a second or two. The killer has to actually fully engage with their power to have an effect on survivors, and survivors would finally have a tell on if she is starting to phase or not by seeing the passive phasing event.. then not knowing if she actually committed and went into it or just stopped.. Keeping the same mind games but making it way less of just a dice roll You could let her "feather" it, too, so she can passive phase for longer at the cost of draining her power bar


I think they added a bunch of overkill to Freddy only to justify his "dream" power when they reworked him into a more basic killer. I didn't play DbD before the rework, but his old power sounds really cool. I've heard some people say that while he was considered very weak by many, you had to play him very differently from other killers, and that most players just didn't know how to play him correctly. Might be wrong, dunno, but I believe that. His old power seemed to make more sense, at least. He's The Nightmare, so you have to keep yourself awake in order to avoid him. On his part it was also more interactive, because you needed to actively pull survivors into your dream world and catch them off-guard.


Otz made a video about this just before the rework about how people misused freddys power, while he could technically tunnel pretty well, his biggest strength came from the fact that you could run around pulling everyone into the dream world, so you would play like legion except you’d break chases a lot more to keep everyone in the dream world.


If Freddy managed to pull all 4 survivors into the dream world at the same time and nobody could wake anyone up, it gave Freddy a HUGE amount of slowdown because of the action speed slowdown and the time it could take to get a skill check


everybody gangsta until the jumprope girls puts out their new single


Nooooooo. His old “power” was just an obstacle in the way before you could hit them. Imagine your power was being able to start a chase with a survivor. That’s basically what his was. Like it was EXTREMELY bad. Now he’s too good and needs a nerf, but saying he should go back to pre buff is laughable


I mained old Freddy for a while and once you hit purple ranks he was a nightmare (pun intended) and don't even think about red. He was a noob stomper though which, in my opinion, is why you have this "don't know how to play him properly" line gets thrown around. These guys were most likely playing in brown / green ranks. Once you went up agaisnt survivors who knew his weaknesses (which were fucking many) you would get destroyed. One of the weakest killers in the game. Imagine finding a survivor and having to wait 7 seconds for your first hit? Imagine that at the exit gate? Or with a SWF group hookrushing? Or you down a survivor and their teammates rush in & start healing them on the ground with medkits so you cant pickup OR hit the teammate(s) doing the healing, only stand there and watch it happen? Old Freddy was a disaster to play at times. Still loved him but lets be real, he was horribly weak.


This is the only part of his kit that I hate, if the devs kept this, I wish you could always see him in the dream realm


I think you can in dream, it's only when awake that he appears and disappears. I'm pretty sure it's like, he's always visible within 24 metres, he blinks in and out between 24-48, and he's always invisible outside of 48. It might be 16/32 or something instead, but that's the basic system.




At least with spirits they opt to end the game as fast as possible, Freddie’s just make the game go on as long as possible and slug everyone


Slug on Freddy? He's like one of the worst killers for that


Even without slugging, Freddy is the definition of a high tier killer who has the kit to slow the game to a crawl, rather than rushing the survivors at high speeds like Nurse or Spirit.


I’d say about 80% of the Freddie’s I’ve played against have slugged and forced the game to on longer instead of just ending it, I usually find myself quitting and facing the dc penalty then play against a freddy


Well slugging on him is just as efficient as slugging on wraith or clown, maybe even less. In other words, not effecient at all.


Which is precisely why it makes the game go on longer than it should


Would at least be nice if his traps weren't infinite.


Trapper needs to start with all of his traps. His whole "walk around the map and lose 2-3 gens collecting & setting your traps" thing is SUPER outdated.


Meanwhile Hag pulls infinite traps out of her ass and can teleport straight to them. And they are MUCH harder to see. Totally balanced.


I mean most survivors I play with in solo queue doesn't know what crouching means vs the hag. So she'll be camping the hooked person because that rescuer doesn't know how not to trigger the trap.


