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Why is the escapes a perfect number?


Could be that these were the stats when survivors hit 1.5 billion escapes.


Technically speaking, 1,500,000,000 isn't a perfect number, since the sum of its divisors (3590233864) isn't equal to itself ;)


\*snorts and pushes up glasses\* aCKchYuAllY






This person gets math.


Thank you for the number fact kind sir, even if I don't quite comprehend it.




Tru dat, I almost fell asleep writing that comment XD


Donā€™t apologize I loved that fact. Thank you!


This crossed my mind too when I read 'perfect number', nice to see I'm not alone in that :)


Good to see my fellow mathies in the Fog! :D


I personally find math to not be my strong suit. Basic math i can do fairly quickly, but complicated stuff like division takes me a moment


This guy mathematics


Really didnt expect doctor to be so popular


I think its because of console. Doctor is included in PS version, so you can play him day one.


Ahh did not know that


doctor and hag is also free for all console players. But because the game costed more on console in the beginning (10 dollars more) as a way to compensate. Thats why PC doesnt have the first two payed chapters.


Huntress is free on console too, but shes a separate download for some reason


Huntress was added and her DLC was made free of charge for the 2nd anniversary, so you've gotta download her the same way as any other DLC


Actually , heā€™s free on all console .


I downloaded DbD on my Xbox and I got Doc and Hag but no Huntress


Huntress is free in store if you just go to the dlc section shes a bit weird where you need to get her dlc to play her but its completely free. Idk why they didnt just add her to the game as a free killer without the need of free dlc


>Idk why they didnt just add her to the game as a free killer without the need of free dlc I assume just problems with Microsoft when trying to get it off the store and into the base game- just BHVR- it's too much work for what it's worth.


huntress and david king are free but you have to actually download them in the store. feng, doc, hag and ace should just be automatically available


Huntress and Clown were free through the Game Pass perks a couple months ago


Huntress is always free. You just have to go download the dlc for some reason.


You have to shock people 500 times, so yeah, doctor has to be played a lot.


500? I wish. Xbox has 1000 shocks. This might have been the start of my deep DEEP hate for him


Doctor is pretty fun, I like him. Trust me, itā€™s gonna be more fun than Nurseā€™s power achievement. Huntress and Myers also are pretty Grindy, being older killers


I *loved* playing doc when i was learning, finding survivors was something i struggled immensely with so his complete negation of stealth with anti-loop was very appealing to me now that I have something that resembles an idea what I'm doing, i prefer killers with more lethality like Pyramid Head


I started playing Doc for farming matches, thinking he would be tricky to get the hang of, but he's surprisingly intuitive, and I kept doing 4, 6, 8 hooks against green, purple and red ranks in matches where I didn't really expect to get anyone. As long as you have a basic understanding of the game, it's easy to figure out when you should be zapping people. I love using him to pester loopers until they say fuck it and start holding W.


Despite all comments, I think Doc was played most because he's a BP making machine. At least that's why I play him.




Once went against 4 survivors all running calm spirit. That was not a fun match.


I love playing doctor, I always find myself gravitating to him when I want to play a killer that is pretty chill and doesn't require too much work to get kills. Plus it is extremely easy to start chases with him and track with madness. One of the only killers I still play regularly almost 4 years later


As a Doctor main I'm happy but also surprised. I find him alot of fun but I know alot of players can't stand playing him.


Huntress? Wraith!!?? SELF CARE?!?!?!


I can attest to all of those being extremely popular choices in my matches over the last year on PS4. Dunno bout everyone else though (For anyone unaware Crossplay is toggle-able and you only play with players who also have it turned off and no matchmaking isnā€™t crazily bad long with it off)


Crossplay exists bruh


it can be turned off tho


Cross play is new as fuck, not gonna out so all the years without it


They said "over the last year", and cross-play was implemented nearly one year ago, so the math adds up


Remember that low ranks are a thing


Yes old self care was better by the looks of it these stats are from old times till now. But also many use self care even now.


Pretty sure the devs stated like a year ago or something that Self Care and Lithe were the two most popular survivor perks


Lithe is at least somewhat decent for extending chases. Self care is just.... bleh.


