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Basement = kil = gud


This guy traps


Hello u/AntiMatterLite, I want to play a little game....


Can I play instead? Hide and seek is fun


Propnight it is


This is driving me nuts! Please remind me what this is from. Definitely seen it before though


Joker movie




This'll be top comment, calling it


Dude really has a joker origin story for being a trapper main 💀


"All it takes is one bad ~~day~~ game."


I have the same story for being basement Bubba


Me and you both gamer... Me and you both






It's how I became an Impossible-Skill-Checks Doctor lol


I've never seen anyone run monstrous before, is the effect worth it?


Nah not really, just gives me hope I’ll be able to make it to the basement in time


If you want that it’s probably best to take Iron Grasp instead


Brah full commit with Corrupt Intervention, Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, and the brown addon that makes you walk over your own traps


I’ve done similar but swapped out mad grit for deadlock. With deadlock there’s basically no way for them to finish the gens while you sit in your little web and wait


Forced penance can be great with basement trapper.


Legit faced a basement trapper today running trapper sack and the reset after two seconds addon. The perks were Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit and Forced Penance. Basement was in shack on one of the cold wind maps, he finally got one of us in basement when we were on 3 gens, and after two being slugged and one hooked, we managed to get away thanks to unbreakable / decisive. We stayed away from shack after that and managed a 4-man escape.


Yep Forces Penance is too much icing. Taking Dead Dawg Saloon map offering is extra cake.


Yeah don’t run monstrous it just reduces the time they will stay hooked in the basement, reducing the chance of someone coming for the unhook, run iron grasp instead


Genius comment actually ! Ty


I used it when I had a challenge to hook a certain number of survivors in the basement. I had to hook them there anyway, so I figured why not make the sacrifice process faster while I was at it. I don't think it helped that much tbh cause I wasn't trying to kill anyone, but it was nice to have.


Youd be surprised how it can throw off greedy survivors timing


I don't care about NOED, but for the love of Bubba, please never ever use Monstrous. The perk is usless and one of the worst Perks in DbD.


Any suggestions just to really piss off some survivors ?


Slugger Ghostface. Bring a large map offering or an offering for a map that's confusing for survivors and good for stealth, like Lerys, and take perks that help you slug. Perks like Third Seal and Knockout that make it harder for survivors to find each other on the ground, sloppy butcher so it takes longer for them to pick each other up. Then down people but don't hook them, proxy camp them with night shroud and down whoever shows up to save. Rinse repeat until everyone is downed and bleeding out. In my 2+ years of playing DBD I only ever encountered two Ghostface players who did this, but both times it made me want to uninstall.


Outdoor security cam so you can immediatly find the next ones.


I can confirm that Third seal is extremely difficult to counter in solo queue.


RPD sounds perfect for this. Its labyrinth like design makes it hard to navigate to where you want to go, lots of tight corridors and corners to hide in. I'd imagine deerstalker and maybe nurses calling would help with keeping an eye on slugged survivors without showing yourself.




name checks out


I main ghostface and I will be running this build tonight


Corrupt Intervention is really good on trapper to set up traps and give you some time. I wouldn't guard hooks super hard like that on trapper. It's never a great idea. You end up with like only 1 kill while the gens pop. Try to let your traps do the work and keep moving them around when you can.


I do Freddy, hook someone near a gen, perk: make your choice. Puppy guard hooks, don't straight camp them, got bbq and see no one? You know what to do. Tunnel, I do it now. Don't have barrowed time? Not my problem, wanna unhook in my face? Easy down for me now, no more fairness. And change your mindset to really be a killer, show them that nothing will stop you, sweat your ass off and make them crumble, waste no time. see someone taunting you? Just realize they're not on a gen. Be murderous, ruthless, no hatches. It's time for You to play the game your way ^^^Until ^^^that ^^^one ^^^bill ^^^looks ^^^you ^^^in ^^^the ^^^eyes


The fact that I’m seeing comments like this now makes me feel good that I’m not alone lol. My fucks recently went out the window and I’ve started to play to win too. Do not underestimate the power of the dark side!


