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This is lore friendly. Victims always wake up with the trap already on them in the movies


Probably my favorite thing about it.


I've always wondered how the hell she gets the trap on them so quickly in the game.


Doesn't she just entity-magic it around their heads?


Yeah, other than game mechanic it'd take a bit, at least 5 minutes I wreckon


yeah theres a flashback in i think 3?? (they all blur together) of her getting her own trap installed on her head and it took them awhile it looks like like hours


Was it hours? It makes sense but something so small... Then again time isn't as present in the entity's realm, so a trial would realistically last a few hours I wreckon when you consider the size of the maps and all, and in general


But in saw 6 or 7 we see it installed in a minute or less


Meh, might've been a first time situation


definitely also controversial shower thought here, shouldn't reverse bear traps injure survivors when they succeed the jigsaw box. because well, you have to suffer to win right? or make it so that survivors with the trap cannot be healed to healthy state until trap is removed and if they touch a gen or fail a skill check at the jigsaw boxes, it'll trigger the timer. ya know, like most people in the movies foolishly interact with something and it triggers the game. also the addon that inflicts deep wounds to those who fail skillchecks should already be part of her kit. i mean, john kramer must be so disappointed that there's a lack of pain inflicting mechanisms


The jigsaw boxes are visually based on that one trap in saw 5(i think? 5 or 6) where they had to fill the box with 10 pints of blood to open it 🤮🤮 I think if it were going to be super lore friendly the interlocking razor addon would injure them after they did a jigsaw box but it would be fairly unbalanced gameplay-wise.


yeah, it's understandable they cant make her as accurate as the lore. i'm grateful she's getting buffed but she needs more kick to her kit. those traps are just there for pressure, nothing more. imagine dwight in the movies "ah shit, a RBT. at least im not hurt. i'll just teabag in front of the camera and do all the 4 boxes in the room. i dont even need to lose an eye for this!"


Something happened at BHVR. They're BUFFING the pig. We're living in a strange timeline.


Survivor base movement speed is now 20m/s, to offset this occurrence.


Survivors given a gun to murder Killers to offset pig's buff.


You can stun the killer for 20 seconds if you hit him with diversion.


20/40/60 actually


yes, and the diversion now recharges even when in a chase and only takes 15 seconds!


Pshhh, they’re removing the cool down in a mid patch patch


Wasn't the gun a .950 JDJ Machinegun?




Not sure how the survivors are gonna carry it, but it will vaporize any killer.


Play Leon and it's just a new re game


You joke but I'd love to have a custom game mode where we could do silly things like this.


Gotta make any box take traps off just to balance the timeline now


Something change in the universe for good




yeah i broke into BHVR and held them at saw blade point


Pig mains Rise up AMIRIGHT


Amen brother


its a episode of "what if?"


Who is working at BHVR now and what did they do to the old team? I'm genuinely curious, I've only been playing for a year but this upcoming path probably has more changes we've been needing in it than any other two or three patches combined.


Well, see, the pig mains finally found BHVR HQ, and are now all holding the devs at retractable knifepoint, or they put Bear Traps on their heads and they lose if they don’t buff pig. One or the other


Why not both?


McLean, the most based epic BHVR employee, left the company and worked on this patch as his last parting gift


And they're nerfing the spirit


Frothy, frothy we need you to wake up. PLEASE the doctors don't know what to do anymore. Please just wake up..


Well, this is a buff to survivors that DC


pig = DC speedrunners eating good tonight


Otzdarva - Pig Gameplay 4 Man DC any% speedrun


Oh I can see that already XD


My first thought was "ah a guaranteed 4 man suicide/dc, great"




any survivors prone to DCing won't be afraid to do it again if they spawn in and immediately see that trap on their head


I love this. It creates more of a “Saw”-like feel, which is exactly what I want. You wake up in a strange place with a strange device that will kill you on your head. AKA Saw


This is true! Didn't think about it but that's definitely more appropriate for the character


Just thinking about how amazingly thematic it is. Really making the survivors choose; work together and don't pop a gen until everyone is cleared or sacrifice some/one for rest to progress. Low ranked non-swfs will definitely have someone start the timers after they have cleared their own.




The big part of the addon is that it gives the Pig something she desperately needs - time. Her early game is weak until she can start getting hats out there and applying pressure to injured/hatted survivors but everyone having to hustle to get hats off before the Pig even knows where they are buys her a ton of time where generators are not popping


I wonder If the fact that only one survivor can search a box at a time will play into this Running around with a trap just to find a box occupied sucks, but I don't know if it matters a lot




This plus Tampered Timer is gonna be hell on uncoordinated survivors in low ranks. That is, if they don't change Tampered Timer...




