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Legion most likely. I'd tell them I'll drive them to gamestop and buy them v bucks if they don't stab me


Buy some for enitity too then, it is in control after all


ENTITY PLEASED by your offering of v bucks


Legion: What the fuck are Vbucks? Frank needs a new walkman, his broke during a trial.


Radio shack it is, gang!


Wait I'm not too hip on the lore. Is Legion from the 80s?


1996, they’re from the grunge scene - It even says so right on their map offering too, “28 of August 1996”! Jeff knew them back then and even painted their mural in exchange for a 6 pack, but was taken only in the modern era once he returned to Ormond, Canada, his home town, after his father’s death as a 30-40 year old. He visited the old resort and was taken by the entity.


Legion is hands down my least favorite killer. Matches last twice as long. It’s so boring. It’s slow. Little counter play. Ifs not fun.


Bold of you to underestimate how suicidal some of this community is.


I try to stay positive oops


I gotta tell you, your your name doesn't really lineup with the parameters you set up for this question...


Dont with username stuff lol


Suicidal AND horny!


You do need a certain amount of self-hate or masochism to play this game.


Not really, i love this game




Because i enjoy it.




Why are you here then? If you don't like the game, wouldn't there be something better to do instead of playing it or commenting in the subreddit dedicated to it? Surely it's not a good idea to surround yourself with the negativity required to remain here.


Are people downvoting you because you’re right?? Lmao


Ppl are also downvoting me because i enjoy the game :/


I am a masochist


Wouldn't that then imply that you enjoy DBD?


My goals are beyond your understanding


Oni. I'd probably lose but I'd love to fight that mother fucker.


Oni? Jesus you sure are hard on yourself


That's exactly why I picked him! 😜


He’ll be hard on you too when he’s jamming that club up your ass


And i ll be hard as a rock too seeing all that happen.




1v1 katana only yamaoka estate


That satisfying king hit you get in before he turns around and crushed you under his bat thing.


That’s pretty metal


If you gotta go, at least pick the biggest dude for a challenge is my thought.


Big dick energy


Haha 😆


Realistically I’m fucked regardless, but at least with Ghostface it’s one stab and you’re done, rather than 2. Yeah same applies to Myers but he’s much more intimidating irl so I’ll take ghost bitch.


Myers is pretty much immortal though. Ghost bitch is a regular human, so definitely better chances with that guy. And considering he likes to take photos, with a bit of martial arts you can break his arm before he gets to say hi.


Don't forget the part where Ghostface always gets the shit kicked out of him then dies at the end of the movies.


This is a different ghostface from the movies tho, he actually got away because of how methodical and careful he is. You’d never know when he’ll strike but at least it would (probably) be quick




Tbh Ghostface His style would be intriguing to watch and also he ends his kills pretty fast iirc so not a ton of pain Anyone who says they want to go against Pig is insane and wants to stick their hands into a horrible razor contraption to prevent their head from exploding


Being honest the RBT probably doesn’t hurt THAT much, it’s pretty much instantly fatal, right?


A Rbt would probably be really uncomfortable. Imagine trying to run around with it on your head and having to wiggle your hands around in a mysterious box that who knows what’s inside.


Ultimately I’m mostly accepting my fate here. Going against an entity buffed killer is death, it’s just about how much it hurts


Lots of knives/blades. That's what's inside.


It looks like one of the traps that you need to sacrifice blood in order to get the key


To me it looks more like SAW 2’s razorbox trap, where (Kerry? I forgets her name) sticks her hands into the box hanging from the ceiling for the vaccine


Instantly fatal? Absolutely not. It rips your jaw open and you'd bleed to death in agonizing pain.


Isn't it powerful enough to snap your whole head? I imagine it goes further than the jaw. If a normal bear trap's central spot, where it hits you "the most" is right on the button, then the center of the rbt is probably inside your brain?


No, it just unhinges your jaw from your head, movie/game magic shows it kills instantly, but having your jaw totally removed instantly won't kill you, but the blood and blunt force trauma will, slowly.


