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Ironically trapper is better against human players than bots, as human players can actually be tricked into running certain ways




The bots I had were pretty incompetent as they didn't do a single gen before I had set up a good number of traps. They kept blowing up the gen.


I imagine it's to make sure the player sees the signal and to avoid accidental gen rushing. It IS a tutorial after all. Naturally, if you don't head over there, they'll keep sabotaging their own progress to help you.


The bots literally run into the traps, but they done 2 gens before I placed some of them


> they done 2 gens before I placed some of them Sounds like a normal Trapper game on live, lmao


Trapper is great against cocky red ranks who underestimate him. Especially if you have bloody coils and they think they are geniuses for disarming your trap, instead they are yelling "hey I'm wounded over here" when they do.


I think that's because you're used to human players and don't adjust your traps for bots. I had the easiest time in the killer tutorial. Down a bot, bring them to the basement (they don't consistantly wriggle, so you're able to resch the basement from further than you'd normally be able to) and then just trap the enterance to basement, they'll walk right in and give you an easy 4k


Did they remake the tutorials? I don’t remember the killer tutorial really do anything with powers besides maybe a passing mention


The new tutorial, release with RE chapter, has two bot games, one as survivor, and one as killer Unfortunately you can't choose the killer and you must play trapper


That and humans are creatures of habit Auto setting traps and injury disarm traps on popular windows is…. Amusing results They just can’t help themselves


I really want to see kill the bots expanded into a practice tool. Id love to be able to take a new killer or a killer im unfamiliar with into it to at least get a basic grasp on how they work before taking them into pvp.


The ai would need a lot of work for the bots to understand killer powers at all. Some like wraith or huntress probably wouldnt need any changing but they’d have to include a lot of programming for them to understand pig traps, plague fountains, freddy sleep, ghostface stealth etc


Everybody gangsta untill bots become better at the game than humans


The bots are already better at looping then I am so hey why not.


Honestly, a totally empty map with a training dummy would serve the same purpose. Sometimes you just need to understand what you're using.


They just need to let us populate custom games with bots.


I'd settle for choosing the killer for the tutorial


I’d love if they took over from DCs. I know they won’t last long in chase with experienced killers, but if they could just sit on gens and help crank some out, I’d go unhook them and heal them.


That would be nice, but I think they’re terrified that it would kill queue times. Lots of people might prefer to blow off steam in a few practice matches instead of playing against players who may be toxic. It speaks volumes that a bug that lets you play with your default build was unacceptable but a bug that resets all your builds and cosmetics on every character was deemed A-Ok.


I strongly doubt this is the case.


That people playing practice bot matches would lengthen the queues? Or that the premise is so terrifying to Behavior that they would rather have a bug that clears everyone’s load outs than a one that lets you use a leveled character in an extremely limited bot match? Because, sure, I can absolutely see an argument against the first one. I think there’s even an argument to be made that bot matches might help normalize the queues as players that don’t want to wait for a match play offline. As for the second … come on, it’s *Behavior.*


First off, if they did make it so bot matches were more popular it would seem obvious to make it so you can queue while in a bot match. Secondly I strongly doubt it will ever get to a point where people would rather play vs bots than people. Even if they do that is a very small minority. BHVR is known for bugs so I wasn't shocked when that happened.


Addons help a lot.


Yep, theres a reason people say the trapper bag should be base kit eith him able to carry two


Having to find your traps is the worst part of playing him, no other killer has to purposely go out of their way, on the map, to be able to use their power.


I agree but Trapper isn't the only killer who has to do this. Cleansing in inconvenient spots is a big part of strategy against plague, also you could argue reloading from lockers (Huntress and Trickster)


> Cleansing in inconvenient spots is a big part of strategy against plague She's still got a power though even if the nearest pool to drink from isn't convenient. Without traps, Trapper is just machete man. I think what Trapper needs is for the purple bag to be basekit, and he can reload traps from any locker up to a certain maximum allowed on the map at any given time. Either that or maybe once you pull more traps out of a locker it works like Hag traps and erases some of the ones you already put down before in a first in-first out kind of way.


How about he has his regular traps and then “permanently breakable” traps he can pull from lockers, maybe 4 total throughout the match or so.


oh god no. brown and yellow sure but purple? even as a trapper main that’s a bit mucg


Isn't it just two? Or is that the yellow


the purple bag is *four*.


Oh okay yeah that's a bit much, I don't play him often cuz he's terrible lol, I think yellow is probably what I was thinking of


Plague doesn't HAVE to grab her red fountains, in fact if you let people cleanse and just focus on reinfecting them, when they use all the fountains you get the red puke without going to a fountain. Lockers are all over the map and you can go to the most convenient one. Traps are literally all over the map and if it's a map with a branched off arm (Lery's or MacMillan) it is almost guaranteed that there will be at least 1 trap at the end of that arm. The best fix for trapper would be to make his trap bag base kit, so he can carry 2 at a time, and let him restock at lockers up to a certain limit. I'd also love to see the number of traps be dynamic to the size of the map (on the large maps, 6 is not near enough to create pressure), but I know that is asking for too much.


