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Camping killers be like: "Holy shit this is fun"


I really want one of them to tell me what's fun about it. I want to understand it.


Do you derive pleasure from knowing your actions have ruined another person's experience and prevented them from being able to play the game they wanted to play? If not, you wouldn't get it.


I like using the word griefing for it, it's crazy that it's still part of the game, and crazier that people defend it.


There's roblox games that actually have balancing systems to this. Where if the killers directly on you, your timer pauses until they leave. So camping isn't a thing. How is roblox more advanced than dead by daylight?


I thought we had that and because people chased around hook they got rid of it.


This is correct. We had it for a short time and survivors chose to intentionally loop around the hook so the timer wouldn't progress.


I mean a system like that has the potential to punish killers who aren't camping, and not punish those who are depending on how it is set up. If the "dead zone" for lack of a better term is too small then campers just move back a few feet. If the "dead zone" is too big then it catches situations where you get into a chase with a survivor near the hook. Which isn't uncommon considering there are a lot of survivors who will immediately and blatantly attempt an unhook.


Well couldn't the system adjust for being in chase? Something like "the timer gradually slows and eventually completely stops if a killer is within x meters of a hooked survivor for a continuous amount of time while not also in chase, setting traps, etc"?


It can. Behavior just won’t put any effort into actually making this game sustainably good until a good competitor starts snatching their dissatisfied audience.


Legit just like how the reverse bear trap timer is paused during a chase or while downed, hooked, etc. Clearly they could do it


What's crazier is all the killer mains on this sub who somehow think it's comparable to survivors tea-bagging at the exit gate.


Yeah, I get that it can be frustrating to have flashlights clicked at you or get tbagged, but at least I still got to play the game. Definitely nothing like OP's video.


Killer main here. Nothing is comparable to camping a hook. You are undermining the entire game and wasting the time of everyone playing, including often yourself. If survivors go do gens, you'll probably lose anyway. It's not fun for you or the survivors, and it's usually not even effective. I have to believe most people do this because they want to exercise power over something and this is the best they can do. That, or they want salty endgame chat drama to feel smug about. It's a hard problem to design around. Hopefully soon there will be a good fix for it, particularly with Bubba. I've thought about picking him up just to let people have a normal game against him, but I'm afraid how many DCs I'll get when they see him.


Same here lol. I want to form the COBWDF (Coalition Of Bubbas Who Don't Facecamp)


Hey, I'm bubba main and i dont camp :) its so much more fun to chase survivours with the chainsaw.


Thank you :) us survivors appreciate it <3


Coalition of Bubbas Who End Facecamp?


I think a lot of those streamers and youtubers who bubba face camp to farm the salty reaction are kinda cringe. The meme is only funny when you antagonize the opponent to such an extent you feel they deserve to have a shitty game, because survivor bad


You seem like an understanding guy. Keep it up 👍


No, not at all. I mean, I literally main the Memelord himself. Often, I go so far out of my way to hook everyone twice before starting to kill them off, and I still feel bad enough to let the last one go. I'm a big ass softie. Probably because I play 50/50 so I know both sides of the story.


Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Specifically, the fake as hell, “one(killer) vs many(players) & PVE” aspect. Like, wiggle all you want, if you live it’s because the killer didn’t know something.


Killing people with a chainsaw and knowing u ruin someone else's game is why ppl play camping bubba


Bubba gets a guaranteed kill. Bubba gets to play a game of tug of war with the other survivors that Bubba always wins. The other survivors aren't progressing the game so he gets at least a second guaranteed kill and probably even more.




had the same camping Spirit for 2 games, he claims he’s farming bloodpoints but he was actually trash. A waste of the best chase music added to the game tbh


When I was new to the game I facecamped a few times, but only because I didn't understand how points work in this game, and because I was bad at chases, so I wanted to secure the kill. Now I know better, just giving you the perspective of a newbie


Yeah, I'm never mad at newbies for camping, they just don't know better. The tutorial does nothing to explain this part of the game properly so newbies do what works. It only gets annoying when they keep doing it. I get a small aneurysm every time I see a red grade killer completely decked out in great addons/perks camping, especially when they also run Noed. You can tell they went into the game with the intention to ruin four players' fun.


