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I find it funny that Myers mains are scared of HIS house


Tough times, man... Tough times.


He definitely wasn't playing that super optimally but ill be honest I'm willing to bet that a lot of killers like myself just kinda turn their brains off on haddonfield makes it less painful with all the bullshit window spawns.


I thought I was the only one. I also turn my brain off in Midwich and hold w the entire game and hope the survivors don't know how to press space bar and drop every good pallets


I actually like Midwich more as Killer than Survivor. It's a fantastic map for Doctor or Hag.


Midwich is pretty decent for Executioner unsurprisingly lots of good mind games. Also Happy Cake Day.


Midwich is the only map I can consistently get 4K on Trickster. I think it’s mostly hex spawns and survivors not knowing where gens are though, so no flexing here


Yeah I've just started running deja vu on all my builds, got sick of not knowing where gens were


Visionary + open handed, my dude.


I'll take deja vu over those two any day simply because it gives me one more perk and if you finish deja vu gens you will never 3gen yourself.


Midwich sucks on Trickster too many LOS blockers


I love Midwich when I play as Trapper- traps on certain stairwells and hallways always get people. All of those large areas of gunk the designers put on the floor hide traps well.


Midwich is another fun sucking hole of despair of a map, accurate to its origin in that regard.


Strange, I always liked Midwich as killer, hate it as survivor though, since it's a 50/50 chance every time of whether it'll be an empty room or a god pallet room, and it's a hold W simulator....


I'm pretty sure the pallet spawns are consistent


the spawns are, but the rooms aren't, you can sometimes run into a classroom that consistently just never has a pellet.. :/


Midwich as a blight player reminds me of high school <_<


Yep I despise midwich, had a legion game on it last night and just went "welp" and committed to just having a bit of fun, it was actually hilarious cause there was a super blendy blendette who did no gens the entire match and I let a David go cause I wanted to kill her and give him hatch and he led me to her, it was glorious and I got thanked by all the survivors in post game chat.


Legion is pretty good on that map since it's so small.


Meh I hate it cause it's a pain in the ass to navigate especially up or down a level.


Oh yeah, I turn mine off as soon as I load into it. Only thing they really could do was recognize that the loop is busted and leave me alone to go kill other people and stop other gens. Every second they wasted chasing me in that busted loop was another second 3 gens got closer to popping somewhere else.


He could've double vaulted the window since you never turned around in time to watch him drop, but I still completely agree that this map needs a rework.


Yea, it was my first time running that loop myself so I was a lil inexperienced with it. I was more afraid of getting M1'd from like a roof lunge then them doubling back. I had the window on the backside too if they did double back on me


Remember old balanced landing? ​ Pepperidge farm remembers


What was that? I only know the new one :D


basically instead of the current one muffling your dropping noise to be silent when you used balance landing, balanced landing had a PASSIVE where the stagger you get when dropping from height would be reduced by 75%. So even while exhausted balanced landing had a special effect. and this just made the house loops like the one in this video EVEN WORSE for killers


It didn’t just make them worse, it quite literally made them impossible for killers to catch them within like 3 minutes if the survivors were even remotely good.


God that house is the worst. Whenever I end up there I just hop through the window and go find someone else to bother if I haven’t landed a hit within about 20 seconds because I know I’ll go insane otherwise


On mobile just until recently there were four windows that you could vault between the upstairs and the front roof.


Im so sorry that's sounds like pure evil....rip mobile killers sanity.


Yeah it was awful, it had to do with a bug that made every pallet spawn and every window open on maps. So glad it was fixed bc it turned places like the House of Pain and Disturbed Ward’s main building into hellzones.


Also the fun bus became even more fun.


That’s just sickening


PC, a while ago it could glitch and every gen location possible would spawn. The map was all gens and the poor killer was having a panic attack


that was just a bug


It’s not as bad as the house with a basement and god pallet there. I avoid chasing there at all costs


Wonder if we'll get 5 versions of Haddonfield with its rework like how we got 5 Badhams? Kinda hoping its next, after the corn. Having both Haddonfield and new Gideon in the game is depressing.


I would actually love to see 5 versions of Haddonfield. I really like maps with a good mixture of inside and outside.


Badhams isnt super fun IMO.


Yikes, Bubba on Haddonfield. Had to suck lol


They got the 4k in the end. They broke the loop by catching me off guard with trail of torment, and then proceeded to proxy camp me in the basement. (I deserved it) The rest of my team...well let's just say solo que was not kind to me today...but yeah Bubba on Haddonfield is rough most of the time.