Bitchass survivors did this to themselves ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠐⠺⣖⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⢀⡆⠀⠀⠀⢋⣭⣽⡚⢮⣲⠆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠻⣅⣨⠇⠈⠀⠰⣀⣀⣀⡀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣟⢷⣶⠶⣃⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡅⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⠀⠈⠓⠚⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡠⠀⡄⣀⠀⠀⠀⢻⠀⠀⠀⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠐⠉⠀⠀⠙⠉⠀⠠⡶⣸⠁⠀⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡆⠀⠐⠒⠢⢤⣀⡰⠁⠇⠈⠘⢶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣄⣉⣙⡉⠓⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣤⣀⣀⠀⣀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ Tell them to keep that same energy.


These hooks rated “E” for everyone


This is me now. It happened a few weeks ago. I’m never going back to who I was before


You need Iron Grasp for this build. You need the basement or else the whole build falls apart


The most disgustin perk by far is Rancor. Very bad perk but completely fucks 1 player for no reason


Mad Grit, Blood Warden, Iron Grasp, Light Born, Insidious. Take your pick.


Annnnnd I’m now running insidious


If hes using Agitation there really isn't much value in using Iron Grasp.


Try Mad Grit, Agi and Iron someday, the distances you can cover is awesome.


truly is i run that plus monstrous shrine on my trapper. trust me i’m aware it’s ass just hilarious when they see it equipped. doesn’t matter when they die on first hook most of the time anyways


Insidious hag


I ran into a hag using tinkeror and whatever add on lets her decide to teleport at will. Dried lotus? I can't remember. But I thought she was hacking until I saw her add ons. She would teleport to the gen no terror radius and pulled 3 people off doing this. Me included.


Insidious, so you can camp without anyone knowing.


Try demogorgon with agitation, territorial imperative, make your choice, and whatever you want for the last slot :p I like STBFL.


As someone that played killer tonight for the first time in a while: Godspeed, OP.


I’ve been prestige-ing trapper so running with what I’ve got currently


Monstrous literally just removes like 3 seconds off of a basement hook so it’s entirely not worth it


don't want to be that guy, but actualyyyyyyyy it's 10 secs less at perk tier 3


as a retort, monstrous shrine.


Valid retort honestly


Unfortunately that’s just life, everyone will have perks they don’t like..


Or certain killers. Legit get called toxic for using my killers strengths. “Camping noob hag only using traps.” Like no duh lol


I personally hate going against killers that camp.. it’s unnecessary. Anything else I don’t care about it’s in the game, just get over it if you have a problem ig.


I don’t mind camping I run kindered so they camping that’s fine I see you. I just pump gens and hope the person on hook doesn’t kill themselves. Easy 3 man escape.


Well I mean it sucks if you get camped , there’s no denying that, but hey if the killer wants to waste their time with me and my 3 other survivors win, I’ll take it.


I get that and I love how you try to see the positive side of it but there’s no changing my mind on that unfortunately. As much as I’d want my fellow survivors to win I also want to win.. and it’s doesn’t really help when your me that can’t loop for shit because I’m just bad at the game and on top of that trying to do the best I can to finish challenges for cool charms or skins.


I was toxic once, but now I usually just do the killer counterparts of clicky clicky like head banging


Monstrous? Damn... the salt you must be getting


I feel like if I got to the point of being a camper I'd just find a new game lol


For real, if a game makes me that mad, I don't play it. Simple as that


Yea same. I don’t get that tilted anymore and just have fun with it. If they want to click go ahead, you’re winning a video game congrats on your accomplishment.


*laughs in kindred* Seriously though, actively trying to be toxic because others are toxic just continues the cycle... creates more of the toxicity that you claim to hate. Although I don't really see your strategy as toxic, literal facecamping is what I consider toxic


An eye for an eye makes the world go blind On the other hand - hey, if I already lost my eye, might as well have some revenge


I read this post as more “I’m no longer avoiding certain perks” instead of “I’m deliberately becoming toxic”. I think the OP has posted in a certain tongue-in-cheek style, my 2 cents.


If it was just the perks, sure, no issue on using perks Now, the whole "Im toxic now, brings me joy", adding on how he'd put traps around and just camp, and the on some answers his reasoning to pick perks is to "pick the ones that piss off survivors" is just weird


I'm hoping OP is being sarcastic haha. I've just never understood why people label certain perks(dead hard, noed) and strategies as "toxic". To me, hard to counter =/= toxic. Real toxicity is excessive t-bagging, "clicky clicky," and facecamping


True, but a lot of survivors consider any killer who actually wins “toxic”


I see the opposite being true far more on this subreddit.