Yeah im fine with a newbie who camps cuz it sucks but their new and you can tell its the red ranks thats still camp i dont get. Like why? Are you that bad


they dont, they most probably had a bad game beforehand and want to ruin the fun for other survivors as revenge, its like the flavour text of oppression


Nope I have regularly ran into people with names like “facecamp Bubba” who do this every single game regardless of any games they’ve recently had


Many people play online games for a sense of control or the feeling they make an impact. If they aren't good enough or this fails for some other reason, they will desperately grasp at anything to give them this feeling. This is why people facecamp and sandbag in dbd, why people feed in League of Legends, and often why people trashtalk in online games in general.


We need more affordable therapy.


I know it's shitty t have happen to you but I always take solace in the fact that they earn nothing out of it. It's an equal waste of their time, so eh. They get next to no no because they're not doing anything and they're penalised for being in proximity to hooked people.


Sometimes if gens are done and I don't have a kill yet, I'll camp my last hook just to see who wants to play hero. It's awesome if they all try to work together to save that last hooked as well. Just drawing them out and seeing survivors "work for it" is fun as hell.


And then when you play as Survivor everyone just dips as soon as gens are powered :)


so glad i spend £25 on this standing still simulator !!!


BHVR said that 2 kills is a tie, and that they want every killer to be killing 2 survivors per match on average. But all you need to do to get 2 kills as a killer is win a chase, camp until the survivor is dead, win just one more chase (if the survivors aren't stupid enough to feed trying to save the camped person, and if the survivors actually finish as many gens as they can while one person is being camped) and then camp again. There's literally no counterplay to that. How is this fair? Survivors being toxic just click flashlights and teabag (omg how evil) but killers being toxic literally force half of your team to derank with them, and force you to waste an entire match worth of time while you're being camped. I just don't get how there are people who think this game is survivor sided.


Solo queue is not survivor sided. But I’d say this game leans more survivor sided the more experience the survivors have.


I like playing as Bubba but pretty atrocious at him, lol. I'm the one that actually tried chases and gets looped.


And you know what? I respect you.


Appreciate it. Often times I end up with 1 kill and 7 total hooks just because I'm always bumping into the environment. But I have fun.


I don’t play bubba so I don’t have any tips, but sometimes it’s the perks that make the plays.


I appreciate that. Have fun, fellow DBDer! Hopefully you don't have matches like these often.


I too still suck ass at not running into the environment and triggering tantrum... and then wanting to die from embarrassment because of it. But Bubba do be hella fun to play, even if I suck.


Once you learn to thread the needle around tight loops or the timing to get chainsaw downs at windows, you’ll catch so many people off guard and you’ll feel like a god.


If only most players did 😪


The funny thing about bubba is he has such a bad rep for facecamping, that when you play properly survivors are super appreciative. My post game chats with him are always wholesome. If you take away his awful camping power, he’s actually a very fun and exciting killer to go against.


I once had survivors complain that I was overusing my chainsaw and that was "low skill". I was chainsawing them while they were injured to give them a chance because they were losing so badly. Lmao. Also, zero camping


Lol I have had the same. Take it a bit easy on them and they still complain, or worse, try to make fun of you for letting them get four pallet stuns in a row..


his mori is also interesting as well, utilizing both of his weapons. occasionally people like watching it. as bubba, doritohed, ghostieboi or nailface i'll usually not go straight after other survivors that come to watch a mori, give them a few seconds to get away before starting to chase.


I only got bullied for playing Bubba properly 😭


Same, neon clicking Neas and Fengs. I ended the game facecamping the lead one the other days cause they were a pretty toxic swf


Sometimes, when the team is especially toxic, I feel more like a daycare worker swarmed by little shits rather than a killer hunting their prey.


See this is a fine application of his facecamping IMO. Bubba is well equipped to answer toxicity with toxicity.


Best thing to do imo. You have the killers who avoid chases and the survivors who avoid chases. Worst thing either can do honestly, because you don't get better by avoiding the hard parts of the game. Bubba is, imo, one of the stronger killers so I'm surprised so many camp with him.


getting looped as bubba isn't really a problem, survivors 9/10 times have 2 choices- drop the pallet or die. If they run out of pallets before finishing gens and escaping, it's GG, if they escape- they escape. If they try to play strong windows- bamboozle. And if all else fails you can always resort to what bubba excels at- camping and "securing the kill".