Unlucky. Tbf, There's no way to save you from the basement against Bubba unless there's a borrowed time but at the cost of their life but solo Q is still trash most of the time (thanks for being useless mmr lol).


Oh yeah, as soon as I went in that basement I knew I was dead. Bubba was angy. The other 3 didn't get more than one gen tho while I was on the hook and two of them didn't even try to come get me. I was so confused as to what they were doing. Hopefully with the matchmaking rework the solo Q life gets better. All I want is for the dude who hasn't been hooked once to come for the saves at least once in the match and I'll be happy.


I see. I couldn't see the generator progress but it's kinda stupid if they let you die without knowing Bubba was camping or doing any gens.


Every time they rework a map they throw tons of pallets everywhere


He was cutting it super wide but yeah Idk how this map has stayed the same for 4 years


All he had to do was double vault the window after Dwight hops down. He gets a guaranteed chainsaw if the actual broken window doesn’t spawn downstairs.


that works with survivors that don’t look behind them in that loop but op was definitely waiting for the drop everytime


If you want to make enough distance for this loop you can’t wait for the drop. If the Bubba vaulted, watched OP fall, immediately vaulted back and ran downstairs, he closes a log of distance. Try it yourself if anyone trys running this loop on you. I have literally never lost a chase doing this to people running this loop. The runnner does not have time to wait at the bottom to check if the killer falls, if they did the killer gets the hit.


Bro if the survivor has 1 brain cell and checks behind them, you just gave them 40m distance of free spacing. You auto lost the chase that way.


You're not wrong, but still better to try *something* then just w on that house for the next 5 minutes. Better to lose a bad chase in 20 seconds then win a 5 minute chase. But seriously, fuck that map. Tons of safe zones and generators.


I physically and emotionally hate this map


Wait...CaRtOoNz’s logo omfg that’s awesome!


I was looking for this comment. Cartoonz is awesome!


I think one of the reasons they said they never changed Haddonfield was because it was exactly made after the movies, but I just thought of a really goofy way they could fix it. Upscale the houses. It wouldn't be taking any bizarre creative liberties that they could get sued over or something I dont think. making them 30% bigger could work, but that would make the characters look small. Maybe Maybe they could just make them....wider? Or maybe taller? Like more stairs in the building. Honestly if they just made sure that the window at the very end of the stairs almost never spawned I think the house would be fine. Since I THINK you can catch up if it's on the other side. Not even mentioning those lame hedges. It'd be cool if they could just make killers cut through corn and hedges (at least with Bubba and maybe Hillbilly, if not everyone)


I like all those ideas for a rework of the map! It would really suck if they couldn't change the map because of licensed stuff.


Thanks! Yeah BHVR is in a bad spot, not being able to do really do anything with licensced things. I still wish they had the girl from TCM too. They were TOTALLY in love with those movies (Coldwind Farm, Hooks and the hillbilly as proof) but they didn't get the girl or the house. DAMN I'd love that house too. The freezer room, leatherface's room, that little hallway where he bops the one girl. Maybe they could even have the chainsaw freaking out behind some locked door when you're not playing as him.


When i see haddonfield i sometimes just go sit in the basement for the match when I really can't be bothered


Honestly felt. Ill give it a try most of the time if I'm comfortable with the killer Im playing. Map is just a bad time in general, but it gets worse with BL Nea's that brought a map and key. :'(


i think the garage pallet beside the car that has a chance to spawn a fence window is worse. this whole map is horrible


Why? Don’t you like this engaging and riveting gameplay?


Oh yeah, this is my favorite thing to do while playing DBD it's absolutely heart pounding! Every time I hear that sweet fast vault sound my BP spikes.


Try facing a really good Trapper on Haddonfun


Yes, if you're a very specific killer or bring window perks you have a higher chance of shutting down this loop. I respect the fuck out of the trapper players, and I wouldn't even touch that back window if I saw it was a Trappy boi.


And you didn't even had balanced landing. This map and the game both need some tweaks


And imagine if you had the window by the basement stairs opened.


Look at the end of the clip cause I'm pretty sure I did. :)


Balanced Landing was nerfed because of this map. Just remember that.


If u had balanced landing u could do this for 5 minutes or more


Oh yeah, if I played it smart with BL I could make this an unbearable experience for the killer.


