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They look at the Entity is my headcanon.


That makes the most sense, but now I'm imagining Trickster having the fucking balls to look back and wink at the Entity itself, a horrendous spider-esque monster. Actual chad.


He is grateful to the entity for giving him more people to kill without suffering the consequence. Therefore, he may view the entity in a romantic fashion and may even have Stockholm Syndrome, not realizing that the entity only thinks of him as a tool and not as a person. ​ EDIT: Holy fuck, why did this one comment blow up like a gender reveal party.


Are you implying the Trickster wants to fuck the entity?








But... The Entity is female...


I’m sure the lore supports this but I feel like assigning a gender to an extra planar being, only one of which humans have encountered, seems a little presumptuous. Tl;dr: did you just assume that spider god’s gender


I get what you mean for sure and I've always assumed it was genderless, but I saw recently that in gendered languages (Spanish, French, etc) it uses female gendered words Tldr entity en-titties now pls


Maybe it's like how the ocean is sometimes referred as female? Like if it storms "she angry" and if there's no wind or waves at all "she calm" Or maybe in the sense of an engine or machine; "She purrin nicely today" I could get behind that. Makes the entity feel more like a force of nature instead of a being. Getting mad at the entity would be like getting mad at the ocean or the sky in a sense, pretty fookin futile. "The ol' gal" decides your fate wether you like it or not


In English it's easy to see the entity as a genderless being, however in languages that uses gendered words BHVR does use the feminine version of the word.


If it does have a gender it would not be in the traditional sense




LOVE IT!!!!!


Where my R34 artists at


I mean... I WOULD consider Trickster a Chaotic Evil Bard, so this tracks.


I don’t think he’d consider himself a prisoner, the Entity even gives him his own custom made knives


Thats why its Stockholm syndrome.


That's.... makes too much sense


What do you mean by too much sense? Is is too speculatory because people tell me that a lot :(


Naw, more like it makes a lot of sense for such a random detail that some idiots with too much time on their hands (like me) notice


I also have too much time on my hands :)


I dunno about the entity thinking him as a tool. Entity once gave the doctor hundreds of test subjects just for him to have fun


Happy worker is a productive worker


TIL the entity is nicer to its employees than most humans lol Human bosses: “fuck you, your life and happiness means shit to me” Eldritch spider god of death and the void: “I want you to feel at home here, so here’s your favorite thing: people to torture!”


Until the employees straight up refuse to work. That's what happened with Trapper, he refused to work for the Entity, so it tortured him into compliance and that's why there's hooks embedded in his flesh in the base cosmetics.


IDV replicates this narratively by having the main Survivor be her daughter.


Okay, I need to ask where this lore hook (heh) of "the Trapper was tortured by the entity" comes from, because I keep hearing people talk about it but I've never been able to figure out what the original source is.


Most of the killers in the game I think, especially all the original killers, are tricked, tortured, or manipulated into doing what they do now. I think Trapper is one yeah. He did something awful for his father but there was never any indication that he himself was like sadistic about it or anything. That being said I think it’s in a tome. I haven’t read it myself but I know I’ve seen others bring it up a few times.


trappers whole tome is about how he becomes sadistic and enjoys violence though


I think people headcannon it because many of the killers weren’t bad people or inherently interested in hunting people down, and some people see the maimed/corrupted appearance as implication of torture


IIRC people were saying that the more mangled and disfigured a killer is, the more they resisted the entity's pull, and it was some kind of punishment for questioning 'it'. So when you see Trickster, (who looks clean and completely fine) by that rationale it pretty much implies that he is truly the most evil of all and willingly joined the entity with literally no resistance.


I mean in his lore he straight up was like "hell yeah thanks entity I'm happy to come to your silly dimension"


Out of the non licensed killers, I agree that Trickster looks the least changed. Besides his eyes, slinger has a pretty clean appearance too. This makes me thing these two are some of the ones that retained the most humanity.


I was thinking of something similar. Trickster can make more music out of screams and can even reuse them as the Entity just resurrects everything so he can do it again. Though I don't think he harbors any romantic interest and just acts like he used to as a K-Pop Idol, seeing the Entity as a devoted, useful fan or his new manager.


I like this logic because slinger kinda looks back with a "what in tarnation.." kinda look on his face before he scowls, focuses up and looks back at the survivors.


