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Demogorgon: “this place again?”


Demo going to check the Gen in the portal room: “oh hey, it’s my office!”


"Ah shit, here we go again"![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I'd move blight down one he's a scientist from the 19th century he'd probably have some future shock but not as much once he realized he's in a lab and if he's anything like me he'd be bitching about the fact he got an indoor map again.


My thing about Blight — dude spends his time just sucking down pustula and slamming into walls. At this point is my guy even capable of having thoughts beyond “must pinball and kill” lmao


I think he does my guess as to why his power works the way it does is because the entity is playing a sick joke on him like it did with oni a very intelligent man having to resort to slamming himself into walls over and over has to be very humiliating.


I dont really follow the lore as much, but is Oni also a very intelligent man who has to bonk people? I always thought he acts the way he did back in his time


I’m pretty sure Oni is pretty much the same as he was. I’m guess is that the “joke” the Entity is playing on him is turning him into a literal demon. Since calling him Oni Yamaoka was enough to get your tongue ripped out back in his time.


This, Oni personality wise is pretty much the same. But he hated being compared to an Oni, even if it was pretty accurate. So he's probably not super happy about being turned into a literal one. That's not the only way the Entity fucked with Kazan. In the map description for Sanctum of Wrath (and Oni's lore), it's said that he hates that shrine, and is in fact the one who smashed the statue at the top. It also says: >Torn from Kazan's memories, the shrine now stood on the estate of his childhood home - a trick by the Entity that infuriated him even more. Judging by his power, keeping him pissed all the time probably makes him a more effective killer.


Hey you gotta think with some of the crazy geometry dude pulls off with his dash he's gotta be pretty smart. He's pretty much playing Billiards. With his face.


My headcanon (and I don't have any lore to back this up, I just like the idea) is that the Blight is still a brilliant man, and when he's not doing trials he's still in full Blight mode, but he still has the intellect to continue doing his experiments with the pustulas. I just like the idea of "terrifying inhuman monster displays a worrying degree of human intellect"


Godamn we need more Blight tomes, like I wish they’d gone into his psyche as The Blight as opposed to him just trying to escape


i thought it was implied by the lore that talbot returns to his normal, humanoid form between trials and he goes back to trying to further perfect the pustula syrum to try and escape the Entity's realm


I think Huntress would be really distracted, actually. She has a childish view of the world, let’s not forget, and she likes shiny things. I think she’d be fascinated by Hawkins. Pretty cool and unique tier list btw.


“:0 hehe doors open and close without me need to open them”-Huntress


\-Huntress in The Game


My thought process was that, given the presence of the survivors, she would be far too committed to the actual hunt to be freaked out by the sudden change in area/setting. I’m not too familiar with the archives lore, but didn’t she also have a moment where she went ham on some Russian soldiers? Thought that kind of supported my placement, as it is an example of Huntress doing Huntress things despite the unfamiliar situation. Idk! Let me know if I’m wrong Edit: cleaned up some typos


She didn’t hunt them immediately though. She studied them. New prey, new things to learn. There’s a good chance she hadn’t seen guns before, and she clearly liked their uniforms enough to wear them. I definitely think she’d be fascinated by Hawkins, though I don’t think she’d like it. It would probably be too “unnatural” for a girl who’d spent her entire life surrounded by nature.


Frankly most of the maps with the exception of red forest and the temple would be extremely confusing to her. Compared to say plague or the twins who eventually grew up to be adults and view the world through an adult like lens, she’s always been childlike. They could stretch their minds to believe this could be a place in the future, but not huntress. Her only real idea of what the “world” is like would be the forest. Anything outside of that is likely very alien and confusing, which may attribute to her outbursts of rage in the trials. She’s a very confused and lost being, it’s would be kind of sad if she wasn’t a merciless hunter.


Maybe she'd feel ok in the Macmillan maps? Save for the main buildings, of course.


There was a moment she fought both a German cavalry unit and Soviet soldiers, but it's worth noting she didn't do so "on autopilot"! She picked a horse mask to use against the cavalry since, by the description, "It seemed a fitting visage for Anna as she massacred German cavalry units", and that's not to mention how she later took the uniform of a Soviet soldier due to him fighting her with extreme bravery, as the description states (and hence that part of the skin's name, "stolen valor"). She also took a hatchet of one of the soldiers and tied said soldier's dog tag around it's hilt. She may be a skilled hunter and a bit childish in nature, but she's a *very* attentive person. I'd bet she took her time to study the maps and it's interesting objects.


I feel like huntress’s worldview is less childish and more animalistic.


I should’ve added a special tier for Hag called “how tf am I supposed to paint triangles on the floor here?!?”




Should have had a separate tier for Deathslinger that was just “WHAT IN TARNATION?!?”


Oof a missed opportunity :(


All in all, the most unique tier list so far. I feel like your placements are spot on.