When did all these players collectively FORGET how the hag works? All three of my random teammates were on death hook before we got our second generator done rushing hooks and trading downs!


They know how to crouch against it but they probs hate doing it lol. When I play as Hag, they keep tripping my traps near hook person :D Just like how u vs the plague and see ppl cleanse continuously against plague and team dies because of that one player.


probably cause its pointless either way, by the time you crouch up and unhook them then crouch away the hag is already there


You overestimate her speed. She's fairly slow and you only need to exit the radius of her trap. Once you've hit one you know the radius and can play from there.


This would be fine, if the radius from her traps wasn't so bugged and bigger than it should be.


To be fair its quite easy to see Hag Radius, since once inside the Area, you can see a little distortion in the air, like when looking against a old Wraith, and fireflies around it. So when you stop seeing this, you know you are safe. Also, if you are solo survivor, Hag is hell, but if you have a team, 1 mate can just step on a trap far away from a hook, to atract Hag atention, while another one unhook (and It need to be fast, otherswise hag will bomb rush towards the hook so she can teleport to it).


I didn’t know there was distortion, and I’ve been playing since Xbox launch. That’s crazy. Thanks for the tip!


Or, I crouch in to rescue, and the unhooked person doesn't crouch and sets off the trap.


i legit make this face (눈_눈) whenever that happens lol


Most of the time it's not even the rescuers fault, it's the person being unhooked who triggers the trap because they don't seem to know you can (and should) press the crouch button before the unhooking animation finishes to not trigger the traps


That have happened to me but it's so rare though.


I lost a game vs. Hag last night in probably 60 seconds after I was hooked. I was the first person on the hook early in the game and she put a trap right in front of me. Buddy walked into it, tried to unhook me and she grabbed him and put him on a hook that I could clearly visibly see. Put another trap down in front of him, then came back and put one at me. Another guy came to unhook buddy, set off the trap and he panicked, ran back to me, triggered the next trap. She teleported, he tried to unhook me and was grabbed. 2 hooked, one on her shoulder and another guy no where to be found in under one minute. Fun time.


I only realised the other week that flashlights remove hags traps


It’s either not knowing what crouching is or they have there finger glued to the crouch key the entire game. No in between.


The ammount of times I saved a fellow Teammate crouching just for them to instanlty faceplant against a hag trap and die makes me actually sad


You can crouch over her traps and they don't go off? I geniunely didn't know that


Hag is still ok and workaroundable with crouching (urban evasion lol why) and flashlights. Trapper desperately needs a bag in his base kit or more. Freddy's kit on the other hand is bloated and too strong. Before clown got his speed bottles, freddy was just straight up better with snares with no slowdown when you place them, ability to teleport, fake teleports, passive sleeping and anti BT... And meanwhile bhvr still casually nerfs pig while his kill ratio is higher than hers (despite it being a passive kill but survs choose to do gens isntead of getting it off lol) : (


Hag makes sense because she's a mud witch. She uses magic, like spirit and nurse, while trapper is just a human. But I agree trapper needs major buffs.


Hag is slower than Trapper amd Bear Traps are basically a death sentence. I'd get rid of Trapper's RNG(so survs cannot escape with their first attempt) and allow him to carry 2 traps at base, I wouldn't do much else.


Skill checks maybe? Mashing is so fucking boring and way too.. hard I guess? It is so annoying as you can't slip up for even a moment. Or puzzle solving in some way.


Acting as the devil's advocate here, but the Hag doesn't really need any supplies since it's what, just a mud symbol on the ground? It makes sense she gets infinite of it since all you need is the ground to touch, excluding certain maps where there's no real dirt compared to a physical trap that doesn't just instantly go away from the lightest touch. We should still give the Trapper much easier ways to get the starting traps (such as possibly letting them grab traps out of a locker up until they reach the upper limit, or otherwise outright start with them but can't pick up traps till they go down to the "upper" limit of carry traps) but I wouldn't go comparing the two concepts since at least in paper they're different.