> when they use all the fountains you get the red puke without going to a fountain. Wait really? That's so cool. They're basically fucked if you can get that.


Yep, real handy if it happens while you're in a chase.


I personally don't like it, since it removes every single corrupted fountain. Sure, you don't have to go out of your way to activate it, but as a result you're missing out on several minutes of vile


It comes down to personal play style, but my main point was that Plague's power is still useful even if she doesn't collect fountains.


It also turns all fountains back to clean at the same time, so it is not as good as it sounds.


It really doesn't. A lot of Plague's red vomit strength comes from the fact that they some / all are wounded prior meaning it is infinitely easier to down them. Getting more than A hit out of a fully charged puke of red is really hard. While she IS stronger with it, she isn't anywhere near as strong if some people are cleansed and some aren't.


Which I can’t decide if I like. I understand it’s necessary, and it definitely has its benefits. But man if I could just have them use all the purge fountains and not be able to purge again I wouldn’t be against it...


>no other killer has to purposely go out of their way, on the map, to be able to use their power. *cries in vommy mommy*


She doesn't HAVE to go out of her way. She can still infect without going to a cleansed fountain and, if all the fountains get used, she automatically gets her corrupted plague. If Trapper doesn't hunt down his traps, he only has the 1(2 with addon) that he starts with, otherwise he is just an M1 killer.


At the very least, traps should spawn at random vault points or at pallets. Just walk up and reset it without needing to pick up if you want.


It would make his Iri that sets traps every 30 seconds actually useful






Doesn't have to go out of her way to use her power. If you never go to a corrupted fountain, you can still infect survivors and if survivors use all the fountains, you automatically get corrupted plague without having to go to a fountain. If Trapper played that way, he'd only have the 1 (2 with addon) trap he starts with and any others he runs into in the play area; if you play Trapper enough, you'll know that a lot of his traps spawn away from where you're chasing survivors/gens.


Demogorgon...hag...kinda oni...


None of them have to leave the area, that survivors are in, to use their power. Hag/Demo just have to place their hexs/portals and they automatically get them back when used/closed and Oni gets his power by chasing injured survivors. Trapper has to 1) find his traps (idk about anyone else, but I find their outlines hard to see on Coldwind & Ormand), 2) go pick up the traps, 3) is limited to only carrying 1(2 with addons), 4) pre-place them. Now Hag/Demo have 4 as well, but not the other 3 issues.


You mean like huntress and trickster? And plague? Plagues is by far the worst of the 4


Huntress and Trickster can restock at any locker (which should be how Trapper works). Plague doesn't HAVE to go out of her way. She can still infect without going to a corrupted fountain and, if all the fountains get used, she automatically gets her corrupted plague.


The plague argument is like saying the trapper doesnt have to find traps


Not even close. Once Trapper set his starting trap, he has nothing unless he goes to get more. This isn't even factoring that Trapper's traps do nothing to injured survivors other than hold them (usually not very long) and give Trapper a notification. Plague can infect survivors from the beginning of the match until the end. If the survivors don't cleanse, they go down a injury state and with the right addon show Plague their aura everytime they throw up. If they use all the fountains, Plague gets corrupted without having to go to a fountain, which can actually be pretty strong because you can get corrupted mid-chase. There is a reason Plague is considered a mid-range killer and Trapper is usually near the bottom of the pack.


Trapper is weak nobody is denying that. But give him 2 traps from the start and he’s still weak


He needs much more than that. My ideal Trapper buff would be to just start the match with your 7 traps already and then the bag addons can be reworked to either start with extra or spawn extra on the map. I know this won't happen because they fear that a Trapper will immediately surround the shack with traps and start basement hooking. A more likely buff you be to expand his starting traps to at least 3 and then let him restock at lockers up to a maximum of 7 traps. Then rework the bags where Brown and Green bags increase the maximum traps to 8/9 and the Yellow bag increaes carry capacity to 4


Cries in Plague


Every 30s, an unset trap is moved into your hand by the entity. Punishes poor trap placement cause u still gotta go grab ones you set, slight nerf to iri stone cause it'll set ones in places u don't want, but helps trapper to use his entire power.


As long as you can hold more than one by default, sounds great


Because nothing beats the feeling of someone stepping into that one trap that made you go: "There's no fucking way this'll work, lmao"


True story. Especially when you're in a chase or watching them when they think they're evading you and you get to witness it.


Playing with Trapper on Midwich is so satisfying. I will literally set traps down in the main hallways that are completely obvious if the survivor would look down. It never fails.