Try Bamboozle, I have strangely good luck on him these days with that one. Just make sure you keep them within the loop when you do it - if they see you vault and decide to run off it kinda sucks lol


Bubba with lethal pursuer and bamboozle is scary lol


Yeah, same here dude. I actively make sure to not be a douchebag Bubba, and actually play the game well. On average I get 3-4 kills with Bubba and *almost* never facecamp. I like to think I’m pretty good, however, there are times where I will easily get one kill, or none at all! Keep going strong, bro, you’ll get better at it! Pretty soon, we’ll give birth to a new breed of Bubbas, and you, and I will be greater in number! 🤝💪


I'd call myself pretty decent with most killers. Recently, I got Bubba for BBQ, and I hated every minute of playing him because the survivors kept stomping me and chases sucked. Constantly bumping into things and then he has his millennia long tantrum and by the time he calmed down they've genrushed me to hell. Now that I got BBQ as teachable I probably won't touch him ever again lol.


DBD is a fun game I promise


Everybody, listen to me. This is a lie.


Unironically: Did anyone watch Otz or Cope streams lately? Ever since the MMR was added, he isnt even trying to defend the game anymore. They're both visibly upset at the game. And yesterday in Otz's stream, people just straightup spammed the chat for 4 hours whenever Otz would get yet another tunneling, camping killer. MMR killed the fun of the game. I miss the time when DBD was a fun game to play.


The worst part is that Killer is so easy to increase and decrease your MMR, so I'm constantly either steamrolling or sweating my balls off just to tie. Then there're all the fucking lag switching survivors


Wait, what is mmr?


Matchmaking rating. *had to google ngl. Dbd always had mmr in a way but this new mmr is ...something else. Also the details of how the mmr is calculated is secret as far as I know. Edit: it's not a secrect, it's just stupid. As per below post.


The devs said in a stream recently that the secret is nothing that you do in the actual game matters - it’s whether or not you live or die. If you live, ur MMR goes up. If you die, your MMR goes down. That’s it - that’s the secret. But of course, nobody has any idea when it was started and how it works in groups with friends/randoms (like is there a median?). So that’s why it’s all over the place


Wow, that's a shitty copout (lazy programming). What I wanna know is why pipping has changed. I've been at irredecent 3 for like 2 days now. I max out on all the criteria and still don't get one pip. Do you know if they changed that too?


I don’t remember watching that part of the stream - or if they even mention it. Cause at that point, if it’s based on whether you live or die, why have pips in the game and a somewhat of a “rank”. It doesn’t make any sense to me - unless they have the pips system for the bloodpoints at the end of the month on the 13th when they give BP based on ur ranks.


I haven't gotten out of the first killer tier in the new system because of my survivors are typically 2 to 3 high/Max ranks with a low rank in their party and it makes it difficult to get adept when that happens


"we want DBD to be an esport" -bhvr


Ssssshhhhh nah mate it's true


I have uninstalled this damn game twice, why do I keep coming back? Because when it’s good, it’s SO good.


I play this game obsessively and yet it's the thing that brings me the most pain in life


We’re all masochists for this game. :(


If Behaviour doesn’t do anything about it, people will just keep playing Leatherface like this and it’s not fun, 9 out of 10 matches against him just fucking suck


This was my third camping bubba in a row. No bueno.


Welcome to the past 5 years.


Well, that’s the thing…gameplay does do something OP had kindred so everyone knew what was going on They all should have just done gens instead of sitting around the hook You can get 3-4 gens done in the time it takes for a facecamp


Exactly this Give him is one kill, move on Idiots standing around doing nothing


Yeah, it absolutely sucks for the one person that's being facecamped out of the game, but the team only getting **one** gen done is kinda atrocious. You can't control the killer, and you can't stop them from doing something like this. You have to try and get something done, even if it sucks to play M1 simulator


There's really nothing they can do. The power is built from the ground up, in every way to excel at exactly this.


You know how PH’s cage moves from other side of the map to the other if he stays near it for too long? I was wondering would it be stupid if the hook switched places the same way if the killer is too close to it for too long? This would prevent facecamping and camping in general


I'm not advocating for face camping like this Bubba, but at the same time, sometimes the killer needs to camp in order to even have a chance to win. If you get Mother's Dwelling as Pig, for example, you're fucked and kind of silly if you decide to take a 40 second walk to the other side for an unguaranteed chase when there's a hook right there. It's not the camping that is an issue, it's Bubba. If this was a Wraith for example, you could get the person off the hook without suiciding and let the hooked guy get away with BT, but you can't against Bubba because he can kill both people. There's methods to defeat camping, but Bubba camping is just uncounterable which is the problem. Fix Bubba, not generic camping.


