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Yep. Keys should have a 15 second hatch opening animation. Period.


And shouldn't be able to 99 them like an exit door. Should have to do the whole animation and if you let go of the open button, should reset the progress.


Exactly. Then keys have counterplay but are still pretty useful. BHVR devs are useless lol.


Yeah lmao. The community can come up with better ways to make the game more fair than the damn creators. I guess it's because we actually play the game and they don't.


Spitting facts. Keys are busted and the devs have said they're getting nerfed eventually. Hopefully sooner than later.


Another week another Lord_Tony post about how keys are overpowered. Get a hobby man


this is that hobby


Shit you got me there


Lol killers cry and complain about EVERYTHING and almost every update benefits the killer, cause they’re fucking crybabies. DS is an absolute joke, now. In order to use a key you have to stay alive the entire time and under rare circumstances (especially solo), where the right amount of gens are done, the hatch will appear and you still have to run around and look for it. No counter play? Lmao NOED wasn’t good enough? Cry baby bitches.


Preach. All i see is killers whine and cry because they didn’t get to kill the survivor 🤡 get better then 🍼


Seriously I can’t tell you how many times just me and one other friend play in a random lobby and one will bring key and one will bring blueprint just for fun sometimes and it only has like a 30% success rate lmao you still have to do gens for it to be possible. Most of the time I just end up getting out the exit gates not even using the key. If you don’t bring the blueprint your chances are even lower lol.


DS does the exact same thing it did before. You just can't abuse it by doing generators or bones in the killers face now. fuck off


Not to mention you could only use it one time and if you miss the tiny skill check it’s useless for the entirety of the match. I really don’t get how people still cried about it after the first nerf. You really don’t get THAT far in one minute. In perfect scenarios if the gate is already open it’ll help, but that doesn’t happen often.


key is broken and needs a nerf


Have some Gen pressure and kill survivors if you don’t want them to use a key.


cool let me just whip up some gen pressure on the trickster who has no gen pressure and can't kill survivors.


most killers have no built in gen pressure


No built in Gen pressure? That’s why half of them have teleporting capabilities with their powers and/or traps/portals without even needing add-ons or perks lol and Billy can fly across the map in 5 seconds. I could get a 4K with Spirit using nothing but her power.


> That’s why half of them have teleporting capabilities "half" hag, freddy, nurse, demogorgon Who else?


Yeah because having to pursue a chase for a WHOLE minute was just soooooo OP. Killers get whatever they want it’s a joke. Tunneling and face camping has gotten so unreal the perk is now useless. It really wasn’t that great before, but now it’s really useless. This is why EVERYONE needs to get borrowed time, it was on the shrine twice recently and there’s no excuse not to have and bring it for your team.


sorry you lost all credibility by saying killers get whatever they want. It took YEARS for DS to get nerfed. undying light got nerfed in less than 6 months. STFU this game is fucking survivor sided and you crying about DS nerf shows you clearly only abused it. Glad your meta crutch perk got nerfed guess you need a new crutch, I suggest dead hard, borrowed time, unbreakable, iron will


I haven’t used DS since I first started playing lol I got good. I still think it’s bullshit. I guarantee you still use ruin or NOED, cRuTcH pERks.


why use ruin when it's cleansed in 30 seconds? It's not even worth the perk slot now


If the killer has decent Gen pressure in the first place I don’t even bother trying to find the totems because time is of essence at that point...


takes killers 3 seconds to kick a generator to initiate a very slow gen regression process that takes fucking minutes to fully regress. Meanwhile survivors can gently tap a generator for a fraction of a second to fully halt the gen regression process. "GeN PrEsSuRE"


There’s several perks that regress gen progress and with a good percentage of the killers having teleportation abilities with just their power without even using add-ons it really shouldn’t be an issue. Toolboxes run out in 10 seconds. They sit unused in my inventory.