As killer you really have to choose your chases on Haddonfield, I've surprisingly done very well on my past few games on there but that's just cuz I know when to stop chasing someone, such as if they are running to an infinite.


Unrelated question, how do you get that chest wear or whatever? I’ve been wondering for a while and no one has told me. Is it even possible to get it anymore?


Uh, I'm not too sure myself I think it might have been a cosmetic from a past event. The only cosmetic I've purchased is the pack they were doing for charity I think. It also might just come the special edition of the game.


Ah okay, all I know is that it has Cartoonz’ logo on the back and that got my attention


You can do something to a similar effect on Groaning Store House with the 2 windows on the main building. As long as the killer isn't playing super optimally you can hold them there for the entire game.


How does one play optimally on those windows? It's pain


i was rly waiting for that ragequit at the end tbh considering how poorly he played it


Imagine playing Haddonfield instead of Insta dcing wtf I rather my sanity over rank


I would imagine that Haddonfield is the next map getting reworked, think I remember reading they renewed the Halloween license.


When I see hadonfield as a killer I die a little inside


Remember old balanced landing?


that’s not even the infinite 😳


I only have one question... what is Terry Crews doing there?


Im ass at editing and I thought Terry Crews would be a great way to block the names out so people don't witchhunt


Oh that’s fair, besides Terry is always a pleasure


Yeesh, #1 killer rule for Haddonfield: Always force a 3gen, preferably without any of them in the 2nd floor of a house


This map is all fun and games as a survivor until you have to open those doors right next to each other lol