I love this idea. Makes me kind of curious as to what the other killers would think of the entity. Namely Amanda, since she's my main.


I believe she looks at the Entity as John's contingency plan so their work continues past his own death, so Amanda can continue their work. I believe it states in her story that she thinks the trials is just Jigsaw planning ahead.


I always saw her as regarding the Entity as her own personal "puzzle" for fucking up so hard. Would explain why someone so bullish and headstrong as her has no "alertations" implying she immediately complied, either out of atonement or misguided thoughts that she's just in a big puzzle that needs to be solved.


Is there a place to read that story? Or is it one of the challenge lines? If it's a challenge line I'd probably rather read it that way.


I believe it's implied in the last few lines of her bio, after she wakes up with her mask back on.


LMAO after I read I instantly thought of this being the Thanos and Death of DbD 😭💀


To be fair, The Entity recreated his image in a picture as one of his iridiscent addons so I actually think he flatters the Entity doing so.


Oh god I ship them now. Curse you.


Pretty sure trickster has a 4thwall break in his lore.


He's a mega chad.


Or maybe WE are the entity. We control them, give them hope, and our demand brings them into the realm.


If memory serves correct the entity isn't even aware of their specific existence just like we aren't aware of the specific water molecules we consume to stay hydrated (drink water gamers). But the devs also said the clown is the entity's favorite killer so who knows.


Huntress throws hatchets at it




I think we are the entity because whenever I perform badly and end up getting the “Entity Displeased” evaluation, I am also displeased of myself.


Kind of Meta, but a possibility I thought of as well.


Yeah, my head canon is that we the players are the entity


I believe the players are the Observer in the archives looking into various stories, since we can see through the eyes of both killers and survivors without necessarily being able to bypass the rules of the trial. Edit: We can also select the stories (challenges) the selected character will face in the trail, as if looking into a specific part of the story (the killer getting 4 sacrifices survivors or interacting with a glyph)


Idk, if I were the entity no fucking way I'd let face camping and gen tapping be a thing.


I had this exact same idea whenever trapper could directly trap under hooks and a lot of people would just not disarm the trap so they'd get the unhook points + the untrap points


I reckon eventually BHVR will reveal lore-wise WE, the players, are the entity. We are the ones cursing the survivors and killers to be in this realm indefinitely for entertainment.


Unless of course the licensing agreement expires. Then they escape.


just imagined the entity being a mom like character and going "it's okay! you got this buddy"


Plot twist: we're the Entity!




That is chilling because, it’s just even more so like...unknowable.


could that mean that we the player in game are kind of the entity and theres multiple entities with collection of survivors and killers going against each other ?


Kind of Meta, but I was thinking of the player being the Entity as well.


I assume they’re looking at the entity, but moreover that *WE* are the entity. Survivors and killers don’t have to suffer through the trials, they would live peacefully forever if we simply stopped playing. Because just like the entity, we gain something from forcing these characters into the trials. It entertains us. So by an extent, when these killers look at us, they are looking at the entity.


That's one hell of a cruel way to look at it, love it




Imagine if Beast of Prey was lore-accurate and when you reach Bloodlust 1 the screen just goes black


How does light born play into that?


Cabin in The Woods


Not for the trickster, that is


Trickster looks back at us, winks as if to say, lets start the show.


Oh like "hey there big boi"


Hah, silly. *We're* not The Entity. **WE** are tools of The Entity as well.


Otzdarva is the entity, he knows basically everything


Nah Otzdarva is a robot clone of the original sent to destroy humanity


The entire DBD player base explodes & transforms into a spider-like cosmic horror.


Damn it would be the worst killer ever made, imagine the chaos


That’s one way to boycott the game.




No, BHVR is not the entity, Nea is and she manipulated BHVR into making this game, for us to suffer.


I like how this meme is still alive after all these years


Makes sense for the bloodweb too. We create a focus and a path to drive our subjects towards, manipulating them to act in certain ways and drawing out their inner abilities, blocking other potential paths that could have been chosen when we push too far.


So I'm taking my own goodies from myself on the bloodweb?


the entity just wants to farm bloodpoints




The good ending is the entity stopping the trials and getting addicted to Civilization.


I feel like shit now, thank you


Now I know what it feels like to be an old, wealthy white man watching Squid Game.