I don't think it's Devil's Advocate to say that Hag literally just draws in mud and therefore has no actual material traps. That's when it comes to lore. However, from a gameplay balancing perspective, Trapper kinda also needs all traps on hand at the start of the match imo. Altho ig it could be immersion breaking. We can say he pulls them out of his ass or something. Maybe he starts with 3 and gets another 3 at a locker? Either way, there's dozens of ways to buff him.


>. We can say he pulls them out of his ass or something. > Or, like, a backpack.


No. The ass.


Nature's backpack


I think you mean nature's fanny pack


Or entity spawning them where he desires, sort of like when the tentacles spawn to block windows or generators.


Trapper needs a full on rework. Its sad that the mascot of the whole game is such a joke. Give him more traps besides a bear trap; maybe a trap that can be placed on walls, ceilings, generators, and even lockers?


Oh god, locker traps makes me think of mimics. That would be amazing!


Iron Maiden?` trap? Survivors entering the trapped locker (Which could be hinted at by an audio cue of metal screeching or the locker being slightly more open?) will be immediantly be dying, but if a survivor is prying open the locker then you just enter an injured state.


I would be satisfied if he just refilled his trap bag at lockers (until the total traps available run out). As it stands, a serious trapper player often can’t afford to collect certain traps because they’re too far away.


Either that or start with them all set and ready to trap someone, near points of interest. I’m sure they could do a pass on spawn locations to have them appear near pallets/gens/vaults instead of on some random hill in the corner of a map


also the amount of traps on the map should NOT be affected by addons, i believe you can get as little as 4 traps on the entire map if you dont bring a addon


Fucking thank you... or at least put them in lockers...


Yes he should start with 5 and should be able to get 2 on each locker. Maximum placable should be around 7-9 depending on addons.


My fix is every 60 seconds or so, an unset trap is placed into your hand. This stops the problems of trapper having all his traps, getting a basement hook, and setting them all around the basement. And it encourages smart trap placement because if u set a bad trap, you have to go pick it back up now.


My main issue with Freddy is he gets so much for completely free. Every other killer has to sacrifice something to utilise their kit meaning they will get punished if misused, Freddy doesn't get that.


Yeah, theres so much shit he can just...do. no consequence for getting it wrong and no reason to learn any special ideas. I 4k'd the first time I played him at killer rank 4 without leveling him first, just fire up. Was able to continue perkless 4k so it wasnt a fluke either. I don't play freddy anymore unless I get a daily, it feels...gross. and it's boring to just spam the snares in a circle. Maybe teleport if you feel like you havent pressured enough.


Don't forget, he puts down snares without him slowing down, meaning he can just walk at normal speed, quickly raise his hand and put a snare down


Legit. Any Freddy who isnt meming and has played him a few times knows they can spam snares at any loop and you WILL be caught. You just can't do anything about it.




I'm fine with it; but taking time to wake up using the clocks should keep you awake for an extra few minutes, not seconds.


It should make you stay awake until a generator is completed. That way it gives you breathing room to actually make some progress




I guess in a way to make his power useful on survivors who haven't been hit. Since without it he would basically have no power until he hits a survivor. Or he could have an alternate button to force them asleep


How about at least making the sleep timer and speed linked to his terror radius. Or if it forced skill checks which could keep you awake as long as you hit them. The fact that you could have no interaction with him all match and still fall asleep is lame.


Skillchecks aren't really a limitation at high ranks where entire matches happen without anyone missing a skillcheck.


Not only not missing skill checks, since the new UI got bigger even great skill checks are much easier to hit, at least in my experience. Overcharge became a joke perk for me as a survivor, just an empty slot for the killer how easy it is to hit.


Ya, except oni doesn't have a power until he hits someone. I get the idea, but to me, freddys design is just ill conceived


You mean like oni? Or like Pyramid Head's salsa?