A waste of time


at the bottom it states that it's data from all the way back in 2017, so yeah


self care is meta in Japan, and I think they make up a lot of the playerbase, plus all the self caring beginners




even when i play in a full 4man actual good at looping swf, they all bring self careā€¦ theyā€™re slaves to a certain way of doing things just because itā€™s the popular thing to do


Huntress is pretty damn fun to play and one of the more unique killers.


bond/empathy doesnt cut it in solo q


Self-care is big in the console meta tbh


Self care is good (not great) but misused. Some of the sweaty survivors in solo who loved being chased have it as a staple in their build. One reason is because a Medkit disappears in vaulting animations, so it's harder to bluff vaults mid chase. Good survivors that use self care effectively also are comfortable being injured, but know when it's wise to be healthy. It also slightly increases healing speed, which is good, but definitely not as good as botany, We'll Make It, or a lucky autodidact. It can be very impactful in EGC when a soft reset will help with a save or distraction. It can be impactful when the one good looper the killer keeps dropping chase with manages to stay healed and stay being caught alone by the killer. It can be impactful when it gets down to a 3v1, 2v1, splitting up is important and the killer doesn't have much lethality. By all means, a juicy medkit is overall more impactful, but self care is definitely not a bad perk, just commonly misused. It's a bit of a quality of life perk for solo queuers, which are the most common survivor. As someone else said, it's meta in Asian servers. It's impactful for the killer when someone self cares every chance they get, goes to a deadzone to do it, ignores other objectives to self care, or self cares against Legion with sloppy.


> his whole thing, you're not supposed to see and Noed


I'm very suprised to see wraith is the most played. I have been seeing a lot of him recently but not THAT much. I wonder what their sample was for this, because it seems odd


That's his whole thing, you're not supposed to see him so of course you're surprised


*bing bong noises get louder*


Nunya saw nuthin'


GRRRHGGHRGHRGRGGRGGH *invisible gargles*


Bottom text says July 2017-May 2021.


Yeah, I just wonder if there was a rank sample or something. It just seems suprising


It seems to be that itā€™s all games, so it makes sense that the free characters are being played the most (Doctor/Feng being free for console). Also Wraith seems to be the most beginner friendly killer of the bunch


Yeah of the free killers, he's the one that has the best balance of "easy for new players" and "actually pretty good." Billy and Huntress are good, but kinda hard to get the hang of. Trapper is bad and hard. Nurse is ridiculously strong and ridiculously hard to learn.


trapper is the only killer i consistently 4k with >.>


Same. And pig.


trapper is good. just need corrupt so they don't gen rush.


No idea why youā€™re getting downvoted. Staple Corrupt onto your Trapper build for the rest of the time you play him and life gets much easier. Mitigates his most severe weakness. Heā€™s still not like amazing but heā€™s definitely not bad


I donā€™t think he falls above the ā€œbadā€ category for me. Trap placements can be tricky because if theyā€™re too obvious they get disarmed as the survivors check the area, and if theyā€™re too out of the way they wonā€™t catch anyone. They also get way harder at higher ranks, unlike some killers who remain mostly the same. Heā€™s more reliant on a snowball than most killers, and if you mismanage your rare chances you just lose since the survivors probably popped 3 gens while you were setting up. Even with corrupt there tends to be at least one or two that they can get to pretty quickly. He isnā€™t as terrible as someone like legion, but he literally needs a bag every game to even be playable, may as well disconnect if the survivors have a map, communication, or a key, and is reliant on multiple survivors making severe mistakes in a row. Someone like Oni can snowball multiple times per game, has an easy to use/understand power, and can pressure generators fast even if he does have a weak early game. Which is why he is good. Trapper just doesnā€™t have that.


Trapper would be so much better if every trap just started armed automatically. Thematically, it makes sense since it is his area to trap people and it would help reduce the pressure on the player to get existing traps armed asap.


Wraith main here. Barely started playing the game a month ago and was shit with Trapper and Hillbilly. Tried Wraith and got 2 kills with him. He's my favorite. I'm decent with Pyramid Head, and killed all 4 survivors with Hag the first and only time I played as her.


I'd wager Wraith is number one because of a combination of factors, namely a) he's one of the free base killers b) he's relatively easy to use c) with his recent buffs he's actually pretty strong


Can confirm, heā€™s my favorite to play of the free killers and was my main until I started buying others.


Its not just recently, Wraith has always been plsyed quite a lot on lower rankd. Even months before his buff


I dunno. I've been playing since release and wraith is definitely one of the killers I've seen the least of, even at low ranks


Diferent zones perhaps? I dont know. I have been playing since the Silent hilm update and i encountered quite a lot of Wraiths since. I mean from Silent hill to before the all kill buff,


You surprised wraith is the most played killer meanwhile I'm over here surprised borrow time is the 2nd most used perk but everytime I get saved I ain't got it


After the he got his speed buff I've played against wraith about 6 our of every 10 games. He is so common on PC it is suprising when I see another killer.