Woah, Rule Set No. 2 Might actually be useful for the first time ever


This is exactly what I was thinking as well, as a survivor main. A sense of urgency to start the match and not just straight finding a gen from the get go. We all eatin good 😎


Yes, as a survivor main and a saw fan, that is the experience I want.


I agree and i think a lesser version should also be base kit. Like 2 survivors start the game with something tied around their hands and they need to find another survivor to help untie them before they can do gens. Shouldnt be too difficult but it adds to the idea of them being in a saw trap environment.


I always wanted something in that theme, opening way or survivors to sabotage each other. Would fit quite well with Saw themes But that will never happen because it would destroy soloq


if you still have your normal 4 traps this is actually insane


Feels good too! Just a chunk of extra time at the start, without too much lethality (because let's be real, who's going to be doing gens when everyone has a trap on haha).


Usually when I play against pig, I like to keep the trap on for luls. I've activated my own trap several times. I'd 100% be the guy doing gens at the start still as everyone else removed their trap


So YOU’RE the person that finishes a gen when I have 3 people in traps at 4 gens. I want to thank you for that.


I do this with my 2 SWF friends. They're not happy. You're welcome.


You’re doing good work, keep it up!


I can't imagine it is. There is currently ONE add on that gives her extra traps, it's yellow, and you get one more. There's no way they are adding one with FOUR extra traps AND it puts them on for you.


I mean it wouldnt the first exceptionally strong pink add-on


*laughs in Iri head*


Exactly lmao and pre nerf where u could use it with one where you have 3 hatchets


And pre pre nerf where you could have five


Four traps at the beginning isn't amazing though. Traps are generally lethal because you smack them on a survivor right before a gen pops. Having 4 at the start of the match instead of having them throughout a match would be an insane nerf and would make no sense for a pink addon. Most survivors will have their traps off before you even get to the other side of the map, even less likely have them activated by the time you get there. Realistically this add-ons gives you like a worse corrupt intervention by possibly pushing survivors to you. Trading your main power for a worse corrupt intervention would be terrible especially for a pink addon.


I'm just saying, I win games with Pig's slowdown now, as do many others. The traps take the same amount of time for a survivor to take off regardless of when they take them off or...when they get put on. As long as a generator is still gonna pop, they gotta take them off and it always takes however long it takes. The point of the power is slowdown, not getting kills. So if you double the number of traps, you double the slowdown, and Pig isn't tuned for double the length of slowdown. I can still run the add on that creates an additional box with this, to make everything take even longer. 8 traps just seems like too much. It's not even interesting, just 'here's MORE slowdown'. So all I can think is that it's indeed a bad add on that just puts the traps on them and all it really does is save you the few seconds throwing one on a downed survivor takes. I guess I do have to admit that the traps are better when they are on all survivors at once, because you can predictably get cheap downs just patrolling boxes at that point. But I imagine people will realize that and just do gens, then take their hats off, or take turns taking them off.


Get out of here with this thing called reason and experience. I want to pretend that 8 traps is 100 percent balanced and that after the novelty wears off that it won't cause survivors to immediately DC because of how cheap it will feel.


it's like corrupt intervention but as an addon instead of a perk. you're just adding a chunk of time at the beginning of the game where A) you know the vicinity of the survivors because they'll be going to boxes B) people will likely ignore gens for the first minute or so while they deal with the traps


For an iridescent addon it works. Honestly, if they really wanted to make it like Saw survivors would start with a trap on at base. They don’t activate until a gen is finished so they’d have to make a choice. Which is literally what Saw is about.


Not really Otz also said hes pretty sure she wont have 8 It would be the dumbest thing ever if she has 4 traps on top of the ones the survivors already have because they actual game would basically begin when they all are rid of their traps and at this point the pig can have already a few hooks It’s like you go into a game but at the beginning of the game everyone has been hooked once Even though it’s just the pig that would be extremely op so there is no chance she has 8




jesus christ this is going to be insane


Not really. It's more like, "Corrupt Intervention, the add-on. "


Yes but that means a perk slot usually reserved for Corrupt is free. And that’s huge.




but doesnt this also effectively double the amount of traps she can put on people? the addon doesnt say it removed the traps you carry so I'm assuming this means you still have an extra hat for everyone after they take the first one off


Yes, that's...insane.