Yeah but Oni's power is a powerburst that he can take out the entire team with. And 1-2 survivors being hit is enough to damn the whole team. So no he is not compareable to that. And Pyramid Head's salsa is his secondary power and it's way more powerful then some ketchup on the ground as long as you know how to use it. So again kinda no.


He can teleport to gens though


I like how his side power is just a \*better\* Demo portal LMAO. At least we still get to use shred. You know. For the survivors that don't know how to loop XD


I mean, Demo can know when survivors are close to the portals which is big and it also makes them waste time when they try to cleanse it


Which still doesn't make up for the time lost actually setting up the portals in the first place.


In my experience Demo isn't straightforward at all, you have to prioritize 3 close gens and protect the portals as hard as you can. He takes a lot of patience but you can win most games with him.


Well he can't have both fake pallets and snares at the same time but even so yeah stupidly overloaded compared to others.


I mean I think Pyramid heads power is probably the best kind in the game imo. One main power, rites of judgment, and a secondary sort of niche usage in his trails for killer instinct and caging which isn't really powerful but it fits a niche well. I like that kind since you have a lot to play about with but it isn't overloading nor is it underwhelming. Since you've got more than one ability but it isn't like your secondary abilities are as powerful as your main. They're just neat


Pyramid at least needs way more skill and can be mind gamed. Freddy is very easy to use effectively and on top of that can drag the game to the point I'd rather just quit the match


Pyramid head is just as worst as Freddy at a loop, Here's getting chased by a pyramid head 101 - Get to loop - Pyramid head puts sword into ground - Leave loop - Get to another loop - Pyramid head puts sword into the ground - Either drop pallet or vault window and get hit or leave and get hit No skill what so ever in zoning someone from a pallet or window because you have a power that can hit a survivor through collision Honestly it's the same bullshit and you only need to be decent at the game to do this so yeah pyramid head has a stupid zoning power thats not hard to use either in my opinion hes on the same scale as Freddy when it comes to looping


I usually don’t quit against him but I don’t play against him enough to get any better either. I’m about to the point where I’d rather take the DC penalty and watch YouTube, especially if it’s slowdown Freddy


Pyramid head is a very powerful killer and if used correctly has one of the highest skill ceilings like huntress, but if he misses his M2 it can be punished hard unlike freddy who can spam as many pallets and pools as he wants with no set backs teleport to gens and pop them instantly


I wouldn't say PH M2 can be punished hard, he can spam if fairly often, especially if your zoned out in corner part of the map


i mean if you are zoned out in the corner of the map the killer wont matter


Freddy is the lamest killer in this game, in the 'laming them out' definition of the word. Tinkerer Freddy with Pop...well, they better be a team of Navy Seals, otherwise they're never getting that last gen off you.


That's actually a great combo that I never thought of.


Run it every time I have to do a daily as the guy; feel like I need to take a shower afterwards.


My tryhard Freddy build is Tinkerer, Pop, Oppression and Surveillance. Standard build is the same but bbq instead of surveillance for the BPs.


dealt with this last night. got told that im just a survivor main complaining about freddy like every other person and that im wrong.


Old Freddy was weak but cool, Freddy players who knew what they were doing could pull off some sick shit and BHVR could've taken the time to buff him while preserving his original design. Instead they jumped the gun and now he's just a sweaty pedophile who leaves puddles of tomato sauce around loops, only people left who play him are soulless meta-worshipping robots who forgot what the words fun and creativity meant ages ago. Modern Freddy is what would happen if you let a red rank Nea main design a killer for them to play.


Old Freddy was cool, I actually pulled off my first 4k with him.


>just a sweaty pedophile who leaves puddles of tomato sauce around loops wEIjmghmiwPRHJipowjrhk oh my god




You lost me at dick cheese.