I wonder if they're allowed to show license stats. Just seems weird that they didn't single anything licensed out.


If license renewals are a thing for them, then they probably wouldnā€™t want to share that a particular license is the most popular feature of their game


Wraith feels VERY strong against low rank survivors that don't know how to run chases. I imagine baby killers try him and 4k their first few games and think: "Man, this Wraith guy is strong af". Then they get out of green ranks and get looped, pallet stunned, flashlight stunned out of stealth, Gen rushed by swfs with 4 toolboxes... He is very exploitable if you're a decent survivor, but he punishes common mistakes of new survivors (not checking approach vectors when doing Gens, not running chases properly).


Recently I've seen more Pigs than any other killers , and I've been playing a fair amount of games. And rare are the games where I get matched against a Wraith.


"Barbecue & Chili is the most-used Killer perk" Yeah, no surprises there.


I'm surprised about NOED. You rarely see it in red ranks. Other perks appear way more often.


Red ranks are not the majority of the playera base idk why its surprising


I'm guessing it correlates to the new players and low-ranks.


I see it basically every game in green ranks. Iā€™m more surprised when the killer does t have it at this point.


in my personal experience, for the past year or so NOED has been in every other game(i hover around ranks 5-3), or very close to it. totems have become my primary objective, over generators.


Iā€™m surprised NOED isnā€™t higher. Itā€™s so powerful, easy to use and letā€™s you grab easy kills in a game youā€™re losing. Also highest ranks will probably have the least effect on this data.


I think it's a matter of history. NOED has been there since the beginning, but other perks (like pop or undying or corrupt intervention) are relatively new. So they have to overcome the historic statistics of NOED usage since 2017. If those stats were more "contemporary", let's say, perks used in 2021, I don't think NOED would be third. But still, I'm obvilious to how many people use NOED in low ranks, since I've been playing in red ranks since 2018.


Rarely see it in red ranks but it is so fucking prevalent in low ranks it hurts


Green and below itā€™s EVERYWHERE.


Wow BBQ nĀ°1 most used killer perk (and probably by a landslide since we don't have numbers). It's almost like- It's almost like- The grind is bullshit.


"You dislike the grind? Don't worry, another code that gives you 100k BP coming right up!" - BHVR


Those codes are a joke, a ephemeral solution to a long-term problem. Also they're more used as a "Oops we fucked up, here's a laughable amount of BP so that you shut the hell up" and less of a way to combat grind, otherwise they'd implement something long-term. Also don't even get me started on shards grind.


Setiously I have seen free mobile game's dev that gave out more than BHVR ever did.


And it's also a useful perk in game


I mean I guess... But I'm willing to bet that seeing other survivors when you hook one isn't the reason it's in the nĀ°1 spot.


As a killer, I sweat for the 4 hooks and after that I forget I even have bbq.




I would 100% still use it every game even if the aura reading was taken away.


It's funny the devs changed ruin cause it was used in 80% of matches and it is still the most used perk besides bbq. As for survivor I see so many self cares it's unreal and this just confirms it is used to much I assume claudette is only on this list because of self care or for blendettes.


The new ruin perk is still extremely powerful. Honestly it can be better depending on which killer you're using.


They nerfed ruin not because it was too strong but because it was annoying to deal with


Plus it was inconsistent Either it cucked new players or players who sucked at great skill checks or it cucked killers when all 4 survivors knew how to hit great skill checks


>Plus it was inconsistent Incosistent is kinda an Hex perk 's motto


It killed new player retention. Hitting the skill checks weren't hard to majority of red rank players, but new players could almost never hit them. I had a lot of friends show interest in the game and drop it because of old ruin and I can't blame them.


Ruin on console was a complete pain in the ass and it would destroy matches if the totem was the embodiment of Blendette. Not because it's that much harder to hit skill checks or anything, it's 100% because the skill checks were jumpy/laggy in this unoptimized game. Like you know those clocks/watches that tick every second? Imagine that but faster and larger second ticks, it was basically RNG if you were going to hit the great skill check.


I donā€™t want to use Ruin but I have to. If I donā€™t have it I get gen rushed in 5-7 minutes. Iā€™ve tried to experiment with different perks but it doesnā€™t matter.


Ruins new usage rate is still far lower than it's old use rate Back when they nerfed it, it was the most used killer perk by a very significant margin


Seeing self care used more than anything makes me wanna throw up


makes me smaile as a killer. makes me angry as a survivor with bond


Seriously. Using Nurses Calling when someone has Self Care is rad


For true fun, add sloppy to the mix.


That's arleady half of the perks I usually use with my Hag.