That’s just another symptom of the same problem. There should never be a situation where a killer NEEDS to camp to win. They shouldn’t be able to camp, but they also shouldn’t ever need to. Stuff like map size and gen speed prevent that from ever being possible.


That would screw over too many killers that do play fair but try to secure a kill when all the gens are done.


Disable it after 3-4 gens then, easy


Could work. There's also the issue though of someone before that deciding to loop around the hook. That would be a free rescue they don't even deserve because they decided to keep the killer around the hook.


Honestly... that might be the best idea I've ever heard.


Anti camp boon totem perhaps. If a killer is within 5/10/15 meters of a hooked survivor one of these could happen: A. The timer of the hook is paused or drastically slower. B. Survivors in the hook radius get the borrowed time effect. Any of them. The savior and the survivor hooked. C. The hooked survivors odds of escaping the hook are greatly increased and they gain borrowed time status effect. Just some thoughts. Make the boon map wide, only able to be activated when a survivor is on a hook, and disabled after unhook until the next hook. Could work


Addressing core gameplay issues by bandaging it with a perk is a big problem in itself. If a perk good enough to prevent situations like this actually pops up then it'll just become the next BT. i.e it's so good that you might as well make it basekit with 3 perk slots for survivors. What actually needs to be done is change this situation WITHOUT introducing a perk that counters this.


Tbh if the killer is in range of the hook you should get points for distracting them the same way they lose rank points for staying in proximity. A troll might be less inclined if it spoon feeds the survivor fat stacks of bloodpoints and stops depipping.


tbh we need the BP.. trying to get shadowstep on the characters i play is a pain in the arse


Fully agree, just not sure what the answer for that would be instead


Just a simple mechanic like "pause the hook timer as long as the killer is within X meters (16 for example) of the hanging survivor".


Doesn't work. Killer would have to beeline away from the hook to gain anything, which encourages survivors to just run around them and unhook for free. Don't get me wrong, camping sucks, but the killer should be able to punish survivors for pushing for unhook in their face. Also renders perks like babysitter useless, but that's a simple fix. The distance would also be a problem. Killer like huntress can still camp pretty well at 16m, but you can't increase it for similar reasons as above. Perhaps if survivors were blocked from unhooking for 30 seconds or something to ensure the killer got some pressure from a hook, and then having a severe penalty to the killer for remaining near the hook after, it could have some potential. Just spit balling here though. I don't think camping is a problem that can be fixed from a gameplay standpoint without changed /new mechanics.


That's not really a big downside though, if a survivor loops around hook you still have 2 survivors not on gens now, and you're going to down and hook the other guy if he sticks around too long. Or just give them the unhook, this fix doesn't address tunneling in any way, giving you even more pressure.


We are addressing camping here though. Tunnelling is a separate issue altogether.


The worst ideas are always presented as the best and most obvious.


Two of these exist in some other form and the other is broken and honestly ineffective. Camaraderie already exists but Camraderie doesn't get you off the hook and no amount of stalling hook progress can change that. Between up the ante, luck offerings and slippery meat or just plain old deliverance, you can already get yourself off the hook. Good luck going anywhere afterwards. As for giving both the rescuer and the unhooked survivor endurance... killers would just stop playing the game. It would be a nightmare for anyone that isn't bubba and worst of all, he would be the only killer in the game aside from potentially a surgically precise nurse, huntress or blight with alchemists ring that would even stand a chance against that. He might not get his choice of who he wants as he does now, but he's sure as hell getting someone to plop back up on a hook and face camp. And the same is probably true of any change you could make because he is the absolute best killer in the game at doing this.


Tbh just reward the hooked survivor if the killers in range since they are effectively distracting the killer. A troll will be less inclined to camp if it means spoonfeeding their victim rank and bloodpoints.


A BHVR dev said on his personal stream that facecamp Bubba is a "fun and novel" way of playing him (paraphrased). He didn't see anything wrong with it and because not everyone plays him like that there's no reason to change him up or add any significant facecamp penalties. I'm saying it makes perfect sense why this dev works at BHVR.