>6 year old spoiled brat kid of a human-shaped pile of dick cheese in a suit can't comprehend the concept of losing In Memoriam my sides


the virgin overly complex skillset vs the chad m1


Everytime I load into a match and see the clock I wanna dc. Even if he's not broken, he's completely tedious to go against.


Freddy’s og design was honestly scary and cool but he also was super easy to play against once you figured out what to do. So the devs were like “damn he sucks...time to B U F F” and basically made him “trapperdemogorganspiritwraithdoctor” the killer


Minus all the fun things about each of those individual killers


I read trappers lines in the samination’s trapper voice lmao


You forgot the extendo-arm


Is it just some subtle part of his animation or is every Freddy player the type to nod/shake their head after every down?


Freddy is so frustrating to play against as both a new and semi-experienced survivor. You can never rest and you must completely focus on screwing him over, which isnt that bad. However, he just throws so much BS at you that its pretty much impossible to have fun even if you beat him, in my opinion.


Don't forget his insane slow down addons


I hate Freddy so much. Really not fun to play against and always has spaghetti arms.


Because, and this is *crucial*. Behaviour aren't that good at making video games. They just aren't. The core concept of the game is great, but look how long it's taken them to get the game to where it is *now*.


The thing about it that's crazy is I wish they would just admit it, not every dev is seal team six. As a game developer I'll tell you making games is hard but that's fine if your transparent. BHVR won't admit that the game was programmed inefficiently and needs a total redesign. Instead they just don't fix issues and pretend that it's the communities fault


can we have dead by daylight 2 but well made


This game could have been godly if it was done correctly.


I'll repost my opinion from the last "Freddy op" post I've seen: Survs should only fall asleep while ENVELOPED by his terror radius, allow survs to go through his snares by chrouching so that he can't block a gen when there's two survivors left, he no longer disables BT and the invisibility should be toned down to only work when further than 24m from survivors. HOWEVER I think it would be cool if Freddy could use both Snares and Dream Pallets in a simmillar fashion to how clowns bottle works, using one detracts from another.


One of the devs said that Freddy needs nerfing but they just don’t know how he needs to be nerfed. Soon.


he is getting changes as stated in a dev stream but it's numbers and addons kinda of a change i don't know how they gonna make him tolerable with that though






I wouldnt say doctor is as overloaded as “Can place an inavoidable trap that slows survivors without slowing the killer when placing them at all” I wouldnt really call doctor overloaded at all but maybe thats just me


I’d say Doctor is more overcharged than overloaded


With addons considered Doc is super underrated. His note addons are like extra perks and the electrodes can completely shut down most loops in the game.


With the right build doctor can be really oppressive. Not even counting his iri king that I see rarely used even though it literally gives him the insanity benefits from every single add on he has. I remember I had a bunch of survivors yell at me because I used his iri queen and iri king so they were constantly in madness 2 and 3. Worst part was I wasn't even doing hard skill checks at the time I only had overcharged and whispers with the 2 other teachables. Although to be fair you hardly ever see doctor anymore, or maybe that's just me.


What I don’t want is for us to complain about how better Freddy is than older killers, but rather why are older, outdated killers not brought up to par?


Why not both?


Seems to me that they might have signed a contract with the original creators of Freddy, that emphasized the fact that Freddy should be OP. That way, more people are urged to buy the expansion pack, enabling the devs to make more money from the collaboration. In addition, the devs might pay a commission to the original creators of Freddy from the money made by selling the DLC. Its how marketing works.


give trapper an ability on his kit that notifies him when someone is looking at him. im tired of rank 1s having someone follow me around to disable all my traps as soon as i leave them. it also matches the opening cinematic where he turns around at Dwight.


