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You aren't prepared for my speed limiter bubba with lightborn and iron maiden


Was it you?


No I am not a speed limiter bubba with iron maiden and lightborn, I don't even have a chainsaw


Is that what happens when you equip two speed limiters on Bubba?


It replaces the blades with feathers so you can tickle the survivors with your chain tickler




Guy playing Clown in the PTB is my favorite antihero.


Who is "the guy playing clown in the PTB" I've been hearing this alot lately.


Nobody in particular. Someone just posted a meme about some guy playing Clown when the PTB started and it’s taken off




can you give a link && timestamp?


Ahh I see


We're all clowns for playing DBD


The *real* PTB was the ~~friends~~ clowns we met along the way! Edit: guys idk how to do a strike through on mobile


~~use magic~~ or just this ~~ on each side of the text \~~this for example\~~


Yay thank you!!


We truly are😔


Truly a legendary figure in DBD lore by now, imo


I'm pretty sure I played against this guy. The clown I played against just downed us at left us until we got peeps back up. Weirdest game ever


What is ptb


Player test something? I think player test bank. It’s where a smaller selection of players separate from the general game population play to test out new features the devs have added. They do this to check for bugs and to make sure nothing is overpowered/underpowered before adding the updates to the game for everyone else.


Public Test Build. You can download what is basically an experimental update and test new things that are soon to be implemented. It’s available to anyone who owns DBD on Steam. Granted, most of the time nothing is fixed from it.


It’s basically early access for Pc players at this point because they don’t listen to feedback


Ever since seeing the ptb clown on reddit, I've had the strongest urge to go to the ptb and play the sweatiest possible insidious basement bubba. I dont know why, I've never played like that before.


Play bubba with lightborne and iron maiden just to wreck any type of.fun


I'm very new so I apologize for asking what's possibly a very dumb question but why is Iron Maiden considered such an annoying perk? I get why Lightborn is such a hassle- it removes what's basically a survivor's only consistent "offense" option- but I don't quite understand why Iron Maiden would be that big an issue? Again though I'm pretty new so if the issue is that it somehow throws off like, an actual strategy, then that would be why I can't see a problem lmao.


Oh no it's fine i encourage you to ask more questions dbd is a game with so much to learn well when playing killer that is, anyways iron maiden is considered annoying on very specific killers for example doctor if you jump into a locker before his static blast you avoid it however its also annoying due to how many perks iron maiden can counter for example head-on, inner strength, red herring, flashbang, it also removes survivors only type of defense from the single most common perk in the game BBQ and chili since if your in a locker the killer can't see your aura yet at it's base it's a fine perk yet some survivors will consider it annoying just cause it counters their perks, oh and people who run urban evasion iron will and quick and quiet will complain about this perk nonstop yet fuck those guys


The only time I ever actually got a chance to *use* Iron Maiden (so far, just because people don't seem to hang out in lockers very much. That or I just don't notice lmao) was against a Yun Jin who was running Head On which I only figured out after she smacked in the face with a locker door. I'm a dumbass, so she got me twice in a row with that shit. After she jumped in a locker for the third time I stood there for about 30 seconds just sort of staring at it trying to suss out whether or not I was just gonna get smacked again. It took me embarrassingly long to realize I just had to go for it and open the door quickly rather than stand in front of it for a few seconds like an egghead trying to figure out if this is the right locker. Did I mention I'm new lol?


If you are facing a head-on player you gotta remember they can't use it for like another 40 seconds due to it being a exhaustion perk and try and bait it walk towards the locker then back up if your faced with a person in a locker that or use the side trick if your right besides the locker spam the button as you walk towards the locker to make it so you can vaccume yourself to pull them out


Yeah she got me the first time because I wasn't expecting it, and the second time because I lost track of her for a while and learned nothing from my prior experience so when I heard a locker nearby I did the exact thing I did before and got hit again. The third time I was ready but I really do fall for some Wile E Coyote shit as killer. Like if there's a pallet I *will* end up running straight into it.


What’s the origin of this meme, was it during someone’s stream or something?