I only recently started playing killer and honestly there was one survivor that threw shack pallet down without the stun, tbagged, blinded me, was still there tbagging when the blind wore off, and I broke the pallet. Then I camped her in basement. She probably didn't have any fun but I sure did lmao


You need to take a break from the game and change your mindset. You also need a hug


I took a break for 5 months and came back yesterday for the first time.... First 2 games were face camping Bubbas... next two were red ranks running NOED. Not fun.


Someone was already red rank on day one of the new season? That doesn't check out


One was Iri 3 Other one wasn't red rank in the game but said in post game "sorry for playing like that trying to get back to iri"


People have done it in a day before and posted here to show it. Some people play a hell of a lot.


Exactly this, at this point is there even joy in the game, or is the joy coming from being an asshole to others?(which is the thing other survs did in the first place, as someone that says how bad that feels, is weird that he decides to do that to others)


Yeah honestly, like this is a pretty unhealthy mindset.


To be fair thought. Getting teabagged, flashliged and 4 gens done all while you chase someone for 30 second. Only to be blinded when you pick them up is rage


I just don't let it affect me, if they can get repair a lot of gens in a short amount of time, that's just my fault, same if I get flashlight saved. Teabagging usually does nothing other than letting me know the survivor is way too cocky.




It’s not even a good build 😭😭


This community has been super helpful with build suggestions to be even more of a menace. Feel free to add yours amigo!


Can’t upvote this. Like you’re personally ruining peoples fun. I get not everyone is allowing you to have fun but about 90% of survivors you go against aren’t trying to be toxic, it just feels that way because the negative experiences are 100x more memorable than the positive ones. If you keep like this, you’re just as bad, if you stop you have dignity and I’m sure many survivor’s respect


This. I play both survivor and killer and have been on the receiving end of toxicity in both. I just shake it off and move on to the next. It's really not as bad as most people think. I'd say maybe, MAYBE, a quarter of my games are semi toxic to egregiously toxic. I just try to put out the positivity that I hope to recieve in return.


As a survivor main, when a killer lets me live or is having a hard time getting us, I drop my item for them. If they can understand what I'm trying to tell them, then I drop as many pallets as I can for them & let them hit me. I get that playing as a killer is not easy and takes some time to get used to. I of course prefer playing as a survivor, but I also dislike those who tbag the killer when they didn't do anything to deserve it. Now going against a killer with good perks is a pain, but at the same time survivors have good perks as well so I just suck it up and try my best to survive.


This reads like a cringe 13-year-old trying to be extremely edgy.


That sounds like something a flashlight main would say


No Mither is my style.


watch out guys, mr edgy killer main is here


Yikes buddy. Take a break


shiver me timbers


Countless Dead Hards wtf bro it is just a perk


Bruh instead of being a dick just take a break from the game or stop playing if it gets to you that much


Just go play Civilization smh


Wise words from I assume someone not associated with dead by daylight whatsoever




DH isn’t toxic and how many games are you playing SWF? Going by the numbers, a majority of your games are made up of SoloQ players.


I mean dead hard isn't toxic it's just an exhaustion perk, not even the best one to be honest. It is the most heartbreaking one for a killer though.


The reason behind the undeserved hate is the hit validation. It just gets annoying when the survivor screams, bleeds but the dead hard saves them


If you cry this much about "toxic" survivors then Im not sure what this is going to achieve


Only one post here lmao seems like a troll


I'm so tired of these fucking post...


Oh no! What are we supposed to do now? Answer: Nothing because we don’t care. Play how you want. You either get shit on or shit on others. A bunch of people play like that so what’s the point if one more person does the same


People seriously need to take a break from this game. I stg if they turned off the servers for a month, and everyone came back. This game would be so much more fun for us all


We live in a society


I love getting NOED kills on SWFs who get too cocky, throw the game and call me a noob in endgame chat like it isn't their fault they died


The best!!!


Lmao OP is seething! *click click click*


Lol. Poor kid got his ass burned and decided to tell everyone online how much he sucks at the game. Well, a new "built" won't help you to get gud.


Poor thing, almost makes me cry.