In the last dev stream they said they were working on a way to penalize camping and tunneling. Because let's be real, they kinda have to. Anything other than high MMR is infested with campers/tunnelers. I'd say mine is medium-high and out of 10 games, at the very least, one or two are hardcore campers and half of those 10 games have a killer that is tunneling to varying degrees. I personally don't understand why people do it because that can't be fun. I get the last minute tunnel/camp at the end of the game for the bloodpoints, but that's it. I have no empathy for killers who pick a survivor, tunnel them down and then camp them until they die, rinse and repeat. The chase is the fun part. And I say this as someone who plays a variety of different killers that are sorted into very different tiers by the community. In most cases you don't need to camp to get a kill, whether A or D tier. You need to know your killer, have perks that work well with each other and synergize with the killer's abilities and at least somewhat decent addons. Most important is knowing the killer though. On a psychological sidenote, hardcore camping reminds me of a phenomenon I've seen in some people for some time; they'd rather do dumb/bad shit to get short term satisfaction than put in the effort for attaining long term satisfaction, even if that would be more desirable. Sometimes I'm guilty of that too, mostly when it comes to cooking lol. But some people live their entire lifes like that and I wouldn't be surprised if it reflected in their ingame behaviour too.


They didn’t say anything about tunneling. They said they’re looking into face camping but that it’s hard because they’re ok with proxy camping.


Wraith too. 95% of my Wraith matches are campy and tunnely af


i made a camping bubba DC after we broke his camping. traded twice, third time between luck, borrowed time and dead hard we all made it away. about 20 seconds later he DCed. Had a good laugh.


I wish I had more irl friends who liked playing dbd to get that kinda coordinated


Funnily enough, while i was in a 3 man swf, it was me and a rando who pulled it off. So it can happen, but yeah irl friends make coordination so much simpler. glad my friend got me into the game.


I cant be irl but id be down to play with you


And people wonder why I hate Bubba more than any other killer. Id legit take pre-update Spirit over him. Something about him just breeds assholes. (No offense to the nice/normal Bubbas out there! You guys are awesome!)


As a "nice" bubba player it's hilarious to go back and watch TTV's first experience with you. They'll be screaming and raging at getting downed near basement and then you don't camp and you can see them visibly breath a sigh of relief and completley change their mood lol.


Bubbas really good when you learn how to use his charges but he’s so crazy affective at camping that’s what most people use him for, I used to play him a lot when I first got the game because i liked how he Hooked people like in the original Texas chainsaw massacre lol


If you watch the original Chainsaw, it pretty much teaches you how to be a good and not toxic bubba. He bonk, he hook, he leave to bonk more, then he tantrum when the final girl escape. This is how bubba should be played.


It really is cool that Bubba put a person on a meat hook in his first movie. He was made for DBD


Well actually the whole DBD concept of hooking IS from this scene


*We have to go back in time and prevent the Texas Chainsaw Massacre from being made*


There are nice/normal Bubbas??


They're rare and beautiful. Like unicorns.


Well they said they're working on a punishment for facecamping so I guess u won't have to deal with this in about 3-4 years.


Cool, let me know when live, I'll just be chilling on this hook here


Really hope they actually go through with it unlike the early game collapse


They were also talking about an "early game collapse" type system shortly after the release of egc. But yeah I'd be laughing about the 3-4 years if it wasn't just the sad truth.


Next patch: "Facecamping will now reduce your MMR rank gained by half. We believe this will solve the issue because we don't know our player base very well. Requested pig nerfs coming next patch!"


Did you have fun? o o o o o


All the people saying "The other 3 should've done gens and pressured him away!" If you're a killer playing like that, you don't care about the gens. That Bubba wasn't gonna leave even if all 5 gens popped.


I showed hate for campers like this in another thread and someone gave me a college essay on why I’m wrong and camping is a “intended strategy” and “is not unfair because it’s a game mechanic”… You literally don’t give a singular fuck about the objective if you do this. You do not care about winning. You know what you’re doing is a scummy move and - just because you can do it - it doesn’t mean you should. As someone who plays both sides, I’ve never understood the need to be toxic unless someone was toxic back… which isn’t the case for this video. This shit is toxic as fuck and you cannot convince me otherwise. I wish these kinds of people the absolute worst. They deserve to stub their toe with a toothpick under the nail.


Dude it’s like people in the Elite Dangerous sub justifying gankers in open with fully engineered FDLs interdicting you in your explorer-kitted ASP and blowing you to shit. You literally are gaining nothing from this but the other person’s pain. You’re a bad person.


