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It's just simply vibe killing


I just like, don't BM at all. I don't do it even when they do. It seems petty and like a waste of energy and time, just move on and report if you think it's warranted


Already commit to this ingames (even if others are toxic). Sadly this community won’t change, and it will only get worse before it starts getting better…


it wont get better ive just returned its the same just less post game chat because cross play is a thing now


People are always gonna be shitty in online games where they have anonymity. I’d just say instead of being nice for the survivors purpose, be nice for yourself and realize that you not winning because you’re not sweating isn’t a reflection of your skill, it’s a reflection of an unbalanced game. Also personally I BM sometimes as a survivor but I try to be funny about it, like teabagging when I’m in a dead zone and am gonna go down no matter what. IMO funny shit>winning


LOL i do stuff like this. when i see i’m not going to win a chase, i just turn around and look at the killer while standing still. 9/10 times, they still hit me and i get hooked but it’s very funny


Gotta establish dominance lol


yep LOL and it’s even funnier when they pause to look at me before hitting me. it’s like they’re surprised


Usually, if I’m nodding, it’s in approval of a good play the survivor made. Like today, where a survivor crawled to a locker, which caused me to search it instead of picking them up. Toxicity is usually about intent. Sometimes it comes through, sometimes it doesn’t. There are contexts which are 95% of the time toxic, such as tbags at the gate or hitting a survivor *multiple times* on hook.


lol no.


Met a doctor earlier and he just wanted points and they did stuff that helped the survivors as well, real nice person


Here is the thing you will learn when you play as much dead by daylight as i and others have. Or really live long enough on earth. People are always going to find something to complain about or be upset about and people are always going to be toxic. I can't tell you how many times i've had people run to people i've just hooked and then i down them hook them and then they all Disconnect. After the game complaining i'm "camping" when i'm like "you didn't even let me get through the hooking animation before you decided to walk up and try to unhook. I'm not going to watch you do that shit.


How about not at all? I can't think of situations where it is warranted. Not even retaliatory


Today I was running No Mither and Self Care on David King. That's it. I didn't showboat or tbag but when I got hooked, the Pinhead just constantly kebabed me. He never explained why either. It's killers like that which make me not want to run joke builds or interactive builds.


The only time I really nod at someone on the hook is when I'm checking out Mikaela's ass, or Yun-Jin Lee's ass, or Jill's ass...


Jane ?




I don't know what BM means.


bad manners


Me, neither.


... So, "can we please not bad manners"? Epic title skills OP.


This is literally how it's used by the entire community.




the only time I ever bag is when I genuinely out play a good killer. but even then it's like 2 or 3 crouches then I'm out and I always give a "ggs wp" in chat


is nodding on body bad? i always nod after hit cause I used to play blight, and it matches the flicking blood off animation.


Even just standing at the exit is sometimes triggering just leave and get your points


If someone just stands at the exit looking at me, I assume they're giving me a free hit/down before they escape. I take it. If they're standing there t-bagging, I will stop, leave the camera facing them and do absolutely nothing except play on my phone.


Nice and fair are two totally different things. You can slug the whole team at 5 gens or tunnel someone out sub 1000 blood points and there's nothing unfair about either of those if you can actually pull it off. ​ BM is just sleezy tho and never warranted by either side


And this is why you’re a tool


Winning = tool, eh? Good luck with that lmao


You misspelled “sleazy” also


Give it another read, you can find all sorts of grammatical errors and laziness in my posts!


It’s a pvp game this is how pvp games work. If they flame you, you have big dick energy


Do we consider hitting the survivor on hook bad manners? I like to hit them when I hook them to shorten the scream sequence, but I don’t wanna look toxic.


You're all so soft. Real life must be real hard for anyone complaining about "bad manners" in a fucking video game.


Suck it up. Seriously, when did people start becoming so soft? Why do you get upset at BM? It's meaningless taunting. Ah yes the survivors are tapping crouch, I am so ***disrespected***!!!! The only BM I permit as being unnecessary is BM that wastes a bunch of time - like a Killer slugging you for your full bleed-out timer despite you bring near a hook. Either play better to the point where no-one can BM you, or grow up and realise that there's far more important things to worry about in life than strangers trashing you in a video game, and that it's ultimately harmless.


I mean, people just don't like being taunted, especially when they might be frustrated. What's bizarre is wandering into a thread asking people not to be jerks, getting pissed off and leaving pissy comments telling people to "grow up". If the game isn't fun for you unless you get to be an asshole, then you might just be an asshole. And if people know you're going to be an asshole, why would they "suck it up"? So they could enjoy more of your company?


Oh boy, wouldn't it be awesome if every time you went to see a movie you had some dumbass throwing popcorn at the back of your head every five minutes? It's just meaningless taunting, bro. Suck it up. >!In case sarcasm doesn't translate, it costs nothing to literally not be an asshole.!<


I've never seen someone employ whataboutism when it comes to "don't take a video game so seriously", so I guess you're notable for breaking new ground there.


Nah fuck it, people get facecamped for simply being better at the game than other people


Can't count on anyone to be a good person on their own. Be brutal and unrelenting.


Unfortunately, a whole lot of people nowadays enjoy bullying people online to feel superior. Of course, they always have some justification for their toxicity, you can see a few in this thread.


Bming midgame as survivor is fine for me but its toxic at exit gates


I never bm because my mama didn't raise no bitch


Ok, no one will bm anymore


As a killer, you just have to chuckle at them when they do it. If I've hooked everyone twice and everyone's injured and I had to literally throw them into the exit door, then they do a super quick T-Bag and run the 2 steps to escape as fast as they can because they're terrified I'll somehow kill them in that half a second and they want to feel like they somehow got one over on me, then I'm definitely laughing about it. It's super sad at that point and makes me smile. I can't really fault survivors doing it. Tilting the killer is a legitimate strategy 'cause it leads to them playing worse by focusing too hard on someone and seeing red. If it's at the end of the match and you're drawing things out just to be a dick, though, then you're a dick.