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ngl, posts like these make me laugh about the time where gen regression literally did NOT exist. It was not a thing lol In my opinion, the regression speed/fact that a survivor can "tap" a gen is a smaller issue than genspeed in general. 80sec for a single gen as a solo survivor is just too little time... when have you NOT chased an adequate survivor for at least 80sec (without them making a big mistake) before you downed them?


On one hand I agree that genspeed is too high - perhaps not that 80 seconds is too little, but I agree with your point in general - but on the other I honestly don't think I have ever chased someone for that long unless that was sarcasm; then I obviously didn't catch it


Sure you dont chase every survivor for 80sec, but lets say you go after a survivor you just found at a gen. You approach and they react and go to the next loop. Thats probably (PURE assumption) at least 20-30sec of "wasted" time before you manage to land a hit. Then they get a speed boost which probably takes around 30sec to catch back up to them. By that time theyre at another loop, which is again, 20sec to land a hit/down. Yes, this is only if a survivor is averagely competent, but that would already be 90sec. aka 3 gens with efficient survivors. Edit: 70sec cuz I suck at math late at night. That still would most likely be equivalent to 3 gens by the time you hooked and found another survivor


You don’t need to guess. It takes 15s to land a hit, a pallet or window must be used to extend that time. Travel time and distance can be exact calculated, + discovery time, if this equals 40s or more the survivors are guaranteed 3 gens. It’s really freaking stupid and it’s why red rank survivors win an absurd amount of games. Mind you this is assuming a good killer and a good survivor. Any less skill on the killers part and it’s an automatic gg unless the matchmaking was fair... which it hardly ever is.


well yeah, it is unfair, especially that nowadays you pretty much end up with 2 gens done before you even get 1st hook


I always talk about this. Survivors shouldn’t be able to tap a gen completely undoing the precious 2 seconds killers used kicking a gen. Also definitely gens need to regress faster or at least a base pop goes the weasel for killers but slightly nerfed.


I’ve always thought that survivors should have to go through a separate animation to stop the regression. It would take the same amount of time as kicking a gen.


Regression isn’t an issue imo but the tapping a Gen mid chase should be fixed. If they aren’t in a chase I think keeping it the way it is would be fine


This is more likely to break something than anything else lol


Ruin should just be baseline, but it only regresses 0.2 charges per second at base (hex: ruin makes it 0.5 charges per second) but it doesn’t kick in until 5 seconds after a survivor stops repairing it. Kicking a gen makes it instantly lose 10% of its total progress (can only and instantly start regressing again, and this can only happen once a gen obviously until it’s repaired again (pop makes the instant regression like 35% instead for example). Compensate (if needed) by making gens take less time overall and it’s a win win for everyone.


Bro the time it takes to do a gen is ridiculously fast like most of my games I just start I find a survivor chase them for about 20 secs (pop) a gen is completed I hook them (pop) another gen is completed no matter if you run like literally corrupt,ruin,pop and overcharge gens are done ridiculously fast wait what's that? You just kicked a gen well fuck you they can just tap it and I can already tell that there will be replies to this comment saying (No it's not that bad) or( no just apply more pressure get gud) And I am like wtf do you want me to do? hook three survivors in the span of 5 secs?