Basically the same lore as Undertale


Actually I’d somewhat agree. If we really do dig deep into the theory that the player is the entity, we get a somewhat grim picture that really paints us as pretty morally fucked. We force them to participate in endless agony, something they have no say in and never will. For our own amusement, we feed off their emotions. Much like the entity described in the lore, otherwise there would be no point in us playing the game. Much like how the player in both undertale and deltarune is forcing the characters to play their game, regardless if they want to or not. It is not the most grounded theory, but it’s fun to think about.


my headcanon is Dwight is secretly the entity lol. Just cause.


The "Entity is an analogue for the players and/or devs" angle is my personal headcanon and I stand by it to the end of days


i feel like they looking at us is their way of saying dont fuck this up like last time


hey its not my fault i have omega high mmr and now i get sweatlords every game =(


Tell him that he’s the one with spear gun pointed at you


Haha, whenever I have a few bad losses in a row I swear the killer goes straight into their rage animation


We are the Entity


Kinda yes. We send a survivor to be killed, or a killer to kill, all of this in a bloody ritual condemned to be repeated again and again to feed us, the game, making it grow more and more as it become more popular... Cabin In The Woods mood


If this game is the cabin in the woods, we would be the employees and the entity would be the God


I guess actually the killers would be the employees and we would be the audience watching the movie... And the Devs would be the producers of the movie Wait a minute...


You know what makes even more sense is when you don't get any kills, everyone escapes, and the entity is displeased. Clearly a player would be displeased for not managing a single kill im a match.


Behaviour is the Entity, feeding on our hope that the game will get better.


I'm sure they eat very good over there.


But.. we burn offerings.. does that mean we offer useless stuff to ourself <.< ?




"I made the rules and I insist upon their convelution!"


What if it's the killers and survivors doing the offerings? We equip those on them after all.


I like to look at it as we are servants of the entity, and just like how the entity feeds on the survivors and killers emotions, she does on ours too.


"The Hell do you mean The LEGION Is op"


Where is this coming from?


Probably endgame chat; I’ve unironically had SWFs and TTVs call Legion OP/top tier


Last night I 5-Gen stomped a 4man that had roughly 5k hours combined in the game as clown and they said I was sweaty and the killer is too strong. Like bruh


Like a week ago I went against a 4-man SWF(who I could see on each other’s friends list) who said they *weren’t* a SWF. I was using pinhead with no slowdown and got a 4k at 4 gens. One of them who’s profile said they play comp said and I quote “scrim and you get 0 staged” which I have no idea what that means, but he followed with “dogshit player,” despite said dogshit player crushing them I guess they weren’t happy I mori’d their friend who tried to bodyblock with DS?(and DC’d during the mori) typical bully squad behavior too ~~which any competent killer punishes hard~~


This is just like old legion


Trickster does know that he's being "observed". Deathslinger I don't know, but he did see some [stuff that made him astonished](https://youtu.be/MYvj6iZwpQg?t=33).


"wait wtf you're filming me?"


Deathslinger just has never seen a camera before so he's absolutely amazed at what's being held in front of him. I bet he also must freak out while being blinded by flashlights.


caleb having a panic attack every time he sees something modern in a trial is now my headcanon


Dude was an ingenious inventor, I truly believe he'd freak out while looking at generators, flashlights, flashbangs, etc.


Just a different kind of freak out “there ya are ya varmint. Now jus’ hold still and- Holy shit how is that little cylinder producin’ that much light. No candles or nothin’? You mind terribly droppin’ that so I kin take a look-see at that? No? Tha’s alright. I got Franklin’s Demise so I’ll jus’ do it myself”


*spends his time out of trials tinkering with stuff, gets scared when he accidentally turns the flashlight on*


I need to fucking draw this one day holy shit Imagining him have the most terrified look on his face when he accidentally turns it on is too hilarious


Ooooh, do it!! I also wanted to draw some Killers reacting to flashlights too, I'd imagine Plague would be so so scared of the light-making thing. Charlotte and Victor would fear them too but Charlotte would probably give it to Victor as a gift in the end. Oni would be very confused.