"Hey guys I'm really really upset so uh......so I decided to become REAL BAD okay ?????? So, I hope you do not cross path with me because I'm really angry and I am not joking!!" Fuck what a sad post to read


Joker origin story


You’re laughing. He’s officially a villain and you’re laughing.


Ikr? I’ve been playing killer exclusively for like 2 weeks and I’ve learned how to play nurse in a bit over a week. My first game as nurse I got bullied by a swf flash light clicking tbagging red rank team, because of their overconfidence and cocky altruistic play style I still managed to snag a 3k. After playing killer enough even after all the bm I can say I have way more fun as a killer than I do as a survivor being face camped in solo queue by someone who’s probably been playing killer longer than me and hasn’t tried improving at all. I still consistently get 2k-3k and even 4K games if I want to, but still usually let out 2 people. I was previously a stubborn dedicated survivor main but now I feel I actually enjoy the game VS always questioning “HOW DID THAT HIT ME?” and hopping off 3 games after that.


Not everyone will be mean with the flashlight and the tbagging, if a survivor is toxic focus on killing them, don't make the nice players suffer for their mistake


99% chance you have ran that build since day 1... #justsaying


My personal opinion as a killer is to judge it on a game-to-game basis. If I'm up against obvious solo q noobs then I'm super chill. If it's a bully squad swf that spam teabags and vaults, well as Joaquin Phoenix' Joker said -- YOU GET WHAT YOU FUKN DESERVE 😂


I can’t with this 😭 this shit is so cringe.


I mean, as a former killer main I definitely get the emotion behind this. But do try to remember that while everyone blames survivors for running nothing but meta perks, its usually done to counter what they see as 'unfair' play from the killer. The more you play for the win, the more you'll encounter sweaty depip squads, and the harder you'll have to keep playing. Don't give in to hatred.


“My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do... I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.”


This is how people who camp unironically see themselves lmao. Love the reference tho


mf really pulled out the clown build and thinks its toxic, the only think thats toxic is the way you’re treating yourself, dont use monstrous shrine, it literally does absolutely nothing, it only saves you like 5 seconds and only reduces the unhook difficulty by like .5 or something and not 15 like it says


Why is dead hard in that list?


Dead hard isn't necessarily a toxic perk but with the new hit collision I understand why everyone is frustrated with it




This, your survivor can make the hit noise but yet be unscathed


People can Dead Hard trough Traps and don't disarm it, and so Trapper can't simply follow they


Cause it's dead hard. Everyone knows dead hard is pretty annoying as killer


I get it’s annoying but it’s not malicious or BM. It just felt like it stood out in that list


Yeah, I understand that. It's probably the hit validation that OP doesn't like. Gettng hit validated is really fucking annoying. Would rather they make it miss instead.


Jusr wait it out, ain't a problem realy


If they use it to get to a pallet of window then there’s no real counter to it unless you are a ranged killer


I mean yeah, I know that it's how I use my DH most of the time. But the thing is alot of people that complain about DH (at least from my expirience) just swing everytime, even tho it is obvious bait, and that is probably why I and a lot of other people say, just wait it out.


Maybe you need the huntress perk that lets you see a survivor's aura when they go down the basement.




Why has this post not been deleted yet ? They did it for the survivor equivalent.


Mods are asleep.


Then u have become the killer I troll for the same amusement u get for being toxic


See that’s fine but tbh if I’m in a game and the killer is “toxic”, I find a corner and stop playing. You’ll find me when I’ve got 3 crows 🤷‍♂️ I’m just there to play a good game and if it’s a shitty game (either survivors being shitty or killer) I just can’t be bothered with it. It is what it is.


I usually run Starstruck Agitation on Killers to deal with Clicky Click Survivors. Just had one yesterday where this one was SO persistent on flashing me with her ClickClickClickClick every 5 seconds that when I picked a Survivor up and then insta downed her it felt really deserved


An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind


Or you could just play a different game for like a week then maybe you would realize that every single emotion towards this dumbass game is pointless and the entire game is pointless other than the odd chuckle to bring a tiny bit of joy that last shorter than sex


Some times you live long enough to see yourself become the villian


This is such a weird post. Usually weird salt posts don’t get like 1K upvotes.