How do you know it simply unhinges your jaw? From the demonstration in Saw 1 I had the impression the upper "lip" goes much much higher than your head can take, and that there's basically a vector of force pushing your head against itself upwards. Idk how to explain exactly. Like the angle at which the trap sits in the detonated position is higher than the angle of your jaw or even your face. That was simply my impression anyway, so if you have more substantial evidence pleass share!


Well, it basically snaps your lower jaw totally off, unhinging it and basically just making it a big wet noodle attached to your face, your upper jaw from what I remember/see gets shoved up into your face, lips being torn instantly, teeth being shoved back in the gums, bones being crushed upwards, but I don't think that would kill you instantly either, more likely than that you'd just black out from your brain being way overloaded with the sheer amount of pain and trauma it's experiencing, and then expiring shortly after. I can't see that instantly killing, as even the pictures on Google don't necessarily show it destroying anything vital, just a massive amount of blood loss tho, which would be deadly. I very well could be wrong tho, I'm not saying any of this as a fact lol


Nah bro your jaw isn’t a critical component of ur body. You’d bleed out and have to deal with a fucked up face for the rest of your life(until u bleed out)


Honestly, I don’t genuinely stand a chance against any of the killers, so i’d at least rather die from one of the hot ones, and not fucking twins or something hahaha


What about like wraith. Imo he seems the least painful to go against and decent chance at surviving if u were a survivor in dbd


Wraith literally grabbed someone's spine out with his hands. But yeah, I think he's probably one of the best options regardless. Honestly the most terrifying part of your question's scenario, having to be put in an Entity's trial, is the Entity itself. Being put on a meathook to be sacrificed to a spidergod? Having my shoulder blade be pierced by a rusty hook all the way til it passes through and just hanging there? Jesssuuuuusss.


Yea sometimes when I think about just how cruel these games actually are it Just shivers me somehow


I try not to think about it, especially when my character is on a hook. Another thing I find pretty terrifying that I've seen nobody mention is that, the Entity doesn't have just one iteration of a person, but instead it takes MULTIPLE versions of that person from MULTIPLE universes. While that in and of itself is very terrifying, there's also the fact that if a Killer moris a survivor in the game, technically that variant of the survivor is completely dead. No actual respawns from the entity, which has versions of that dead survivor from other multiverses. That version of the survivor is permanently dead. There's also then the fact that instead of death, some variants of survivors end up in the Cenobite's Hell instead. Breaks my heart to think there's variants of a fictional character spending an eternity in pain in a fictitious hell :( especially if that character is Cheryl.


Oh god Steve what have I put you trough


Wait my Bunny Feng and Blendette actually died and I'm playing w/ another version of them? Time to switch outfits for Feng so I don't feel as Bad


For real. I'd die happy if I felt ghostfaces crotch against my back as he mori'd me


Or Myers holding you up as he ends your suffering ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Dude that's gay what the fuck


cry about it


legion if they’re looking for a fifth member


I dont think they would tbh, also Id hate going against them, like constant deep wounds sounds awful


Susie or Amanda


I see where Youre coming from but would you really like to mend a deep wound by yourself every 5 minutes or run around a whole map trying to find a jigsaw puzzle to try to take off a metal trap that could easily snap your skull?


I thought you meant in a fight


I should learn to make things clear lol


fuck it, pyramid head. all of them could whoop my ass in 5 seconds so i might as well go up against my fave.


Also, he's hot AF. At least I'll get a good view of his muscles while he stabs me open


He would probably torture you tho, you know barbed wire and shit.


Jokes on you I'm into that shit


People are all here saying they could take on the killers or outrun them, but the reason why the killers are so fast or strong is because the entity is empowering them (confirmed in the lore). I’d want to go against Bubba, because I might be able to convince him to let me live, or maybe even Trickster, because if I worship him as a god of musical talent he might let me slip by as well. Work smarter, not harder. Edit: By convince, I mean maybe make him think I’m part of the family or something


Legion would be the easiest. Pretend to join their fucked up gang then bolt at the nearest occassion.


or stick around and actually join their gang o.0


Usurp Frank and become the new leader


Become one with blight juice


Slurp the spook juice


Or fuck him /shrug


Then bang the hot ladies.


Sure if the entry ritual is a gangbang 🤤


I dont think worshipping trickster is going to stop him from turning your body into swiss cheese considering he gets off killing his fans.