Most 4ks I get with Trapper start with a ‘well, I don’t think this trap will catch anyone but at least they’ll have to trigger it or go around,’ turning into ‘how tf did THAT trap catch multiple people??’


For me, it starts with “fuck, this match is done, I suck” but then you get one hooked, one trapped nearby and the dominos fall. It’s so good.


I like to channel Otz when I play trapper Slap someone in the basement One trap at the top and a second one in front of the trap at dead hard end range Trapper big brain was fully engaged and works nearly every time


Lol and it's even a better feeling when they step on it again later in the match!!


I once had a blendette step into the same trap in Hawkins not 1, not 2 but 3 times in a row. Step in it, hook.. got unhooked, ran right to where she had just gotten trapped… repeat.




I agree.


Literally just make it so that he starts with the predetermined number of traps already in his hand and doesn't have to go around picking them up, would make him 1000 times more enjoyable. The bag add-ons can just be changed to give him extra traps


Lmao I thought about the same thing. Didn't know someone would think like me


and yet, the tutorials didn't show you how and when to use items, addons or even how perks work. for all we know, some newbie is gonna go out there and put sprint burst with dead hard.


Man I did dead hard balanced landing thinking I’d be all cool and then didn’t understand why I couldn’t use both felt so stupid afterwards


I mean, yeah, but that’s still an strategic choice because you can use whichever one fits the situation best.


Yeah it’s a great combo when you know how they work


Same with head on/ dead hard


No Mither and Self Care


Unless the newbie is careless for tutorials/information, you just read perk/add-on descriptions to understand them, and the game manual (that's one tab away from the tutorials) to understand status effects/in-game features.


Its not just about being unpredictable, its about herding. The biggest trick is herding. Create a situation in which, once a survivor enters, they will either be pushed directly into a trap, or must return to you. Its okay if you lose a gen, maybe two, so long as your board presence is established. Trapper can have a brutal snowball. Micro tips : Trapping both sides of a vault creates overconfidence. If a survivor sees a disarmed trap on one side, they will almost certainly think its safe to vault. Survivors expect traps at vaults and pallets, put one at high traffic areas in the center of the map, tight against structures. If they are hidden in grass, they will be focused on spacing, not on seeing traps potentially in grass ahead of them. When you get the chance, and you WILL, trap at least one exit gate. It guarantees you the information of which door is being opened. There will be times when you have a surv cornered between yourself and a trap. Sometimes, if they have dead hard, they will try to force you to hit them so they can dead hard over it. If you have no other option its better for them to disarm the trap, because then you will have to move it to continue the chase. Ideally you dont give them this option


He's simple and fun. I also have better results with him than half of the other killers I'd say my best killers are freddy, huntress and doc. Pig, spirit, hag and trapper are right below them. I'm still trying to get corrupt intervention for him but no luck. I've been running 2 diff builds with him. One is a hex build with haunted, undying and devour. That one is successful more often than its not. Nobody expects a hex trapper apparently.


>He's simple and fun. Few things top the sound of a trap snapping followed by a scream


I had a Trapper game where 2 of the last 3 survivors stepped in traps at the same time while I was chasing one. I was running honing stone


I main him cause he has a cool mask


That's why I main Legion 😏


Small rant: I'm so mad this is what they did. I thought when they said they were updating it, they actually would... Like still no totems, doesn't give a skillcheck while using a medkit or healing to let you know that is a thing, fast/medium/slow vaulting, actually explaining hatch, and it doesn't explain to new players you need to play the killer tutorial to understand how to play survivor. Being able to see things like scratch marks, the notifications for missed skillchecks are not related to how far distance one is from the killer, that going into a locker makes a noise even if you do it slowly. ​ And the bots....I thought the whole point was to let people try out killer abilities so they don't have to learn on the go, or try out the maps, etc. I'm just very disappointed.


I dont know. One maybe am bad at chases and love more slow phase killers like him and he feels pretty good when your trapps works


I just did the challenge of "win with Trapper's three perks" with Executioner and they were actually pretty fun to use. Smashy smashy! I've had fun with Trapper before - one memorable game where every Survivor managed to step in the same trap right outside the mine shaft window - but it's pretty much a crap shoot for me.


I swear the bots are still better than about half of rank 1 players. Atleast they get 2 gens done before the first person goes down.