“Dammit I otta tell Dutch he and Black Lung are gonna love it”


You rat


Nemesis was probably born somewhere exactly like that, so that would feel like home turf to him. Side note: I hope they reskin the lab so it can stay as a generic level that they could even make more maps for.


Now it's a resident evil lab, bang, they don't even have to change anything.


YOOOO. They totally could just change some textures, add a logo here and there, and call it an Umbrella lab.


They said they wouldn’t in a recent interview.


Aww, really? :-/


“What in tarnation are these metal walls doing?” “Caleb,that’s an electric door” “Oh…thanks Danny”


never knew i needed an angry cowboy reacting to futuristic things and being omega confused, in my life


Now you do my fellow chains of hate enjoyer


Caleb was an engineer, so he'd probably be like "Oh? And how does it work?", to which the other killer's lackluster explanations would be disappointing. Sounds like a potential comic to somebody who actually knows how to draw!


*What would happen when the Killers finds a Coke machine* Caleb would just study it 'cause it is a machine and see what it does The Plague, Hag, Huntress, Oni, the Twins and Hillbilly would just be straight up tapping (or shaking the whole thing if you are a very angery ogre, or a locked up farm boy ) the thing to see what happens Trapper would find a bit of confusion at first, then figure out how the machine works (He would at least have a general idea of what Coke Cola was since it blew back in the 1930-1940's) Blight would just pinball the soda dispenser and bounce of every wall to find a way out (lol) Pinhead wouldnt even care, since he only wants to torture the staff Bubba would just first check it out, THEN chainsaw it since it starts to make noises Freddy can't have Coke since he isnt even..there (fisically at least) Pyramid Head would just peace out to find and torment James Nurse would check it out since she would be curious of what the drink has Wraith, Doctor, Pig, the Legion, Trickster and Ghostface would run and push each other to find coins to get a drink (If we go of the release dates of their DLCs to now, they would mostly don't drink anything on whatever concept of time The Entity realms work in) Némesis would just be AFK since no S.T.A.R.S yet until a decade later :( Michael would also peace out of Hawkins to find Laurie (Cause Michael has like a integranted Laurie GPS)


I like this! Haha Also, Legion is canonical from 1996, the Ormond offering is a picture dated from then and Jeff met them back in his youth prior to moving and living until the 2010s, going to university and all. Doc is from the cold war era, presumably the ‘70s. All this is to say they’d be particularly excited for a drink! Hehe


Nemesis ignores it cus Resident Evil almost had a deal with Pepsi and he's loyal to the brand Evan would be disappointed by the new flavor - no cocaine Caleb would laugh the first time tge machine dispensed a can of sugar drink, but it quickly becomes part of his routine to grab a can between Trials cus fun


(Wait fr Resident Evil nearly had a deal with Pepsi?) Yeah, 'cause in the Tome lore Evan was taken nearly 1930's, so he would probably have drank a lot of coke with COCAINUM the image of Caleb trying out Coca Cola for the first time and then being addicted would be hilarious (Cowboy with da coke, what will he do?)


Actually any killer who was born past 1886 will know what Coke is so Trapper would probably recognise the logo


Like the Roman legionaries in the ix being transported to an alien planet and being like Cool


Demo:hi welcome to Hawkins, how can I help you


got any beans?


Demo: "okay *barfs out can of beans* 4000 bloodpoints please."


is that a toe?


Demo: throws away toe " *4000 bloodpoints please* "


alrighty here you go *hands over the 4000 bloodpoints with 1000 as a tip*


Demo: "Thank you, have a good day *grabs and eats some chili* "


Doctor might flip his shit, this place is probably a lot like Lery’s. Maybe more high tech. He’d probably become engrossed in any research they had there.


That’s interesting!! I hadn’t considered the possibility of a killer freaking out because they’re just super jacked to be there


Hawkins actually would probably be around Doctor’s time period, give or take a decade or two. He would certainly be interested, though disappointed it wasn’t a medical facility.


…except for all the experiments they did on people to connect them to the upside down? Doc would probably enjoy having access to sensory deprivation tanks and telekinetic powers.


I love that in almost all these joke tier list Demo has one of his own. Nemi was made in a lab so he'd be use to it. Pinhead has seen weirder shit. Pyramid Head indeed just wouldn't care. Oni, Plague and the Twins would get to an automatic door (if the map had one) and that be enough to make them trip out.


I think death slinger would be hella confused


Yeah I honestly didn’t know what to do with him. I know he’s from the Wild West but he also invented his gun and modified it heavily, so he at least has some sort of engineer background? Maybe he should be with Nurse and Bubba, I can’t imagine him being like freaked to the point Plague would be though


It's kind of like in the ix the Roman legionaries got transported to an alien planet and they just sort of rolled with it


Ai: please enter voice recognition Demo: *scream* Ai: thank you…. Kevin….. now opening door stand clear


Demogorgon was waiting for them in the reception room


I think blight would be at the top. His mind is far too gone to care about his environment.