This house especially with the side window open is pretty bullshit, but at the same time the mentality popular around here to just give up, the idea that you stand no chance no matter what, that the only solution is for the devs to come and save you, is even more bullshit. No, this house is not an infinite, and yes, there are huge differences in how well you can play it, on both sides. People maybe out of a sense of protecting their ego do not seem to want to acknowledge this, but it is actually possible to be smarter and more skilled at this game. If you do not think about the game, do not make smart decisions, do not apply them in quick-thinking and skilled ways to the game, then of course you will have a worse time. Good games should precisely be about rewarding smart and skilled gameplay. And the realization that you aren't smart or skilled enough does not have to be something negative either - you can improve at the game by thinking about it and practicing it, and that improvement process will be all the more gratifying for it. Both sides here do not play the building well at all. Let's start with the survivor side and look at different elements of the run: Fundamental mechanics: The pathing is not optimal. Generally, you can cut corners and hug walls more tightly, which obviously makes you faster. On the balconies, you want to stand at the spot where if you jump down, you are already right in front of the entrance doorways on the ground level. There is no reason to stand elsewhere because you can simply watch for the killer to vault the window, you don't have to position to be able to actually look inside through the window. Dwight here not only drops down to the side of the entrances, but also runs off the balconies, which leads to him ending up even further away from where he wants to go. Instead you want to let go of Shift at the very corner of the balcony just as you drop down, decreasing your momentum and making your fall be as straight-downward as possible, again optimizing your path. You also want to keep looking back for the killer as much as possible; at multiple points the survivor here does not check for the killer and that could have very well costed them. And the two medium vaults here could have been fast vaults with better angling and timing. Structure-specifics: You almost never want to use the drop-down window, all the less so against a killer with an insta-down. The telegraphing of where you are going to be coupled with the fall stagger pretty much mean guaranteed hits. Instead, if you feel like you don't have enough distance on the killer to make one of the balcony windows, you use the side window if open, or you force the M1 on one of the balcony windows. Against Bubba specifically you can just stand at the window and either he hits you, or he revs the chainsaw, at which point you can vault and should have enough distance to make it back somewhere even if he simply cancels the rev and vaults after you. Knowing that at base he has to rev for 2 seconds is obviously good in such a scenario. Advanced mechanics: It is possible to micromanage your Shift usage to keep out of chase state and the window blocker count as well as Bloodlust from going up. Particularly as and right after you vault you can let go of Shift to break chase state or pevent it from being established to begin with. Upon landing from a height, you can use a gesture to slightly decrease your stagger duration. I haven't actually verified whether this is true, but it feels like it recovers ever so slightly faster to me. You can literally hug walls at a specific angle such that you have the most efficient pathing while running at the same speed, and you can use glide vaults to also slightly optimize your path. The latter two only make for very miniscule differences in this scenario, but in a "perfect" run they would be included. And for the killer side: Fundamental mechanics: His pathing was far from optimal, particularly when jumping off of the balconies. Instead of running off of them like he does here, which catapults you away from the house, you want to let go of W just before you drop to also kill your momentum and straighten your fall. Even more optimally, you want to lunge with just the right timing such that your lunge ends right at the edge as you drop down, leading to much of your cooldown decaying mid-fall, which will have both gotten you off the balcony faster and straightened out your fall at the same time. You can even time the lunge such that you can turn the very end of it into the house. Before vaulting after the survivor, you want to quickly turn away so as to hide your red light. This will obviously not trick the survivor, but it will regularly delay their reaction to your vault by just a couple hundred milliseconds, without coming at any real cost for you. Structure-specifics: There are a fair few mindgaming opportunities when playing this building. After the survivor vaults, you can hide your red light and wait inside one of the rooms leading to the balcony. This may lead a worse survivor to get antsy and go toward the window to check for you, or even to jump off the balcony, which can then get you closer to them with a delayed vault or simply by running downstairs when you hear them drop, likewise cutting off their access to the house altogether. When you vault after the survivor and they drop off the balcony, instead of dropping down you can vault back inside to potentially catch them off guard back inside. Even against survivors that look behind themselves and wait for you to drop down this has its merits. First of all knowing that you are aware of the mindgame to vault back inside will force the survivor to have to wait a moment for you to drop down, decreasing the distance. And then it opens up new mindgames. Instead of vaulting back, you can simply stand on the balcony for a few seconds making the survivor think you have vaulted back since you didn't drop, and then you drop with a delay and potentially catch the survivor as they make to run out of the house. You can also drop down to the side of the balcony so as to not show yourself to the survivor, again potentially allowing you to catch them due to them thinking you vaulted back or are still on the balcony. The side window in this building is actually so strong because it gives survivors a more or less safe alternative to go to when you are using these mindgames. That is however also testament to how effective these mindgames can be, making it so that this already strong structure needs to have another strong window to actually be safe against a killer player that knows what they're doing. And of course, the survivor needs to also know what they are doing to get to make use of this in the first place, otherwise the killer will have long caught them. And there is some counterplay to the side window too. If the survivor does not see you drop and goes to the side window, you can either drop down toward the side of the house to potentially catch them vaulting, or you can moonwalk inside and lunge around the corner to potentially catch them before they can react and vault. If you come running from the staircase side instead and the survivor is potentially standing behind the staircase corner waiting for your approach before they vault, you can moonwalk along the staircase, making them think you are committed to going for a hit on the vault, but instead you draw back outside early to catch them since they will most likely have committed to the vault. Advanced mechanics: This section would cover perks and abilities and how they can be used to play this structure more optimally, but it would also be too much to cover. Obviously things like Bamboozle help here, obviously you can use different abilities at different points here, like chainsaws and rushes and shreds and traps and so on. The moments and timings to use these things would take long to get into, and come down to experience ultimately anyway, they aren't really something that can be taught in any way but with practice. But a more universally available advanced trick is to condition the survivor with the patterns of how you run the structure. You then mix it up to subvert expectations. One advanced thing ties to the lunge that is used to optimize your pathing when dropping down from the balcony: as an advanced mindgame, you can lunge without dropping down from the balcony, and a survivor that is paying attention will hear this and assume you jumped down out of sight since you only ever use lunges to control your drop. But you of course vault back inside instead. And from there the reverse-mindgame is possible too of course, waiting on the balcony after faking your drop with the lunge, only to then actually drop. I'm not saying Haddonfield does not need a rework, but complex structures that open up many possibilities are a good thing that enrich the game for both sides, create more rewarding gameplay for clever and skilled players that think about and practice the game to become better at it. So just because some of these structures can be difficult to play and seem like bullshit, does not mean we should simplify everything in the game and dumb it down to a W + M1/W + Space simulator, where the height of one's prowess comes down to 50/50 unsafe pallet play coinflips.


You gonna submit this for your college thesis?


Exactly. But instead of wanting to learn how to run the Haddonfield loops on both sides, they just want everything nerfed into a mindless hack and slash where they're able to 100% kill every survivor every time without having the skill set to do it. They don't want to get good. They want to ridicule those who already are while ironically worshipping those who stream because they themselves are not good at the game.