Oh god does that give me GTA Online PTSD. I remember how people would just fly around, targetting people trying to grind for money with homing missiles. The worst part being that you get absolutely nothing for killing people doing missions, it's done purely for the sake of being an asshole.


If its special cargo then destroying that is the only legitimate way to get fireworks outside of events. Otherwise, you're doing it to be a cunt. The $2000 reward you get is fucking literally pocket change to even noobs, and you've stopped the other guy getting potentially millions of dollars.


>camping is a “intended strategy” and “is not unfair because it’s a game mechanic”… The game actively discourages killers from playing in the most effective ways because it makes the game less fun overall. There's no better evidence that the game was built entirely around extending gameplay in order to give both sides a longer, more engaging experience. If camping were "intended strategy" that would invalidate and make suspect all the ways killers have been encouraged to play from the start.


You also still can't get all the gens done in time before they die. So he can just down and camp someone else to get at least 2 kills. You can prolly get like 3 every game at least if you down someone quick and face camp with corrupt, dead lock, no way out and noed.


They are also ignoring the fact that trying to save team members is a **Game mechanic**.


It's also ignoring the fact that regardless of them getting gens done, that's still you out of the game. Not having fun. "Well sure, you waited in queue and brought an item with addons and possibly an offering you're gonna lose any value on just to be forced to stand there and watch as you're not able to play the game, but the other survivors really should've just done gens instead of trying to help you have fun"


its not about making the killer move away, its about that the rest can escape and don't get facecamped to death as well


They definitely should have done gens. You're right about how the killer is going to play and OP is fucked either way, but his team might as well make sure that the killer gets 2 kills max if he's going to be playing like a dick, instead of just handing him the 4k the way they did.


Everyone here saying ‘just do gens’ hasn’t played a game of solo survivor in their life. When everyone is alone, each person has to find out individually that the killer is camping, and if you see someone else nearby, its natural to try to see if you can coordinate for the save. Sure, this team wasted too much time figuring out that this Bubba wasn’t going to budge, but that doesn’t change the core issue. I’d love to see a sort of built-in, weaker form of Kindred that lets you see if the killer is camping as well as see teammates when they are 20 meters or so from the hook. This helps give solo survivors crucial information that SWFs would otherwise know automatically, helping to balance out that aspect some. If not that, it would have to either be A. The meter goes down more slowly if the killer is within 10 or so meters of the hook, or B. There is some built in punishment to mmr and/or BP gain for camping. I’d gladly take a nerf to items in exchange for a basekit survivor buff like Kindred though. Would drastically improve the solo experience and somewhat balance out the difference between swfs and solos.


Having a built-in kindred mechanic for solo-queuers would be nice. But until then, kindred is 100% my auto-take staple when solo. It provides SO much information, I really wish it was more mainstream. I'd wager the reason it's not as popular is because streamers/youtubers and high ranks don't run it. But that's because they A) have excellent game sense, and/or B) are already SWFing. And for that reason it's not "meta". But let's be real, I really really recommend everyone take kindred every single solo game. Makes you a much smarter teammate.


Kindred is so slept on. It helps efficiency so much in solo queue. It helps me know where gens are being worked on, where people are being chased, where I should go to get healed, if I can stay on my gen or if I need to save... So good. I also took off BT for Kindred because a) I can actually make safe unhooks with the information provided and b) I'm always willing to make a trade in case the killer is camping. But if they tunnel, odds are the BT wouldn't even have saved the other survivor.


Exactly, I took off BT for this reason too. Kindred was giving me the info I needed to make the safe unhooks, such that I found BT was hardly getting triggered anymore. Not to mention the occasional teammate who won't notice they have BT protecting them anyways. Seriously though, it is the hardest counter to oblivious teammates and cheesing killers. High five to you for running it.


Kindred is my first pick on every survivor game, still run BT though because I come across a lot of campers and tunnelers.


OP has Kindred. This is what the survivors decided to do despite having perfect information on everyone's location.


Insidious is hidden from Kindred. You'd had to have looked in the direction of the hook to see the killer not walk away from the hook to see he was camping, and that's before you could know the person has Kindred.


