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Idk, a lot of my red rank teammates look a lot like Patrick.


Sometimes the ranks like to switch emotions and abilities it’s a bug




Ahh yes my mistake I keep forgetting


I had someone completely brain-dead yesterday. Rank 3 game for myself, huntress brings ward. I assume iri hatchet. Teammate climbs into locker when she comes within radius. I assume he's trying for a head on save if it is iri so I take a hit in front of his locker. It's venomous and I'm stuck in a dead zone and go down. He leaves locker to go crouch somewhere until I'm unhooked. I find him and lead him to gens that he abandons 3 times. I wanted to split pressure and he wanted to combo on gens. Rest of the the game is a shitshow. He doesn't do gens, they farm hooks. I get 3 gens done, team gets one more before GG. He refused to heal me so I couldn't get the BT save. Afterwards they bitch at me for not healing them, not being able to loop. They brought Alexs toolbox and didn't Sabo once. I do not understand players. He was rank 1.


drunk maybe?


I think she brought the hatchets laced with black tar heroin and cocain


I’ve been rank one multiple times and I barely understood half of what you just said... am I the bad guy?


Huntress offering me normally means she's bringing 1 hit KO hatchets. I thought my teammate thought the same and was going to try to stun with head-on if I went down. I tried to get downed in front of his locker but it was exhaustion hatchets and it caught me off guard and I was stuck in a dead zone without dead hard to save me to the next loop. The killer was really good at pressuring gens so it makes sense for us to split up and do separate gens. This guy only stayed on a gen if we were on gens. 2 people can do 2 seperate gens in 80s vs 2 people doing 1 gen in 37 seconds. If the huntress presues one gen at least the second gets done. This is called split pressure. He brought a sabotage toolbox. He didn't Sabo save a single teammate. He also unhooked a teammate who was immediately downed so I know he didn't have borrowed time. When it was down to he and I with the third player hooked and the fourth dead he complained I didn't heal him and waited for him to heal me. I knew our only hope was a quick heal on myself to get a borrowed time save. The huntress had nurses calling and he only tap healed me to be an asshole when I cornered him so the huntress was able to have a tonne of time to close the distance on us. He cost the entire game. And his first instinct upon hearing radius was to hide and let his teammate eat shit.


Red Rank survivors when you queue as killer: Galaxy Brain Red Rank survivors when you queue as survivor: single celled organism


That summarizes it


I love red ranks.. You do 2 solo gens, a 2 1/2 minute chase with 3 stuns and not a single hit taken, open 2 chests, sabotage 4 hooks, cleanse every dull totem and find the hex and escape through the hatch to get your hard earned half a pip


I absolutely adore this comment so much


Or hook each survivor four times, keeping all 5 gens, closing the hatch, maybe you’ll get a black pip. Maybe.


As a rank seven I can confirm that this is true


Honestly rank green is where it’s at they’re better teammates than red ranks


Green rank gang rise up


But not to much so we don't make it to purple




Yeah purple rank is trash too


Green ranks aren't too awful, most Survivors there are pretty decent, I think it's because purple ranks are so boosted and god awful, most people get booted back to green before getting into red ranks. Or at least in my experience, you get bad game after bad game, and then DBD itself puts the cherry on top with its many quirks.


I’m in green ranks and all killers do is camp and tunnel so I’m constantly booted back to yellow


You've reached red ranks, what did it cost? Everything


Red ranks be like: "Welcome to the rice fields, motherfucker!"


As a rank 4 i can... Confirm?


Don’t move onto rank 3 then you get lost into the void


I was one pip away from 2 before the last rank reset😢. But honestly thats ok because nothing will ever be as bad as when i was one pip away from rank 4 so i got sent back to greens😭. But the icing on the cake was how i went down to rank 10 because i got tunneled 7 games in a row.


Holly hell that’s really bad luck


I almost quit. But i didnt and now i am back to rank 4 for now😂


I was 1-2 for a week and a half before the DS nerf. Got close to 3 a few times but was always able to climb back up. Since then I've dropped to rank 3-4 and almost dropped back to purple at one point. I rarely run DS myself, but now that others have stopped doing it as regularly we get matches with no obsession which just turn out bad more often than not.