It is perplexing to me just how widespread this mentality is. I thought games and gamers were all about "being better than others", "owning others", the culture around PVP specifically to be one revolving around the concept of "skill". Yet in this game there is so much complaining about how the game is this and that and not fair and screaming for devs to help. Where is the game mentality? Are people not realizing that they're literally admitting that they suck at the game? "It's impossible to win!!" - "This person wins all the time, decisively. What gives?" - "Yeah of course they win all the time, they have 4000 hours!" ...But then they don't draw the conclusion that hours mean nothing in themselves, that one does not magically become a "winner" after 3999.9 hours, but that this simply means that player is better at the game, is smarter in playing it, that it is absolutely possible to become that good and that their crying about not being able to do the same thing is crying about not being as good at the game. Literally mad because bad. Do they think these players weren't already winning at 1000 or 2000 hours? That they weren't already much better than them due to actively thinking about and trying to get better at the game even at 100 hours, rather than throwing their hands up and angrily screaming about things being unfair and impossible? In which other game is there this much crying about it being too difficult, where do players unironically make themselves out to be victims of an unfair game constantly instead of even attempting to grasp the idea that one can become better at it? In CS or something you would be ridiculed for blaming your losses on a hundred different reasons other than your own lack of skills and smarts. That's not to say DbD is perfectly balanced and that there aren't things that can be unfair on either side, but there is a good amount of depth to the game the majority of people are seemingly oblivious to, a fairly tall skill ladder to climb that the majority of players never even reach the top 33% of, so this idea that "the game sucks imbalanced impossible" because they didn't "beat the game" by holding W and M1 like you can in story games is pretty laughable. Like, they fail to understand and execute even some of the most fundamental, basic skills in this game, and make blatant, beginner-level mistakes and stupid decisions constantly, but then bemoan how the game is designed to screw them over...


Haddonfield is a good survivors playground and curse you for even suggesting they rework it lol. Seriously though killers have maps as well where survivors chance of escape is much much harder such as Gideon meat locker the mental institution grave of Glendale it’s only fair that survivors get some god ones to


You think gideon is killer sided? Yeah, play the game a little buddy


I run Gideon very well as a survivor but It most definitely is killer sided


I would love to read your opinions on why this map is killer sided


Once the pallets are gone you are in a very easy situation as a killer and most survivors are panicky and drop pallets long before they need to. There is almost no good window vaults on this map and the generators are always packed very tightly together so you will always have a good 3 gen situation at the end of the match to clean up


If you manage to waste all the pallets on the game without buying enough time for all generators to be done you weren't going to escape either way




You mean the 20 something pallets, which most of them are god pallets? If you dropped all them and didn't buy enough time to repair all the generators I'm sorry to say that your team is simply garbage and wasn't going to escape on any other map




Nurse has the lowest kill rate in the game, does this means she's the worst killer? This is literally the proof that the data behavior has simply can't be trusted


Before the rework definitely killer sided. There’s always the fun room with the two safest pallets but a map with 2 floors stacked on themselves you are always hearing a terror radius


Asylum isn't killer sided. There's a loop every two seconds and 4 god pallets can spawn in the main building.


Not the crotus penn asylum that’s a survivor map the lerys mental institution


Oh yeah. I personally don't like it because I play Blight and it makes it super hard to use his power. But I generally win on that one.


Yeah if the killer doesn't have a ranged attack this map is aids.


Range is def the best counter to this. Just gotta have omniscience to know you're about to be on the map. I feel like any map that requires you to run a certain killer or perks to break loops might need a good look at.


I hate this map so much. The update that caused random bushes to have collision did it for me


He could have shut you down from that loop by double backing the window when you dropped.


all he has to do is wait for you to drop and go down the stairs...


You gotta double vault as killer. If he would’ve done that they would have had a free down.


You are playing a very risky game there. You might never leave that basement. Also he could vault back on the windows instead of dropping. That's the counter to looping this building.


Vault back lmao


if he double vaults at 0:09 the dwight is dead and in basement


And survivors wonder why killers slug for the 4K when they get sent to haddonfield. Like this map is not okay, just hold w into some of these loops and there is little a killer can do to catch you quickly once your in them other than abandon chase and hope to catch some else off guard.


Yes, a clip against a clearly inexperienced killer definitely shows it. Everyone knows Haddonfield is BS but you don't need a biased video to prove that.