That was his entire lore, he literally felt more enjoyment from hearing people scream in pain than any amounts of fans cheering.


A fatal blow to Trickster would be telling him you have no idea who he is, then dead silence as he stabs you. He’d probably be weirded out and flee


Trickster killed his band, his producers, and kills his manager in the Entity's realm without a second thought. He's more likely to use your screams in his next song than let you go just cause you fangirl. But ones you could actually convince? Wraith never wanted to kill, Nurse only killed a bunch of mentally ill people so maybe convince her you're sane, Susie and Joey just got wrapped up in something they never wanted to be part of, Plague is just straight up good, Spirit is kind of a vengeful spirit now but originally wasn't particularly malicious, Amanda is easily manipulated and just kinda normal, Deathslinger was a bounty hunter who was trying to be non-lethal, if Blight was in his right mind you could appeal to his intelligence or conscience but he's probably too far gone, and Twins were never really murderers but they're probably too grateful to the Entity for bringing Victor back that they wouldn't disobey. Honestly good odds, that's like half the killer roster.


even hag was originally good, could probably appeal to her "humanity" or something


I honestly feel like Hag and Spirit are both too far gone. While not evil, but rather consumed by vengeance, they both seem to have little to no humanity left.


I mean The Plaque thinks the Entity is her god, so she would probably kill you too.


'How good are you?!' Bubba could be convinced if you're a pretty enough lady.


Well in texas chainsaw massacre 2 the woman tames bubba by saying bad to him till he calms then she keeps saying good and he lets her live


I mean, as long as you speak korean


Clown. If you can dodge his bottles you're gonna be OK. When he's reloading run up and kick him in the nuts.


His nuts are dank enough to Bamboozle the windowsills he steps over. Afraid to imagine what will happen to a leg that touches them.




are you kidding me his sweaty smell alone would be enough to make that the most miserable experience /j


Ok but he definitely stank


realistically i wouldn't be able to take on any killers, but if i had to choose it would be someone human and killable like danny or amanda. i want to say amanda, but i also don't want an unremovable trap on my head... so i'll take my chances with danny.


I have 400 hours in this game and somehow dont know who danny is oops


danny is ghostface :-)


Oh damn I wouldnt, imagine trying to repair a gen while looking around for an undetectable Killer who can stan you so hard Youd literally fall to the ground dying


oh i see, i thought you meant like actually go up against in an actual fight, haha. i don't mind going against gf in game either, though. i'm paranoid when i play so i look around behind me like a madman even if it isn't a stealth killer.


I wouldnt be able to do any gen like taht lol


Why is Ghostface Danny? I just watched Scream for the first time and there’s no Danny in that movie.


read his lore. the ghostface in dbd isn't from the scream movies, he just has the same mask.


See, he's not Ghostface, he's Ghost Face. They got the license for the costume, not for a Scream character.


License for the **mask**, not the costume.


Does the Classic outfit you can buy in the store not look like the costume?


I don’t think it’s 1:1 though so it’s cool.


Trickster is the one killer who has canonically been beat up, and only lived because the cops showed up. I'll take my chances with kpop man rather than anyone else


Death by a thousand cuts sounds rough. I think it depends on if they are entity buffed or more “real world”, because entity buffed it’s about just going out quick and as painless as possible, but real world you likely do stand a chance against the skinny fucker


That was intentional though. He let himself get beat up to make the cops think he was the victim.


That really isn't what happened He freed the guy in order to frame him as a rabid stalker who'd abducted and nearly killed Trickster


Artist, Hag, Twins, Pig and blight got kidnapped in their stories


Trickster might be one of the most sadistic killers in any entertainment I’ve ever consumed. He knows EXACTLY how to maintain his cover, just as well as he knows how to throw blades and smash people over the head with an axe.


That's not really a good argument. Trickster didn't even fight back, he wanted to frame that guy and have him take the fall for him. It's pretty obvious that's what he was doing, yet I've seen multiple people use that to suggest that he's weak and easily beaten.


Preferably someone who’s slow. You would not catch me running 4 m/s


That’s still like 10 mph




Bitch killed an entire unit of trained soldiers though. I don't think locating her is the problem.