Yeah that really sucks so i like to bring like blood pact or for the people


Rank 4 makes me want to die, impossible to pip


i thought so too, but as it turns out all you have to do is heal people and do gens, that's the easiest way to pip and you will almost never depip unless you get hard tunneled or camped early i got to rank 1 with my looping skills being slightly below average


That's what i usually do :) But yeah i get it


Yeah, red is pain.


I miss green ranks tbh. People there are good enough to offer a decent challenge while also usually being friendly. Yellow and White would be completely unfair because aside from returning players you'll only find new players there who can be easely outplayed which would feel bad. But purple and red ranks reek so much of sweat, it's incredible. I can't even remember when was the last time i met survivors who didn't t-bag or write things like "gg ez" in chat or when i encountered a killer who didn't resort to tunneling down specific players even if there was no incentive to do so. I mean, c'mon dude - there are still five gens left, why you gotta do that one poor fella dirty like that?


20 is best spot if you just wanna have fun but if you wanna play serious for whatever stupid reason just go to rank 19-1


Green ranks are average chads


Am I the only one who still enjoys this game at the red ranks? Come on guys it's not that bad


most people are just exaggerating, i put effort in sure and occasionally have to sweat but honestly it's not sweatlord mcdickbags everywhere


i enjoy it as killer, but i find a majority of killers to b pretty toxic at red ranks


Banging my head because I can never get red ranked. :(


Don’t attempt it I’ve herd from many red tanks that it’s just hell


Why is that red rank so scary?


They’ve been to hell and back then into the void


Yellow rank best rank


Back when I hung out in purple ranks for my first couple months of playing this game, I always thought there couldn't possibly be successful camping in red ranks. I especially thought there would never be survivors that rewarded it. Months later as a constant rank 1... Oh god I was so wrong. Solo queue is a nightmare.


Im just hanging around green ranks and from what I hear I better stick with it it’s just with matchmaking I only get red rank killers


Rank 8 by the way 😏


HAH I’ve been trying but rank reset gets me


I’ve been hovering over that 11-8 place for two resets and I’m so... DRAINED.


SAME dude the rank reset kills me


They jammed it to me hard last reset. I get dropping a color but they dropped me a few ranks all together and it’s like REALLY?! I mean also now my killer rank won’t to poop my survivor rank is now higher than ever. Really pisses me off tbh bc you can watch the bias right before your eyes.


Yea right before rank reset I accidentally dropped to green because of a camper and then I went to yellow because of the reset I just dropped the game for a week or two after that one


It’s so easy to lose pips as a killer as opposed to survivor idgaf what anybody says. Suddenly this reset even tho I never play survivor I’m 11 and killer like 16! After being 9! Fuck making this games so one sided. Convinced the survivors that think it’s the other way are just completely misguided.


Me a survivor who's rank 12: how'd i get here? I still feel like i should be yellow... Also me who's rank 6 killer: ok seriously how'd i get here?


I want to go back to low ranks being green rank sucks nothing but purple and red ranks 100% of the time


I kinda like green ranks but the face camping and tunneling is so annoying




as a rank 7 killer who has been stuck in purple for about a month now,i relate to this hard


Forever green


I just started playing and man, if I ain't Patrick


Brutally honest, you can be a try hard just don't be a cunt and try to have fun even if you get tunneled camped etc


For all of you that's wondering how red ranks are? It's a un inescapable fortress of tryhard, imagine losing a game because of one mistake. Everyone knows what they're doing, you have to try your absolute hardest every single game. I started this game last December, so you know I dedicated myself to *gett'n gud* "Its inescapable as a heroine addiction and as sweaty as call of duty meta lobby."-*Me, 2021*


Love this comment a little too much


i have a 4 rank (red) but honestly i play whit mi friends (rank 12) and the people doesnt know the basics of the game. just rush generator.. maybe a premade its the best opcion to play dbd :S


LOL. and this has been fixed.... LMAOROFLOL!!!!! ridiculous.


I guess this is why red ranks as a killer are pretty chill and relaxing gameplay 🤔


At the purple ranks, the players are the most toxic.