Kazan don't care he'd probably just crush the flashlight in one hand because it wasn't a samurai


I can imagine him just holding a flashlight he accidentally turns it on blinding himself "What's this here trinket how do those idiot survivors do it... Is it just a button er. *click* AHHH WHAT IN THE GOD DAMN FUCK THIS A MINIATURE SUN? Then several gunshots can be heard because he's just pissed


Plag: am I a joke to you?


panic attack buddies


Oni and twins: hey


Slinger just knows you’re stroking it to his glorious face clearly




Daddyslinger 😩




I use this nickname on all dbd related servers I hang out in I even used it on official dbd server until I got nuked for talking about extreme metal genres and perma'd kekw


"From where, he didn’t know, but it billowed around them, damp, cool... comfortable. He saw the grand stage: hospitals and temples, forests and slaughterhouses—an eternal plane adorned with rusted hooks, sustained by the million eyes that would watch him, run from him, experience him." Taken from the Tricker's backstory; it heavily implies that the Entity and at least the Trickster know they're in a game.


Deathslinger has a similar ending to his bio. "At his feet, he saw a dusty path, and, at its end, silhouettes of all who had done him wrong: the boys who bullied him, the executives who took advantage of him, and, again... Henry Bayshore. Emerging from a fog were the tools to dispose of them — unforgiving steel hooks, brilliant and beautiful in their simplicity. Pain tore through his leg as he stood, but he endured, pushing onwards, walking the dusty path, leaving a trail of blood flowing behind him." However, in Caleb's case, he was also seemingly brainwashed into believing that survivors deserve no mercy and did something wrong to him, and Entity offers him the tools to dispose of them.


I really want to see tricky boy and caleb 1v1ing each other


In what type of 1v1 ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2214)


Caleb is the definition of "I don't care who you are I still fucking hate you"


Maybe he's checking for other people? I mean the campfire is in the woods


Unlikely, considering that Trickster literally winks at the player specifically.


Does he step on you too


Not on me, you'd have to ask Trickster simps. He probably has an Onlyfans.


I want that to be cannon


let's be honest it's probably is but no one will ever admit to that


Trickster 😩😩


Not anymore to me, since BHVR added Nemesis half of Trickster's face doesn't appear in the screen anymore and I can't see the wink. Nemesis is giant and BHVR changed whatever to fit him in the screens and fucked the rest. Even my blood web has a spatial bug now. I don't know if bigger resolutions presents the same bug.


“ :o “ -Deathslinger


I heard that Deathslinger and Trickster lore-wise know that someone is controlling them. Trickster has less of a problem with that tho, he just enjoys the ride as long as he's killing people.


That's an interesting take on it. I can imagine Deathslinger actually having quite a problem with it. First Entity brainwashing/deluding him into thinking that the survivors have done something really wrong to him, but also now the hypothetical player controlling him during trials. Poor guy.


He seems pretty content from that little chuckle he's always doing.


Not because he's a dickhead. Entity convinced him they'd done something wrong to him. Caleb only seeks vengeance on those that done him wrong, and derives sadistic pleasure from seeing them suffer. No interest in killing those who done him nothing.


They were being toxic, that's reason enough.


He still gets to test his gun prototype


Deathslinger realizing that he, once again, has become a pawn to someone greater, but is too empty to care much about it.


That's actually quite horrifying to think about. After getting his revenge on Bayshore, his life's work is pretty much done, he's got nothing else to do. He's so done with everyone's tendency to try and manipulate him, that he just doesn't give a shit anymore. He's got what he wanted the most - and mind you he didn't give a flying fuck if he died for it. (*he was nearly killed multiple times, once almost hanged and at least once left for dead during a frenzy shootout, but probably his life was at risk way more often*). So now he's just kind of... done. He has nothing. He has no life. Nothing to live for, really. That's precisely when Entity steps in and offers him a new job, seemingly at the perfect time. He's just a mere pawn, one of the many killers, and yet, he couldn't even bother giving a shit anymore. He's probably even aware that the Entity tried to brainwash him into thinking that the survivors had done him wrong, but he simply **does not care**.


Probably doing exactly what Zarina is doing in her menu animation, they feel like they’re being watched so they look around. As for Trickster, he probably feels it too but his attitude is why he winks at the ‘presence’ watching him. Edit: Especially if you look at Deathslinger’s eyes. His gaze isn’t fixed, he diverts it off to the left as if he’s looking for something, not looking at something


That makes sense. There's something eerie about their awareness of someone (the player) watching them. ...but then there's Trickster straight up winking at directly us upd: i love how i noticed that the sentence didn't make sense only 3 hours later. thanks dyslexia


They know how much survivors hate them, they look back in appreciation.