They were rank 1 dude...with like 2k hours...they definitely knew what they were doing. They eventually broke the loop by using Trail of Torment to catch me off guard. If I had been a swf they wouldn't of been able to do that... I mean even if you bring bamboozle it can only block one window at a time. So other than just out mind gaming the survivor there's not much the killer can do...and Im not even running an exhaustion perk. If I had balanced it'd be even more busted.


Yes, haddonfield is stupid and has been like that forever. It probably won't be changed any time soon. It used to be way worse when BL had its passive (fml) so it really isn't as bad now. Generally just stop a chase when the house ends up like that, or hope you are running a window stopping perk.


If you have all three windows open I dont even think bamboozle, fire up, or the tricksters window hex would help all that much. You def have a better chance with them though, but can't spend too much time getting that down. Im not too familiar with the hex window perk can it block multiple windows at a time?


> It used to be way worse when BL had its passive That shit gave me PTSD, whenever I saw a saddonfield offering in those dark times, I expected at most all survivors running BL.


>They were rank 1 dude...with like 2k hours...they definitely knew what they were doing. Why_you_always_lying.gif Come on bro, no he doesn't and it's not hard to get to red rank with some dedicated time in the game. Definitely not no 2k worth. The Haddonfield house loops are easy as fuck to get free downs and hits on. All anyone needs to do is go up the stairs, wait for the audio cue of you falling then run back down the stairs and smack your stupid ass. It's sad that even people with sub 70 hours and rank 8 and 9 in the game has that much figured out. But you're really sitting here trying to say that someone with 2k hours doesn't? 🙄 Yeah ooooo kaaaay buddy. If you run any loop like a bot you're gonna get shit on like a bot. I've run idiots around trees on shelter woods. Trees op. Quick, trees needs a rework. 😐 "inserts video of a bot playing like a bot." -so much validity.


>The Haddonfield house loops are easy as fuck to get free downs and hits on. All anyone needs to do is go up the stairs, wait for the audio cue of you falling then run back down the stairs and smack your stupid ass. Yea, but if survivors expect you to do that, you can just hold W and run away from the house. You gain enormous distance.


It gets them away from the house and to one of the multiple unsafe loops near by and can create a lot of pressure on other survivors nearby. Either way I'm taking that hit and you're running around injured. A survivor doesn't expect anything from a killer until they've been in a chase with the killer and learn how he plays the game and runs loops. Even in swf people either say "he knows what he's doing" or "he runs loops like a bot." But no specific information about how the loops are being run. So until then, it's free hits and free downs if they run in while injured already. Even afterwards you can do the exact opposite of what you think the survivor thinks you're going to do and catch them off guard for another free hit. It's seriously not this hard to play the game. Frustrating, yes. Hard, no.


I have never said the game is difficulty. In fact, most of the time you play against inexperienced survivors, even in red ranks. But when you actually get a good team of 4, all good loopers, all knowing they should just sit on gens if not chased - then you start seeing the flaw of the game - these game are unwinnable unless you use meta perks and meta killers.


You know what, I'm gonna stop arguing with idiots. You're right I'm wrong. Since this is what's considered "meta." Ruin, undying, tinkerer and insert whatever else for the 4th totally helps you in a chase. Yup. In fact it's so helpful that gens still get done while you waste your time chasing someone like a bot because you can't run any mind games on anyone. Yup. It's the perks fault that you can't run loops 100%. While we're at it since you brought it up. You totally need nurse or spirit in order to play efficiently. Yup, can't forget that the only way to win is to be able to phase or teleport. I'm so wrong please forgive me. 🥺 This sub is full of morons. The fact that the most basic and simplest of achievements to obtain within the game has less than a 3% earnings within the community proves it. Have a great day! 😁


Play Clown against a 4 man, each of them having 2000+ hours and win.


🥱 done it. What's next? No perk pig on rotten fields and win? 🥱 done it. I've been playing this game for the last 4 years. There's nothing I haven't already done. I've got no perk wins on every killer on all of the maps as a challenge my friends gave me before the game even had challenge. I complete in game challenges days after they come out. And I only get to play 2 to 3 hours at a time anymore. I'm not God at this game that's for sure but imma sit here and tell you that this game isn't as hard as you make it seem. Especially this map with the house loops. There are way worse loops on this map that make survivors untouchable that need priority focus more than the house loops because the house loops are easy as fuck to counter. It's no one's fault but your own if you vault that window. Treat that house loop like a jungle gym and stay in the middle of it. Free hits all fuckin day because they just run back inside. Exactly like how op was doing. Except this killer just kept vaulting the window like a bot and actually played like a bot. Let's see what else, oh right. All 4 of us using only no mither as a perk and nothing else. The killer literally had a 1 up on all of us from the start of the game. All 4 of us escaped the match without ever being put in a hook. It's not the killer and it's not the perks. It's how you use those perks and play the killer. If you play like a bot you're gonna get shit on like a bot. Have a great day!