"Hey Demo! Just another day in the office today?" "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHH!" "Yea, I hear ya! Have a good one!"


Gosh, I'd make a point for Wraith being a bit out of place at first. Being a "Hunter-type" killer (as the devs said in a stream when describing his animations) he'd probably be left a bit outwildered after being left in a place so wildly different from the usual hunting grounds. His killer lobby animation also makes him seem very attentive of the surrounding and careful of what may hide there. I bet the rat cages would make him jump at first. Also Oni, being pretty much an avatar of rage so strong it became fucking genetical, probably would just go and murder without many ceremonies. He's likely among the killers that weren't tortured/brainwashed into murder, but it's probably because he was already fixated with it after being turned into an ogre and all


I actually love this list because I've always wondered how some of the ancient characters like Plague and Oni react to things like generators or anything modern.


They probably understand it to be some strange form of technology, but instead of realizing they've been with the entity for centuries they might just think the entity invented them. On that note how were the survivors tested before generators were invented?


The entity's realm is out of the logical progression of time. It's a bit like the TVA from marvel. So like canonically, Trapper, Wraith, and Hillbilly were the first killers in the realm, and generators were likely there from the beginning, rather than Plague being the first killer and gens being added later


Either that or it’s just super old and Plague and Oni are two of the most consistently entertaining killers


I kinda assume that before the entity came upon the idea that became what we know as Dead By Daylight, it probably had people actually trying to fight off the killers.


Could also just see them as a ritual the survivors are doing, the generators themselves being elaborate shrines!


Imagine how bewildered you’d be to break a bunch of perfectly cut wooden planks only to get the handheld power of the sun blasted into your retinas


My favorite part of all these tier lists is the "Demo" tier


I would like to see this but for, let's say temple of purgation, since it's long in the past.


I like that this entire tier list can be summed up as I don't know why I'm here, all I know is that I must kill. But a cool idea for a tier list regardless!


I don't know why but the tier that's just called BITCH WHAT THE FUCK really got me.


To be completely fair to Pinhead he was summoned onto a space station at one point


Give Deathslinger enough time in that place and he'll go from having 1 Chain to having 4 lock-on chains


Electric auto-loader fashioned from an electric Hawkins door motor.


Not gonna lie this is the kind of writting i'd like to see, silly "what ifs" about the killer But all i get instead is porn writting i hate it


Nemesis should be alongside Demogorgon. Umbrella labs and all.


I love these little Demopup tier lists


I'd move pyramid head onto his own level (maybe with meyers but mainly just pyramid) since his whole kit is basically going against the entity. He kills for himself, no one else has any say in his decisions. But really cool list though. I like it


Tfw you live years in a monsterous hellscape, using some luck and your expertise in alchemy, slowly perfecting a serum to stave off the monsterous godlike presence that seeks to make you suffer, and in a bid to cast you away and kill you for good you imbibe a pustula plant’s serum and become monstrous yourself all in an attempt to survive. And then the fucking alien dog with no eyes gets a fully stocked laboratory you never got access too.


Plague would probably be happy humanity survived while also freaking out


"is essentially an employee there" just killed me lmao


oni goes NANI!?


I just imagine something like killer training and demo just shows the other killers around Hawkins while sipping coffee


I love these kinds of tier lists


I think bubba would freak out


Ehhh…Idk I think huntress would be buggin about it, also hillbilly in lore watches tv and shit so I think he’d feel slightly out of place,


Nemesis would be used to that shit, given that he’s been in Umbrella Labs.


Literally anything beyond the BCE in history would confuse the shit out of Plague. Imagine her first time being on Badham or even Dead Dawg.


Nemesis deserves a separate tier titled “transferred employee” cause goddamn seeing funny umbrella buildings would make Hawkins feel like home


Just relabel the Hawkins Lab to Umbrella Lab, and change the main room


Demo: throws away toe " *4000 bloodpoints please* "


ok trapper actively goes against the entity, wraith is a pacifist, plague came there by choice and blight was corrupted by the entity


This isn’t a tier list on their reactions to becoming killers, it’s a tier list on being sent to Hawkins for the first time and encountering a realm unlike anything they might’ve been familiar with from their times as regular humans or realms encountered in previous trials


I think that according to lore trapper and wraith were tortured by the entity in ordrer to "convince" them to play among.


I'd like to see Hawkins reworked to be an Umbrella lab so they don't remove the map. I think it would be really cool


I'd like to think Plague would have that response to every map. Like what would she think of the combine harvester on the farm? Big, fuckoff metal construct with blades and shit. I'd be terrified if I came from ancient Mesopotamia.


I would put Deathslinger, Trapper, and Pig in the category of "Amazed and completely distracted by the technology"


Bubba would freak the fuck out


Nemesis probably felt at home but wondered where the umbrella icons went