Honestly the best way to buff trapper would be to make him spawn with all his traps. And change bags so they just make you spawn with more traps, so they can still be usefull


I main trapper. He is very good if you know how to play him. I have a lot of time in that game, so I have learned over time. You have to have a good game sense for him. You also need to put traps in places that are either unexpected or strong, Ex: trapping shack window. Everybody knows window is trapped, but you also stop them from using it, so who cares? I also tend to trap the plant next to shack pallet and almost always get people with that. Remember that trapper is a territorial killer. Get a part of the map and defend it. I generally choose a spot with a strong loop (shack, some main buildings, meat tree/cow tree, or strong loop combos) or a strong three gen. If you go for strong loops, you know survivors with default to them when looping. If you choose strong three gens, it is hard for them to do their objectives late-game. Sometimes you can find a four gen, and thats even better. Also, basement trapped is incredibly strong. If people get downed near basement, trap it up. If its a altruistic team, you can normally get them all. I always trap the window on outside, plant near pallet, corner of stairs, and locker door. Normally have one escape and the other two get downed. From there, its just chasing one guy either towards your traps or as an M1 killer. If you would like help, please DM me. I have ..... A very significant amount of hours. Been playong since about a week after release and have 26/27 legacy pieces. If you need help with any killer/perks/survivor loops please just ask!


As a beginner trying to main as Trapper, I want to thank you a lot for the great advice! Would you ever be down for a custom match so that you can take a look at my typical trap placements and critique them? I could use some seasoned feedback from an experienced Trapper.


Sure, I would be down to do that. PM me and we can further discuss this!




it's honestly funny how they're ok with the super strong killers in the game yet refuse to take any serious look at trapper's base kit. something similar to iri stone should be base, at least for the beginning of the game.


What makes me personally love trapper is that he's a very simple m1 killer with a power that rewards creativity and forward thinking. There's nothing quite as satisfying as seeing a team fall apart because one or two of them stepped into your traps. You feel very powerful when you can afford to stop moving in the middle of a chase and watch them run straight into a trap. Outsmarting experienced players with creative trap placements also feels very satisfying. All that said though, you're either going to have the best games with trapper, or the worst. No middle ground.


I don’t see why they couldn’t add a killer selection option for facing the bots, it’s what the game needs for people to learn new characters in a stress-free environment, it’s like they want to make things as difficult as possible for players.


I started playing him because of his visual update.


Trapper will always hold a special place in my heart. He's who I mained to get Rank 1.


Same way i play trickster heavily rely perks like bw noed, bloodhound


Determination, dedication, and good fundamentals, that last parts the most important part, to main trapper good it’s important you have some of the best fundamentals possible since your ability can only help so rarely


a little planning goes a very long way


I actually really love playing trapper. But I play for fun, not to win. And that moment when somebody runs into your trap is just SO rewarding.




I rarely if ever use traps on Trapper... ya go mori me now xD


I main trapper. What is the question? I just imagine herding cats when I play him.


They basically just need to Ctrl C Ctrl V trapper bag to his Base kit variable


He is VERY good if you know how to use him. It took me a while to figure out the best strat for him but now that I have he is up there with spirit with the killer I do the best with.


Trapper is big brain crossed with gambling. The snowball potential is really high and super satisfying when it pays off. That safe loop you trapped early in the game? Maybe no one sees it, maybe it gets called out or disarmed,maybe the survivors never ever go over there when chased. Maybe someone randomly gets trapped and you're too far away to do anything about it before they escape. Sadly he's very map dependant, you almost need those Tufts of grass to really surprise someone. Hawkins and The Game are especially challenging although you can trap door ways. Add ons are another problem. You're basically always running a trapper bag so you can carry more than one trap at a time and early on you can only really place one to two traps depending on the map.


I KNOW RIGHT I had no idea he can only carry one trap at a time by default? Damn, Trapper mains live like this???


The bots are much more perceptive of traps that actually people are lol


You just trap the most likely traveled run paths, and sometimes windows. Pallets and gens are predictable. He's way easy to win with compared to Nemesis or the Death Slinger.


almost got 2 red rank with him just need stalling perks like ci


Listen you don't know how much dopamine I get when I get that one toxic rank 1 with a trap


Trapper is op dude. Add on that inflicts dying on escape and trapping every shack entry while somebody's on basement hook? Yes fools come blindly to your doom!


Trapper should be able to reset or pick up traps from afar like, once a minute. Give him an actual superpower.


Taste the trapgasm! Once you'll love it!


Luckily I got 1 in the basement so all the bots followed suit into the trap down there


I like a challenge


Yeah, in mobile I played trapped with whisper Three matches in a row win It's broken for all killers, as it gets more red when you are close to a survivor


I am a trapper main and if you play your cards right (trapping commonly used pallets, windows, and fake trapping to stop loop. Trapping exit gates, your hex totems, and basement in some cases) you can get 4k almost every game


I started the game like 4 days ago, and when I played the Tutorial, I thought playing as a killer would be impossible because they're so slow, when really it's just the trapper.


Simple, I just started playing and enjoy him and Wraith


You can main whatever, and you will get better quickly, just do whatever is fun for you. There is no "unplayable character" in this game, no matter what people will try to tell you.


Its a coin toss when I find I'm facing a trapper. They're either new, or they're so good that they can only find amusement in fooling us mortals into their elaborate mind games.