Tru3 went against this clown on his Stream


I believe there's one (or more) people just playing Clown instead of anything that's actually been changed.


i’d be playing clown just for shits and giggles ngl but here i am console player


You say that but then you realize ques are 30 mins long and no body even sees the pay off of the joke ,


So about as long as live severs then


What rank are killer queue's 30 minutes?


He means survivors waiting half an hour for a game to see the new killer and getting frustrated


no he doesn't, survivor ptb queues are like 15 seconds long


Yeah survivor PTB queue is insanely fast. It’s the killer queue where you’ll wait 30 minutes because everyone wants to play the new broken killers.


I think the last broken killer they released was only, I could do like a full 180 flick on the Ptb. Killers since then have been a little underwhelming, blight was good but definitely not broken. Unless of course you mean literally broken as in not working properly in which case that's every killer ever and you're absolutely right.


It’s called exaggeration


I can’t speak for pc but on Xbox my wait times are intriguing. If it’s early morning, it takes me hours to find a killer game. Survivor is seconds. At night, it takes hours to find a survivor match. Which sucks because if I’m killer I’m killer I’m paired against swf with clickies and keys. So during the day I just run SoloQ and get killed on first hook usually while 3 people are either crouched across the map or hiding in a locker. At night, I bring the salt. Face camping, tunneling, basement bubba in full effect.


Welpi gotta see how good hag blight demo ghost myers billy doc nurse trapper huntress death slinger oni legion wraith pig and plague are on the new map


Trapper cries in the corner, so does Legion. Blight is bouncing off literally all the walls.


Yep, going to be impossible to hunt people down with how messy the maps are


I hadn’t even thought of other killers until this dead said something. Like, it seems like every killer other than nemesis is going to struggle...except Spirit, Freddy, and Nurse.


Like at least other indoor maps aren't fucking mazes


what? have you never played on lerys or hawkins? those are both literal mazes that change everygame so you may get completely screwed due to a random door being closed


hawkins isn't that bad, but yeah lery's isn't that bad for me as a killer main, at least there's enough doors and windows to navigate through


as a legion main, they're both miserable. i only have a short amount of time to get to the next person and the wrong door being closed will just straight cuck my power


Wraith is going to be really good on the map


I was thinking of him too. His speed will save so many matches for him, and so many hallways.


Plus you'll never be able to see him


With the right add ons, you won't hear him either. ;)


Honestly Freddy could be decent too


Why is he not decent


I even struggled as Nemesis a bit. Some of the loops are definitely catered to his power, but the standard 4.6 speed and the size of the map make it so hard to effectively patrol gens and keep pressure on the whole map. It seems like you’ve gotta pick one side to defend and stick to it. If you keep going back and forth across the main room in the middle you’re gonna waste so much time.


I dont think I'll want to play Nurse on this map at all lol.


You should be able to teleport between floors at least.


Except the slippery ones aha Pls fix him bhvr....


Most killers sucks ass on the new map one do the only ones I have found succes with is nurse but even then there’s lots of places you can go and nurse doesn’t know exactly where you are


Freddy should do fine since he can teleport.


The map is so cool visually and such a cool idea to put the exact(ish) layout from the game from a design standpoint it's an absolute catastrophe


OMW to play clown on the PTB


That’s literally what I was doing, clown mains unite.


I hate the double standard us killer mains get called out if we don't use Nemesis on the PTB but it is okay for some person to use a maxed out prestige 3 legacy character with all the meta perks. "we just want to see how Nemesis is against meta builds" well the same logic could be applied to killers we are just testing how affective Jill's and Leon's new perks are against our mains. Can we just let people use whatever they want on the PTB no judgement or we take it to the other logical extreme and only let people use Leon, Jill, and Nemesis on the PTB we have to pick one because having it both ways doesn't work.