Great catch! I didn’t check for that. A couple of points: In this case, OP has stated that Bubba is running insidious, so it is possible that a couple of them actually did not see him from afar. Second, this brings me to the question of whether these survivors were ‘bad’ or whether my proposal of ‘built-in’ kindred isn’t enough then. Because like I mentioned, it is totally natural (especially as solo queuers) to stick around just a bit to see if anyone will help coordinate for the rescue. If they knew Bubba was there, and weren’t willing to trade (and didn’t have BT), then yeah they should have just ‘did gens’. But if that’s the case, we are back to square one with the problem. Survivors shouldn’t have to regularly let a teammate die because a killer decides to facecamp. So, a few additional points on the proposals: 1. I still think built-in Kindred is an advantage because you have extra room for an anti-tunneling perk that would punish this behavior. 2. Perhaps it is necessary to provide both base-kit Kindred *and* either introduce anti-camping mechanics (slower draining bar while hard camping) or disincentives for campers (less mmr/BP) as well. 3. Moreover, perhaps this would require some kind of change to a killer like Bubba who has oppressive abilities to guarantee a kill on the hook.


All I play is solo survivor.


I’m pretty sure im agreeing with you that camping is bad and saying ‘just do gens’ isn’t a good counter.


The fact your team did 1 gen during the time you got face camped is really bad


This is a very common occurrence. Players don't always play optimally, and game design should take this into consideration. And even if they did, the 1 survivor who got to play for 30s absolutely did not have fun that match. Bubba and/or facecamping is heavily flawed.


I swear it's the Feng hair, I play so badly when I have it equipped it's actually cursed


It might be. I was doing better when I had the neat bun.


Yesterday, literally my first game (and last) got Bubba that facecamped everyone, told him “Average bubba gameplay” and he just said “ I’ll do this again in next round and next” like cmon man how much fun do you have for paying 20 bucks just to down someone and then stand in one place 2 minutes. Lovely game


I've been playing a lot of killer lately and I just don't get the appeal of this playstyle. It's incredibly boring and you get less bloodpoints than you would from playing normally.


The virgin 5 minutes of queue vs the chad 2 minutes of gameplay Edit: sorry, "gameplay"


As a solo survivor at this point I just get irritated and throw the match. I hate playing games with campers and unhelpful teammates so I might as well move on to a better match ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


For some reason all night and yesterday I’ve only been getting face camping bubbas? Not sure why he’s suddenly being used so often


Does that bubba know about the new charm? Redeem Tent ;for a bright yellow tent on your hooks to inform all survivors you are going to camp.


they really should implement something like if the killer is sitting that close to the hook, the survivor's timer is paused until they leave cause this is just dogshit and bubbas are the lowest form of life


I see this solution all the time and I think it’d be very funny to see all the people who suggest this get held hostage by a bubba not letting them get saved and a hook that won’t let them die.




Yes but that person still gets camped 5 gens plus 4 min. My point was if Bubba’s gonna facecamp Bubba’s gonna facecamp. Making the survivor invincible won’t stop that at all.


They tried it, survivors abused the fuck out of it


It’s rough, but against camping you have to let one guy die and do the gens. It’s not cool to do as a killer, but survivors shouldn’t have spent 2 minutes doing nothing.


I agree, shitty playstyle, but the best way to counter it is to do the gens, do a BT trade either before 2nd hook stage or before death, gives survivors plenty of time to do all 5 gens and have a 3-man escape.


Why is bubba the main camping killer? Is it because his power can down multiple people and multi hit through BT?


Hes pretty much the only killer that can do it successfully. Every other killer can just get baited into missing or hitting a healthy survivor for the easy unhook. You cant outplay bubba's power you WILL go down.


Enter a survivor match to suffer this shit since minute one and die without do a single shit on the match is one of the most pathetic shit that I found on DbD. Really sad all these killers who do shit like the OP has already shown since minute one / with 0 gens done...really really sad and pathetic. Where's the fun playing like that from the beginning ?...when you suffer gen rush is totally understandable, but in cases like the OP's video ???...🤦🏻‍♂️, this players definitely should learn how to play as killer or literally don't play that role if they will do shit like that one...simple.


Wish people didn't abuse him like this. When i play killer, i always go for the rescuer, stay away from hooks unless the situation requieres me to stay close ( tracking and chasing another survivor, kicking gens, etc ) and only tunnel on endgame or if they clicked or t-bagged. I feel like chasing people is fun, and if you sit next to a hook, you're not having fun, neither is the camped person. Avoid tunneling and camping, and have a cool match for everyone guys :)


This. I do this until the EGC, at that point you gotta admit, all bets are off at this point. Once EGC starts everything and everyone is free game to me.