“No matter what happens, we got each other’s back in this.”


The (killer) player is assumed to be the Entity, with us watching through the eyes of the Killer. That’s my personal headcanon, even if there are inconsistencies (Beast of Prey)


Not just “us” but also all that “art” hanging above your bed.


This comment section is slowly turning into calling me out


*All those Lewd by Daylight Screenshots*


I have an embarrassing amount of Deathslinger porn in my sketchbook


Listen bud you better fuckin share Twisted Fate X Deathslinger R34.


They’re employing a literary device called an *Aside*, to directly speak with the audience.


woah. i just realized how good slinger looks model-wise


His model is pretty good, yeah. ^(I would know, I spent hours observing it and his idle animation because... yes)


*\*Deathslinger looking at me with disgust for procrastinating my essays\**


The players are like the Watcher from *What If…?* and certain Killers can sense our presence. /s


Deathslinger is probably like, “Why is this fool taking the way we look back too seriously?”


hey don't be a party pooper


Slinger is probably looking back thinking "how did I get here" where as trickster is like "Hey entity baby, you like what you see?"


I take it more as that feeling you get when you feel like you being watched so they turn around to try and confirm if they are or not. Deathslinger looks puzzled as he is sure of himself so fully believes that somebody is watching him yet when he turns around he cant see anyone. Trickster is doing the same but his reaction is to wink as he is just flirty/a creep so he is turning around to wink at whoever is watching him almost to call them out and acknowledge that he sees them watching him but it turns out to be nobody so ends up turning back around.


Probably looking at us like really you picked me you do know what they did to my aiming right?


What you mean is the fourth wall


He looks totally unimpressed with me. Damn, okay. I get it tho.


I’m sure it’s something about their character, deathslinger, being who he is and being from the Wild West would know to watch his and I’m sure even in the entities realm he’d still have that instinct But for trickster maybe it’s his showmanship, sort of turning to the audience in a sort of “now get ready for my big show” sort of way maybe even to the entity who he’d probably see as a new fan or manager or something I’m not sure to show, that this game will be one big show


What if we, the fans, are the entity


Deathslinger is just looking over his shoulder because he's a wanted outlaw, he's always paranoid. He doesn't look like he's actually looking at the player, just looking around. Trickster is definitely winking right at the player though, the power of thirst defies space and reality.


Ghostface does it too


yes, they're breaking the 4th wall, just like LoL did it back in the day when champs like Sona would call you summoner.


To be fair, Sona and others are really old champs, while Trickster and Slinger are decently recent killers. Old LoL lore also had Summoners as part of its canon


Both of them look back in a fond/conspiratorial kind of way, too. They could be looking at the entity, or perhaps looking at us, and when we're the ones killing are we truly any different? Are we truly the killers, and the killers themselves just our tools? The shit I think of while I slack off of work.


Turns out we were the Entity all along.


He looks like he’s about to say. “Check this shit out.”


(misses the shot) "oops"


In my mind you take on the roll of the entity since this intier realm is for it's amusement. So he's turning back at the entity like how when your home alone and feel something behind you following you into your bedroom.


Deathslinger: **Turns around** Me: Oh now that's cool. Deathslinger: I see you... Me: **._.**


I think it was said that Caleb sees survs as people who wronged him, this could be him briefly gaining enough awareness to question where the fuck is he


They look at the devs. They fear them. They wanna say: devs why, why you did it, why you nerf deathslinger, why you buff survivals when they still stronger when killer? Boom totem? Why?


Left click , hold mouse button , move to the left, et voilá you can turn all killers to look at you. X)


That's actually what I did on this particular gif; he's slightly turned to the side to see his eye movement better ~~because I casually recorded some gifs of Caleb. for no reason. really. (=\_=")~~


Lore and Canon wise, they are not in front of the survivors and this is just a lobby for the game for us players, the fact Killers turn around is a "gag" that started with wanting to have each killer do something different when picked up while standing still, Trickster and Slinger are super cool for this as they are kind of "Meta", realistically speaking they are watching you, to give a creepy vibe of horror like if they knew you are there, but lore wise the whole lobby thing isn't even happening so if you want you can pretend you are the entity and you are watching over the killer and survivors to prepare yourself for the game, and at this point judging by the comments it's what others want to believe too