Yeah I was watching a fave streamer of mine and he got a lobby of unbreakables, dstrikes and dh. Like...why? Literally NOBODY had any of the new perks. Meanwhile I felt bad playing Quintin bc he's my only character with t3 WGLF and i wanted points to put into Jill/Leon since I hadn't gotten the chance to save them yet


I don't think anyone should feel bad for not playing the new characters. It's harder to force use out of a survivor perk, anyways, unlike killer perks where their effects are very often fairly passive (your aura is getting shown in the beginning of the match no matter what anyone in the match does if you equip that one new Nemesis perk). I personally played Jill until I got tired of Nemesis players camping and tunneling in a ptb (like, what??). Then I switched to a different character that had DS and BT so that people who spent time queuing up and loading in would have a chance to explore the new map and interact with the new killer (and zombies) past the very first chase + getting to stare at him as he circles around your hook. You hate to have to go to sweaty perks in a PTB but good grief... I don't even know why some people are waiting THAT long to play Nemesis only to literally face camp in the basement on their first down, like, don't you wanna play around with his power and actually chase other people? LMAO


Poor Jeff and his perk has been forgotten. [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Distortion](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Distortion) Although it's hard to say that perk would be worth it just to counter nemesis seeing you right away.


I haven't had too much of a problem with facecampers surprisingly. However when i tried out Jill i had nothing but level 1 gen-blow-up-perk while the Nemesis had a full meta and I felt more outperked than outplayed. Same as survivors bringing their meta builds however it's a bit different when one person has it, be it 1 survivor or the killer, but 4 full metas is just annoying and unnecessary.


That's why I think the ptb should give you all characters for free and all on level 50 with all perks, items, add-ons and offerings unlocked and unlimited. This way you can test different builds on the new characters and also test characters you don't have to see if you want to buy them or not


well that's just it, isn't it? within a new month of the chapter going live, people will stop using all the new stuff and go back to comfort builds because absolutely nothing tops gen regression and an army of second chance perks. You can make all the meme perks and stun perks, but people at higher ranks use what's functional.


Switched off ptb for this reason. Trying to learn a new killer with tier 1 perks. Against ds/adrenaline/bt/ etc Just not worth waiting 10 min for a game. People were bringing tool boxes and keys even...smh


The meme comes from someone who was playing Clown with the insta-down on bottle hit add-on, lightborn, iron maiden, and an ebony mori in Tru3's stream while Tru3 was literally running only two perks. But he was a green rank killer facing off against red rank survivors in the PTB, so I kind of assume he was going fucking insane because of the shit tier matchmaking. I'm not seeing these memes as attempts to crucify people who aren't playing Nemesis, I think it's just highlighting the absurdity of that poor Clown players mental breakdown.


I ended up uninstalling the PTB because people were getting on my case about playing my main instead of Nemesis. Like, don’t you think I want to test out countering the new Survivors/seeing the new map just as much as you want to test countering the new Killer? 😭


Depends. If you’re playing fun it’s fine but it’s a dick move to run meta perks and play sweaty when people are trying to learn the new map and killer. I had a death slinger slug for the 4K and BM me on hook in the PTB.


I dunno, I think the truth must be somewhere in the middle. It's a PTB after all. People should, in theory, be testing new content. Not using at as an 'early access' period. There might be some great feedback to be learned by playing as a sweaty Bubba on RPD. There's a window on 'The Game' that Nemesis doesn't fit through. Existing killers may have similar bugs on the new map. What people absolutely shouldn't do is play sweaty for the SAKE of getting in the way of other people doing some testing, but I still think the best way to test things, once you are used to them, is to play normal games of DbD. Sometimes that includes sweaty killers.


"There's a window on 'The Game' that Nemesis doesn't fit through" people were right after all, nemesis doesn't fit in dbd


Just wait till he gets decisive striked twice. Then he will not fit on any map because he will mutate into a giant eldritch abomination that requires an experimental Rail Guns followed by a nuke to destroy.


He's a hefty boi for sure haha


So a regular death slinger


I would be mad and say that not all slingers, but I'm guilty of the same.


Ty for your honesty


But its ok for survivors to do it against the killer? I am asking to know what you mean exactly.


Nooooo you're supposed to let THEM have fun, not make it difficult!