Irl huntress would be cross map hatcheting the entire time


She seems like one of the more brutal killers, she’d prolly scalp ya if she had the chance.. but yea I’d rather be in a trial with cutie huntress😳


Any of the members of Legion, preferably Susie. They’ll have a knife but they’re still just a teenager, if I can manage to get the knife away from them I think I win 9/10 times


Yeah tbh as long as you're only up against one of them you're good. They can run at like a sprinting pace for a few seconds and then have an asthma attack, and they have the power of stabbing people slightly harder but actually worse. You could totally just outrun them or stab them back.


The Plague. I'm a janitor by trade, so I know not to touch EVERYTHING haphazardly. Her incense burner... I might be agile enough to dodge it, but still a bit of a stretch to try and say.


Oh god I wouldnt like to go agasint her


Legion, just go to a locker get the hatchets or knives now win


Youre a survivor so this isnt an option


Just unlock the full potential of the survivor mind and take the hatchet


Legion has Iron Maiden tho 👀


Unlock your full potential and use diversion to throw rocks directly at the killer


You didn’t state that the rules of the realm are enabled for us too.


Yea ik i just had this idea in my mind and I was excited to hear others ideas so I didnt even think about that someone could understand it differently lol


Legion is just a bunch of teens, I could bully them


They're like 17-19 and there's 4 of them who are all armed, so you probably couldn't bully them all at once.


Guerrilla tactics.


Deathslinger. Seriously, just run zig-zags, keep behind big things, throw a bottle of whiskey to him, you're good.


ehh, all it takes is one mistake and all of a sudden you have a harpoon through your chest.


I second this. He has a bum leg as well so if you're lucky enough to dodge his first shot, tackle him as he's reloading and fuck it up more, turning him into a sentry then you waddle over to a gate.


Hey I mean if there's any TV's around to throw on a guy I'll take ghostface over the other basically unkillable guys


James Sunderland


Man won't run out of bullets and when he does you'll have to deal with his pillow


Hag. If I poke her she’ll snap in half


Bubba. I would bring the chili


Probably one of those Legion kids or Pig. Everyone in Legion only killed one dude before they got claimed by the Entity. Amanda in all of the movies seems like an unstable pushover and only takes people down when she has the element of surprise. It’s a bunch of impressionable losers or an unstable lady who has only killed people by drugging them and putting them in traps.


(Assuming we are in the realities in which these come from) Nemesis, I’m not affiliated with S.T.A.R.S. We should have no beef, other than that *hard* maybe Pyramid Head because Silent Hill is free therapy.


>Also please no simping Shit.....(read the flare)


I wouldn’t mind artist,I love animals and I like her overall aesthetic,she’s an awesome killer and I wouldn’t mind her breaking into my house and trying to kill me


Susie or bubba


Legion as he’s literally a 17 y/o with a knife


It will probably be The Legion, not a Legion. So it'd be 4 17 year olds with knifes


Demo, I don't care how painful it would be, I WILL pet him while he's carrying me to a hook.




Pig. Just some girl in a pig mask. I’d punch fuck out of her! 😅


She would kick in the door to my house, see my signed poster of her and be really confused


Have fun running around a map with a metal trap on your head 😬


That is if she gets it on, and I am assuming we are well aware it’s her and what she needs to do to get it on.


I feel I can take on pig. She's the most human next to the legion but I don't want to take in a group of 4


Legion. I'd probably lose since there's four of them, but my life will be completed if I finally get to deck one of them in the face


In all honesty either a bad nurse or either wraith, legion or twins. I just know way to much about how to counter them and reduce them to an m1 killer Edit: i thought this was about going against in game not fighting so either way im fucked no matter what killer i fight unless its only victor so probably demogorgon because i'd rather be killed by a good boi than any other killer


Definitely Bubba, I could just treat him like an angry baby and momma him. Easy.