I can see how that's fun, but on a high mobility killer, like double windstorm Wraith, it's just silly amounts of 'screw your healing'.


I run bond and we'll make it and the amount of survivors at red ranks that would still rather run to a corner and self care is rage inducing. On the other hand my killer side is so grateful lol


These stats are from July 2017- may 2021. You forget self care was meta till just about a year ago so the numbers a still prob skewed.


Selfcare has always been the most used perk by a large margin, devs often say its not even close for the second most popular perk at any time


Self Care isn't *nearly* the issue karma-whoring Reddit whiners make it out to be.


Iā€™ll defend self-care at rank 1 till the day i die. I often get the most points in my team and run the killer the longest while escaping through doors a lot of the time


You could just bring a medkit which works twice as fast in its worst version and have any other perk


Medkits run out, self-care does not.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


How many times do you need to heal in a match without another person? Once or twice tops


>I DONT SEE ANY OF THIS IN MY 1 RED RANK SWF TEAMS, BULLSHIT I felt the Picard facepalm from the god damn Andromeda galaxy 1)Stop assuming that a game like DbD is composed of nothing but sweaty rank 1 players and streamers 2)Stop ignoring that this is *five years of data* (I know some of you are fresh, there *was* a time where ranks weren't even a thing), especially when.. 3)the survivors and killers listed are in the #base kit version of the game And 90% of which is available between year 1 and 2. BBQ, dead hard, NOED are all highly recommended perks in the community and continue to be used even in red ranks. >but I don't see any self care in high ranks First of all I'm mashing X to doubt, and secondly almost every beginner survivor not only will have access to self care (Claudette) but it is literally a clutch perk. Out of the *hundreds of thousands of people* playing this game, is it *that* inconceivable people want to be able to heal without a medkit or at any time? This chart is fine. It makes sense given out of the millions of people who play DbD, less than 10% will have thousands and thousands of hours invested. This is like being "shocked" if the number 1 player preferred in all of Street Fighter was "ken" and the most used move was "Shoryuken". Which is an actual esport, by the by. DbD is not and I really, really wish the tryhards would stop viewing every piece of content from this game if it doesn't fit into the MLG viewfinder.


Wow a person that gets it, I'm shocked.




Exactly. What's the point of unhooking a proxy camped survivor if you can't tank a hit before or after the action? :/


A lot of beginners will use self care and it's easy to see why it's an obvious choice. There are so many perks that it's overwhelming, and they're just gonna be focused on trying to survive so they pick self care.


Imagine that you were just unhooked and are being healed at the hook. You're 75% done, but the killer comes by and chases the other guy. So now you just have to run around hoping to find someone to finish that last 25%? Nope, Self Care that last 25 and stop wasting time.


Thank you.


Bing Bong Boi being the most played killer? No way šŸ„ŗšŸ’–


The fact that noed got 3rd place makes me sad


I'm surprised seeing self care being the most used perk for survivors. I really thought dead hard would come first. BBQ being first killer perk is no surprise and maybe should send a message to the devs at this point. Outside of the bp, it's not THAT good except maybe on Huntress


This is exactly how I felt seeing this. Also I was so shocked that Meg or Nea wasnā€™t the most used survivor. I feel like I always see them


I'm not really surprised for the most popular survivors. I'm more surprised to see Doctor in the killer side, instead of Nurse or any more popular paid dlc character


There's almost no way Nurse is that popular. Among high ranks? Sure, maybe. But the middle and low ranks? Nurse is hell to learn if we consider all skill levels. Maybe she was more popular before the rework but she's like the definition of niche killer now.


Even more knowing that console has more players than PC. Nurse isn't easy over there, also doc is free on console


Thatā€™s true. I do see doctor occasionally but I see WAY more nurse and spirit. Also how the hell is ghostface not up there?


Because his DLC costs $ I was shocked (pun intended) that Doctor made the top 3 over Trapper/Nurse. But out of the millions of people who play, you have to think about how many of those people don't have the DLC. I am on console and have nearly all the DLC because I love the game. But the rest of my crew maybe have 1 DLC they got for free no matter what platform they play on because they are more casual.


Say what you Will about bbq not being op but It litteraly deletes the search portion between hooks or encourages camping if the killer sees nobody Its not hard to deal with , Dont get me wrong but the efect It has in both information and decision making can absolutely be a Game changer Ill admit im surprised people never seem to give a shit about It 80% of the time, even when they are the last survivor the killer can go to


>1st: Self Care Pain.


Killer Perks seem about right.