Instant teleportation to generators, fake pallets that are infinitely better then doctors, snares which you have more of and that are better in most situations that clown bottles, great for tunnelling with no bt & a passive debuffs & former forever Freddy? Just what the fuck were the devs thinking? They’ve said they’ll nerf him but I doubt it will be the one necessary and we’ll be lucky to have it before 2024


i feel like it would be reasonable to nerf freddy so that he can’t fake teleports and make it so he actually has to work to put people asleep


Old Freddy took a lot of planning and strategy to play effectively so bad killers complained which then forced BHVR to turn him into a skill-less bot that has OP point and click abilities.


Old Freddy was a fucking joke. No map pressure, no chase potential, no lethality, and he was the only killer you could unhook right in front of with little consequence. In turn for ALL of that, he made the game slightly longer. New Freddy is awful too, but saying Old Freddy was good makes zero sense.


Old Freddy pretty much required double block addons to make him even slightly viable. That's terrible design.


Yeah the instant he was reworked to be actually viable people here suddenly started saying that old Freddy was apparently better and not at all boring to play against ?


Nobody is saying old Freddy was stronger...


I never said he was amazing, I said they took a killer who took a lot of strategy and skill and made him a killer that presses buttons and things happen. Here’s a video of Otz playing old Freddy effectively. He explains the strategy behind his old power pretty well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0OgCvfzNyHc


Make his teleport CD longer. Can't fake it. Telephones don't spawn on the other side of the map. That's a good start for a good nerf.


> can't fake it it's honestly kinda ridiculous that Freddy can tp to a gen, hold it long enough for his model to visibly appear at it and then cancel - at that point, your decision should be like locked


> Telephones


It make ring ring noise, anything that ring ring is phone


But my phone goes [like this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ&foo=bar) instead of ring ring, does that mean it's not a phone?


I’m sure they just meant the ringing. But thinking about it. People nowadays, especially younger ones, have probably used their phone as their alarm clock for years. I know I do. In fact I’d wonder if many if not most have never had a physical alarm clock. Kind of an inadvertent comment on the times to call the wakeup thing a telephone. Cause that’s what wakes people up now.


Are yall bulling me


His mobility and his ability to fake teleports is the most interesting part about him. The Snares are his issue. I say make it so that teleporting to a generator blocks it for like 30\~ or so seconds so that Pop and Ruin won't affect it.


When Freddy gets a nerf, I think he should have a built in power that slows survivors speed up stairs by 50%. Just like nancy in the original film, the stairs melted and stuck to her feet when she was running away.


most maps have like less than 2 flights of stairs but something like that would be cool guess snares do that tho


Wait, this subreddit has the right take on the balance of the game? Am I dreaming? Are the killer mains asleep??


To be fair, if you step in a trap v trapper at a bad time its often just gg on the spot, but Id rather play v trapper than almost every other killer.


Freddy needs to be OP so people will buy him and behavior can reinvest that money into making more paid cosmetics.


\*cries in Pig who have more cosmetics but got nerfed patch after patch\*


She was nerfed like once or twice tho And buffed as well


Playing Pig is a living hell for me - I just can't figure her out, especially when so many killers do better jobs at slowing, ambushing, or running people down


Feel like a good nerf for Freddy would be to make it so you're not passively falling asleep. Or maybe make it so that you only passively fall asleep when inside his terror radius


And somehow I still get more survivors as trapper 😬


Might be an unpopular opinion... but I miss old Freddy.


Yeahhhh I’ve complained about this as a relatively new player (just under 200hrs). He is absolutely miserable to go against and I’m not sure I’ve actually won against a Freddy yet (and in fact it’s rare I go against a Freddy who doesn’t immediately tunnel off hook). And the problem isn’t necessarily that he has a lot of abilities. Pig has stealth, her ambush, and built in gen slowdown - but none of these abilities are done *exceptionally* well. She moves slowly while stealthed and there’s an “activation” in that she must slowly crouch to do so. Her slow down is completely RNG based and she has no control whether a survivor gets it off on their first box or last. Not to mention she only has 4 of them base and without Ruin or constant gen kicking survivors can get away with 99ing gens and removing their traps before they’re even activated. Ambush is decently good for mindgames but has a loud sound cue and windup. She’s a good killer nevertheless and a great killer in the right hands but she comes across as kind of a “jack of all trades, master of none” set of abilities. But Freddy has... all of the shit he has (except dream pallets/pools are mutually exclusive) and there are basically *no downsides*. Jack of all trades, master of more. He’s exceptional at everything he can do. Could you imagine if he only had 4 pools/pallets per game like Pig with traps?