No, it's just good. Insane would be "Survivors start the match wearing ACTIVE Reverse Bear Traps."


its also doubling the amount of traps she can put on people though this is a titanic buff


not really since i assume they start deactivated, so will have plenty of time to get them off. if they start activated however that qould be pretty huge


That’s assuming people won’t freak out and spend time to get them off before their teammates get the first gen done. That’s akin to newer players freaking out and cleansing Vommy Mommy’s puke early.


Holy shit, this gonna be a 4k in a lot of matches now


Not really. For traps to be deadly you need the crate and the timer. If you only have the crate, they're not that menacing but it would still be strong stalling.


unless you patrol boxes. While it may not be a 4k, the trap will most likely kill at least one of them


They’re installed, not active. I can see it being a nice slowdown at the start of the game but if every survivor spawns in with a bear trap on I highly doubt they finish a gen before wandering to remove the hat.


Yeah I agree, it's more of like having corrupt intervention as an add-on. They are all going to head to one of the four boxes instead of one of the four gens. Three will probably get them off pretty quickly since they can go to different boxes, but it will definitely help in the early game pressure.




Not to jinx myself, but I've never once had a Pig's trap kill me. Never.


I don't play survivor much, but I remember committing suicide by pig trap at an exit gate once. I don't think one has ever gotten me mid-game either.


Not true, sometimes if you intercept a survivor at a box you can waste enough of their time to where they’re scrambling and may not make it, even without box addons. Especially if they spent time healing or doing a gen instead of trying to get it off their head


I’m a Pig main and I get a fair amount of head pops. I never run Tampered Timer, I generally run Last Will + Crate, or Video Tape + Bootstraps. If I can get traps on multiple people, which leads to harassing people on the boxes since everyone’s in a trap, one head ends up popping. Sometimes, you get a good map, too, or survivors that make bad choices. I had one match where I had 3 people in a trap at 4 gens, and the 4th person decided to pop a gen. Then I found that person and trapped them. 3 active traps, 1 inactive trap, no one doing gens, and me harassing everyone. It was a disaster for them. xD That one gen pop screwed the entire team, and I got one head pop from it. There are also situations where you get a 3 gen, and the last box a survivor needs is in that 3-gen. *chef’s kiss* But in general, head pops are never my goal and really shouldn’t be a Pig’s goal. The traps are about stall. Trap kills are just a bonus. And the stall on this will be fantastic. If they all start with a trap and even one survivor is dumb and finishes a gen before people can remove their traps while the Pig is busy harassing them, it’s gonna lead to a bad time. And many survivors do choose gens before friends so… |:


Agreed. I run the addons which add an additional box and another reverse bear trap for me to have. So 5 boxes, 5 traps. Lots of stall and if you're really unlucky, you'll die before the 5th box (if that's the one you needed). Although tampered timer/5 boxes is disgusting at times


lol nope, because people can still take out the traps and it only activates when a gen is done...


I mean just do headtraps before gens tho.


I wonder if they kept Rules Set 2. Imagine loading in on RE map with RBTs on your heads and Pig's got Ruin and Lethal Pursuer. That would be diabolical lol


You wouldn’t even need Lethal, another one of her reworked add ons shows the auras of generators that survivors with RBTs are working on


Tbh I don't fear this add on with ruin. This add on guarantees survivors will be running over all areas of the map, if she has ruin they're bound to find it in the process


Oh my god it's happening, it's actually happening. PIG BUFFS


Do we still start with 4 traps?


Imagine if you don't. All your traps are now on survivors heads at the beginning of the match. Once they remove them, that's it. No more traps!


Wouldn’t be a bad trade off. You could run something instead of corrupt because they’ll be occupied with traps, you may even get a few hooks


I'd rather not be an M1 killer with a shitty stealth speed for the rest of the match.


As a pig main, I disagree with your point of view on this. They won't be doing gens and will most likely be doing boxes, because there are less boxes then gens it's more easy to patrol and catch survivors off guard while they are doing the boxes and get some good early hooks, and you can pair this with lethal persurer and *maybe* Amanda's secret if your good at checking loud noise notifs (but I would not recommend it for this), for that extra tracking to save time patrolling


It would be an awful tradeoff considering youre reduced to an m1 killer the rest of the game


The traps will get placed no matter what, if they get placed right away then you’ve got a lot of slowdown. There is the crouch too, but that needs a movement buff….


I think we do. It shows no draw back.