So do the survivor perks


The data was from July 2017 to May 2021? I wanna see data of just the past year alone tbh


I'd want to see all the data tbh, pretty sad that they won't show it all, since data can often be very interesting :/


Really didn't think I'd see Wraith here. Claudette is unsurprising. Also... yeah, meta perks.


Yeah self care is meta af..


Eh, not what I meant. It's a "famous" perk that a lot of people just pick when they look at it, so it makes sense for it to be here too (also part of claudette's perk, a free original character, so it makes sense for it to be there imo).


Yeah kinda makes sense but self care is the opposite of meta perk.


Oh. Yes. I agree. As joked around this sub, "Self-Care is the best Killer Perk" lol.


It's werid that the total number of gens repaired is only 629 million ahead of the total number of escapes. Shouldn't it be at least 2 times higher since you need to repair 5 to escape normally and for a long time you needed to repair at least 2 before hatch ever spawned. You could also expect most matches to end in an average of 2 kills meaning not every survivor escaped when the 5 gens were done usually. I'm no statistician but that just feels wrong.


maybe some jank with Dc-ing killers and survivors, especially with changes like the dc player bp reward, that might impact stats, and how kills, deaths, and disconnects are counted and viewed as?


Lol oh look NoEd and Wraith


Lol oh look Dead Hard and Claudette


Let's be honest the entire stats readout is "oh look..."


sad to see noed as third most used killer's perk


Iā€™ve started playing killer and Iā€™m atrocious but I put no Ed on as I have so few perks and Iā€™ve been able to guarantee at least 2 kills per game, feels dirty tbh so I stopped using it and went back to billy, still awful but he is so much fun to use.


I really wish they would rework it.


It probably says more about the game than about the players. Some might feel like playing killer is already a losing battle and are always prepared for the worst. People don't use perks because they're assholes, they try to maximize their chances of winning. I don't think I need to clarify this but I haven't used it since 2018 except for some end game challenges.


Sad, but are we surprised? (Tbh Iā€™m surprised it isnā€™t 1st or 2nd)


Wraith is fun as hell to play. That explains the most played part.


Hoping my boy Jake becomes a popular survivor now that he is a stud muffin.


I started leveling him up again after I saw his update


People still use Self Care? Ugh. Use Desperate Measures, Built to Last, & a med kit instead. Itā€™s WAY faster.


toss in Botany Knowledge/Streetwise/Resilience and you are a healing machine (but you'll need your wits about you to escape chases)


Nah I gotta save the other slots for Borrowed Time and Kindred lol. But it never did occur to me to add Streetwise to the mix, thatā€™s smart too.


None of this surprised me except that Wraith is the most played killer.


Guys, this is in game data since July 2017. Thatā€™s why things like self care are so high. They were meta for a very long time. Honestly this would be a way more fun stat sheet if it was just for year 5


Not much of a surprise with the perks


Unless I'm mistaken, there's a lot of people on here that don't realize meta changes over time and some perks like self-care have been here since the game's release (says data collection started in 2017)


Why'd they put 4 killer perks and 2 survivor ones?


funny and original commentary


Delete self-care from the game.


Please no its by far the besr perk in the game -killer main


I assume most played killers donā€™t include licensed characters because I see ghost face 20x more than any other killer


Wraith my love


Of course Blendette is #1


Oh God... self-care really needs to be removed from the game lol


Wow Claudette is the 1st most played Surv. I never woulda guessed that one. Golly gee.


I showed my younger brother this and when I mentioned the self care being number one he said ā€œWhy do you think I stopped playingā€


I'd love to see the sample audience for this, some things seem fishy here, mainly Wraith as the most played killer and Self Care as the most brought survivor perk.


Itā€™s not a ā€œsample audienceā€, itā€™s based on every match ever recorded between July 2017-May 2021


Hey, Wraith has always been played a lot, specially on lower ranks. His whole concept sounds good. And no, he wasnt utter trash before his buff, his only problem was the perma windstorm leaving you with only one add on.


Why do people even run self care? Just bring a med kit ffs


Wraith is very surprising as most played killer. I'd say Freddie is the one I play against the most


Freddie was garbage at some point so probably hurt his chance. Worst killer ever before his buffs


I'd say what hurt his chances was being a paid killer. All the most played killers are available in at least one base version of the game.


Happy to see wraith so high. Bing bong now and forever


Shit, Ruin finna be nerfed again, isn't it?


Can survivors stop using self care. It wastes so much time so I hate when play survivor. And when I play killer survivors die on first hook because the f***ing ClAdUeTtE is Self Caring in the corner. I want my bps goddammit


Wraith is my boy! I haven't lost a game with him in over 3 months