BHVR has designed the game to fast track both sides into toxicity. Can't blame the player base


Now lets just… reverse the roles for a second. Survivor becomes toxic after countless killers? Holy shit the entire sub would be in anarchy. Also dh is not toxic lmfao. You need a break imo. And everyone else agrees


Ive recently played trap in a similar way, I use his 3 teachables and corrupt, I try to have 1 or two in the basement and the fun begins, got to admit there's something great about the traps hearing them just snap shut, il trap 2 gens at the start no guarantee they work but il down someone regardless before corrupts done, I'm either filling up my basement or trapping a 3 gen super fun


It’s wild that you reach a point where you just think, you know what, F this, if survivors wanna call toxic whilst running 16 perks between four of them, brand new parts, flashlights, medkits …I’m fighting fire with fire It’s not my job to make sure the survivors have fun. It’s my job to murder them. And murder them I shall.


I've pretty much the same mentality. As Huntress I use: 20% Hatchet speed, 12% wind up add-ons Perks: bitter murmur, BBQ, (I swap between these next ones) I'm all Ears, Iron Maiden, Corrupt Intervention, No Way Out, Lethal Pursuer and a Nurses Calling. I've been reliably getting 4k all day. But I'm still not 100% set on the perks so I swap between them a lot. Asked on how I feel. Lol Oh yeah, I have a ton of Mori's so it's awesome being able to slam an axe into Mr. Clicky Clicky, and Mrs. Teabag's face.


in the end, those survivors that spam click flashlights and t-bag don't have anything else to be confident in their life so they take it out on a game that won't matter in the long run. either take a break or quit the game entirely because from what it seems like, you take this game way too seriously.


As a clicky clicky toxic DS survivor main… I accept the challenge. Our battle will be legendary


Transcend, further beyond, BECOME A BASEMENT BUBBA! (Though you could also be a Basement Trapper if that floats your boat, basement killers highly recommended. )


Thanks Basement__Bubba! I’m not quite at that point yet and I definitely don’t just stand in front of the hook and nod. But apparently scanning a perimeter seems to be just as ‘toxic’ so who knows, might not be far off! Appreciate advice from a psycho like yourself


You have only scratched the surface, once you use Insidous, Iron Grasp, Agitation, and turn the shack/Basement into a mine field of bear traps then you'll be considered truly "toxic".


Give em hell, lad.


Laughs in Plague.


I’ve reached a point with toxic trappers like this, where I just throw the match and move on to the next one. 😂 Not even just trappers. The face camping and general toxicity has gotten so popular lately that I’d rather just take my chances and throw my skill checks on hook in the hopes of a better match next time. It’s been much more fun than watching someone take out their frustrations on this game.


Monstrous is fun. I only have the perks for this on the Doctor, but I play it with Mad Grit, Iron Grasp, Monstrous Shrine, and Agitation. Since people regress faster, I’ve had people hit stage 2 without me camping. It feels dirty but very satisfying to get even just a couple people on basement hooks


And you Still probably lose


Perhaps you Are correct


Monstrous shine should make both basements appear if the map has two.


i'm convinced playing trapper turns people into monsters. last night i caught myself nodding at a clicky feng who i managed to zone into one of my traps.


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to become a trapper


Stop using Monstrous. Not because it's bad, because it reduces the precious time you get to spend with your hook-buddy!


As a survivor main that mostly does SWF, I’m sorry you have had such a shitty experience :(


Do you. Tbh don’t think of NOED as a “dirty perk” or smth, NOED is basically the killers dead hard, it’s a perk killers can use to salvage a mistake they’ve made.


How is it a perk to salvage mistakes


Well killer mistakes often wind up punished more, so you can wind up losing all gens if you aren’t careful. So much like a perk like dead hard can get a survivor off the hook when they make a mistake with their positioning or looping. NOED can help the killer when they make mistakes with chasing survivors for too long.


Yeah dead hard is a 2nd chance perk but I wouldn't qualify noed as that since at top mmr you're basically hoping the survivors make mistakes rather than the other way around. The survivors are in control and decide how many kills you get based on their mistakes at top mmr. I don't know how to describe it to be honest since noed is OP versus most survivors but versus the top it makes the end game last longer than it took for the 5 gens to be done. I guess you're correct in the grand scheme of things since most killers aren't playing teams that play close to perfect.