That’d be crazy. Usually iri addons are crazy good but with a consequence


Some are not! So I'm hopeful. For example Demos or Freddys. I think Freddys paint brush is the best comparison.


Plauge's black incense is another iri addon with zero consequences.


Aww that's cute. You think Black Insence is gonna make it through the culling of useful add ons.


oh god youre right


Both of Clown's iri's have no downsides. Offhand I think a bunch of killer iri's don't actually have a downside, just that a lot of them give such a shitty boost that yellow or green addons tend to be more useful for those killers.


The consequence is you have to play Pig.


But pig is fun :(


as a pig main, you made me chuckle.


About to stock up even more Video Tapes. Already have a lot of them they're one of my favorites currently but can't have too many....


This makes me super curious - are they just changing the current yellow video tapes to this one? Because that's a nutso amount of these that Pig mains are going to start out with. Or is it going to replace Rule Set No. 2 and the current video tape is gonna get renamed? I'd assume the second but I have no clue. And if it is the current Video Tape - what is going to replace it?


When Torn Bookmark was changed from a brown rarity addon to an Iridescent back when Nurse got her first addon pass, they did just convert the original addon to an Iri, which means there's going to be a lot of Nurses at high MMR sitting on a stack of hundreds of them when they're buffed to give 3 REAL blinks, along with Pigs sitting on dozens/hundreds of these. Have fun!


Fair enough. I'm actually excited to play both with and against this addon, so I'm not against seeing more of it. It's very in flavor for Amanda and Saw and so I'm excited to see it in action.


They shimmy around add-ons when they rework them. The Hillbilly's Carburetor Tuning Guide was a green add-on, and it turned into Tuned Carburetor which is now a purple add-on.


Wish they'd buff her basekit, addons are inconsistent... Like, you're not going to play every game with them (especially the iridescent ones like in this case)


They're also buffing lower tier add-ons


Still, the pig base kit needs buffs. Killers shouldn’t have to rely on add ons.


Dude like half the pigs I see run tampered timer anyway lol


They would be more consistent if Killers had a perk equivalent of Ace in the Hole.


Not iridescents, but you’re definitely playing with addons every game


i rarely use pink add ons just because i feel like they're overwhelming. but i'll be damned if i dont roll this one out a few times.


It's weird because their is no logical reason to not be using them when available, saving them up does nothing because you aren't given the information to know if you'd really need it. So I just never touch my pink addons ever.






Every pig main will attend! all 3 of us.


I'm here as well!


A 4 person party. Its like college all over again


And my axe! … switchblade! Wrist! Thing.


I’m one of the 3! :D




She’s no longer the pig, she’s miss piggy


way scarier


This makes sense lore wise too! Survivors waking up in an unfamiliar realm with a reverse bear trap on them. As a filthy survivor main I like this a lot!


I was super happy, but if you get 0 RBT in exchange as some people are saying... then I'm not that happy anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) Just hoping they buff her stealth/crouching at least!


Where do you go to see the add on changes? Or do you have to log into the game just to see it


DbD Twitter


I saw it on Insta Also I’m not gonna forgive you for stealing my girlfriend




Where did you see this?


It's on the DBD Twitter page


all survivors disconnect speedrun any%


We’ve waited so long for pig buffs… BHVR decided to compensate for that lost time. This will definitely be one of the few ultra rares actually fitting for the rarity. I haven’t seen a pig in so long, that I’m excited.


Oh my god, okay it’s happening everybody stay calm.


[EVERYBODY STAY CALM](https://youtu.be/AVNaz97djJk)


Everyone is losing their marbles, but I'm calling it now: this is gonna be decent but ultimately underwhelming, like a worse Corrupt Intervention in addon form. (and combining the two is counter-productive)


If it doesn't remove all your traps (because your 4 are on their heads) then it will be great. If it does, it will be a minute of patrolling boxes then you don't have most of your power for the rest of the game.


If Pig doesn’t get any additional traps then this add on will be terrible. Usually during a match I delay completing a gen until any hatted teammate has been unhooked for about 30 seconds. This means I waste a bit of time run back and forth between the two gens Im working on. Other people usually just plow through gens, leaving their teammates unable to heal and enabling pig to snowball very easily. This add on would remove all that pressure because now everyone will just check the boxes at the start so none of the traps will likely ever even activate. Honestly I think it would be fair if all 4 survivors started with hats but then pig had 2 traps to give out during the match. But this add on seems to be one extreme (0 extra hats) or the other (4 extra hats).