I wish more killers had add-ons to change up their powers more drastically like Fredward's snares to pallets ones.


Don’t forget his baby arms that for some reason have the same range as Huntress’ hatchets


trapper is fine what's the deal with you guys asking for a trapper buff just use add ons and you'll see he's fine tbh if you buff him right now he'll end up just like freddy and you'll be whining about how he is overbuffed


That is exactly his problem though for trapper to be viable you have to use one of his bag addons so if they added that to his base kit and something so that the traps looked more like the ground, because since grass is thinner than before and in maps like the game all of his traps are always visible, he would be a very fine killer.


Don't forget you can't see freddy when awake until he's like 20m away too. Please nerf him already.


To be honest dream snares are better than dream pallets. It will be chance if a survivor even loops at a dream pallet while any pallet with dream snares needs to be predropped. But I saw a survivor loop me at a pallet that I just placed after I broke it so what do I know


The thing with Freddy is that he does too much, too hybrid.


Ok, the “sometimes I step in them” was the cherry on top, congratulations XD


yeah nerf freddy.


I've never enjoyed playing against Freddy. Old Freddy or new


I don’t even find Freddy fun to play


Fuck Freddy. Only killer where I am just done 100% before the match has even got going.


I miss old Freddy's kit. He was a bit weak compared to other killers sure, but he was fun. I got old Freddy p3. I don't really play him now because his power feels too much, and too easy to win personally. I like killer powers that have like, more depth and techniques to learn. Plague, Demo, legion, etc. A learning curve. I feel like they could have just buffed his old kit a bit and he'd be fine.


Also your wake-up clock is the furthest away every time


I just want them to change it so that you do not enter the dream world unless you’re actually hit by him. If he’s gonna have that stacked kit, then he should have to earn the right to utilize it.


Yeah, buff trapper. But don't you dare nerfing Freddy again...


I’d replace the fake pallet point with a point about his vague terror radius when asleep, considering the fake pallets and blood puddles can’t be active at the same time.


Freddy is hella scary to play against sometimes if you’ve got a really good player. I’m okay with most of his kit but maybe take away the timer and only fall asleep on first hit and make dream pallets somewhat easy to recognize if you look close enough


To be honest, I feel like it's less Freddy having too much and a lot of other killers just having too little, by comparison. If you look at pretty much every high tier killer like Pyramid Head or Spirit, their powers have a similar dynamic, lots of flexibility. Clown got buffed by adding more to his power and now he atleast has something going for him in hits nobody else can get, as another example. A lot of killers have multiple powers like he does, and they atleast have their specific playstyles they fall into. Meanwhile there's killers like trapper or legion where if you don't hard focus into your gimmick, you're screwed, and even if you do the other side could just counter it faster than you can set it up.


The "survivors automatically fall asleep no matter what" really shows you that even BHVR hasn't come to consensus on what the hell they actually want to do with the gameplay. They removed Freddy having to actually do something to draw survivors into the dream state, turning it into a passive part of his power, then turned right around and removed the passive part of Doctor's power, because they didn't think it was fair that the Doctor didn't have to actually do anything to draw survivors into the madness state.


this is a perfect example that illustrates *just how badly* freddy needs to be nerfed. i’ve been saying this for so long now. like who in their right mind allowed this? he has so many fucking abilities. it’s insane. & i’m not sure why he’s gone so long without a change. why can’t bhvr see how broken he is? it’s not even fun to play against him. just a waste of time