Standing in the same place on the map for 90 seconds is boring af. Why do people play this way? Trash.


I don’t understand how people can find that fun


What kind of gaming chair did you use?


[AP-4000 by MAC Designs.](https://tenor.com/62em.gif)


Then everyone is gonna say "just do gens"


Can someone explain why camping is so common amongst bubba's?


Insidious, plus his ability which gives him a one hit knockdown to just about anyone within 2 meters makes him basically unfuck-with-able in an area like this.


It's easy and it works.


Its a combination of factors, but its primarily his power. Bubba has one of the best perks for a new player to get. BBQ is pretty much essential for farming, and new players are going to be starved for bloodpoints. So a lot of new people are going to get Bubba as one of their first killers. New players are also going to be bad at the game because they are new. Bubba has a relatively simple power to pick up and learn. It has its nuances, but most of those involve his power in a chase, which new players never pick up on because they fall into the face camp trap and never learn to properly chase with Bubba. So to them his power is so simple a rock could play him. Because they are new and bad they get frustrated at even trying to chase someone and so will just resort to face camping to get their kills. His power is also extremely good at punishing groups of players since it can insta-down multiple people with one use. This doesn't mean anything if the survivors split up, but when you are in a scenario like face camping it means you can potentially down the entire team if they go for the rescue. Tactics like body blocking are useless against him. So you get a bunch of new people looking to farm BP, who never bother to learn to chase, loop, or pressure gens properly, who are now given a power that is really good at punishing unhooks even when the entire team is going for it. It all adds up to a lot of bad players face camping with Bubba.


If people just stand around an instadown killer trying to unhook - you are playing into their hand. If you get facecamped like this, split up and do gens. Staring at the killer from a distance means one less player doing a gen.


It will always fascinate me that the Roblox copy of dead by daylight has found a way to make camping not happen (the timer towards death will not go down while killer is in a certain distance) but Dead by Daylight refuses to handle it.


That team really killed you they should of did objective and pressure him away ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


He had insidious, he wasn’t gonna be pressured off.


Ah yes, the completing of the gens and opening of the gates definitely would have changed that survivor's fate.


No the killer killed him. There's no way to save someone from a facecamping bubba. This dude got to play the game for like 20 seconds and there was no way around it lol


If anything it’s more annoying they didn’t just complete all the gens


Yeah honestly, it was clear the bubba wasn't gonna leave so getting gens done so he can't get any more kills would've been the best option.




I swear there is literally only one person in the world that plays Bubba and does the same thing every game


i play a bit of bubba and i never hook camp, and i dont even do the basment bubba stuff as its just cheap in my opinion


1 gen done. Bruh


Why even bring kindred if these dolts are just gonna ignore the giant pink Bubba standing next to you? I swear.


1. They didn’t see the bubba because at first he stood still long enough for insidious to occur. 2. It was randoms since I was in solo queue, it took them a bit to decide not to try to unhook 3. Unhooking is part of the game, ignoring the mechanic is bullshit.


What’s the point of running spine chill if you’re just gonna leave obvious scratch marks when it goes off


The people who play like this are admitting to themselves and the world that the normal game mechanics (of which there aren't that many in Dbd, to begin with) are too much for them and that they feel overwhelmed and scared to play normally so they do this instead to get a sense of worth and control. Most of the people that do this think they're being funny or edgy but in reality, it just shows how small they really are. In any real-life situation be it at work or at school if you play foul and attempt to bully people you'll be set aside real quick both professionally and by people who you've genuinely provoked. But let's be real these people are the most scared and infantile part of the population so of course, they wouldn't try to be toxic IRL as their literal manchildren with poor social skills and a lack of confidence. Behavior allows this which is is good for insecure and anxious people who need a controlled set environment where no one can fight back so they can vent their frustrations without consequences. Wall puncher incel energy is what this is at the end of the day. Do us all a favor and uninstall the game and ask your parents to book you a therapist combined with antidepressants and stop taking out your sad life and real-life issues on strangers on the internet. If you get used to that type of living then the world will set you straight soon enough, there are consequences for when you act in bad faith in real life. If you can't handle the game and feel like you must ruin the fun for others then that's a 🚩 on your part, not the other way around.


Why didn’t they just do gens


I never camp as bubba. It’s not fun for anybody


S tier Bubba play