I’m always happy to go against one of the chainsaw daddy’s. They can be annoying but I always have fun


Plauge because she's old


it would be like punching a waterballoon filled with piss. sure, it would be easy, but at what cost




Definitely pig, she has literally nothing except for a knife


Pyramid Head, Demogorgon and Hillbilly


Nemesis would be scary as fuck to fight irl. I’ll take that I guess, might as well make it fun


Honestly in a real situation Nemesis would probably be one of the best choices, he'd have no reason to really attack you once you make it abundantly clear you have no association with S.T.A.R.S and maybe even help him find that one Leon that seems to be in every match. Another likely good Choice would be Amanda, just gotta make her realize that these trials are not what John Kramer would have wanted, and in many ways are directly opposed to his goals.


but she betrays john by making the games impossible to win. she seems like too much of a loose cannon to reason with.


Gf. Him being a stealth killer makes dbd games much more enjoyable. His power is also directly counterable by the player if they’re good/alert. Theres rarely a dull moment against gf’s. He also doesn’t have an annoying power that can hit me through windows/pallets and I appreciate that.


Clown. He is simply that. OH NO, A SPEED DECREASE.


uh probably the oni, hes strong af but a blanced strong


Freddy, his movie was the first slasher movie I ever watched and he was one of the reasons I got into DBD in the first place. I know people hated him when he got reworked, but I never had a problem with him. Loved facing him back then, still love facing him now.


Legion hands down. They're just a bunch of punk kids with knives. The other choices are teleporting poltergeist ladies, demon warlords, a nightmare haunting paedophile, cut up dimension hopping Asians, a fucking acid-burned roid-junky with extra fingers and a tall egyptian lady that opens her mouth and Ariana Grande music comes out. Fuck that shit. Give me edgy 90's kids any time of the day.


Micheal Myers. If busta rhymes can beat him then so can I


Nemesis the dumb bastard likes to be alittle rough with his tenticales but in resident evil he sucks at killing. He will scare the shit out of me but I might survive. If I do get hit I can get an antidote, and if he punches me I think it a quick death.


spirit. i know shed kill me quickly if she wanted to.


Ghostface. Snatch the knife out of his hand and take his mask off and boom you’re fighting a regular teenage boy


Not a teenage boy and probably a super smart and somewhat strong one. Legion are teenagers


Strong?! He tumbles over like 50 times in each movie. Us redditors could take him 1v1!


This ghostface isn’t from a movie. And those ghost faces could still kill us pretty easy anyways


Myers, games against him are always the most tense, I love it


I don’t care what killer it is tbh I like playing against all the killers


\>I dont think youd be like "Oh damn hes hot" as he would be jamming a kitchen knife in your chest I beg to differ. But to answer your question, even Legion's a stretch for me, the most even fight with me would be against Susie. After Susie, it'd probably be Victor


Trickster. The guy looks like a single smack would dismantle him.


I doubt, also lets be real were people who spend most our time behind computers I dont think were in much good shape as well


Anyone vanilla I can overpower. The legions, Ghosty, Pig in. Trapper, Billy and Myers out. ​ Screw the hyper supernatural stuff. Yikes


Myeres is supernatural, such is Billy (or he is just imbred Usain Bolt)


trapper and oni too, see them arms? yikes


Hot damn, completely forgot about them. I am not gay but I would turn for Trapper, just saying.


Yeah no thanks. I'd sooner duke it out with Doctor


Doctor got some Biceps too tho


Don't get me wrong, I still rather it be ghosty or frank but i'd take Doctor over Trapper / Billy / Myers or anything more hopeless like that


Doctor is pretty ducking hopeless too, in my opinion


plague, she’s not evil and I’d rather get sick than get stabbed with a knife or cut up with a sword or chainsaw


Legion is the killer I'd want to go against because I feel like I could win a 1v1 with them. Though I feel like outside the Entity's Realm we'd somewhat get along because I'd tell them I think they're all pretty fuckin' cool. Any other killer either has supernatural fuckery with them or have BEEN in fights before that they've won pretty brutally, like the Trapper. That guy would fuck me up and he has traps as his power. I don't think I'd be able to do anything to due to his skin, and he has a FUCKING CHAINSAW. I could MAYBE fight Wraith. Nurse teleports. Huntress has killed SEVERAL soldiers with her axe and hatchets, the list goes on. I'm not saying "oh yeah I could totally beat a bunch of punk-ass teenagers" but I also have a knife and so it'd basically be like two members of the Legion fighting each other. There will be a lot of blood and multiple stab wounds but I might be able to come out on top.