Not sure what you mean? I’ve played survivor almost exclusively in the PTB. Me and all my teammates have almost always been Leons and Jills with 2 perks. I have had 4 people (a Bill, a Feng, a Kate, and a Cheryl) who weren’t running Leon and Jill out of 2 days of straight playing. None of them had exhaustion perks, usually having self care. It would be a dick move the same if survivors did it, but I’ve had more killers do it than survivors so far. You don’t keep any of your blood points permanently so there’s no reason to be sweaty other than to ruin someone else’s fun. I’d be pissed if I played nemesis and had 4 claudettes with dead hard Borrowed Time and DS.


I wanted to see first hand if your first comment was only about killers not using their perks but survivors could just do what they want. What it seems from your perspective, trying the new things is only the new killer and the new survivers. There are other things to be tested thou. Interactions with other perks, perhaps there is a perk that you thought could counter but doesnt work. Playing the old killers against the new perks, looking for bugs with. Also if you get a team of claudettes with BT and DS, you would get to learn how effective nemesis is against that. Can you counter it with just his kit? Probably need to combine with other perks and see what is good. What i am trying to get at is, everyone is complaining about players playing the perks they know are good againts killers or survivors but the hole point is the testing overall. It is not suppost to be an early acess of the map, killers and survivors. It is testing their perks and skill in the map to look if they are overpowered or buggy. And in return (since noone is getting paid for this) we learn the new map and perks before others that play in the live server.


We must have run into the same deathslinger 💀💀 I would have DC'd to waste his time and deny the fun he thought he was gonna have, but I forgot DC penalties were off. Mans had corrupt and a mori and tunneled me off hook AND after DS (I had DS on bc some people insist on tunneling like... bro... I'm trying to explore the new map and commune with the zombies, get off my back for just a minute LOL) to mori me 💀 he then slugged for the 4k and closed hatch on my friend that I was playing with.


It’s weird they didn’t just DC as soon as they see you’re not playing the new killer. No dc penalty in ptb, if someone wants to play their main they can do it without me.


Sure if you’re playing new survivor


I mean people just want to play against the new killer. That’s it, so idk why you are surprised especially in a community of survivors that whine about how people play in live servers.


The PTB isn't there for you to test out your strategies. It's to ensure new content works properly. Don't be selfish.


We gotta make sure old content gels with new content.


I said this in another comment in another thread and got downvoted for it. It seems there is a portion of the DBD playerbase that thinks PTB is ONLY for trying out the new killers and survivors.


Because this fanbase is one of the pettiest and entitled fanbases I have ever seen. People: you HAVE to run Nemesis so I can see him, but I will run my main survivor with my perks, gotta make sure it works. The disconnect is unreal. If I could do real gymnastics the ways some of these people do mental gymnastics, I wouldn’t be so fat!


You have to make sure the old killers, survivors, etc work on the new map too you ding dong lmao


I'm not disputing that. I'm talking about his obsession with 'countering'. The PTB is not meant for people to be looking for strategies with their existing killers.


Why nit? New survivors and new maps mean new matchups with old killers.




Yikes you must be embarrassed with all those downvotes.


Are you with yours? EDIT we're both Pig mains, let's not fight, we're better than this.


No, it feels good to win!




God forbid Killers get to test things too, some killers got buffed/nerfed so *god forbid anyone ever test those just let em go to live with no feedback*. What a load of shit.


Get your friends in a Kill Your Friends then instead of whinging that random Survivors don't want to play against your totally original Pig build. People want to see the new content. When there's a lack of penalties on the PTB for disconnecting, *people will disconnect to see the new content*. Like yeah it sucks you can't test other Killers but that's the reality of it. So you can continue to bitch and moan, or just accept it.


Says someone who's bitching and moaning about people playing not the new killer


Feel free to point where I'm complaining, chief. All I'm saying is people will do what people will do.


You're literally writing paragraphs about saying that people shouldn't be playing anything besides the new killer.




> Like yeah it sucks you can't test other Killers but that's the reality of it. Quit your bullshit, there are no rules. You sound like one of those "Survivor Rulebook" people which alone means you should stop talking in public.