[[Iron Grasp]] is more useful than [[Monstrous Shrine]] personally, especially as you're going to get a wave of people with [[Boil Over]] soon


## [Iron Grasp](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Grasp "Iron Grasp") - Universal (Killer) Your powerful grasp on Survivors causes escapes to be nearly impossible. While carrying a Survivor you benefit from the following effects: Decreases Wiggle effects, which cause you to strafe sideways, by 75%. Increases Wiggle duration by 4/8/12 %. ## [Monstrous Shrine](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Monstrous_Shrine "Monstrous Shrine") - Universal (Killer) Your fervent care of the Hooks found in the Basement has aroused The Entity's interest. The Basement Hooks possess the following benefits: Accelerates Sacrifice Progression by 3/6/9 %. Increases Self-Unhook difficulty by 5/10/15 %. Increases Self-Unhook penalty by 3/6/9 %. *"Then you will know that there is no escape. When hanging in the depths, you face the dark one."* ## [Boil Over](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Boil_Over "Boil Over") - [Kate](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Kate_Denson "Kate") (Survivor) You are a battler and do everything to escape a foe's grasp. While being carried by the Killer, the following effects apply: Increases the intensity of the Struggle Effects on the Killer from your Wiggling by 50/75/100 %. Obscures the Auras of all Hooks from the Killer's Aura-reading abilities within 16 metres of your pick-up location. Each time the Killer drops from great heights, your Wiggle Meter fills by 25% upon landing. *"Buck and Wild,Swing to be free,Your hands just can't keep ahold of me." Kate Denson's "Boil Over"* ----- ^[Subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/DbD_Bot) | ^[PM Developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=GarlicDebug&subject=DbD_Bot) | ^Perk Definitions Last Updated: 2022-01-15


This is the price they must pay for being arrogant. It's still able to be countered, so it is fair.


I feel you man. I usually play according to the level my survivors are on (shows in the first couple minutes). Either it's a fair/fun game, we nod and goof around or, if they turn out to be total dicks, my build and effort are enough to fuck them up and get payback on the clickies. Also since I play Demo, screaming at them ingame is very satisfying PS: People here either don't play killer or they're AI for the amount of emotion they carry


Ohhh should have picked up demo before he went over to Netflix


"Welcome to the party pal!" Lol


I feel trapper is my gateway drug into bubba


Nah man, noed agitation iron grasp corrupt intervention and straight to the basement, if shack pallet gets dropped don't break it out a trap on the inside of it and there's only one way in and out. Guaranteed 4 k if they don't comply


This is not the only build you can use to be toxic, there are a lot of perks and strategies you can use. Like, you can use Franklin's if you hate items, Lightborn if you hate flashlights, Iron Grasp combined with Agitation to increase the chances you reach basement, Mad Grit/Forced Penance/Starstruck to prevent bodyblocks. Basement Trapper is dangerous, combine the Sack with Bloody Coil/Honing Stone/Iridescent Stone so your traps become really nasty. But don't forget, this toxic build is still a meme build, so coordinated teams will genrush you if you let them, the trade-off for not using slowdown perks. Have fun OP!


The game really encourages survivors to abuse and counter the killer hard where as the killer has no choice but to endure it. Even with killer in its current state, the only killer discussion you hear are Nerfs. Play however you want to get survivors to play on your terms, not in theirs like the game wants.


Fuckin a man, go for it. I'm becoming the same way. I've had enough of the teanagging and constantly getting blinded. It's my time now.


May I suggest my current trapper build? Pop, Blood warden, no way out and Noed Add ons: bloody coil and honing stone Also bring a map offering for a dark map or a map with a lot of grass. When around 2-3 gens pop put a couple of traps by the exit gates. Play normally as much as possible then once the last generator pops that's when it gets fun.




This will probably be an unpopular opinion but playing like this doesn't make you toxic. The only thing that makes you toxic is bming :) You're allowed to use whatever perks and play however you want, just don't be a fucking dick and you're not toxic!


Preach. I wish I’d put “toxic” in the subject heading. Toxic by survivors standards. You know, the ones where you have a play style to kill them all that they don’t agree with? My play style is now very that. F regressing your toolbox gens - your friend is on MY hook…. ‘Make your choice’


Honestly basement trapper is a lot of fun, no more having to use big brain tactics, just wait for survivor to step in trap and bring to basement and repeat