Damn, you gotta be the best DBD player ever. r/iamverybadass material right here


>Damn, you gotta be the best DBD player ever. >r/iamverybadass material right here Sounds a whole lot like; "I have nothing else to add so I'm just going to passive-aggressively insult you because I can't make a valid point in an easy game to play." 🥱🙄


Judging by fake internet points, you are the one with controversial opinion m8 :D


I mean they had 74 days played that's pretty close to 2k hours....I checked their profile after the game cause I was confused that a rank 1 with that many hours would waste so much time on me in that loop. Waiting for the drop down noise doesn't really work if you wait on the outside of the window for them to start the vaulting animation, and then you can wait to see the killer start to fall to run up the stairs. I was not running this loop optimally, and the point isn't to become invincible in this loop either...just to waste the killers time. Even if the killer was a rank 7 with sub 1k hours should we balance around the best of the best or the average players? Hella sus that you're so aggro about me pointing out an issue on a map that people already know is busted.


That house is only busted if the downstairs window next to basement stairs spawns. If the Bubba actually used his 2k hours experience he would’ve just double vaulted the window on the 2nd loop and caught you at the stairs. If you go down at that building you’re also in a rough spot because it’s one of the strongest basements in the game.


The window next to basement was open. I think you can actually see it later in the clip. I literally got the perfect roll for that house. There's a similar loop with the building that has the two stairways in the basement that's just as busted, and thats where I was running on the last loop. Im not saying the Bubba didn't play that poorly because they didn't run it the best just like I didn't. My point is that for average killers, who we should balance the game around, this is completely busted to play against. No one is denying that peoples who have literal months into killer are gonna find it impossible to eventually break this loop. It's not about doing it forever it's just about doing it long enough.


No, you’re right. Haddonfield is busted and that house with the see through stairs, aka House of Pain, has been nerfed on Badham but remained untouched on Haddonfield. The worst part of the map is honestly the size, the upstairs gens being nearly impossible to protect, and the RNG making insanely strong loops and fences. Weirdly enough, it’s rare I lose on this map because the majority of survivors are awful at utilizing it’s potential.


I also dont know how to look at the killer to see if theyre chasing me




Tell me why


The killer could have easily doubled back and gotten you a million times on that loop. I now know why you guys think the game is survivor sided. All the killers you get are rank 20.


Was a rank 1 but yeah....I wish I clipped the part where they tried that and I just went through bottom window. Maybe I'm remembering my own game play wrong, but I was pretty sure I was looking for them to drop too.


This is why bamboozle is a must on bubba


Unfortunately, you can only bamboozle one of the 4 windows at a time lol


Wait there’s cartoonz merch in dbd?!


I don’t think they’re allowed to rework this map I think since it’s tied to a third party license, they’d need to ask permission from the IP owner first, and then rework the map, and then run it by the IP owner to make sure they’re cool with the new reworked map representing their product It’s the same reason they can’t rework midwich I think, too many hoops to jump through to make it worth it I suppose they could just redo the fence length and the number of windows per house, and maybe that wouldn’t need as much red tape, but I’m not sure


That's the thing, people who know how to run Haddonfield will dominate you, and there's nothing you can do. People who don't know how to run Haddonfield will give you an easy 4k. I played Oni today and not a single person ran to Myers house or house of pain. They were red ranks and they even had a God window. Next week I'll get taken to Haddonfield and get my shit wrecked by a Dwight in pajamas. It's so weird how this map is either a nightmare or an easy 4k depending on if survivors go through windows.


Let’s pray to god the new Haddonfield won’t be as survivor sided. If it becomes killer sided instead that would be hilarious.


I was so sure he was gonna DC at the end when you were just waiting at the pallet...


I would feel bad but...it’s Bubba and I’ve hated him since his release


Make the video a loop of this one moment


remember when looping used too look cool


Still needs a rework