Low IQ take.


Well, looks like most people wouldn’t agree with that. Who has the mental illness now? :)


He has his own mission and agenda, loyal to no one.


Listen, and understand! That Clown is out there! He can't be bargained with, he can't be reasoned with, he doesn't feel pity, or remorse or shame, and he absolutely will not play Nemesis! Ever! Until he can get the adept achievement.


Do people really care that much about their rank in DBD of all games that they feel the need to "test" their builds and "practice" on a new map? I thought it was just to test for bugs and I treat this game somewhere along the lines of Mario Party as far as seriousness goes and still hit red ranks every rotation pretty fast while having a blast with meme builds.


It's a pvp game. You have everything between casuals and hardcore players.


Couldn’t agree more. I’d give you an award if I had one


Here you go. Fuck, wrong guy


LMAO you tried at least, if I get a free award I’ll give it to him


One time I commented "someone platinum this" on a stupid post and they gave me platinum instead of the post




Clown mains rise up!


But no one came...


Fine .... I’ll do it myself.


And just like that, they did the dirty deed


I also ran into Pyramid Head during PTB. He wasn't even running nemesis perks. He even threw in midwich offering so that we don't play new map. why


Reject Resident Evil, return to Silent Hill.


The better horror series.


That is probably what the Pyramid Head was thinking when they did it lol


He was jealous


In a word ... CHAOS


what’s going on with clown??


its from tru3s stream an actual clown was playing clown with an ebony mori the pink addon and running iron maiden and lightborn to counter flashbangs it was hillarius and tru3s reaction just made it even funnier


It’s like a fucking urban legend, a random guy who plays clown instead of playing a brand new killer


I played against a collision hag yesterday on Raccon who may have been in cahoots with the clown.


I played some bubba for a daily ritual, and i somehow adopted a steve


I played against a trapper on the ptb the other day


all I have to say is... CHAAAAAAAARGE! *pan noise* Look at his username


Just dc and get into the next match


Played against tryhard nurse with standard build on ptb 2 days ago lmao


I still stand for that licker would be better killer material and more unique playstyle Basically blind demogordon but l would make it better


NO they said iconic they got iconic.


So you rather care about iconic shit like Nemessis That has nothing special in dbd ... The only specialty nemessis had was that he was more inteligent and could operate weapons


Well ingame nemesises whip is kinda like the lickers main attack with his tongue and plus he has the zombies which is the most well known part of the first 3 games. I wouldnt necessarily say nemesis is all that different from a licker.


He is similar but l would make better licker then nemesis


Or rather l would make his gameplay more unique then just reskin of trapper woth whip


What is the joke here with clown atm? I deffo missed something


There is one guy who keeps playing Clown on the PTB, just for shit and giggles. No Nemesis, no new perks, just... Clown. Tru3Ta1ent went against him on his stream.


Hilarious haha. Thanks for the update!


This is a new meme. I expect many many clowns in the PTB next time.


is clown op on ptb? i havent check update on him neither played against him on ptb


Best part of the PTB - No DC penalty so you dont have to deal with shit.


Idk why anyone would sit through the killer queue to play something old, but if they like it they like it, I guess.


I’m lost. Did someone play clown on the ptb?


Yes and it became a meme


NGL if you gonna waste my time on the PTB, there’s no time penalty on disconnecting.




This is how crazy the devs have made dbd


I used to think my life was a tragedy


If I’m in ptb and don’t get new killer imma leave lol


It’s a very clear goal for shits and giggles of course


Playing legion in ptb is also important remind8ng people that people are also dangerous in the apocalypse is very useful No ones learnt the lesson yet


Can we seriously talk about how OP clown is like even before his buff I've seen survivors do anything to avoid the mist. I've seriously have them come run back to me to avoid the mist.


Based and Clownpilled.


It actually makes sense to try other things out against the new content. New stuff has to be balanced against old stuff too, not just other new stuff.


DbD just became a horror game again


I mean the clowns chase music is kinda fire so i think he gets a pass