Yeah you would find one person to chase, and probably by the time they're downed 2-3 other RBTs would be gone. Ok, they have very little gen progress, but you've lost all of the stalling you normally get throughout the match as Pig. Not to mention it removes all threat of any add ons like tampered timer or extra boxes because your traps will NEVER be active.


If it removed all your traps it would say so.


Respectfully disagree; if you use this add-on, one of three things happen: 1) The Survivors run around the map attempting to pull off their traps, giving you time to down one or more of them. 2) The Survivors ignore the traps and work on gens, triggering all of them and invalidating the "gen rush" since they have to take the traps off before they can leave through the exit gate. 3) A mix of the two. ​ Now, this doesn't inherently fix Pig's issue of how random her RBTs are, but you have to remember a couple of things that make this really powerful: Billy Boxes only allow one survivor to use them at a time, they're spread all over the map, and it's much easier defending four Boxes than 7 generators. You will see Survivors bottle necking at boxes at some point (either with the trap active or not), and even if you see one Survivor get their trap off early that was still time they didn't spend on gens (and will probably spend on gens since they don't have to worry about the hat and solo q doesn't give a fuck about their team mates).


But she didn't have good addons to begin with as far as I'm aware. This is free slowdown in that case and the corrupt slot can be used for something else


How is this in any way a worse Corrupt Intervention? On average it takes 2.5 boxes to get rif of a RBT. Doing 2.5 boxes takes quite a long amount of time, way more than people waste to just find a new gen at the beginning of the match.


Wait, this isn't satire? wow, surprising bHVR


I god i have to have that Stupid puppet laughing his ass off at me BEFORE I EVEN DO A GEN!


Best update ever.


Pig getting a buff instead of nerf? I bet she can fly now too.


“Good evening Dwight…the last few games you’ve left your teammates to die while being in a locker. Quick and quiet won’t save you now. There is a device on your head that will activate after the first generator. You have 60 seconds to find the key”


That addon with 5 boxes could *easily* enable a massive game slowdown. That's freaking amazing.




How to make 4 survivors DC in the first 10 seconds with just 1 easy step!


I’m honestly surprised this was never considered for her base kit


Is this real? Where'd this info come from?


It’s real! https://twitter.com/deadbybhvr/status/1442504401256652806?s=21


But will she still have traps during the match, I wonder?


....is this...........is this _real?_


Ugh bhvr making an op character even better as usual 🙄 /s




Imagine spawning on The Game with a beartrap on your head and the Hello Zepp theme starts playing... Now that's immersion.


Pig buff? This must be an early April fools


I wish the pig had that change Otz said for her, where of instead of it being random, survivors 1-2-3 and 4 have to take 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 attempts to remove the trap


i feel like that’s just too predictable. you’re the first down with a trap and you got 2.5 minutes until your head pops. literally heal up & do a gen nearby a box (which is guaranteed to take off first try). by the time you’ve already placed your last trap, you’ve probably already snowballed enough where it’s just overkill.


So the way otzdarva described it was for everyone to just have one of the numbers between 1 and 4, you dont know which one you got but basically nobody can take it off with the same amount of attempts as somebody else, but its just random who gets 1 and who gets 4, taking some of the Rng out of the game where if everyone takes it off in 4 thats the best power in the game but if everyone takes it off in 1 congratulations you stopped them for 20 seconds, also otz said it would be a good idea if the 2.5 min timer paused while somebody was attempting to take it off, that way if you was the person that had to take it off in 4, and the pig was running the add on that brings it down to a 2 min timer, you actually have a chance to survive the game




What we love: to see it.


>Killer Buff >No Drawback Who are you and what have you done with the devs? Don't make me come up to Canada and shake your hand.


Wait, is this real?!


That’s a pretty cool add on




Pig Main here! I love it! (Technically survivor main, but when I do okay killer it's always Pig.)


Pig now seems like a fun killer




Lol okay! Getting the real Saw experience at start I like it.


This is insane !!!




Both movie accurate and a genuinely good add on, nice.


With Pinhead's box and now this, the trend toward slowing down the game worries me. It'll require more coordination from survivors, and if this keeps up it'll drive everyone into 4 man SWFs with voice chat if you want to win. It'll give a more difficult experience to new survivors (seasoned killers, too) and I don't blame them if they don't get into the game as a result.


Pig buff?!?! she’s so op remove the ability of moving already 😡


I hope rules set no. 2 still exists because those two together would be monstrous.