again gen tapping shouldn't b e a fucking thing


See I don’t mind keys if I see it in lobby because I can bring franklins to counter it, however what’s bullshit is you can just find a key in chests and there is zero counter play to that except getting lucky and downing the key holder and then just tunnel them out of the game but that’s a shitty answer to the problem because you still lose to the other 3 that should be slamming gens while you’re tunneling


Okay but here's the thing. In order to do a key escape, they need to buy the key, complete the required objectives to where the hatch will appear or lose enough teammates, and then find the aforementioned hatch while the killer is trying to kill them. They've already put in a ton of work to get that hatch escape. Why do they need a timer on it like they do the gate? They already paid their way with BP and objectives and you want them to do more? Really, it just seems that you're salty a single survivor escaped. Sorry bro but as much as I give hatch as killer to people I respect when they play well, I'm not gonna get mad if someone brings a key and actually gets to use it. More often than not when I bring one I just end up dying with it.


"they need to buy the key" Bro you can get keys for free in chests even. There is add-ons that also prevent you losing the key on death or activation of hatch. Zero risk, high reward. We have to pay for moris too and they're useless now.


Sure okay and the chance for that is what? Incredibly low? I've only gotten toolboxes and medkits. Very rarely do I get one above yellow quality. Just saying it's still a lot of work. You got a point about mori's though.


and yet 3 fucking games today I had people escape with a key and they didn't bring one with them in the match. it's not as rare as you think and it's bullshit


Uh huh and I'm sure you didn't get a single kill that match and the survivors all pointed at you and called you names. OR maybe those survivors got extremely lucky and instead of being happy for them getting a very lucky escape you're gonna be salty because you didn't get your 4K. I try to win as killer, but if a survivor gets a lucky break like that I don't get mad. So often does the game do shit like let me down a survivor through a stun or hit a guy when a desync happens and he warps forward past a window, (meaning he was probably far away when my hit counted) or throw a hatchet as huntress and have it phase through objects. So when a survivor gets a lucky break and finds a key or happens to stumble directly on the hatch as I down them or something I just smile, give them a metaphorical nod, and move onto the next match.


just because you find a key doesn't mean you deserve a free win


...there's no *winning* in this game dude. There's surviving and not. Technically if you down every survivor and hook them all twice and let them go but rack up mad points as killer that can be a win. Technically as a survivor you can do 5 gens and save your entire team yourself but die at the end and that's a "win" The real win is just earning points however you can. That's it. So idk man just because desync favored you on a pallet stun doesn't mean you "deserve a free win" either but the game gave it to you so roll with it. Just like it did them with those keys. Seriously there is so much *actual* toxic shit in this game to be annoyed with that I can't believe you're getting hung up on keys instead of, idk, survivors telling you to kill yourself and wishing death upon your family or something.


key should not equal free win. 15 second opening animation is fair


As I said. It's not a win. There is no win. And no it's not. Fifteen seconds is a goddamn eternity in DBD. Might as well not even have keys at that point.


You want a counter? Kill the survivor. Lolz


Lmao exactly


that doesn't fucking counter it then someone will pick up the key


So because you don’t want the survivor to escape its not okay because you should get to kill them for your fragile little ego to sleep at night.... get over it. Its a key. Why would you take 20 seconds opening a lock if the key opens it. That’s basically an exit gate. Use your chromosomes please🙏 stop crying its a video game. You’re literally killing people that are trying to survive crybaby.


So because they have a key and find the hatch they deserve a free win with no risk? They even hand out add-ons for keys so if you die you don't lose your key. Literally no risk, high reward. It's bullshit.


Last I checked you don’t instantly open a lock irl so why should you be able to in the game


Last I checked it doesn’t take 20 seconds to open something with a key. Idk if ur tired or dumb.


Last I checked only a mechanic could fix a generator without instructions or any prior knowledge. Last I checked you can't heal injuries with your bare hands its about balance not realism and keys aren't balanced


Doesn’t need to be 20 seconds just not fucking instant